Esempio n. 1
    def _get_results(self):
        """Digest info in the statepoint and return as a string."""
        # Read the statepoint file.
        statepoint = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self._sp_name))[0]
        sp = StatePoint(statepoint)

        # Write out tally data.
        outstr = ''
        if self._tallies:
            tally_num = 1
            for tally_ind in sp.tallies:
                tally = sp.tallies[tally_ind]
                results = np.zeros((tally.sum.size * 2, ))
                results[0::2] = tally.sum.ravel()
                results[1::2] = tally.sum_sq.ravel()
                results = ['{0:12.6E}'.format(x) for x in results]

                outstr += 'tally ' + str(tally_num) + ':\n'
                outstr += '\n'.join(results) + '\n'
                tally_num += 1

        gt = sp.global_tallies
        outstr += 'leakage:\n'
        outstr += '{0:12.6E}'.format(
            gt[gt['name'] == b'leakage'][0]['sum']) + '\n'
        outstr += '{0:12.6E}'.format(
            gt[gt['name'] == b'leakage'][0]['sum_sq']) + '\n'

        return outstr
Esempio n. 2
    def _get_results(self):
        """Digest info in the statepoint and return as a string."""
        # Read the statepoint file.
        statepoint = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self._sp_name))[0]
        sp = StatePoint(statepoint)

        # Write out the eigenvalue and tallies.
        outstr = TestHarness._get_results(self)

        # Write out CMFD data.
        outstr += 'cmfd indices\n'
        outstr += '\n'.join(['{0:12.6E}'.format(x) for x in sp.cmfd_indices])
        outstr += '\nk cmfd\n'
        outstr += '\n'.join(['{0:12.6E}'.format(x) for x in sp.k_cmfd])
        outstr += '\ncmfd entropy\n'
        outstr += '\n'.join(['{0:12.6E}'.format(x) for x in sp.cmfd_entropy])
        outstr += '\ncmfd balance\n'
        outstr += '\n'.join(['{0:12.6E}'.format(x) for x in sp.cmfd_balance])
        outstr += '\ncmfd dominance ratio\n'
        outstr += '\n'.join(['{0:10.3E}'.format(x) for x in sp.cmfd_dominance])
        outstr += '\ncmfd openmc source comparison\n'
        outstr += '\n'.join(['{0:12.6E}'.format(x) for x in sp.cmfd_srccmp])
        outstr += '\ncmfd source\n'
        cmfdsrc = np.reshape(sp.cmfd_src, np.product(sp.cmfd_indices),
        outstr += '\n'.join(['{0:12.6E}'.format(x) for x in cmfdsrc])
        outstr += '\n'

        return outstr
Esempio n. 3
    def _get_results(self, hash_output=False):
        """Digest info in the statepoint and return as a string."""
        # Read the statepoint file.
        statepoint = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self._sp_name))[0]
        sp = StatePoint(statepoint)

        # Write out k-combined.
        outstr = 'k-combined:\n'
        form = '{0:12.6E} {1:12.6E}\n'
        outstr += form.format(sp.k_combined[0], sp.k_combined[1])

        # Write out tally data.
        if self._tallies:
            tally_num = 1
            for tally_ind in sp.tallies:
                tally = sp.tallies[tally_ind]
                results = np.zeros((tally.sum.size*2, ))
                results[0::2] = tally.sum.ravel()
                results[1::2] = tally.sum_sq.ravel()
                results = ['{0:12.6E}'.format(x) for x in results]

                outstr += 'tally ' + str(tally_num) + ':\n'
                outstr += '\n'.join(results) + '\n'
                tally_num += 1

        # Hash the results if necessary.
        if hash_output:
            sha512 = hashlib.sha512()
            outstr = sha512.hexdigest()

        return outstr
    def _get_results(self):
        """Digest info in the statepoint and return as a string."""
        # Read the statepoint file.
        statepoint = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self._sp_name))[0]
        sp = StatePoint(statepoint)

        # Get the eigenvalue information.
        outstr = TestHarness._get_results(self)

        # Add the source information.
        xyz = sp.source[0]['xyz']
        outstr += ' '.join(['{0:12.6E}'.format(x) for x in xyz])
        outstr += "\n"

        return outstr
Esempio n. 5
    def _get_results(self):
        """Digest info in the statepoint and return as a string."""
        # Read the statepoint file.
        statepoint = glob.glob(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self._sp_name))[0]
        sp = StatePoint(statepoint)

        # Write out k-combined.
        outstr = 'k-combined:\n'
        form = '{0:12.6E} {1:12.6E}\n'
        outstr += form.format(sp.k_combined[0], sp.k_combined[1])

        # Write out entropy data.
        outstr += 'entropy:\n'
        results = ['{0:12.6E}'.format(x) for x in sp.entropy]
        outstr += '\n'.join(results) + '\n'

        return outstr