Esempio n. 1
    def draw_bar2D(
                    title="Bar Chart",
        ws = self.wb[sheet_name]

        # 数据所在列的坐标范围, 不包含label
        DATA_COL_MIN = data_position[0]
        DATA_COL_MAX = data_position[1]
        DATA_ROW_MIN = data_position[2]
        DATA_ROW_MAX = data_position[3]

        # label 所在范围
        LABEL_COL_MIN = label_position[0]
        LABEL_COL_MAX = label_position[1]
        LABEL_ROW_MIN = label_position[2]
        LABEL_ROW_MAX = label_position[3]

        # 创建 chart 对象
        chart1 = BarChart()

        # 竖直的柱状图"col"
        chart1.type = "col" = 10
        chart1.shape = 4
        chart1.title = title
        chart1.y_axis.title = y_title
        chart1.x_axis.title = x_title

        data = Reference(ws, min_col=DATA_COL_MIN, max_col=DATA_COL_MAX, min_row=DATA_ROW_MIN, max_row=DATA_ROW_MAX)
        cats = Reference(ws, min_col=LABEL_COL_MIN, max_col=LABEL_COL_MAX, min_row=LABEL_ROW_MIN, max_row=LABEL_ROW_MAX)

        chart1.add_data(data, titles_from_data=True)

        # label , 柱状图上的数字
        chart1.dLbls = DataLabelList()
        chart1.dLbls.showVal = True

        # 是否显示图例图例
        if is_display_legend == False:
            chart1.legend = None

        # 显示位置
        ws.add_chart(chart1, display_position)
Esempio n. 2
def generate_excel(report,
    wb = Workbook()
    ws =

    # Row height
    ws.row_dimensions[1].height = 118
    for i in range(2, 2000 + 1):
        ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 30

    # Col width
    ws.column_dimensions['A'].width = 1.5

    ws.column_dimensions['B'].width = 25.0

    for i in range(ord('C'), ord('I')):
        ws.column_dimensions[chr(i)].width = 25.0

    # Font
    name_font = Font(name='Constantia', size=15, bold=True)
    name_small_font = Font(name='Constantia', size=10, bold=True)
    title_font = Font(name='宋体', size=15, bold=True)
    title_small_font = Font(name='宋体', size=10, bold=True)
    data_font = Font(name='Franklin Gothic Book', size=11)

    table_fill = PatternFill(fill_type='solid', fgColor='1F497D')
    f_border = Border(left=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      right=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      bottom=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      top=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000')
    b_border = Border(
        bottom=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),

    b_c_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    c_c_alignment = Alignment(vertical='center',
    b_r_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    c_r_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    # Img
    img = Image("excelexporters/myems.png")
    # img = Image("myems.png")
    ws.add_image(img, 'B1')

    # Title
    ws['B3'].font = name_font
    ws['B3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['B3'] = 'Name:'
    ws['C3'].border = b_border
    ws['C3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['C3'].font = name_font
    ws['C3'] = name

    ws['D3'].font = name_font
    ws['D3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['D3'] = 'Period:'
    ws['E3'].border = b_border
    ws['E3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['E3'].font = name_font
    ws['E3'] = period_type

    ws['F3'].font = name_font
    ws['F3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['F3'] = 'Date:'
    for i in range(ord('G'), ord('K')):
        ws[chr(i) + '3'].border = b_border
    ws['G3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['G3'].font = name_font
    ws['G3'] = reporting_start_datetime_local + "__" + reporting_end_datetime_local

    if "reporting_period" not in report.keys() or \
            "names" not in report['reporting_period'].keys() or len(report['reporting_period']['names']) == 0:
        filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xlsx'

        return filename


    current_row_number = 6

    reporting_period_data = report['reporting_period']

    has_names_data_flag = True

    if "names" not in reporting_period_data.keys() or \
            reporting_period_data['names'] is None or \
            len(reporting_period_data['names']) == 0:
        has_names_data_flag = False

    if has_names_data_flag:
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = name + ' 报告期节约'

        current_row_number += 1

        category = reporting_period_data['names']
        ca_len = len(category)

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill

        col = 'C'

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_small_font
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = \
                reporting_period_data['names'][i] + " (基线-实际) (" + reporting_period_data['units'][i] + ")"

            col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_small_font
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = '吨标准煤 (基线-实际) (TCE)'

        col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_small_font
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = '吨二氧化碳排放 (基线-实际) (TCO2E)'

        col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

        current_row_number += 1

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '节约'

        col = 'C'

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = round(reporting_period_data['subtotals_saving'][i], 2)

            col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = round(reporting_period_data['total_in_kgce_saving'], 2)

        col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = round(reporting_period_data['total_in_kgco2e_saving'], 2)

        col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

        current_row_number += 1

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '单位面积值'

        col = 'C'

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = round(reporting_period_data['subtotals_per_unit_area_saving'][i], 2)

            col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = round(reporting_period_data['total_in_kgco2e_per_unit_area_saving'], 2)

        col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = round(reporting_period_data['total_in_kgce_per_unit_area_saving'], 2)

        col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

        current_row_number += 1

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '环比'

        col = 'C'

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = str(
                round(reporting_period_data['increment_rates_saving'][i] * 100, 2)) + '%' \
                if reporting_period_data['increment_rates_saving'][i] is not None else '-'

            col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = str(
            round(reporting_period_data['increment_rate_in_kgce_saving'] * 100, 2)) + '%' \
            if reporting_period_data['increment_rate_in_kgce_saving'] is not None else '-'

        col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = str(
            round(reporting_period_data['increment_rate_in_kgco2e_saving'] * 100, 2)) + '%' \
            if reporting_period_data['increment_rate_in_kgco2e_saving'] is not None else '-'

        col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

        current_row_number += 2

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = name + ' 吨标准煤(TCE)占比'

        current_row_number += 1
        table_start_row_number = current_row_number
        chart_start_row_number = current_row_number

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill

        ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
        ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].font = name_small_font
        ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws['C' + str(current_row_number)] = '吨标准煤(TCE)占比'

        current_row_number += 1

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = reporting_period_data['names'][i]

            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)] = round(reporting_period_data['subtotals_in_kgce_saving'][i], 2)

            current_row_number += 1

        table_end_row_number = current_row_number - 1

        if ca_len < 4:
            current_row_number = current_row_number - ca_len + 4

        current_row_number += 1

        pie = PieChart()
        pie.title = '吨标准煤(TCE)占比'
        labels = Reference(ws, min_col=2, min_row=table_start_row_number + 1, max_row=table_end_row_number)
        pie_data = Reference(ws, min_col=3, min_row=table_start_row_number, max_row=table_end_row_number)
        pie.add_data(pie_data, titles_from_data=True)
        pie.height = 5.25
        pie.width = 9
        s1 = pie.series[0]
        s1.dLbls = DataLabelList()
        s1.dLbls.showCatName = False
        s1.dLbls.showVal = True
        s1.dLbls.showPercent = True
        ws.add_chart(pie, 'D' + str(chart_start_row_number))

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = name + ' 吨二氧化碳排放(TCO2E)占比'

        current_row_number += 1
        table_start_row_number = current_row_number
        chart_start_row_number = current_row_number

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill

        ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
        ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].font = name_small_font
        ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws['C' + str(current_row_number)] = '吨二氧化碳排放(TCO2E)占比'

        current_row_number += 1

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = reporting_period_data['names'][i]

            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)] = round(reporting_period_data['subtotals_in_kgco2e_saving'][i], 2)

            current_row_number += 1

        table_end_row_number = current_row_number - 1

        if ca_len < 4:
            current_row_number = current_row_number - ca_len + 4

        current_row_number += 1

        pie = PieChart()
        pie.title = '吨二氧化碳排放(TCO2E)占比'
        labels = Reference(ws, min_col=2, min_row=table_start_row_number + 1, max_row=table_end_row_number)
        pie_data = Reference(ws, min_col=3, min_row=table_start_row_number, max_row=table_end_row_number)
        pie.add_data(pie_data, titles_from_data=True)
        pie.height = 5.25
        pie.width = 9
        s1 = pie.series[0]
        s1.dLbls = DataLabelList()
        s1.dLbls.showCatName = False
        s1.dLbls.showVal = True
        s1.dLbls.showPercent = True
        ws.add_chart(pie, 'D' + str(chart_start_row_number))


    has_values_saving_data = True
    has_timestamps_data = True

    if 'values_saving' not in reporting_period_data.keys() or \
            reporting_period_data['values_saving'] is None or \
            len(reporting_period_data['values_saving']) == 0:
        has_values_saving_data = False

    if 'timestamps' not in reporting_period_data.keys() or \
            reporting_period_data['timestamps'] is None or \
            len(reporting_period_data['timestamps']) == 0 or \
            len(reporting_period_data['timestamps'][0]) == 0:
        has_timestamps_data = False

    if has_values_saving_data and has_timestamps_data:
        ca_len = len(reporting_period_data['names'])
        time = reporting_period_data['timestamps'][0]

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = name + ' 详细数据'

        current_row_number += 1

        chart_start_row_number = current_row_number

        current_row_number += ca_len * 5
        table_start_row_number = current_row_number

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '日期时间'

        col = 'C'

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = \
                reporting_period_data['names'][i] + " (" + reporting_period_data['units'][i] + ")"
            col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

        current_row_number += 1

        for i in range(0, len(time)):
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = time[i]

            col = 'C'
            for j in range(0, ca_len):
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = round(reporting_period_data['values_saving'][j][i], 2) \
                    if reporting_period_data['values_saving'][j][i] is not None else 0.00
                col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

            current_row_number += 1

        table_end_row_number = current_row_number - 1

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '小计'

        col = 'C'

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = round(reporting_period_data['subtotals_saving'][i], 2)
            col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

        current_row_number += 2

        format_time_width_number = 1.0
        min_len_number = 1.0
        min_width_number = 11.0  # format_time_width_number * min_len_number + 4 and min_width_number > 11.0

        if period_type == 'hourly':
            format_time_width_number = 4.0
            min_len_number = 2
            min_width_number = 12.0
        elif period_type == 'daily':
            format_time_width_number = 2.5
            min_len_number = 4
            min_width_number = 14.0
        elif period_type == 'monthly':
            format_time_width_number = 2.1
            min_len_number = 4
            min_width_number = 12.4
        elif period_type == 'yearly':
            format_time_width_number = 1.5
            min_len_number = 5
            min_width_number = 11.5

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            bar = BarChart()
            bar.title = \
                reporting_period_data['names'][i] + " (" + reporting_period_data['units'][i] + ")"
            labels = Reference(ws, min_col=2, min_row=table_start_row_number + 1, max_row=table_end_row_number)
            bar_data = Reference(ws, min_col=3 + i, min_row=table_start_row_number, max_row=table_end_row_number)
            bar.add_data(bar_data, titles_from_data=True)
            bar.height = 5.25
            bar.width = format_time_width_number * len(time) if len(time) > min_len_number else min_width_number
            bar.dLbls = DataLabelList()
            bar.dLbls.showVal = True
            bar.dLbls.showPercent = True
            chart_col = 'B'
            chart_cell = chart_col + str(chart_start_row_number)
            chart_start_row_number += 5
            ws.add_chart(bar, chart_cell)

    filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xlsx'

    return filename
Esempio n. 3
def generate_excel(report,
    wb = Workbook()
    ws =

    # Row height
    ws.row_dimensions[1].height = 121

    for i in range(2, 37 + 1):
        ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 30

    for i in range(38, 90 + 1):
        ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 30

    # Col width
    ws.column_dimensions['A'].width = 1.5
    ws.column_dimensions['B'].width = 20.0

    for i in range(ord('C'), ord('I')):
        ws.column_dimensions[chr(i)].width = 15.0

    # Font
    name_font = Font(name='Constantia', size=15, bold=True)
    title_font = Font(name='宋体', size=15, bold=True)
    # data_font = Font(name='Franklin Gothic Book', size=11)

    table_fill = PatternFill(fill_type='solid', fgColor='1F497D')
    f_border = Border(left=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      right=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      bottom=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      top=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000')
    b_border = Border(
        bottom=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),

    b_c_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    c_c_alignment = Alignment(vertical='center',
    b_r_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    # c_r_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    #                           horizontal='center',
    #                           text_rotation=0,
    #                           wrap_text=False,
    #                           shrink_to_fit=False,
    #                           indent=0)

    # Img
    img = Image("excelexporters/myems.png")
    # img = Image("myems.png")
    ws.add_image(img, 'B1')

    # Title
    ws['B3'].font = name_font
    ws['B3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['B3'] = 'Name:'
    ws['C3'].border = b_border
    ws['C3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['C3'].font = name_font
    ws['C3'] = name

    ws['D3'].font = name_font
    ws['D3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['D3'] = 'Period:'
    ws['E3'].border = b_border
    ws['E3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['E3'].font = name_font
    ws['E3'] = period_type

    ws['F3'].font = name_font
    ws['F3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['F3'] = 'Date:'
    ws['G3'].border = b_border
    ws['G3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['G3'].font = name_font
    ws['G3'] = reporting_start_datetime_local + "__" + reporting_end_datetime_local

    if "reporting_period" not in report.keys() or \
            "names" not in report['reporting_period'].keys() or len(report['reporting_period']['names']) == 0:
        filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xlsx'

        return filename
    # First: 统计分析
    # 6: title
    # 7: table title
    # 8~11 table_data
    # Total: 6 rows
    # if has not energy data: set low height for rows
    reporting_period_data = report['reporting_period']

    has_energy_data_flag = True

    if "names" not in reporting_period_data.keys() or \
            reporting_period_data['names'] is None or \
            len(reporting_period_data['names']) == 0:
        has_energy_data_flag = False

        filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xlsx'

        return filename

    if has_energy_data_flag:
        ws['B6'].font = title_font
        ws['B6'] = name + ' 统计分析'
        # ws['D6'].font = title_font
        # ws['D6'] = '面积' +report['space']['area']

        category = reporting_period_data['names']

        # table_title
        ws['B7'].fill = table_fill
        ws['B7'].font = title_font
        ws['B7'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B7'] = '报告期'
        ws['B7'].border = f_border

        ws['C7'].font = title_font
        ws['C7'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['C7'] = '算术平均数'
        ws['C7'].border = f_border

        ws['D7'].font = title_font
        ws['D7'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['D7'] = '中位数'
        ws['D7'].border = f_border

        ws['E7'].font = title_font
        ws['E7'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['E7'] = '最小值'
        ws['E7'].border = f_border

        ws['F7'].font = title_font
        ws['F7'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['F7'] = '最大值'
        ws['F7'].border = f_border

        ws['G7'].font = title_font
        ws['G7'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['G7'] = '样本标准差'
        ws['G7'].border = f_border

        ws['H7'].font = title_font
        ws['H7'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['H7'] = '样本方差'
        ws['H7'].border = f_border

        # table_data

        for i, value in enumerate(category):
            row = i*2 + 8
            ws['B' + str(row)].font = name_font
            ws['B' + str(row)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['B' + str(row)] = reporting_period_data['names'][i] + " (" + reporting_period_data['units'][i] + " )"
            ws['B' + str(row)].border = f_border

            ws['B' + str(row + 1)].font = name_font
            ws['B' + str(row + 1)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['B' + str(row + 1)] = "环比"
            ws['B' + str(row + 1)].border = f_border

            ws['C' + str(row)].font = name_font
            ws['C' + str(row)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['C' + str(row)] = round(reporting_period_data['means'][i], 2) \
                if reporting_period_data['means'][i] is not None else ''
            ws['C' + str(row)].border = f_border

            ws['C' + str(row + 1)].font = name_font
            ws['C' + str(row + 1)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['C' + str(row + 1)] = str(round(reporting_period_data['means_increment_rate'][i] * 100, 2)) + "%" \
                if reporting_period_data['means_increment_rate'][i] is not None else '0.00%'
            ws['C' + str(row + 1)].border = f_border

            ws['D' + str(row)].font = name_font
            ws['D' + str(row)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['D' + str(row)] = round(reporting_period_data['medians'][i], 2) \
                if reporting_period_data['medians'][i] is not None else ''
            ws['D' + str(row)].border = f_border

            ws['D' + str(row + 1)].font = name_font
            ws['D' + str(row + 1)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['D' + str(row + 1)] = str(round(reporting_period_data['medians_increment_rate'][i] * 100, 2)) + "%" \
                if reporting_period_data['medians_increment_rate'][i] is not None else '0.00%'
            ws['D' + str(row + 1)].border = f_border

            ws['E' + str(row)].font = name_font
            ws['E' + str(row)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['E' + str(row)] = round(reporting_period_data['minimums'][i], 2) \
                if reporting_period_data['minimums'][i] is not None else ''
            ws['E' + str(row)].border = f_border

            ws['E' + str(row + 1)].font = name_font
            ws['E' + str(row + 1)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['E' + str(row + 1)] = str(round(reporting_period_data['minimums_increment_rate'][i] * 100, 2)) + "%" \
                if reporting_period_data['minimums_increment_rate'][i] is not None else '0.00%'
            ws['E' + str(row + 1)].border = f_border

            ws['F' + str(row)].font = name_font
            ws['F' + str(row)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['F' + str(row)] = round(reporting_period_data['maximums'][i], 2) \
                if reporting_period_data['maximums'][i] is not None else ''
            ws['F' + str(row)].border = f_border

            ws['F' + str(row + 1)].font = name_font
            ws['F' + str(row + 1)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['F' + str(row + 1)] = str(round(reporting_period_data['maximums_increment_rate'][i] * 100, 2)) + "%" \
                if reporting_period_data['maximums_increment_rate'][i] is not None else '0.00%'
            ws['F' + str(row + 1)].border = f_border

            ws['G' + str(row)].font = name_font
            ws['G' + str(row)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['G' + str(row)] = round(reporting_period_data['stdevs'][i], 2) \
                if reporting_period_data['stdevs'][i] is not None else ''
            ws['G' + str(row)].border = f_border

            ws['G' + str(row + 1)].font = name_font
            ws['G' + str(row + 1)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['G' + str(row + 1)] = str(round(reporting_period_data['stdevs_increment_rate'][i] * 100, 2)) + "%" \
                if reporting_period_data['stdevs_increment_rate'][i] is not None else '0.00%'
            ws['G' + str(row + 1)].border = f_border

            ws['H' + str(row)].font = name_font
            ws['H' + str(row)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['H' + str(row)] = round(reporting_period_data['variances'][i], 2) \
                if reporting_period_data['variances'][i] is not None else ''
            ws['H' + str(row)].border = f_border

            ws['H' + str(row + 1)].font = name_font
            ws['H' + str(row + 1)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['H' + str(row + 1)] = str(round(reporting_period_data['variances_increment_rate'][i] * 100, 2)) + "%" \
                if reporting_period_data['variances_increment_rate'][i] is not None else '0.00%'
            ws['H' + str(row + 1)].border = f_border
    # First: 统计分析
    # 13: title
    # 14: table title
    # 15~18 table_data
    # Total: 6 rows
    # if has not energy data: set low height for rows

    if has_energy_data_flag:
        ws['B13'].font = title_font
        ws['B13'] = name + ' 单位面积值'
        ws['D13'].font = title_font
        ws['D13'] = str(report['space']['area']) + 'M²'

        category = reporting_period_data['names']

        # table_title
        ws['B14'].fill = table_fill
        ws['B14'].font = title_font
        ws['B14'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B14'] = '报告期'
        ws['B14'].border = f_border

        ws['C14'].font = title_font
        ws['C14'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['C14'] = '算术平均数'
        ws['C14'].border = f_border

        ws['D14'].font = title_font
        ws['D14'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['D14'] = '中位数'
        ws['D14'].border = f_border

        ws['E14'].font = title_font
        ws['E14'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['E14'] = '最小值'
        ws['E14'].border = f_border

        ws['F14'].font = title_font
        ws['F14'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['F14'] = '最大值'
        ws['F14'].border = f_border

        ws['G14'].font = title_font
        ws['G14'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['G14'] = '样本标准差'
        ws['G14'].border = f_border

        ws['H14'].font = title_font
        ws['H14'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['H14'] = '样本方差'
        ws['H14'].border = f_border

        # table_data

        for i, value in enumerate(category):
            row = i + 15
            ws['B' + str(row)].font = name_font
            ws['B' + str(row)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['B' + str(row)] = reporting_period_data['names'][i] + " (" + reporting_period_data['units'][
                i] + "/M²)"
            ws['B' + str(row)].border = f_border

            ws['C' + str(row)].font = name_font
            ws['C' + str(row)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            if reporting_period_data['means_per_unit_area'][i] \
                    or reporting_period_data['means_per_unit_area'][i] == 0:
                ws['C' + str(row)] = round(reporting_period_data['means_per_unit_area'][i], 2)
            ws['C' + str(row)].border = f_border

            ws['D' + str(row)].font = name_font
            ws['D' + str(row)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            if reporting_period_data['medians_per_unit_area'][i] \
                    or reporting_period_data['medians_per_unit_area'][i] == 0:
                ws['D' + str(row)] = round(reporting_period_data['medians_per_unit_area'][i], 2)
            ws['D' + str(row)].border = f_border

            ws['E' + str(row)].font = name_font
            ws['E' + str(row)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            if reporting_period_data['minimums_per_unit_area'][i] \
                    or reporting_period_data['minimums_per_unit_area'][i] == 0:
                ws['E' + str(row)] = round(reporting_period_data['minimums_per_unit_area'][i], 2)
            ws['E' + str(row)].border = f_border

            ws['F' + str(row)].font = name_font
            ws['F' + str(row)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            if reporting_period_data['maximums_per_unit_area'][i] \
                    or reporting_period_data['maximums_per_unit_area'][i] == 0:
                ws['F' + str(row)] = round(reporting_period_data['maximums_per_unit_area'][i], 2)
            ws['F' + str(row)].border = f_border

            ws['G' + str(row)].font = name_font
            ws['G' + str(row)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            if (reporting_period_data['stdevs_per_unit_area'][i]) \
                    or reporting_period_data['stdevs_per_unit_area'][i] == 0:
                ws['G' + str(row)] = round(reporting_period_data['stdevs_per_unit_area'][i], 2)
            ws['G' + str(row)].border = f_border

            ws['H' + str(row)].font = name_font
            ws['H' + str(row)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            if reporting_period_data['variances_per_unit_area'][i] \
                    or reporting_period_data['variances_per_unit_area'][i] == 0:
                ws['H' + str(row)] = round(reporting_period_data['variances_per_unit_area'][i], 2)
            ws['H' + str(row)].border = f_border

    # Fourth:
    # 20: title
    # 21~ 26+ca_len*5-1: line
    # 26+ca_len*5: table title
    # 26+ca_len*5~: table_data
    reporting_period_data = report['reporting_period']
    times = reporting_period_data['timestamps']
    has_detail_data_flag = True
    ca_len = len(report['reporting_period']['names'])
    table_row = 27

    if "timestamps" not in reporting_period_data.keys() or \
            reporting_period_data['timestamps'] is None or \
            len(reporting_period_data['timestamps']) == 0:
        has_detail_data_flag = False

    if has_detail_data_flag:
        ws['B20'].font = title_font
        ws['B20'] = name + ' 报告期消耗'
        ws['B26'].font = title_font
        ws['B26'] = name + ' 详细数据'
        # table

        ws['B' + str(table_row)].fill = table_fill
        ws['B' + str(table_row)].border = f_border
        ws['B' + str(table_row)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B' + str(table_row)] = '日期时间'
        time = times[0]
        has_data = False
        max_row = 0
        if len(time) > 0:
            has_data = True
            max_row = table_row + len(time)
            # print("max_row", max_row)

        if has_data:
            # time
            time_len = len(time)
            for index in range(0, len(time)):
                col = 'B'
                row = str(table_row + 1 + index)
                # col = chr(ord('B') + i)
                ws[col + row].font = title_font
                ws[col + row].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws[col + row] = time[index]
                ws[col + row].border = f_border
                if index == time_len - 1:
                    row = str(table_row + 2 + index)
                    ws['B' + row].font = title_font
                    ws['B' + row].alignment = c_c_alignment
                    ws['B' + row] = "小计"
                    ws['B' + row].border = f_border
            # data
            for index in range(0, ca_len):
                # table_title
                col = chr(ord('C') + index)

                ws[col + str(table_row)].fill = table_fill
                ws[col + str(table_row)].font = title_font
                ws[col + str(table_row)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws[col + str(table_row)] = (reporting_period_data['names'][index] + "(" +
                                            reporting_period_data['units'][index] + ")")
                ws[col + str(table_row)].border = f_border

                # data
                time = times[index]
                time_len = len(time)

                for j in range(0, time_len):
                    row = str(table_row + 1 + j)
                    # col = chr(ord('B') + i)
                    ws[col + row].font = title_font
                    ws[col + row].alignment = c_c_alignment
                    ws[col + row] = round(reporting_period_data['values'][index][j], 0)
                    ws[col + row].border = f_border
                    # subtotals
                    if j == time_len - 1:
                        row = str(table_row + 2 + j)
                        ws[col + row].font = title_font
                        ws[col + row].alignment = c_c_alignment
                        ws[col + row] = round(reporting_period_data['subtotals'][index], 0)
                        ws[col + row].border = f_border

                # bar
                bar = BarChart()
                labels = Reference(ws, min_col=2, min_row=table_row + 1, max_row=max_row)
                bar_data = Reference(ws, min_col=3 + index, min_row=table_row, max_row=max_row)  # openpyxl bug
                bar.add_data(bar_data, titles_from_data=True)
                bar.height = 5.25  # cm 1.05*5 1.05cm = 30 pt
                bar.width = 18
                # pie.title = "Pies sold by category"
                bar.dLbls = DataLabelList()
                # bar.dLbls.showCatName = True  # label show
                bar.dLbls.showVal = True  # val show
                bar.dLbls.showPercent = True  # percent show
                # s1 = CharacterProperties(sz=1800)     # font size *100
                chart_col = 'B'
                chart_cell = chart_col + str(21 + 5 * index)
                ws.add_chart(bar, chart_cell)

    # ################################################
    # # Fourth: 相关参数
    # # table_row+2: title
    # # 21~ 26+ca_len*5-1: LineChart
    # # 26+ca_len*5: table title
    # # 26+ca_len*5~: table_data
    # ################################################
    # reporting_period_data = report['parameters']
    # times = reporting_period_data['timestamps']
    # has_detail_data_flag = True
    # ca_len = len(reporting_period_data['names'])

    filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xlsx'

    return filename
Esempio n. 4
def generate_excel(report, name, reporting_start_datetime_local,
                   reporting_end_datetime_local, period_type):
    wb = Workbook()
    ws =

    # Row height
    ws.row_dimensions[1].height = 118

    for i in range(2, 6 + 1):
        ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 30

    ws.row_dimensions[7].height = 60
    ws.row_dimensions[3].height = 50

    # Col width
    ws.column_dimensions['A'].width = 1.5

    ws.column_dimensions['B'].width = 20.0
    for i in range(ord('C'), ord('C') + 16):
        ws.column_dimensions[chr(i)].width = 15.0

    # Font
    name_font = Font(name='Constantia', size=15, bold=True)
    title_font = Font(name='宋体', size=15, bold=True)
    data_font = Font(name='Franklin Gothic Book', size=11)

    table_fill = PatternFill(fill_type='solid', fgColor='1F497D')
    f_border = Border(left=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      right=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      bottom=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      top=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'))
    b_border = Border(bottom=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'), )

    b_c_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    c_c_alignment = Alignment(vertical='center',
    b_r_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    c_r_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    # Img
    img = Image("excelexporters/myems.png")
    ws.add_image(img, 'B1')

    # Title
    ws['B3'].font = name_font
    ws['B3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['B3'] = 'Name:'
    ws['C3'].border = b_border
    ws['C3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['C3'].font = name_font
    ws['C3'] = name

    ws['D3'].font = name_font
    ws['D3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['D3'] = 'Period:'
    ws['E3'].border = b_border
    ws['E3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['E3'].font = name_font
    ws['E3'] = period_type

    ws['F3'].font = name_font
    ws['F3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['F3'] = 'Date:'
    ws['G3'].border = b_border
    ws['G3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['G3'].font = name_font
    ws['G3'] = reporting_start_datetime_local + "__" + reporting_end_datetime_local
    if "reporting_period" not in report.keys() or \
            "names" not in report['reporting_period'].keys() or len(report['reporting_period']['names']) == 0:
        filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xlsx'

        return filename
    # First: 趋势
    # 6: title
    # 7: table title
    # 8~ table_data
    has_data_flag = True
    reporting_period_data = report['reporting_period']
    if "names" not in reporting_period_data.keys() or \
            reporting_period_data['names'] is None or \
            len(reporting_period_data['names']) == 0:
        has_data_flag = False

    if "timestamps" not in reporting_period_data.keys() or \
            reporting_period_data['timestamps'] is None or \
            len(reporting_period_data['timestamps']) == 0:
        has_data_flag = False

    if "values" not in reporting_period_data.keys() or \
            reporting_period_data['values'] is None or \
            len(reporting_period_data['values']) == 0:
        has_data_flag = False
    ca = reporting_period_data['names']
    ca_len = len(ca)
    temp_max_row = 0
    times = reporting_period_data['timestamps']
    if has_data_flag:
        ws['B6'].font = title_font
        ws['B6'] = name + ' 趋势'

        ws['B7'].fill = table_fill
        ws['B7'].border = f_border
        ws['B7'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B7'] = '时间'
        time = times[0]
        has_data = False
        max_row = 0
        if len(time) > 0:
            has_data = True
            max_row = 8 + len(time)
            print("max_row", max_row)
            temp_max_row = max_row
        if has_data:
            for i in range(0, len(time)):
                col = 'B'
                row = str(8 + i)
                # col = chr(ord('B') + i)
                ws[col + row].font = title_font
                ws[col + row].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws[col + row] = time[i]
                ws[col + row].border = f_border

            for i in range(0, ca_len):
                # 38 title
                col = chr(ord('C') + i)

                ws[col + '7'].fill = table_fill
                ws[col + '7'].font = title_font
                ws[col + '7'].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws[col + '7'] = reporting_period_data['names'][i]
                ws[col + '7'].border = f_border

                # 39 data
                time = times[i]
                time_len = len(time)

                for j in range(0, time_len):
                    row = str(8 + j)
                    # col = chr(ord('B') + i)
                    ws[col + row].font = title_font
                    ws[col + row].alignment = c_c_alignment
                    ws[col + row] = round(
                        reporting_period_data['values'][i][j], 0)
                    ws[col + row].border = f_border
                # bar
                # 39~: bar
                bar = BarChart()
                labels = Reference(ws,
                                   max_row=max_row + 1)
                bar_data = Reference(ws,
                                     min_col=3 + i,
                                     max_row=max_row + 1)  # openpyxl bug
                bar.add_data(bar_data, titles_from_data=True)
                bar.height = 5.25  # cm 1.05*5 1.05cm = 30 pt
                bar.width = 36
                # pie.title = "Pies sold by category"
                bar.dLbls = DataLabelList()
                # bar.dLbls.showCatName = True  # label show
                bar.dLbls.showVal = True  # val show
                bar.dLbls.showPercent = True  # percent show
                # s1 = CharacterProperties(sz=1800)     # font size *100
                chart_col = chr(ord('B'))
                chart_cell = chart_col + str(max_row + 2 + 10 * i)
                print("chart_cell", chart_cell)
                ws.add_chart(bar, chart_cell)

    for i in range(8, temp_max_row + 1 + 1):
        ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 20

    filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xlsx'

    return filename
Esempio n. 5
def generate_excel(report, name, reporting_start_datetime_local,
                   reporting_end_datetime_local, period_type):
    wb = Workbook()

    # todo
    ws =

    # Row height
    ws.row_dimensions[1].height = 118
    for i in range(2, 2000 + 1):
        ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 30

    # Col width
    ws.column_dimensions['A'].width = 1.5

    for i in range(ord('B'), ord('I')):
        ws.column_dimensions[chr(i)].width = 18

    # Font
    name_font = Font(name='Constantia', size=15, bold=True)
    title_font = Font(name='宋体', size=15, bold=True)
    table_title_font = Font(name='宋体', size=10, bold=True)
    data_font = Font(name='Franklin Gothic Book', size=11)

    table_fill = PatternFill(fill_type='solid', fgColor='1F497D')
    f_border = Border(left=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      right=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      bottom=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      top=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'))
    b_border = Border(bottom=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'), )

    b_c_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    c_c_alignment = Alignment(vertical='center',
    b_r_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    c_r_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',

    # Img
    img = Image("excelexporters/myems.png")
    ws.add_image(img, 'B1')

    # Title
    ws['B3'].font = name_font
    ws['B3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['B3'] = 'Name:'
    ws['C3'].border = b_border
    ws['C3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['C3'].font = name_font
    ws['C3'] = name

    ws['D3'].font = name_font
    ws['D3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['D3'] = 'Period:'
    ws['E3'].border = b_border
    ws['E3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['E3'].font = name_font
    ws['E3'] = period_type

    ws['F3'].font = name_font
    ws['F3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['F3'] = 'Date:'
    for i in range(ord('G'), ord('K')):
        ws[chr(i) + '3'].border = b_border
    ws['G3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['G3'].font = name_font
    ws['G3'] = reporting_start_datetime_local + "__" + reporting_end_datetime_local

    if "reporting_period" not in report.keys() or \
            "timestamps" not in report['reporting_period'].keys() or len(report['reporting_period']['timestamps']) == 0:
        filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xlsx'

        return filename


    has_names_data_flag = True

    if "names" not in report['reporting_period'].keys() or len(
            report['reporting_period']['names']) == 0:
        has_names_data_flag = False

    current_row_number = 6
    if has_names_data_flag:
        reporting_period_data = report['reporting_period']
        category = reporting_period_data['names']
        ca_len = len(category)

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = name + '报告期平均负荷'

        current_row_number += 1

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            col = chr(ord('C') + i)
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = reporting_period_data['names'][i] + \
                " (" + reporting_period_data['units'][i] + "/H)"

        current_row_number += 1

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '平均负荷'

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            col = chr(ord('C') + i)
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = round(
                reporting_period_data['averages'][i], 2)

        current_row_number += 1

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '单位面积值'

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            col = chr(ord('C') + i)
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = round(
                reporting_period_data['averages_per_unit_area'][i], 2)

        current_row_number += 1

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '环比'

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            col = chr(ord('C') + i)
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = str(
                round(reporting_period_data['averages_increment_rate'][i] * 100, 2)) + "%" \
                if reporting_period_data['averages_increment_rate'][i] is not None else "-"

        current_row_number += 2

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = name + '报告期最大负荷'

        current_row_number += 1

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            col = chr(ord('C') + i)
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = reporting_period_data['names'][i] + \
                " (" + reporting_period_data['units'][i] + "/H)"

        current_row_number += 1

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '最大负荷'

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            col = chr(ord('C') + i)
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = round(
                reporting_period_data['maximums'][i], 2)

        current_row_number += 1

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '单位面积值'

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            col = chr(ord('C') + i)
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = round(
                reporting_period_data['maximums_per_unit_area'][i], 2)

        current_row_number += 1

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '环比'

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            col = chr(ord('C') + i)
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = str(
                round(reporting_period_data['maximums_increment_rate'][i] * 100, 2)) + "%" \
                if reporting_period_data['maximums_increment_rate'][i] is not None else "-"

        current_row_number += 2

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = name + '报告期负荷系数'

        current_row_number += 1

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            col = chr(ord('C') + i)
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws[col +
               str(current_row_number)] = reporting_period_data['names'][i]

        current_row_number += 1

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '负荷系数'

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            col = chr(ord('C') + i)
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = round(reporting_period_data['factors'][i], 2) \
                if reporting_period_data['factors'][i] is not None else '-'

        current_row_number += 1

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '环比'

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            col = chr(ord('C') + i)
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = str(
                round(reporting_period_data['factors_increment_rate'][i] * 100, 2)) + "%" \
                if reporting_period_data['factors_increment_rate'][i] is not None else "-"

        current_row_number += 2

    has_sub_averages_data_flag = True
    has_sub_maximums_data_flag = True

    if "sub_averages" not in report['reporting_period'].keys() or len(
            report['reporting_period']['sub_averages']) == 0:
        has_sub_averages_data_flag = False

    if "sub_averages" not in report['reporting_period'].keys() or len(
            report['reporting_period']['sub_averages']) == 0:
        has_sub_maximums_data_flag = False

    if has_sub_averages_data_flag or has_sub_maximums_data_flag:
        reporting_period_data = report['reporting_period']
        category = reporting_period_data['names']
        ca_len = len(category)
        times = reporting_period_data['timestamps']
        time = times[0]

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = name + '详细数据'

        current_row_number += 1
        chart_start_number = current_row_number

        if has_sub_averages_data_flag:
            current_row_number = (current_row_number + ca_len * 5)

        if has_sub_maximums_data_flag:
            current_row_number = (current_row_number + ca_len * 5)

        table_start_number = current_row_number

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '日期时间'

        col = 'C'

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            if has_sub_averages_data_flag:
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = table_title_font
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = reporting_period_data['names'][i] + \
                    " 平均负荷(" + reporting_period_data['units'][i] + "/H)"
                col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

            if has_sub_maximums_data_flag:
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = table_title_font
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = reporting_period_data['names'][i] + \
                    " 最大负荷(" + reporting_period_data['units'][i] + "/H)"
                col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

        current_row_number += 1

        for i in range(0, len(time)):
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = time[i]

            col = 'C'
            for j in range(0, ca_len):

                if has_sub_averages_data_flag:
                    ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
                    ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                    ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
                    ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = round(reporting_period_data['sub_averages'][j][i], 2) \
                        if reporting_period_data['sub_averages'][j][i] is not None else 0.00
                    col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

                if has_sub_maximums_data_flag:
                    ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
                    ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                    ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
                    ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = round(reporting_period_data['sub_maximums'][j][i], 2) \
                        if reporting_period_data['sub_maximums'][j][i] is not None else 0.00
                    col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

            current_row_number += 1

        table_end_number = current_row_number - 1

        current_chart_col_number = 3
        current_chart_row_number = chart_start_number

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            labels = Reference(ws,
                               min_row=table_start_number + 1,

            if has_sub_averages_data_flag:
                bar = BarChart()
                datas = Reference(ws,
                bar.add_data(datas, titles_from_data=True)
                bar.height = 5.25
                bar.width = len(time)
                bar.dLbls = DataLabelList()
                bar.dLbls.showVal = True
                ws.add_chart(bar, "B" + str(current_chart_row_number))
                current_chart_row_number += 5
                current_chart_col_number += 1

            if has_sub_maximums_data_flag:
                bar = BarChart()
                datas = Reference(ws,
                bar.add_data(datas, titles_from_data=True)
                bar.height = 5.25
                bar.width = len(time)
                bar.dLbls = DataLabelList()
                bar.dLbls.showVal = True
                ws.add_chart(bar, "B" + str(current_chart_row_number))
                current_chart_row_number += 5
                current_chart_col_number += 1

    filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xlsx'

    return filename
Esempio n. 6
def generate_excel(report, name, reporting_start_datetime_local,
                   reporting_end_datetime_local, period_type):
    wb = Workbook()

    # todo
    ws =

    # Row height
    ws.row_dimensions[1].height = 118
    for i in range(2, 11 + 1):
        ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 30

    for i in range(12, 43 + 1):
        ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 30

    # Col width
    ws.column_dimensions['A'].width = 1.5

    for i in range(ord('B'), ord('I')):
        ws.column_dimensions[chr(i)].width = 15.0

    # Font
    name_font = Font(name='Constantia', size=15, bold=True)
    title_font = Font(name='宋体', size=15, bold=True)
    data_font = Font(name='Franklin Gothic Book', size=11)

    table_fill = PatternFill(fill_type='solid', fgColor='1F497D')
    f_border = Border(left=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      right=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      bottom=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      top=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'))
    b_border = Border(bottom=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'), )

    b_c_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    c_c_alignment = Alignment(vertical='center',
    b_r_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    c_r_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',

    # Img
    img = Image("excelexporters/myems.png")
    ws.add_image(img, 'B1')

    # Title
    ws['B3'].font = name_font
    ws['B3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['B3'] = 'Name:'
    ws['C3'].border = b_border
    ws['C3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['C3'].font = name_font
    ws['C3'] = name

    ws['D3'].font = name_font
    ws['D3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['D3'] = 'Period:'
    ws['E3'].border = b_border
    ws['E3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['E3'].font = name_font
    ws['E3'] = period_type

    ws['F3'].font = name_font
    ws['F3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['F3'] = 'Date:'
    ws['G3'].border = b_border
    ws['G3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['G3'].font = name_font
    ws['G3'] = reporting_start_datetime_local + "__" + reporting_end_datetime_local

    if "reporting_period" not in report.keys() or \
            "values" not in report['reporting_period'].keys() or len(report['reporting_period']['values']) == 0:
        filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xlsx'

        return filename


    has_cost_data_flag = True

    if "values" not in report['reporting_period'].keys() or len(
            report['reporting_period']['values']) == 0:
        has_cost_data_flag = False

    if has_cost_data_flag:
        ws['B6'].font = title_font
        ws['B6'] = name + '报告期成本'

        reporting_period_data = report['reporting_period']
        category = report['offline_meter']['energy_category_name']
        ca_len = len(category)

        ws['B7'].fill = table_fill

        ws['B8'].font = title_font
        ws['B8'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B8'] = '成本'
        ws['B8'].border = f_border

        ws['B9'].font = title_font
        ws['B9'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B9'] = '环比'
        ws['B9'].border = f_border

        col = 'B'

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            col = chr(ord('C') + i)

            ws[col + '7'].fill = table_fill
            ws[col + '7'].font = name_font
            ws[col + '7'].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + '7'] = report['offline_meter']['energy_category_name'] + \
                " (" + report['offline_meter']['unit_of_measure'] + ")"
            ws[col + '7'].border = f_border

            ws[col + '8'].font = name_font
            ws[col + '8'].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + '8'] = round(reporting_period_data['total_in_category'],
            ws[col + '8'].border = f_border

            ws[col + '9'].font = name_font
            ws[col + '9'].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + '9'] = str(round(reporting_period_data['increment_rate'] * 100, 2)) + "%" \
                if reporting_period_data['increment_rate'] is not None else "-"
            ws[col + '9'].border = f_border

        # TCE TCO2E
        end_col = col
        # TCE
        tce_col = chr(ord(end_col) + 1)
        ws[tce_col + '7'].fill = table_fill
        ws[tce_col + '7'].font = name_font
        ws[tce_col + '7'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[tce_col + '7'] = "TCE"
        ws[tce_col + '7'].border = f_border

        ws[tce_col + '8'].font = name_font
        ws[tce_col + '8'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[tce_col + '8'] = round(reporting_period_data['total_in_kgce'], 0)
        ws[tce_col + '8'].border = f_border

        ws[tce_col + '9'].font = name_font
        ws[tce_col + '9'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[tce_col + '9'] = str(round(reporting_period_data['increment_rate'] * 100, 2)) + "%" \
            if reporting_period_data['increment_rate'] is not None else "-"
        ws[tce_col + '9'].border = f_border

        # TCO2E
        tco2e_col = chr(ord(end_col) + 2)
        ws[tco2e_col + '7'].fill = table_fill
        ws[tco2e_col + '7'].font = name_font
        ws[tco2e_col + '7'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[tco2e_col + '7'] = "TCO2E"
        ws[tco2e_col + '7'].border = f_border

        ws[tco2e_col + '8'].font = name_font
        ws[tco2e_col + '8'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[tco2e_col + '8'] = round(reporting_period_data['total_in_kgco2e'],
        ws[tco2e_col + '8'].border = f_border

        ws[tco2e_col + '9'].font = name_font
        ws[tco2e_col + '9'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[tco2e_col + '9'] = str(round(reporting_period_data['increment_rate'] * 100, 2)) + "%" \
            if reporting_period_data['increment_rate'] is not None else "-"
        ws[tco2e_col + '9'].border = f_border

        for i in range(6, 9 + 1):
            ws.rows_dimensions[i].height = 0.1


    has_cost_detail_flag = True
    reporting_period_data = report['reporting_period']
    category = report['offline_meter']['energy_category_name']
    ca_len = len(category)
    times = reporting_period_data['timestamps']

    if "values" not in reporting_period_data.keys() or len(
            reporting_period_data['values']) == 0:
        has_cost_detail_flag = False

    if has_cost_detail_flag:
        ws['B11'].font = title_font
        ws['B11'] = name + '详细数据'

        ws['B18'].fill = table_fill
        ws['B18'].font = title_font
        ws['B18'].border = f_border
        ws['B18'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B18'] = '日期时间'
        time = times
        has_data = False
        max_row = 0
        if len(time) > 0:
            has_data = True
            max_row = 18 + len(time)

        if has_data:

            end_data_row_number = 19

            for i in range(0, len(time)):
                col = 'B'
                end_data_row_number = 19 + i
                row = str(end_data_row_number)

                ws[col + row].font = title_font
                ws[col + row].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws[col + row] = time[i]
                ws[col + row].border = f_border

            ws['B' + str(end_data_row_number + 1)].font = title_font
            ws['B' + str(end_data_row_number + 1)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['B' + str(end_data_row_number + 1)] = '总计'
            ws['B' + str(end_data_row_number + 1)].border = f_border

            bar = BarChart()

            for i in range(0, ca_len):

                col = chr(ord('C') + i)

                ws[col + '18'].fill = table_fill
                ws[col + '18'].font = title_font
                ws[col + '18'].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws[col + '18'] = report['offline_meter']['energy_category_name'] + \
                    " (" + report['offline_meter']['unit_of_measure'] + ")"
                ws[col + '18'].border = f_border

                time = times
                time_len = len(time)

                for j in range(0, time_len):
                    row = str(19 + j)

                    ws[col + row].font = title_font
                    ws[col + row].alignment = c_c_alignment
                    ws[col + row] = round(reporting_period_data['values'][j],
                    ws[col + row].border = f_border

                ws[col + str(end_data_row_number + 1)].font = title_font
                ws[col +
                   str(end_data_row_number + 1)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws[col + str(end_data_row_number + 1)] = round(
                    reporting_period_data['total_in_category'], 0)
                ws[col + str(end_data_row_number + 1)].border = f_border

                bar_data = Reference(ws,
                                     min_col=3 + i,
                bar.series.append(Series(bar_data, title_from_data=True))

            labels = Reference(ws, min_col=2, min_row=19, max_row=max_row)
            bar.dLbls = DataLabelList()
            bar.dLbls.showVal = True
            bar.height = 5.25
            bar.width = len(time)
            ws.add_chart(bar, "B12")
        for i in range(11, 43 + 1):
            ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 0.0

    filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xlsx'

    return filename
Esempio n. 7
def generate_excel(report, name, reporting_start_datetime_local,
                   reporting_end_datetime_local, period_type):

    wb = Workbook()
    ws =

    # Row height
    ws.row_dimensions[1].height = 118
    for i in range(2, 37 + 1):
        ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 30

    for i in range(38, 90 + 1):
        ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 30

    # Col width
    ws.column_dimensions['A'].width = 1.5
    ws.column_dimensions['B'].width = 20.0

    for i in range(ord('C'), ord('I')):
        ws.column_dimensions[chr(i)].width = 15.0

    # Font
    name_font = Font(name='Constantia', size=15, bold=True)
    title_font = Font(name='宋体', size=15, bold=True)
    data_font = Font(name='Franklin Gothic Book', size=11)

    table_fill = PatternFill(fill_type='solid', fgColor='1F497D')
    f_border = Border(left=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      right=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      bottom=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      top=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'))
    b_border = Border(bottom=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'), )

    b_c_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    c_c_alignment = Alignment(vertical='center',
    b_r_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    c_r_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    # Img
    img = Image("excelexporters/myems.png")
    # img = Image("myems.png")
    ws.add_image(img, 'B1')

    # Title
    ws['B3'].font = name_font
    ws['B3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['B3'] = 'Name:'
    ws['C3'].border = b_border
    ws['C3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['C3'].font = name_font
    ws['C3'] = name

    ws['D3'].font = name_font
    ws['D3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['D3'] = 'Period:'
    ws['E3'].border = b_border
    ws['E3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['E3'].font = name_font
    ws['E3'] = period_type

    ws['F3'].font = name_font
    ws['F3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['F3'] = 'Date:'
    ws['G3'].border = b_border
    ws['G3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['G3'].font = name_font
    ws['G3'] = reporting_start_datetime_local + "__" + reporting_end_datetime_local

    if "reporting_period" not in report.keys() or \
            "names" not in report['reporting_period'].keys() or len(report['reporting_period']['names']) == 0:
        filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xlsx'

        return filename
    # First: 能耗分析
    # 6: title
    # 7: table title
    # 8~10 table_data
    # Total: 5 rows
    # if has not energy data: set low height for rows
    reporting_period_data = report['reporting_period']

    has_energy_data_flag = True
    if "names" not in reporting_period_data.keys() or \
            reporting_period_data['names'] is None or \
            len(reporting_period_data['names']) == 0:
        has_energy_data_flag = False

    if has_energy_data_flag:
        ws['B6'].font = title_font
        ws['B6'] = name + ' 能耗分析'

        category = reporting_period_data['names']
        ca_len = len(category)

        ws['B7'].fill = table_fill

        ws['B8'].font = title_font
        ws['B8'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B8'] = '能耗'
        ws['B8'].border = f_border

        ws['B9'].font = title_font
        ws['B9'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B9'] = '单位面积能耗'
        ws['B9'].border = f_border

        ws['B10'].font = title_font
        ws['B10'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B10'] = '环比'
        ws['B10'].border = f_border

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            col = chr(ord('C') + i)
            row = '7'
            cell = col + row
            ws[col + '7'].fill = table_fill
            ws[col + '7'].font = name_font
            ws[col + '7'].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + '7'] = reporting_period_data['names'][
                i] + " (" + reporting_period_data['units'][i] + ")"
            ws[col + '7'].border = f_border

            ws[col + '8'].font = name_font
            ws[col + '8'].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + '8'] = round(reporting_period_data['subtotals'][i], 0)
            ws[col + '8'].border = f_border

            ws[col + '9'].font = name_font
            ws[col + '9'].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + '9'] = round(
                reporting_period_data['subtotals_per_unit_area'][i], 2)
            ws[col + '9'].border = f_border

            ws[col + '10'].font = name_font
            ws[col + '10'].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + '10'] = str(round(reporting_period_data['increment_rates'][i] * 100, 2)) + "%" \
                if reporting_period_data['increment_rates'][i] is not None else "-"
            ws[col + '10'].border = f_border

        # TCE TCO2E
        end_col = col
        # TCE
        tce_col = chr(ord(end_col) + 1)
        ws[tce_col + '7'].fill = table_fill
        ws[tce_col + '7'].font = name_font
        ws[tce_col + '7'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[tce_col + '7'] = "TCE"
        ws[tce_col + '7'].border = f_border

        ws[tce_col + '8'].font = name_font
        ws[tce_col + '8'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[tce_col + '8'] = round(reporting_period_data['total_in_kgce'], 0)
        ws[tce_col + '8'].border = f_border

        ws[tce_col + '9'].font = name_font
        ws[tce_col + '9'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[tce_col + '9'] = round(
            reporting_period_data['total_in_kgce_per_unit_area'], 2)
        ws[tce_col + '9'].border = f_border

        ws[tce_col + '10'].font = name_font
        ws[tce_col + '10'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[tce_col + '10'] = str(round(reporting_period_data['increment_rate_in_kgce'] * 100, 2)) + "%" \
            if reporting_period_data['increment_rate_in_kgce'] is not None else "-"
        ws[tce_col + '10'].border = f_border

        # TCO2E
        tco2e_col = chr(ord(end_col) + 2)
        ws[tco2e_col + '7'].fill = table_fill
        ws[tco2e_col + '7'].font = name_font
        ws[tco2e_col + '7'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[tco2e_col + '7'] = "TCO2E"
        ws[tco2e_col + '7'].border = f_border

        ws[tco2e_col + '8'].font = name_font
        ws[tco2e_col + '8'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[tco2e_col + '8'] = round(reporting_period_data['total_in_kgco2e'],
        ws[tco2e_col + '8'].border = f_border

        ws[tco2e_col + '9'].font = name_font
        ws[tco2e_col + '9'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[tco2e_col + '9'] = round(
            reporting_period_data['total_in_kgco2e_per_unit_area'], 2)
        ws[tco2e_col + '9'].border = f_border

        ws[tco2e_col + '10'].font = name_font
        ws[tco2e_col + '10'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[tco2e_col + '10'] = str(round(reporting_period_data['increment_rate_in_kgco2e'] * 100, 2)) + "%" \
            if reporting_period_data['increment_rate_in_kgco2e'] is not None else "-"
        ws[tco2e_col + '10'].border = f_border
        for i in range(6, 10 + 1):
            ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 0.1
    # Second: 分时电耗
    # 12: title
    # 13: table title
    # 14~17 table_data
    # Total: 6 rows
    has_ele_peak_flag = True
    if "toppeaks" not in reporting_period_data.keys() or \
            reporting_period_data['toppeaks'] is None or \
            len(reporting_period_data['toppeaks']) == 0:
        has_ele_peak_flag = False

    if has_ele_peak_flag:
        ws['B12'].font = title_font
        ws['B12'] = name + ' 分时电耗'

        ws['B13'].fill = table_fill
        ws['B13'].font = name_font
        ws['B13'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B13'].border = f_border

        ws['C13'].fill = table_fill
        ws['C13'].font = name_font
        ws['C13'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['C13'].border = f_border
        ws['C13'] = '分时电耗'

        ws['B14'].font = title_font
        ws['B14'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B14'] = '尖'
        ws['B14'].border = f_border

        ws['C14'].font = title_font
        ws['C14'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['C14'].border = f_border
        ws['C14'] = round(reporting_period_data['toppeaks'][0], 0)

        ws['B15'].font = title_font
        ws['B15'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B15'] = '峰'
        ws['B15'].border = f_border

        ws['C15'].font = title_font
        ws['C15'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['C15'].border = f_border
        ws['C15'] = round(reporting_period_data['onpeaks'][0], 0)

        ws['B16'].font = title_font
        ws['B16'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B16'] = '平'
        ws['B16'].border = f_border

        ws['C16'].font = title_font
        ws['C16'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['C16'].border = f_border
        ws['C16'] = round(reporting_period_data['midpeaks'][0], 0)

        ws['B17'].font = title_font
        ws['B17'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B17'] = '谷'
        ws['B17'].border = f_border

        ws['C17'].font = title_font
        ws['C17'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['C17'].border = f_border
        ws['C17'] = round(reporting_period_data['offpeaks'][0], 0)

        pie = PieChart()
        labels = Reference(ws, min_col=2, min_row=14, max_row=17)
        pie_data = Reference(ws, min_col=3, min_row=14, max_row=17)
        pie.add_data(pie_data, titles_from_data=True)
        pie.height = 5.25  # cm 1.05*5 1.05cm = 30 pt
        pie.width = 9
        # pie.title = "Pies sold by category"
        s1 = pie.series[0]
        s1.dLbls = DataLabelList()
        s1.dLbls.showCatName = False  # 标签显示
        s1.dLbls.showVal = True  # 数量显示
        s1.dLbls.showPercent = True  # 百分比显示
        # s1 = CharacterProperties(sz=1800)     # 图表中字体大小 *100

        ws.add_chart(pie, "D13")

        for i in range(12, 18 + 1):
            ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 0.1
        # end_row 10
        # start_row 12
    # Third: 子空间能耗
    # 19: title
    # 20: table title
    # 21~24 table_data
    # Total: 6 rows
    has_child_flag = True
    # Judge if the space has child space, if not, delete it.
    if "child_space" not in report.keys() or "energy_category_names" not in report['child_space'].keys() or \
            len(report['child_space']["energy_category_names"]) == 0:
        has_child_flag = False

    if has_child_flag:
        child = report['child_space']
        child_spaces = child['child_space_names_array'][0]
        child_subtotals = child['subtotals_array'][0]

        ws['B19'].font = title_font
        ws['B19'] = name + ' 子空间能耗'

        ws['B20'].fill = table_fill
        ws['B20'].border = f_border
        ca_len = len(child['energy_category_names'])

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            row = chr(ord('C') + i)
            ws[row + '20'].fill = table_fill
            ws[row + '20'].font = title_font
            ws[row + '20'].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[row + '20'].border = f_border
            ws[row + '20'] = child['energy_category_names'][i]

        space_len = len(child['child_space_names_array'][0])
        for i in range(0, space_len):
            row = str(i + 21)

            ws['B' + row].font = name_font
            ws['B' + row].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['B' + row] = child['child_space_names_array'][0][i]
            ws['B' + row].border = f_border

            for j in range(0, ca_len):
                col = chr(ord('C') + j)
                ws[col + row].font = name_font
                ws[col + row].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws[col + row] = child['subtotals_array'][j][i]
                ws[col + row].border = f_border
                # pie
                # 25~30: pie
                pie = PieChart()
                labels = Reference(ws, min_col=2, min_row=21, max_row=23)
                pie_data = Reference(ws, min_col=3 + j, min_row=21, max_row=23)
                pie.add_data(pie_data, titles_from_data=True)
                pie.height = 5.25  # cm 1.05*5 1.05cm = 30 pt
                pie.width = 8
                # pie.title = "Pies sold by category"
                s1 = pie.series[0]
                s1.dLbls = DataLabelList()
                s1.dLbls.showCatName = True  # 标签显示
                s1.dLbls.showVal = True  # 数量显示
                s1.dLbls.showPercent = True  # 百分比显示
                # s1 = CharacterProperties(sz=1800)     # 图表中字体大小 *100
                chart_col = chr(ord('B') + 2 * j)
                chart_cell = chart_col + '26'
                ws.add_chart(pie, chart_cell)
        for i in range(19, 36 + 1):
            ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 0.1
    for i in range(31, 35 + 1):
        ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 0.1
    # Fourth: 能耗详情
    # 37: title
    # 38~ 38+ca_len*5-1: bar
    # 38+ca_len*5: table title
    # 38+ca_len*5~: table_data
    reporting_period_data = report['reporting_period']
    times = reporting_period_data['timestamps']
    has_detail_data_flag = True
    ca_len = len(report['reporting_period']['names'])
    table_row = 38 + ca_len * 5
    if "timestamps" not in reporting_period_data.keys() or \
            reporting_period_data['timestamps'] is None or \
            len(reporting_period_data['timestamps']) == 0:
        has_detail_data_flag = False

    if has_detail_data_flag:
        ws['B37'].font = title_font
        ws['B37'] = name + ' 能耗详情'

        ws['B' + str(table_row)].fill = table_fill
        ws['B' + str(table_row)].border = f_border
        ws['B' + str(table_row)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B' + str(table_row)] = '时间'
        time = times[0]
        has_data = False
        max_row = 0
        if len(time) > 0:
            has_data = True
            max_row = table_row + len(time)
            print("max_row", max_row)

        if has_data:
            for i in range(0, len(time)):
                col = 'B'
                row = str(table_row + 1 + i)
                # col = chr(ord('B') + i)
                ws[col + row].font = title_font
                ws[col + row].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws[col + row] = time[i]
                ws[col + row].border = f_border

            for i in range(0, ca_len):
                # 38 title
                col = chr(ord('C') + i)

                ws[col + str(table_row)].fill = table_fill
                ws[col + str(table_row)].font = title_font
                ws[col + str(table_row)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws[col + str(table_row)] = reporting_period_data['names'][i] + \
                    " (" + reporting_period_data['units'][i] + ")"
                ws[col + str(table_row)].border = f_border

                # 39 data
                time = times[i]
                time_len = len(time)

                for j in range(0, time_len):
                    row = str(table_row + 1 + j)
                    # col = chr(ord('B') + i)
                    ws[col + row].font = title_font
                    ws[col + row].alignment = c_c_alignment
                    ws[col + row] = round(
                        reporting_period_data['values'][i][j], 0)
                    ws[col + row].border = f_border
                # bar
                # 39~: bar
                bar = BarChart()
                labels = Reference(ws,
                                   min_row=table_row + 1,
                                   max_row=max_row + 1)
                bar_data = Reference(ws,
                                     min_col=3 + i,
                                     max_row=max_row + 1)  # openpyxl bug
                bar.add_data(bar_data, titles_from_data=True)
                bar.height = 5.25  # cm 1.05*5 1.05cm = 30 pt
                bar.width = 18
                # pie.title = "Pies sold by category"
                bar.dLbls = DataLabelList()
                # bar.dLbls.showCatName = True  # label show
                bar.dLbls.showVal = True  # val show
                bar.dLbls.showPercent = True  # percent show
                # s1 = CharacterProperties(sz=1800)     # font size *100
                chart_col = 'B'
                chart_cell = chart_col + str(38 + 5 * i)
                ws.add_chart(bar, chart_cell)
        for i in range(37, 69 + 1):
            ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 0.1

    filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xlsx'

    return filename
Esempio n. 8
def generate_excel(report, name, reporting_start_datetime_local,
                   reporting_end_datetime_local, period_type):
    wb = Workbook()
    ws =

    # Row height
    ws.row_dimensions[1].height = 118
    for i in range(2, 37 + 1):
        ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 30

    for i in range(38, 69 + 1):
        ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 30

    # Col width
    ws.column_dimensions['A'].width = 1.5

    ws.column_dimensions['B'].width = 25.0

    for i in range(ord('C'), ord('I')):
        ws.column_dimensions[chr(i)].width = 15.0

    # Font
    name_font = Font(name='Constantia', size=15, bold=True)
    title_font = Font(name='宋体', size=15, bold=True)
    data_font = Font(name='Franklin Gothic Book', size=11)

    table_fill = PatternFill(fill_type='solid', fgColor='1F497D')
    f_border = Border(left=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      right=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      bottom=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      top=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'))
    b_border = Border(bottom=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'), )

    b_c_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    c_c_alignment = Alignment(vertical='center',
    b_r_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    c_r_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    # Img
    img = Image("excelexporters/myems.png")
    # img = Image("myems.png")
    ws.add_image(img, 'B1')

    # Title
    ws['B3'].font = name_font
    ws['B3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['B3'] = 'Name:'
    ws['C3'].border = b_border
    ws['C3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['C3'].font = name_font
    ws['C3'] = name

    ws['D3'].font = name_font
    ws['D3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['D3'] = 'Period:'
    ws['E3'].border = b_border
    ws['E3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['E3'].font = name_font
    ws['E3'] = period_type

    ws['F3'].font = name_font
    ws['F3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['F3'] = 'Date:'
    ws['G3'].border = b_border
    ws['G3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['G3'].font = name_font
    ws['G3'] = reporting_start_datetime_local + "__" + reporting_end_datetime_local

    if "reporting_period" not in report.keys() or \
            "names" not in report['reporting_period'].keys() or len(report['reporting_period']['names']) == 0:
        filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xlsx'

        return filename


    reporting_period_data = report['reporting_period']

    has_cost_data_flag = True

    if "names" not in reporting_period_data.keys() or \
            reporting_period_data['names'] is None or \
            len(reporting_period_data['names']) == 0:
        has_cost_data_flag = False

    if has_cost_data_flag:
        ws['B6'].font = title_font
        ws['B6'] = name + ' 报告期成本'

        category = reporting_period_data['names']
        ca_len = len(category)

        ws['B7'].fill = table_fill

        ws['B8'].font = title_font
        ws['B8'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B8'] = '成本'
        ws['B8'].border = f_border

        ws['B9'].font = title_font
        ws['B9'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B9'] = '单位面积值'
        ws['B9'].border = f_border

        ws['B10'].font = title_font
        ws['B10'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B10'] = '环比'
        ws['B10'].border = f_border

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            col = chr(ord('C') + i)

            ws[col + '7'].fill = table_fill
            ws[col + '7'].font = name_font
            ws[col + '7'].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + '7'] = reporting_period_data['names'][
                i] + " (" + reporting_period_data['units'][i] + ")"
            ws[col + '7'].border = f_border

            ws[col + '8'].font = name_font
            ws[col + '8'].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + '8'] = round(reporting_period_data['subtotals'][i], 0)
            ws[col + '8'].border = f_border

            ws[col + '9'].font = name_font
            ws[col + '9'].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + '9'] = round(
                reporting_period_data['subtotals_per_unit_area'][i], 2)
            ws[col + '9'].border = f_border

            ws[col + '10'].font = name_font
            ws[col + '10'].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + '10'] = str(round(reporting_period_data['increment_rates'][i] * 100, 2)) + "%" \
                if reporting_period_data['increment_rates'][i] is not None else "-"
            ws[col + '10'].border = f_border

        for i in range(6, 10 + 1):
            ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 0.1


    has_ele_peak_flag = True
    if "toppeaks" not in reporting_period_data.keys() or \
            reporting_period_data['toppeaks'] is None or \
            len(reporting_period_data['toppeaks']) == 0:
        has_ele_peak_flag = False

    if has_ele_peak_flag:
        ws['B12'].font = title_font
        ws['B12'] = name + '分时用电成本'

        ws['B13'].fill = table_fill
        ws['B13'].font = name_font
        ws['B13'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B13'].border = f_border

        ws['C13'].fill = table_fill
        ws['C13'].font = name_font
        ws['C13'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['C13'].border = f_border
        ws['C13'] = '分时用电成本'

        ws['B14'].font = title_font
        ws['B14'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B14'] = '尖'
        ws['B14'].border = f_border

        ws['C14'].font = title_font
        ws['C14'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['C14'].border = f_border
        ws['C14'] = round(reporting_period_data['toppeaks'][0], 0)

        ws['B15'].font = title_font
        ws['B15'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B15'] = '峰'
        ws['B15'].border = f_border

        ws['C15'].font = title_font
        ws['C15'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['C15'].border = f_border
        ws['C15'] = round(reporting_period_data['onpeaks'][0], 0)

        ws['B16'].font = title_font
        ws['B16'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B16'] = '平'
        ws['B16'].border = f_border

        ws['C16'].font = title_font
        ws['C16'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['C16'].border = f_border
        ws['C16'] = round(reporting_period_data['midpeaks'][0], 0)

        ws['B17'].font = title_font
        ws['B17'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B17'] = '谷'
        ws['B17'].border = f_border

        ws['C17'].font = title_font
        ws['C17'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['C17'].border = f_border
        ws['C17'] = round(reporting_period_data['offpeaks'][0], 0)

        pie = PieChart()
        labels = Reference(ws, min_col=2, min_row=14, max_row=17)
        pie_data = Reference(ws, min_col=3, min_row=13, max_row=17)
        pie.add_data(pie_data, titles_from_data=True)
        pie.height = 5.25
        pie.width = 9
        s1 = pie.series[0]
        s1.dLbls = DataLabelList()
        s1.dLbls.showCatName = False
        s1.dLbls.showVal = True
        s1.dLbls.showPercent = True

        ws.add_chart(pie, "D13")

        for i in range(12, 18 + 1):
            ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 0.1

    current_row_number = 19

    has_child_flag = True
    if "child_space" not in report.keys() or "energy_category_names" not in report['child_space'].keys() or \
            len(report['child_space']["energy_category_names"]) == 0:
        has_child_flag = False

    if has_child_flag:
        child = report['child_space']

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = name + ' 子空间数据'

        current_row_number += 1

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ca_len = len(child['energy_category_names'])

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            row = chr(ord('C') + i)
            ws[row + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
            ws[row + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
            ws[row + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[row + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws[row +
               str(current_row_number)] = child['energy_category_names'][i]

        space_len = len(child['child_space_names_array'][0])

        for i in range(0, space_len):
            current_row_number += 1
            row = str(current_row_number)

            ws['B' + row].font = name_font
            ws['B' + row].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['B' + row] = child['child_space_names_array'][0][i]
            ws['B' + row].border = f_border

            for j in range(0, ca_len):
                col = chr(ord('C') + j)
                ws[col + row].font = name_font
                ws[col + row].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws[col + row] = child['subtotals_array'][j][i]
                ws[col + row].border = f_border

        current_row_number += 1

        # Pie
        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            pie = PieChart()
            labels = Reference(ws,
                               min_row=current_row_number - space_len,
                               max_row=current_row_number - 1)
            pie_data = Reference(ws,
                                 min_col=3 + i,
                                 min_row=current_row_number - space_len - 1,
                                 max_row=current_row_number - 1)
            pie.add_data(pie_data, titles_from_data=True)
            pie.height = 5.25
            pie.width = 8
            col = chr(ord('C') + i)
            pie.title = ws[col + '20'].value
            s1 = pie.series[0]
            s1.dLbls = DataLabelList()
            s1.dLbls.showCatName = False
            s1.dLbls.showVal = True
            s1.dLbls.showPercent = True
            chart_col = chr(ord('B') + 2 * i)
            chart_cell = chart_col + str(current_row_number)
            ws.add_chart(pie, chart_cell)

        current_row_number += 5

        for i in range(19, 36 + 1):
            current_row_number = 36
            ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 0.1

    current_row_number += 1

    reporting_period_data = report['reporting_period']
    times = reporting_period_data['timestamps']
    has_detail_data_flag = True
    ca_len = len(report['reporting_period']['names'])
    table_row = (current_row_number + 1) + ca_len * 5
    if "timestamps" not in reporting_period_data.keys() or \
            reporting_period_data['timestamps'] is None or \
            len(reporting_period_data['timestamps']) == 0:
        has_detail_data_flag = False

    if has_detail_data_flag:
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = name + ' 详细数据'

        ws['B' + str(table_row)].fill = table_fill
        ws['B' + str(table_row)].border = f_border
        ws['B' + str(table_row)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B' + str(table_row)] = '日期时间'
        time = times[0]
        has_data = False
        max_row = 0
        if len(time) > 0:
            has_data = True
            max_row = table_row + len(time)

        if has_data:
            for i in range(0, len(time)):
                col = 'B'
                row = str(table_row + 1 + i)
                ws[col + row].font = title_font
                ws[col + row].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws[col + row] = time[i]
                ws[col + row].border = f_border

            for i in range(0, ca_len):

                col = chr(ord('C') + i)

                ws[col + str(table_row)].fill = table_fill
                ws[col + str(table_row)].font = title_font
                ws[col + str(table_row)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws[col + str(table_row)] = reporting_period_data['names'][
                    i] + " (" + reporting_period_data['units'][i] + ")"
                ws[col + str(table_row)].border = f_border

                # 39 data
                time = times[i]
                time_len = len(time)

                for j in range(0, time_len):
                    row = str(table_row + 1 + j)
                    ws[col + row].font = title_font
                    ws[col + row].alignment = c_c_alignment
                    ws[col + row] = round(
                        reporting_period_data['values'][i][j], 0)
                    ws[col + row].border = f_border

                bar = BarChart()
                labels = Reference(ws,
                                   min_row=table_row + 1,
                bar_data = Reference(ws,
                                     min_col=3 + i,
                bar.add_data(bar_data, titles_from_data=True)
                bar.height = 5.25
                bar.width = 18
                bar.dLbls = DataLabelList()
                bar.dLbls.showVal = True
                bar.dLbls.showPercent = True
                chart_col = 'B'
                chart_cell = chart_col + str(current_row_number + 1 + 5 * i)
                ws.add_chart(bar, chart_cell)
        for i in range(37, 69 + 1):
            ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 0.1

    filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xlsx'

    return filename
Esempio n. 9
def generate_excel(report, name, reporting_start_datetime_local,
                   reporting_end_datetime_local, period_type):

    wb = Workbook()
    ws =

    # Row height
    ws.row_dimensions[1].height = 118
    for i in range(2, 37 + 1):
        ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 30

    for i in range(38, 90 + 1):
        ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 30

    # Col width
    ws.column_dimensions['A'].width = 1.5
    ws.column_dimensions['B'].width = 20.0
    ws.column_dimensions['C'].width = 20.0

    for i in range(ord('D'), ord('I')):
        ws.column_dimensions[chr(i)].width = 15.0

    # Font
    name_font = Font(name='Constantia', size=15, bold=True)
    title_font = Font(name='宋体', size=15, bold=True)
    data_font = Font(name='Franklin Gothic Book', size=11)

    table_fill = PatternFill(fill_type='solid', fgColor='1F497D')
    f_border = Border(left=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      right=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      bottom=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      top=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'))
    b_border = Border(bottom=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'), )

    b_c_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    c_c_alignment = Alignment(vertical='center',
    b_r_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    c_r_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    # Img
    img = Image("excelexporters/myems.png")
    # img = Image("myems.png")
    ws.add_image(img, 'B1')

    # Title
    ws['B3'].font = name_font
    ws['B3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['B3'] = 'Name:'
    ws['C3'].border = b_border
    ws['C3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['C3'].font = name_font
    ws['C3'] = name

    ws['D3'].font = name_font
    ws['D3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['D3'] = 'Period:'
    ws['E3'].border = b_border
    ws['E3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['E3'].font = name_font
    ws['E3'] = period_type

    ws['F3'].font = name_font
    ws['F3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['F3'] = 'Date:'
    for i in range(ord('G'), ord('J') + 1):
        ws[chr(i) + '3'].border = b_border
    ws['G3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['G3'].font = name_font
    ws['G3'] = reporting_start_datetime_local + "__" + reporting_end_datetime_local

    if "reporting_period" not in report.keys() or \
            "names" not in report['reporting_period'].keys() or len(report['reporting_period']['names']) == 0:
        filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xlsx'

        return filename


    reporting_period_data = report['reporting_period']

    has_energy_data_flag = True
    if "names" not in reporting_period_data.keys() or \
            reporting_period_data['names'] is None or \
            len(reporting_period_data['names']) == 0:
        has_energy_data_flag = False

    if has_energy_data_flag:
        ws['B6'].font = title_font
        ws['B6'] = name + ' 报告期成本'

        category = reporting_period_data['names']
        ca_len = len(category)

        ws['B7'].fill = table_fill

        ws['B8'].font = title_font
        ws['B8'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B8'] = '成本'
        ws['B8'].border = f_border

        ws['B9'].font = title_font
        ws['B9'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B9'] = '单位面积能耗'
        ws['B9'].border = f_border

        ws['B10'].font = title_font
        ws['B10'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B10'] = '环比'
        ws['B10'].border = f_border

        col = 'B'

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            col = chr(ord('C') + i)
            ws[col + '7'].fill = table_fill
            ws[col + '7'].font = name_font
            ws[col + '7'].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + '7'] = reporting_period_data['names'][
                i] + " (" + reporting_period_data['units'][i] + ")"
            ws[col + '7'].border = f_border

            ws[col + '8'].font = name_font
            ws[col + '8'].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + '8'] = round(reporting_period_data['subtotals'][i], 0)
            ws[col + '8'].border = f_border

            ws[col + '9'].font = name_font
            ws[col + '9'].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + '9'] = round(
                reporting_period_data['subtotals_per_unit_area'][i], 2)
            ws[col + '9'].border = f_border

            ws[col + '10'].font = name_font
            ws[col + '10'].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + '10'] = str(round(reporting_period_data['increment_rates'][i] * 100, 2)) + "%" \
                if reporting_period_data['increment_rates'][i] is not None else "-"
            ws[col + '10'].border = f_border

        end_col = chr(ord(col) + 1)
        ws[end_col + '7'].fill = table_fill
        ws[end_col + '7'].font = name_font
        ws[end_col + '7'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[end_col + '7'] = "总计 (" + reporting_period_data['total_unit'] + ")"
        ws[end_col + '7'].border = f_border

        ws[end_col + '8'].font = name_font
        ws[end_col + '8'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[end_col + '8'] = round(reporting_period_data['total'], 0)
        ws[end_col + '8'].border = f_border

        ws[end_col + '9'].font = name_font
        ws[end_col + '9'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[end_col + '9'] = round(reporting_period_data['total_per_unit_area'],
        ws[end_col + '9'].border = f_border

        ws[end_col + '10'].font = name_font
        ws[end_col + '10'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[end_col + '10'] = str(round(reporting_period_data['total_increment_rate'] * 100, 2)) + "%" \
            if reporting_period_data['total_increment_rate'] is not None else "-"
        ws[end_col + '10'].border = f_border

        for i in range(6, 10 + 1):
            ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 0.1


    has_ele_peak_flag = True
    if "toppeaks" not in reporting_period_data.keys() or \
            reporting_period_data['toppeaks'] is None or \
            len(reporting_period_data['toppeaks']) == 0:
        has_ele_peak_flag = False

    if has_ele_peak_flag:
        ws['B12'].font = title_font
        ws['B12'] = name + ' 分时电耗'

        ws['B13'].fill = table_fill
        ws['B13'].font = name_font
        ws['B13'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B13'].border = f_border

        ws['C13'].fill = table_fill
        ws['C13'].font = name_font
        ws['C13'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['C13'].border = f_border
        ws['C13'] = '分时电耗'

        ws['B14'].font = title_font
        ws['B14'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B14'] = '尖'
        ws['B14'].border = f_border

        ws['C14'].font = title_font
        ws['C14'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['C14'].border = f_border
        ws['C14'] = round(reporting_period_data['toppeaks'][0], 0)

        ws['B15'].font = title_font
        ws['B15'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B15'] = '峰'
        ws['B15'].border = f_border

        ws['C15'].font = title_font
        ws['C15'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['C15'].border = f_border
        ws['C15'] = round(reporting_period_data['onpeaks'][0], 0)

        ws['B16'].font = title_font
        ws['B16'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B16'] = '平'
        ws['B16'].border = f_border

        ws['C16'].font = title_font
        ws['C16'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['C16'].border = f_border
        ws['C16'] = round(reporting_period_data['midpeaks'][0], 0)

        ws['B17'].font = title_font
        ws['B17'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B17'] = '谷'
        ws['B17'].border = f_border

        ws['C17'].font = title_font
        ws['C17'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['C17'].border = f_border
        ws['C17'] = round(reporting_period_data['offpeaks'][0], 0)

        pie = PieChart()
        labels = Reference(ws, min_col=2, min_row=14, max_row=17)
        pie_data = Reference(ws, min_col=3, min_row=13, max_row=17)
        pie.add_data(pie_data, titles_from_data=True)
        pie.height = 5.25
        pie.width = 9
        s1 = pie.series[0]
        s1.dLbls = DataLabelList()
        s1.dLbls.showCatName = False
        s1.dLbls.showVal = True
        s1.dLbls.showPercent = True
        ws.add_chart(pie, "D13")

        for i in range(12, 18 + 1):
            ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 0.1


    current_row_number = 19

    has_subtotals_data_flag = True
    if "subtotals" not in reporting_period_data.keys() or \
            reporting_period_data['subtotals'] is None or \
            len(reporting_period_data['subtotals']) == 0:
        has_subtotals_data_flag = False

    if has_subtotals_data_flag:
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = name + ' 成本占比'

        current_row_number += 1

        table_start_row_number = current_row_number

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border

        ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
        ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
        ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws['C' + str(current_row_number)] = '成本占比'

        current_row_number += 1

        ca_len = len(reporting_period_data['names'])

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['B' +
               str(current_row_number)] = reporting_period_data['names'][i]
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border

            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)] = round(
                reporting_period_data['subtotals'][i], 2)

            current_row_number += 1

        table_end_row_number = current_row_number - 1

        pie = PieChart()
        labels = Reference(ws,
                           min_row=table_start_row_number + 1,
        pie_data = Reference(ws,
        pie.add_data(pie_data, titles_from_data=True)
        pie.height = 5.25
        pie.width = 9
        s1 = pie.series[0]
        s1.dLbls = DataLabelList()
        s1.dLbls.showCatName = False
        s1.dLbls.showVal = True
        s1.dLbls.showPercent = True
        table_cell = 'D' + str(table_start_row_number)
        ws.add_chart(pie, table_cell)

        if ca_len < 4:
            current_row_number = current_row_number - ca_len + 4

        for i in range(21, 29 + 1):
            current_row_number = 30
            ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 0.1


    current_row_number += 1

    has_detail_data_flag = True

    table_start_draw_flag = current_row_number + 1

    if "timestamps" not in reporting_period_data.keys() or \
            reporting_period_data['timestamps'] is None or \
            len(reporting_period_data['timestamps']) == 0:
        has_detail_data_flag = False

    if has_detail_data_flag:
        reporting_period_data = report['reporting_period']
        times = reporting_period_data['timestamps']
        ca_len = len(report['reporting_period']['names'])

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = name + ' 详细数据'

        table_start_row_number = (current_row_number + 1) + ca_len * 5
        current_row_number = table_start_row_number

        time = times[0]
        has_data = False

        if len(time) > 0:
            has_data = True

        if has_data:

            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '日期时间'

            col = 'B'

            for i in range(0, ca_len):
                col = chr(ord('C') + i)

                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = reporting_period_data['names'][i] + \
                    " (" + reporting_period_data['units'][i] + ")"
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border

            end_col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

            ws[end_col + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
            ws[end_col + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
            ws[end_col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[end_col +
                   )] = "总计 (" + reporting_period_data['total_unit'] + ")"
            ws[end_col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border

            current_row_number += 1

            for i in range(0, len(time)):
                ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
                ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = time[i]
                ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border

                col = 'B'

                every_day_total = 0

                for j in range(0, ca_len):
                    col = chr(ord('C') + j)

                    ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
                    ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                    value = round(reporting_period_data['values'][j][i], 0)
                    every_day_total += value
                    ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = value
                    ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border

                end_col = chr(ord(col) + 1)
                ws[end_col + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
                ws[end_col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws[end_col + str(current_row_number)] = round(
                    every_day_total, 0)
                ws[end_col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border

                current_row_number += 1

            table_end_row_number = current_row_number - 1

            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '小计'
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border

            col = 'B'

            for i in range(0, ca_len):
                col = chr(ord('C') + i)
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = round(
                    reporting_period_data['subtotals'][i], 0)
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border

                # bar
                bar = BarChart()
                labels = Reference(ws,
                                   min_row=table_start_row_number + 1,
                bar_data = Reference(ws,
                                     min_col=3 + i,
                bar.add_data(bar_data, titles_from_data=True)
                bar.height = 5.25
                bar.width = len(time)
                bar.dLbls = DataLabelList()
                bar.dLbls.showVal = True
                bar.dLbls.showPercent = True
                chart_col = 'B'
                chart_cell = chart_col + str(table_start_draw_flag + 5 * i)
                ws.add_chart(bar, chart_cell)

            end_col = chr(ord(col) + 1)
            ws[end_col + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
            ws[end_col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[end_col + str(current_row_number)] = round(
                reporting_period_data['total'], 0)
            ws[end_col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border

            current_row_number += 1

        for i in range(30, 69 + 1):
            current_row_number = 70
            ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 0.1

    filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xlsx'

    return filename
Esempio n. 10
def generate_excel(report, name, reporting_start_datetime_local,
                   reporting_end_datetime_local, period_type):

    wb = Workbook()
    ws =

    # Row height
    ws.row_dimensions[1].height = 118
    for i in range(2, 11 + 1):
        ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 30

    for i in range(12, 43 + 1):
        ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 30

    # Col width
    ws.column_dimensions['A'].width = 1.5

    for i in range(ord('B'), ord('I')):
        ws.column_dimensions[chr(i)].width = 15.0

    # Font
    name_font = Font(name='Constantia', size=15, bold=True)
    title_font = Font(name='宋体', size=15, bold=True)
    data_font = Font(name='Franklin Gothic Book', size=11)

    table_fill = PatternFill(fill_type='solid', fgColor='1F497D')
    f_border = Border(left=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      right=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      bottom=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      top=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'))
    b_border = Border(bottom=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'), )

    b_c_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    c_c_alignment = Alignment(vertical='center',
    b_r_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    c_r_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    # Img
    img = Image("excelexporters/myems.png")
    ws.add_image(img, 'B1')

    # Title
    ws['B3'].font = name_font
    ws['B3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['B3'] = 'Name:'
    ws['C3'].border = b_border
    ws['C3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['C3'].font = name_font
    ws['C3'] = name

    ws['D3'].font = name_font
    ws['D3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['D3'] = 'Period:'
    ws['E3'].border = b_border
    ws['E3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['E3'].font = name_font
    ws['E3'] = period_type

    ws['F3'].font = name_font
    ws['F3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['F3'] = 'Date:'
    ws['G3'].border = b_border
    ws['G3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['G3'].font = name_font
    ws['G3'] = reporting_start_datetime_local + "__" + reporting_end_datetime_local

    if "reporting_period" not in report.keys() or \
            "values" not in report['reporting_period'].keys() or len(report['reporting_period']['values']) == 0:
        filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xlsx'

        return filename
    # First: 能耗分析
    # 6: title
    # 7: table title
    # 8~9 table_data
    has_energy_data_flag = True

    if "values" not in report['reporting_period'].keys() or len(
            report['reporting_period']['values']) == 0:
        has_energy_data_flag = False

    if has_energy_data_flag:
        ws['B6'].font = title_font
        ws['B6'] = name + '能耗分析'

        reporting_period_data = report['reporting_period']
        # print(reporting_period_data)
        category = report['meter']['energy_category_name']
        ca_len = len(category)

        ws['B7'].fill = table_fill

        ws['B8'].font = title_font
        ws['B8'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B8'] = '能耗'
        ws['B8'].border = f_border

        ws['B9'].font = title_font
        ws['B9'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B9'] = '环比'
        ws['B9'].border = f_border

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            col = chr(ord('C') + i)
            row = '7'
            cell = col + row
            ws[col + '7'].fill = table_fill
            ws[col + '7'].font = name_font
            ws[col + '7'].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col +
               '7'] = report['meter']['energy_category_name'] + " (" + report[
                   'meter']['unit_of_measure'] + ")"
            ws[col + '7'].border = f_border

            ws[col + '8'].font = name_font
            ws[col + '8'].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + '8'] = round(reporting_period_data['total_in_category'],
            ws[col + '8'].border = f_border

            ws[col + '9'].font = name_font
            ws[col + '9'].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + '9'] = str(round(reporting_period_data['increment_rate'] * 100, 2)) + "%" \
                if reporting_period_data['increment_rate'] is not None else "-"
            ws[col + '9'].border = f_border

        # TCE TCO2E
        end_col = col
        # TCE
        tce_col = chr(ord(end_col) + 1)
        ws[tce_col + '7'].fill = table_fill
        ws[tce_col + '7'].font = name_font
        ws[tce_col + '7'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[tce_col + '7'] = "TCE"
        ws[tce_col + '7'].border = f_border

        ws[tce_col + '8'].font = name_font
        ws[tce_col + '8'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[tce_col + '8'] = round(reporting_period_data['total_in_category'],
        ws[tce_col + '8'].border = f_border

        ws[tce_col + '9'].font = name_font
        ws[tce_col + '9'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[tce_col + '9'] = str(round(reporting_period_data['increment_rate'] * 100, 2)) + "%" \
            if reporting_period_data['increment_rate'] is not None else "-"
        ws[tce_col + '9'].border = f_border

        # TCO2E
        tco2e_col = chr(ord(end_col) + 2)
        ws[tco2e_col + '7'].fill = table_fill
        ws[tco2e_col + '7'].font = name_font
        ws[tco2e_col + '7'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[tco2e_col + '7'] = "TCO2E"
        ws[tco2e_col + '7'].border = f_border

        ws[tco2e_col + '8'].font = name_font
        ws[tco2e_col + '8'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[tco2e_col + '8'] = round(reporting_period_data['total_in_kgco2e'],
        ws[tco2e_col + '8'].border = f_border

        ws[tco2e_col + '9'].font = name_font
        ws[tco2e_col + '9'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws[tco2e_col + '9'] = str(round(reporting_period_data['increment_rate'] * 100, 2)) + "%" \
            if reporting_period_data['increment_rate'] is not None else "-"
        ws[tco2e_col + '9'].border = f_border
        for i in range(6, 9 + 1):
            ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 0.1
    # Second: 能耗详情
    # 11: title
    # 12 ~ 16: chart
    # 18: table title
    # 19~43: table_data
    has_energy_detail_flag = True
    reporting_period_data = report['reporting_period']
    times = reporting_period_data['timestamps']

    if "values" not in report['reporting_period'].keys() or len(
            report['reporting_period']['values']) == 0:
        has_energy_detail_flag = False

    if has_energy_detail_flag:
        ws['B11'].font = title_font
        ws['B11'] = name + '能耗详情'

        ws['B18'].fill = table_fill
        ws['B18'].font = title_font
        ws['B18'].border = f_border
        ws['B18'].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B18'] = '时间'
        time = times
        has_data = False
        max_row = 0
        if len(time) > 0:
            has_data = True
            max_row = 18 + len(time)

        if has_data:
            for i in range(0, len(time)):
                col = 'B'
                row = str(19 + i)
                # col = chr(ord('B') + i)
                ws[col + row].font = title_font
                ws[col + row].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws[col + row] = time[i]
                ws[col + row].border = f_border

            for i in range(0, ca_len):
                # 12 title
                col = chr(ord('C') + i)

                ws[col + '18'].fill = table_fill
                ws[col + '18'].font = title_font
                ws[col + '18'].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws[col + '18'] = report['meter']['energy_category_name'] + \
                    " (" + report['meter']['unit_of_measure'] + ")"
                ws[col + '18'].border = f_border

                # 13 data
                time = times
                time_len = len(time)

                for j in range(0, time_len):
                    row = str(19 + j)
                    # col = chr(ord('B') + i)
                    ws[col + row].font = title_font
                    ws[col + row].alignment = c_c_alignment
                    ws[col + row] = round(reporting_period_data['values'][j],
                    ws[col + row].border = f_border
                # bar
                # 13~: bar
                bar = BarChart()
                labels = Reference(ws,
                                   max_row=max_row + 1)
                bar_data = Reference(ws,
                                     min_col=3 + i,
                                     max_row=max_row + 1)  # openpyxl bug
                bar.add_data(bar_data, titles_from_data=True)
                bar.height = 5.25  # cm 1.05*5 1.05cm = 30 pt
                bar.width = 18
                # pie.title = "Pies sold by category"
                bar.dLbls = DataLabelList()
                # bar.dLbls.showCatName = True  # 标签显示
                bar.dLbls.showVal = True  # 数量显示
                bar.dLbls.showPercent = True  # 百分比显示
                # s1 = CharacterProperties(sz=1800)     # 图表中字体大小 *100
                chart_col = chr(ord('B') + 2 * i)
                chart_cell = chart_col + str(max_row + 2)
                ws.add_chart(bar, "B12")
        for i in range(11, 43 + 1):
            ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 0.0
    filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xlsx'

    return filename
Esempio n. 11
def generate_excel(report, name, reporting_start_datetime_local,
                   reporting_end_datetime_local, period_type):
    wb = Workbook()
    ws =

    # Row height
    ws.row_dimensions[1].height = 102
    for i in range(2, 2000 + 1):
        ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 30

    # Col width
    ws.column_dimensions['A'].width = 1.5

    ws.column_dimensions['B'].width = 25.0

    for i in range(ord('C'), ord('L')):
        ws.column_dimensions[chr(i)].width = 15.0

    # Font
    name_font = Font(name='Constantia', size=15, bold=True)
    name_small_font = Font(name='Constantia', size=10, bold=True)
    title_font = Font(name='宋体', size=15, bold=True)
    title_small_font = Font(name='宋体', size=10, bold=True)
    data_font = Font(name='Franklin Gothic Book', size=11)

    table_fill = PatternFill(fill_type='solid', fgColor='1F497D')
    f_border = Border(left=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      right=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      bottom=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      top=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'))
    b_border = Border(bottom=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'), )

    b_c_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    c_c_alignment = Alignment(vertical='center',
    b_r_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    c_r_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    # Img
    img = Image("excelexporters/myems.png")
    img.width = img.width * 0.85
    img.height = img.height * 0.85
    # img = Image("myems.png")
    ws.add_image(img, 'B1')

    # Title
    ws['B3'].font = name_font
    ws['B3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['B3'] = 'Name: ' + name + '     Period: ' + period_type + \
               '     Date: ' + reporting_start_datetime_local + "__" + reporting_end_datetime_local

    if "reporting_period" not in report.keys() or \
            "names" not in report['reporting_period'].keys() or len(report['reporting_period']['names']) == 0:
        filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xlsx'

        return filename


    current_row_number = 6

    reporting_period_data = report['reporting_period']

    has_names_data_flag = True

    if "names" not in reporting_period_data.keys() or \
            reporting_period_data['names'] is None or \
            len(reporting_period_data['names']) == 0:
        has_names_data_flag = False

    if has_names_data_flag:
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = name + ' 报告期消耗'

        current_row_number += 1

        category = reporting_period_data['names']
        ca_len = len(category)

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill

        col = 'C'

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_small_font
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = \
                reporting_period_data['names'][i] + " " + reporting_period_data['energy_category_names'][i] + \
                " (" + reporting_period_data['units'][i] + ")"

            col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

        current_row_number += 1

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '消耗'

        col = 'C'

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = round(
                reporting_period_data['subtotals'][i], 2)

            col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

        current_row_number += 1

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '单位面积值'

        col = 'C'

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = round(
                reporting_period_data['subtotals_per_unit_area'][i], 2)

            col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

        current_row_number += 1

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '环比'

        col = 'C'

        for i in range(0, ca_len):
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = str(
                round(reporting_period_data['increment_rates'][i] * 100, 2)) + '%' \
                if reporting_period_data['increment_rates'][i] is not None else '-'

            col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

        current_row_number += 2

        category_dict = group_by_category(

        for category_dict_name, category_dict_values in category_dict.items():

            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = \
                category_dict_name + ' (' + reporting_period_data['units'][category_dict_values[0]] + \
                                     ') 分项消耗占比'

            current_row_number += 1
            table_start_row_number = current_row_number

            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill

            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].font = name_small_font
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)] = '消耗'

            current_row_number += 1

            for i in category_dict_values:
                ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
                ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
                ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = \
                    reporting_period_data['names'][i] + " (" + reporting_period_data['units'][i] + ")"
                ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
                ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
                ws['C' + str(current_row_number)] = round(
                    reporting_period_data['subtotals'][i], 2)

                current_row_number += 1

            table_end_row_number = current_row_number - 1

            pie = PieChart()
            pie.title = \
                category_dict_name + ' (' + reporting_period_data['units'][category_dict_values[0]] + \
                                     ') 分项消耗占比'
            labels = Reference(ws,
                               min_row=table_start_row_number + 1,
            pie_data = Reference(ws,
            pie.add_data(pie_data, titles_from_data=True)
            pie.height = 5.25
            pie.width = 9
            s1 = pie.series[0]
            s1.dLbls = DataLabelList()
            s1.dLbls.showCatName = False
            s1.dLbls.showVal = True
            s1.dLbls.showPercent = True
            ws.add_chart(pie, 'D' + str(table_start_row_number))

            if len(category_dict_values) < 4:
                current_row_number = current_row_number - len(
                    category_dict_values) + 4

            current_row_number += 1


        has_child_flag = True
        if "child_space" not in report.keys() or "energy_item_names" not in report['child_space'].keys() or \
                len(report['child_space']["energy_item_names"]) == 0:
            has_child_flag = False

        if has_child_flag:
            child = report['child_space']

            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = name + ' 子空间数据'

            current_row_number += 1

            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ca_len = len(child['energy_item_names'])

            for i in range(0, ca_len):
                row = chr(ord('C') + i)
                ws[row + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
                ws[row + str(current_row_number)].font = name_small_font
                ws[row + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws[row + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
                ws[row + str(current_row_number)] = \
                    reporting_period_data['names'][i] + " (" + reporting_period_data['units'][i] + ")"

            space_len = len(child['child_space_names_array'][0])

            for i in range(0, space_len):
                current_row_number += 1
                row = str(current_row_number)

                ws['B' + row].font = name_font
                ws['B' + row].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws['B' + row] = child['child_space_names_array'][0][i]
                ws['B' + row].border = f_border

                for j in range(0, ca_len):
                    col = chr(ord('C') + j)
                    ws[col + row].font = name_font
                    ws[col + row].alignment = c_c_alignment
                    ws[col + row] = child['subtotals_array'][j][i]
                    ws[col + row].border = f_border

            current_row_number += 1

            # Pie
            for i in range(0, ca_len):
                pie = PieChart()
                labels = Reference(ws,
                                   min_row=current_row_number - space_len,
                                   max_row=current_row_number - 1)
                pie_data = Reference(ws,
                                     min_col=3 + i,
                                     min_row=current_row_number - space_len -
                                     max_row=current_row_number - 1)
                pie.add_data(pie_data, titles_from_data=True)
                pie.height = 5.85
                pie.width = 8
                col = chr(ord('C') + i)
                pie.title = ws[col +
                               str(current_row_number - space_len - 1)].value
                s1 = pie.series[0]
                s1.dLbls = DataLabelList()
                s1.dLbls.showCatName = False
                s1.dLbls.showVal = True
                s1.dLbls.showPercent = True
                chart_cell = ''
                if i % 2 == 0:
                    chart_cell = 'B' + str(current_row_number)
                    chart_cell = 'E' + str(current_row_number)
                    current_row_number += 6
                ws.add_chart(pie, chart_cell)

            current_row_number += 7


        has_values_data = True
        has_timestamps_data = True

        if 'values' not in reporting_period_data.keys() or \
                reporting_period_data['values'] is None or \
                len(reporting_period_data['values']) == 0:
            has_values_data = False

        if 'timestamps' not in reporting_period_data.keys() or \
                reporting_period_data['timestamps'] is None or \
                len(reporting_period_data['timestamps']) == 0 or \
                len(reporting_period_data['timestamps'][0]) == 0:
            has_timestamps_data = False

        if has_values_data and has_timestamps_data:
            ca_len = len(reporting_period_data['names'])
            time = reporting_period_data['timestamps'][0]

            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = name + ' 详细数据'

            current_row_number += 1

            chart_start_row_number = current_row_number

            current_row_number += ca_len * 6
            table_start_row_number = current_row_number

            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_small_font
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '日期时间'

            col = 'C'

            for i in range(0, ca_len):
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = title_small_font
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = \
                    reporting_period_data['names'][i] + " (" + reporting_period_data['units'][i] + ")"
                col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

            current_row_number += 1

            for i in range(0, len(time)):
                ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
                ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
                ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = time[i]

                col = 'C'
                for j in range(0, ca_len):
                    ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
                    ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                    ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
                    ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = round(reporting_period_data['values'][j][i], 2) \
                        if reporting_period_data['values'][j][i] is not None else 0.00
                    col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

                current_row_number += 1

            table_end_row_number = current_row_number - 1

            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '小计'

            col = 'C'

            for i in range(0, ca_len):
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
                ws[col + str(current_row_number)] = round(
                    reporting_period_data['subtotals'][i], 2)
                col = chr(ord(col) + 1)

            current_row_number += 2

            format_time_width_number = 1.0
            min_len_number = 1.0
            min_width_number = 11.0  # format_time_width_number * min_len_number + 4 and min_width_number > 11.0

            if period_type == 'hourly':
                format_time_width_number = 4.0
                min_len_number = 2
                min_width_number = 12.0
            elif period_type == 'daily':
                format_time_width_number = 2.5
                min_len_number = 4
                min_width_number = 14.0
            elif period_type == 'monthly':
                format_time_width_number = 2.1
                min_len_number = 4
                min_width_number = 12.4
            elif period_type == 'yearly':
                format_time_width_number = 1.5
                min_len_number = 5
                min_width_number = 11.5

            for i in range(0, ca_len):
                bar = BarChart()
                bar.title = \
                    reporting_period_data['names'][i] + " (" + reporting_period_data['units'][i] + ")"
                labels = Reference(ws,
                                   min_row=table_start_row_number + 1,
                bar_data = Reference(ws,
                                     min_col=3 + i,
                bar.add_data(bar_data, titles_from_data=True)
                bar.height = 5.85
                bar.width = format_time_width_number * len(time) if len(
                    time) > min_len_number else min_width_number
                if bar.width > 24:
                    bar.width = 24
                bar.dLbls = DataLabelList()
                bar.dLbls.showVal = False
                bar.dLbls.showPercent = True
                chart_col = 'B'
                chart_cell = chart_col + str(chart_start_row_number)
                chart_start_row_number += 6
                ws.add_chart(bar, chart_cell)

    filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xlsx'

    return filename
Esempio n. 12
def generate_excel(report, name, reporting_start_datetime_local,
                   reporting_end_datetime_local, period_type):
    wb = Workbook()
    ws =

    # Row height
    ws.row_dimensions[1].height = 118
    for i in range(2, 2000 + 1):
        ws.row_dimensions[i].height = 30

    # Col width
    ws.column_dimensions['A'].width = 1.5

    for i in range(ord('B'), ord('I')):
        ws.column_dimensions[chr(i)].width = 15.0

    # Font
    name_font = Font(name='Constantia', size=15, bold=True)
    title_font = Font(name='宋体', size=15, bold=True)
    data_font = Font(name='Franklin Gothic Book', size=11)

    table_fill = PatternFill(fill_type='solid', fgColor='1F497D')
    f_border = Border(left=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      right=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      bottom=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'),
                      top=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'))
    b_border = Border(bottom=Side(border_style='medium', color='00000000'), )

    b_c_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    c_c_alignment = Alignment(vertical='center',
    b_r_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    c_r_alignment = Alignment(vertical='bottom',
    # Img
    img = Image("excelexporters/myems.png")
    ws.add_image(img, 'B1')

    # Title
    ws['B3'].font = name_font
    ws['B3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['B3'] = 'Name:'
    ws['C3'].border = b_border
    ws['C3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['C3'].font = name_font
    ws['C3'] = name

    ws['D3'].font = name_font
    ws['D3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['D3'] = 'Period:'
    ws['E3'].border = b_border
    ws['E3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['E3'].font = name_font
    ws['E3'] = period_type

    ws['F3'].font = name_font
    ws['F3'].alignment = b_r_alignment
    ws['F3'] = 'Date:'
    for i in range(ord('G'), ord('K')):
        ws[chr(i) + '3'].border = b_border
    ws['G3'].alignment = b_c_alignment
    ws['G3'].font = name_font
    ws['G3'] = reporting_start_datetime_local + "__" + reporting_end_datetime_local

    if "reporting_period" not in report.keys() or \
            "difference_values" not in report['reporting_period'].keys() or \
            len(report['reporting_period']['difference_values']) == 0:
        filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xlsx'

        return filename

    has_difference_values_data_flag = True
    if 'difference_values' not in report['reporting_period'].keys() or len(
            report['reporting_period']['difference_values']) == 0:
        has_difference_values_data_flag = False

    current_row_number = 6

    if has_difference_values_data_flag:
        reporting_period_data = report['reporting_period']
        category = report['meter']['energy_category_name']

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = name + ' 报告期'

        current_row_number += 1

        ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
        if not isinstance(category, list):
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)] = report['meter'][
                'energy_category_name'] + " (" + report['meter'][
                    'unit_of_measure'] + ")"

            current_row_number += 1

            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '总表消耗'

            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)] = round(

            current_row_number += 1

            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '分表消耗'

            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)] = round(
                reporting_period_data['submeters_consumption_in_category'], 2)

            current_row_number += 1

            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '差值'

            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)] = round(
                reporting_period_data['difference_in_category'], 2)

            current_row_number += 1

            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '差值百分比'

            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].font = name_font
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
            ws['C' + str(current_row_number)] = str(
                round(reporting_period_data['percentage_difference'] * 100,
                      2)) + '%'

            current_row_number += 2

            time = reporting_period_data['timestamps']
            has_time_data_flag = False
            if time is not None and len(time) > 0:
                has_time_data_flag = True

            if has_time_data_flag:

                ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
                ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = name + ' 详细数据'

                current_row_number += 1
                chart_start_number = current_row_number
                current_row_number = current_row_number + 5
                table_start_number = current_row_number

                ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
                ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
                ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
                ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = '日期时间'

                ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].fill = table_fill
                ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
                ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
                ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                ws['C' + str(current_row_number)] = report['meter'][
                    'energy_category_name'] + " (" + report['meter'][
                        'unit_of_measure'] + ")"

                current_row_number += 1

                for i in range(0, len(time)):
                    ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
                    ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
                    ws['B' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                    ws['B' + str(current_row_number)] = time[i]

                    ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].font = title_font
                    ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].border = f_border
                    ws['C' + str(current_row_number)].alignment = c_c_alignment
                    ws['C' + str(current_row_number)] = round(
                        reporting_period_data['difference_values'][i], 2)

                    current_row_number += 1

                table_end_number = current_row_number - 1

                bar = BarChart()
                labels = Reference(ws,
                                   min_row=table_start_number + 1,
                bar_data = Reference(ws,
                bar.add_data(bar_data, titles_from_data=True)
                bar.height = 5.25
                bar.width = len(time)
                bar.dLbls = DataLabelList()
                bar.dLbls.showVal = True  # 数量显示
                ws.add_chart(bar, "B" + str(chart_start_number))


    filename = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.xlsx'

    return filename