Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, root=None, driver=None, impl=None):
     super(Problem, self).__init__()
     self.root = root
     if impl is None:
         self._impl = BasicImpl
         self._impl = impl
     if driver is None:
         self.driver = Driver()
         self.driver = driver
Esempio n. 2
class Problem(System):
    """ The Problem is always the top object for running an OpenMDAO

    def __init__(self, root=None, driver=None, impl=None):
        super(Problem, self).__init__()
        self.root = root
        if impl is None:
            self._impl = BasicImpl
            self._impl = impl
        if driver is None:
            self.driver = Driver()
            self.driver = driver

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        """Retrieve unflattened value of named unknown or unconnected
        param variable from the root system.

        name : str
             The name of the variable.

        The unflattened value of the given variable.
        return self.root[name]

    def __setitem__(self, name, val):
        """Sets the given value into the appropriate `VecWrapper`.
        'name' is assumed to be a promoted name.

        name : str
             The promoted name of the variable to set into the
             unknowns vector, or into params vectors if the params are
        if name in self.root.unknowns:
            self.root.unknowns[name] = val
        elif name in self._dangling:
            for p in self._dangling[name]:
                parts = p.rsplit('.', 1)
                if len(parts) == 1:
                    self.root.params[p] = val
                    grp = self.root._subsystem(parts[0])
                    grp.params[parts[1]] = val
            raise KeyError("Variable '%s' not found." % name)

    def _setup_connections(self, params_dict, unknowns_dict):
        """Generate a mapping of absolute param pathname to the pathname
        of its unknown.
        # Get all explicit connections (stated with absolute pathnames)
        connections = self.root._get_explicit_connections()

        # go through promoted names of all top level params/unknowns
        # if promoted name in unknowns matches promoted name in params
        # that indicates an implicit connection. All connections are returned
        # in absolute form.
        implicit_conns, prom_noconns = _get_implicit_connections(params_dict, unknowns_dict)

        # combine implicit and explicit connections
        for tgt, srcs in implicit_conns.items():
            connections.setdefault(tgt, []).extend(srcs)

        # resolve any input to input explicit connections
        input_sets = {}
        for tgt, srcs in connections.items():
            for src in srcs:
                if src in params_dict:
                    input_sets.setdefault(src, set()).update((tgt,src))
                    input_sets.setdefault(tgt, set()).update((tgt,src))

        # find any promoted but not connected inputs
        for p, meta in params_dict.items():
            prom = meta['promoted_name']
            if prom in prom_noconns:
                input_sets.setdefault(meta['pathname'], set()).update(prom_noconns[prom])

        for tgt, srcs in list(connections.items()):
            if tgt in input_sets:
                for s in srcs:
                    if s in unknowns_dict:
                        for t in input_sets[tgt]:
                            if s not in connections.get(t,()):
                                connections.setdefault(t, []).append(s)

        newconns = {}
        for tgt, srcs in connections.items():
            unknown_srcs = [s for s in srcs if s in unknowns_dict]
            if len(unknown_srcs) > 1:
                raise RuntimeError("Target '%s' is connected to multiple unknowns: %s" %
                                   (tgt, unknown_srcs))

            if unknown_srcs:
                newconns[tgt] = unknown_srcs[0]

        connections = newconns

        self._dangling = {}
        prom_unknowns = { m['promoted_name'] for m in unknowns_dict.values() }
        for p, meta in params_dict.items():
            if meta['pathname'] not in connections:
                if meta['promoted_name'] not in prom_unknowns and meta['pathname'] in input_sets:
                    self._dangling[meta['promoted_name']] = input_sets[meta['pathname']]
                    self._dangling[meta['promoted_name']] = set([meta['pathname']])

        # perform additional checks on connections (e.g. for compatible types and shapes)
        check_connections(connections, params_dict, unknowns_dict)

        return connections

    def setup(self, check=True, out_stream=sys.stdout):
        """Performs all setup of vector storage, data transfer, etc.,
        necessary to perform calculations.

        check : bool, optional
            Check for potential issues after setup is complete (the default
            is True)

        out_stream : a file-like object, optional
            Stream where report will be written if check is performed.
        # if we modify the system tree, we'll need to call _setup_variables
        # and _setup_connections again
        tree_changed = False

        # call _setup_variables again if we change metadata
        meta_changed = False

        # Give every system an absolute pathname

        # Returns the parameters and unknowns metadata dictionaries
        # for the root, which has an entry for each variable contained
        # in any child of root. Metadata for each variable will contain
        # the name of the variable relative to that system, the absolute
        # name of the variable, any user defined metadata, and the value,
        # size and/or shape if known. For example:
        #  unknowns_dict[''] = {
        #     'promoted_name' :  'v1',
        #     'pathname' : '', # absolute path from the top
        #     'size' : 1,
        #     'shape' : 1,
        #     'val': 2.5,   # the initial value of that variable (if known)
        #  }
        params_dict, unknowns_dict = self.root._setup_variables()

        # collect all connections, both implicit and explicit from
        # anywhere in the tree, and put them in a dict where each key
        # is an absolute param name that maps to the absolute name of
        # a single source.
        connections = self._setup_connections(params_dict, unknowns_dict)

        # TODO: handle any automatic grouping of systems here...

        # divide MPI communicators among subsystems
        if MPI:

        # mark any variables in non-local Systems as 'remote'
        for comp in self.root.components(recurse=True):
            if not comp.is_active():
                meta_changed = True

        # All changes to the system tree or variable metadata
        # must be complete at this point.

        if tree_changed:
            params_dict, unknowns_dict = self.root._setup_variables()
            connections = self._setup_connections(params_dict, unknowns_dict)
        elif meta_changed:
            params_dict, unknowns_dict = self.root._setup_variables()

        # calculate unit conversions and store in param metadata
        self._setup_units(connections, params_dict, unknowns_dict)

        # propagate top level promoted names, unit conversions,
        # and connections down to all subsystems
        for sub in self.root.subsystems(recurse=True, include_self=True):
            sub.connections = connections

            for meta in chain(sub._params_dict.values(),
                path = meta['pathname']
                if path in unknowns_dict:
                    meta['top_promoted_name'] = unknowns_dict[path]['promoted_name']
                    meta['top_promoted_name'] = params_dict[path]['promoted_name']
                    unit_conv = params_dict[path].get('unit_conv')
                    if unit_conv:
                        meta['unit_conv'] = unit_conv

        # Given connection information, create mapping from system pathname
        # to the parameters that system must transfer data to
        param_owners = _assign_parameters(connections)

        # get map of vars to VOI indices
        self._poi_indices, self._qoi_indices = self.driver._map_voi_indices()

        pois = self.driver.params_of_interest()
        oois = self.driver.outputs_of_interest()
        mode = self._check_for_matrix_matrix(pois, oois)

        relevance = Relevance(params_dict, unknowns_dict, connections,
                              pois, oois, mode)

        # create VecWrappers for all systems in the tree.
        self.root._setup_vectors(param_owners, relevance=relevance,

        # Prep for case recording

        # Prepare Driver

        # check for any potential issues
        if check:

    def _check_dangling_params(self, out_stream=sys.stdout):
        # check for parameters that are not connected to a source/unknown.
        # this includes ALL dangling params, both promoted and unpromoted.
        dangling_params = [p for p in self.root._params_dict
                              if p not in self.root.connections]
        if dangling_params:
            print("\nThe following parameters have no associated unknowns:",
            for d in sorted(dangling_params):
                print(d, file=out_stream)

    def _check_mode(self, out_stream=sys.stdout):
        # Adjoint vs Forward mode appropriateness
        if self._calculated_mode != self.root._relevance.mode:
            print("\nSpecified derivative mode is '%s', but calculated mode is '%s'\n(based "
                  "on param size of %d and unknown size of %d)" % (self.root._relevance.mode,

    def _list_unit_conversions(self, out_stream=sys.stdout):
        # list all unit conversions being made (including only units on one side)
        if self._unit_diffs:
            print("\nUnit Conversions")
            for (src,tgt), (sunit,tunit) in sorted(self._unit_diffs.items()):
                print("%s -> %s : %s -> %s" % (src, tgt, sunit, tunit), file=out_stream)

    def _check_no_unknown_comps(self, out_stream=sys.stdout):
        # Components without unknowns
        nocomps = sorted([c.pathname for c in self.root.components(recurse=True, local=True)
                     if len(c.unknowns) == 0])
        if nocomps:
            print("\nThe following components have no unknowns:", file=out_stream)
            for n in nocomps:
                print(n, file=out_stream)

    def _check_no_recorders(self, out_stream=sys.stdout):
        # No case recorder
        if not self.driver.recorders:
            for grp in self.root.subgroups(recurse=True, local=True, include_self=True):
                if grp.nl_solver.recorders or grp.ln_solver.recorders:
                print("\nNo recorders have been specified, so no data will be saved.",

    def _check_no_connect_comps(self, out_stream=sys.stdout):
        # Unconnected components
        conn_comps = set([t.rsplit('.',1)[0] for t in self.root.connections.keys()])
        conn_comps.update([s.rsplit('.',1)[0] for s in self.root.connections.values()])
        noconn_comps = sorted([c.pathname for c in self.root.components(recurse=True, local=True)
                          if c.pathname not in conn_comps])
        if noconn_comps:
            print("\nThe following components have no connections:", file=out_stream)
            for comp in noconn_comps:
                print(comp, file=out_stream)

    def _check_mpi(self, out_stream=sys.stdout):
        if under_mpirun():
            # Indicate that there are no parallel systems if user is running under MPI
            if MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank == 0:
                for grp in self.root.subgroups(recurse=True, include_self=True):
                    if isinstance(grp, ParallelGroup):
                    print("\nRunning under MPI, but no ParallelGroups were found.",

                mincpu, maxcpu = self.root.get_req_procs()
                if maxcpu is not None and MPI.COMM_WORLD.size > maxcpu:
                    print("\nmpirun was given %d MPI processes, but the problem can only use %d" %
                          (MPI.COMM_WORLD.size, maxcpu))
        # or any ParalleGroups found when not running under MPI
            for grp in self.root.subgroups(recurse=True, include_self=True):
                if isinstance(grp, ParallelGroup):
                    print("\nFound ParallelGroup '%s', but not running under MPI." %
                          grp.pathname, file=out_stream)

    def _check_graph(self, out_stream=sys.stdout):
        # Cycles in group w/o solver
        cgraph = self.root._relevance._cgraph
        for grp in self.root.subgroups(recurse=True, include_self=True):
            path = [] if not grp.pathname else grp.pathname.split('.')
            graph = cgraph.subgraph([n for n in cgraph if n.startswith(grp.pathname)])
            renames = {}
            for node in graph.nodes_iter():
                renames[node] = '.'.join(node.split('.')[:len(path)+1])
                if renames[node] == node:
                    del renames[node]

            # get the graph of direct children of current group
            nx.relabel_nodes(graph, renames, copy=False)

            # remove self loops created by renaming
            graph.remove_edges_from([(u,v) for u,v in graph.edges()
                                         if u==v])

            strong = [s for s in nx.strongly_connected_components(graph)
                        if len(s)>1]

            if strong and isinstance(grp.nl_solver, RunOnce): # no solver, cycles BAD
                relstrong = []
                for slist in strong:
                    for s in slist:
                        relstrong[-1].append(name_relative_to(grp.pathname, s))
                        relstrong[-1] = sorted(relstrong[-1])
                print("Group '%s' has the following cycles: %s" %
                     (grp.pathname, relstrong), file=out_stream)

            # Components/Systems/Groups are not in the right execution order
            subnames = [s.pathname for s in grp.subsystems()]
            while strong:
                # break cycles to check order
                lsys = [s for s in subnames if s in strong[0]]
                for p in graph.predecessors(lsys[0]):
                    if p in lsys:
                        graph.remove_edge(p, lsys[0])
                strong = [s for s in nx.strongly_connected_components(graph)
                            if len(s)>1]

            visited = set()
            out_of_order = set()
            for sub in grp.subsystems():
                for u,v in nx.dfs_edges(graph, sub.pathname):
                    if v in visited:

            if out_of_order:
                print("In group '%s', the following subsystems are out-of-order: %s" %
                      (grp.pathname, sorted([name_relative_to(grp.pathname, n)
                                                for n in out_of_order])), file=out_stream)

    def _check_setup(self, out_stream=sys.stdout):
        """Write a report to the given stream indicating any potential problems found
        with the current configuration.

        out_stream : a file-like object, optional
            Stream where report will be written.

        # TODO: Incomplete optimization driver configuration
        # TODO: Parallelizability for users running serial models
        # TODO: io state of recorder-specific files?

        # loop over subsystems and let them add any specific checks to the stream
        for s in self.root.subsystems(recurse=True, local=True, include_self=True):
            stream = cStringIO()
            content = stream.getvalue()
            if content:
                print("%s:\n%s\n" % (s.pathname, content), file=out_stream)

    def run(self):
        """ Runs the Driver in self.driver. """
        if self.root.is_active():

    def _mode(self, mode, param_list, unknown_list):
        """ Determine the mode based on precedence. The mode in `mode` is
        first. If that is 'auto', then the mode in root.ln_options takes
        precedence. If that is 'auto', then mode is determined by the width
        of the parameter and quantity space."""

        self._p_length = 0
        self._u_length = 0
        uset = set()
        for unames in unknown_list:
            if isinstance(unames, tuple):
        pset = set()
        for pnames in param_list:
            if isinstance(pnames, tuple):

        for meta in chain(self.root._unknowns_dict.values(),
            prom_name = meta['promoted_name']
            if prom_name in uset:
                self._u_length += meta['size']
            elif prom_name in pset:
                self._p_length += meta['size']

        if uset:
            raise RuntimeError("Can't determine size of unknowns %s." % list(uset))
        if pset:
            raise RuntimeError("Can't determine size of params %s." % list(pset))

        # Choose mode based on size
        if self._p_length > self._u_length:
            self._calculated_mode = 'rev'
            self._calculated_mode = 'fwd'

        if mode == 'auto':
            mode = self.root.ln_solver.options['mode']
            if mode == 'auto':
                mode = self._calculated_mode

        return mode

    def calc_gradient(self, param_list, unknown_list, mode='auto',
        """ Returns the gradient for the system that is slotted in
        self.root. This function is used by the optimizer but also can be
        used for testing derivatives on your model.

        param_list : list of strings, optional
            List of parameter name strings with respect to which derivatives
            are desired. All params must have a paramcomp.

        unknown_list : list of strings, optional
            List of output or state name strings for derivatives to be
            calculated. All must be valid unknowns in OpenMDAO.

        mode : string, optional
            Deriviative direction, can be 'fwd', 'rev', 'fd', or 'auto'.
            Default is 'auto', which uses mode specified on the linear solver
            in root.

        return_format : string, optional
            Format for the derivatives, can be 'array' or 'dict'.

        ndarray or dict
            Jacobian of unknowns with respect to params.

        if mode not in ['auto', 'fwd', 'rev', 'fd']:
            msg = "mode must be 'auto', 'fwd', 'rev', or 'fd'"
            raise ValueError(msg)

        if return_format not in ['array', 'dict']:
            msg = "return_format must be 'array' or 'dict'"
            raise ValueError(msg)

        # Either analytic or finite difference
        if mode == 'fd' or self.root.fd_options['force_fd'] == True:
            return self._calc_gradient_fd(param_list, unknown_list,
            return self._calc_gradient_ln_solver(param_list, unknown_list,
                                                 return_format, mode)

    def _calc_gradient_fd(self, param_list, unknown_list, return_format):
        """ Returns the finite differenced gradient for the system that is slotted in

        param_list : list of strings, optional
            List of parameter name strings with respect to which derivatives
            are desired. All params must have a paramcomp.

        unknown_list : list of strings, optional
            List of output or state name strings for derivatives to be
            calculated. All must be valid unknowns in OpenMDAO.

        return_format : string, optional
            Format for the derivatives, can be 'array' or 'dict'.

        ndarray or dict
            Jacobian of unknowns with respect to params.
        root     = self.root
        unknowns = root.unknowns
        params   = root.params

        Jfd = root.fd_jacobian(params, unknowns, root.resids, total_derivs=True)

        def get_fd_ikey(ikey):
            # FD Input keys are a little funny....
            if isinstance(ikey, tuple):
                ikey = ikey[0]

            fd_ikey = ikey

            if fd_ikey not in params:
                # The user sometimes specifies the parameter output
                # name instead of its target because it is more
                # convenient
                for key, val in iteritems(root.connections):
                    if val == ikey:
                        fd_ikey = key

                # We need the absolute name, but the fd Jacobian
                # holds relative promoted inputs
                if fd_ikey not in params:
                    for key in params:
                        meta = params.metadata(key)
                        if meta['promoted_name'] == fd_ikey:
                            fd_ikey = meta['pathname']

            return fd_ikey

        if return_format == 'dict':
            J = {}
            for okey in unknown_list:
                J[okey] = {}
                for ikey in param_list:
                    fd_ikey = get_fd_ikey(ikey)
                    J[okey][ikey] = Jfd[(okey, fd_ikey)]
            usize = 0
            psize = 0
            for u in unknown_list:
                usize += self.root.unknowns.metadata(u)['size']
            for p in param_list:
                psize += self.root.unknowns.metadata(p)['size']
            J = np.zeros((usize, psize))

            ui = 0
            for u in unknown_list:
                pi = 0
                for p in param_list:
                    pd = Jfd[u, get_fd_ikey(p)]
                    rows, cols = pd.shape
                    for row in range(0, rows):
                        for col in range(0, cols):
                            J[ui+row][pi+col] = pd[row][col]
        return J

    def _calc_gradient_ln_solver(self, param_list, unknown_list, return_format, mode):
        """ Returns the gradient for the system that is slotted in
        self.root. The gradient is calculated using root.ln_solver.

        param_list : list of strings, optional
            List of parameter name strings with respect to which derivatives
            are desired. All params must have a paramcomp.

        unknown_list : list of strings, optional
            List of output or state name strings for derivatives to be
            calculated. All must be valid unknowns in OpenMDAO.

        return_format : string, optional
            Format for the derivatives, can be 'array' or 'dict'.

        mode : string, optional
            Deriviative direction, can be 'fwd', 'rev', 'fd', or 'auto'.
            Default is 'auto', which uses mode specified on the linear solver
            in root.

        ndarray or dict
            Jacobian of unknowns with respect to params.

        root = self.root
        unknowns = root.unknowns
        params = root.params
        iproc = root.comm.rank

        # Respect choice of mode based on precedence.
        # Call arg > ln_solver option > auto-detect
        mode = self._mode(mode, param_list, unknown_list)

        # Prepare model for calculation
        for names in root._relevance.vars_of_interest(mode):
            for name in names:
                if name in root.dumat:
                    root.dumat[name].vec[:] = 0.0
                    root.drmat[name].vec[:] = 0.0
        root.dumat[None].vec[:] = 0.0
        root.drmat[None].vec[:] = 0.0

        # Linearize Model
        root.jacobian(params, unknowns, root.resids)

        # Initialize Jacobian
        if return_format == 'dict':
            J = {}
            for okeys in unknown_list:
                if isinstance(okeys, str):
                    okeys = (okeys,)
                for okey in okeys:
                    J[okey] = {}
                    for ikeys in param_list:
                        if isinstance(ikeys, str):
                            ikeys = (ikeys,)
                        for ikey in ikeys:
                            J[okey][ikey] = None
            usize = 0
            psize = 0
            for u in unknown_list:
                usize += self.root.unknowns.metadata(u)['size']
            for p in param_list:
                psize += self.root.unknowns.metadata(p)['size']
            J = np.zeros((usize, psize))

        if mode == 'fwd':
            input_list, output_list = param_list, unknown_list
            poi_indices, qoi_indices = self._poi_indices, self._qoi_indices
            input_list, output_list = unknown_list, param_list
            qoi_indices, poi_indices = self._poi_indices, self._qoi_indices

        # Process our inputs/outputs of interest for parallel groups
        all_vois = self.root._relevance.vars_of_interest(mode)

        input_set = set()
        for inp in input_list:
            if isinstance(inp, str):

        # Our variables of interest inlude all sets for which at least
        # one variable is requested.
        voi_sets = []
        for voi_set in all_vois:
            for voi in voi_set:
                if voi in input_set:

        # Add any variables that the user "forgot". TODO: This won't be
        # necessary when we have an API to automatically generate the
        # IOI and OOI.
        flat_voi = [item for sublist in all_vois for item in sublist]
        for items in input_list:
            if isinstance(items, str):
                items = (items,)
            for item in items:
                if item not in flat_voi:
                    # Put them in serial groups

        voi_srcs = {}

        # If Forward mode, solve linear system for each param
        # If Adjoint mode, solve linear system for each unknown
        j = 0
        for params in voi_sets:
            rhs = {}
            voi_idxs = {}

            # Allocate all of our Right Hand Sides for this parallel set.
            for voi in params:
                vkey = voi if len(params) > 1 else None

                duvec = self.root.dumat[vkey]
                rhs[vkey] = np.zeros((len(duvec.vec), ))

                voi_srcs[vkey] = voi
                in_size, in_idxs = duvec.get_local_idxs(voi, poi_indices)
                voi_idxs[vkey] = in_idxs

            # TODO: check that all vois are the same size!!!

            jbase = j

            for i in range(len(in_idxs)):
                for voi in params:
                    vkey = voi if len(params) > 1 else None
                    # only set a 1.0 in the entry if that var is 'owned' by this rank
                    if self.root._owning_ranks[voi_srcs[vkey]] == iproc:
                        #print("setting %s to 1.0 in rank %d" % (voi, iproc))
                        rhs[vkey][voi_idxs[vkey][i]] = 1.0

                # Solve the linear system
                dx_mat = root.ln_solver.solve(rhs, root, mode)

                for voi in rhs:
                    rhs[voi][voi_idxs[voi][i]] = 0.0

                for param, dx in dx_mat.items():
                    if len(params) == 1:
                        vkey = None
                        param = params[0] # if voi is None, params has only one serial entry
                        vkey = param

                    i = 0
                    for item in output_list:

                        out_size, out_idxs = self.root.dumat[vkey].get_local_idxs(item,
                        nk = len(out_idxs)

                        if return_format == 'dict':
                            if mode == 'fwd':
                                if J[item][param] is None:
                                    J[item][param] = np.zeros((nk, len(in_idxs)))
                                J[item][param][:, j-jbase] = dx[out_idxs]
                                if J[param][item] is None:
                                    J[param][item] = np.zeros((len(in_idxs), nk))
                                J[param][item][j-jbase, :] = dx[out_idxs]
                            if mode == 'fwd':
                                J[i:i+nk, j] = dx[out_idxs]
                                J[j, i:i+nk] = dx[out_idxs]
                            i += nk
                j += 1

        return J

    def check_partial_derivatives(self, out_stream=sys.stdout):
        """ Checks partial derivatives comprehensively for all components in
        your model.


        out_stream : file_like
            Where to send human readable output. Default is sys.stdout. Set to
            None to suppress.

        Dict of Dicts of Dicts of Tuples of Floats.

        First key is the component name; 2nd key is the (output, input) tuple
        of strings; third key is one of ['rel error', 'abs error',
        'magnitude', 'fdstep']; Tuple contains norms for forward - fd,
        adjoint - fd, forward - adjoint using the best case fdstep.

        root = self.root

        # Linearize the model
        root.jacobian(root.params, root.unknowns, root.resids)

        if out_stream is not None:
            out_stream.write('Partial Derivatives Check\n\n')

        data = {}
        skip_keys = []

        # Derivatives should just be checked without parallel adjoint for now.
        voi = None

        # Check derivative calculations for all comps at every level of the
        # system hierarchy.
        for comp in root.components(recurse=True):
            cname = comp.pathname

            # No need to check comps that don't have any derivs.
            if comp.fd_options['force_fd'] == True:

            # Paramcomps are just clutter too.
            if isinstance(comp, ParamComp):

            data[cname] = {}
            jac_fwd = {}
            jac_rev = {}
            jac_fd = {}

            params = comp.params
            unknowns = comp.unknowns
            resids = comp.resids
            dparams = comp.dpmat[voi]
            dunknowns = comp.dumat[voi]
            dresids = comp.drmat[voi]

            if out_stream is not None:
                out_stream.write('-'*(len(cname)+15) + '\n')
                out_stream.write("Component: '%s'\n" % cname)
                out_stream.write('-'*(len(cname)+15) + '\n')

            # Figure out implicit states for this comp
            states = [n for n,m in comp.unknowns.items() if m.get('state')]

            # Create all our keys and allocate Jacs
            for p_name in chain(dparams, states):

                dinputs = dunknowns if p_name in states else dparams
                p_size = np.size(dinputs[p_name])

                # Check dimensions of user-supplied Jacobian
                for u_name in unknowns:

                    u_size = np.size(dunknowns[u_name])
                    if comp._jacobian_cache:

                        # Go no further if we aren't defined.
                        if (u_name, p_name) not in comp._jacobian_cache:
                            skip_keys.append((u_name, p_name))

                        user = comp._jacobian_cache[(u_name, p_name)].shape

                        # User may use floats for scalar jacobians
                        if len(user) < 2:
                            user = (user[0], 1)

                        if user[0] != u_size or user[1] != p_size:
                            msg = "Jacobian in component '{}' between the" + \
                            " variables '{}' and '{}' is the wrong size. " + \
                            "It should be {} by {}"
                            msg = msg.format(cname, p_name, u_name, p_size,
                            raise ValueError(msg)

                    jac_fwd[(u_name, p_name)] = np.zeros((u_size, p_size))
                    jac_rev[(u_name, p_name)] = np.zeros((u_size, p_size))

            # Reverse derivatives first
            for u_name in dresids:
                u_size = np.size(dunknowns[u_name])

                # Send columns of identity
                for idx in range(u_size):
                    dresids.vec[:] = 0.0
                    dunknowns.vec[:] = 0.0

                    dresids.flat[u_name][idx] = 1.0
                        comp.apply_linear(params, unknowns, dparams,
                                          dunknowns, dresids, 'rev')

                    for p_name in chain(dparams, states):
                        if (u_name, p_name) in skip_keys:

                        dinputs = dunknowns if p_name in states else dparams

                        jac_rev[(u_name, p_name)][idx, :] = dinputs.flat[p_name]

            # Forward derivatives second
            for p_name in chain(dparams, states):

                dinputs = dunknowns if p_name in states else dparams
                p_size = np.size(dinputs[p_name])

                # Send columns of identity
                for idx in range(p_size):
                    dresids.vec[:] = 0.0
                    dunknowns.vec[:] = 0.0

                    dinputs.flat[p_name][idx] = 1.0
                    comp.apply_linear(params, unknowns, dparams,
                                      dunknowns, dresids, 'fwd')

                    for u_name in dresids:
                        if (u_name, p_name) in skip_keys:

                        jac_fwd[(u_name, p_name)][:, idx] = dresids.flat[u_name]

            # Finite Difference goes last
            dresids.vec[:] = 0.0
            dunknowns.vec[:] = 0.0
            jac_fd = comp.fd_jacobian(params, unknowns, resids,

            # Assemble and Return all metrics.
            _assemble_deriv_data(chain(dparams, states), resids, data[cname],
                                 jac_fwd, jac_rev, jac_fd, out_stream,
                                 skip_keys, c_name=cname)

        return data

    def check_total_derivatives(self, out_stream=sys.stdout):
        """ Checks total derivatives for problem defined at the top.


        out_stream : file_like
            Where to send human readable output. Default is sys.stdout. Set to
            None to suppress.

        Dict of Dicts of Tuples of Floats

        First key is the (output, input) tuple of strings; second key is one
        of ['rel error', 'abs error', 'magnitude', 'fdstep']; Tuple contains
        norms for forward - fd, adjoint - fd, forward - adjoint using the
        best case fdstep.

        if out_stream is not None:
            out_stream.write('Total Derivatives Check\n\n')

        # Params and Unknowns that we provide at this level.
        abs_param_list = self.root._get_fd_params()
        param_srcs = [self.root.connections[p] for p in abs_param_list]
        unknown_list = self.root._get_fd_unknowns()

        # Convert absolute parameter names to promoted ones because it is
        # easier for the user to read.
        param_list = [self.root._unknowns_dict[p]['promoted_name'] for p in param_srcs]

        # Calculate all our Total Derivatives
        Jfor = self.calc_gradient(param_list, unknown_list, mode='fwd',
        Jrev = self.calc_gradient(param_list, unknown_list, mode='rev',
        Jfd = self.calc_gradient(param_list, unknown_list, mode='fd',

        Jfor = _jac_to_flat_dict(Jfor)
        Jrev = _jac_to_flat_dict(Jrev)
        Jfd = _jac_to_flat_dict(Jfd)

        # Assemble and Return all metrics.
        data = {}
        _assemble_deriv_data(param_list, unknown_list, data,
                             Jfor, Jrev, Jfd, out_stream)

        return data

    def _start_recorders(self):
        for recorder in self.driver.recorders:

        for group in self.root.subgroups(recurse=True, include_self=True):
            for solver in (group.nl_solver, group.ln_solver):
                for recorder in solver.recorders:

    def _check_for_matrix_matrix(self, params, unknowns):
        """ Checks a system hiearchy to make sure that no settings violate the
        assumptions needed for matrix-matrix calculation. Returns the mode that
        the system needs to use.

        mode = self._mode('auto', params, unknowns)

        # TODO : Only Linear GS is supported on system

        for sub in self.root.subgroups(recurse=True):
            sub_mode = sub.ln_solver.options['mode']

            # Modes must match root for all subs
            if sub_mode not in (mode, 'auto'):
                msg  = "Group '{name}' has mode '{submode}' but the root group has mode '{rootmode}'." \
                        " Modes must match to use Matrix Matrix."
                msg = msg.format(, submode=sub_mode, rootmode=mode)
                raise RuntimeError(msg)

            # TODO : Only Linear GS is supported on sub

        return mode

    def json_system_tree(self):

        def _tree_dict(system):
            dct = OrderedDict()
            for s in system.subsystems(recurse=True):
                if isinstance(s, Group):
                    dct[] = _tree_dict(s)
                    dct[] = OrderedDict()
                    for vname, meta in s.unknowns.items():
                        dct[][vname] = m = meta.copy()
                        for mname in m:
                            if isinstance(m[mname], np.ndarray):
                                m[mname] = m[mname].tolist()
            return dct

        tree = OrderedDict()
        tree['root'] = _tree_dict(self.root)
        return json.dumps(tree)

    def json_dependencies(self):
        return self.root._relevance.json_dependencies()

    def _setup_units(self, connections, params_dict, unknowns_dict):
        Calculate unit conversion factors for any connected
        variables having different units and store them in params_dict.

        connections : dict
            A dict of target variables (absolute name) mapped
            to the absolute name of their source variable.

        params_dict : OrderedDict
            A dict of parameter metadata for the whole `Problem`.

        unknowns_dict : OrderedDict
            A dict of unknowns metadata for the whole `Problem`.

        self._unit_diffs = {}
        for target, source in connections.items():
            tmeta = params_dict[target]
            smeta = unknowns_dict[source]

            # units must be in both src and target to have a conversion
            if 'units' not in tmeta or 'units' not in smeta:
                # for later reporting in check_setup, keep track of any unit differences,
                # even for connections where one side has units and the other doesn't
                if 'units' in tmeta or 'units' in smeta:
                    self._unit_diffs[(source, target)] = (smeta.get('units'),

            src_unit = smeta['units']
            tgt_unit = tmeta['units']

                scale, offset = get_conversion_tuple(src_unit, tgt_unit)
            except TypeError as err:
                if str(err) == "Incompatible units":
                    msg = "Unit '{s[units]}' in source '{s[promoted_name]}' "\
                        "is incompatible with unit '{t[units]}' "\
                        "in target '{t[promoted_name]}'.".format(s=smeta, t=tmeta)
                    raise TypeError(msg)

            # If units are not equivalent, store unit conversion tuple
            # in the parameter metadata
            if scale != 1.0 or offset != 0.0:
                tmeta['unit_conv'] = (scale, offset)
                self._unit_diffs[(source, target)] = (smeta.get('units'),
Esempio n. 3
    def driver(self):
        # type: () -> Driver
        """Method to return a preconfigured driver.

                A preconfigured driver element to be used for the Problem instance.

                Value error are raised if unsupported settings are encountered.
        if self.driver_type == 'optimizer':
            # Find optimizer element in CMDOWS file
            opt_uid = self.driver_uid
            opt_elem = get_element_by_uid(self.elem_cmdows, opt_uid)
            # Load settings from CMDOWS file
            opt_package = get_opt_setting_safe(opt_elem, 'package', 'SciPy')
            opt_algo = get_opt_setting_safe(opt_elem, 'algorithm', 'SLSQP')
            opt_maxiter = get_opt_setting_safe(opt_elem,
            opt_convtol = get_opt_setting_safe(opt_elem,

            # Apply settings to the driver
            # driver
            if opt_package == 'SciPy':
                driver = ScipyOptimizeDriver()
            elif opt_package == 'pyOptSparse':
                    from openmdao.api import pyOptSparseDriver
                except ImportError:
                    raise PyOptSparseImportError()
                driver = pyOptSparseDriver()
                raise ValueError(
                    'Unsupported package {} encountered in CMDOWS file for "{}".'
                    .format(opt_package, opt_uid))

            # optimization algorithm
            if opt_algo == 'SLSQP':
                driver.options['optimizer'] = 'SLSQP'
            elif opt_algo == 'COBYLA':
                driver.options['optimizer'] = 'COBYLA'
            elif opt_algo == 'L-BFGS-B':
                driver.options['optimizer'] = 'L-BFGS-B'
                raise ValueError(
                    'Unsupported algorithm {} encountered in CMDOWS file for "{}".'
                    .format(opt_algo, opt_uid))

            # maximum iterations and tolerance
            if isinstance(driver, ScipyOptimizeDriver):
                driver.options['maxiter'] = opt_maxiter
                driver.options['tol'] = opt_convtol
            elif isinstance(driver, pyOptSparseDriver):
                driver.opt_settings['MAXIT'] = opt_maxiter
                driver.opt_settings['ACC'] = opt_convtol

            # Set default display and output settings
            if isinstance(driver, ScipyOptimizeDriver):
                driver.options['disp'] = False  # Print the result
            return driver
        elif self.driver_type == 'doe':
            # Find DOE element in CMDOWS file
            doe_uid = self.driver_uid
            doe_elem = get_element_by_uid(self.elem_cmdows, doe_uid)
            # Load settings from CMDOWS file
            doe_method = get_doe_setting_safe(doe_elem, 'method',
                                              'Uniform design')  # type: str
            doe_runs = get_doe_setting_safe(doe_elem,
                                                'Latin hypercube design',
                                                'Uniform design',
                                                'Monte Carlo design'
            doe_center_runs = get_doe_setting_safe(
                required_for_doe_methods=['Box-Behnken design'])
            doe_seed = get_doe_setting_safe(doe_elem,
                                                'Latin hypercube design',
                                                'Uniform design',
                                                'Monte Carlo design'
            doe_levels = get_doe_setting_safe(
                required_for_doe_methods=['Full factorial design'])

            # table
            doe_data = []
            if isinstance(doe_elem.find('settings/table'), _Element):
                doe_table = doe_elem.find('settings/table')
                doe_table_rows = [row for row in doe_table.iterchildren()]
                n_samples = len(
                    [exp for exp in doe_table_rows[0].iterchildren()])
                for idx in range(n_samples):
                    data_sample = []
                    for row_elem in doe_table_rows:
                        value = float(
                            [row_elem.attrib['relatedParameterUID'], value])
                if doe_method in ['Custom design table']:
                    raise ValueError(
                        'Table element with data for custom design table missing in '
                        'CMDOWS file.')

            # Apply settings to the driver
            # define driver
            driver = DOEDriver()

            # define generator
            if doe_method in ['Uniform design', 'Monte Carlo design']:
                driver.options['generator'] = UniformGenerator(
                    num_samples=doe_runs, seed=doe_seed)
            elif doe_method == 'Full factorial design':
                driver.options['generator'] = FullFactorialGenerator(
            elif doe_method == 'Box-Behnken design':
                driver.options['generator'] = BoxBehnkenGenerator(
            elif doe_method == 'Latin hypercube design':
                driver.options['generator'] = LatinHypercubeGenerator(
                    samples=doe_runs, criterion='maximin', seed=doe_seed)
            elif doe_method == 'Custom design table':
                driver.options['generator'] = ListGenerator(data=doe_data)
                raise ValueError(
                    'Could not match the doe_method {} with methods from OpenMDAO.'
            return driver
            return Driver()