Esempio n. 1
    class DummyWorkbook:

        data_only = False
        _colors = []
        encoding = "utf8"
        epoch = CALENDAR_WINDOWS_1900

        def __init__(self):
            self._differential_styles = [DifferentialStyle()] * 5
            self.shared_strings = ['a'] * 30
            self._fonts = IndexedList()
            self._fills = IndexedList()
            self._number_formats = IndexedList()
            self._borders = IndexedList([Border()] * 30)
            self._alignments = IndexedList()
            self._protections = IndexedList()
            self._cell_styles = IndexedList()
            self.vba_archive = None
            for i in range(29):
                self._cell_styles.add((StyleArray([i] * 9)))
                [0, 4, 6, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
                 0]))  #fillId=4, borderId=6, alignmentId=1))
            self.sheetnames = []
            self._date_formats = set()

        def create_sheet(self, title):
            return Worksheet(self)
class DummyWorkbook:
    def __init__(self):
        self.shared_styles = IndexedList()
        self._cell_styles = IndexedList()
        self._cell_styles.add(StyleArray([10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))
        self.sheetnames = []
class DummyWorkbook:

    def __init__(self):
        self.shared_styles = IndexedList()
        self._cell_styles = IndexedList()
        self.sheetnames = []
Esempio n. 4
class DummyWorkbook:

    def __init__(self):
        self.shared_styles = IndexedList()
        self._cell_styles = IndexedList()
        self._cell_styles.add(StyleId(fontId=10, numFmtId=0, borderId=0, fillId=0, protectionId=0, alignmentId=0))

    def get_sheet_names(self):
        return []
Esempio n. 5
def WorkSheetParser():
    """Setup a parser instance with an empty source"""
    from .._reader import WorkSheetParser

    styles = IndexedList()
    for i in range(29):
    styles.add(StyleArray([0,4,6,14,0,1,0,0,0])) #fillId=4, borderId=6, number_format=14 alignmentId=1))
    date_formats = set([1, 29])
    return WorkSheetParser(None, {0:'a'}, date_formats=date_formats)
Esempio n. 6
class DummyWorkbook:
    def __init__(self):
        self.shared_styles = IndexedList()
        self._cell_styles = IndexedList()

    def get_sheet_names(self):
        return []
Esempio n. 7
class CellStyleList(Serialisable):

    tagname = "cellXfs"

    __attrs__ = ("count",)

    count = Integer(allow_none=True)
    xf = Sequence(expected_type=CellStyle)
    alignment = Sequence(expected_type=Alignment)
    protection = Sequence(expected_type=Protection)

    __elements__ = ('xf',)

    def __init__(self,
        self.xf = xf

    def count(self):
        return len(self.xf)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        return self.xf[idx]

    def _to_array(self):
        Extract protection and alignments, convert to style array
        self.prots = IndexedList([Protection()])
        self.alignments = IndexedList([Alignment()])
        styles = [] # allow duplicates
        for xf in self.xf:
            style = xf.to_array()
            if xf.alignment is not None:
                style.alignmentId = self.alignments.add(xf.alignment)
            if is not None:
                style.protectionId = self.prots.add(
        return IndexedList(styles)
Esempio n. 8
class CellStyleList(Serialisable):

    tagname = "cellXfs"

    __attrs__ = ("count", )

    count = Integer(allow_none=True)
    xf = Sequence(expected_type=CellStyle)
    alignment = Sequence(expected_type=Alignment)
    protection = Sequence(expected_type=Protection)

    __elements__ = ('xf', )

    def __init__(
        self.xf = xf

    def count(self):
        return len(self.xf)

    def __getitem__(self, idx):
        return self.xf[idx]

    def _to_array(self):
        Extract protection and alignments, convert to style array
        self.prots = IndexedList([Protection()])
        self.alignments = IndexedList([Alignment()])
        styles = []  # allow duplicates
        for xf in self.xf:
            style = xf.to_array()
            if xf.alignment is not None:
                style.alignmentId = self.alignments.add(xf.alignment)
            if is not None:
                style.protectionId = self.prots.add(
        return IndexedList(styles)
Esempio n. 9
    def from_comments(cls, comments):
        Create a comment sheet from a list of comments for a particular worksheet
        authors = IndexedList()

        # dedupe authors and get indexes
        for comment in comments:
            comment.authorId = authors.add(

        return cls(authors=AuthorList(authors), commentList=comments)
Esempio n. 10
    def from_comments(cls, comments):
        Create a comment sheet from a list of comments for a particular worksheet
        authors = IndexedList()

        # dedupe authors and get indexes
        for comment in comments:
            comment.authorId = authors.add(

        return cls(authors=AuthorList(authors), commentList=comments)
Esempio n. 11
    class DummyWorkbook:

        guess_types = False
        data_only = False
        _colors = []
        encoding = "utf8"

        def __init__(self):
            self._differential_styles = []
            self.shared_strings = IndexedList()
            self.shared_strings.add("hello world")
            self._fonts = IndexedList()
            self._fills = IndexedList()
            self._number_formats = IndexedList()
            self._borders = IndexedList()
            self._alignments = IndexedList()
            self._protections = IndexedList()
            self._cell_styles = IndexedList()
            self.vba_archive = None
            for i in range(29):
            self._cell_styles.add(StyleArray([0,4,6,0,0,1,0,0,0])) #fillId=4, borderId=6, alignmentId=1))
            self.sheetnames = []

        def create_sheet(self, title):
            return Worksheet(self)
Esempio n. 12
    class DummyWorkbook:

        _guess_types = False
        data_only = False
        _colors = []

        def __init__(self):
            self._differential_styles = []
            self.shared_strings = IndexedList()
            self.shared_strings.add("hello world")
            self._fonts = IndexedList()
            self._fills = IndexedList()
            self._number_formats = IndexedList()
            self._borders = IndexedList()
            self._alignments = IndexedList()
            self._protections = IndexedList()
            self._cell_styles = IndexedList()
            self.vba_archive = None
            for i in range(29):
            self._cell_styles.add(StyleArray([0,4,6,0,0,1,0,0,0])) #fillId=4, borderId=6, alignmentId=1))
            self.sheetnames = []

        def create_sheet(self, title):
            return Worksheet(self)
Esempio n. 13
    def write_comments(self):
        Create list of comments and authors

        authors = IndexedList()

        # dedupe authors and get indexes
        for comment in self.comments:
            comment.authorId = authors.add(

        root = CommentSheet(authors=AuthorList(authors), commentList=self.comments)
        return tostring(root.to_tree())
Esempio n. 14
    class DummyWorkbook:
        guess_types = False
        data_only = False
        _colors = []
        encoding = "utf8"
        epoch = CALENDAR_MAC_1904

        def __init__(self):
            self._differential_styles = []
            self.shared_strings = IndexedList()
            self._fonts = IndexedList()
            self._fills = IndexedList()
            self._number_formats = IndexedList()
            self._borders = IndexedList()
            self._alignments = IndexedList()
            self._protections = IndexedList()
            self._cell_styles = IndexedList()
            self.vba_archive = None
            self._cell_styles.add(StyleArray([0, 0, 0, 14, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]))
            self.sheetnames = []

        def create_sheet(self, title):
            return Worksheet(self)
Esempio n. 15
    def write_comments(self):
        Create list of comments and authors

        authors = IndexedList()

        # dedupe authors and get indexes
        for comment in self.comments:
            comment.authorId = authors.add(

        root = CommentSheet(authors=AuthorList(authors),
        return tostring(root.to_tree())
Esempio n. 16
    def write_comments(self):
        Create list of comments and authors
        Sorted by row, col
        # produce xml
        authors = IndexedList()

        for comment in self.comments:
            comment.authorId = authors.add(

        author_list = AuthorList(authors)
        root = CommentSheet(authors=author_list, commentList=self.comments)

        return tostring(root.to_tree())
Esempio n. 17
    def write_comments(self):
        Create list of comments and authors
        Sorted by row, col
        # produce xml
        authors = IndexedList()

        for comment in self.comments:
            comment.authorId = authors.add(

        author_list = AuthorList(authors)
        root = CommentSheet(authors=author_list, commentList=self.comments)

        return tostring(root.to_tree())
Esempio n. 18
    def write_comments(self):
        Create list of comments and authors
        Sorted by row, col
        # produce xml
        authors = IndexedList()

        for _coord, cell in sorted(self.sheet._cells.items()):
            if cell.comment is not None:
                comment = Comment(ref=cell.coordinate)
                comment.authorId = authors.add(
                comment.text.t = cell.comment.text
                comment.height = cell.comment.height
                comment.width = cell.comment.width

        author_list = AuthorList(authors)
        root = CommentSheet(authors=author_list, commentList=self.comments)

        return tostring(root.to_tree())
Esempio n. 19
    def write_comments(self):
        Create list of comments and authors
        Sorted by row, col
        # produce xml
        authors = IndexedList()

        for _coord, cell in sorted(self.sheet._cells.items()):
            if cell.comment is not None:
                comment = Comment(ref=cell.coordinate)
                comment.authorId = authors.add(
                comment.text.t = cell.comment.text
                comment.height = cell.comment.height
                comment.width = cell.comment.width

        author_list = AuthorList(authors)
        root = CommentSheet(authors=author_list, commentList=self.comments)

        return tostring(root.to_tree())
Esempio n. 20
    class DummyWorkbook:

        _guess_types = False
        data_only = False

        def __init__(self):
            self.shared_strings = IndexedList()
            self.shared_strings.add("hello world")
            self.shared_styles = 28*[DummyStyle()]
            self._fonts = IndexedList()
            self._fills = IndexedList()
            self._number_formats = IndexedList()
            self._borders = IndexedList()
            self._alignments = IndexedList()
            self._protections = IndexedList()
            self._cell_styles = IndexedList()
            for i in range(29):
                self._cell_styles.add((StyleId(i, i, i, i, i, i)))
            self._cell_styles.add(StyleId(fillId=4, borderId=6, alignmentId=1, protectionId=0))
Esempio n. 21
    class DummyWorkbook:

        _guess_types = False
        data_only = False

        def __init__(self):
            self.shared_strings = IndexedList()
            self.shared_strings.add("hello world")
            self.shared_styles = 28*[DummyStyle()]
            self._fonts = IndexedList()
            self._fills = IndexedList()
            self._number_formats = IndexedList()
            self._borders = IndexedList()
            self._alignments = IndexedList()
            self._protections = IndexedList()
            self._cell_styles = IndexedList()
            self.vba_archive = None
            for i in range(29):
                self._cell_styles.add((StyleId(i, i, i, i, i, i)))
            self._cell_styles.add(StyleId(fillId=4, borderId=6, alignmentId=1, protectionId=0))
Esempio n. 22
class Workbook(object):
    """Workbook is the container for all other parts of the document."""

    _read_only = False
    _data_only = False
    _keep_links = True
    template = False
    path = "/xl/workbook.xml"

    def __init__(self,
        self._sheets = []
        self._active_sheet_index = 0
        self.defined_names = DefinedNameList()
        self._external_links = [] = DocumentProperties() = DocumentSecurity()
        self.__write_only = write_only
        self.shared_strings = IndexedList()


        self.loaded_theme = None
        self.vba_archive = None
        self.is_template = False
        self._differential_styles = DifferentialStyleList()
        self.code_name = None
        self.excel_base_date = CALENDAR_WINDOWS_1900
        self.encoding = "utf-8"

        if not self.write_only:

        self.rels = RelationshipList()

    def _setup_styles(self):
        """Bootstrap styles"""
        from openpyxl.styles.alignment import Alignment
        from openpyxl.styles.borders import DEFAULT_BORDER
        from openpyxl.styles.fills import DEFAULT_EMPTY_FILL, DEFAULT_GRAY_FILL
        from openpyxl.styles.fonts import DEFAULT_FONT
        from import Protection
        from openpyxl.styles.colors import COLOR_INDEX
        from openpyxl.styles.named_styles import NamedStyleList

        self._fonts = IndexedList()

        self._alignments = IndexedList([Alignment()])

        self._borders = IndexedList()

        self._fills = IndexedList()

        self._number_formats = IndexedList()

        self._protections = IndexedList([Protection()])

        self._colors = COLOR_INDEX
        self._cell_styles = IndexedList([StyleArray()])
        self._named_styles = NamedStyleList()
        self.add_named_style(NamedStyle(font=DEFAULT_FONT, builtinId=0))

    def read_only(self):
        return self._read_only

    def data_only(self):
        return self._data_only

    def write_only(self):
        return self.__write_only

    def keep_links(self):
        return self._keep_links

    @deprecated("Use the .active property")
    def get_active_sheet(self):
        """Returns the current active sheet."""

    def active(self):
        """Get the currently active sheet or None"""
            return self._sheets[self._active_sheet_index]
        except IndexError:

    def active(self, value):
        """Set the active sheet"""
        self._active_sheet_index = value

    def create_sheet(self, title=None, index=None):
        """Create a worksheet (at an optional index).

        :param title: optional title of the sheet
        :type tile: unicode
        :param index: optional position at which the sheet will be inserted
        :type index: int

        if self.read_only:
            raise ReadOnlyWorkbookException('Cannot create new sheet in a read-only workbook')

        if self.write_only :
            new_ws = WriteOnlyWorksheet(parent=self, title=title)
            new_ws = Worksheet(parent=self, title=title)

        self._add_sheet(sheet=new_ws, index=index)
        return new_ws

    def _add_sheet(self, sheet, index=None):
        """Add an worksheet (at an optional index)."""

        if not isinstance(sheet, (Worksheet, WriteOnlyWorksheet, Chartsheet)):
            raise TypeError("Cannot be added to a workbook")

        if sheet.parent != self:
            raise ValueError("You cannot add worksheets from another workbook.")

        if index is None:
            self._sheets.insert(index, sheet)

    def remove(self, worksheet):
        """Remove a worksheet from this workbook."""

    @deprecated("Use wb.remove(worksheet) or del wb[sheetname]")
    def remove_sheet(self, worksheet):
        """Remove a worksheet from this workbook."""

    def create_chartsheet(self, title=None, index=None):
        if self.read_only:
            raise ReadOnlyWorkbookException("Cannot create new sheet in a read-only workbook")
        cs = Chartsheet(parent=self, title=title)

        self._add_sheet(cs, index)
        return cs

    @deprecated("Use wb[sheetname]")
    def get_sheet_by_name(self, name):
        """Returns a worksheet by its name.

        :param name: the name of the worksheet to look for
        :type name: string

        return self[name]

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return key in set(self.sheetnames)

    def index(self, worksheet):
        """Return the index of a worksheet."""
        return self.worksheets.index(worksheet)

    @deprecated("Use wb.index(worksheet)")
    def get_index(self, worksheet):
        """Return the index of the worksheet."""
        return self.index(worksheet)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Returns a worksheet by its name.

        :param name: the name of the worksheet to look for
        :type name: string

        for sheet in self.worksheets:
            if sheet.title == key:
                return sheet
        raise KeyError("Worksheet {0} does not exist.".format(key))

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        sheet = self[key]

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.worksheets)

    @deprecated("Use wb.sheetnames")
    def get_sheet_names(self):
        return self.sheetnames

    def worksheets(self):
        return [s for s in self._sheets if isinstance(s, (Worksheet, ReadOnlyWorksheet, WriteOnlyWorksheet))]

    def chartsheets(self):
        return [s for s in self._sheets if isinstance(s, Chartsheet)]

    def sheetnames(self):
        """Returns the list of the names of worksheets in the workbook.

        Names are returned in the worksheets order.

        :rtype: list of strings

        return [s.title for s in self._sheets]

    def create_named_range(self, name, worksheet=None, value=None, scope=None):
        """Create a new named_range on a worksheet"""
        defn = DefinedName(name=name, localSheetId=scope)
        if worksheet is not None:
            defn.value = "{0}!{1}".format(quote_sheetname(worksheet.title), value)
            defn.value = value


    def add_named_style(self, style):
        Add a named style

    def named_styles(self):
        List available named styles
        return self._named_styles.names

    @deprecated("Use workbook.defined_names.definedName")
    def get_named_ranges(self):
        """Return all named ranges"""
        return self.defined_names.definedName

    @deprecated("Use workbook.defined_names.append")
    def add_named_range(self, named_range):
        """Add an existing named_range to the list of named_ranges."""

    @deprecated("Use workbook.defined_names[name]")
    def get_named_range(self, name):
        """Return the range specified by name."""
        return self.defined_names[name]

    @deprecated("Use del workbook.defined_names[name]")
    def remove_named_range(self, named_range):
        """Remove a named_range from this workbook."""
        del self.defined_names[named_range]

    def mime_type(self):
        The mime type is determined by whether a workbook is a template or
        not and whether it contains macros or not. Excel requires the file
        extension to match but openpyxl does not enforce this.

        ct = self.template and XLTX or XLSX
        if self.vba_archive:
            ct = self.template and XLTM or XLSM
        return ct

    def save(self, filename):
        """Save the current workbook under the given `filename`.
        Use this function instead of using an `ExcelWriter`.

        .. warning::
            When creating your workbook using `write_only` set to True,
            you will only be able to call this function once. Subsequents attempts to
            modify or save the file will raise an :class:`openpyxl.shared.exc.WorkbookAlreadySaved` exception.
        if self.read_only:
            raise TypeError("""Workbook is read-only""")
        if self.write_only:
            save_dump(self, filename)
            save_workbook(self, filename)

    def style_names(self):
        List of named styles
        return [ for s in self._named_styles]

    def copy_worksheet(self, from_worksheet):
        """Copy an existing worksheet in the current workbook
        :warning: This function cannot copy worksheets between workbooks.
        worksheets can only be copied within the workbook that they belong

        :param from_worksheet: the worksheet to be copied from
        :return: copy of the initial worksheet
        if self.__write_only or self._read_only:
            raise ValueError("Cannot copy worksheets in read-only or write-only mode")

        new_title = u"{0} Copy".format(from_worksheet.title)
        to_worksheet = self.create_sheet(title=new_title)
        cp = WorksheetCopy(source_worksheet=from_worksheet, target_worksheet=to_worksheet)
        return to_worksheet

    def close(self):
        Close workbook file if open. Only affects read-only and write-only modes.
        if hasattr(self, '_archive'):
Esempio n. 23
class SharedStylesParser(object):

    def __init__(self, xml_source):
        self.root = fromstring(xml_source)
        self.shared_styles = []
        self.cell_styles = IndexedList()
        self.cond_styles = []
        self.style_prop = {}
        self.color_index = COLOR_INDEX
        self.font_list = IndexedList()
        self.fill_list = IndexedList()
        self.border_list = IndexedList()
        self.alignments = IndexedList([Alignment()])
        self.protections = IndexedList([Protection()])
        self.number_formats = IndexedList()

    def parse(self):
        self.style_prop['color_index'] = self.color_index
        self.font_list = IndexedList(self.parse_fonts())
        self.fill_list = IndexedList(self.parse_fills())
        self.border_list = IndexedList(self.parse_borders())

    def parse_custom_num_formats(self):
        """Read in custom numeric formatting rules from the shared style table"""
        custom_formats = {}
        num_fmts = self.root.findall('{%s}numFmts/{%s}numFmt' % (SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS))
        for num_fmt_node in num_fmts:
            fmt_code = num_fmt_node.get('formatCode').lower()

    def parse_color_index(self):
        """Read in the list of indexed colors"""
        colors =\
            self.root.findall('{%s}colors/{%s}indexedColors/{%s}rgbColor' %
                              (SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS))
        if not colors:
        self.color_index = IndexedList([node.get('rgb') for node in colors])

    def parse_dxfs(self):
        """Read in the dxfs effects - used by conditional formatting."""
        for node in self.root.findall("{%s}dxfs/{%s}dxf" % (SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS) ):

    def parse_fonts(self):
        """Read in the fonts"""
        fonts = self.root.findall('{%s}fonts/{%s}font' % (SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS))
        for node in fonts:
            yield Font.from_tree(node)

    def parse_fills(self):
        """Read in the list of fills"""
        fills = self.root.findall('{%s}fills/{%s}fill' % (SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS))
        for fill in fills:
            yield Fill.from_tree(fill)

    def parse_borders(self):
        """Read in the boarders"""
        borders = self.root.findall('{%s}borders/{%s}border' % (SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS))
        for border_node in borders:
            yield Border.from_tree(border_node)

    def parse_named_styles(self):
        Extract named styles
        ns = []
        styles_node = self.root.find("{%s}cellStyleXfs" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        _ids = self.cell_styles

        for _name, idx in self._parse_style_names():
            _id = _ids[idx]
            style = NamedStyle(name=_name)
            style.border = self.border_list[_id.border]
            style.fill = self.fill_list[_id.fill]
            style.font = self.font_list[_id.font]
            if _id.alignment:
                style.alignment = self.alignments[_id.alignment]
       = self.protections[]
        self.named_styles = IndexedList(ns)

    def _parse_style_names(self):
        names_node = self.root.find("{%s}cellStyles" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        for _name in names_node:
            yield _name.get("name"), int(_name.get("xfId"))

    def parse_cell_styles(self):
        Extract individual cell styles
        node = self.root.find('{%s}cellXfs' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        if node is not None:

    def _parse_xfs(self, node):
        """Read styles from the shared style table"""
        _styles  = []
        _style_ids = []

        builtin_formats = numbers.BUILTIN_FORMATS
        xfs = safe_iterator(node, '{%s}xf' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        for index, xf in enumerate(xfs):
            _style = {}
            attrs = dict(xf.attrib)

            alignmentId = protectionId = 0
            numFmtId = int(xf.get("numFmtId", 0))
            fontId = int(xf.get("fontId", 0))
            fillId = int(xf.get("fillId", 0))
            borderId = int(xf.get("borderId", 0))

            if numFmtId < 164:
                format_code = builtin_formats.get(numFmtId, 'General')
                format_code = self.number_formats[numFmtId-165]
            _style['number_format'] = format_code

            if bool_attrib(xf, 'applyAlignment'):
                al = xf.find('{%s}alignment' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
                if al is not None:
                    alignment = Alignment(**al.attrib)
                    attrs['alignmentId'] = self.alignments.add(alignment)
                    _style['alignment'] = alignment

            if bool_attrib(xf, 'applyFont'):
                _style['font'] = self.font_list[fontId]

            if bool_attrib(xf, 'applyFill'):
                _style['fill'] = self.fill_list[fillId]

            if bool_attrib(xf, 'applyBorder'):
                _style['border'] = self.border_list[borderId]

            if bool_attrib(xf, 'applyProtection'):
                prot = xf.find('{%s}protection' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
                if prot is not None:
                    protection = Protection(**prot.attrib)
                    attrs['protectionId'] = self.protections.add(protection)
                    _style['protection'] = protection

        self.shared_styles = _styles
        self.cell_styles = IndexedList(_style_ids)
Esempio n. 24
class Workbook(object):
    """Workbook is the container for all other parts of the document."""

    _read_only = False
    _data_only = False

    def __init__(
        self._sheets = []
        self._active_sheet_index = 0
        self.defined_names = DefinedNameList()
        self._external_links = [] = DocumentProperties() = DocumentSecurity()
        self.__write_only = write_only
        self.shared_strings = IndexedList()


        self.loaded_theme = None
        self.vba_archive = None
        self.is_template = False
        self._differential_styles = DifferentialStyleList()
        self.code_name = None
        self.excel_base_date = CALENDAR_WINDOWS_1900
        self.encoding = "utf-8"

        if not self.write_only:

        self.rels = RelationshipList()

    def _setup_styles(self):
        """Bootstrap styles"""
        from openpyxl.styles.alignment import Alignment
        from openpyxl.styles.borders import DEFAULT_BORDER
        from openpyxl.styles.fills import DEFAULT_EMPTY_FILL, DEFAULT_GRAY_FILL
        from openpyxl.styles.fonts import DEFAULT_FONT
        from import Protection
        from openpyxl.styles.colors import COLOR_INDEX
        from openpyxl.styles.named_styles import NamedStyles

        self._fonts = IndexedList()

        self._alignments = IndexedList([Alignment()])

        self._borders = IndexedList()

        self._fills = IndexedList()

        self._number_formats = IndexedList()

        self._protections = IndexedList([Protection()])

        self._colors = COLOR_INDEX
        self._cell_styles = IndexedList([StyleArray()])
        self._named_styles = NamedStyles(
            [NamedStyle(font=DEFAULT_FONT, builtinId=0)])

    def read_only(self):
        return self._read_only

    def data_only(self):
        return self._data_only

    def write_only(self):
        return self.__write_only

    @deprecated("Use the .active property")
    def get_active_sheet(self):
        """Returns the current active sheet."""

    def active(self):
        """Get the currently active sheet"""
        return self._sheets[self._active_sheet_index]

    def active(self, value):
        """Set the active sheet"""
        self._active_sheet_index = value

    def create_sheet(self, title=None, index=None):
        """Create a worksheet (at an optional index).

        :param title: optional title of the sheet
        :type tile: unicode
        :param index: optional position at which the sheet will be inserted
        :type index: int

        if self.read_only:
            raise ReadOnlyWorkbookException(
                'Cannot create new sheet in a read-only workbook')

        if self.write_only:
            new_ws = WriteOnlyWorksheet(parent=self, title=title)
            new_ws = Worksheet(parent=self, title=title)

        self._add_sheet(sheet=new_ws, index=index)
        return new_ws

    def _add_sheet(self, sheet, index=None):
        """Add an worksheet (at an optional index)."""

        if not isinstance(sheet, (Worksheet, WriteOnlyWorksheet, Chartsheet)):
            raise TypeError("Cannot be added to a workbook")

        if sheet.parent != self:
            raise ValueError(
                "You cannot add worksheets from another workbook.")

        if index is None:
            self._sheets.insert(index, sheet)

    def remove(self, worksheet):
        """Remove a worksheet from this workbook."""

    @deprecated("Use wb.remove(worksheet) or del wb[sheetname]")
    def remove_sheet(self, worksheet):
        """Remove a worksheet from this workbook."""

    def create_chartsheet(self, title=None, index=None):
        if self.read_only:
            raise ReadOnlyWorkbookException(
                "Cannot create new sheet in a read-only workbook")
        cs = Chartsheet(parent=self, title=title)

        self._add_sheet(cs, index)
        return cs

    @deprecated("Use wb[sheetname]")
    def get_sheet_by_name(self, name):
        """Returns a worksheet by its name.

        :param name: the name of the worksheet to look for
        :type name: string

        return self[name]

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return key in set(self.sheetnames)

    def index(self, worksheet):
        """Return the index of a worksheet."""
        return self.worksheets.index(worksheet)

    @deprecated("Use wb.index(worksheet)")
    def get_index(self, worksheet):
        """Return the index of the worksheet."""
        return self.index(worksheet)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Returns a worksheet by its name.

        :param name: the name of the worksheet to look for
        :type name: string

        for sheet in self.worksheets:
            if sheet.title == key:
                return sheet
        raise KeyError("Worksheet {0} does not exist.".format(key))

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        sheet = self[key]

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.worksheets)

    @deprecated("Use wb.sheetnames")
    def get_sheet_names(self):
        return self.sheetnames

    def worksheets(self):
        return [
            s for s in self._sheets
            if isinstance(s, (Worksheet, ReadOnlyWorksheet,

    def chartsheets(self):
        return [s for s in self._sheets if isinstance(s, Chartsheet)]

    def sheetnames(self):
        """Returns the list of the names of worksheets in the workbook.

        Names are returned in the worksheets order.

        :rtype: list of strings

        return [s.title for s in self._sheets]

    def create_named_range(self, name, worksheet=None, value=None, scope=None):
        """Create a new named_range on a worksheet"""
        defn = DefinedName(name=name, localSheetId=scope)
        if worksheet is not None:
            defn.value = "{0}!{1}".format(worksheet.title, value)
            defn.value = value


    @deprecated("Use workbook.defined_names.definedName")
    def get_named_ranges(self):
        """Return all named ranges"""
        return self.defined_names.definedName

    @deprecated("Use workbook.defined_names.append")
    def add_named_range(self, named_range):
        """Add an existing named_range to the list of named_ranges."""

    @deprecated("Use workbook.defined_names[name]")
    def get_named_range(self, name):
        """Return the range specified by name."""
        return self.defined_names[name]

    @deprecated("Use del workbook.defined_names[name]")
    def remove_named_range(self, named_range):
        """Remove a named_range from this workbook."""
        del self.defined_names[named_range]

    def save(self, filename):
        """Save the current workbook under the given `filename`.
        Use this function instead of using an `ExcelWriter`.

        .. warning::
            When creating your workbook using `write_only` set to True,
            you will only be able to call this function once. Subsequents attempts to
            modify or save the file will raise an :class:`openpyxl.shared.exc.WorkbookAlreadySaved` exception.
        if self.read_only:
            raise TypeError("""Workbook is read-only""")
        if self.write_only:
            save_dump(self, filename)
            save_workbook(self, filename)

    def style_names(self):
        List of named styles
        return [ for s in self._named_styles]

    def copy_worksheet(self, from_worksheet):
        """Copy an existing worksheet in the current workbook
        :warning: This function cannot copy worksheets between workbooks.
        worksheets can only be copied within the workbook that they belong

        :param from_worksheet: the worksheet to be copied from
        :return: copy of the initial worksheet
        if self.__write_only or self._read_only:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot copy worksheets in read-only or write-only mode")

        new_title = "{0} Copy".format(from_worksheet.title)
        to_worksheet = self.create_sheet(title=new_title)
        cp = WorksheetCopy(source_worksheet=from_worksheet,
        return to_worksheet
Esempio n. 25
class Workbook(object):
    """Workbook is the container for all other parts of the document."""

    _read_only = False
    _data_only = False
    template = False
    path = "/xl/workbook.xml"

    def __init__(
        self._sheets = []
        self._pivots = []
        self._active_sheet_index = 0
        self.defined_names = DefinedNameList()
        self._external_links = [] = DocumentProperties() = DocumentSecurity()
        self.__write_only = write_only
        self.shared_strings = IndexedList()


        self.loaded_theme = None
        self.vba_archive = None
        self.is_template = False
        self._differential_styles = DifferentialStyleList()
        self.code_name = None
        self.epoch = CALENDAR_WINDOWS_1900
        self.encoding = "utf-8"
        self.iso_dates = iso_dates

        if not self.write_only:

        self.rels = RelationshipList()
        self.calculation = CalcProperties()
        self.views = [BookView()]

    def _setup_styles(self):
        """Bootstrap styles"""

        self._fonts = IndexedList()

        self._alignments = IndexedList([Alignment()])

        self._borders = IndexedList()

        self._fills = IndexedList()

        self._number_formats = IndexedList()

        self._protections = IndexedList([Protection()])

        self._colors = COLOR_INDEX
        self._cell_styles = IndexedList([StyleArray()])
        self._named_styles = NamedStyleList()
        self.add_named_style(NamedStyle(font=copy(DEFAULT_FONT), builtinId=0))
        self._table_styles = TableStyleList()

    def read_only(self):
        return self._read_only

    def data_only(self):
        return self._data_only

    def write_only(self):
        return self.__write_only

    def guess_types(self):
        return getattr(self, '__guess_types', False)

    def guess_types(self, value):
        self.__guess_types = value

    @deprecated("Use the .active property")
    def get_active_sheet(self):
        """Returns the current active sheet."""

    def excel_base_date(self):
        return self.epoch

    def active(self):
        """Get the currently active sheet or None

        :type: :class:`openpyxl.worksheet.worksheet.Worksheet`
            return self._sheets[self._active_sheet_index]
        except IndexError:

    def active(self, value):
        """Set the active sheet"""
        if not isinstance(value, (_WorkbookChild, INTEGER_TYPES)):
            raise TypeError(
                "Value must be either a worksheet, chartsheet or numerical index"
        if isinstance(value, INTEGER_TYPES):
            self._active_sheet_index = value
            #if self._sheets and 0 <= value < len(self._sheets):
            #value = self._sheets[value]
            #raise ValueError("Sheet index is outside the range of possible values", value)
        if value not in self._sheets:
            raise ValueError("Worksheet is not in the workbook")
        if value.sheet_state != "visible":
            raise ValueError("Only visible sheets can be made active")

        idx = self._sheets.index(value)
        self._active_sheet_index = idx

    def create_sheet(self, title=None, index=None):
        """Create a worksheet (at an optional index).

        :param title: optional title of the sheet
        :type title: unicode
        :param index: optional position at which the sheet will be inserted
        :type index: int

        if self.read_only:
            raise ReadOnlyWorkbookException(
                'Cannot create new sheet in a read-only workbook')

        if self.write_only:
            new_ws = WriteOnlyWorksheet(parent=self, title=title)
            new_ws = Worksheet(parent=self, title=title)

        self._add_sheet(sheet=new_ws, index=index)
        return new_ws

    def _add_sheet(self, sheet, index=None):
        """Add an worksheet (at an optional index)."""

        if not isinstance(sheet, (Worksheet, WriteOnlyWorksheet, Chartsheet)):
            raise TypeError("Cannot be added to a workbook")

        if sheet.parent != self:
            raise ValueError(
                "You cannot add worksheets from another workbook.")

        if index is None:
            self._sheets.insert(index, sheet)

    def remove(self, worksheet):
        """Remove `worksheet` from this workbook."""
        idx = self._sheets.index(worksheet)
        localnames = self.defined_names.localnames(scope=idx)
        for name in localnames:
            self.defined_names.delete(name, scope=idx)

    @deprecated("Use wb.remove(worksheet) or del wb[sheetname]")
    def remove_sheet(self, worksheet):
        """Remove `worksheet` from this workbook."""

    def create_chartsheet(self, title=None, index=None):
        if self.read_only:
            raise ReadOnlyWorkbookException(
                "Cannot create new sheet in a read-only workbook")
        cs = Chartsheet(parent=self, title=title)

        self._add_sheet(cs, index)
        return cs

    @deprecated("Use wb[sheetname]")
    def get_sheet_by_name(self, name):
        """Returns a worksheet by its name.

        :param name: the name of the worksheet to look for
        :type name: string

        return self[name]

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return key in set(self.sheetnames)

    def index(self, worksheet):
        """Return the index of a worksheet."""
        return self.worksheets.index(worksheet)

    @deprecated("Use wb.index(worksheet)")
    def get_index(self, worksheet):
        """Return the index of the worksheet."""
        return self.index(worksheet)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Returns a worksheet by its name.

        :param name: the name of the worksheet to look for
        :type name: string

        for sheet in self.worksheets + self.chartsheets:
            if sheet.title == key:
                return sheet
        raise KeyError("Worksheet {0} does not exist.".format(key))

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        sheet = self[key]

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.worksheets)

    @deprecated("Use wb.sheetnames")
    def get_sheet_names(self):
        return self.sheetnames

    def worksheets(self):
        """A list of sheets in this workbook

        :type: list of :class:`openpyxl.worksheet.worksheet.Worksheet`
        return [
            s for s in self._sheets
            if isinstance(s, (Worksheet, ReadOnlyWorksheet,

    def chartsheets(self):
        """A list of Chartsheets in this workbook

        :type: list of :class:`openpyxl.chartsheet.chartsheet.Chartsheet`
        return [s for s in self._sheets if isinstance(s, Chartsheet)]

    def sheetnames(self):
        """Returns the list of the names of worksheets in this workbook.

        Names are returned in the worksheets order.

        :type: list of strings

        return [s.title for s in self._sheets]

    def create_named_range(self, name, worksheet=None, value=None, scope=None):
        """Create a new named_range on a worksheet"""
        defn = DefinedName(name=name, localSheetId=scope)
        if worksheet is not None:
            defn.value = "{0}!{1}".format(quote_sheetname(worksheet.title),
            defn.value = value


    def add_named_style(self, style):
        Add a named style

    def named_styles(self):
        List available named styles
        return self._named_styles.names

    @deprecated("Use workbook.defined_names.definedName")
    def get_named_ranges(self):
        """Return all named ranges"""
        return self.defined_names.definedName

    @deprecated("Use workbook.defined_names.append")
    def add_named_range(self, named_range):
        """Add an existing named_range to the list of named_ranges."""

    @deprecated("Use workbook.defined_names[name]")
    def get_named_range(self, name):
        """Return the range specified by name."""
        return self.defined_names[name]

    @deprecated("Use del workbook.defined_names[name]")
    def remove_named_range(self, named_range):
        """Remove a named_range from this workbook."""
        del self.defined_names[named_range]

    def mime_type(self):
        The mime type is determined by whether a workbook is a template or
        not and whether it contains macros or not. Excel requires the file
        extension to match but openpyxl does not enforce this.

        ct = self.template and XLTX or XLSX
        if self.vba_archive:
            ct = self.template and XLTM or XLSM
        return ct

    def save(self, filename):
        """Save the current workbook under the given `filename`.
        Use this function instead of using an `ExcelWriter`.

        .. warning::
            When creating your workbook using `write_only` set to True,
            you will only be able to call this function once. Subsequents attempts to
            modify or save the file will raise an :class:`openpyxl.shared.exc.WorkbookAlreadySaved` exception.
        if self.read_only:
            raise TypeError("""Workbook is read-only""")
        if self.write_only and not self.worksheets:
        save_workbook(self, filename)

    def style_names(self):
        List of named styles
        return [ for s in self._named_styles]

    def copy_worksheet(self, from_worksheet):
        """Copy an existing worksheet in the current workbook

        .. warning::
            This function cannot copy worksheets between workbooks.
            worksheets can only be copied within the workbook that they belong

        :param from_worksheet: the worksheet to be copied from
        :return: copy of the initial worksheet
        if self.__write_only or self._read_only:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot copy worksheets in read-only or write-only mode")

        new_title = u"{0} Copy".format(from_worksheet.title)
        to_worksheet = self.create_sheet(title=new_title)
        cp = WorksheetCopy(source_worksheet=from_worksheet,
        return to_worksheet

    def close(self):
        Close workbook file if open. Only affects read-only and write-only modes.
        if hasattr(self, '_archive'):
Esempio n. 26
class SharedStylesParser(object):
    def __init__(self, xml_source):
        self.root = fromstring(xml_source)
        self.cell_styles = IndexedList()
        self.differential_styles = []
        self.color_index = COLOR_INDEX
        self.font_list = IndexedList()
        self.fill_list = IndexedList()
        self.border_list = IndexedList()
        self.alignments = IndexedList([Alignment()])
        self.protections = IndexedList([Protection()])
        self.custom_number_formats = {}
        self.number_formats = IndexedList()

    def parse(self):
        self.font_list = IndexedList(self.parse_fonts())
        self.fill_list = IndexedList(self.parse_fills())
        self.border_list = IndexedList(self.parse_borders())

    def parse_custom_num_formats(self):
        """Read in custom numeric formatting rules from the shared style table"""
        custom_formats = {}
        num_fmts = self.root.findall('{%s}numFmts/{%s}numFmt' %
                                     (SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS))
        for node in num_fmts:
            idx = int(node.get('numFmtId'))
            self.custom_number_formats[idx] = node.get('formatCode')

    def parse_color_index(self):
        """Read in the list of indexed colors"""
        colors =\
            self.root.findall('{%s}colors/{%s}indexedColors/{%s}rgbColor' %
                              (SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS))
        if not colors:
        self.color_index = IndexedList([node.get('rgb') for node in colors])

    def parse_dxfs(self):
        """Read in the dxfs effects - used by conditional formatting."""
        for node in self.root.findall("{%s}dxfs/{%s}dxf" %
                                      (SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS)):

    def parse_fonts(self):
        """Read in the fonts"""
        fonts = self.root.findall('{%s}fonts/{%s}font' %
                                  (SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS))
        for node in fonts:
            yield Font.from_tree(node)

    def parse_fills(self):
        """Read in the list of fills"""
        fills = self.root.findall('{%s}fills/{%s}fill' %
                                  (SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS))
        for fill in fills:
            yield Fill.from_tree(fill)

    def parse_borders(self):
        """Read in the boarders"""
        borders = self.root.findall('{%s}borders/{%s}border' %
                                    (SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS))
        for border_node in borders:
            yield Border.from_tree(border_node)

    def parse_named_styles(self):
        Extract named styles
        node = self.root.find("{%s}cellStyleXfs" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        styles = self._parse_xfs(node)

        names = self._parse_style_names()
        for style in names.values():
            _id = styles[style.xfId]
            style.border = self.border_list[_id.borderId]
            style.fill = self.fill_list[_id.fillId]
            style.font = self.font_list[_id.fontId]
            if _id.alignmentId:
                style.alignment = self.alignments[_id.alignmentId]
            if _id.protectionId:
       = self.protections[_id.protectionId]
        self.named_styles = names

    def _parse_style_names(self):
        Extract style names. There can be duplicates in which case last wins
        node = self.root.find("{%s}cellStyles" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        names = {}
        for _name in node:
            name = _name.get("name")
            style = NamedStyle(name=name,
            style.xfId = int(_name.get("xfId"))
            names[name] = style
        return names

    def parse_cell_styles(self):
        Extract individual cell styles
        node = self.root.find('{%s}cellXfs' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        if node is not None:
            self.cell_styles = self._parse_xfs(node)

    def _parse_xfs(self, node):
        """Read styles from the shared style table"""
        _style_ids = []

        xfs = safe_iterator(node, '{%s}xf' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        for xf in xfs:
            style = StyleArray.from_tree(xf)

            al = xf.find('{%s}alignment' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
            if al is not None:
                alignment = Alignment(**al.attrib)
                style.alignmentId = self.alignments.add(alignment)

            prot = xf.find('{%s}protection' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
            if prot is not None:
                protection = Protection(**prot.attrib)
                style.protectionId = self.protections.add(protection)

            numFmtId = int(xf.get("numFmtId", 0))
            # check for custom formats and normalise indices

            if numFmtId in self.custom_number_formats:
                format_code = self.custom_number_formats[numFmtId]
                style.numFmtId = self.number_formats.add(format_code) + 164

        return IndexedList(_style_ids)
Esempio n. 27
class SharedStylesParser(object):

    def __init__(self, xml_source):
        self.root = fromstring(xml_source)
        self.shared_styles = []
        self.cell_styles = IndexedList()
        self.cond_styles = []
        self.style_prop = {}
        self.color_index = COLOR_INDEX
        self.font_list = IndexedList()
        self.fill_list = IndexedList()
        self.border_list = IndexedList()
        self.alignments = IndexedList([Alignment()])
        self.protections = IndexedList([Protection()])
        self.number_formats = IndexedList()

    def parse(self):
        self.style_prop['color_index'] = self.color_index
        self.font_list = IndexedList(self.parse_fonts())
        self.fill_list = IndexedList(self.parse_fills())
        self.border_list = IndexedList(self.parse_borders())

    def parse_custom_num_formats(self):
        """Read in custom numeric formatting rules from the shared style table"""
        custom_formats = {}
        num_fmts = self.root.findall('{%s}numFmts/{%s}numFmt' % (SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS))
        for num_fmt_node in num_fmts:
            fmt_code = num_fmt_node.get('formatCode').lower()

    def parse_color_index(self):
        """Read in the list of indexed colors"""
        colors =\
            self.root.findall('{%s}colors/{%s}indexedColors/{%s}rgbColor' %
                              (SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS))
        if not colors:
        self.color_index = IndexedList([node.get('rgb') for node in colors])

    def parse_dxfs(self):
        """Read in the dxfs effects - used by conditional formatting."""
        for node in self.root.findall("{%s}dxfs/{%s}dxf" % (SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS) ):

    def parse_fonts(self):
        """Read in the fonts"""
        fonts = self.root.findall('{%s}fonts/{%s}font' % (SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS))
        for node in fonts:
            yield Font.from_tree(node)

    def parse_fills(self):
        """Read in the list of fills"""
        fills = self.root.findall('{%s}fills/{%s}fill' % (SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS))
        for fill in fills:
            yield Fill.from_tree(fill)

    def parse_borders(self):
        """Read in the boarders"""
        borders = self.root.findall('{%s}borders/{%s}border' % (SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS))
        for border_node in borders:
            yield Border.from_tree(border_node)

    def parse_named_styles(self):
        Extract named styles
        ns = []
        styles_node = self.root.find("{%s}cellStyleXfs" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        _ids = self.cell_styles

        for _name, idx in self._parse_style_names():
            _id = _ids[idx]
            style = NamedStyle(name=_name)
            style.border = self.border_list[_id.border]
            style.fill = self.fill_list[_id.fill]
            style.font = self.font_list[_id.font]
            if _id.alignment:
                style.alignment = self.alignments[_id.alignment]
       = self.protections[]
        self.named_styles = IndexedList(ns)

    def _parse_style_names(self):
        names_node = self.root.find("{%s}cellStyles" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        for _name in names_node:
            yield _name.get("name"), int(_name.get("xfId"))

    def parse_cell_styles(self):
        Extract individual cell styles
        node = self.root.find('{%s}cellXfs' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        if node is not None:

    def _parse_xfs(self, node):
        """Read styles from the shared style table"""
        _styles  = []
        _style_ids = []

        builtin_formats = numbers.BUILTIN_FORMATS
        xfs = safe_iterator(node, '{%s}xf' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        for index, xf in enumerate(xfs):
            _style = {}
            attrs = dict(xf.attrib)

            alignmentId = protectionId = 0
            numFmtId = int(xf.get("numFmtId", 0))
            fontId = int(xf.get("fontId", 0))
            fillId = int(xf.get("fillId", 0))
            borderId = int(xf.get("borderId", 0))

            if numFmtId < 164:
                format_code = builtin_formats.get(numFmtId, 'General')
                    format_code = self.number_formats[numFmtId - 164]
                except IndexError:
                    if self.number_formats:
                        format_code = self.number_formats[0]
                        format_code = None
            _style['number_format'] = format_code

            if bool_attrib(xf, 'applyAlignment'):
                al = xf.find('{%s}alignment' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
                if al is not None:
                    alignment = Alignment(**al.attrib)
                    attrs['alignmentId'] = self.alignments.add(alignment)
                    _style['alignment'] = alignment

            if bool_attrib(xf, 'applyFont'):
                _style['font'] = self.font_list[fontId]

            if bool_attrib(xf, 'applyFill'):
                _style['fill'] = self.fill_list[fillId]

            if bool_attrib(xf, 'applyBorder'):
                _style['border'] = self.border_list[borderId]

            if bool_attrib(xf, 'applyProtection'):
                prot = xf.find('{%s}protection' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
                if prot is not None:
                    protection = Protection(**prot.attrib)
                    attrs['protectionId'] = self.protections.add(protection)
                    _style['protection'] = protection

        self.shared_styles = _styles
        self.cell_styles = IndexedList(_style_ids)
Esempio n. 28
class Workbook(object):
    """Workbook is the container for all other parts of the document."""

    _optimized_worksheet_class = DumpWorksheet

    def __init__(self,
        self.worksheets = []
        self._active_sheet_index = 0
        self._named_ranges = []
        self._external_links = [] = DocumentProperties() = Style() = DocumentSecurity()
        self.__write_only = write_only or optimized_write
        self.__read_only = read_only
        self.__thread_local_data = threading.local()
        self.shared_strings = IndexedList()

        self.loaded_theme = None
        self._worksheet_class = worksheet_class
        self.vba_archive = None
        self.is_template = False
        self.conditional_formats = []
        self._guess_types = guess_types
        self.data_only = data_only
        self.relationships = []
        self.drawings = []
        self.code_name = None
        self.excel_base_date = CALENDAR_WINDOWS_1900
        self.encoding = encoding

        if not self.write_only:

    def _setup_styles(self):
        """Bootstrap styles"""
        from openpyxl.styles.alignment import Alignment
        from openpyxl.styles.borders import DEFAULT_BORDER
        from openpyxl.styles.fills import DEFAULT_EMPTY_FILL, DEFAULT_GRAY_FILL
        from openpyxl.styles.fonts import DEFAULT_FONT
        from import Protection
        from openpyxl.styles.colors import COLOR_INDEX

        self._fonts = IndexedList()

        self._alignments = IndexedList([Alignment()])

        self._borders = IndexedList()

        self._fills = IndexedList()

        self._number_formats = IndexedList()

        self._protections = IndexedList([Protection()])

        self._colors = COLOR_INDEX
        self._cell_styles = IndexedList([StyleId(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)])

    @deprecated('this method is private and should not be called directly')
    def read_workbook_settings(self, xml_source):

    def _read_workbook_settings(self, xml_source):
        root = fromstring(xml_source)
        view = root.find('*/' '{%s}workbookView' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        if view is not None:
            if 'activeTab' in view.attrib:
       = int(view.attrib['activeTab'])

    def shared_styles(self):
        On the fly conversion of style references to style objects
        styles = []
        for sid in self._cell_styles:
            font = self._fonts[sid.font]
            fill = self._fills[sid.fill]
            border = self._borders[sid.fill]
            alignment = self._alignments[sid.alignment]
            protection = self._protections[]
            nf_id = sid.number_format
            if nf_id < 164:
                number_format = BUILTIN_FORMATS.get(nf_id, "General")
                number_format = self._number_formats[sid.number_format - 164]
                Style(font, fill, border, alignment, number_format,
            return styles

    def _local_data(self):
        return self.__thread_local_data

    def read_only(self):
        return self.__read_only

    def write_only(self):
        return self.__write_only

    def get_active_sheet(self):
        """Returns the current active sheet."""

    def active(self):
        """Get the currently active sheet"""
        return self.worksheets[self._active_sheet_index]

    def active(self, value):
        """Set the active sheet"""
        self._active_sheet_index = value

    def create_sheet(self, index=None, title=None):
        """Create a worksheet (at an optional index).

        :param index: optional position at which the sheet will be inserted
        :type index: int


        if self.read_only:
            raise ReadOnlyWorkbookException(
                'Cannot create new sheet in a read-only workbook')

        if self.write_only:
            new_ws = self._optimized_worksheet_class(parent_workbook=self,
            self._worksheet_class = self._optimized_worksheet_class
            if title is not None:
                new_ws = self._worksheet_class(parent_workbook=self,
                new_ws = self._worksheet_class(parent_workbook=self)

        self._add_sheet(worksheet=new_ws, index=index)
        return new_ws

        "you probably want to use Workbook.create_sheet('sheet name') instead")
    def add_sheet(self, worksheet, index=None):
        self._add_sheet(worksheet, index)

    def _add_sheet(self, worksheet, index=None):
        """Add an existing worksheet (at an optional index)."""
        if not isinstance(worksheet, self._worksheet_class):
            raise TypeError(
                "The parameter you have given is not of the type '%s'" %
        if worksheet.parent != self:
            raise ValueError(
                "You cannot add worksheets from another workbook.")

        if index is None:
            self.worksheets.insert(index, worksheet)

    def remove_sheet(self, worksheet):
        """Remove a worksheet from this workbook."""

    def get_sheet_by_name(self, name):
        """Returns a worksheet by its name.

        :param name: the name of the worksheet to look for
        :type name: string

        return self[name]

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return key in set(self.sheetnames)

    def get_index(self, worksheet):
        """Return the index of the worksheet."""
        return self.worksheets.index(worksheet)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Returns a worksheet by its name.

        :param name: the name of the worksheet to look for
        :type name: string

        for sheet in self.worksheets:
            if sheet.title == key:
                return sheet
        raise KeyError("Worksheet {0} does not exist.".format(key))

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        sheet = self[key]

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.worksheets)

    def get_sheet_names(self):
        return self.sheetnames

    def sheetnames(self):
        """Returns the list of the names of worksheets in the workbook.

        Names are returned in the worksheets order.

        :rtype: list of strings

        return [s.title for s in self.worksheets]

    def create_named_range(self, name, worksheet, range, scope=None):
        """Create a new named_range on a worksheet"""
        if not isinstance(worksheet, self._worksheet_class):
            raise TypeError("Worksheet is not of the right type")
        named_range = NamedRange(name, [(worksheet, range)], scope)

    def get_named_ranges(self):
        """Return all named ranges"""
        return self._named_ranges

    def add_named_range(self, named_range):
        """Add an existing named_range to the list of named_ranges."""

    def get_named_range(self, name):
        """Return the range specified by name."""
        requested_range = None
        for named_range in self._named_ranges:
            if == name:
                requested_range = named_range
        return requested_range

    def remove_named_range(self, named_range):
        """Remove a named_range from this workbook."""

    def save(self, filename):
        """Save the current workbook under the given `filename`.
        Use this function instead of using an `ExcelWriter`.

        .. warning::
            When creating your workbook using `write_only` set to True,
            you will only be able to call this function once. Subsequents attempts to
            modify or save the file will raise an :class:`openpyxl.shared.exc.WorkbookAlreadySaved` exception.
        if self.write_only:
            save_dump(self, filename)
            save_workbook(self, filename)
Esempio n. 29
class Workbook(object):
    """Workbook is the container for all other parts of the document."""
    def __init__(self,
        self._sheets = []
        self._active_sheet_index = 0
        self._named_ranges = []
        self._external_links = [] = DocumentProperties() = DocumentSecurity()
        self.__write_only = write_only or optimized_write
        self.__read_only = read_only
        self.shared_strings = IndexedList()


        self.loaded_theme = None
        self.vba_archive = None
        self.is_template = False
        self._differential_styles = []
        self._guess_types = guess_types
        self.data_only = data_only
        self._drawings = []
        self._charts = []
        self._images = []
        self.code_name = None
        self.excel_base_date = CALENDAR_WINDOWS_1900
        self.encoding = encoding

        if not self.write_only:

    def _setup_styles(self):
        """Bootstrap styles"""
        from openpyxl.styles.alignment import Alignment
        from openpyxl.styles.borders import DEFAULT_BORDER
        from openpyxl.styles.fills import DEFAULT_EMPTY_FILL, DEFAULT_GRAY_FILL
        from openpyxl.styles.fonts import DEFAULT_FONT
        from import Protection
        from openpyxl.styles.colors import COLOR_INDEX

        self._fonts = IndexedList()

        self._alignments = IndexedList([Alignment()])

        self._borders = IndexedList()

        self._fills = IndexedList()

        self._number_formats = IndexedList()

        self._protections = IndexedList([Protection()])

        self._colors = COLOR_INDEX
        self._cell_styles = IndexedList([StyleArray()])
        self._named_styles = {'Normal': NamedStyle(font=DEFAULT_FONT)}

    def read_only(self):
        return self.__read_only

    def write_only(self):
        return self.__write_only

    @deprecated("Use the .active property")
    def get_active_sheet(self):
        """Returns the current active sheet."""

    def active(self):
        """Get the currently active sheet"""
        return self._sheets[self._active_sheet_index]

    def active(self, value):
        """Set the active sheet"""
        self._active_sheet_index = value

    def create_sheet(self, title=None, index=None):
        """Create a worksheet (at an optional index).

        :param title: optional title of the sheet
        :type tile: unicode
        :param index: optional position at which the sheet will be inserted
        :type index: int

        if self.read_only:
            raise ReadOnlyWorkbookException(
                'Cannot create new sheet in a read-only workbook')

        if self.write_only:
            new_ws = WriteOnlyWorksheet(parent_workbook=self, title=title)
            new_ws = Worksheet(parent=self, title=title)

        self._add_sheet(sheet=new_ws, index=index)
        return new_ws

    def _add_sheet(self, sheet, index=None):
        """Add an worksheet (at an optional index)."""

        if not isinstance(sheet, (Worksheet, Chartsheet)):
            raise TypeError("Cannot be added to a workbook")

        if sheet.parent != self:
            raise ValueError(
                "You cannot add worksheets from another workbook.")

        if index is None:
            self._sheets.insert(index, sheet)

    def remove_sheet(self, worksheet):
        """Remove a worksheet from this workbook."""

    def create_chartsheet(self, title=None, index=None):
        if self.read_only:
            raise ReadOnlyWorkbookException(
                "Cannot create new sheet in a read-only workbook")
        cs = Chartsheet(parent=self, title=title)

        self._add_sheet(cs, index=None)
        return cs

    def get_sheet_by_name(self, name):
        """Returns a worksheet by its name.

        :param name: the name of the worksheet to look for
        :type name: string

        return self[name]

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return key in set(self.sheetnames)

    def get_index(self, worksheet):
        """Return the index of the worksheet."""
        return self.worksheets.index(worksheet)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Returns a worksheet by its name.

        :param name: the name of the worksheet to look for
        :type name: string

        for sheet in self.worksheets:
            if sheet.title == key:
                return sheet
        raise KeyError("Worksheet {0} does not exist.".format(key))

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        sheet = self[key]

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.worksheets)

    def get_sheet_names(self):
        return self.sheetnames

    def worksheets(self):
        return [s for s in self._sheets if isinstance(s, Worksheet)]

    def chartsheets(self):
        return [s for s in self._sheets if isinstance(s, Chartsheet)]

    def sheetnames(self):
        """Returns the list of the names of worksheets in the workbook.

        Names are returned in the worksheets order.

        :rtype: list of strings

        return [s.title for s in self._sheets]

    def create_named_range(self, name, worksheet, range, scope=None):
        """Create a new named_range on a worksheet"""
        named_range = NamedRange(name, [(worksheet, range)], scope)

    def get_named_ranges(self):
        """Return all named ranges"""
        return self._named_ranges

    def add_named_range(self, named_range):
        """Add an existing named_range to the list of named_ranges."""

    def get_named_range(self, name):
        """Return the range specified by name."""
        requested_range = None
        for named_range in self._named_ranges:
            if == name:
                requested_range = named_range
        return requested_range

    def remove_named_range(self, named_range):
        """Remove a named_range from this workbook."""

    def save(self, filename):
        """Save the current workbook under the given `filename`.
        Use this function instead of using an `ExcelWriter`.

        .. warning::
            When creating your workbook using `write_only` set to True,
            you will only be able to call this function once. Subsequents attempts to
            modify or save the file will raise an :class:`openpyxl.shared.exc.WorkbookAlreadySaved` exception.
        if self.read_only:
            raise TypeError("""Workbook is read-only""")
        if self.write_only:
            save_dump(self, filename)
            save_workbook(self, filename)
Esempio n. 30
class ExcelRenderer(mistune.Renderer):
        Renders a Markdown formatted text to an OOXML worksheet.
        Each block item (paragraph, headline, code...) is rendered in a
        separate cell, while inline elements (including newlines) are
        placed into cells as rich text.
        Some features of Markdown are not supported:
        - Tables
        - Images
        - HTML tags
        - Footnotes (for the moment)
        - List item continuation after a nested list (is considered as a new
          list item)
        Links are output in text as footnotes and target is placed at the end,
        after a blank cell.
        When using this renderer, the markdown processor will output an
        instance of :py:class:`Collector`. Use its :py:func:`~Collector.render`
        function to get the result in a worksheet.
        .. sourcecode:: python
            from openpyxl import Workbook
            renderer = ExcelRenderer()
            markdown = mistune.Markdown(renderer=renderer)
            collector = markdown(text)
            wb = Workbook()
            ws =
  <output path>)
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.links = IndexedList()

    def placeholder(self):
        return Collector(self)

    # ==== Block elements ====

    def _get_block(self, bucket):
        if bucket.inline is not None:
            return BlockCollector(bucket.inline)
            return bucket.block

    def block_code(self, code, language=None):
        #print("block_code: ", code, language)
        return self._get_block(code).nest("code")

    def block_quote(self, text):
        #print("block_quote: ", text)
        return self._get_block(text).nest("quote")

    def block_html(self, html):
        #print("block_html: ", html)
        return None

    def header(self, text, level, raw=None):
        #print("header: ", text, level, raw)
        return self._get_block(text).nest("h" + str(level))

    def hrule(self):
        #print("hrule: ")
        return BlockCollector(InlineCollector("")).nest("hrule")

    def list(self, body, ordered=True):
        #print("list: ", body, ordered)
        return self._get_block(body).nest("list")

    def list_item(self, text):
        #print("list_item: ", text)
        return self._get_block(text).nest("list_item")

    def paragraph(self, text):
        #print("paragraph: ", text)
        return self._get_block(text).nest("paragraph")

    def table(self, header, body):
        #print("table: ", header, body)
        return None

    def table_row(self, content):
        #print("table_row", content)
        return None

    def table_cell(self, content, **flags):
        #print("table_cell: ", content, flags)
        return None

    # ==== Inline elements ====

    def autolink(self, link, is_email=False):
        #print("autolink: ", link, is_email)
        return link.inline.apply_marker("l")

    def codespan(self, text):
        #print("codespan: ", text)
        return InlineCollector(text).apply_marker("c")

    def double_emphasis(self, text):
        return text.inline.apply_marker("i").apply_marker("b")

    def emphasis(self, text):
        #print("emphasis: ", text)
        return text.inline.apply_marker("i")

    def image(self, src, title, alt_text):
        return None

    def linebreak(self):
        return InlineCollector("\n")

    def newline(self):
        return None

    def link(self, link, title, content):
        #print("link: ", link, title, content)
        idx = self.links.index(link) + 1
        return content.inline.apply_marker("l").append("[{:d}]".format(idx))

    def strikethrough(self, text):
        #print("strikethrough: ", text)
        return text.inline.apply_marker("s")

    def text(self, text):
        #print("text: ", text)
        return InlineCollector(text)

    def inline_html(self, text):
        return text.inline

    def terminate(self):
            Called by the collector when the render function is called
        collector = Collector(self)
        if len(self.links) > 0:
            # Blank line
            collector += BlockCollector(InlineCollector(""))
            # Each link in a special cell with format
            # "[<idx>] <link>"
            for idx, link in enumerate(self.links, start=1):
                content = InlineCollector("[{:d}] ".format(idx))
                content += InlineCollector(link).apply_marker("l")
                block = BlockCollector(content).nest("link")
                collector += block
            # Reset links
            self.links = IndexedList()
        return collector
Esempio n. 31
class Workbook(object):
    """Workbook is the container for all other parts of the document."""

    _optimized_worksheet_class = DumpWorksheet

    def __init__(self,
        self.worksheets = []
        self._active_sheet_index = 0
        self._named_ranges = []
        self._external_links = [] = DocumentProperties() = Style() = DocumentSecurity()
        self.__write_only = write_only or optimized_write
        self.__read_only = read_only
        self.__thread_local_data = threading.local()
        self.shared_strings = IndexedList()

        self.loaded_theme = None
        self._worksheet_class = worksheet_class
        self.vba_archive = None
        self.is_template = False
        self._differential_styles = []
        self._guess_types = guess_types
        self.data_only = data_only
        self.relationships = []
        self.drawings = []
        self.code_name = None
        self.excel_base_date = CALENDAR_WINDOWS_1900
        self.encoding = encoding

        if not self.write_only:

    def _setup_styles(self):
        """Bootstrap styles"""
        from openpyxl.styles.alignment import Alignment
        from openpyxl.styles.borders import DEFAULT_BORDER
        from openpyxl.styles.fills import DEFAULT_EMPTY_FILL, DEFAULT_GRAY_FILL
        from openpyxl.styles.fonts import DEFAULT_FONT
        from import Protection
        from openpyxl.styles.colors import COLOR_INDEX

        self._fonts = IndexedList()

        self._alignments = IndexedList([Alignment()])

        self._borders = IndexedList()

        self._fills = IndexedList()

        self._number_formats = IndexedList()

        self._protections = IndexedList([Protection()])

        self._colors = COLOR_INDEX
        self._cell_styles = IndexedList([StyleId()])

    @deprecated('this method is private and should not be called directly')
    def read_workbook_settings(self, xml_source):

    def _read_workbook_settings(self, xml_source):
        root = fromstring(xml_source)
        view = root.find('*/' '{%s}workbookView' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        if view is not None:
            if 'activeTab' in view.attrib:
       = int(view.attrib['activeTab'])

    def shared_styles(self):
        On the fly conversion of style references to style objects
        styles = []
        for sid in self._cell_styles:
            font = self._fonts[sid.font]
            fill = self._fills[sid.fill]
            border = self._borders[sid.border]
            alignment = self._alignments[sid.alignment]
            protection = self._protections[]
            nf_id = sid.number_format
            if nf_id < 164:
                number_format = BUILTIN_FORMATS.get(nf_id, "General")
                number_format = self._number_formats[sid.number_format - 164]
            styles.append(Style(font, fill, border, alignment,
                                number_format, protection))
            return styles

    def _local_data(self):
        return self.__thread_local_data

    def read_only(self):
        return self.__read_only

    def write_only(self):
        return self.__write_only

    def get_active_sheet(self):
        """Returns the current active sheet."""

    def active(self):
        """Get the currently active sheet"""
        return self.worksheets[self._active_sheet_index]

    def active(self, value):
        """Set the active sheet"""
        self._active_sheet_index = value

    def create_sheet(self, index=None, title=None):
        """Create a worksheet (at an optional index).

        :param index: optional position at which the sheet will be inserted
        :type index: int


        if self.read_only:
            raise ReadOnlyWorkbookException('Cannot create new sheet in a read-only workbook')

        if self.write_only :
            new_ws = self._optimized_worksheet_class(parent_workbook=self,
            self._worksheet_class = self._optimized_worksheet_class
            if title is not None:
                new_ws = self._worksheet_class(
                    parent_workbook=self, title=title)
                new_ws = self._worksheet_class(parent_workbook=self)

        self._add_sheet(worksheet=new_ws, index=index)
        return new_ws

    @deprecated("you probably want to use Workbook.create_sheet('sheet name') instead")
    def add_sheet(self, worksheet, index=None):
        self._add_sheet(worksheet, index)

    def _add_sheet(self, worksheet, index=None):
        """Add an existing worksheet (at an optional index)."""
        if not isinstance(worksheet, self._worksheet_class):
            raise TypeError("The parameter you have given is not of the type '%s'" % self._worksheet_class.__name__)
        if worksheet.parent != self:
            raise ValueError("You cannot add worksheets from another workbook.")

        if index is None:
            self.worksheets.insert(index, worksheet)

    def remove_sheet(self, worksheet):
        """Remove a worksheet from this workbook."""

    def get_sheet_by_name(self, name):
        """Returns a worksheet by its name.

        :param name: the name of the worksheet to look for
        :type name: string

        return self[name]

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return key in set(self.sheetnames)

    def get_index(self, worksheet):
        """Return the index of the worksheet."""
        return self.worksheets.index(worksheet)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Returns a worksheet by its name.

        :param name: the name of the worksheet to look for
        :type name: string

        for sheet in self.worksheets:
            if sheet.title == key:
                return sheet
        raise KeyError("Worksheet {0} does not exist.".format(key))

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        sheet = self[key]

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.worksheets)

    def get_sheet_names(self):
        return self.sheetnames

    def sheetnames(self):
        """Returns the list of the names of worksheets in the workbook.

        Names are returned in the worksheets order.

        :rtype: list of strings

        return [s.title for s in self.worksheets]

    def create_named_range(self, name, worksheet, range, scope=None):
        """Create a new named_range on a worksheet"""
        if not isinstance(worksheet, self._worksheet_class):
            raise TypeError("Worksheet is not of the right type")
        named_range = NamedRange(name, [(worksheet, range)], scope)

    def get_named_ranges(self):
        """Return all named ranges"""
        return self._named_ranges

    def add_named_range(self, named_range):
        """Add an existing named_range to the list of named_ranges."""

    def get_named_range(self, name):
        """Return the range specified by name."""
        requested_range = None
        for named_range in self._named_ranges:
            if == name:
                requested_range = named_range
        return requested_range

    def remove_named_range(self, named_range):
        """Remove a named_range from this workbook."""

    def save(self, filename):
        """Save the current workbook under the given `filename`.
        Use this function instead of using an `ExcelWriter`.

        .. warning::
            When creating your workbook using `write_only` set to True,
            you will only be able to call this function once. Subsequents attempts to
            modify or save the file will raise an :class:`openpyxl.shared.exc.WorkbookAlreadySaved` exception.
        if self.read_only:
            raise TypeError("""Workbook is read-only""")
        if self.write_only:
            save_dump(self, filename)
            save_workbook(self, filename)
Esempio n. 32
class SharedStylesParser(object):

    def __init__(self, xml_source):
        self.root = fromstring(xml_source)
        self.cell_styles = IndexedList()
        self.differential_styles = []
        self.color_index = COLOR_INDEX
        self.font_list = IndexedList()
        self.fill_list = IndexedList()
        self.border_list = IndexedList()
        self.alignments = IndexedList([Alignment()])
        self.protections = IndexedList([Protection()])
        self.custom_number_formats = {}
        self.number_formats = IndexedList()

    def parse(self):
        self.font_list = IndexedList(self.parse_fonts())
        self.fill_list = IndexedList(self.parse_fills())
        self.border_list = IndexedList(self.parse_borders())

    def parse_custom_num_formats(self):
        """Read in custom numeric formatting rules from the shared style table"""
        custom_formats = {}
        num_fmts = self.root.findall('{%s}numFmts/{%s}numFmt' % (SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS))
        for node in num_fmts:
            idx = int(node.get('numFmtId'))
            self.custom_number_formats[idx] = node.get('formatCode')

    def parse_color_index(self):
        """Read in the list of indexed colors"""
        colors =\
            self.root.findall('{%s}colors/{%s}indexedColors/{%s}rgbColor' %
                              (SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS))
        if not colors:
        self.color_index = IndexedList([node.get('rgb') for node in colors])

    def parse_dxfs(self):
        """Read in the dxfs effects - used by conditional formatting."""
        for node in self.root.findall("{%s}dxfs/{%s}dxf" % (SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS) ):

    def parse_fonts(self):
        """Read in the fonts"""
        fonts = self.root.findall('{%s}fonts/{%s}font' % (SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS))
        for node in fonts:
            yield Font.from_tree(node)

    def parse_fills(self):
        """Read in the list of fills"""
        fills = self.root.findall('{%s}fills/{%s}fill' % (SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS))
        for fill in fills:
            yield Fill.from_tree(fill)

    def parse_borders(self):
        """Read in the boarders"""
        borders = self.root.findall('{%s}borders/{%s}border' % (SHEET_MAIN_NS, SHEET_MAIN_NS))
        for border_node in borders:
            yield Border.from_tree(border_node)

    def parse_named_styles(self):
        Extract named styles
        node = self.root.find("{%s}cellStyleXfs" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        styles = self._parse_xfs(node)

        names = self._parse_style_names()
        for style in names.values():
            _id = styles[style.xfId]
            style.border = self.border_list[_id.borderId]
            style.fill = self.fill_list[_id.fillId]
            style.font = self.font_list[_id.fontId]
            if _id.alignmentId:
                style.alignment = self.alignments[_id.alignmentId]
            if _id.protectionId:
       = self.protections[_id.protectionId]
        self.named_styles = names

    def _parse_style_names(self):
        Extract style names. There can be duplicates in which case last wins
        node = self.root.find("{%s}cellStyles" % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        names = {}
        for _name in safe_iterator(node, '{%s}cellStyle' % SHEET_MAIN_NS):
            name = _name.get("name")
            style = NamedStyle(name=name,
            style.xfId = int(_name.get("xfId"))
            names[name] = style
        return names

    def parse_cell_styles(self):
        Extract individual cell styles
        node = self.root.find('{%s}cellXfs' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        if node is not None:
            self.cell_styles = self._parse_xfs(node)

    def _parse_xfs(self, node):
        """Read styles from the shared style table"""
        _style_ids = []

        xfs = safe_iterator(node, '{%s}xf' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
        for xf in xfs:
            style = StyleArray.from_tree(xf)

            al = xf.find('{%s}alignment' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
            if al is not None:
                alignment = Alignment(**al.attrib)
                style.alignmentId = self.alignments.add(alignment)

            prot = xf.find('{%s}protection' % SHEET_MAIN_NS)
            if prot is not None:
                protection = Protection(**prot.attrib)
                style.protectionId = self.protections.add(protection)

            numFmtId = int(xf.get("numFmtId", 0))
            # check for custom formats and normalise indices

            if numFmtId in self.custom_number_formats:
                format_code = self.custom_number_formats[numFmtId]
                style.numFmtId = self.number_formats.add(format_code) + 164

        return IndexedList(_style_ids)
Esempio n. 33
class Workbook(object):
    """Workbook is the container for all other parts of the document."""

    def __init__(self,
        self.worksheets = []
        self._active_sheet_index = 0
        self._named_ranges = []
        self._external_links = [] = DocumentProperties() = DocumentSecurity()
        self.__write_only = write_only or optimized_write
        self.__read_only = read_only
        self.shared_strings = IndexedList()


        self.loaded_theme = None
        self.vba_archive = None
        self.is_template = False
        self._differential_styles = []
        self._guess_types = guess_types
        self.data_only = data_only
        self._drawings = []
        self._charts = []
        self._images = []
        self.code_name = None
        self.excel_base_date = CALENDAR_WINDOWS_1900
        self.encoding = encoding

        if not self.write_only:

    def _setup_styles(self):
        """Bootstrap styles"""
        from openpyxl.styles.alignment import Alignment
        from openpyxl.styles.borders import DEFAULT_BORDER
        from openpyxl.styles.fills import DEFAULT_EMPTY_FILL, DEFAULT_GRAY_FILL
        from openpyxl.styles.fonts import DEFAULT_FONT
        from import Protection
        from openpyxl.styles.colors import COLOR_INDEX

        self._fonts = IndexedList()

        self._alignments = IndexedList([Alignment()])

        self._borders = IndexedList()

        self._fills = IndexedList()

        self._number_formats = IndexedList()

        self._protections = IndexedList([Protection()])

        self._colors = COLOR_INDEX
        self._cell_styles = IndexedList([StyleId()])
        self._named_styles = {'Normal': NamedStyle(font=DEFAULT_FONT)}

    def read_only(self):
        return self.__read_only

    def write_only(self):
        return self.__write_only

    @deprecated("Use the .active property")
    def get_active_sheet(self):
        """Returns the current active sheet."""

    def active(self):
        """Get the currently active sheet"""
        return self.worksheets[self._active_sheet_index]

    def active(self, value):
        """Set the active sheet"""
        self._active_sheet_index = value

    def create_sheet(self, index=None, title=None):
        """Create a worksheet (at an optional index).

        :param index: optional position at which the sheet will be inserted
        :type index: int


        if self.read_only:
            raise ReadOnlyWorkbookException('Cannot create new sheet in a read-only workbook')

        if self.write_only :
            new_ws = WriteOnlyWorksheet(parent_workbook=self, title=title)
            new_ws = Worksheet(parent_workbook=self, title=title)

        self._add_sheet(worksheet=new_ws, index=index)
        return new_ws

    @deprecated("you probably want to use Workbook.create_sheet('sheet name') instead")
    def add_sheet(self, worksheet, index=None):
        self._add_sheet(worksheet, index)

    def _add_sheet(self, worksheet, index=None):
        """Add an existing worksheet (at an optional index)."""
        cls = Worksheet
        if self.write_only:
            cls = WriteOnlyWorksheet
        if not isinstance(worksheet, cls):
            raise TypeError("The parameter you have given is not of the type '%s'" % cls.__name__)
        if worksheet.parent != self:
            raise ValueError("You cannot add worksheets from another workbook.")

        if index is None:
            self.worksheets.insert(index, worksheet)

    def remove_sheet(self, worksheet):
        """Remove a worksheet from this workbook."""

    def get_sheet_by_name(self, name):
        """Returns a worksheet by its name.

        :param name: the name of the worksheet to look for
        :type name: string

        return self[name]

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return key in set(self.sheetnames)

    def get_index(self, worksheet):
        """Return the index of the worksheet."""
        return self.worksheets.index(worksheet)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Returns a worksheet by its name.

        :param name: the name of the worksheet to look for
        :type name: string

        for sheet in self.worksheets:
            if sheet.title == key:
                return sheet
        raise KeyError("Worksheet {0} does not exist.".format(key))

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        sheet = self[key]

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.worksheets)

    def get_sheet_names(self):
        return self.sheetnames

    def sheetnames(self):
        """Returns the list of the names of worksheets in the workbook.

        Names are returned in the worksheets order.

        :rtype: list of strings

        return [s.title for s in self.worksheets]

    def create_named_range(self, name, worksheet, range, scope=None):
        """Create a new named_range on a worksheet"""
        named_range = NamedRange(name, [(worksheet, range)], scope)

    def get_named_ranges(self):
        """Return all named ranges"""
        return self._named_ranges

    def add_named_range(self, named_range):
        """Add an existing named_range to the list of named_ranges."""

    def get_named_range(self, name):
        """Return the range specified by name."""
        requested_range = None
        for named_range in self._named_ranges:
            if == name:
                requested_range = named_range
        return requested_range

    def remove_named_range(self, named_range):
        """Remove a named_range from this workbook."""

    def save(self, filename):
        """Save the current workbook under the given `filename`.
        Use this function instead of using an `ExcelWriter`.

        .. warning::
            When creating your workbook using `write_only` set to True,
            you will only be able to call this function once. Subsequents attempts to
            modify or save the file will raise an :class:`openpyxl.shared.exc.WorkbookAlreadySaved` exception.
        if self.read_only:
            raise TypeError("""Workbook is read-only""")
        if self.write_only:
            save_dump(self, filename)
            save_workbook(self, filename)