Esempio n. 1
 def probability(self, probability):
     cv.check_type('mixture distribution probabilities', probability,
                   Iterable, Real)
     for p in probability:
         cv.check_greater_than('mixture distribution probabilities',
                               p, 0.0, True)
     self._probability = probability
Esempio n. 2
    def set_density(self, units, density=NO_DENSITY):
        """Set the density of the material

        units : str
            Physical units of density
        density : float, optional
            Value of the density. Must be specified unless units is given as


        check_type('the density for Material ID="{0}"'.format(self._id), density, Real)
        check_value("density units", units, DENSITY_UNITS)

        if density == NO_DENSITY and units is not "sum":
            msg = (
                'Unable to set the density Material ID="{0}" '
                "because a density must be set when not using "
                "sum unit".format(self._id)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        self._density = density
        self._density_units = units
Esempio n. 3
    def set_fission_mgxs(self, fission, nuclide='total', xs_type='macro'):
        """This method allows for an openmc.mgxs.FissionXS
        to be used to set the fission cross section for this XSdata object.

        fission: openmc.mgxs.FissionXS
            MGXS Object containing the fission cross section
            for the domain of interest.
        nuclide : str
            Individual nuclide (or 'total' if obtaining material-wise data)
            to gather data for.  Defaults to 'total'.
        xs_type: {'macro', 'micro'}
            Provide the macro or micro cross section in units of cm^-1 or
            barns. Defaults to 'macro'.

        See also


        check_type('fission', fission, openmc.mgxs.FissionXS)
        check_value('energy_groups', fission.energy_groups,
        check_value('domain_type', fission.domain_type,
                    ['universe', 'cell', 'material'])

        if self.representation is 'isotropic':
            self._fission = fission.get_xs(nuclides=nuclide,
        elif self.representation is 'angle':
            msg = 'Angular-Dependent MGXS have not yet been implemented'
            raise ValueError(msg)
Esempio n. 4
 def mask_background(self, mask_background):
     cv.check_type('plot mask background', mask_background, Iterable, Integral)
     cv.check_length('plot mask background', mask_background, 3)
     for rgb in mask_background:
         cv.check_greater_than('plot mask background', rgb, 0, True)
         cv.check_less_than('plot mask background', rgb, 256)
     self._mask_background = mask_background
Esempio n. 5
def get_openmc_geometry(openmoc_geometry):
    """Return an OpenMC geometry corresponding to an OpenMOC geometry.

    openmoc_geometry : openmoc.Geometry
        OpenMOC geometry

    openmc_geometry : openmc.Geometry
        Equivalent OpenMC geometry


    cv.check_type('openmoc_geometry', openmoc_geometry, openmoc.Geometry)

    # Clear dictionaries and auto-generated ID

    openmoc_root_universe = openmoc_geometry.getRootUniverse()
    openmc_root_universe = get_openmc_universe(openmoc_root_universe)

    openmc_geometry = openmc.Geometry()
    openmc_geometry.root_universe = openmc_root_universe

    return openmc_geometry
Esempio n. 6
 def p(self, p):
     if isinstance(p, Real):
         p = [p]
     cv.check_type('discrete probabilities', p, Iterable, Real)
     for pk in p:
         cv.check_greater_than('discrete probability', pk, 0.0, True)
     self._p = p
Esempio n. 7
 def trace(self, trace):
     check_type("trace", trace, Iterable, Integral)
     check_length("trace", trace, 3)
     check_greater_than("trace batch", trace[0], 0)
     check_greater_than("trace generation", trace[1], 0)
     check_greater_than("trace particle", trace[2], 0)
     self._trace = trace
Esempio n. 8
 def multipole_library(self, multipole_library):
     warnings.warn('Settings.multipole_library has been deprecated and will '
                   'be removed in a future version. '
                   'Materials.multipole_library should defined instead.',
     cv.check_type('multipole library', multipole_library, string_types)
     self._multipole_library = multipole_library
Esempio n. 9
 def fit_order(self, fit_order):
     if fit_order is not None:
         cv.check_type('fit_order', fit_order, Integral)
         cv.check_greater_than('fit_order', fit_order, 2, equality=True)
         # _broaden_wmp_polynomials assumes the curve fit has at least 3
         # terms.
     self._fit_order = fit_order
Esempio n. 10
 def num_l(self, num_l):
     if num_l is not None:
         cv.check_type('num_l', num_l, Integral)
         cv.check_greater_than('num_l', num_l, 1, equality=True)
         cv.check_less_than('num_l', num_l, 4, equality=True)
         # There is an if block in _evaluate that assumes num_l <= 4.
     self._num_l = num_l
Esempio n. 11
    def colorize(self, geometry, seed=1):
        """Generate a color scheme for each domain in the plot.

        This routine may be used to generate random, reproducible color schemes.
        The colors generated are based upon cell/material IDs in the geometry.

        geometry : openmc.Geometry
            The geometry for which the plot is defined
        seed : Integral
            The random number seed used to generate the color scheme


        cv.check_type('geometry', geometry, openmc.Geometry)
        cv.check_type('seed', seed, Integral)
        cv.check_greater_than('seed', seed, 1, equality=True)

        # Get collections of the domains which will be plotted
        if self.color_by == 'material':
            domains = geometry.get_all_materials().values()
            domains = geometry.get_all_cells().values()

        # Set the seed for the random number generator

        # Generate random colors for each feature
        for domain in domains:
            self.colors[domain] = np.random.randint(0, 256, (3,))
Esempio n. 12
 def albedo(self, albedo):
     check_type('CMFD mesh albedo', albedo, Iterable, Real)
     check_length('CMFD mesh albedo', albedo, 6)
     for a in albedo:
         check_greater_than('CMFD mesh albedo', a, 0, True)
         check_less_than('CMFD mesh albedo', a, 1, True)
     self._albedo = albedo
Esempio n. 13
 def name(self, name):
     if name is not None:
         cv.check_type('name for mesh ID="{0}"'.format(self._id),
                    name, basestring)
         self._name = name
         self._name = ''
Esempio n. 14
    def set_density(self, units, density=None):
        """Set the density of the material

        units : {'g/cm3', 'g/cc', 'km/cm3', 'atom/b-cm', 'atom/cm3', 'sum', 'macro'}
            Physical units of density.
        density : float, optional
            Value of the density. Must be specified unless units is given as


        cv.check_value('density units', units, DENSITY_UNITS)
        self._density_units = units

        if units is 'sum':
            if density is not None:
                msg = 'Density "{0}" for Material ID="{1}" is ignored ' \
                      'because the unit is "sum"'.format(density,
            if density is None:
                msg = 'Unable to set the density for Material ID="{0}" ' \
                      'because a density value must be given when not using ' \
                      '"sum" unit'.format(
                raise ValueError(msg)

            cv.check_type('the density for Material ID="{0}"'.format(,
                          density, Real)
            self._density = density
Esempio n. 15
    def set_source_angle(self, stype, params=[]):
        """Defined the angular distribution of the external/starting source.

        stype : str
            The type of angular distribution. Valid options are "isotropic" and
            "monodirectional". The angle of the particle emitted from a source
            site is isotropic if the "isotropic" option is given. The angle of
            the particle emitted from a source site is the direction specified
            in ``params`` if the "monodirectional" option is given.
        params : Iterable of float
            For an "isotropic" angular distribution, ``params`` should not
            be specified.

            For a "monodirectional" angular distribution, ``params`` should
            be given as three floats which specify the angular cosines
            with respect to each axis.


        check_type("source angle type", stype, basestring)
        check_value("source angle type", stype, ["isotropic", "monodirectional"])
        check_type("source angle parameters", params, Iterable, Real)
        if stype == "isotropic" and params is not None:
            msg = (
                "Unable to set source angle parameters since they are not "
                "it is not supported for isotropic type sources"
            raise ValueError(msg)
        elif stype == "monodirectional":
            check_length("source angle parameters for a monodirectional " "source", params, 3)

        self._source_angle_type = stype
        self._source_angle_params = params
Esempio n. 16
 def trace(self, trace):
     cv.check_type('trace', trace, Iterable, Integral)
     cv.check_length('trace', trace, 3)
     cv.check_greater_than('trace batch', trace[0], 0)
     cv.check_greater_than('trace generation', trace[1], 0)
     cv.check_greater_than('trace particle', trace[2], 0)
     self._trace = trace
Esempio n. 17
    def set_source_space(self, stype, params):
        """Defined the spatial bounds of the external/starting source.

        stype : str
            The type of spatial distribution. Valid options are "box",
            "fission", and "point". A "box" spatial distribution has coordinates
            sampled uniformly in a parallelepiped. A "fission" spatial
            distribution samples locations from a "box" distribution but only
            locations in fissionable materials are accepted. A "point" spatial
            distribution has coordinates specified by a triplet.
        params : Iterable of float
            For a "box" or "fission" spatial distribution, ``params`` should be
            given as six real numbers, the first three of which specify the
            lower-left corner of a parallelepiped and the last three of which
            specify the upper-right corner. Source sites are sampled uniformly
            through that parallelepiped.

            For a "point" spatial distribution, ``params`` should be given as
            three real numbers which specify the (x,y,z) location of an
            isotropic point source


        check_type("source space type", stype, basestring)
        check_value("source space type", stype, ["box", "fission", "point"])
        check_type("source space parameters", params, Iterable, Real)
        if stype in ["box", "fission"]:
            check_length("source space parameters for a " "box/fission distribution", params, 6)
        elif stype == "point":
            check_length("source space parameters for a point source", params, 3)

        self._source_space_type = stype
        self._source_space_params = params
Esempio n. 18
def get_openmc_material(openmoc_material):
    """Return an OpenMC material corresponding to an OpenMOC material.

    openmoc_material : openmoc.Material
        OpenMOC material

    openmc_material : openmc.Material
        Equivalent OpenMC material


    cv.check_type('openmoc_material', openmoc_material, openmoc.Material)

    material_id = openmoc_material.getId()

    # If this Material was already created, use it
    if material_id in OPENMC_MATERIALS:
        return OPENMC_MATERIALS[material_id]

    # Create an OpenMC Material to represent this OpenMOC Material
    name = openmoc_material.getName()
    openmc_material = openmc.Material(material_id=material_id, name=name)

    # Add the OpenMOC Material to the global collection of all OpenMOC Materials
    OPENMOC_MATERIALS[material_id] = openmoc_material

    # Add the OpenMC Material to the global collection of all OpenMC Materials
    OPENMC_MATERIALS[material_id] = openmc_material

    return openmc_material
Esempio n. 19
    def set_scatter_mgxs(self, scatter, nuclide='total', xs_type='macro'):
        """This method allows for an openmc.mgxs.ScatterMatrixXS
        to be used to set the scatter matrix cross section for this XSdata
        object.  If the XSdata.order attribute has not yet been set, then
        it will be set based on the properties of scatter.

        scatter: openmc.mgxs.ScatterMatrixXS
            MGXS Object containing the scatter matrix cross section
            for the domain of interest.
        nuclide : str
            Individual nuclide (or 'total' if obtaining material-wise data)
            to gather data for.  Defaults to 'total'.
        xs_type: {'macro', 'micro'}
            Provide the macro or micro cross section in units of cm^-1 or
            barns. Defaults to 'macro'.

        See also


        check_type('scatter', scatter, openmc.mgxs.ScatterMatrixXS)
        check_value('energy_groups', scatter.energy_groups,
        check_value('domain_type', scatter.domain_type,
                    ['universe', 'cell', 'material'])

        if self.scatt_type != 'legendre':
            msg = 'Anisotropic scattering representations other than ' \
                  'Legendre expansions have not yet been implemented in ' \
            raise ValueError(msg)

        # If the user has not defined XSdata.order, then we will set
        # the order based on the data within scatter.
        # Otherwise, we will check to see that XSdata.order to match
        # the order of scatter
        if self.order is None:
            self.order = scatter.legendre_order
            check_value('legendre_order', scatter.legendre_order,

        if self.representation is 'isotropic':
            # Get the scattering orders in the outermost dimension
            self._scatter = np.zeros((self.num_orders,
            for moment in range(self.num_orders):
                self._scatter[moment, :, :] = scatter.get_xs(nuclides=nuclide,

        elif self.representation is 'angle':
            msg = 'Angular-Dependent MGXS have not yet been implemented'
            raise ValueError(msg)
Esempio n. 20
 def name(self, name):
     if name is not None:
         cv.check_type('name for Material ID="{}"'.format(self._id),
                       name, string_types)
         self._name = name
         self._name = ''
Esempio n. 21
 def background(self, background):
     cv.check_type('plot background', background, Iterable, Integral)
     cv.check_length('plot background', background, 3)
     for rgb in background:
         cv.check_greater_than('plot background',rgb, 0, True)
         cv.check_less_than('plot background', rgb, 256)
     self._background = background
Esempio n. 22
    def dump_to_file(self, filename='mgxs', directory='mgxs'):
        """Store this Library object in a pickle binary file.

        filename : str
            Filename for the pickle file. Defaults to 'mgxs'.
        directory : str
            Directory for the pickle file. Defaults to 'mgxs'.

        See also
        Library.load_from_file(filename, directory)


        cv.check_type('filename', filename, basestring)
        cv.check_type('directory', directory, basestring)

        # Make directory if it does not exist
        if not os.path.exists(directory):

        full_filename = os.path.join(directory, filename + '.pkl')
        full_filename = full_filename.replace(' ', '-')

        # Load and return pickled Library object
        pickle.dump(self, open(full_filename, 'wb'))
Esempio n. 23
 def coefficients(self, coefficients):
     cv.check_type('Legendre expansion coefficients', coefficients,
                   Iterable, Real)
     for l in range(len(coefficients)):
         coefficients[l] *= (2.*l + 1.)/2.
     self._legendre_polynomial = np.polynomial.legendre.Legendre(
Esempio n. 24
    def load_from_file(filename='mgxs', directory='mgxs'):
        """Load a Library object from a pickle binary file.

        filename : str
            Filename for the pickle file. Defaults to 'mgxs'.
        directory : str
            Directory for the pickle file. Defaults to 'mgxs'.

            A Library object loaded from the pickle binary file

        See also
        Library.dump_to_file(mgxs_lib, filename, directory)


        cv.check_type('filename', filename, basestring)
        cv.check_type('directory', directory, basestring)

        # Make directory if it does not exist
        if not os.path.exists(directory):

        full_filename = os.path.join(directory, filename + '.pkl')
        full_filename = full_filename.replace(' ', '-')

        # Load and return pickled Library object
        return pickle.load(open(full_filename, 'rb'))
Esempio n. 25
def is_opencg_surface_compatible(opencg_surface):
    """Determine whether OpenCG surface is compatible with OpenMC geometry.

    A surface is considered compatible if there is a one-to-one correspondence
    between OpenMC and OpenCG surface types. Note that some OpenCG surfaces,
    e.g. SquarePrism, do not have a one-to-one correspondence with OpenMC
    surfaces but can still be converted into an equivalent collection of OpenMC

    opencg_surface : opencg.Surface
        OpenCG surface

        Whether OpenCG surface is compatible with OpenMC


    cv.check_type('opencg_surface', opencg_surface, opencg.Surface)

    if opencg_surface.type in ['x-squareprism',
                               'y-squareprism', 'z-squareprism']:
        return False
        return True
Esempio n. 26
 def center(self, center):
     cv.check_type('TRISO center', center, Iterable, Real)
     self._surface.x0 = center[0]
     self._surface.y0 = center[1]
     self._surface.z0 = center[2]
     self.translation = center
     self._center = center
Esempio n. 27
def get_openmc_cell(opencg_cell):
    """Return an OpenMC cell corresponding to an OpenCG cell.

    opencg_cell : opencg.Cell
        OpenCG cell

    openmc_cell : openmc.universe.Cell
        Equivalent OpenMC cell


    cv.check_type('opencg_cell', opencg_cell, opencg.Cell)

    cell_id =

    # If this Cell was already created, use it
    if cell_id in OPENMC_CELLS:
        return OPENMC_CELLS[cell_id]

    # Create an OpenCG Cell to represent this OpenMC Cell
    name =
    openmc_cell = openmc.Cell(cell_id, name)

    fill = opencg_cell.fill

    if opencg_cell.type == 'universe':
        openmc_cell.fill = get_openmc_universe(fill)
    elif opencg_cell.type == 'lattice':
        openmc_cell.fill = get_openmc_lattice(fill)
        openmc_cell.fill = get_openmc_material(fill)

    if opencg_cell.rotation is not None:
        rotation = np.asarray(opencg_cell.rotation, dtype=np.float64)
        openmc_cell.rotation = rotation

    if opencg_cell.translation is not None:
        translation = np.asarray(opencg_cell.translation, dtype=np.float64)
        openmc_cell.translation = translation

    surfaces = []
    operators = []
    for surface, halfspace in opencg_cell.surfaces.values():
        operators.append(operator.neg if halfspace == -1 else operator.pos)
    openmc_cell.region = openmc.Intersection(
        *[op(s) for op, s in zip(operators, surfaces)])

    # Add the OpenMC Cell to the global collection of all OpenMC Cells
    OPENMC_CELLS[cell_id] = openmc_cell

    # Add the OpenCG Cell to the global collection of all OpenCG Cells
    OPENCG_CELLS[cell_id] = opencg_cell

    return openmc_cell
Esempio n. 28
    def stride(self, stride):
        cv.check_type('filter stride', stride, Integral)
        if stride < 0:
            msg = 'Unable to set stride "{0}" for a "{1}" Filter since it ' \
                  'is a negative value'.format(stride, self.type)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        self._stride = stride
Esempio n. 29
 def pseudo_k0RS(self, pseudo_k0RS):
     if pseudo_k0RS is not None:
         cv.check_type('pseudo_k0RS', pseudo_k0RS, np.ndarray)
         if len(pseudo_k0RS.shape) != 1:
             raise ValueError('Multipole pseudo_k0RS arrays must be 1D')
         if not np.issubdtype(pseudo_k0RS.dtype, float):
             raise TypeError('Multipole data arrays must be float dtype')
     self._pseudo_k0RS = pseudo_k0RS
Esempio n. 30
 def w_end(self, w_end):
     if w_end is not None:
         cv.check_type('w_end', w_end, np.ndarray)
         if len(w_end.shape) != 1:
             raise ValueError('Multipole w_end arrays must be 1D')
         if not np.issubdtype(w_end.dtype, int):
             raise TypeError('Multipole w_end arrays must be integer dtype')
     self._w_end = w_end
Esempio n. 31
 def width(self, width):
     cv.check_type('mesh width', width, Iterable, Real)
     cv.check_length('mesh width', width, 1, 3)
     self._width = width
Esempio n. 32
 def z_grid(self, grid):
     cv.check_type('mesh z_grid', grid, Iterable, Real)
     self._z_grid = grid
Esempio n. 33
 def size(self, size):
     cv.check_type("Unstructured mesh size", size, Integral)
     self._size = size
Esempio n. 34
 def volumes(self, volumes):
     cv.check_type("Unstructured mesh volumes", volumes, Iterable, Real)
     self._volumes = volumes
Esempio n. 35
    def write_data_to_vtk(self, filename, datasets, volume_normalization=True):
        """Map data to the unstructured mesh element centroids
           to create a VTK point-cloud dataset.

        filename : str
            Name of the VTK file to write.
        datasets : dict
            Dictionary whose keys are the data labels
            and values are the data sets.
        volume_normalization : bool
            Whether or not to normalize the data by the
            volume of the mesh elements

        import vtk
        from vtk.util import numpy_support as vtk_npsup

        if self.centroids is None:
            raise RuntimeError("No centroid information is present on this "
                               "unstructured mesh. Please load this "
                               "information from a relevant statepoint file.")

        if self.volumes is None and volume_normalization:
            raise RuntimeError("No volume data is present on this "
                               "unstructured mesh. Please load the "
                               " mesh information from a statepoint file.")

        # check that the data sets are appropriately sized
        for label, dataset in datasets.items():
            if isinstance(dataset, np.ndarray):
                assert dataset.size == self.n_elements
                assert len(dataset) == self.n_elements
            cv.check_type('label', label, str)

        # create data arrays for the cells/points
        cell_dim = 1
        vertices = vtk.vtkCellArray()
        points = vtk.vtkPoints()

        for centroid in self.centroids:
            # create a point for each centroid
            point_id = points.InsertNextPoint(centroid)
            # create a cell of type "Vertex" for each point
            cell_id = vertices.InsertNextCell(cell_dim, (point_id, ))

        # create a VTK data object
        poly_data = vtk.vtkPolyData()

        # strange VTK nuance:
        # data must be held in some container
        # until the vtk file is written
        data_holder = []

        # create VTK arrays for each of
        # the data sets
        for label, dataset in datasets.items():
            dataset = np.asarray(dataset).flatten()

            if volume_normalization:
                dataset /= self.volumes.flatten()

            array = vtk.vtkDoubleArray()
            array.SetArray(vtk_npsup.numpy_to_vtk(dataset), dataset.size, True)


        # set filename
        if not filename.endswith(".vtk"):
            filename += ".vtk"

        writer = vtk.vtkGenericDataObjectWriter()
Esempio n. 36
 def right_filter(self, right_filter):
     cv.check_type('right_filter', right_filter,
                   (Filter, CrossFilter, AggregateFilter))
     self._right_filter = right_filter
     self._bins['right'] = right_filter.bins
Esempio n. 37
 def left_score(self, left_score):
     cv.check_type('left_score', left_score,
                   (str, CrossScore, AggregateScore))
     self._left_score = left_score
Esempio n. 38
 def right_score(self, right_score):
     cv.check_type('right_score', right_score,
                   (str, CrossScore, AggregateScore))
     self._right_score = right_score
Esempio n. 39
 def binary_op(self, binary_op):
     cv.check_type('binary_op', binary_op, str)
     cv.check_value('binary_op', binary_op, _TALLY_ARITHMETIC_OPS)
     self._binary_op = binary_op
Esempio n. 40
 def mu(self, mu):
     cv.check_type('cosine of polar angle', mu, Univariate)
     self._mu = mu
Esempio n. 41
 def phi(self, phi):
     cv.check_type('azimuthal angle', phi, Univariate)
     self._phi = phi
Esempio n. 42
 def x(self, x):
     cv.check_type('x coordinate', x, Univariate)
     self._x = x
Esempio n. 43
 def upper_right(self, upper_right):
     cv.check_type('mesh upper_right', upper_right, Iterable, Real)
     cv.check_length('mesh upper_right', upper_right, 1, 3)
     self._upper_right = upper_right
Esempio n. 44
 def z(self, z):
     cv.check_type('z coordinate', z, Univariate)
     self._z = z
Esempio n. 45
 def node(self, node):
     check_type('node', node, Region)
     self._node = node
Esempio n. 46
 def aggregate_op(self, aggregate_op):
     cv.check_type('aggregate_op', aggregate_op, str)
     cv.check_value('aggregate_op', aggregate_op, _TALLY_AGGREGATE_OPS)
     self._aggregate_op = aggregate_op
Esempio n. 47
 def left_filter(self, left_filter):
     cv.check_type('left_filter', left_filter,
                   (Filter, CrossFilter, AggregateFilter))
     self._left_filter = left_filter
     self._bins['left'] = left_filter.bins
Esempio n. 48
 def aggregate_filter(self, aggregate_filter):
     cv.check_type('aggregate_filter', aggregate_filter,
                   (openmc.Filter, CrossFilter))
     self._aggregate_filter = aggregate_filter
Esempio n. 49
 def centroids(self, centroids):
     cv.check_type("Unstructured mesh centroids", centroids, Iterable, Real)
     self._centroids = centroids
Esempio n. 50
 def aggregate_op(self, aggregate_op):
     cv.check_type('aggregate_op', aggregate_op, (str, CrossScore))
     cv.check_value('aggregate_op', aggregate_op, _TALLY_AGGREGATE_OPS)
     self._aggregate_op = aggregate_op
Esempio n. 51
 def output(self, val):
     cv.check_type("Unstructured mesh output value", val, bool)
     self._output = val
Esempio n. 52
 def right_filter(self, right_filter):
     cv.check_type('right_filter', right_filter,
                   (openmc.Filter, CrossFilter, AggregateFilter))
     self._right_filter = right_filter
Esempio n. 53
 def filename(self, filename):
     cv.check_type('Unstructured Mesh filename', filename, str)
     self._filename = filename
Esempio n. 54
 def left_filter(self, left_filter):
     cv.check_type('left_filter', left_filter,
                   (openmc.Filter, CrossFilter, AggregateFilter))
     self._left_filter = left_filter
Esempio n. 55
 def right_nuclide(self, right_nuclide):
     cv.check_type('right_nuclide', right_nuclide,
                   (openmc.Nuclide, CrossNuclide, AggregateNuclide))
     self._right_nuclide = right_nuclide
Esempio n. 56
 def left_nuclide(self, left_nuclide):
     cv.check_type('left_nuclide', left_nuclide,
                   (openmc.Nuclide, CrossNuclide, AggregateNuclide))
     self._left_nuclide = left_nuclide
Esempio n. 57
 def name(self, name):
     if name is not None:
         cv.check_type('name for mesh ID="{0}"'.format(self._id), name, str)
         self._name = name
         self._name = ''
Esempio n. 58
 def __new__(cls, name):
     cv.check_type('element name', name, string_types)
     cv.check_length('element name', name, 1, 2)
     return super(Element, cls).__new__(cls, name)
Esempio n. 59
 def lower_left(self, lower_left):
     cv.check_type('mesh lower_left', lower_left, Iterable, Real)
     cv.check_length('mesh lower_left', lower_left, 1, 3)
     self._lower_left = lower_left
Esempio n. 60
 def y(self, y):
     cv.check_type('y coordinate', y, Univariate)
     self._y = y