Esempio n. 1
def setup_tunnel(address, port):
    Setup tunnel to `address` and `port` assuming:

    - The remote login name matches the local login name.
    - `port` is available on the local host.
    - 'plink' is available on Windows, 'ssh' on other platforms.
    - No user interaction is required to connect via 'plink'/'ssh'.

    address: string
        IPv4 address to tunnel to.

    port: int
        Port at `address` to tunnel to.

    Returns ``(local_address, local_port)``.
    logname = 'tunnel-%s-%d.log' % (address, port)
    logname = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), logname)
    stdout = open(logname, 'w')

    user = getpass.getuser()
    if sys.platform == 'win32':  # pragma no cover
        stdin = open('nul:', 'r')
        args = ['plink', '-ssh', '-l', user,
                '-L', '%d:localhost:%d' % (port, port), address]
        stdin = open('/dev/null', 'r')
        args = ['ssh', '-l', user,
                '-L', '%d:localhost:%d' % (port, port), address]

    tunnel_proc = ShellProc(args, stdin=stdin, stdout=stdout, stderr=STDOUT)
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET)
    address = ('', port)
    for retry in range(20):
        exitcode = tunnel_proc.poll()
        if exitcode is not None:
            msg = 'ssh tunnel process exited with exitcode %d,' \
                  ' output in %s' % (exitcode, logname)
            raise RuntimeError(msg)
        except socket.error as exc:
            if exc.args[0] != errno.ECONNREFUSED and \
               exc.args[0] != errno.ENOENT:
            atexit.register(_cleanup_tunnel, tunnel_proc, logname)
            return address

    _cleanup_tunnel(tunnel_proc, logname)
    raise RuntimeError('Timeout trying to connect through tunnel to %s'
                       % address)
Esempio n. 2
def _start_tunnel(address, port, args, user, identity, prefix):
    """ Start an ssh tunnel process. """
    if '@' in address:
        user, host = address.split('@')
        user = user or getpass.getuser()
        host = address

    if sys.platform == 'win32':  # pragma no cover
        cmd = ['plink', '-batch', '-ssh']
        cmd = ['ssh']

    cmd += ['-l', user]
    if identity:
        cmd += ['-i', identity]
    cmd += ['-N', '-x', '-T']  # plink doesn't support '-n' (no stdin)
    cmd += args + [host]

    logname = '%s-%s-%s.log' % (prefix, host, port)
    logname = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), logname)
    stdout = open(logname, 'w')

    tunnel_proc = None
        tunnel_proc = ShellProc(cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=STDOUT)
    except Exception as exc:
        raise RuntimeError("Can't create ssh tunnel process from %s: %s"
                           % (cmd, exc))
    exitcode = tunnel_proc.poll()
    if exitcode is not None:
        raise RuntimeError('ssh tunnel process for %s:%s exited with exitcode'
                           ' %d, output in %s'
                           % (address, port, exitcode, logname))

    return (_cleanup_tunnel, tunnel_proc, stdout, logname, os.getpid())
Esempio n. 3
def _start_tunnel(address, port, args, user, identity, prefix):
    """ Start an ssh tunnel process. """
    if "@" in address:
        user, host = address.split("@")
        user = user or getpass.getuser()
        host = address

    if sys.platform == "win32":  # pragma no cover
        cmd = ["plink", "-batch", "-ssh"]
        cmd = ["ssh"]

    cmd += ["-l", user]
    if identity:
        cmd += ["-i", identity]
    cmd += ["-N", "-x", "-T"]  # plink doesn't support '-n' (no stdin)
    cmd += args + [host]

    logname = "%s-%s-%s.log" % (prefix, host, port)
    logname = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), logname)
    stdout = open(logname, "w")

    tunnel_proc = None
        tunnel_proc = ShellProc(cmd, stdout=stdout, stderr=STDOUT)
    except Exception as exc:
        raise RuntimeError("Can't create ssh tunnel process from %s: %s" % (cmd, exc))
    exitcode = tunnel_proc.poll()
    if exitcode is not None:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "ssh tunnel process for %s:%s exited with exitcode" " %d, output in %s" % (address, port, exitcode, logname)

    return (_cleanup_tunnel, tunnel_proc, stdout, logname, os.getpid())
def start_server(authkey='PublicKey', address=None, port=0, prefix='server',
                 allowed_hosts=None, allowed_users=None, allow_shell=False,
                 allowed_types=None, timeout=None, tunnel=False,
                 resources=None, log_prefix=None):
    Start an :class:`ObjServerFactory` service in a separate process
    in the current directory.

    authkey: string
        Authorization key, must be matched by clients.

    address: string
        IPv4 address, hostname, or pipe name.
        Default is the host's default IPv4 address.

    port: int
        Server port (default of 0 implies next available port).
        Note that ports below 1024 typically require special privileges.
        If port is negative, then a local pipe is used for communication.

    prefix: string
        Prefix for server config file and stdout/stderr file.

    allowed_hosts: list(string)
        Host address patterns to check against. Required if `port` >= 0.
        Ignored if `allowed_users` is specified.

    allowed_users: dict
        Dictionary of users and corresponding public keys allowed access.
        If None, *any* user may access. If empty, no user may access.
        The host portions of user strings are used for address patterns.

    allow_shell: bool
        If True, :meth:`execute_command` and :meth:`load_model` are allowed.
        Use with caution!

    allowed_types: list(string)
        Names of types which may be created. If None, then allow types listed
        by :meth:`get_available_types`. If empty, no types are allowed.

    timeout: int
        Seconds to wait for server to start. Note that public key generation
        can take a while. The default value of None will use an internally
        computed value based on host type (and for Windows, the availability
        of pyWin32).

    tunnel: bool
        If True, report host IP address but listen for connections from a
        local SSH tunnel.

    resources: string
        Filename for resource configuration.

    log_prefix: string
        Name used to identify remote remote logging messages from server.
        Implies that the local process will be receiving the messages.

    Returns ``(server_proc, config_filename)``.
    if timeout is None:
        if sys.platform == 'win32' and not HAVE_PYWIN32:  #pragma no cover
            timeout = 120
            timeout = 30

    server_key = prefix+'.key'
    server_cfg = prefix+'.cfg'
    server_out = prefix+'.out'
    for path in (server_cfg, server_out):
        if os.path.exists(path):

    with open(server_key, 'w') as out:
        out.write('%s\n' % authkey)

    factory_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename('openmdao.main',
    args = ['python', factory_path, '--port', str(port), '--prefix', prefix]

    if address is not None:
        args.extend(['--address', address])

    if tunnel:

    if resources is not None:

    if allowed_users is not None:
        write_authorized_keys(allowed_users, 'users.allow', logging.getLogger())
        args.extend(['--users', 'users.allow'])
        if port >= 0:
            if allowed_hosts is None:
                allowed_hosts = [socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())]
                if allowed_hosts[0].startswith('127.') and \
                   '' not in allowed_hosts:
            with open('hosts.allow', 'w') as out:
                for pattern in allowed_hosts:
                    out.write('%s\n' % pattern)
            if sys.platform != 'win32' or HAVE_PYWIN32:
            else:  #pragma no cover
                logging.warning("Can't make hosts.allow private")

    if allow_shell:

    if allowed_types is not None:
        with open('types.allow', 'w') as out:
            for typname in allowed_types:
                out.write('%s\n' % typname)
        if sys.platform != 'win32' or HAVE_PYWIN32:
        else:  #pragma no cover
            logging.warning("Can't make types.allow private")
        args.extend(['--types', 'types.allow'])

    if log_prefix is not None:
        log_host = socket.gethostname()
        log_port = logging_port(log_host, log_host)
        args.extend(['--log-host', log_host, '--log-port', str(log_port)])
        if log_prefix:  # Could be null (for default).
            args.extend(['--log-prefix', log_prefix])

    proc = ShellProc(args, stdout=server_out, stderr=STDOUT)

        # Wait for valid server_cfg file.
        retry = 0
        while (not os.path.exists(server_cfg)) or \
              (os.path.getsize(server_cfg) == 0):
            return_code = proc.poll()
            if return_code:
                error_msg = proc.error_message(return_code)
                raise RuntimeError('Server startup failed %s' % error_msg)
            retry += 1
            if retry < 10*timeout:
            # Hard to cause a startup timeout.
            else:  #pragma no cover
                raise RuntimeError('Server startup timeout')
        return (proc, server_cfg)
        if os.path.exists(server_key):
def start_server(authkey='PublicKey',
    Start an :class:`ObjServerFactory` service in a separate process
    in the current directory.

    authkey: string
        Authorization key; must be matched by clients.

    address: string
        IPv4 address, hostname, or pipe name.
        Default is the host's default IPv4 address.

    port: int
        Server port (default of 0 implies next available port).
        Note that ports below 1024 typically require special privileges.
        If port is negative, then a local pipe is used for communication.

    prefix: string
        Prefix for server config file and stdout/stderr file.

    allowed_hosts: list(string)
        Host address patterns to check against. Required if `port` >= 0.
        Ignored if `allowed_users` is specified.

    allowed_users: dict
        Dictionary of users and corresponding public keys allowed access.
        If None, *any* user may access. If empty, no user may access.
        The host portions of user strings are used for address patterns.

    allow_shell: bool
        If True, :meth:`execute_command` and :meth:`load_model` are allowed.
        Use with caution!

    allowed_types: list(string)
        Names of types which may be created. If None, then allow types listed
        by :meth:`get_available_types`. If empty, no types are allowed.

    timeout: int
        Seconds to wait for server to start. Note that public key generation
        can take a while. The default value of None will use an internally
        computed value based on host type (and for Windows, the availability
        of pyWin32).

    tunnel: bool
        If True, report host IP address but listen for connections from a
        local SSH tunnel.

    resources: string
        Filename for resource configuration.

    log_prefix: string
        Name used to identify remote remote logging messages from server.
        Implies that the local process will be receiving the messages.

    Returns ``(server_proc, config_filename)``.
    if timeout is None:
        if sys.platform == 'win32' and not HAVE_PYWIN32:  # pragma no cover
            timeout = 120
            timeout = 30

    server_key = prefix + '.key'
    server_cfg = prefix + '.cfg'
    server_out = prefix + '.out'
    for path in (server_cfg, server_out):
        if os.path.exists(path):

    with open(server_key, 'w') as out:
        out.write('%s\n' % authkey)

    factory_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename('openmdao.main',
    args = ['python', factory_path, '--port', str(port), '--prefix', prefix]

    if address is not None:
        args.extend(['--address', address])

    if tunnel:

    if resources is not None:

    if allowed_users is not None:
        write_authorized_keys(allowed_users, 'users.allow',
        args.extend(['--users', 'users.allow'])
        if port >= 0:
            if allowed_hosts is None:
                allowed_hosts = [socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())]
                if allowed_hosts[0].startswith('127.') and \
                                '' not in allowed_hosts:
            with open('hosts.allow', 'w') as out:
                for pattern in allowed_hosts:
                    out.write('%s\n' % pattern)
            if sys.platform != 'win32' or HAVE_PYWIN32:
            else:  # pragma no cover
                logging.warning("Can't make hosts.allow private")

    if allow_shell:

    if allowed_types is not None:
        with open('types.allow', 'w') as out:
            for typname in allowed_types:
                out.write('%s\n' % typname)
        if sys.platform != 'win32' or HAVE_PYWIN32:
        else:  # pragma no cover
            logging.warning("Can't make types.allow private")
        args.extend(['--types', 'types.allow'])

    if log_prefix is not None:
        log_host = socket.gethostname()
        log_port = logging_port(log_host, log_host)
        args.extend(['--log-host', log_host, '--log-port', str(log_port)])
        if log_prefix:  # Could be null (for default).
            args.extend(['--log-prefix', log_prefix])

    proc = ShellProc(args, stdout=server_out, stderr=STDOUT)

        # Wait for valid server_cfg file.
        retry = 0
        while (not os.path.exists(server_cfg)) or \
                (os.path.getsize(server_cfg) == 0):
            return_code = proc.poll()
            if return_code:
                error_msg = proc.error_message(return_code)
                raise RuntimeError('Server startup failed %s' % error_msg)
            retry += 1
            if retry < 10 * timeout:
            # Hard to cause a startup timeout.
            else:  # pragma no cover
                raise RuntimeError('Server startup timeout')
        return (proc, server_cfg)
        if os.path.exists(server_key):