Esempio n. 1
 def setUp(self):
     Create the UI
     self.image_manager = ImageManager()
     self.lock = Lock()
     self.sleep_time = 0.1
 def setUp(self):
     Create the UI
     Registry.create() = QtGui.QApplication.instance()
     self.image_manager = ImageManager()
class TestImageManager(TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        Create the UI
        Registry.create() = QtGui.QApplication.instance()
        self.image_manager = ImageManager()

    def tearDown(self):
        Delete all the C++ objects at the end so that we don't have a segfault

    def basic_image_manager_test(self):
        Test the Image Manager setup basic functionality
        # GIVEN: the an image add to the image manager
        self.image_manager.add_image(TEST_PATH, 'church.jpg', None)

        # WHEN the image is retrieved
        image = self.image_manager.get_image(TEST_PATH, 'church.jpg')

        # THEN returned record is a type of image
        self.assertEqual(isinstance(image, QtGui.QImage), True, 'The returned object should be a QImage')

        # WHEN: The image bytes are requested.
        byte_array = self.image_manager.get_image_bytes(TEST_PATH, 'church.jpg')

        # THEN: Type should be a str.
        self.assertEqual(isinstance(byte_array, str), True, 'The returned object should be a str')

        # WHEN the image is retrieved has not been loaded
        # THEN a KeyError is thrown
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            self.image_manager.get_image(TEST_PATH, 'church1.jpg')
        self.assertNotEquals(context.exception, '', 'KeyError exception should have been thrown for missing image')
Esempio n. 4
class TestImageManager(TestCase, TestMixin):

    def setUp(self):
        Create the UI
        self.image_manager = ImageManager()
        self.lock = Lock()
        self.sleep_time = 0.1

    def tearDown(self):
        Delete all the C++ objects at the end so that we don't have a segfault

    def basic_image_manager_test(self):
        Test the Image Manager setup basic functionality
        # GIVEN: the an image add to the image manager
        full_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(TEST_PATH, 'church.jpg'))
        self.image_manager.add_image(full_path, 'church.jpg', None)

        # WHEN the image is retrieved
        image = self.image_manager.get_image(full_path, 'church.jpg')

        # THEN returned record is a type of image
        self.assertEqual(isinstance(image, QtGui.QImage), True, 'The returned object should be a QImage')

        # WHEN: The image bytes are requested.
        byte_array = self.image_manager.get_image_bytes(full_path, 'church.jpg')

        # THEN: Type should be a str.
        self.assertEqual(isinstance(byte_array, str), True, 'The returned object should be a str')

        # WHEN the image is retrieved has not been loaded
        # THEN a KeyError is thrown
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            self.image_manager.get_image(TEST_PATH, 'church1.jpg')
        self.assertNotEquals(context.exception, '', 'KeyError exception should have been thrown for missing image')

    def different_dimension_image_test(self):
        Test the Image Manager with dimensions
        # GIVEN: add an image with specific dimensions
        full_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(TEST_PATH, 'church.jpg'))
        self.image_manager.add_image(full_path, 'church.jpg', None, 80, 80)

        # WHEN: the image is retrieved
        image = self.image_manager.get_image(full_path, 'church.jpg', 80, 80)

        # THEN: The return should be of type image
        self.assertEqual(isinstance(image, QtGui.QImage), True, 'The returned object should be a QImage')

        # WHEN: adding the same image with different dimensions
        self.image_manager.add_image(full_path, 'church.jpg', None, 100, 100)

        # THEN: the cache should contain two pictures
        self.assertEqual(len(self.image_manager._cache), 2,
                         'Image manager should consider two dimensions of the same picture as different')

        # WHEN: adding the same image with first dimensions
        self.image_manager.add_image(full_path, 'church.jpg', None, 80, 80)

        # THEN: the cache should still contain only two pictures
        self.assertEqual(len(self.image_manager._cache), 2, 'Same dimensions should not be added again')

        # WHEN: calling with correct image, but wrong dimensions
        with self.assertRaises(KeyError) as context:
            self.image_manager.get_image(full_path, 'church.jpg', 120, 120)
        self.assertNotEquals(context.exception, '', 'KeyError exception should have been thrown for missing dimension')

    def process_cache_test(self):
        Test the process_cache method
        with patch('openlp.core.lib.imagemanager.resize_image') as mocked_resize_image, \
                patch('openlp.core.lib.imagemanager.image_to_byte') as mocked_image_to_byte:
            # GIVEN: Mocked functions
            mocked_resize_image.side_effect = self.mocked_resize_image
            mocked_image_to_byte.side_effect = self.mocked_image_to_byte
            image1 = 'church.jpg'
            image2 = 'church2.jpg'
            image3 = 'church3.jpg'
            image4 = 'church4.jpg'

            # WHEN: Add the images. Then get the lock (=queue can not be processed).
            self.image_manager.add_image(TEST_PATH, image1, None)
            self.image_manager.add_image(TEST_PATH, image2, None)

            # THEN: All images have been added to the queue, and only the first image is not be in the list anymore, but
            #  is being processed (see mocked methods/functions).
            # Note: Priority.Normal means, that the resize_image() was not completed yet (because afterwards the #
            # priority is adjusted to Priority.Lowest).
            self.assertEqual(self.get_image_priority(image1), Priority.Normal,
                             "image1's priority should be 'Priority.Normal'")
            self.assertEqual(self.get_image_priority(image2), Priority.Normal,
                             "image2's priority should be 'Priority.Normal'")

            # WHEN: Add more images.
            self.image_manager.add_image(TEST_PATH, image3, None)
            self.image_manager.add_image(TEST_PATH, image4, None)
            # Allow the queue to process.
            # Request some "data".
            image_bytes = self.image_manager.get_image_bytes(TEST_PATH, image4)
            image_object = self.image_manager.get_image(TEST_PATH, image3)
            # Now the mocked methods/functions do not have to sleep anymore.
            self.sleep_time = 0
            # Wait for the queue to finish.
            while not self.image_manager._conversion_queue.empty():
            # Because empty() is not reliable, wait a litte; just to make sure.
            # THEN: The images' priority reflect how they were processed.
            self.assertEqual(self.image_manager._conversion_queue.qsize(), 0, "The queue should be empty.")
            self.assertEqual(self.get_image_priority(image1), Priority.Lowest,
                             "The image should have not been requested (=Lowest)")
            self.assertEqual(self.get_image_priority(image2), Priority.Lowest,
                             "The image should have not been requested (=Lowest)")
            self.assertEqual(self.get_image_priority(image3), Priority.Low,
                             "Only the QImage should have been requested (=Low).")
            self.assertEqual(self.get_image_priority(image4), Priority.Urgent,
                             "The image bytes should have been requested (=Urgent).")

    def get_image_priority(self, image):
        This is a help method to get the priority of the given image out of the image_manager's cache.

        NOTE: This requires, that the image has been added to the image manager using the *TEST_PATH*.

        :param image: The name of the image. E. g. ``image1``
        return self.image_manager._cache[(TEST_PATH, image, -1, -1)].priority

    def mocked_resize_image(self, *args):
        This is a mocked method, so that we can control the work flow of the image manager.
        # The sleep time is adjusted in the test case.
        return QtGui.QImage()

    def mocked_image_to_byte(self, *args):
        This is a mocked method, so that we can control the work flow of the image manager.
        # The sleep time is adjusted in the test case.
        return ''