Esempio n. 1
def orthoimage(scene: Scene,
               imgsize: tuple = (800, 800),
               zoom: float = 1,
               azimuth: float = 0,
               elevation: float = 0) -> numpy.ndarray:
    Compute an orthographic view of a scene.
    :param scene: The scene to render
    :param imgsize: The size of the image
    :param azimuth: The azimuth (in degrees) of view to render
    :param elevation: The elevation (in degrees) of view to render
    :return: The resulting image
    z = ZBufferEngine(imgsize[0], imgsize[1], (255, 255, 255), eColorBased)

    bbx = BoundingBox(scene)
    center = bbx.getCenter()

    v = Vector3(
        Vector3.Spherical(-1, radians(azimuth), radians(90 - elevation)))
    up = Vector3(
        Vector3.Spherical(-1, radians(azimuth), radians(180 - elevation)))
    right = cross(up, v)

    frame = [v, right, up]

    m = Matrix4(Matrix3(*frame))


    xmin = bbx.lowerLeftCorner.x
    xmax = bbx.upperRightCorner.x
    size = bbx.getSize()
    msize = max(size[1], size[2]) * 1.05
    dist = 1

    v *= (size[0] + dist)

    z.setOrthographicCamera(-msize, msize, -msize, msize, dist,
                            dist + xmax - xmin)

    position = center + v
    z.lookAt(position, center, up)
    z.setLight(position, (255, 255, 255))


    i = z.getImage()
    return i.to_array()
Esempio n. 2
def perspectiveimage(scene: Scene,
                     imgsize: tuple = (800, 800),
                     zoom: float = 1,
                     azimuth: float = 0,
                     elevation: float = 0) -> numpy.ndarray:
    Compute an orthographic view of a scene.
    :param scene: The scene to render
    :param imgsize: The size of the image
    :param azimuth: The azimuth (in degrees) of view to render
    :param elevation: The elevation (in degrees) of view to render
    :return: The resulting image
    z = ZBufferEngine(imgsize[0], imgsize[1], (255, 255, 255), eColorBased)

    bbx = BoundingBox(scene)
    center = bbx.getCenter()

    head = Vector3(
        Vector3.Spherical(-1, radians(azimuth), radians(90 - elevation)))
    up = Vector3(
        Vector3.Spherical(-1, radians(azimuth), radians(180 - elevation)))
    right = cross(up, head)

    frame = [head, right, up]

    m = Matrix4(Matrix3(*frame))


    size = bbx.getSize()
    msize = max(size[1], size[2])
    dist = ((msize * 1.05 * zoom + size[0]))
    near = max(0.01, ((msize * zoom) - size[0]))

    z.setPerspectiveCamera(90, imgsize[1] / imgsize[0], near,
                           near + 4 * size[0])

    position = center + head * dist
    z.lookAt(position, center, up)
    z.setLight(position, (255, 255, 255))


    i = z.getImage()
    return i.to_array()
Esempio n. 3
def cubic_bezier3D(ctrl_points, uniform=False, stride=60):
    """Construct a nurbs from a set of ctrl_points
	ctrl_points are control points in space that
	define a cubic bezier nurbs as proposed in svg norm
	An arc `i` of the resulting curve will interpolate
	points 4 * i, 4 * i +1, 4 * i + 2, 4 * i + 3.
	 - `ctrl_points` (list of Vector) - a list
	    of control points
	 - `uniform` (bool) - if True, the parameterization
	    of the curve will be chosen such that each
	    segment will be of length 1 in u space, wathever 
	    its real geometrical size.
	 - `stride` (int) - number of points to discretize
	    the curve
	:Returns Type: :class:NurbsCurve
    degree = 3
    ctrl_points = [Vector3(*vec) for vec in ctrl_points]

    nb_pts = len(ctrl_points)
    nb_arc = (nb_pts - 1) / degree
    nb_knots = degree + nb_pts
    p = 0.
    param = [p]
    for i in xrange(nb_arc):
        if uniform:
            p += 1
            p += norm(ctrl_points[degree * i] \
                    - ctrl_points[degree * (i + 1)])
    kv = [param[0]]
    for p in param:
        for j in xrange(degree):

    return NurbsCurve([Vector4(v, 1.) for v in ctrl_points], kv, degree,
Esempio n. 4
def grid2D(shape):
	:param `shape`: shape of the grid tuple (nb_rows,nb_columns)
    t = Topomesh(2)
    positions = {}
    NBI, NBJ = shape
    xincr = 1. / NBI
    yincr = 1. / NBJ
    cell_grid = Grid((NBI, NBJ))
    for ind in cell_grid:
        cid = t.add_wisp(0, ind)
    point_grid = Grid((NBI + 1, NBJ + 1))
    for ind in point_grid:
        i, j = point_grid.coordinates(ind)
        eid = t.add_wisp(2, ind)
        positions[eid] = Vector3(xincr * i, yincr * j, 0)
    #murs verticaux
    for j in xrange(NBJ):
        for i in xrange(NBI + 1):
            wid = t.add_wisp(1)
  , wid, point_grid.index((i, j)))
  , wid, point_grid.index((i, j + 1)))
            if i < NBI:
      , cell_grid.index((i, j)), wid)
            if i > 0:
      , cell_grid.index((i - 1, j)), wid)
    #murs horizontaux
    for i in xrange(NBI):
        for j in xrange(NBJ + 1):
            wid = t.add_wisp(1)
  , wid, point_grid.index((i, j)))
  , wid, point_grid.index((i + 1, j)))
            if j < NBJ:
      , cell_grid.index((i, j)), wid)
            if j > 0:
      , cell_grid.index((i, j - 1)), wid)
    #et voila
    return t, positions
Esempio n. 5
def cell_geometry(cid, mesh, position):
	compute the triangle set representing the geometry
	of this cell
    trans = {}
    pos_list = []
    face_list = []
    for pid in mesh.borders(3, cid, 3):
        trans[pid] = len(pos_list)
    for fid in mesh.borders(3, cid):
        pts = set()
        center_ind = len(pos_list)
        for eid in mesh.borders(2, fid):
            pid1, pid2 = mesh.borders(1, eid)
            face_list.append((center_ind, trans[pid1], trans[pid2]))
            sum((position[pid] for pid in pts), Vector3()) / len(pts))
    return TriangleSet(pos_list, face_list)
Esempio n. 6
    def getPointAt(self, u, v, w):
        """ Compute point at (u,v,w) """
        udeg = self.udegree
        uspan = sg.NurbsCurve.findSpan(u, udeg, self.uknots)
        Nu = sg.NurbsCurve.basisFunctions(uspan, u, udeg, self.uknots)

        vdeg = self.vdegree
        vspan = sg.NurbsCurve.findSpan(v, vdeg, self.vknots)
        Nv = sg.NurbsCurve.basisFunctions(vspan, v, vdeg, self.vknots)

        wdeg = self.wdegree
        wspan = sg.NurbsCurve.findSpan(w, wdeg, self.wknots)
        Nw = sg.NurbsCurve.basisFunctions(wspan, w, wdeg, self.wknots)

        tmp = [[None for i in xrange(vdeg + 1)] for j in xrange(wdeg + 1)]
        for i in xrange(0, wdeg + 1):
            for j in xrange(0, vdeg + 1):
                tmpVec = Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0)
                for k in xrange(0, udeg + 1):
                    tmpVec += self.points[uspan - udeg + k][vspan - vdeg +
                                                            j][wspan - wdeg +
                                                               i] * Nu[k]
                tmp[i][j] = tmpVec

        tmp2 = [None for i in xrange(wdeg + 1)]
        for i in xrange(0, wdeg + 1):
            tmpVec = Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0)
            for j in xrange(0, vdeg + 1):
                tmpVec += tmp[i][j] * Nv[j]
            tmp2[i] = tmpVec

        res = Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0)
        for i in xrange(0, wdeg + 1):
            res += tmp2[i] * Nw[i]

        if res.w != 0:
            return res.project()
            return Vector3(res.x, res.y, res.z)
Esempio n. 7
 def findClosest(self, p):
     ctrlpolyline =[Vector3(i[0], i[1], 0) \
                                       for i in self.curve.ctrlPointList])
     lp, u = ctrlpolyline.findClosest(Vector3(p, 1))
     return u
Esempio n. 8
 def insertPoint(self, index, npoint):
     if self.profile is not None:
         pt, u = self.curve.findClosest(Vector3(*npoint))
Esempio n. 9
 def make_section(pts, distances=None, **kargs):
     pts = map(lambda p: Vector3(p[0], p[1], p[2]), pts)
     return NurbsCurve.CSpline(pts, is_linear=False, distances=None)
Esempio n. 10
 def make_interpolation(curves, *args, **kargs):
     curves = map(sg.Point3Array,
                  ((Vector3(p[0], p[1], p[2]) for p in c) for c in curves))
     return CSplineMethod.Patch(curves, *args, **kargs)
Esempio n. 11
 def make_section(pts, distances=None, **kargs):
     pts = [Vector3(p[0], p[1], p[2]) for p in pts]
     return NurbsCurve.CSpline(pts, is_linear=False, distances=None)