Esempio n. 1
    def convert(self):
        # Set OEMol
        ifs = oemolistream()
        ifs.SetFlavor(OEFormat_MOL2, OEIFlavor_MOL2_Forcefield)

        # Read in molecules
        for i, mol in enumerate(ifs.GetOEMols()):
            if i > 0:
                raise Exception(
                    'Only single residue molecules are currently supported')

        # Set topology
        self.mol2_topo = pmd.load_file(self.mol2_file, structure=True)

        # Parameterize
        ff = ForceField('forcefield/smirnoff99Frosst.offxml')
        self.labels = ff.labelMolecules(self.molecules, verbose=False)
        self.off_system = ff.createSystem(self.mol2_topo.topology,
                                          nonbondedCutoff=1.1 * unit.nanometer,

        # Load into Parmed
        self.pmd_system = pmd.openmm.topsystem.load_topology(
            self.mol2_topo.topology, self.off_system, self.mol2_topo.positions)

        # Convert to AmberParm
        self.parm = pmd.amber.AmberParm.from_structure(self.pmd_system)

        # HACKY PART!!
        # Amber specifies that the third atom in an improper is the central
        # atom, but smirnoff currently specifies the second atom. A check for
        # impropers was conducted during pmd.openmm.topsystem.load_topology(),
        # but that looked at the third atom, so we'll recheck the second atom.
        for i, dihedral in enumerate(cnvs.parm.dihedrals):
            a1 = dihedral.atom1
            a2 = dihedral.atom2
            a3 = dihedral.atom3
            a4 = dihedral.atom4
            if a1 in a2.bond_partners and a3 in a2.bond_partners and a4 in a2.bond_partners:
                (dihedral.atom1, dihedral.atom2, dihedral.atom3,
                 dihedral.atom4) = (a3, a4, a2, a1)
                dihedral.improper = True

        # Create unique atom types
        unique_types = aimtools.unique_types.create_unique_type_list(self.parm)

        # Write AMBER mol2 and frcmod
            self.parm, unique_types, names=self.output_prefix)
Esempio n. 2
#!/bin/env python

from openforcefield.utils import *
from openforcefield.typing.engines.smirnoff import get_molecule_parameterIDs, ForceField

# Create an oemol
mol = OEMol()
OEParseSmiles(mol, 'CCC')

ff = ForceField(get_data_filename('forcefield/Frosst_AlkEthOH.ffxml'))

labels = ff.labelMolecules([mol], verbose=True)
print labels
for mol_entry in range(len(labels)):
    for force in labels[mol_entry].keys():
        print("\n%s:" % force)
        for (atom_indices, pid, smirks) in labels[mol_entry][force]:
            atomstr = ''
            for idx in atom_indices:
                atomstr += '%6s' % idx
            print("%s : %s \t smirks %s" % (atomstr, pid, smirks))
Esempio n. 3
#forcefield = ForceField(get_data_filename('forcefield/Frosst_AlkEthOH_parmAtFrosst.offxml'))
forcefield = ForceField(

# Load molecule using OpenEye tools
mol = oechem.OEGraphMol()
ifs = oechem.oemolistream(mol_filename)
# LPW: I don't understand the meaning of these lines.
# flavor = oechem.OEIFlavor_Generic_Default | oechem.OEIFlavor_MOL2_Default | oechem.OEIFlavor_MOL2_Forcefield
# ifs.SetFlavor( oechem.OEFormat_MOL2, flavor)
oechem.OEReadMolecule(ifs, mol)

pdbatoms = list(pdb.topology.atoms())

labels = forcefield.labelMolecules([mol])[0]
for key, val in labels.items():
    for v in val:
        anames = '-'.join([pdbatoms[i].name for i in v[0]])
        anums = '-'.join([str(i) for i in v[0]])
        print("%20s %20s %5s %-s" % (anames, anums, v[1], v[2]))

# The rest of this is not needed.

# Create the OpenMM system
system = forcefield.createSystem(pdb.topology, [mol],
                                 nonbondedCutoff=1.0 * unit.nanometers,
Esempio n. 4
def get_molecule_parameterIDs(oemols, ffxml):
    """Process a list of oemols with a specified SMIRNOFF ffxml file and determine which parameters are used by which molecules, returning collated results.

    oemols : list
        List of OpenEye OEChem molecules to parse; must have explicit hydrogens.

    parameters_by_molecule : dict
        Parameter IDs used in each molecule, keyed by isomeric SMILES
        generated from provided OEMols. Each entry in the dict is a list
        which does not necessarily have unique entries; i.e. parameter IDs
        which are used more than once will occur multiple times.

    parameters_by_ID : dict
        Molecules in which each parameter ID occur, keyed by parameter ID.
        Each entry in the dict is a set of isomeric SMILES for molecules
        in which that parameter occurs. No frequency information is stored.


    # Create storage
    parameters_by_molecule = {}
    parameters_by_ID = {}

    # Generate isomeric SMILES
    isosmiles = list()
    for mol in oemols:
        smi = oechem.OECreateIsoSmiString(mol)
        if not smi in isosmiles:
        # If the molecule is already here, raise exception
            raise ValueError(
                "Error: get_molecule_parameterIDs has been provided a list of oemols which contains the same molecule, having isomeric smiles %s, more than once."
                % smi)
    # Label molecules
    ff = ForceField(ffxml)
    labels = ff.labelMolecules(oemols)

    # Organize labels into output dictionary by looping over all molecules/smiles
    for idx in range(len(isosmiles)):
        # Pull smiles, initialize storage
        smi = isosmiles[idx]
        parameters_by_molecule[smi] = []

        # Organize data for this molecule
        data = labels[idx]
        for force_type in data.keys():
            for (atom_indices, pid, smirks) in data[force_type]:
                # Store pid to molecule

                # Store which molecule this pid occurred in
                if pid not in parameters_by_ID:
                    parameters_by_ID[pid] = set()

    return parameters_by_molecule, parameters_by_ID
Esempio n. 5
# Load a SMIRNOFF forcefield
#forcefield = ForceField(get_data_filename('forcefield/Frosst_AlkEthOH_parmAtFrosst.offxml'))
forcefield = ForceField(get_data_filename('forcefield/smirnoff99Frosst.offxml'))

# Load molecule using OpenEye tools
mol = oechem.OEGraphMol()
ifs = oechem.oemolistream(mol_filename)
# LPW: I don't understand the meaning of these lines.
# flavor = oechem.OEIFlavor_Generic_Default | oechem.OEIFlavor_MOL2_Default | oechem.OEIFlavor_MOL2_Forcefield
# ifs.SetFlavor( oechem.OEFormat_MOL2, flavor)
oechem.OEReadMolecule(ifs, mol)

pdbatoms = list(pdb.topology.atoms())

labels = forcefield.labelMolecules([mol])[0]
for key, val in labels.items():
    for v in val:
        anames = '-'.join([pdbatoms[i].name for i in v[0]])
        anums = '-'.join([str(i) for i in v[0]])
        print("%20s %20s %5s %-s" % (anames, anums, v[1], v[2]))

# The rest of this is not needed.

# Create the OpenMM system
system = forcefield.createSystem(pdb.topology, [mol], nonbondedMethod=PME, nonbondedCutoff=1.0*unit.nanometers, rigidWater=True)

# Set up an OpenMM simulation
integrator = openmm.LangevinIntegrator(temperature, friction, time_step)