Esempio n. 1
def cdm_rtichk(ui, repo, **opts):
    '''check active bug/RFEs for approved RTIs

    Only works on SWAN.'''

    if opts.get('nocheck') or os.path.exists(repo.join('cdm/rtichk.NOT')):
        ui.status('Skipping RTI checks...\n')
        return 0

    if not onSWAN():
        ui.write('RTI checks only work on SWAN, skipping...\n')
        return 0

    parent = wslist[repo].parent(opts.get('parent'))
    active = wslist[repo].active(parent)

    ui.write('RTI check:\n')

    bugs = []

    for com in active.comments():
        match = Comments.isBug(com)
        if match and not in bugs:

    # RTI normalizes the gate path for us
    return int(not Rti.rti(bugs, gatePath=parent, output=ui))