Esempio n. 1
 def get_source_ids(self):
     :returns: the unique source IDs contained in the composite model
     oq = self.oqparam
     self.M = len(oq.imtls)
     self.L1 = oq.imtls.size // self.M
     sources = encode([src_id for src_id in self.csm.source_info])
     size, msg = get_nbytes_msg(
         dict(N=self.N, R=self.R, M=self.M, L1=self.L1, Ns=self.Ns))
     ps = 'pointSource' in self.full_lt.source_model_lt.source_types
     if size > TWO32 and not ps:
         raise RuntimeError('The matrix disagg_by_src is too large: %s'
                            % msg)
     elif size > TWO32:
         msg = ('The source model contains point sources: you cannot set '
                'disagg_by_src=true unless you convert them to multipoint '
                'sources with the command oq upgrade_nrml --multipoint %s'
                ) % oq.base_path
         raise RuntimeError(msg)
     return sources
Esempio n. 2
    def post_execute(self, result):
        Compute stats for the aggregated distributions and save
        the results on the datastore.
        if not result:
        dstates = self.crmodel.damage_states
        ltypes = self.crmodel.loss_types
        L = self.L = len(ltypes)
        R = self.R
        D = len(dstates)
        A = len(self.assetcol)
        E = len(self.datastore['events'])

        # reduction factor
        _, msg1 = get_nbytes_msg(dict(A=A, E=E, L=L))
        _, msg2 = get_nbytes_msg(
            dict(nrows=len(self.datastore['dd_data/eid']), ncols=D + 2))'Using %s\ninstead of %s', msg2, msg1)

        # avg_ratio = ratio used when computing the averages
        oq = self.oqparam
        if oq.investigation_time:  # event_based_damage
            avg_ratio = numpy.array([oq.ses_ratio] * R)
        else:  # scenario_damage
            avg_ratio = 1. / self.param['num_events']

        # damage by asset
        d_asset = numpy.zeros((A, R, L, D), F32)
        for (l, r, a, tot) in result['d_asset']:
            d_asset[a, r, l] = tot * avg_ratio[r]
        self.datastore['damages-rlzs'] = d_asset

        # damage by event: make sure the sum of the buildings is consistent
        tot = self.assetcol['number'].sum()
        dt = F32 if self.param['approx_ddd'] else U32
        dbe = numpy.zeros((self.E, L, D), dt)  # shape E, L, D
        dbe[:, :, 0] = tot
        for e, dmg_by_lt in result['d_event'].items():
            for l, dmg in enumerate(dmg_by_lt):
                dbe[e, l, 0] = tot - dmg.sum()
                dbe[e, l, 1:] = dmg
        self.datastore['dmg_by_event'] = dbe

        # consequence distributions
        del result['d_asset']
        del result['d_event']
        dtlist = [('event_id', U32), ('rlz_id', U16), ('loss', (F32, (L, )))]
        rlz = self.datastore['events']['rlz_id']
        for name, csq in result.items():
            if name.startswith('avg_'):
                c_asset = numpy.zeros((A, R, L), F32)
                for (l, r, a, stat) in result[name]:
                    c_asset[a, r, l] = stat * avg_ratio[r]
                self.datastore[name + '-rlzs'] = c_asset
            elif name.endswith('_by_event'):
                arr = numpy.zeros(len(csq), dtlist)
                for i, (eid, loss) in enumerate(csq.items()):
                    arr[i] = (eid, rlz[eid], loss)
                self.datastore[name] = arr
Esempio n. 3
    def compute(self):
        Submit disaggregation tasks and return the results
        oq = self.oqparam
        dstore = (self.datastore.parent
                  if self.datastore.parent else self.datastore)
        magi = numpy.searchsorted(self.bin_edges[0], dstore['rup/mag'][:]) - 1
        magi[magi == -1] = 0  # when the magnitude is on the edge
        totrups = len(magi)'Reading {:_d} ruptures'.format(totrups))
        rdt = [('grp_id', U16), ('magi', U8), ('nsites', U16), ('idx', U32)]
        rdata = numpy.zeros(totrups, rdt)
        rdata['magi'] = magi
        rdata['idx'] = numpy.arange(totrups)
        rdata['grp_id'] = dstore['rup/grp_id'][:]
        rdata['nsites'] = dstore['rup/nsites'][:]
        totweight = rdata['nsites'].sum()
        et_ids = dstore['et_ids'][:]
        rlzs_by_gsim = self.full_lt.get_rlzs_by_gsim_list(et_ids)
        G = max(len(rbg) for rbg in rlzs_by_gsim)
        maxw = 2 * 1024**3 / (16 * G * self.M)  # at max 2 GB
        maxweight = min(numpy.ceil(totweight / (oq.concurrent_tasks or 1)),
        num_eff_rlzs = len(self.full_lt.sm_rlzs)
        task_inputs = []
        U = 0
        smap = parallel.Starmap(compute_disagg, h5=self.datastore.hdf5)
        # IMPORTANT!! we rely on the fact that the classical part
        # of the calculation stores the ruptures in chunks of constant
        # grp_id, therefore it is possible to build (start, stop) slices;
        # we are NOT grouping by operator.itemgetter('grp_id', 'magi'):
        # that would break the ordering of the indices causing an incredibly
        # worse performance, but visible only in extra-large calculations!
        for block in block_splitter(rdata, maxweight,
            grp_id = block[0]['grp_id']
            trti = et_ids[grp_id][0] // num_eff_rlzs
            trt = self.trts[trti]
            cmaker = ContextMaker(
                trt, rlzs_by_gsim[grp_id], {
                    'truncation_level': oq.truncation_level,
                    'maximum_distance': oq.maximum_distance,
                    'collapse_level': oq.collapse_level,
                    'num_epsilon_bins': oq.num_epsilon_bins,
                    'investigation_time': oq.investigation_time,
                    'imtls': oq.imtls
            U = max(U, block.weight)
            slc = slice(block[0]['idx'], block[-1]['idx'] + 1)
            smap.submit((dstore, slc, cmaker, self.hmap4, trti, magi[slc],
            task_inputs.append((trti, slc.stop - slc.start))

        nbytes, msg = get_nbytes_msg(dict(M=self.M, G=G, U=U, F=2))'Maximum mean_std per task:\n%s', msg)

        s = self.shapedic
        Ta = len(task_inputs)
        nbytes = s['N'] * s['M'] * s['P'] * s['Z'] * Ta * 8
        data_transfer = (s['dist'] * s['eps'] + s['lon'] * s['lat']) * nbytes
        if data_transfer > oq.max_data_transfer:
            raise ValueError(
                'Estimated data transfer too big\n%s > max_data_transfer=%s' %
                (humansize(data_transfer), humansize(oq.max_data_transfer)))'Estimated data transfer: %s', humansize(data_transfer))

        dt = numpy.dtype([('trti', U8), ('nrups', U32)])
        self.datastore['disagg_task'] = numpy.array(task_inputs, dt)
        results = smap.reduce(self.agg_result, AccumDict(accum={}))
        return results  # imti, sid -> trti, magi -> 6D array