Esempio n. 1
class Excel_01():
    def __init__(self, file_name, mode='r'):
        if mode == 'r':
            self.workbook = load_workbook(file_name)
        elif mode == 'w':
            self.workbook = Workbook()  #.Workbook(file_name)
            raise Exception('Error: init Excel class with error mode: %s' %

    def get_sheet(self, sheet_name):
        names = []
        if isinstance(sheet_name, str):
            if sheet_name.endswith('*'):
                for name in self.workbook.sheet_names():
                    if sheet_name[:-1] in name:
        elif isinstance(sheet_name, list):
            names = sheet_name
            raise Exception('Error: invalidity sheet_name: %s' % sheet_name)

        return names

    def read(self, sheet_name):
        sheet_name:Excel 中标签页名称
        sheet = self.workbook.sheet_by_name(sheet_name)
        nrows = sheet.nrows
        data = []
        for i in range(nrows):
        return data

    def write(self, data, sheet_name):
        sheet = self.workbook.add_worksheet(sheet_name)

        red = self.workbook.add_format({'bg_color': 'red', 'color': 'white'})
        gray = self.workbook.add_format({'bg_color': 'gray', 'color': 'white'})
        green = self.workbook.add_format({
            'bg_color': 'green',
            'color': 'white'
        blue = self.workbook.add_format({'bg_color': 'blue', 'color': 'white'})
        orange = self.workbook.add_format({
            'bg_color': 'orange',
            'color': 'white'
        for i in range(len(data)):
            for j in range(len(data[i])):
                if str(data[i][j]) == 'failure':
                    sheet.write(i, j, str(data[i][j]), red)
                elif str(data[i][j]) == 'NO':
                    sheet.write(i, j, str(data[i][j]), gray)
                elif str(data[i][j]) == 'blocked':
                    sheet.write(i, j, str(data[i][j]), orange)
                elif str(data[i][j]) == 'skipped':
                    sheet.write(i, j, str(data[i][j]), blue)
                elif str(data[i][j]) == 'success':
                    sheet.write(i, j, str(data[i][j]), green)
                    sheet.write(i, j, data[i][j])

    def close(self):
Esempio n. 2
    def Dashboard(self, filename):
        """ Creating Three Dashboards
                1. IBRD LOARN KPI Dashboard, 2. IBRD DATA QUALITY STATISTICS Dashboard 
                & 3. IBRD DATA AGGREGATION Dashboard 

        df = pd.read_csv(filename)

        dashboardpath = "./data/excel_dashboard/final_dashboard1.xlsx"

        wbk = Workbook(dashboardpath)

        ### 1. IBRD LOARN KPI Dashboard  #####
        # Total Number of Projects
        dash1 = pd.read_sql(
            "select count(distinct Project_ID) No_of_projects from Project",
        # Loans Per Loan Status
        dash2 = pd.read_sql(
            """select Loan_Status, count(distinct Loan_Number) No_of_loans from loan
                        group by Loan_Status Order by count(Loan_Number) Desc""",
        # Total Disbursed Loans / Loans Held
        dash3 = pd.read_sql(
            """select country, sum(Disbursed_Amount) loans_held from
                        (select distinct country, Disbursed_Amount from country c
                        inner join loan l on c.country_code = l.country_code)s 
                        group by country order by sum(Disbursed_Amount) desc limit 10""",
        # Repaid Portion
        dash4 = pd.read_sql(
            """select Sum(Repaid_to_IBRD+Repaid_3rd_Party)/Sum(Disbursed_Amount) Repaid_portion 
                        from loan""", self.engine)
        # Total Loans
        dash5 = pd.read_sql(
            """select COUNT(distinct loan_Number) loans from loan""",
        # Approved Loans
        dash6 = pd.read_sql(
            """select count(distinct Loan_Number) Approved_loans from loan where Loan_Status = 'Approved'
                            """, self.engine)

        # Percentage of Approved Loans
        dash10 = pd.DataFrame()
        dash10['Percent_Approved_Loans'] = dash6['Approved_loans'] / dash5[
        # Repaid Loans
        dash7 = pd.read_sql(
            """select count(distinct Loan_Number) Repaid_loans from loan where Loan_Status like 'Repaid%'
                            """, self.engine)
        # Cancelled Loans
        dash8 = pd.read_sql(
            """select count(distinct Loan_Number) Cancelled_loans from loan where Loan_Status like 'cancel%'
                            """, self.engine)
        # Aggregated Totals
        dash9 = pd.read_sql(
            "select sum(Original_Principal_Amount) Total_Principal,sum(Cancelled_Amount) Total_Cancelled,sum(Undisbursed_Amount) Total_Undisbursed,sum(Disbursed_Amount) Total_Disbursed,sum(Repaid_to_IBRD) Total_Repaid_IBRD,sum(Due_to_IBRD) Total_Due_to_IBRD,sum(Borrowers_Obligation) Total_Borrowers_Obligation,Sum(Sold_3rd_Party) Total_Sold_3rd_Party,sum(Repaid_3rd_Party) Total_Repaid_3rd_Party,sum(Due_3rd_Party) Total_Due_3rd_Party,Sum(Loans_Held) Total_Loans_Held from loan",

        # Aggregated Averages
        dash11 = pd.read_sql(
            "select avg(Original_Principal_Amount) avg_Principal,avg(Cancelled_Amount) avg_Cancelled,avg(Undisbursed_Amount) avg_Undisbursed,avg(Disbursed_Amount) avg_Disbursed,avg(Repaid_to_IBRD) avg_Repaid_IBRD,avg(Due_to_IBRD) avg_Due_to_IBRD,avg(Borrowers_Obligation) avg_Borrowers_Obligation,avg(Sold_3rd_Party) avg_Sold_3rd_Party,avg(Repaid_3rd_Party) avg_Repaid_3rd_Party,avg(Due_3rd_Party) avg_Due_3rd_Party,avg(Loans_Held) avg_Loans_Held from loan",

        # Create Worksheets in the Workbook

        ws4 = wbk.add_worksheet('Loan_KPI_Dashboard')
        ws3 = wbk.add_worksheet('Data_Qlty_Stat_Dashboard')
        ws2 = wbk.add_worksheet('Data_Aggregation_Dashboard')

        # Format cell borders via a configurable RxC box
        def draw_frame_border(workbook,

            if cols_count == 1 and rows_count == 1:
                # whole cell
                    first_row, first_col, first_row, first_col, {
                            'top': thickness,
                            'bottom': thickness,
                            'left': thickness,
                            'right': thickness
            elif rows_count == 1:
                # left cap
                    first_row, first_col, first_row, first_col, {
                            'top': thickness,
                            'left': thickness,
                            'bottom': thickness
                # top and bottom sides
                    first_row, first_col + 1, first_row,
                    first_col + cols_count - 2, {
                            'top': thickness,
                            'bottom': thickness

                # right cap
                    first_row, first_col + cols_count - 1, first_row,
                    first_col + cols_count - 1, {
                            'top': thickness,
                            'right': thickness,
                            'bottom': thickness

            elif cols_count == 1:
                # top cap
                    first_row, first_col, first_row, first_col, {
                            'top': thickness,
                            'left': thickness,
                            'right': thickness

                # left and right sides
                    first_row + 1, first_col, first_row + rows_count - 2,
                    first_col, {
                            'left': thickness,
                            'right': thickness

                # bottom cap
                    first_row + rows_count - 1, first_col,
                    first_row + rows_count - 1, first_col, {
                            'bottom': thickness,
                            'left': thickness,
                            'right': thickness

                # top left corner
                    first_row, first_col, first_row, first_col, {
                            'top': thickness,
                            'left': thickness

                # top right corner
                    first_row, first_col + cols_count - 1, first_row,
                    first_col + cols_count - 1, {
                            'top': thickness,
                            'right': thickness

                # bottom left corner
                    first_row + rows_count - 1, first_col,
                    first_row + rows_count - 1, first_col, {
                            'bottom': thickness,
                            'left': thickness

                # bottom right corner
                    first_row + rows_count - 1, first_col + cols_count - 1,
                    first_row + rows_count - 1, first_col + cols_count - 1, {
                            'bottom': thickness,
                            'right': thickness

                # top
                    first_row, first_col + 1, first_row,
                    first_col + cols_count - 2, {
                        'type': 'formula',
                        'criteria': 'True',
                        'format': workbook.add_format({'top': thickness})

                # left
                    first_row + 1, first_col, first_row + rows_count - 2,
                    first_col, {
                        'type': 'formula',
                        'criteria': 'True',
                        'format': workbook.add_format({'left': thickness})

                # bottom
                    first_row + rows_count - 1, first_col + 1,
                    first_row + rows_count - 1, first_col + cols_count - 2, {
                        'type': 'formula',
                        'criteria': 'True',
                        'format': workbook.add_format({'bottom': thickness})

                # right
                    first_row + 1, first_col + cols_count - 1,
                    first_row + rows_count - 2, first_col + cols_count - 1, {
                        'type': 'formula',
                        'criteria': 'True',
                        'format': workbook.add_format({'right': thickness})

        # Formating objects to be used in the Dashboard.
        bold = wbk.add_format({'bold': 1})
        heading_format = wbk.add_format({'bold': 1})
        number_format = wbk.add_format({'bold': 1, 'num_format': '#,##0'})
        percentage_format = wbk.add_format({'bold': 1, 'num_format': '0.0%'})
        merge_format = wbk.add_format({
            'bold': 1,
            'border': 1,
            'align': 'center',
            'valign': 'vcenter',
            'fg_color': 'yellow'

        # Merge 3 cells.
        ws4.merge_range('E1:H1', 'Merged Range', merge_format)

        # Write to IBRD LOARN KPI Dashboard
        ws4.write_row('B3', ['Total Projects'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('B4', dash1.iloc[:, 0], number_format)
        for row in range(2, 4):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 1, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('D3', ['Total Loans'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('D4', dash5.iloc[:, 0], number_format)
        for row in range(2, 4):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 3, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('F3', ['Repaid Percentage'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('F4', dash4.iloc[:, 0], percentage_format)
        for row in range(2, 4):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 5, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('H3', ['Approved Percentage'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('H4', dash10.iloc[:, 0], percentage_format)
        for row in range(2, 4):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 7, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('J3', ['Repaid Loans'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('J4', dash7.iloc[:, 0], number_format)
        for row in range(2, 4):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 9, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('L3', ['Cancelled Loans'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('L4', dash8.iloc[:, 0], number_format)
        for row in range(2, 4):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 11, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('D6', ['Total Principal'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('D7', dash9.iloc[:, 0], number_format)
        for row in range(5, 7):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 3, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('H6', ['Total Cancelled'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('H7', dash9.iloc[:, 1], number_format)
        for row in range(5, 7):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 7, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('J6', ['Total UnDisbursed'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('J7', dash9.iloc[:, 2], number_format)
        for row in range(5, 7):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 9, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('F6', ['Total Disbursed'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('F7', dash9.iloc[:, 3], number_format)
        for row in range(5, 7):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 5, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('F9', ['Repaid to IBRD'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('F10', dash9.iloc[:, 4], number_format)
        for row in range(8, 10):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 5, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('D9', ['Due to IBRD'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('D10', dash9.iloc[:, 5], number_format)
        for row in range(8, 10):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 3, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('B9', ['Borrowers Obligation'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('B10', dash9.iloc[:, 6], number_format)
        for row in range(8, 10):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 1, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('J9', ['Sold 3rd_Party'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('J10', dash9.iloc[:, 7], number_format)
        for row in range(8, 10):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 9, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('H9', ['Repaid 3rd_Party'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('H10', dash9.iloc[:, 8], number_format)
        for row in range(8, 10):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 7, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('L9', ['Due 3rd_Party'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('L10', dash9.iloc[:, 9], number_format)
        for row in range(8, 10):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 11, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('B6', ['Total Loans Held'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('B7', dash9.iloc[:, 10], number_format)
        for row in range(5, 7):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 1, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('D13', ['AVG Principal'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('D14', dash11.iloc[:, 0], number_format)
        for row in range(12, 14):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 3, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('H13', ['AVG Cancelled'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('H14', dash11.iloc[:, 1], number_format)
        for row in range(12, 14):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 7, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('J13', ['AVG UnDisbursed'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('J14', dash11.iloc[:, 2], number_format)
        for row in range(12, 14):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 9, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('F13', ['AVG Disbursed'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('F14', dash11.iloc[:, 3], number_format)
        for row in range(12, 14):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 5, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('F17', ['AVG Repaid to IBRD'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('F18', dash11.iloc[:, 4], number_format)
        for row in range(16, 18):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 5, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('D17', ['AVG Due to IBRD'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('D18', dash11.iloc[:, 5], number_format)
        for row in range(16, 18):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 3, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('B17', ['AVG Borrowers Obligation'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('B18', dash11.iloc[:, 6], number_format)
        for row in range(16, 18):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 1, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('J17', ['AVG Sold 3rd_Party'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('J18', dash11.iloc[:, 7], number_format)
        for row in range(16, 18):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 9, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('H17', ['AVG Repaid 3rd_Party'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('H18', dash11.iloc[:, 8], number_format)
        for row in range(16, 18):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 7, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('L17', ['AVG Due 3rd_Party'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('L18', dash11.iloc[:, 9], number_format)
        for row in range(16, 18):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 11, 1, 1, 2)

        ws4.write_row('B13', ['AVG Loans Held'], bold)
        ws4.write_row('B14', dash11.iloc[:, 10], number_format)
        for row in range(12, 14):
            draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, 1, 1, 1, 2)

        #making the heading
        ws4.write_row('E1', ['IBRD LOAN KPI Dashboard'], heading_format)

        #Removing gridlines

        # create a data headings.
        headings = ['Loan Status', 'number']

        heading2 = ['Country', ' Loan Held']

        # Write a row of data .
        ws4.write_row('B38', heading2, bold)

        # Write a column of data
        ws4.write_column('B39', dash3.iloc[:, 0], number_format)
        ws4.write_column('C39', dash3.iloc[:, 1], number_format)

        for col in range(1, 3):
            for row in range(37, 48):
                draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, col, 1, 1, 2)

        #Adding a chart for Loan Status Vs Loans
        chart2 = wbk.add_chart({'type': 'column'})

        # Define Series
            'name': '= Loan_KPI_Dashboard !$A$3',
            'categories': '=Loan_KPI_Dashboard!$B$39:$B$49',
            'values': '=Loan_KPI_Dashboard!$C$39:$C$49'

        # Insert the chart into the worksheet.
        ws4.insert_chart('E38', chart2)

        # Add a chart title and some axis labels.
        chart2.set_title({'name': 'Loans Held per Country'})
        chart2.set_x_axis({'name': 'Country'})
        chart2.set_y_axis({'name': 'Total Loan Held'})

        # Write a row of data starting from 'A1'
        # with bold format .
        ws4.write_row('B21', headings, bold)

        # Write column data into the Top 10 Countries with Loans table
        ws4.write_column('B22', dash2.iloc[:, 0], number_format)
        ws4.write_column('C22', dash2.iloc[:, 1], number_format)

        for col in range(1, 3):
            for row in range(20, 32):
                draw_frame_border(wbk, ws4, row, col, 1, 1, 2)

        #Adding a chart
        chart1 = wbk.add_chart({'type': 'column'})

        # Add Series
            'name': '= Loan_KPI_Dashboard !$A$3',
            'categories': '=Loan_KPI_Dashboard!$B$22:$B$32',
            'values': '=Loan_KPI_Dashboard!$C$22:$C$32'

        # Insert the chart into the worksheet
        ws4.insert_chart('E21', chart1)

        # Add a chart title and some axis labels.
        chart1.set_title({'name': 'Number of loans per loan status'})
        chart1.set_x_axis({'name': 'Loan_Status'})
        chart1.set_y_axis({'name': 'No_of_loans'})

        # Apply a conditional format to the cell range.
        ws4.conditional_format('C22:C32', {'type': '3_color_scale'})
        ws4.conditional_format('C39:C49', {'type': '3_color_scale'})

        ###  2. IBRD DATA QUALITY STATISTICS Dashboard #####
        # Data Quality, Missing Values, Data Accuracy, Statistical Calculations #

        values = int(len(df['Loan Number']))

        stats = pd.DataFrame()

        stats['count'] = df.count(0)

        stats['missing_values'] = [(values - x) for x in stats['count']]


        #getting summary statistics
        stat = df.describe()

        #transpose the data
        stat = stat.T

        #drop count column and reset index
        stat.drop(['count'], inplace=True, axis=1)


        stats_final = pd.merge(stats, stat, how='left', on='index')

        stats_final.fillna(0, inplace=True)

        ###### 3. IBRD DATA AGGREGATION Dashboard #######
        #######Total, Average, Minimum, Maximum #########

        data = pd.read_sql(
            "select processed_date,Original_Principal_Amount,Cancelled_Amount,Undisbursed_Amount,Disbursed_Amount,Repaid_to_IBRD,Due_to_IBRD,Borrowers_Obligation,Sold_3rd_Party,Repaid_3rd_Party,Due_3rd_Party,Loans_Held from loan",

        #introducing the month column
        data['processed_month'] = data['processed_date'].dt.to_period(

        #drop processed date
        data.drop(['processed_date'], inplace=True, axis=1)

        #Make data agrregations
        total = data.groupby(['processed_month']).sum()
        total['category'] = 'Total'

        mean = data.groupby(['processed_month']).mean()
        mean['category'] = 'Average'

        min_ = data.groupby(['processed_month']).min()
        min_['category'] = 'Min'

        median = data.groupby(['processed_month']).median()
        median['category'] = 'Median'

        max_ = data.groupby(['processed_month']).max()
        max_['category'] = 'Max'

        #appending the various dataframes
        final = pd.concat([total, mean], ignore_index=True)
        final = pd.concat([final, min_], ignore_index=True)
        final = pd.concat([final, median], ignore_index=True)
        final = pd.concat([final, max_], ignore_index=True)

        ##set category as index and stack dataframe
        final.set_index('category', inplace=True)

        final = pd.DataFrame(final.stack())


        #creating the column names
        names = final.iloc[0].to_list()

        names[0:0] = ['Category']
        names[1:1] = ['Field']


        final.columns = names

        final = final.loc[~final['Field'].isin(['processed_month'])]

        #making the headings for the Data Aggregation and Data Quality Dashboards

        ws2.write_row('E1', ['IBRD DATA AGGREGATION Dashboard'],
        ws3.write_row('E1', ['IBRD DATA QUALITY STATISTICS Dashboard'],

        ## Writing IBRD DATA AGGREGATION Dashboard ##
        # Removing gridlines

        # create a data list .
        heading3 = final.columns

        # Write a row of data starting from 'A1'
        # with bold format .
        ws2.write_row(1, 0, heading3, bold)

        # Write a column of data starting from
        # 'A2', 'B2', 'C2' respectively .
        for col in range(0, len(heading3)):
            ws2.write_column(2, col, final.iloc[:, col], number_format)

        for col in range(0, len(heading3)):
            for row in range(1, 57):
                draw_frame_border(wbk, ws2, row, col, 1, 1, 2)

        ### Writing to IBRD DATA QUALITY STATISTICS Dashboard ###

        heading4 = stats_final.columns

        # Write a row of data
        ws3.write_row(1, 0, heading4, bold)

        # Write a column of data
        for col in range(0, len(heading4)):
            ws3.write_column(2, col, stats_final.iloc[:, col], number_format)

        for col in range(0, len(heading4)):
            for row in range(1, 38):
                draw_frame_border(wbk, ws3, row, col, 1, 1, 2)

        # Close Workbook


        return dashboardpath