Esempio n. 1
 def wgs84_utm_zone(self):
     Finds the UTM zone where the first point of the GCP falls into
     :return utm zone string valid for a coordinates header
     if self.entries_count() > 0:
         entry = self.get_entry(0)
         longlat = CRS.from_epsg("4326")
         lon, lat = location.transform2(self.srs, longlat, entry.x, entry.y)
         utm_zone, hemisphere = location.get_utm_zone_and_hemisphere_from(lon, lat)
         return "WGS84 UTM %s%s" % (utm_zone, hemisphere)
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, geo_path):
        self.geo_path = geo_path
        self.entries = {}
        self.srs = None

        with open(self.geo_path, 'r') as f:
            contents =

        lines = list(map(str.strip, contents.split('\n')))
        if lines:
            self.raw_srs = lines[0]  # SRS
            self.srs = location.parse_srs_header(self.raw_srs)
            longlat = CRS.from_epsg("4326")

            for line in lines[1:]:
                if line != "" and line[0] != "#":
                    parts = line.split()
                    if len(parts) >= 3:
                        i = 3
                        filename = parts[0]
                        x, y = [float(p) for p in parts[1:3]]
                        z = float(parts[3]) if len(parts) >= 4 else None

                        # Always convert coordinates to WGS84
                        if z is not None:
                            x, y, z = location.transform3(
                                self.srs, longlat, x, y, z)
                            x, y = location.transform2(self.srs, longlat, x, y)

                        omega = phi = kappa = None

                        if len(parts) >= 7:
                            omega, phi, kappa = [float(p) for p in parts[4:7]]
                            i = 7

                        horizontal_accuracy = vertical_accuracy = None
                        if len(parts) >= 9:
                            horizontal_accuracy, vertical_accuracy = [
                                float(p) for p in parts[7:9]
                            i = 9

                        extras = " ".join(parts[i:])
                        self.entries[filename] = GeoEntry(
                            filename, x, y, z, omega, phi, kappa,
                            horizontal_accuracy, vertical_accuracy, extras)
                        logger.warning("Malformed geo line: %s" % line)
Esempio n. 3
    def write_reference_lla(self, offset_x, offset_y, proj4):
        reference_lla = self.path("reference_lla.json")

        longlat = CRS.from_epsg("4326")
        lon, lat = location.transform2(CRS.from_proj4(proj4), longlat,
                                       offset_x, offset_y)

        with open(reference_lla, 'w') as f:
                    'latitude': lat,
                    'longitude': lon,
                    'altitude': 0.0

        log.ODM_INFO("Wrote reference_lla.json")