Esempio n. 1
def test_get_text_from_page_notes():
    Test that the _get_text_from_page() method gives us the text from the notes
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer object and some mocked objects
    text_type = TextType.Notes
    slide_no = 1
    server = LibreOfficeServer()
    server._document = MagicMock()
    mocked_pages = MagicMock()
    mocked_page = MagicMock()
    mocked_notes_page = MagicMock()
    mocked_shape = MagicMock()
    server._document.getDrawPages.return_value = mocked_pages
    mocked_pages.getCount.return_value = 1
    mocked_pages.getByIndex.return_value = mocked_page
    mocked_page.getNotesPage.return_value = mocked_notes_page
    mocked_notes_page.getByIndex.return_value = mocked_shape
    mocked_shape.getShapeType.return_value = ''
    mocked_shape.supportsService.return_value = True
    mocked_shape.getString.return_value = 'Page Notes'

    # WHEN: _get_text_from_page() is run for titles
    text = server._get_text_from_page(slide_no, text_type)

    # THEN: The text should be correct
    assert text == 'Page Notes\n'
Esempio n. 2
def test_get_titles_and_notes():
    Test the get_titles_and_notes() method
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer object and a bunch of mocks
    server = LibreOfficeServer()
    mocked_document = MagicMock()
    mocked_pages = MagicMock()
    server._document = mocked_document
    mocked_document.getDrawPages.return_value = mocked_pages
    mocked_pages.getCount.return_value = 2

    # WHEN: get_titles_and_notes() is called
    with patch.object(server, '_get_text_from_page') as mocked_get_text_from_page:
        mocked_get_text_from_page.side_effect = [
            'OpenLP on Mac OS X',
            'Installing is a drag-and-drop affair'
        titles, notes = server.get_titles_and_notes()

    # THEN: The right calls are made and the right stuff returned
    assert mocked_get_text_from_page.call_count == 4
    expected_calls = [
        call(1, TextType.Title), call(1, TextType.Notes),
        call(2, TextType.Title), call(2, TextType.Notes),
    assert mocked_get_text_from_page.call_args_list == expected_calls
    assert titles == ['OpenLP on Mac OS X\n', '\n'], titles
    assert notes == [' ', 'Installing is a drag-and-drop affair'], notes
Esempio n. 3
def test_load_presentation(mocked_uno):
    Test the load_presentation() method
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer object
    presentation_file = '/path/to/presentation.odp'
    screen_number = 1
    server = LibreOfficeServer()
    mocked_desktop = MagicMock()
    mocked_document = MagicMock()
    mocked_presentation = MagicMock()
    mocked_uno.systemPathToFileUrl.side_effect = lambda x: x
    server._desktop = mocked_desktop
    mocked_desktop.loadComponentFromURL.return_value = mocked_document
    mocked_document.getPresentation.return_value = mocked_presentation

    # WHEN: load_presentation() is called
    with patch.object(server, '_create_property') as mocked_create_property:
        mocked_create_property.side_effect = lambda x, y: {x: y}
        result = server.load_presentation(presentation_file, screen_number)

    # THEN: A presentation is loaded
    assert result is True
    mocked_create_property.assert_called_once_with('Hidden', True)
        presentation_file, '_blank', 0, ({'Hidden': True},))
    assert server._document is mocked_document
    assert server._presentation is mocked_presentation
    assert server._presentation.Display == screen_number
    assert server._control is None
Esempio n. 4
def test_is_loaded_no_objects():
    Test the is_loaded() method when there's no document or presentation
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer instance and a bunch of mocks
    server = LibreOfficeServer()

    # WHEN: The is_loaded() method is called
    result = server.is_loaded()

    # THEN: The result should be false
    assert result is False
Esempio n. 5
def test_is_blank_no_control():
    Test the is_blank() method when there's no control
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer instance and a bunch of mocks
    server = LibreOfficeServer()

    # WHEN: is_blank() is called
    result = server.is_blank()

    # THEN: It should have returned False
    assert result is False
Esempio n. 6
def test_desktop_already_has_desktop(mocked_uno):
    Test that setup_desktop() exits early when there's already a desktop
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer instance
    server = LibreOfficeServer()
    server._desktop = MagicMock()

    # WHEN: the desktop property is called
    desktop = server.desktop

    # THEN: setup_desktop() exits early
    assert desktop is server._desktop
    assert server._manager is None
Esempio n. 7
def test_goto_slide():
    Test the goto_slide() method
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer instance and some mocks
    server = LibreOfficeServer()
    mocked_control = MagicMock()
    server._control = mocked_control

    # WHEN: goto_slide() is called

    # THEN: The slide number should be correct
Esempio n. 8
def test_previous_step():
    Test the previous_step() method
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer instance and a mocked control
    server = LibreOfficeServer()
    mocked_control = MagicMock()
    server._control = mocked_control

    # WHEN: previous_step() is called

    # THEN: The correct call should be made
Esempio n. 9
def test_is_active_not_loaded():
    Test is_active() when is_loaded() returns False
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer instance and a bunch of mocks
    server = LibreOfficeServer()

    # WHEN: is_active() is called with is_loaded() returns False
    with patch.object(server, 'is_loaded') as mocked_is_loaded:
        mocked_is_loaded.return_value = False
        result = server.is_active()

    # THEN: It should have returned False
    assert result is False
Esempio n. 10
def test_blank_screen():
    Test the blank_screen() method
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer instance and a bunch of mocks
    server = LibreOfficeServer()
    mocked_control = MagicMock()
    server._control = mocked_control

    # WHEN: blank_screen() is run

    # THEN: The resume method should have been called
Esempio n. 11
def test_create_property(MockedPropertyValue):
    Test that the _create_property() method works correctly
    # GIVEN: A server amnd property to set
    server = LibreOfficeServer()
    name = 'Hidden'
    value = True

    # WHEN: The _create_property() method is called
    prop = server._create_property(name, value)

    # THEN: The property should have the correct attributes
    assert prop.Name == name
    assert prop.Value == value
Esempio n. 12
def test_get_slide_text():
    Test the get_slide_text() method
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer instance
    server = LibreOfficeServer()

    # WHEN: get_slide_text() is called for a particular slide
    with patch.object(server, '_get_text_from_page') as mocked_get_text_from_page:
        mocked_get_text_from_page.return_value = 'OpenLP on Mac OS X'
        result = server.get_slide_text(5)

    # THEN: The text should be returned
    assert result == 'OpenLP on Mac OS X'
Esempio n. 13
def test_get_slide_notes():
    Test the get_slide_notes() method
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer instance
    server = LibreOfficeServer()

    # WHEN: get_slide_notes() is called for a particular slide
    with patch.object(server, '_get_text_from_page') as mocked_get_text_from_page:
        mocked_get_text_from_page.return_value = 'Installing is a drag-and-drop affair'
        result = server.get_slide_notes(3)

    # THEN: The text should be returned
    mocked_get_text_from_page.assert_called_once_with(3, TextType.Notes)
    assert result == 'Installing is a drag-and-drop affair'
Esempio n. 14
def test_get_slide_number():
    Test the get_slide_number() method
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer instance and some mocks
    server = LibreOfficeServer()
    mocked_control = MagicMock()
    mocked_control.getCurrentSlideIndex.return_value = 3
    server._control = mocked_control

    # WHEN: get_slide_number() is called
    result = server.get_slide_number()

    # THEN: The slide number should be correct
    assert result == 4
Esempio n. 15
def test_is_active_no_control():
    Test is_active() when is_loaded() returns True but there's no control
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer instance and a bunch of mocks
    server = LibreOfficeServer()

    # WHEN: is_active() is called with is_loaded() returns False
    with patch.object(server, 'is_loaded') as mocked_is_loaded:
        mocked_is_loaded.return_value = True
        result = server.is_active()

    # THEN: The result should be False
    assert result is False
Esempio n. 16
def test_start_presentation():
    Test the start_presentation() method when there's a control
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer instance and some mocks
    server = LibreOfficeServer()
    mocked_control = MagicMock()
    server._control = mocked_control

    # WHEN: start_presentation() is called
    with patch.object(server, 'goto_slide') as mocked_goto_slide:

    # THEN: The control should have been activated and the first slide selected
Esempio n. 17
def test_desktop_exception(mocked_uno):
    Test that setting up the desktop works correctly when an exception occurs
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer instance
    server = LibreOfficeServer()
    mocked_context = MagicMock()
    mocked_resolver = MagicMock()
    mocked_uno_instance = MagicMock()
    MockedServiceManager = MagicMock()
    mocked_uno.getComponentContext.return_value = mocked_context
    mocked_context.ServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext.return_value = mocked_resolver
    mocked_resolver.resolve.side_effect = [Exception, mocked_uno_instance]
    mocked_uno_instance.ServiceManager = MockedServiceManager
    MockedServiceManager.createInstanceWithContext.side_effect = Exception()

    # WHEN: the desktop property is called

    # THEN: A desktop object was created
        '', mocked_context)
    expected_calls = [
    assert mocked_resolver.resolve.call_args_list == expected_calls
        '', mocked_uno_instance)
    assert server._manager is MockedServiceManager
    assert server._desktop is None
Esempio n. 18
def test_get_slide_count():
    Test the get_slide_count() method
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer instance and some mocks
    server = LibreOfficeServer()
    mocked_document = MagicMock()
    mocked_pages = MagicMock()
    server._document = mocked_document
    mocked_document.getDrawPages.return_value = mocked_pages
    mocked_pages.getCount.return_value = 2

    # WHEN: get_slide_count() is called
    result = server.get_slide_count()

    # THEN: The slide count should be correct
    assert result == 2
Esempio n. 19
def test_is_loaded_exception():
    Test the is_loaded() method when an exception is thrown
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer instance and a bunch of mocks
    server = LibreOfficeServer()
    mocked_document = MagicMock()
    server._document = mocked_document
    server._presentation = MagicMock()
    mocked_document.getPresentation.side_effect = Exception()

    # WHEN: The is_loaded() method is called
    result = server.is_loaded()

    # THEN: The result should be false
    assert result is False
Esempio n. 20
def test_is_loaded_no_presentation():
    Test the is_loaded() method when there's no presentation
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer instance and a bunch of mocks
    server = LibreOfficeServer()
    mocked_document = MagicMock()
    server._document = mocked_document
    server._presentation = MagicMock()
    mocked_document.getPresentation.return_value = None

    # WHEN: The is_loaded() method is called
    result = server.is_loaded()

    # THEN: The result should be false
    assert result is False
Esempio n. 21
def test_next_step(mocked_sleep):
    Test the next_step() method when paused
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer instance and a mocked control
    server = LibreOfficeServer()
    mocked_control = MagicMock()
    server._control = mocked_control
    mocked_control.isPaused.side_effect = [True, True]

    # WHEN: next_step() is called

    # THEN: The correct call should be made
    assert mocked_control.isPaused.call_count == 1
    assert mocked_control.gotoPreviousEffect.call_count == 0
Esempio n. 22
def test_is_blank_control_is_running():
    Test the is_blank() method when the control is running
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer instance and a bunch of mocks
    server = LibreOfficeServer()
    mocked_control = MagicMock()
    server._control = mocked_control
    mocked_control.isRunning.return_value = True
    mocked_control.isPaused.return_value = True

    # WHEN: is_blank() is called
    result = server.is_blank()

    # THEN: It should have returned False
    assert result is True
Esempio n. 23
def test_is_active():
    Test is_active()
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer instance and a bunch of mocks
    server = LibreOfficeServer()
    mocked_control = MagicMock()
    server._control = mocked_control
    mocked_control.isRunning.return_value = True

    # WHEN: is_active() is called with is_loaded() returns False
    with patch.object(server, 'is_loaded') as mocked_is_loaded:
        mocked_is_loaded.return_value = True
        result = server.is_active()

    # THEN: The result should be False
    assert result is True
Esempio n. 24
def test_load_presentation_exception(mocked_uno):
    Test the load_presentation() method when an exception occurs
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer object
    presentation_file = '/path/to/presentation.odp'
    screen_number = 1
    server = LibreOfficeServer()
    mocked_desktop = MagicMock()
    mocked_uno.systemPathToFileUrl.side_effect = lambda x: x
    server._desktop = mocked_desktop
    mocked_desktop.loadComponentFromURL.side_effect = Exception()

    # WHEN: load_presentation() is called
    with patch.object(server, '_create_property') as mocked_create_property:
        mocked_create_property.side_effect = lambda x, y: {x: y}
        result = server.load_presentation(presentation_file, screen_number)

    # THEN: A presentation is loaded
    assert result is False
Esempio n. 25
def test_start_presentation_no_control(mocked_sleep):
    Test the start_presentation() method when there's no control
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer instance and some mocks
    server = LibreOfficeServer()
    mocked_control = MagicMock()
    mocked_document = MagicMock()
    mocked_presentation = MagicMock()
    mocked_controller = MagicMock()
    mocked_frame = MagicMock()
    mocked_window = MagicMock()
    server._document = mocked_document
    server._presentation = mocked_presentation
    mocked_document.getCurrentController.return_value = mocked_controller
    mocked_controller.getFrame.return_value = mocked_frame
    mocked_frame.getContainerWindow.return_value = mocked_window
    mocked_presentation.getController.side_effect = [None, mocked_control]

    # WHEN: start_presentation() is called

    # THEN: The slide number should be correct
    assert mocked_presentation.getController.call_count == 2
    assert mocked_window.setVisible.call_args_list == [call(True), call(False)]
    assert server._control is mocked_control
Esempio n. 26
def test_extract_thumbnails_no_pages(mocked_uno):
    Test the extract_thumbnails() method when there are no pages
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer instance
    temp_folder = '/tmp'
    server = LibreOfficeServer()
    mocked_document = MagicMock()
    server._document = mocked_document
    mocked_uno.systemPathToFileUrl.side_effect = lambda x: x
    mocked_document.getDrawPages.return_value = None

    # WHEN: The extract_thumbnails() method is called
    with patch.object(server, '_create_property') as mocked_create_property:
        mocked_create_property.side_effect = lambda x, y: {x: y}
        thumbnails = server.extract_thumbnails(temp_folder)

    # THEN: Thumbnails have been extracted
    mocked_create_property.assert_called_once_with('FilterName', 'impress_png_Export')
    assert thumbnails == []
Esempio n. 27
def test_extract_thumbnails(mocked_os, mocked_uno):
    Test the extract_thumbnails() method
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer instance
    temp_folder = '/tmp'
    server = LibreOfficeServer()
    mocked_document = MagicMock()
    mocked_pages = MagicMock()
    mocked_page_1 = MagicMock()
    mocked_page_2 = MagicMock()
    mocked_controller = MagicMock()
    server._document = mocked_document
    mocked_uno.systemPathToFileUrl.side_effect = lambda x: x
    mocked_document.getDrawPages.return_value = mocked_pages
    mocked_os.path.isdir.return_value = False
    mocked_pages.getCount.return_value = 2
    mocked_pages.getByIndex.side_effect = [mocked_page_1, mocked_page_2]
    mocked_document.getCurrentController.return_value = mocked_controller
    mocked_os.path.join.side_effect = lambda *x: '/'.join(x)

    # WHEN: The extract_thumbnails() method is called
    with patch.object(server, '_create_property') as mocked_create_property:
        mocked_create_property.side_effect = lambda x, y: {x: y}
        thumbnails = server.extract_thumbnails(temp_folder)

    # THEN: Thumbnails have been extracted
    mocked_create_property.assert_called_once_with('FilterName', 'impress_png_Export')
    assert mocked_pages.getByIndex.call_args_list == [call(0), call(1)]
    assert mocked_controller.setCurrentPage.call_args_list == \
        [call(mocked_page_1), call(mocked_page_2)]
    assert mocked_document.storeToURL.call_args_list == \
        [call('/tmp/1.png', ({'FilterName': 'impress_png_Export'},)),
         call('/tmp/2.png', ({'FilterName': 'impress_png_Export'},))]
    assert thumbnails == ['/tmp/1.png', '/tmp/2.png']
Esempio n. 28
def test_constructor():
    Test the Constructor from the server
    # GIVEN: No server
    # WHEN: The server object is created
    server = LibreOfficeServer()

    # THEN: The server should have been set up correctly
    assert server._control is None
    # assert server._desktop is None
    assert server._document is None
    assert server._presentation is None
    assert server._process is None
Esempio n. 29
def test_start_process(MockedPopen):
    Test that the correct command is issued to run LibreOffice
    # GIVEN: A LOServer
    mocked_process = MagicMock()
    MockedPopen.return_value = mocked_process
    server = LibreOfficeServer()

    # WHEN: The start_process() method is run

    # THEN: The correct command line should run and the process should have started
    assert server._process is mocked_process
Esempio n. 30
def test_stop_presentation():
    Test the stop_presentation() method
    # GIVEN: A LibreOfficeServer instance and a mocked presentation
    server = LibreOfficeServer()
    mocked_presentation = MagicMock()
    mocked_control = MagicMock()
    server._presentation = mocked_presentation
    server._control = mocked_control

    # WHEN: stop_presentation() is called

    # THEN: The presentation is ended and the control is removed
    assert server._control is None