Esempio n. 1
def run_epik(input_file_path, output_file_path, max_structures=32, ph=7.4,
             ph_tolerance=None, min_probability=None, tautomerize=True, extract_range=None):
    """Run Schrodinger's epik command line utility to enumerate protonation and
    tautomeric states.

    input_file_path : str
        Path to input file describing the molecule.
    output_file_path : str
        Path to the output file created by epik.
    max_structures : int, optional
        Maximum number of generated structures (default is 32).
    ph : float, optional
        Target pH for generated states (default is 7.4).
    ph_tolerance : float, optional
        Equivalent of -pht option in Epik command (default is None).
    min_probability: float, optional
        Minimum probability for the generated states.
    tautomerize : bool, optional
        Whether or not tautomerize the input structure (default is True).
    extract_range : int or list of ints, optional
        If not None, the function uses the Schrodinger's utility maesubset to
        extract only a subset of the generated structures. This is the 0-based
        indices of the structures to extract from the input files.

    # Locate epik executable
    epik_path = os.path.join(os.environ['SCHRODINGER'], 'epik')

    # Normalize paths as we'll run in a different working directory
    input_file_path = os.path.abspath(input_file_path)
    output_file_path = os.path.abspath(output_file_path)
    output_dir = os.path.dirname(output_file_path)

    # Preparing epik command arguments for format()
    epik_args = dict(ms=max_structures, ph=ph)
    epik_args['pht'] = '-pht {}'.format(ph_tolerance) if ph_tolerance else ''
    epik_args['nt'] = '' if tautomerize else '-nt'
    epik_args['p'] = '-p {}'.format(min_probability) if min_probability else ''

    # Determine if we need to convert input and/or output file
    if extract_range is None:
        epik_output = output_file_path
        epik_output = os.path.splitext(output_file_path)[0] + '-full.mae'

    # Epik command. We need list in case there's a space in the paths
    cmd = [epik_path, '-imae', input_file_path, '-omae', epik_output]
    cmd += '-ms {ms} -ph {ph} {pht} {nt} {p} -pKa_atom -WAIT -NO_JOBCONTROL'.format(

    # We run with output_dir as working directory to save there the log file
    with utils.temporary_cd(output_dir):

    # Check if we need to extract a range of structures
    if extract_range is not None:
        run_maesubset(epik_output, output_file_path, extract_range)
Esempio n. 2
def protein_prep(input_file_path, output_file_path, pdbid, pH=7.4, fillsidechains=True, fillloops=True, max_states=32, tolerance=0):

    # Locate PrepWizard executable
    prepwiz_path = os.path.join(os.environ['SCHRODINGER'], 'utilities', 'prepwizard')

    # Normalize paths
    input_file_path = os.path.abspath(input_file_path)
    output_file_path = os.path.abspath(output_file_path)
    output_dir = os.path.join(output_file_path, '%s-fixed' % pdbid)

    output_file_name = '../%s-fixed.pdb' % pdbid

    # Check for output file pathway
    if not os.path.exists(output_dir):

    # Format arguments for PrepWizard command

    wiz_args = dict(ms=max_states, ph=pH)
    wiz_args['fillsidechains'] = '-fillsidechains' if fillsidechains else ''
    wiz_args['fillloops'] = '-fillloops' if fillloops else ''
    wiz_args['pht'] = tolerance

    cmd = [prepwiz_path]
    cmd += '-captermini -mse -propka_pH {ph} {fillsidechains} {fillloops} -keepfarwat -disulfides -ms {ms} -minimize_adj_h -epik_pH {ph} -epik_pHt {pht} -fix -NOJOBID'.format(**wiz_args).split()

    with utils.temporary_cd(output_dir):
        log = schrodinger.run_and_log_error(cmd)
        write_file('%s.log' % pdbid, log)
Esempio n. 3
def protein_prep(input_file,

    # Locate PrepWizard executable
    prepwiz_path = os.path.join(os.environ['SCHRODINGER'], 'utilities',

    # Normalize paths
    input_file_path = os.path.abspath(input_file)
    input_file_dir, input_name = os.path.split(input_file_path)

    output_file_name = os.path.join(input_file_dir,
                                    output_file + '-prepped.pdb')
    working_dir = os.path.join(input_file_dir, '%s-prepped' % input_name)

    # Check for output file pathway
    if not os.path.exists(working_dir):

    # Format arguments for PrepWizard command

    wiz_args = dict(ms=max_states, ph=pH)
    wiz_args['fillsidechains'] = '-fillsidechains' if fillsidechains else ''
    wiz_args['fillloops'] = '-fillloops' if fillloops else ''
    wiz_args['pht'] = tolerance
    wiz_args['rehtreat'] = '-rehtreat' if rehtreat else ''
    wiz_args['water_hbond_cutoff'] = 0
    wiz_args['noepik'] = '-noepik' if noepik else ''
    wiz_args['captermini'] = '-captermini' if cap else ''

    cmd = [prepwiz_path]
    cmd += '{captermini} -mse -propka_pH {ph} {fillsidechains} {fillloops} {rehtreat} {noepik} -delwater_hbond_cutoff {water_hbond_cutoff} ' \
           '-keepfarwat -disulfides -ms {ms} -minimize_adj_h -epik_pH {ph} -epik_pHt {pht} -fix -NOJOBID'.format(**wiz_args).split()


    with utils.temporary_cd(working_dir):
        log = schrodinger.run_and_log_error(cmd)
        write_file('protein_prep.log', log)
Esempio n. 4
def protein_prep(input_file, output_file, cap, pH=7.4, fillsidechains=True, fillloops=True,
                 noepik=False, rehtreat=True, max_states=32, tolerance=0):

    # Locate PrepWizard executable
    prepwiz_path = os.path.join(os.environ['SCHRODINGER'], 'utilities', 'prepwizard')

    # Normalize paths
    input_file_path = os.path.abspath(input_file)
    input_file_dir, input_name = os.path.split(input_file_path)

    output_file_name = os.path.join(input_file_dir, output_file + '-prepped.pdb')
    working_dir = os.path.join(input_file_dir, '%s-prepped' % input_name)

    # Check for output file pathway
    if not os.path.exists(working_dir):

    # Format arguments for PrepWizard command

    wiz_args = dict(ms=max_states, ph=pH)
    wiz_args['fillsidechains'] = '-fillsidechains' if fillsidechains else ''
    wiz_args['fillloops'] = '-fillloops' if fillloops else ''
    wiz_args['pht'] = tolerance
    wiz_args['rehtreat'] = '-rehtreat' if rehtreat else ''
    wiz_args['water_hbond_cutoff'] = 0
    wiz_args['noepik'] = '-noepik' if noepik else ''
    wiz_args['captermini'] = '-captermini' if cap else ''

    cmd = [prepwiz_path]
    cmd += '{captermini} -mse -propka_pH {ph} {fillsidechains} {fillloops} {rehtreat} {noepik} -delwater_hbond_cutoff {water_hbond_cutoff} ' \
           '-keepfarwat -disulfides -ms {ms} -minimize_adj_h -epik_pH {ph} -epik_pHt {pht} -fix -NOJOBID'.format(**wiz_args).split()


    with utils.temporary_cd(working_dir):
        log = schrodinger.run_and_log_error(cmd)
        write_file('protein_prep.log', log)
Esempio n. 5
def run_ligprep(input_file_path, output_file_path, max_stereo_isomers=1, ionization_treatment=1):
    Run Schrodinger's ligprep command line utility to clean up a structure.

    input_file_path : str
        Path to input file describing the molecule.
    output_file_path : str
        Path to the output file created by epik.
    max_stereo_isomers : int, optional
        Maximum number of generated structures (default is 32).
    ionization_treatment : int, default 1
        0 do not neutralize or ionize, 1 neutralize, 2 neutralize and ionize.    
    # Locate executable
    exe_path = os.path.join(os.environ['SCHRODINGER'], 'ligprep')

    # Normalize paths as we'll run in a different working directory
    input_file_path = os.path.abspath(input_file_path)
    output_file_path = os.path.abspath(output_file_path)
    output_dir = os.path.dirname(output_file_path)

    # Preparing epik command arguments for format()
    prep_args = dict(s=max_stereo_isomers, i=ionization_treatment)    

    prep_output = os.path.splitext(output_file_path)[0] + '.mae'

    # ligprep command. We need list in case there's a space in the paths
    cmd = [exe_path, '-imae', input_file_path, '-omae', prep_output]
    cmd += '-s {s} -i {i} -WAIT'.format(

    # We run with output_dir as working directory to save there the log file
    with utils.temporary_cd(output_dir):
Esempio n. 6
def run_epik(input_file_path,
    """Run Schrodinger's epik command line utility to enumerate protonation and
    tautomeric states.

    input_file_path : str
        Path to input file describing the molecule.
    output_file_path : str
        Path to the output file created by epik.
    max_structures : int, optional
        Maximum number of generated structures (default is 32).
    ph : float, optional
        Target pH for generated states (default is 7.4).
    ph_tolerance : float, optional
        Equivalent of -pht option in Epik command (default is None).
    min_probability: float, optional
        Minimum probability for the generated states.
    tautomerize : bool, optional
        Whether or not tautomerize the input structure (default is True).
    extract_range : int or list of ints, optional
        If not None, the function uses the Schrodinger's utility maesubset to
        extract only a subset of the generated structures. This is the 0-based
        indices of the structures to extract from the input files.
    max_atoms : int, optional
        Structures containing more than max_atoms atoms will not be adjusted. (default is 150)

    # Locate epik executable
    epik_path = os.path.join(os.environ['SCHRODINGER'], 'epik')

    # Normalize paths as we'll run in a different working directory
    input_file_path = os.path.abspath(input_file_path)
    output_file_path = os.path.abspath(output_file_path)
    output_dir = os.path.dirname(output_file_path)

    # Preparing epik command arguments for format()
    epik_args = dict(ms=max_structures, ph=ph)
    epik_args['pht'] = '-pht {}'.format(ph_tolerance) if ph_tolerance else ''
    epik_args['nt'] = '' if tautomerize else '-nt'
    epik_args['p'] = '-p {}'.format(min_probability) if min_probability else ''
    epik_args['ma'] = '-ma {}'.format(max_atoms)

    # Determine if we need to convert input and/or output file
    if extract_range is None:
        epik_output = output_file_path
        epik_output = os.path.splitext(output_file_path)[0] + '-full.mae'

    # Epik command. We need list in case there's a space in the paths
    cmd = [epik_path, '-imae', input_file_path, '-omae', epik_output]
    cmd += '-ms {ms} -ph {ph} {ma} {pht} {nt} {p} -pKa_atom -WAIT -NO_JOBCONTROL'.format(

    # We run with output_dir as working directory to save there the log file
    with utils.temporary_cd(output_dir):

    # Check if we need to extract a range of structures
    if extract_range is not None:
        run_maesubset(epik_output, output_file_path, extract_range)
Esempio n. 7
def test_temp_cd_context():
    """Test the context temporary_cd()."""
    with utils.temporary_directory() as tmp_dir:
        with utils.temporary_cd(tmp_dir):
            assert os.getcwd() == os.path.realpath(tmp_dir)
        assert os.getcwd() != os.path.realpath(tmp_dir)
Esempio n. 8
def test_temp_cd_context():
    """Test the context temporary_cd()."""
    with utils.temporary_directory() as tmp_dir:
        with utils.temporary_cd(tmp_dir):
            assert os.getcwd() == os.path.realpath(tmp_dir)
        assert os.getcwd() != os.path.realpath(tmp_dir)