Esempio n. 1
def _convert_softmax_impl(op_type, func, input_names, output_names):
    axis = func.axis
    ndim = len(func.inputs[0].shape)
    if axis == ndim - 1:
        return onnx_helper.make_node(op_type,

    # Chainer's softmax computes the softmax along a single axis while
    # ONNX's computes along the specified axis and all axes after the
    # specified axis. To emulate Chainer's by ONNX's, we transpose the
    # single specified axis to the last axis, compute the softmax, and
    # transpose back to the original shape.
    gb = onnx_helper.GraphBuilder()
    perm = list(range(ndim))
    perm[axis], perm[-1] = perm[-1], perm[axis]
    transposed = gb.op('Transpose', input_names, perm=perm)
    softmaxed = gb.op(op_type, [transposed], axis=ndim - 1)
    gb.op('Transpose', [softmaxed], perm=perm)
    return gb.nodes(output_names=output_names)
Esempio n. 2
def convert_Repeat(func, opset_version, input_names, output_names, context):
    repeats = func.repeats
    if len(repeats) > 1:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'ONNX-Chainer currently does not support elementwise repeat')

    gb = onnx_helper.GraphBuilder()
    inputs = list(input_names)
    axis = func.axis
    if axis is None:
        shape_name = context.add_const(np.array([-1], dtype=np.int64), 'shape')
        inputs = [gb.op('Reshape', input_names)]
        scales = [float(repeats[0])]
        scales = [1.0] * func.inputs[0].data.ndim
        scales[axis] = float(repeats[0])

    if opset_version == 7:
        gb.op_output_named('Upsample', inputs, output_names, scales=scales)
        return gb.nodes()

    scales_name = context.add_const(np.array(scales, dtype=np.float32),

    if opset_version in [9, 10]:
        op = 'Upsample' if opset_version == 9 else 'Resize'
        gb.op_output_named(op, inputs, output_names)
        return gb.nodes()

    if opset_version == 11:
        roi = context.add_const(np.array([]), 'roi')
        inputs.extend([roi, scales_name])
        gb.op_output_named('Resize', inputs, output_names)
        return gb.nodes()
Esempio n. 3
def convert_SoftmaxCrossEntropy(
        func, opset_version, input_names,
        output_names, context, parameters):
    # obtain input variable
    if not isinstance(func, chainer.FunctionNode):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'SoftmaxCrossEntropy is currently supported for Chainer>=6.0.0a1.')

    x_var, t_var = func.get_retained_inputs()
    if len(x_var.shape) != 2:
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'ONNX-Chainer currently handles SoftmaxCrossEntropy only when '
            'the dimension of input variable x is exactly two.')
    if np.any(t_var.array == func.ignore_label):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'ONNX-Chainer currently handles SoftmaxCrossEntropy only when '
            'ignore_label is not used in input variable t.')
    if (not func.normalize) or (func.class_weight is not None) or\
       (func.ignore_label != -1) or (func.reduce != 'mean'):
        raise NotImplementedError(
            'ONNX-Chainer currently handles SoftmaxCrossEntropy only when '
            'argument parameters are default setting.')

    # create intermediate values
    gb = onnx_helper.GraphBuilder()
    x, t = input_names
    y_log = gb.op('LogSoftmax', [x])
    depth = gb.const(np.array([x_var.shape[1]], dtype=np.int32))
    zeroone = gb.const(np.array([0, 1], dtype=x_var.dtype))
    th = gb.op('OneHot', [t, depth, zeroone])
    s0 = gb.op('Mul', [y_log, th])
    sn = gb.op('Neg', [s0])
    sr = gb.op('ReduceSum', [sn], axes=[1], keepdims=0)
    gb.op_output_named('ReduceMean', [sr], output_names, axes=[0], keepdims=0)

    return gb.nodes()
Esempio n. 4
def convert_GetItem(func, opset_version, input_names, output_names, context):
    x = func.inputs[0]
    axes, starts, ends = [], [], []
    squeeze_idxs, unsqueeze_idxs = [], []
    skipped = 0  # when set ellipsis, need to skip index rolling

    prev_gathered_axis = -1
    gather_axis = -1
    gather_idx = None  # when GatherND, set first array for broadcasting
    gather_nd_idx = None
    is_used_slice_whole = False  # GatherND does not support axis, need to care

    for i, idx in enumerate(func.slices):
        # axis means the index of input x, adjust None and Ellipsis counts
        axis = i - len(unsqueeze_idxs) + skipped
        if isinstance(idx, slice):
            if idx.step is not None and idx.step != 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    'GetItem with {}step slicing is not supported in ONNX '
                    'Slice operator'.format(idx.step))
            if idx.start is None and idx.stop is None:
                is_used_slice_whole = True
            starts.append(0 if idx.start is None else idx.start)
            ends.append(x.shape[axis] if idx.stop is None else idx.stop)
        elif isinstance(idx, int):
            ends.append(idx + 1)
        elif isinstance(idx, np.ndarray) and idx.ndim == 0:
            scalar_idx = idx.item()
            ends.append(scalar_idx + 1)
        elif idx is None:
            unsqueeze_idxs.append(i - len(squeeze_idxs) + skipped)
        elif idx is Ellipsis:
            # calculate rest slice number except None, GetItem does not allow
            # multiple Ellipsis, so ignore latter Ellipsis count
            rest_slice_len = len(
                [idx_ for idx_ in func.slices[i + 1:] if idx_ is not None])
            assert skipped == 0
            skipped = len(x.shape) - axis - rest_slice_len - 1
        elif isinstance(idx, (list, ) + chainer.get_array_types()):
            if prev_gathered_axis >= 0:
                if (i - 1) != prev_gathered_axis:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'ONNX-Chainer does not support non-consecutive'
                        'multiple advanced indexing')
                if is_used_slice_whole:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'ONNX-Chainer does not support whole indexing(`[:]`)'
                        'in front of multiple advanced indexing')
                if unsqueeze_idxs:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'ONNX-Chainer does not support new axis in front of '
                        'multiple advanced indexing')
                # multiple advanced index, convert to GatherND
                idx_array = _to_ndarray(idx)
                base_idx = gather_idx if gather_nd_idx is None else\
                gather_nd_idx = np.vstack((base_idx, idx_array))
                prev_gathered_axis = i
                # convert to Gather, if next index is also list, change to
                # GatherND
                gather_axis = axis - len(squeeze_idxs) + len(unsqueeze_idxs)
                gather_idx = _to_ndarray(idx)
                prev_gathered_axis = i
            raise ValueError(
                'GetItem with type {} cannot handle in ONNX Slice, so that '
                'ONNX-Chainer does not accept the type'.format(type(idx)))

    gb = onnx_helper.GraphBuilder()
    slice_output = input_names
    if axes:
        output = get_slice_node(gb, opset_version, context, slice_output, axes,
                                starts, ends)
        slice_output = [output]
    if squeeze_idxs:
        output = gb.op('Squeeze', slice_output, axes=squeeze_idxs)
        slice_output = [output]
    if unsqueeze_idxs:
        output = gb.op('Unsqueeze', slice_output, axes=unsqueeze_idxs)
        slice_output = [output]

    if gather_nd_idx is not None:
        gather_nd_idx_name = context.add_const(gather_nd_idx.T, 'indices')
        gb.op('GatherND', slice_output)
    elif gather_idx is not None:
        gather_idx_name = context.add_const(gather_idx, 'indices')
        gb.op('Gather', slice_output, axis=gather_axis)

    return gb.nodes(output_names=output_names)
Esempio n. 5
def convert_GetItem(func, opset_version, input_names, output_names, context):
    x = func.inputs[0]
    axes, starts, ends = [], [], []
    squeeze_idxs, unsqueeze_idxs = [], []
    skipped = 0  # when set ellipsis, need to skip index rolling

    gather_axis, gather_idx = [], []

    for i, idx in enumerate(func.slices):
        # axis means the index of input x, adjust None and Ellipsis counts
        axis = i - len(unsqueeze_idxs) + skipped
        if isinstance(idx, slice):
            if idx.step is not None and idx.step != 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    'GetItem with {}step slicing is not supported in ONNX '
                    'Slice operator'.format(idx.step))
            if idx.start is None and idx.stop is None:
            starts.append(0 if idx.start is None else idx.start)
            ends.append(x.shape[axis] if idx.stop is None else idx.stop)
        elif isinstance(idx, int):
            ends.append(idx + 1)
        elif isinstance(idx, np.ndarray) and idx.ndim == 0:
            scalar_idx = idx.item()
            ends.append(scalar_idx + 1)
        elif idx is None:
            unsqueeze_idxs.append(i - len(squeeze_idxs) + skipped)
        elif idx is Ellipsis:
            # calculate rest slice number except None, GetItem does not allow
            # multiple Ellipsis, so ignore latter Ellipsis count
            rest_slice_len = len(
                [idx_ for idx_ in func.slices[i + 1:] if idx_ is not None])
            assert skipped == 0
            skipped = len(x.shape) - axis - rest_slice_len - 1
        elif isinstance(idx, (list, ) + chainer.get_array_types()):
            if gather_axis:
                raise ValueError(
                    'ONNX-Chainer does not support multiple advanced index')
            gather_axis.append(axis - len(squeeze_idxs) + len(unsqueeze_idxs))
            if isinstance(idx, list):
                gather_idx = np.array(idx, dtype=np.int64)
                gather_idx = chainer.cuda.to_cpu(idx)
            # not support advanced index like `array[[0,1], [0, 1]]`
            raise ValueError(
                'GetItem with type {} cannot handle in ONNX Slice, so that '
                'ONNX-Chainer does not accept the type'.format(type(idx)))

    gb = onnx_helper.GraphBuilder()
    slice_output = input_names
    if axes:
        output = get_slice_node(gb, opset_version, context, slice_output, axes,
                                starts, ends)
        slice_output = [output]
    if squeeze_idxs:
        output = gb.op('Squeeze', slice_output, axes=squeeze_idxs)
        slice_output = [output]
    if unsqueeze_idxs:
        output = gb.op('Unsqueeze', slice_output, axes=unsqueeze_idxs)
        slice_output = [output]

    if gather_axis:
        gather_idx_name = context.add_const(gather_idx, 'indices')
        gb.op('Gather', slice_output, axis=gather_axis[0])

    return gb.nodes(output_names=output_names)
Esempio n. 6
def convert_RsqrtGPU(func, opset_version, input_names, output_names, context):
    gb = onnx_helper.GraphBuilder()
    sqrt_out = gb.op('Sqrt', input_names)
    gb.op('Reciprocal', [sqrt_out])
    return gb.nodes(output_names)
Esempio n. 7
def convert_n_step_gru(func, opset_version, input_names, output_names,
    n_layers, dropout_ratio, hx, ws, bs, xs = func.args
    assert n_layers >= 1
    hidden_size = hx.shape[2]

    gb = onnx_helper.GraphBuilder()

    hx_name = input_names[0]
    offset = 1
    ws_names = [[input_names[offset + i * 6 + j] for j in range(6)]
                for i in range(n_layers)]
    offset += 6 * n_layers
    bs_names = [[input_names[offset + i * 6 + j] for j in range(6)]
                for i in range(n_layers)]
    offset += 6 * n_layers
    xs_names = input_names[offset:]

    split_outs = gb.op('Split', [hx_name], num_outputs=n_layers, axis=0)
    if n_layers == 1:
        split_outs = [split_outs]
    # Removing layer dimention and adding num_directions cancels each other
    hx_names = split_outs

    hy_name, ys_name_list = \

    y_name = None
    hy_names = []

    for layer in range(n_layers):
        if layer == 0:
            # X; shape: (seq_length, batch_size, input_size)
            x_name = gb.op(
                [gb.op('Unsqueeze', [name], axes=[0]) for name in xs_names],
            if opset_version >= 7:
                x_name = gb.op('Dropout', [y_name], ratio=dropout_ratio)
            elif opset_version >= 6:
                x_name = gb.op('Dropout', [y_name], ratio=dropout_ratio,
                               is_test=0 if chainer.config.train else 1)
                x_name = gb.op('Dropout', [y_name], ratio=dropout_ratio,
                               is_test=0 if chainer.config.train else 1,

            # remove num_directions dimention
            x_name = gb.op('Squeeze', [x_name], axes=[1])

        w = ws_names[layer]
        b = bs_names[layer]

        # W[zrh]; shape: (num_directions, 3*hidden_size, input_size)
        w_name = gb.op(
            [gb.op('Concat', [w[1], w[0], w[2]], axis=0)],
        # R[zrh]; shape: (num_directions, 3*hidden_size, input_size)
        r_name = gb.op(
            [gb.op('Concat', [w[4], w[3], w[5]], axis=0)],
        # Wb[zrh], Rb[zrh]; shape: (num_directions, 6*hidden_size)
        b_name = gb.op(
            [gb.op('Concat', [b[1], b[0], b[2], b[4], b[3], b[5]], axis=0)],

        # Y; shape: (seq_length, num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size)
        # Y_h; shape: (num_directions, batch_size, hidden_size)
        y_name, hy_name_ = gb.op(
            (x_name, w_name, r_name, b_name, "", hx_names[layer]),

    split_outs = gb.op(
        # remove num_directions dimention
        [gb.op('Squeeze', [y_name], axes=[1])],
        num_outputs=len(ys_name_list), axis=0)
    if len(ys_name_list) == 1:
        split_outs = [split_outs]
    for i, node_name in enumerate(split_outs):
        # remove seq_length dimention
        gb.op_output_named('Squeeze', [node_name], [ys_name_list[i]], axes=[0])

    # Removal of num_directions and new dimention for concatenation cancel
    # each other.
    gb.op_output_named('Concat', hy_names, [hy_name], axis=0)

    return gb.nodes()
Esempio n. 8
def convert_GetItem(func, opset_version, input_names, output_names, context,
    x = func.inputs[0]
    axes, starts, ends = [], [], []
    squeeze_idxs, unsqueeze_idxs = [], []
    skipped = 0  # when set ellipsis, need to skip index rolling

    for i, idx in enumerate(func.slices):
        # axis means the index of input x, adjust None and Ellipsis counts
        axis = i - len(unsqueeze_idxs) + skipped
        if isinstance(idx, slice):
            if idx.step is not None and idx.step != 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    'GetItem with {}step slicing is not supported in ONNX '
                    'Slice operator'.format(idx.step))
            starts.append(0 if idx.start is None else idx.start)
            ends.append(x.shape[axis] if idx.stop is None else idx.stop)
        elif isinstance(idx, int):
            ends.append(idx + 1)
        elif isinstance(idx, np.ndarray) and idx.ndim == 0:
            scalar_idx = idx.item()
            ends.append(scalar_idx + 1)
        elif idx is None:
            unsqueeze_idxs.append(i - len(squeeze_idxs) + skipped)
        elif idx is Ellipsis:
            # calculate rest slice number except None, GetItem does not allow
            # multiple Ellipsis, so ignore latter Ellipsis count
            rest_slice_len = len(
                [idx_ for idx_ in func.slices[i + 1:] if idx_ is not None])
            assert skipped == 0
            skipped = len(x.shape) - axis - rest_slice_len - 1
            # not support advanced index like `array[[0,1], [0, 1]]`
            raise ValueError(
                'GetItem with type {} cannot handle in ONNX Slice, so that '
                'ONNX-Chainer does not accept the type'.format(type(idx)))

    gb = onnx_helper.GraphBuilder()
    if opset_version == 1:
        output = gb.op('Slice',
    elif opset_version == 10:
        for param in [('starts', starts), ('ends', ends), ('axes', axes)]:
            param_name = context.add_const(
                np.asarray(list(param[1]), dtype=np.int64), param[0])
        output = gb.op('Slice', input_names)

    if squeeze_idxs:
        output = gb.op('Squeeze', [output], axes=squeeze_idxs)

    if unsqueeze_idxs:
        output = gb.op('Unsqueeze', [output], axes=unsqueeze_idxs)

    return gb.nodes(output_names=output_names)