class TumblesleRelease(object):

    """Check for releasable builds and release them as TumbleSLE if they are at least as good as the current one."""

    def __init__(self, args):
        """Construct object and save forwarded arguments."""
        verbose_to_log = {
            0: logging.CRITICAL,
            1: logging.ERROR,
            2: logging.WARN,
            3: logging.INFO,
            4: logging.DEBUG
        logging_level = logging.DEBUG if args.verbose > 4 else verbose_to_log[args.verbose]
        log.debug("args: %s" % args)
        self.args = args
        config = ConfigParser()
        config_entries =
        self.whitelist = [i.strip() for i in args.whitelist.split(',')]
        if config_entries:
            self.whitelist += [i.strip() for i in config.get(self.args.product, 'whitelist').split(',')]
  "No configuration file '{}' for whitelist, only using optionally specified command line whitelist".format(self.args.config_path))
        # does not look so nice, can be improved. Removing empty string entries.
        self.whitelist = [i for i in self.whitelist if i]"Whitelist content for %s: %s" % (self.args.product, self.whitelist))
        self.release_info_path = os.path.join(self.args.dest, self.args.release_file)
        self.browser = Browser(args, args.openqa_host)

    def run(self, do_run=True):
        """Continously run while 'do_run' is True, check for last build and release if satisfying."""
        while do_run:
            if self.args.run_once:
                log.debug("Requested to run only once")
                do_run = False
            if not self.args.run_once:  # pragma: no cover
                log.debug("Waiting for new check %s seconds" % self.args.sleeptime)

    def one_run(self):
        """Like run but only one run, not continuous execution."""
        if self.release_build is None:

    def retrieve_server_isos(self):
        """Retrieve name of ISOS for matching pattern from openQA host."""
        match_re = fnmatch.translate(self.args.match)

        def is_matching_iso(i):
            return 'iso' in i['type'] and 'Staging' not in i['name'] and re.match(match_re, i['name'])
        log.debug("Finding most recent ISO matching regex '%s'" % match_re)
        assets = self.browser.get_json('/api/v1/assets')['assets']
        isos = [i['name'] for i in assets if is_matching_iso(i)]
        return isos

    def retrieve_jobs_by_result(self, build):
        """Retrieve jobs for current group by build id, returns dict with result as keys."""
        group_id = int(self.args.group_id)
        log.debug("Getting jobs in build %s ..." % build)
        jobs_build = self.browser.get_json('/api/v1/jobs?state=done&latest=1&build=%s&group_id=%s' % (build, group_id))['jobs']
        jobs_in_build_product = [i for i in jobs_build if i['group_id'] == group_id]
        jobs_by_result = defaultdict(list)
        for job in jobs_in_build_product:
        return jobs_by_result

    def _filter_whitelisted_fails(self, failed_jobs):
        def whitelisted(job):
            for entry in self.whitelist:
                if entry in scenario(job):
                    log.debug("Found whitelist failed job %s because it matches %s" % (job['name'], entry))
                    return True
            return False
        failed_jobs_without_whitelisted = [job for job in failed_jobs if not whitelisted(job)]
        return failed_jobs_without_whitelisted

    def check_last_builds(self):
        """Check last builds and return releasable build(s)."""
        self.release_build = None
        log.debug("Checking last builds on %s ..." % self.args.openqa_host)
        isos = self.retrieve_server_isos()
        last_iso = sorted(isos)[-1]
        log.debug("Found last ISO %s" % last_iso)
        build = {}
        # TODO check for running build. It should have the same effect as we compare nr of passed anyway later but it's better to explictly abort faster
        build['last'] ='(?<=-Build)[0-9@]+', last_iso).group() if self.args.check_build is 'last' else self.args.check_build
        log.debug("Found last build %s" % build['last'])
        jobs_by_result = {}
        jobs_by_result['last'] = self.retrieve_jobs_by_result(build['last'])
        passed, failed = {}, {}
        passed['last'] = len(jobs_by_result['last']['passed'])
        failed['last'] = len(jobs_by_result['last']['failed']) + len(jobs_by_result['last']['softfailed'])'Most recent build %s: passed: %s, failed: %s' % (build['last'], passed['last'], failed['last']))

        # IF NOT last_stored_finish_build
        #    read tumblesle repo, find last tumblesle build
        #    last_stored_finish_build = last tumblesle build aka. "released"
        if self.args.check_against_build == 'tagged':
            raise NotImplementedError("tag check not implemented")
        elif self.args.check_against_build == 'release_info':
            with open(self.release_info_path, 'r') as release_info_file:
                release_info = yaml.load(release_info_file)
                build['released'] = release_info[self.args.product]['build']
            build['released'] = self.args.check_against_build
        # IF NOT finished build newer than last_stored_finished_build
        #    continue wait
        if build['last'] <= build['released']:
  "Specified last build {last} is not newer than released {released}, skipping".format(**build))
        log.debug("Retrieving results for released build %s" % build['released'])
        jobs_by_result['released'] = self.retrieve_jobs_by_result(build['released'])
        # read whitelist from tumblesle
        # TODO whitelist could contain either bugs or scenarios while I prefer bugrefs :-)
        hard_failed_jobs = {k: self._filter_whitelisted_fails(jobs_by_result[k]['failed']) for k in ['released', 'last']}
        # count passed, failed for both released/new
        passed['released'] = len(jobs_by_result['released']['passed']) + len(jobs_by_result['released']['softfailed'])
        hard_failed = {k: len(v) for k, v in iteritems(hard_failed_jobs)}
        whitelisted = {'last': failed['last'] - hard_failed['last']}
        passed['last'] += whitelisted['last']
        assert (passed['last'] + hard_failed['last']) > 0, "passed['last'] (%s) + hard_failed['last'] (%s) must be more than zero" % (
            passed['last'], hard_failed['last'])
        assert (passed['released'] + hard_failed['released']) > 0
        log.debug('%s: %s/%s vs. %s: %s/%s' % (build['last'], passed['last'], hard_failed['last'],
                                               build['released'], passed['released'], hard_failed['released']))
        if passed['last'] >= passed['released'] and hard_failed['last'] <= hard_failed['released']:
  "Found new good build %s" % build['last'])
            self.release_build = build['last']
            # TODO auto-remove entries from whitelist which are passed now
            hard_failed_jobs_by_scenario = {k: {scenario(j): j for j in v} for k, v in iteritems(hard_failed_jobs)}
            sets = {k: set(v) for k, v in iteritems(hard_failed_jobs_by_scenario)}
            new_failures = sets['last'].difference(sets['released'])
            new_fixed = sets['released'].difference(sets['last'])
  "Regression in new build %s, new failures: %s" % (build['last'], ', '.join(new_failures)))
            log.debug("new fixed: %s" % ', '.join(new_fixed))

        # # assuming every job in released_failed is in whitelist
        # if len(hard_failed) > previous_hard_failed:
        #     return skip_release (cause: product regression) -> notify on new blockers
        # if len(new_passed < released_passed):
        #     return skip_release (cause: test coverage regression) -> notify stats, e.g. which scenario missing

    def sync(self, build_dest):
        """Sync repo/iso/hdd to pre_release on tumblesle archive."""
        rsync_opts = ['-aHP']
        # rsync supports a dry-run option so we can also select a dry-run there. This only works if the directory structure exists
        if self.args.dry_run_rsync:
            rsync_opts += ['--dry-run']

        if not self.args.src.endswith('/') or not self.args.dest.endswith('/'):
            raise UnsupportedRsyncArgsError()
        rsync_opts += ["--include=**/%s%s*" % (self.args.match, self.release_build)]
        if self.args.match_hdds:
            rsync_opts += ["--include=**/%s%s*" % (self.args.match_hdds, self.release_build)]
        rsync_opts += ["--include=iso/", "--include=hdd/", "--include=repo/"]
        rsync_opts += ["--filter=+ repo/%s%s*/**" % (self.args.match, self.release_build)]
        rsync_opts += ["--exclude=*"]
        cmd = ["rsync"] + rsync_opts + [self.args.src, build_dest]
        log.debug("Calling '%s'" % ' '.join(cmd))
        if not self.args.dry_run or self.args.dry_run_rsync:

    def update_release_info(self):
        """Update release info file on destination."""
        log.debug("Updating release_info file")
        release_info = {self.args.product: {'build': self.release_build}}
        release_info_dump = yaml.safe_dump(release_info)
        log.debug("New release info as yaml: %s" % release_info_dump)
        if not self.args.dry_run:
            open(self.release_info_path, 'w').write(release_info_dump)

    def update_symlinks(self, build_dest):
        """Update symlinks to 'current' and 'release' on destination."""
        log.debug("Updating symlinks within %s/ for each asset (Build%s->current)" % (self.release_build, self.release_build))
        for i in glob.glob(build_dest + '*/*'):
            tgt = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(i), os.path.basename(i).replace(self.release_build, 'CURRENT'))
            if not os.path.exists(tgt):
                os.symlink(i, tgt)
        log.debug("Updating folder symlinks %s/ -> release/" % self.release_build)
        release_tgt = os.path.join(self.args.dest, 'release')
        if self.args.dry_run:
  "Would symlink %s -> %s" % (build_dest, release_tgt))
            if os.path.exists(release_tgt):
            os.symlink(self.release_build, release_tgt)

    def release(self):
        """Release new version of TumbleSLE by syncing from openQA instance to TumbleSLE server."""
        log.debug("Releasing new TumbleSLE: Build %s" % self.release_build)
        # # do release
        # TODO in openQA as soon as there is comment access over API:
        #   - tag new build
        #   - remove last tag (or update)
        build_dest = os.path.join(self.args.dest, self.release_build) + '/'
        log.debug("Release DONE")
        if self.args.post_release_hook:
            log.debug("Calling post_release_hook '%s'" % self.args.post_release_hook)
Esempio n. 2
class TumblesleRelease(object):

    """Check for releasable builds and release them as TumbleSLE if they are at least as good as the current one."""

    def __init__(self, args):
        """Construct object and save forwarded arguments."""
        verbose_to_log = {0: logging.CRITICAL, 1: logging.ERROR, 2: logging.WARN, 3: logging.INFO, 4: logging.DEBUG}
        logging_level = logging.DEBUG if args.verbose > 4 else verbose_to_log[args.verbose]
        log.debug("args: %s" % args)
        self.args = args
        config = ConfigParser()
        config_entries =
        self.whitelist = [i.strip() for i in args.whitelist.split(",")]
        if config_entries:
            self.whitelist += [i.strip() for i in config.get(self.args.product, "whitelist").split(",")]
                "No configuration file '{}' for whitelist, only using optionally specified command line whitelist".format(
        # does not look so nice, can be improved. Removing empty string entries.
        self.whitelist = [i for i in self.whitelist if i]"Whitelist content for %s: %s" % (self.args.product, self.whitelist))
        self.release_info_path = os.path.join(self.args.dest, self.args.release_file)
        self.browser = Browser(args, args.openqa_host)
        if not config.has_section("notification"):
        self.credentials = pika.PlainCredentials(
            config.get("notification", "username", fallback="guest"),
            config.get("notification", "password", fallback="guest"),
        self.notify_host = config.get("notification", "host", fallback="")

    def notify_connect(self):
        """Connect to notification bus."""
        # 'heartbeat_interval' renamed in pika 1.0, see
            self.notify_connection = pika.BlockingConnection(
                pika.ConnectionParameters(host=self.notify_host, credentials=self.credentials, heartbeat=10)
        except TypeError:  # pragma: no cover
            self.notify_connection = pika.BlockingConnection(
                pika.ConnectionParameters(host=self.notify_host, credentials=self.credentials, heartbeat_interval=10)
        self.notify_channel =
        self.notify_channel.exchange_declare(exchange="pubsub", type="topic", passive=True, durable=True)
        self.notify_topic = "suse.tumblesle"
        self.notify_seen = deque(maxlen=self.args.seen_maxlen)

    def __del__(self):
        """Cleanup notification objects."""
        if not hasattr(self, "notify_connection"):

    def notify(self, message, topic="info"):
        """Send notification over messaging bus."""
        if not hasattr(self, "notify_channel"):
            log.debug("No notification channel enabled, discarding notify.")
        body = json.dumps(message)
        if body in self.notify_seen:
            log.debug("notification message already sent out recently, not resending: %s" % body)
        tries = 7  # arbitrary
        for t in range(tries):
                    exchange="pubsub", routing_key=".".join([self.notify_topic, topic]), body=body
            except pika.exceptions.ConnectionClosed as e:  # pragma: no cover
                log.warn("sending notification did not work: %s. Retrying try %s out of %s" % (e, t, tries))
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            log.error("could not send out notification for %s tries, aborting." % tries)
            raise pika.exceptions.ConnectionClosed()

    def run(self, do_run=True):
        """Continously run while 'do_run' is True, check for last build and release if satisfying."""
        while do_run:
            if self.args.run_once:
                log.debug("Requested to run only once")
                do_run = False
            if not self.args.run_once:  # pragma: no cover
                log.debug("Waiting for new check %s seconds" % self.args.sleeptime)

    def one_run(self):
        """Like run but only one run, not continuous execution."""
        if self.release_build is None:

    def retrieve_server_isos(self):
        """Retrieve name of ISOS for matching pattern from openQA host."""
        match_re = fnmatch.translate(self.args.match)

        def is_matching_iso(i):
            return "iso" in i["type"] and "Staging" not in i["name"] and re.match(match_re, i["name"])

        log.debug("Finding most recent ISO matching regex '%s'" % match_re)
        assets = self.browser.get_json("/api/v1/assets", cache=self.args.load)["assets"]
        isos = [i["name"] for i in assets if is_matching_iso(i)]
        return isos

    def retrieve_jobs_by_result(self, build):
        """Retrieve jobs for current group by build id, returns dict with result as keys."""
        group_id = int(self.args.group_id)
        log.debug("Getting jobs in build %s ..." % build)
        jobs_build = self.browser.get_json(
            "/api/v1/jobs?state=done&latest=1&build=%s&group_id=%s" % (build, group_id), cache=self.args.load
        jobs_in_build_product = [i for i in jobs_build if i["group_id"] == group_id]
        jobs_by_result = defaultdict(list)
        for job in jobs_in_build_product:
        return jobs_by_result

    def _filter_whitelisted_fails(self, failed_jobs):
        def whitelisted(job):
            for entry in self.whitelist:
                if entry in scenario(job):
                    log.debug("Found whitelist failed job %s because it matches %s" % (job["name"], entry))
                    return True
            return False

        failed_jobs_without_whitelisted = [job for job in failed_jobs if not whitelisted(job)]
        return failed_jobs_without_whitelisted

    def check_last_builds(self):
        """Check last builds and return releasable build(s)."""
        self.release_build = None
        log.debug("Checking last builds on %s ..." % self.args.openqa_host)
        isos = self.retrieve_server_isos()
        last_iso = sorted(isos)[-1]
        log.debug("Found last ISO %s" % last_iso)
        build = {}
        # TODO check for running build. It should have the same effect as we compare nr of passed anyway later but it's better to explictly abort faster
        build["last"] = (
  "(?<=-Build)[0-9@]+", last_iso).group()
            if self.args.check_build == "last"
            else self.args.check_build
        log.debug("Found last build %s" % build["last"])
        jobs_by_result = {}
        jobs_by_result["last"] = self.retrieve_jobs_by_result(build["last"])
        passed, failed = {}, {}
        passed["last"] = len(jobs_by_result["last"]["passed"])
        failed["last"] = len(jobs_by_result["last"]["failed"]) + len(jobs_by_result["last"]["softfailed"])"Most recent build %s: passed: %s, failed: %s" % (build["last"], passed["last"], failed["last"]))

        # IF NOT last_stored_finish_build
        #    read tumblesle repo, find last tumblesle build
        #    last_stored_finish_build = last tumblesle build aka. "released"
        if self.args.check_against_build == "tagged":
            raise NotImplementedError("tag check not implemented")
        elif self.args.check_against_build == "release_info":
            with open(self.release_info_path, "r") as release_info_file:
                release_info = yaml.load(release_info_file, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
                build["released"] = release_info[self.args.product]["build"]
            build["released"] = self.args.check_against_build
        # IF NOT finished build newer than last_stored_finished_build
        #    continue wait
        if build["last"] <= build["released"]:
  "Specified last build {last} is not newer than released {released}, skipping".format(**build))
        log.debug("Retrieving results for released build %s" % build["released"])
        jobs_by_result["released"] = self.retrieve_jobs_by_result(build["released"])
        # read whitelist from tumblesle
        # TODO whitelist could contain either bugs or scenarios while I prefer bugrefs :-)
        hard_failed_jobs = {
            k: self._filter_whitelisted_fails(jobs_by_result[k]["failed"]) for k in ["released", "last"]
        # count passed, failed for both released/new
        passed["released"] = len(jobs_by_result["released"]["passed"]) + len(jobs_by_result["released"]["softfailed"])
        hard_failed = {k: len(v) for k, v in iteritems(hard_failed_jobs)}
        whitelisted = {"last": failed["last"] - hard_failed["last"]}
        passed["last"] += whitelisted["last"]
        assert (
            passed["last"] + hard_failed["last"]
        ) > 0, "passed['last'] (%s) + hard_failed['last'] (%s) must be more than zero" % (
        assert (passed["released"] + hard_failed["released"]) > 0
            "%s: %s/%s vs. %s: %s/%s"
            % (
        if passed["last"] >= passed["released"] and hard_failed["last"] <= hard_failed["released"]:
  "Found new good build %s" % build["last"])
            self.release_build = build["last"]
            # TODO auto-remove entries from whitelist which are passed now
            hard_failed_jobs_by_scenario = {k: {scenario(j): j for j in v} for k, v in iteritems(hard_failed_jobs)}
            sets = {k: set(v) for k, v in iteritems(hard_failed_jobs_by_scenario)}
            new_failures = sets["last"].difference(sets["released"])
            new_fixed = sets["released"].difference(sets["last"])
  "Regression in new build %s, new failures: %s" % (build["last"], ", ".join(new_failures)))
            log.debug("new fixed: %s" % ", ".join(new_fixed))
            self.notify({"build": build["last"], "new_failures": list(new_failures)}, topic="regression")

        # # assuming every job in released_failed is in whitelist
        # if len(hard_failed) > previous_hard_failed:
        #     return skip_release (cause: product regression) -> notify on new blockers
        # if len(new_passed < released_passed):
        #     return skip_release (cause: test coverage regression) -> notify stats, e.g. which scenario missing

    def sync(self, build_dest):
        """Sync repo/iso/hdd to pre_release on tumblesle archive."""
        rsync_opts = ["-aHP"]
        # rsync supports a dry-run option so we can also select a dry-run there. This only works if the directory structure exists
        if self.args.dry_run_rsync:
            rsync_opts += ["--dry-run"]

        if not self.args.src.endswith("/") or not self.args.dest.endswith("/"):
            raise UnsupportedRsyncArgsError()
        rsync_opts += ["--include=**/%s%s*" % (self.args.match, self.release_build)]
        if self.args.match_hdds:
            rsync_opts += ["--include=**/%s%s*" % (self.args.match_hdds, self.release_build)]
        rsync_opts += ["--include=iso/", "--include=hdd/", "--include=repo/"]
        rsync_opts += ["--filter=+ repo/%s%s*/**" % (self.args.match, self.release_build)]
        rsync_opts += ["--exclude=*"]
        cmd = ["rsync"] + rsync_opts + [self.args.src, build_dest]
        log.debug("Calling '%s'" % " ".join(cmd))
        if not self.args.dry_run or self.args.dry_run_rsync:

    def update_release_info(self):
        """Update release info file on destination."""
        log.debug("Updating release_info file")
        release_info = {self.args.product: {"build": self.release_build}}
        release_info_dump = yaml.safe_dump(release_info)
        log.debug("New release info as yaml: %s" % release_info_dump)
        if not self.args.dry_run:
            open(self.release_info_path, "w").write(release_info_dump)

    def update_symlinks(self, build_dest):
        """Update symlinks to 'current' and 'release' on destination."""
            "Updating symlinks within %s/ for each asset (Build%s->current)" % (self.release_build, self.release_build)
        for i in glob.glob(build_dest + "*/*"):
            tgt = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(i), os.path.basename(i).replace(self.release_build, "CURRENT"))
            if not os.path.exists(tgt):
                os.symlink(i, tgt)
        log.debug("Updating folder symlinks %s/ -> release/" % self.release_build)
        release_tgt = os.path.join(self.args.dest, "release")
        if self.args.dry_run:
  "Would symlink %s -> %s" % (build_dest, release_tgt))
            if os.path.exists(release_tgt):
            os.symlink(self.release_build, release_tgt)

    def release(self):
        """Release new version of TumbleSLE by syncing from openQA instance to TumbleSLE server."""
        log.debug("Releasing new TumbleSLE: Build %s" % self.release_build)
        # # do release
        # TODO in openQA as soon as there is comment access over API:
        #   - tag new build
        #   - remove last tag (or update)
        build_dest = os.path.join(self.args.dest, self.release_build) + "/"
        log.debug("Release DONE")
        self.notify({"build": self.release_build}, topic="release")
        if self.args.post_release_hook:
            log.debug("Calling post_release_hook '%s'" % self.args.post_release_hook)