Esempio n. 1
def whereIsYadis(resp):
    """Given a HTTPResponse, return the location of the Yadis document.

    May be the URL just retrieved, another URL, or None, if I can't
    find any.


    @returns: str or None
    # Attempt to find out where to go to discover the document
    # or if we already have it
    content_type = resp.headers.get('content-type')

    # According to the spec, the content-type header must be an exact
    # match, or else we have to look for an indirection.
    if (content_type
            and content_type.split(';', 1)[0].lower() == YADIS_CONTENT_TYPE):
        return resp.final_url
        # Try the header
        yadis_loc = resp.headers.get(YADIS_HEADER_NAME.lower())

        if not yadis_loc:
            # Parse as HTML if the header is missing.
            # XXX: do we want to do something with content-type, like
            # have a whitelist or a blacklist (for detecting that it's
            # HTML)?
                yadis_loc = findHTMLMeta(StringIO(resp.body))
            except MetaNotFound:

        return yadis_loc
Esempio n. 2
def whereIsYadis(resp):
    """Given a HTTPResponse, return the location of the Yadis document.

    May be the URL just retrieved, another URL, or None, if I can't
    find any.


    @returns: str or None
    # Attempt to find out where to go to discover the document
    # or if we already have it
    content_type = resp.headers.get('content-type')

    # According to the spec, the content-type header must be an exact
    # match, or else we have to look for an indirection.
    if (content_type and
        content_type.split(';', 1)[0].lower() == YADIS_CONTENT_TYPE):
        return resp.final_url
        # Try the header
        yadis_loc = resp.headers.get(YADIS_HEADER_NAME.lower())

        if not yadis_loc:
            # Parse as HTML if the header is missing.
            # XXX: do we want to do something with content-type, like
            # have a whitelist or a blacklist (for detecting that it's
            # HTML)?
                yadis_loc = findHTMLMeta(StringIO(resp.body))
            except MetaNotFound:

        return yadis_loc
Esempio n. 3
def whereIsYadis(resp):
    """Given a HTTPResponse, return the location of the Yadis document.

    May be the URL just retrieved, another URL, or None, if I can't
    find any.


    @returns: str or None
    # Attempt to find out where to go to discover the document
    # or if we already have it
    content_type = resp.headers.get('content-type')

    # According to the spec, the content-type header must be an exact
    # match, or else we have to look for an indirection.
    if content_type and content_type.split(';',
                                           1)[0].lower() == YADIS_CONTENT_TYPE:
        return resp.final_url
        # Try the header
        yadis_loc = resp.headers.get(YADIS_HEADER_NAME.lower())

        if not yadis_loc:
            # Parse as HTML if the header is missing.
            # XXX: do we want to do something with content-type, like
            # have a whitelist or a blacklist (for detecting that it's
            # HTML)?

            # Decode body by encoding of file
            content_type = content_type or ''
            encoding = content_type.rsplit(';', 1)
            if len(encoding) == 2 and encoding[1].strip().startswith(
                encoding = encoding[1].split('=', 1)[1].strip()
                encoding = 'UTF-8'

                content = resp.body.decode(encoding)
            except UnicodeError:
                # Keep encoded version in case yadis location can be found before encoding shut this up.
                # Possible errors will be caught lower.
                content = resp.body

                yadis_loc = findHTMLMeta(StringIO(content))
            except (MetaNotFound, UnicodeError):
                # UnicodeError: Response body could not be encoded and xrds location
                # could not be found before troubles occurs.

        return yadis_loc
Esempio n. 4
def whereIsYadis(resp):
    """Given a HTTPResponse, return the location of the Yadis document.

    May be the URL just retrieved, another URL, or None, if I can't
    find any.


    @returns: str or None
    # Attempt to find out where to go to discover the document
    # or if we already have it
    content_type = resp.headers.get('content-type')

    # According to the spec, the content-type header must be an exact
    # match, or else we have to look for an indirection.
    if (content_type and
        content_type.split(';', 1)[0].lower() == YADIS_CONTENT_TYPE):
        return resp.final_url
        # Try the header
        yadis_loc = resp.headers.get(YADIS_HEADER_NAME.lower())

        if not yadis_loc:
            # Parse as HTML if the header is missing.
            # XXX: do we want to do something with content-type, like
            # have a whitelist or a blacklist (for detecting that it's
            # HTML)?

            # Decode body by encoding of file
            content_type = content_type or ''
            encoding = content_type.rsplit(';', 1)
            if len(encoding) == 2 and encoding[1].strip().startswith('charset='):
                encoding = encoding[1].split('=', 1)[1].strip()
                encoding = 'UTF-8'

                content = resp.body.decode(encoding)
            except UnicodeError:
                # Keep encoded version in case yadis location can be found before encoding shut this up.
                # Possible errors will be caught lower.
                content = resp.body

                yadis_loc = findHTMLMeta(StringIO(content))
            except (MetaNotFound, UnicodeError):
                # UnicodeError: Response body could not be encoded and xrds location
                # could not be found before troubles occurs.

        return yadis_loc
Esempio n. 5
    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
        # if we ever see a start body tag, bail out right away, since
        # we want to prevent the meta tag from appearing in the body
        # [2]
        if tag == 'body':

        if self.phase == self.TOP:
            # At the top level, allow a html tag or a head tag to move
            # to the head or html phase
            if tag == 'head':
                # [3]
                self.phase = self.HEAD
            elif tag == 'html':
                # [4]
                self.phase = self.HTML

        elif self.phase == self.HTML:
            # if we are in the html tag, allow a head tag to move to
            # the HEAD phase. If we get another html tag, then bail
            # out
            if tag == 'head':
                # [3]
                self.phase = self.HEAD
            elif tag == 'html':
                # [5]

        elif self.phase == self.HEAD:
            # If we are in the head phase, look for the appropriate
            # meta tag. If we get a head or body tag, bail out.
            if tag == 'meta':
                attrs_d = dict(attrs)
                http_equiv = attrs_d.get('http-equiv', '').lower()
                if http_equiv == YADIS_HEADER_NAME.lower():
                    raw_attr = attrs_d.get('content')
                    yadis_loc = substituteEntities(raw_attr)
                    # [6]
                    self.phase = self.FOUND
                    raise ParseDone(yadis_loc)

            elif tag in ['head', 'html']:
                # [5], [7]
Esempio n. 6
    def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
        # if we ever see a start body tag, bail out right away, since
        # we want to prevent the meta tag from appearing in the body
        # [2]
        if tag=='body':

        if self.phase == self.TOP:
            # At the top level, allow a html tag or a head tag to move
            # to the head or html phase
            if tag == 'head':
                # [3]
                self.phase = self.HEAD
            elif tag == 'html':
                # [4]
                self.phase = self.HTML

        elif self.phase == self.HTML:
            # if we are in the html tag, allow a head tag to move to
            # the HEAD phase. If we get another html tag, then bail
            # out
            if tag == 'head':
                # [3]
                self.phase = self.HEAD
            elif tag == 'html':
                # [5]

        elif self.phase == self.HEAD:
            # If we are in the head phase, look for the appropriate
            # meta tag. If we get a head or body tag, bail out.
            if tag == 'meta':
                attrs_d = dict(attrs)
                http_equiv = attrs_d.get('http-equiv', '').lower()
                if http_equiv == YADIS_HEADER_NAME.lower():
                    raw_attr = attrs_d.get('content')
                    yadis_loc = substituteEntities(raw_attr)
                    # [6]
                    self.phase = self.FOUND
                    raise ParseDone(yadis_loc)

            elif tag in ['head', 'html']:
                # [5], [7]
Esempio n. 7
def findHTMLMeta(stream):
    """Look for a meta http-equiv tag with the YADIS header name.

    @param stream: Source of the html text
    @type stream: Readable text I/O file object

    @return: The URI from which to fetch the XRDS document
    @rtype: six.text_type

    @raises MetaNotFound: raised with the content that was
        searched as the first parameter.
    parser = etree.HTMLParser()
        html = etree.parse(stream, parser)
    except (ValueError, etree.XMLSyntaxError):
        raise MetaNotFound("Couldn't parse HTML page.")

    # Invalid input may return element with no content
    if html.getroot() is None:
        raise MetaNotFound("Couldn't parse HTML page.")

    # Create a XPath evaluator with a local function to lowercase values.
    xpath_evaluator = etree.XPathEvaluator(html,
                                               (None, 'lower-case'):
    # Find YADIS meta tag, case insensitive to the header name.
    yadis_headers = xpath_evaluator(
    if not yadis_headers:
        raise MetaNotFound('Yadis meta tag not found.')

    yadis_header = yadis_headers[0]
    yadis_url = yadis_header.get('content')
    if yadis_url is None:
        raise MetaNotFound('Attribute "content" missing in yadis meta tag.')
    return yadis_url
Esempio n. 8
def whereIsYadis(resp):
    """Given a HTTPResponse, return the location of the Yadis document.

    May be the URL just retrieved, another URL, or None if no suitable URL can
    be found.


    @returns: str or None
    # Attempt to find out where to go to discover the document
    # or if we already have it
    content_type = resp.headers.get('content-type')

    # According to the spec, the content-type header must be an exact
    # match, or else we have to look for an indirection.
    if (content_type
            and content_type.split(';', 1)[0].lower() == YADIS_CONTENT_TYPE):
        return resp.final_url
        # Try the header
        yadis_loc = resp.headers.get(YADIS_HEADER_NAME.lower())

        if not yadis_loc:
            # Parse as HTML if the header is missing.
            # XXX: do we want to do something with content-type, like
            # have a whitelist or a blacklist (for detecting that it's
            # HTML)?

            # Decode body by encoding of file
            content_type = content_type or ''
            encoding = content_type.rsplit(';', 1)
            if (len(encoding) == 2
                    and encoding[1].strip().startswith('charset=')):
                encoding = encoding[1].split('=', 1)[1].strip()
                encoding = 'utf-8'

            if isinstance(resp.body, bytes):
                    content = resp.body.decode(encoding)
                except UnicodeError:
                    # All right, the detected encoding has failed. Try with
                    # UTF-8 (even if there was no detected encoding and we've
                    # defaulted to UTF-8, it's not that expensive an operation)
                        content = resp.body.decode('utf-8')
                    except UnicodeError:
                        # At this point the content cannot be decoded to a str
                        # using the detected encoding or falling back to utf-8,
                        # so we have to resort to replacing undecodable chars.
                        # This *will* result in broken content but there isn't
                        # anything else that can be done.
                        content = resp.body.decode(encoding, 'replace')
                content = resp.body

                yadis_loc = findHTMLMeta(StringIO(content))
            except (MetaNotFound, UnicodeError):
                # UnicodeError: Response body could not be encoded and xrds
                # location could not be found before troubles occur.

        return yadis_loc
Esempio n. 9
def whereIsYadis(resp):
    """Given a HTTPResponse, return the location of the Yadis document.

    May be the URL just retrieved, another URL, or None if no suitable URL can
    be found.


    @returns: str or None
    # Attempt to find out where to go to discover the document
    # or if we already have it
    content_type = resp.headers.get('content-type')

    # According to the spec, the content-type header must be an exact
    # match, or else we have to look for an indirection.
    if (content_type and
            content_type.split(';', 1)[0].lower() == YADIS_CONTENT_TYPE):
        return resp.final_url
        # Try the header
        yadis_loc = resp.headers.get(YADIS_HEADER_NAME.lower())

        if not yadis_loc:
            # Parse as HTML if the header is missing.
            # XXX: do we want to do something with content-type, like
            # have a whitelist or a blacklist (for detecting that it's
            # HTML)?

            # Decode body by encoding of file
            content_type = content_type or ''
            encoding = content_type.rsplit(';', 1)
            if (len(encoding) == 2 and
                encoding = encoding[1].split('=', 1)[1].strip()
                encoding = 'utf-8'

            if isinstance(resp.body, bytes):
                    content = resp.body.decode(encoding)
                except UnicodeError:
                    # All right, the detected encoding has failed. Try with
                    # UTF-8 (even if there was no detected encoding and we've
                    # defaulted to UTF-8, it's not that expensive an operation)
                        content = resp.body.decode('utf-8')
                    except UnicodeError:
                        # At this point the content cannot be decoded to a str
                        # using the detected encoding or falling back to utf-8,
                        # so we have to resort to replacing undecodable chars.
                        # This *will* result in broken content but there isn't
                        # anything else that can be done.
                        content = resp.body.decode(encoding, 'replace')
                content = resp.body

                yadis_loc = findHTMLMeta(StringIO(content))
            except (MetaNotFound, UnicodeError):
                # UnicodeError: Response body could not be encoded and xrds
                # location could not be found before troubles occur.

        return yadis_loc
Esempio n. 10
def findHTMLMeta(stream):
    """Look for a meta http-equiv tag with the YADIS header name.

    @param stream: Source of the html text
    @type stream: Readable text I/O file object

    @return: The URI from which to fetch the XRDS document
    @rtype: six.text_type

    @raises MetaNotFound: raised with the content that was
        searched as the first parameter.
    parser = etree.HTMLParser()
        html = etree.parse(stream, parser)
    except (ValueError, etree.XMLSyntaxError):
        raise MetaNotFound("Couldn't parse HTML page.")

    # Invalid input may return element with no content
    if html.getroot() is None:
        raise MetaNotFound("Couldn't parse HTML page.")

    # Create a XPath evaluator with a local function to lowercase values.
    xpath_evaluator = etree.XPathEvaluator(html, extensions={(None, 'lower-case'): xpath_lower_case})
    # Find YADIS meta tag, case insensitive to the header name.
    yadis_headers = xpath_evaluator('/html/head/meta[lower-case(@http-equiv)="{}"]'.format(YADIS_HEADER_NAME.lower()))
    if not yadis_headers:
        raise MetaNotFound('Yadis meta tag not found.')

    yadis_header = yadis_headers[0]
    yadis_url = yadis_header.get('content')
    if yadis_url is None:
        raise MetaNotFound('Attribute "content" missing in yadis meta tag.')
    return yadis_url
Esempio n. 11
def discover(uri):
    """Discover services for a given URI.

    @param uri: The identity URI as a well-formed http or https
        URI. The well-formedness and the protocol are not checked, but
        the results of this function are undefined if those properties
        do not hold.

    @return: DiscoveryResult object

    @raises Exception: Any exception that can be raised by fetching a URL with
        the given fetcher.
    result = DiscoveryResult(uri)
    resp = fetchers.fetch(uri, headers={'Accept': YADIS_ACCEPT_HEADER})
    if resp.status != 200:
        raise DiscoveryFailure(
            'HTTP Response status from identity URL host is not 200. '
            'Got status %r' % (resp.status,), resp)

    # Note the URL after following redirects
    result.normalized_uri = resp.final_url

    # Attempt to find out where to go to discover the document
    # or if we already have it
    result.content_type = resp.headers.get('content-type')

    # According to the spec, the content-type header must be an exact
    # match, or else we have to look for an indirection.
    if (result.content_type and
        result.content_type.split(';', 1)[0].lower() == YADIS_CONTENT_TYPE):
        result.xrds_uri = result.normalized_uri
        # Try the header
        yadis_loc = resp.headers.get(YADIS_HEADER_NAME.lower())

        if not yadis_loc:
            # Parse as HTML if the header is missing.
            # XXX: do we want to do something with content-type, like
            # have a whitelist or a blacklist (for detecting that it's
            # HTML)?
                yadis_loc = findHTMLMeta(StringIO(resp.body))
            except MetaNotFound:

        # At this point, we have not found a YADIS Location URL. We
        # will return the content that we scanned so that the caller
        # can try to treat it as an XRDS if it wishes.
        if yadis_loc:
            result.xrds_uri = yadis_loc
            resp = fetchers.fetch(yadis_loc)
            if resp.status != 200:
                exc = DiscoveryFailure(
                    'HTTP Response status from Yadis host is not 200. '
                    'Got status %r' % (resp.status,), resp)
                exc.identity_url = result.normalized_uri
                raise exc
            result.content_type = resp.headers.get('content-type')

    result.response_text = resp.body
    return result