Esempio n. 1
def compose_ia_url(limit=None, page=1, subject=None, query=None, work_id=None,
                   _type=None, sorts=None, advanced=True):
    """This needs to be exposed by a generalized API endpoint within
    plugins/openlibrary/api/browse which lets lazy-load more items for
    the homepage carousel and support the upcoming /browse view
    (backed by search, so we don't have to send users to to see more books)
    from openlibrary.plugins.openlibrary.home import CAROUSELS_PRESETS
    query = CAROUSELS_PRESETS.get(query, query)
    q = 'openlibrary_work:(*)'

    # If we don't provide an openlibrary_subject and no collection is
    # specified in our query, we restrict our query to the `inlibrary`
    # collection (i.e. those books which are borrowable)
    if (not subject) and (not query or 'collection:' not in query):
        q += ' AND collection:(inlibrary)'
    # In the only case where we are not restricting our search to
    # borrowable books (i.e. `inlibrary`), we remove all the books
    # which are `printdisabled` *outside* of `inlibrary`.
    if 'collection:(inlibrary)' not in q:
        q += ' AND (collection:(inlibrary) OR (!collection:(printdisabled)))'

    # If no lending restrictions (e.g. borrow, read) are imposed in
    # our query, we assume only borrowable books will be included in
    # results (not unrestricted/open books).
    if (not query) or ('loans__status__status:' not in query):
        q += ' AND loans__status__status:AVAILABLE'
    if query:
        q += " AND " + query
    if subject:
        q += " AND openlibrary_subject:" + subject

    if work_id:
        if _type.lower() in ["authors", "subjects"]:
            _q = None
            works_authors_and_subjects = cached_work_authors_and_subjects(work_id)
            if works_authors_and_subjects:
                if _type == "authors":
                    authors = []
                    for author_name in works_authors_and_subjects.get('authors', []):
                        authors.append(','.join(author_name.split(' ', 1)[::-1]))
                    if authors:
                        _q = ' OR '.join('creator:"%s"' % author for author in authors)
                elif _type == "subjects":
                    subjects = works_authors_and_subjects.get('subjects', [])
                    if subjects:
                        _q = ' OR '.join('subject:"%s"' % subject for subject in subjects)
            if not _q:
                logger.error('compose_ia_url failed!', extra={
                    'limit': limit,
                    'page': page,
                    'subject': subject,
                    'query': query,
                    'work_id': work_id,
                    '_type': _type,
                    'sorts': sorts,
                    'advanced': advanced,
                return ''  # TODO: Should we just raise an excpetion instead?
            q += ' AND (%s) AND !openlibrary_work:(%s)' % (_q, work_id.split('/')[-1])

    if not advanced:
        _sort = sorts[0] if sorts else ''
        if ' desc' in _sort:
            _sort = '-' + _sort.split(' desc')[0]
        elif ' asc' in _sort:
            _sort = _sort.split(' asc')[0]
        params = {'query': q}
        if _sort:
            params['sort'] = _sort
        return '' + urlencode(params)

    rows = limit or DEFAULT_IA_RESULTS
    params = [
        ('q', q),
        ('fl[]', 'identifier'),
        ('fl[]', 'openlibrary_edition'),
        ('fl[]', 'openlibrary_work'),
        ('fl[]', 'loans__status__status'),
        ('rows', rows),
        ('page', page),
        ('output', 'json'),
    if not sorts or not isinstance(sorts, list):
        sorts = ['']
    for sort in sorts:
        params.append(('sort[]', sort))
    base_url = "http://%s/advancedsearch.php" % config_bookreader_host
    return base_url + '?' + urlencode(params)
Esempio n. 2
def run_solr_query(param=None,
    param = param or {}

    # use page when offset is not specified
    if offset is None:
        offset = rows * (page - 1)

    (q_list, use_dismax) = build_q_list(param)
    params = [
        ('fl', ','.join(fields or [
            'key', 'author_name', 'author_key', 'title', 'subtitle',
            'edition_count', 'ia', 'has_fulltext', 'first_publish_year',
            'cover_i', 'cover_edition_key', 'public_scan_b',
            'lending_edition_s', 'lending_identifier_s', 'language',
        ('fq', 'type:work'),
        ('q.op', 'AND'),
        ('start', offset),
        ('rows', rows),

    if spellcheck_count is None:
        spellcheck_count = default_spellcheck_count

    if spellcheck_count:
        params.append(('spellcheck', 'true'))
        params.append(('spellcheck.count', spellcheck_count))

    if facet:
        params.append(('facet', 'true'))
        for facet in FACET_FIELDS:
            params.append(('facet.field', facet))

    if q_list:
        if use_dismax:
            params.append(('q', ' '.join(q_list)))
            params.append(('defType', 'dismax'))
            params.append(('qf', 'text title^5 author_name^5'))
            params.append(('bf', 'sqrt(edition_count)^10'))
                ('q', ' '.join(q_list + ['_val_:"sqrt(edition_count)"^10'])))

    if 'public_scan' in param:
        v = param.pop('public_scan').lower()
        if v in ('true', 'false'):
            if v == 'false':
                # also constrain on print disabled since the index may not be in sync
                param.setdefault('print_disabled', 'false')
            params.append(('fq', 'public_scan_b:%s' % v))

    if 'print_disabled' in param:
        v = param.pop('print_disabled').lower()
        if v in ('true', 'false'):
            minus = '-' if v == 'false' else ''
            params.append(('fq', '%ssubject_key:protected_daisy' % minus))

    if 'has_fulltext' in param:
        v = param['has_fulltext'].lower()
        if v not in ('true', 'false'):
            del param['has_fulltext']
        params.append(('fq', 'has_fulltext:%s' % v))

    for field in FACET_FIELDS:
        if field == 'has_fulltext':
        if field == 'author_facet':
            field = 'author_key'
        if field not in param:
        values = param[field]
        params += [('fq', '%s:"%s"' % (field, val)) for val in values if val]

    if sort:
        params.append(('sort', sort))

    params.append(('wt', param.get('wt', 'standard')))
    url = solr_select_url + '?' + urlencode(params)

    solr_result = execute_solr_query(url)
    if solr_result is None:
        return (None, url, q_list)
    reply =
    return (reply, url, q_list)
Esempio n. 3
def compose_ia_url(
    limit: int = None,
    page: int = 1,
    _type: Literal['authors', 'subjects'] = None,
) -> Optional[str]:
    """This needs to be exposed by a generalized API endpoint within
    plugins/api/browse which lets lazy-load more items for
    the homepage carousel and support the upcoming /browse view
    (backed by search, so we don't have to send users to to see more books)

    Returns None if we get an empty query
    from openlibrary.plugins.openlibrary.home import CAROUSELS_PRESETS

    query = CAROUSELS_PRESETS.get(query, query)
    q = 'openlibrary_work:(*)'

    # If we don't provide an openlibrary_subject and no collection is
    # specified in our query, we restrict our query to the `inlibrary`
    # collection (i.e. those books which are borrowable)
    if (not subject) and (not query or 'collection:' not in query):
        q += ' AND collection:(inlibrary)'
    # In the only case where we are not restricting our search to
    # borrowable books (i.e. `inlibrary`), we remove all the books
    # which are `printdisabled` *outside* of `inlibrary`.
    if 'collection:(inlibrary)' not in q:
        q += ' AND (collection:(inlibrary) OR (!collection:(printdisabled)))'

    # If no lending restrictions (e.g. borrow, read) are imposed in
    # our query, we assume only borrowable books will be included in
    # results (not unrestricted/open books).
    lendable = (
        '(lending___available_to_browse:true OR lending___available_to_borrow:true)'
    if (not query) or lendable not in query:
        q += ' AND ' + lendable
    if query:
        q += " AND " + query
    if subject:
        q += " AND openlibrary_subject:" + subject

    if work_id and _type in ("authors", "subjects"):
        _q = None
        works_authors_and_subjects = cached_work_authors_and_subjects(work_id)
        if _type == "authors":
            authors = works_authors_and_subjects.get('authors', [])
            if not authors:
                return None
            name_variations = [
                variation for name in authors
                for variation in (name, ','.join(name.split(' ', 1)[::-1]))

            _q = ' OR '.join(f'creator:"{name}"' for name in name_variations)
        elif _type == "subjects":
            subjects = works_authors_and_subjects.get('subjects', [])
            if not subjects:
                return None
            _q = ' OR '.join(f'subject:"{subject}"' for subject in subjects)
        q += ' AND ({}) AND !openlibrary_work:({})'.format(

    if not advanced:
        _sort = sorts[0] if sorts else ''
        if ' desc' in _sort:
            _sort = '-' + _sort.split(' desc')[0]
        elif ' asc' in _sort:
            _sort = _sort.split(' asc')[0]
        simple_params = {'query': q}
        if _sort:
            simple_params['sort'] = _sort
        return '' + urlencode(simple_params)

    rows = limit or DEFAULT_IA_RESULTS
    params = [
        ('q', q),
        ('fl[]', 'identifier'),
        ('fl[]', 'openlibrary_edition'),
        ('fl[]', 'openlibrary_work'),
        ('rows', rows),
        ('page', page),
        ('output', 'json'),
    if not sorts or not isinstance(sorts, list):
        sorts = ['']
    for sort in sorts:
        params.append(('sort[]', sort))
    base_url = "http://%s/advancedsearch.php" % config_bookreader_host
    return base_url + '?' + urlencode(params)