Esempio n. 1
    the pair ('fragilityModel', 'nrml/0.4').
    version, tag ='(nrml/[\d\.]+)\}(\w+)', nrml_node.tag).groups()
    return tag, version

def to_python(fname, *args):
    Parse a NRML file and return an associated Python object. It works by
    calling and node_to_obj() in sequence.
    [node] = read(fname)
    return node_to_obj(node, fname, *args)

parse = deprecated('Use nrml.to_python instead')(to_python)

node_to_obj = CallableDict(keyfunc=get_tag_version, keymissing=lambda n, f: n)
# dictionary of functions with at least two arguments, node and fname

@node_to_obj.add(('ruptureCollection', 'nrml/0.5'))
def get_rupture_collection(node, fname, converter):
    return converter.convert_node(node)

default = sourceconverter.SourceConverter()

@node_to_obj.add(('sourceModel', 'nrml/0.4'))
def get_source_model_04(node, fname, converter=default):
Esempio n. 2
from openquake.calculators.export.hazard import savez
from openquake.commonlib import writers, risk_writers, calc
from openquake.commonlib.util import (get_assets, compose_arrays, reader)
from openquake.commonlib.risk_writers import (DmgState, DmgDistPerTaxonomy,
                                              DmgDistPerAsset, DmgDistTotal,
                                              ExposureData, Site)

Output = collections.namedtuple('Output', 'ltype path array')
F32 = numpy.float32
F64 = numpy.float64
U16 = numpy.uint16
U32 = numpy.uint32
U64 = numpy.uint64
stat_dt = numpy.dtype([('mean', F32), ('stddev', F32)])

deprecated = deprecated('Use the csv exporter instead')

def add_quotes(values):
    # used to escape taxonomies in CSV files
    return numpy.array(['"%s"' % val for val in values], (bytes, 100))

def get_rup_data(ebruptures):
    dic = {}
    for ebr in ebruptures:
        point = ebr.rupture.surface.get_middle_point()
        dic[ebr.serial] = (ebr.rupture.mag, point.x, point.y, point.z)
    return dic