Esempio n. 1
class WTDescFromWTG(Component):
    """Create a wt_desc from a .wtg WAsP file"""
    # Inputs
    filename = Str(iotype='in', desc='The .wtg file name')

    # Outputs
    wt_desc = VarTree(GenericWindTurbinePowerCurveVT(),
                      desc='The wind turbine power curve')

    def __init__(self, filename=None):
        super(WTDescFromWTG, self).__init__()

        if filename is not None:
            self.filename = filename

    def execute(self):
        # Reading the .wtg file
        wtg = WTG(self.filename)

        # Filling up the VT
        self.wt_desc.power_curve =[:, :2]
        self.wt_desc.c_t_curve = vstack([[:, 0],[:, 2]]).T
        self.wt_desc.cut_in_wind_speed =[0, 0]
        self.wt_desc.cut_out_wind_speed =[-1, 0]
        self.wt_desc.air_density = wtg.density
        self.wt_desc.rotor_diameter = wtg.rotor_diameter
        self.wt_desc.power_rating = self.wt_desc.power_curve[:, 1].max()
        self.wt_desc.hub_height = wtg.hub_height
Esempio n. 2
class PlantFromWWF(Component):
    """Create a Plant information from a .wwf WAsP file"""
    # Inputs
    filename = Str(iotype='in', desc='The .wwf file name')
    wt_desc = VarTree(GenericWindTurbinePowerCurveVT(),
                      desc='The wind turbine power curve')

    # Outputs
    wt_layout = VarTree(GenericWindFarmTurbineLayout(),
                        desc='wind turbine properties and layout')
    wind_rose_array = Array(
        desc='Windrose array [wind_directions, frequency, weibull_A, weibull_k]'

    def execute(self):
        # Reading the .wwf file
        wwf = WWF(self.filename)
        # self.wt_layout.wt_wind_roses.frequency_array =

        for wt, wr in self.wwf.windroses.iteritems():
            self.wt_layout.wt_positions[i, :] =[wt][:2]
            i += 1

        # For practical reason we also output the first wind rose array outside
        # the wt_layout
        self.wind_rose_array = self.wt_layout.wt_wind_roses[0]
Esempio n. 3
class PlantFromWWH(Component):
    """Create a Plant information from a .wwh WAsP file"""
    # Inputs
    filename = Str(iotype='in', desc='The .wwh file name')

    # Outputs
    wt_layout = VarTree(GenericWindFarmTurbineLayout(),
                        desc='wind turbine properties and layout')
    #wind_rose_array = Array(iotype='out', units='m/s',
    #    desc='Windrose array [wind_directions, frequency, weibull_A, weibull_k]')
    wind_rose_vt = VarTree(WeibullWindRoseVT(),
                           desc='wind turbine Weibull wind rose')

    def __init__(self, filename=None):
        The constructor that can take the wwh filename as optional parameter.
        :param filename: wwh file name [optional]
        :return: self
        super(PlantFromWWH, self).__init__()
        if filename is not None:
            self.filename = filename

    def execute(self):
        # Reading the .wwf file
        wwh = WWH(self.filename)
        iWT = 0
        for wt, data in wwh.wind_turbines.iteritems():
            turbine = wwh.turbine_descriptions[data['type']]
                WTPC(name='wt_' + wt,
                     power_curve=turbine['data'][:, :2],
                     power_rating=max(turbine['data'][:, 1]),
                     c_t_curve=turbine['data'][:, [0, 2]],
                     cut_in_wind_speed=turbine['data'][0, 0],
                     cut_out_wind_speed=turbine['data'][-1, 0],
                'wt_' + wt, VarTree((WeibullWindRoseVT(data['wind_rose']))))
Esempio n. 4
class VariableTree(Container):
    """A tree of variables having the same input or output sense."""

    _iotype = Str('')


    def __init__(self, iotype=''):
        self._parent_ref = None
        super(VariableTree, self).__init__()

        self._iotype = iotype

        # Check for nested VariableTrees in the class definition.
        for name, obj in self.__class__.__dict__.items():
            if isinstance(obj, VariableTree):
                raise TypeError('Nested VariableTrees are not supported,'
                                ' please wrap %s.%s in a VarTree' %
                                (self.__class__.__name__, name))


        # register callbacks for our class traits
        for name, trait in self.class_traits().items():
            if not name.startswith('_'):
                self.on_trait_change(self._trait_modified, name)

    def _parent(self):
        """ Return dereferenced weakref to parent. """
        return None if self._parent_ref is None else self._parent_ref()

    def _parent(self, value):
        """ Set weakref to parent. """
        self._parent_ref = None if value is None else weakref.ref(value)

    def __getstate__(self):
        """ Return state after dereferencing weakref to parent. """
        state = super(VariableTree, self).__getstate__()
        if self._parent_ref is not None:
            state['_parent_ref'] = self._parent_ref()
        return state

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        """ Set state and set weakref to parent. """
        super(VariableTree, self).__setstate__(state)
        if self._parent_ref is not None:
            self._parent_ref = weakref.ref(self._parent_ref)

    def iotype(self):
        if not self._iotype and isinstance(self.parent, VariableTree):
            self._iotype = self.parent.iotype
        return self._iotype

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def cpath_updated(self):
        if self.parent:
            if isinstance(self.parent, VariableTree):
                self._iotype = self.parent.iotype
                t = self.parent.trait(
                if t and t.iotype:
                    self._iotype = t.iotype
        super(VariableTree, self).cpath_updated()

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def get_metadata(self, traitpath, metaname=None):
        if metaname == 'iotype':
            return self.iotype
        elif metaname is None:
            meta = super(VariableTree, self).get_metadata(traitpath, metaname)
            meta['iotype'] = self.iotype
            return meta
            return super(VariableTree, self).get_metadata(traitpath, metaname)

    def copy(self):
        """Returns a deep copy of this VariableTree, without deepcopying its
        parent.  Also installs necessary trait callbacks.
        cp = super(VariableTree, self).copy()
        return cp

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        id_self = id(self)
        if id_self in memo:
            return memo[id_self]

        cp = super(VariableTree, self).__deepcopy__(memo)
        return cp

    def install_callbacks(self):
        """Install trait callbacks on deep-copied VariableTree."""
        self.on_trait_change(self._iotype_modified, '_iotype')
        # _alltraits() is missing some traits after a deepcopy, so use the
        # union of _alltraits() and everything in self.__dict__
        allset = set(self._alltraits().keys())
        for name in allset:
            if name not in ('trait_added', 'trait_modified') \
               and not name.startswith('_') and hasattr(self, name):
                self.on_trait_change(self._trait_modified, name)
                obj = getattr(self, name)
                if isinstance(obj, VariableTree) and obj is not self.parent:

    def add(self, name, obj):
        if not (IVariable.providedBy(obj) or isinstance(obj, VarTree)):
            msg = "a VariableTree may only contain Variables or VarTrees"
            self.raise_exception(msg, TypeError)
        return super(VariableTree, self).add(name, obj)

    def add_trait(self, name, trait, refresh=True):
        super(VariableTree, self).add_trait(name, trait, refresh)
        if not name.startswith('_'):
            self.on_trait_change(self._trait_modified, name)

    def remove_trait(self, name):
        trait = self.get_trait(name)

        # remove the callback
        if trait:
            self.on_trait_change(self._trait_modified, name, remove=True)

        super(VariableTree, self).remove_trait(name)

    def list_vars(self):
        """Return a list of Variables in this VariableTree."""
        return [k for k in self.__dict__.keys() if not k.startswith('_')]

    def _iotype_modified(self, obj, name, old, new):
        for v in self.__dict__.values():
            if isinstance(v, (VariableTree, VarTree)) and v is not self.parent:
                v._iotype = new

    def _trait_modified(self, obj, name, old, new):
        # handle weird traits side-effect from hasattr call
        if name == 'trait_added':
        if isinstance(new, VariableTree):
            obj = getattr(self, name)
            obj.parent = self
            obj._iotype = self._iotype
        if self._iotype == 'in':
            p = self
            path = [name]
            while isinstance(p, VariableTree):
                vt = p
                p = p.parent
            # notify parent Component that this VariableTree has been modified
            if p is not None:
                t = p.trait(
                if t and t.iotype == 'in':
                    # we need to pass the full pathname of the child that was
                    # actually modified up to the parent component, and we can't
                    # modify the arglist of _input_trait_modified, so instead
                    # call _input_updated explicitly
                    p._input_updated(, fullpath='.'.join(path[::-1]))

    def get_iotype(self, name):
        """Return the iotype of the Variable with the given name"""
        if self.get_trait(name) is None:
            self.raise_exception("'%s' not found" % name)
        return self.iotype

    def _items(self, visited, recurse=False, **metadata):
        """Return an iterator that returns a list of tuples of the form
        (rel_pathname, obj) for each trait of this VariableTree that matches
        the given metadata. If recurse is True, also iterate through all
        child Containers of each Container found.
        if id(self) not in visited:

            if 'iotype' in metadata:
                meta_io = metadata['iotype']
                matches_io = False
                if type(meta_io) is FunctionType:
                    if meta_io(self.iotype):
                        matches_io = True
                elif meta_io == self.iotype:
                    matches_io = True
                if matches_io:
                    newdict = metadata.copy()
                    del newdict['iotype']
                matches_io = True
                newdict = metadata

            if matches_io:
                for name in self._alltraits(**newdict):
                    if name.startswith('_'):
                    obj = getattr(self, name)
                    yield (name, obj)
                    if recurse and is_instance(obj, VariableTree) and \
                       id(obj) not in visited:
                        for chname, child in obj._items(
                                visited, recurse, **metadata):
                            yield ('.'.join((name, chname)), child)

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def get_req_default(self, vt_required=None):
        """Returns a list of all inputs that are required but still have
        their default value.
        req = []
        if vt_required:
            req_test = [True, False, None]
            req_test = [True]

        for name, trait in self.traits(type=not_event).items():
            obj = getattr(self, name)
            if obj is self.parent:
            if is_instance(obj, VariableTree):
                    '.'.join((, n))
                    for n in obj.get_req_default(vt_required)
            elif trait.required in req_test:
                    trait = trait.trait_type
                    unset = (obj == trait.default)
                    unset = (obj == trait.default_value)
                if not isinstance(unset, bool):
                        unset = unset.all()
                if unset:
                    req.append('.'.join((, name)))

        return req

    def get_attributes(self, io_only=True, indent=0, parent=''):
        """ Get attributes for this variable tree. Used by the GUI.

        io_only: bool
            Set to True if we only want to populate the input and output
            fields of the attributes dictionary.

        indent: int
            Recursion level (for collapsing tables).

        parent: str
            ID name of parent table line.

        valid: str
            Validity state of the parent table."""

        attrs = {}
        attrs['type'] = type(self).__name__
        self_io = self.iotype

        # Connection information found in parent comp's parent assy
        if not self.parent or not self.parent._parent or \
           isinstance(self.parent, VariableTree):
            connected = []
            graph = self.parent._parent._depgraph
            if self_io == 'in':
                connected = graph.get_boundary_inputs(connected=True)
                connected = graph.get_boundary_outputs(connected=True)

        variables = []
        for name in self.list_vars():

            trait = self.get_trait(name)
            meta = self.get_metadata(name)
            value = getattr(self, name)
            ttype = trait.trait_type

            # Each variable type provides its own basic attributes
            attr, slot_attr = ttype.get_attribute(name, value, trait, meta)

            # if this var is the top element of a variable tree, add 'vt' attribute
            if attr.get('ttype') == 'vartree':
                vartable = self.get(name)
                if isinstance(vartable, VariableTree):
                    attr['vt'] = 'vt'

            # Support for expand/collapse
            attr['indent'] = indent
            attr['id'] = '%s.%s' % (parent, name)

            if parent:
                attr['parent'] = parent

            attr['connected'] = ''
            if name in connected:
                connections = self.parent._depgraph.connections_to(name)

                if self_io == 'in':
                    # there can be only one connection to an input
                    attr['connected'] = str([src for src, dst in connections])
                    attr['connected'] = str([dst for src, dst in connections])

            # For variables trees only: recursively add the inputs and outputs
            # into this variable list
            if 'vt' in attr:
                vt_attrs = vartable.get_attributes(io_only,
                                                   indent=indent + 1,
                if self_io == 'in':
                    variables += vt_attrs['Inputs']
                    variables += vt_attrs['Outputs']

        if self_io == 'in':
            attrs['Inputs'] = variables
            attrs['Outputs'] = variables

        return attrs
Esempio n. 5
class VariableTree(Container):
    """A tree of variables having the same input or output sense."""

    _iotype = Str('')


    def __init__(self, iotype=''):
        self._parent_ref = None
        super(VariableTree, self).__init__()

        self._iotype = iotype

        # Check for nested VariableTrees in the class definition.
        for name, obj in self.__class__.__dict__.items():
            if isinstance(obj, VariableTree):
                raise TypeError('Nested VariableTrees are not supported,'
                                ' please wrap %s.%s in a VarTree'
                                % (self.__class__.__name__, name))


        # register callbacks for our class traits
        for name, trait in self.class_traits().items():
            if not name.startswith('_'):
                self.on_trait_change(self._trait_modified, name)

    def _parent(self):
        """ Return dereferenced weakref to parent. """
        return None if self._parent_ref is None else self._parent_ref()

    def _parent(self, value):
        """ Set weakref to parent. """
        self._parent_ref = None if value is None else weakref.ref(value)

    def __getstate__(self):
        """ Return state after dereferencing weakref to parent. """
        state = super(VariableTree, self).__getstate__()
        if self._parent_ref is not None:
            state['_parent_ref'] = self._parent_ref()
        return state

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        """ Set state and set weakref to parent. """
        super(VariableTree, self).__setstate__(state)
        if self._parent_ref is not None:
            self._parent_ref = weakref.ref(self._parent_ref)

    def iotype(self):
        if not self._iotype and isinstance(self.parent, VariableTree):
            self._iotype = self.parent.iotype
        return self._iotype

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def cpath_updated(self):
        if self.parent:
            if isinstance(self.parent, VariableTree):
                self._iotype = self.parent.iotype
                t = self.parent.trait(
                if t and t.iotype:
                    self._iotype = t.iotype
        super(VariableTree, self).cpath_updated()

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def get_metadata(self, traitpath, metaname=None):
        if metaname == 'iotype':
            return self.iotype
        elif metaname is None:
            meta = super(VariableTree, self).get_metadata(traitpath, metaname)
            meta['iotype'] = self.iotype
            return meta
            return super(VariableTree, self).get_metadata(traitpath, metaname)

    def copy(self):
        """Returns a deep copy of this VariableTree, without deepcopying its
        parent.  Also installs necessary trait callbacks.
        cp = super(VariableTree, self).copy()
        return cp

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        id_self = id(self)
        if id_self in memo:
            return memo[id_self]

        cp = super(VariableTree, self).__deepcopy__(memo)
        return cp

    def install_callbacks(self):
        """Install trait callbacks on deep-copied VariableTree."""
        self.on_trait_change(self._iotype_modified, '_iotype')
        # _alltraits() is missing some traits after a deepcopy, so use the
        # union of _alltraits() and everything in self.__dict__
        allset = set(self._alltraits().keys())
        for name in allset:
            if name not in ('trait_added', 'trait_modified') \
               and not name.startswith('_') and hasattr(self, name):
                self.on_trait_change(self._trait_modified, name)
                obj = getattr(self, name)
                if isinstance(obj, VariableTree) and obj is not self.parent:

    def add(self, name, obj):
        if not (IVariable.providedBy(obj) or isinstance(obj, VarTree)):
            msg = "a VariableTree may only contain Variables or VarTrees"
            self.raise_exception(msg, TypeError)
        return super(VariableTree, self).add(name, obj)

    def add_trait(self, name, trait, refresh=True):
        super(VariableTree, self).add_trait(name, trait, refresh)
        if not name.startswith('_'):
            self.on_trait_change(self._trait_modified, name)

    def remove_trait(self, name):
        trait = self.get_trait(name)

        # remove the callback
        if trait:
            self.on_trait_change(self._trait_modified, name, remove=True)

        super(VariableTree, self).remove_trait(name)

    def list_vars(self):
        """Return a list of Variables in this VariableTree."""
        return [k for k in self.__dict__.keys() if not k.startswith('_')]

    def _iotype_modified(self, obj, name, old, new):
        for v in self.__dict__.values():
            if isinstance(v, (VariableTree, VarTree)) and v is not self.parent:
                v._iotype = new

    def _trait_modified(self, obj, name, old, new):
        # handle weird traits side-effect from hasattr call
        if name == 'trait_added':
        if isinstance(new, VariableTree):
            obj = getattr(self, name)
            obj.parent = self
            obj._iotype = self._iotype
        if self._iotype == 'in':
            p = self
            path = [name]
            while isinstance(p, VariableTree):
                vt = p
                p = p.parent
            # notify parent Component that this VariableTree has been modified
            if p is not None:
                t = p.trait(
                if t and t.iotype == 'in':
                    # we need to pass the full pathname of the child that was
                    # actually modified up to the parent component, and we can't
                    # modify the arglist of _input_trait_modified, so instead
                    # call _input_updated explicitly
                    p._input_updated(, fullpath='.'.join(path[::-1]))

    def get_iotype(self, name):
        """Return the iotype of the Variable with the given name"""
        if self.get_trait(name) is None:
            self.raise_exception("'%s' not found" % name)
        return self.iotype

    def _items(self, visited, recurse=False, **metadata):
        """Return an iterator that returns a list of tuples of the form
        (rel_pathname, obj) for each trait of this VariableTree that matches
        the given metadata. If recurse is True, also iterate through all
        child Containers of each Container found.
        if id(self) not in visited:

            if 'iotype' in metadata:
                meta_io = metadata['iotype']
                matches_io = False
                if type(meta_io) is FunctionType:
                    if meta_io(self.iotype):
                        matches_io = True
                elif meta_io == self.iotype:
                    matches_io = True
                if matches_io:
                    newdict = metadata.copy()
                    del newdict['iotype']
                matches_io = True
                newdict = metadata

            if matches_io:
                for name in self._alltraits(**newdict):
                    if name.startswith('_'):
                    obj = getattr(self, name)
                    yield (name, obj)
                    if recurse and is_instance(obj, VariableTree) and \
                       id(obj) not in visited:
                        for chname, child in obj._items(visited, recurse,
                            yield ('.'.join((name, chname)), child)

    @rbac(('owner', 'user'))
    def get_req_default(self, vt_required=None):
        """Returns a list of all inputs that are required but still have
        their default value.
        req = []
        if vt_required:
            req_test = [True, False, None]
            req_test = [True]

        for name, trait in self.traits(type=not_event).items():
            obj = getattr(self, name)
            if obj is self.parent:
            if is_instance(obj, VariableTree):
                req.extend(['.'.join((, n))
                                 for n in obj.get_req_default(vt_required)])
            elif trait.required in req_test:
                    trait = trait.trait_type
                    unset = (obj == trait.default)
                    unset = (obj == trait.default_value)
                if not isinstance(unset, bool):
                        unset = unset.all()
                if unset:
                    req.append('.'.join((, name)))

        return req

    def list_all_vars(self):
        """Return a list of all variables in this VarTree (recursive)."""
        vnames = []
        for name, obj in self.__dict__.items():
            if name.startswith('_'):
            if isinstance(obj, VariableTree):
                vnames.extend(['.'.join((,n)) for n in obj.list_all_vars()])
                vnames.append('.'.join((, name)))
        return vnames

    def get_flattened_size(self):
        """Return the size of a flattened float array containing
        all values in the vartree that are flattenable to float
        arrays.  Any values not flattenable to float arrays will
        raise a NoFlatError.
        size = 0
        for key in self.list_vars():
            size += flattened_size(key, getattr(self, key), scope=self)
        return size

    def get_flattened_index(self, name):
        """Return the slice within the flattened array of the
        current vartree that is occupied by the named
        raise NotImplementedError('get_flattened_index not implemented for VarTrees yet')  # FIXME