Esempio n. 1
class TestAuthorsForm(TestCase, TestMixin):
    Test the AuthorsForm class

    def setUp(self):
        Create the UI
        self.main_window = QtWidgets.QMainWindow()
        Registry().register('main_window', self.main_window)
        self.form = AuthorsForm()

    def tearDown(self):
        Delete all the C++ objects at the end so that we don't have a segfault
        del self.form
        del self.main_window

    def test_ui_defaults(self):
        Test the AuthorForm defaults are correct
        self.assertEqual(self.form.first_name_edit.text(), '', 'The first name edit should be empty')
        self.assertEqual(self.form.last_name_edit.text(), '', 'The last name edit should be empty')
        self.assertEqual(self.form.display_edit.text(), '', 'The display name edit should be empty')

    def test_get_first_name_property(self):
        Test that getting the first name property on the AuthorForm works correctly
        # GIVEN: A first name to set
        first_name = 'John'

        # WHEN: The first_name_edit's text is set

        # THEN: The first_name property should have the correct value
        self.assertEqual(self.form.first_name, first_name, 'The first name property should be correct')

    def test_set_first_name_property(self):
        Test that setting the first name property on the AuthorForm works correctly
        # GIVEN: A first name to set
        first_name = 'James'

        # WHEN: The first_name property is set
        self.form.first_name = first_name

        # THEN: The first_name_edit should have the correct value
        self.assertEqual(self.form.first_name_edit.text(), first_name, 'The first name should be set correctly')

    def test_get_last_name_property(self):
        Test that getting the last name property on the AuthorForm works correctly
        # GIVEN: A last name to set
        last_name = 'Smith'

        # WHEN: The last_name_edit's text is set

        # THEN: The last_name property should have the correct value
        self.assertEqual(self.form.last_name, last_name, 'The last name property should be correct')

    def test_set_last_name_property(self):
        Test that setting the last name property on the AuthorForm works correctly
        # GIVEN: A last name to set
        last_name = 'Potter'

        # WHEN: The last_name property is set
        self.form.last_name = last_name

        # THEN: The last_name_edit should have the correct value
        self.assertEqual(self.form.last_name_edit.text(), last_name, 'The last name should be set correctly')

    def test_get_display_name_property(self):
        Test that getting the display name property on the AuthorForm works correctly
        # GIVEN: A display name to set
        display_name = 'John'

        # WHEN: The display_name_edit's text is set

        # THEN: The display_name property should have the correct value
        self.assertEqual(self.form.display_name, display_name, 'The display name property should be correct')

    def test_set_display_name_property(self):
        Test that setting the display name property on the AuthorForm works correctly
        # GIVEN: A display name to set
        display_name = 'John'

        # WHEN: The display_name property is set
        self.form.display_name = display_name

        # THEN: The display_name_edit should have the correct value
        self.assertEqual(self.form.display_edit.text(), display_name, 'The display name should be set correctly')

    def test_exec(self, mocked_exec):
        Test the exec() method
        # GIVEN: An authors for and various mocked objects
        with patch.object(self.form.first_name_edit, 'clear') as mocked_first_name_edit_clear, \
                patch.object(self.form.last_name_edit, 'clear') as mocked_last_name_edit_clear, \
                patch.object(self.form.display_edit, 'clear') as mocked_display_edit_clear, \
                patch.object(self.form.first_name_edit, 'setFocus') as mocked_first_name_edit_setFocus:
            # WHEN: The exec() method is called

            # THEN: The clear and exec() methods should have been called

    def test_first_name_edited(self):
        Test the on_first_name_edited() method
        # GIVEN: An author form
        self.form.auto_display_name = True

        with patch.object(self.form.last_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_last_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.display_edit, 'setText') as mocked_display_edit_setText:
            mocked_last_name_edit_text.return_value = 'Newton'

            # WHEN: on_first_name_edited() is called

        # THEN: The display name should be updated
        assert mocked_last_name_edit_text.call_count == 2
        mocked_display_edit_setText.assert_called_once_with('John Newton')

    def test_first_name_edited_no_auto(self):
        Test the on_first_name_edited() method without auto_display_name
        # GIVEN: An author form
        self.form.auto_display_name = False

        with patch.object(self.form.last_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_last_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.display_edit, 'setText') as mocked_display_edit_setText:

            # WHEN: on_first_name_edited() is called

        # THEN: The display name should not be updated
        assert mocked_last_name_edit_text.call_count == 0
        assert mocked_display_edit_setText.call_count == 0

    def test_last_name_edited(self):
        Test the on_last_name_edited() method
        # GIVEN: An author form
        self.form.auto_display_name = True

        with patch.object(self.form.first_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_first_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.display_edit, 'setText') as mocked_display_edit_setText:
            mocked_first_name_edit_text.return_value = 'John'

            # WHEN: on_last_name_edited() is called

        # THEN: The display name should be updated
        assert mocked_first_name_edit_text.call_count == 2
        mocked_display_edit_setText.assert_called_once_with('John Newton')

    def test_last_name_edited_no_auto(self):
        Test the on_last_name_edited() method without auto_display_name
        # GIVEN: An author form
        self.form.auto_display_name = False

        with patch.object(self.form.first_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_first_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.display_edit, 'setText') as mocked_display_edit_setText:

            # WHEN: on_last_name_edited() is called

        # THEN: The display name should not be updated
        assert mocked_first_name_edit_text.call_count == 0
        assert mocked_display_edit_setText.call_count == 0

    def test_accept_no_first_name(self, mocked_critical_error):
        Test the accept() method with no first name
        # GIVEN: A form and no text in thefirst name edit
        with patch.object(self.form.first_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_first_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.first_name_edit, 'setFocus') as mocked_first_name_edit_setFocus:
            mocked_first_name_edit_text.return_value = ''

            # WHEN: accept() is called
            result = self.form.accept()

        # THEN: The result should be false and a critical error displayed
        assert result is False
        mocked_critical_error.assert_called_once_with(message='You need to type in the first name of the author.')

    def test_accept_no_last_name(self, mocked_critical_error):
        Test the accept() method with no last name
        # GIVEN: A form and no text in the last name edit
        with patch.object(self.form.first_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_first_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.last_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_last_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.last_name_edit, 'setFocus') as mocked_last_name_edit_setFocus:
            mocked_first_name_edit_text.return_value = 'John'
            mocked_last_name_edit_text.return_value = ''

            # WHEN: accept() is called
            result = self.form.accept()

        # THEN: The result should be false and a critical error displayed
        assert result is False
        mocked_critical_error.assert_called_once_with(message='You need to type in the last name of the author.')

    def test_accept_no_display_name_no_combine(self, mocked_critical_error):
        Test the accept() method with no display name and no combining
        # GIVEN: A form and no text in the display name edit
        mocked_critical_error.return_value = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No
        with patch.object(self.form.first_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_first_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.last_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_last_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.display_edit, 'text') as mocked_display_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.display_edit, 'setFocus') as mocked_display_edit_setFocus:
            mocked_first_name_edit_text.return_value = 'John'
            mocked_last_name_edit_text.return_value = 'Newton'
            mocked_display_edit_text.return_value = ''

            # WHEN: accept() is called
            result = self.form.accept()

        # THEN: The result should be false and a critical error displayed
        assert result is False
            message='You have not set a display name for the author, combine the first and last names?',
            parent=self.form, question=True)

    def test_accept_no_display_name(self, mocked_accept, mocked_critical_error):
        Test the accept() method with no display name and auto-combine
        # GIVEN: A form and no text in the display name edit
        mocked_accept.return_value = True
        mocked_critical_error.return_value = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes
        with patch.object(self.form.first_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_first_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.last_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_last_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.display_edit, 'text') as mocked_display_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.display_edit, 'setText') as mocked_display_edit_setText:
            mocked_first_name_edit_text.return_value = 'John'
            mocked_last_name_edit_text.return_value = 'Newton'
            mocked_display_edit_text.return_value = ''

            # WHEN: accept() is called
            result = self.form.accept()

        # THEN: The result should be false and a critical error displayed
        assert result is True
            message='You have not set a display name for the author, combine the first and last names?',
            parent=self.form, question=True)
        assert mocked_first_name_edit_text.call_count == 2
        assert mocked_last_name_edit_text.call_count == 2
        mocked_display_edit_setText.assert_called_once_with('John Newton')

    def test_accept(self, mocked_accept):
        Test the accept() method
        # GIVEN: A form and text in the right places
        mocked_accept.return_value = True
        with patch.object(self.form.first_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_first_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.last_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_last_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.display_edit, 'text') as mocked_display_edit_text:
            mocked_first_name_edit_text.return_value = 'John'
            mocked_last_name_edit_text.return_value = 'Newton'
            mocked_display_edit_text.return_value = 'John Newton'

            # WHEN: accept() is called
            result = self.form.accept()

        # THEN: The result should be false and a critical error displayed
        assert result is True
Esempio n. 2
class TestAuthorsForm(TestCase, TestMixin):
    Test the AuthorsForm class
    def setUp(self):
        Create the UI
        self.main_window = QtWidgets.QMainWindow()
        Registry().register('main_window', self.main_window)
        self.form = AuthorsForm()

    def tearDown(self):
        Delete all the C++ objects at the end so that we don't have a segfault
        del self.form
        del self.main_window

    def test_ui_defaults(self):
        Test the AuthorForm defaults are correct
        assert self.form.first_name_edit.text(
        ) == '', 'The first name edit should be empty'
        assert self.form.last_name_edit.text(
        ) == '', 'The last name edit should be empty'
        assert self.form.display_edit.text(
        ) == '', 'The display name edit should be empty'

    def test_get_first_name_property(self):
        Test that getting the first name property on the AuthorForm works correctly
        # GIVEN: A first name to set
        first_name = 'John'

        # WHEN: The first_name_edit's text is set

        # THEN: The first_name property should have the correct value
        assert self.form.first_name == first_name, 'The first name property should be correct'

    def test_set_first_name_property(self):
        Test that setting the first name property on the AuthorForm works correctly
        # GIVEN: A first name to set
        first_name = 'James'

        # WHEN: The first_name property is set
        self.form.first_name = first_name

        # THEN: The first_name_edit should have the correct value
        assert self.form.first_name_edit.text(
        ) == first_name, 'The first name should be set correctly'

    def test_get_last_name_property(self):
        Test that getting the last name property on the AuthorForm works correctly
        # GIVEN: A last name to set
        last_name = 'Smith'

        # WHEN: The last_name_edit's text is set

        # THEN: The last_name property should have the correct value
        assert self.form.last_name == last_name, 'The last name property should be correct'

    def test_set_last_name_property(self):
        Test that setting the last name property on the AuthorForm works correctly
        # GIVEN: A last name to set
        last_name = 'Potter'

        # WHEN: The last_name property is set
        self.form.last_name = last_name

        # THEN: The last_name_edit should have the correct value
        assert self.form.last_name_edit.text(
        ) == last_name, 'The last name should be set correctly'

    def test_get_display_name_property(self):
        Test that getting the display name property on the AuthorForm works correctly
        # GIVEN: A display name to set
        display_name = 'John'

        # WHEN: The display_name_edit's text is set

        # THEN: The display_name property should have the correct value
        assert self.form.display_name == display_name, 'The display name property should be correct'

    def test_set_display_name_property(self):
        Test that setting the display name property on the AuthorForm works correctly
        # GIVEN: A display name to set
        display_name = 'John'

        # WHEN: The display_name property is set
        self.form.display_name = display_name

        # THEN: The display_name_edit should have the correct value
        assert self.form.display_edit.text(
        ) == display_name, 'The display name should be set correctly'

    def test_exec(self, mocked_exec):
        Test the exec() method
        # GIVEN: An authors for and various mocked objects
        with patch.object(self.form.first_name_edit, 'clear') as mocked_first_name_edit_clear, \
                patch.object(self.form.last_name_edit, 'clear') as mocked_last_name_edit_clear, \
                patch.object(self.form.display_edit, 'clear') as mocked_display_edit_clear, \
                patch.object(self.form.first_name_edit, 'setFocus') as mocked_first_name_edit_setFocus:
            # WHEN: The exec() method is called

            # THEN: The clear and exec() methods should have been called

    def test_first_name_edited(self):
        Test the on_first_name_edited() method
        # GIVEN: An author form
        self.form.auto_display_name = True

        with patch.object(self.form.last_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_last_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.display_edit, 'setText') as mocked_display_edit_setText:
            mocked_last_name_edit_text.return_value = 'Newton'

            # WHEN: on_first_name_edited() is called

        # THEN: The display name should be updated
        assert mocked_last_name_edit_text.call_count == 2
        mocked_display_edit_setText.assert_called_once_with('John Newton')

    def test_first_name_edited_no_auto(self):
        Test the on_first_name_edited() method without auto_display_name
        # GIVEN: An author form
        self.form.auto_display_name = False

        with patch.object(self.form.last_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_last_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.display_edit, 'setText') as mocked_display_edit_setText:

            # WHEN: on_first_name_edited() is called

        # THEN: The display name should not be updated
        assert mocked_last_name_edit_text.call_count == 0
        assert mocked_display_edit_setText.call_count == 0

    def test_last_name_edited(self):
        Test the on_last_name_edited() method
        # GIVEN: An author form
        self.form.auto_display_name = True

        with patch.object(self.form.first_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_first_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.display_edit, 'setText') as mocked_display_edit_setText:
            mocked_first_name_edit_text.return_value = 'John'

            # WHEN: on_last_name_edited() is called

        # THEN: The display name should be updated
        assert mocked_first_name_edit_text.call_count == 2
        mocked_display_edit_setText.assert_called_once_with('John Newton')

    def test_last_name_edited_no_auto(self):
        Test the on_last_name_edited() method without auto_display_name
        # GIVEN: An author form
        self.form.auto_display_name = False

        with patch.object(self.form.first_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_first_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.display_edit, 'setText') as mocked_display_edit_setText:

            # WHEN: on_last_name_edited() is called

        # THEN: The display name should not be updated
        assert mocked_first_name_edit_text.call_count == 0
        assert mocked_display_edit_setText.call_count == 0

    def test_accept_no_first_name(self, mocked_critical_error):
        Test the accept() method with no first name
        # GIVEN: A form and no text in thefirst name edit
        with patch.object(self.form.first_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_first_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.first_name_edit, 'setFocus') as mocked_first_name_edit_setFocus:
            mocked_first_name_edit_text.return_value = ''

            # WHEN: accept() is called
            result = self.form.accept()

        # THEN: The result should be false and a critical error displayed
        assert result is False
            message='You need to type in the first name of the author.')

    def test_accept_no_last_name(self, mocked_critical_error):
        Test the accept() method with no last name
        # GIVEN: A form and no text in the last name edit
        with patch.object(self.form.first_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_first_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.last_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_last_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.last_name_edit, 'setFocus') as mocked_last_name_edit_setFocus:
            mocked_first_name_edit_text.return_value = 'John'
            mocked_last_name_edit_text.return_value = ''

            # WHEN: accept() is called
            result = self.form.accept()

        # THEN: The result should be false and a critical error displayed
        assert result is False
            message='You need to type in the last name of the author.')

    def test_accept_no_display_name_no_combine(self, mocked_critical_error):
        Test the accept() method with no display name and no combining
        # GIVEN: A form and no text in the display name edit
        mocked_critical_error.return_value = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No
        with patch.object(self.form.first_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_first_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.last_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_last_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.display_edit, 'text') as mocked_display_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.display_edit, 'setFocus') as mocked_display_edit_setFocus:
            mocked_first_name_edit_text.return_value = 'John'
            mocked_last_name_edit_text.return_value = 'Newton'
            mocked_display_edit_text.return_value = ''

            # WHEN: accept() is called
            result = self.form.accept()

        # THEN: The result should be false and a critical error displayed
        assert result is False
            'You have not set a display name for the author, combine the first and last names?',

    def test_accept_no_display_name(self, mocked_accept,
        Test the accept() method with no display name and auto-combine
        # GIVEN: A form and no text in the display name edit
        mocked_accept.return_value = True
        mocked_critical_error.return_value = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes
        with patch.object(self.form.first_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_first_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.last_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_last_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.display_edit, 'text') as mocked_display_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.display_edit, 'setText') as mocked_display_edit_setText:
            mocked_first_name_edit_text.return_value = 'John'
            mocked_last_name_edit_text.return_value = 'Newton'
            mocked_display_edit_text.return_value = ''

            # WHEN: accept() is called
            result = self.form.accept()

        # THEN: The result should be false and a critical error displayed
        assert result is True
            'You have not set a display name for the author, combine the first and last names?',
        assert mocked_first_name_edit_text.call_count == 2
        assert mocked_last_name_edit_text.call_count == 2
        mocked_display_edit_setText.assert_called_once_with('John Newton')

    def test_accept(self, mocked_accept):
        Test the accept() method
        # GIVEN: A form and text in the right places
        mocked_accept.return_value = True
        with patch.object(self.form.first_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_first_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.last_name_edit, 'text') as mocked_last_name_edit_text, \
                patch.object(self.form.display_edit, 'text') as mocked_display_edit_text:
            mocked_first_name_edit_text.return_value = 'John'
            mocked_last_name_edit_text.return_value = 'Newton'
            mocked_display_edit_text.return_value = 'John Newton'

            # WHEN: accept() is called
            result = self.form.accept()

        # THEN: The result should be false and a critical error displayed
        assert result is True