Esempio n. 1
    def _compute_sparsity(self, ordered_of_info, ordered_wrt_info,
                          num_full_jacs, tol, orders):
        Compute a dense sparsity matrix for this jacobian using saved absolute summations.

        The sparsity matrix will contain only those columns that match the wrt variables in
        wrt_matches, but will contain rows for all outputs in the given system.

        ordered_of_info : list of (name, offset, end, idxs)
            Name, offset, etc. of row variables in the order that they appear in the jacobian.
        ordered_wrt_info : list of (name, offset, end, idxs)
            Name, offset, etc. of column variables in the order that they appear in the jacobian.
        num_full_jacs : int
            Number of times to compute partial jacobian when computing sparsity.
        tol : float
            Tolerance used to determine if an array entry is zero or nonzero.
        orders : int
            Number of orders +/- for the tolerance sweep.

            Boolean sparsity matrix.
        from openmdao.utils.coloring import _tol_sweep

        subjacs = self._subjacs_info
        summ = self._jac_summ

        rend = ordered_of_info[-1][2]
        cend = ordered_wrt_info[-1][2]
        J = np.zeros((rend, cend))

        for of, roffset, rend, _ in ordered_of_info:
            for wrt, coffset, cend, _ in ordered_wrt_info:
                key = (of, wrt)
                if key in subjacs:
                    meta = subjacs[key]
                    if meta['rows'] is not None:
                        rows = meta['rows'] + roffset
                        cols = meta['cols'] + coffset
                        J[rows, cols] = summ[key]
                    elif issparse(summ[key]):
                        raise NotImplementedError(
                            "{}: scipy sparse arrays are not "
                            "supported yet.".format(self.msginfo))
                        J[roffset:rend, coffset:cend] = summ[key]

        J *= (1.0 / np.max(J))

        tol_info = _tol_sweep(J, tol, orders)

        boolJ = np.zeros(J.shape, dtype=bool)
        boolJ[J > tol_info['good_tol']] = True

        return boolJ, tol_info
Esempio n. 2
    def _compute_sparsity(self, ordered_of_info, ordered_wrt_info, tol,
        Compute a dense sparsity matrix for this jacobian using saved absolute summations.

        The sparsity matrix will contain only those columns that match the wrt variables in
        wrt_matches, but will contain rows for all outputs in the given system.

        ordered_of_info : list of (name, offset, end, idxs)
            Name, offset, etc. of row variables in the order that they appear in the jacobian.
        ordered_wrt_info : list of (name, offset, end, idxs)
            Name, offset, etc. of column variables in the order that they appear in the jacobian.
        tol : float
            Tolerance used to determine if an array entry is zero or nonzero.
        orders : int
            Number of orders +/- for the tolerance sweep.

            Boolean sparsity matrix.
        from openmdao.utils.coloring import _tol_sweep

        subjacs = self._subjacs_info
        summ = self._jac_summ

        Jrows = []
        Jcols = []
        Jdata = []

        for of, roffset, rend, _ in ordered_of_info:
            for wrt, coffset, cend, _, _ in ordered_wrt_info:
                key = (of, wrt)
                if key in summ:
                    subsum = summ[key]
                    meta = subjacs[key]
                    if meta['rows'] is not None:
                        Jrows.append(meta['rows'] + roffset)
                        Jcols.append(meta['cols'] + coffset)
                    elif issparse(subsum):
                        raise NotImplementedError(
                            "{}: scipy sparse arrays are not "
                            "supported yet.".format(self.msginfo))
                    else:  # dense
                        for i, r in enumerate(range(roffset, rend)):
                            Jrows.append([r] * (cend - coffset))
                            Jcols.append(np.arange(coffset, cend))
                            Jdata.append(subsum[i, :])

        summ = self._jac_summ = None  # free up some memory

        Jrows = np.hstack(Jrows)
        Jcols = np.hstack(Jcols)
        Jdata = np.hstack([d.flat for d in Jdata])
        shape = (rend, cend)

        Jdata *= (1.0 / np.max(Jdata))

        tol_info = _tol_sweep(Jdata, tol, orders)

        mask = Jdata > tol_info['good_tol']
        size = np.count_nonzero(mask)

        boolJ = coo_matrix(
            (np.ones(size, dtype=bool), (Jrows[mask], Jcols[mask])),
        return boolJ, tol_info