Esempio n. 1
 def test_wrong_riskmodel_association(self):
     cfm = os.path.join(FF_DIR, 'contents_fragility_model.xml')
     # passing a fragility model instead of a consequence model
     oq = mock.Mock()
     oq.inputs = dict(contents_consequence=cfm)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ctx:
         riskmodels.get_risk_models(oq, 'consequence')
     self.assertIn('is of kind FragilityModel, '
                   'expected ConsequenceModel', str(ctx.exception))
Esempio n. 2
 def test_wrong_riskmodel_association(self):
     cfm = os.path.join(FF_DIR, 'contents_fragility_model.xml')
     # passing a fragility model instead of a consequence model
     oq = mock.Mock()
     oq.inputs = dict(contents_consequence=cfm)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ctx:
         riskmodels.get_risk_models(oq, 'consequence')
     self.assertIn('is of kind FragilityModel, '
                   'expected ConsequenceModel', str(ctx.exception))
Esempio n. 3
 def test_wrong_loss_type_association(self):
     scm = os.path.join(FF_DIR, 'structural_consequence_model.xml')
     ccm = os.path.join(FF_DIR, 'contents_consequence_model.xml')
     # exchanging the associations on purpose
     oq = mock.Mock()
     oq.inputs = dict(structural_consequence=ccm, contents_consequence=scm)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ctx:
         riskmodels.get_risk_models(oq, 'consequence')
     self.assertIn('structural_consequence_model.xml": lossCategory is of '
                   'type "structural", expected "contents"',
Esempio n. 4
 def test_wrong_loss_type_association(self):
     scm = os.path.join(FF_DIR, 'structural_consequence_model.xml')
     ccm = os.path.join(FF_DIR, 'contents_consequence_model.xml')
     # exchanging the associations on purpose
     oq = mock.Mock()
     oq.inputs = dict(structural_consequence=ccm, contents_consequence=scm)
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as ctx:
         riskmodels.get_risk_models(oq, 'consequence')
     self.assertIn('structural_consequence_model.xml": lossCategory is of '
                   'type "structural", expected "contents"',
Esempio n. 5
def get_risk_model(oqparam):
    Return a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.CompositeRiskModel` instance

   :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    rmdict = get_risk_models(oqparam)
    if oqparam.calculation_mode.endswith('_bcr'):
        retro = get_risk_models(oqparam, 'vulnerability_retrofitted')
        retro = {}
    return riskinput.CompositeRiskModel(oqparam, rmdict, retro)
Esempio n. 6
def get_risk_model(oqparam):
    Return a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.CompositeRiskModel` instance

   :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    rmdict = get_risk_models(oqparam)
    if oqparam.calculation_mode.endswith('_bcr'):
        retro = get_risk_models(oqparam, 'vulnerability_retrofitted')
        retro = {}
    return riskinput.CompositeRiskModel(oqparam, rmdict, retro)
Esempio n. 7
 def load_riskmodel(self):
     Read the risk model and set the attribute .riskmodel.
     The riskmodel can be empty for hazard calculations.
     Save the loss ratios (if any) in the datastore.
     rmdict = riskmodels.get_risk_models(self.oqparam)
     if not rmdict:  # can happen only in a hazard calculation
     self.save_params()  # re-save oqparam
     self.riskmodel = rm = readinput.get_risk_model(self.oqparam, rmdict)
     # save the risk models and loss_ratios in the datastore
     for taxonomy, rmodel in rm.items():
         self.datastore['composite_risk_model/' + taxonomy] = (
         if hasattr(rmodel, 'retro_functions'):
                 'composite_risk_model/%s-retrofitted' % taxonomy] = (
     attrs = self.datastore['composite_risk_model'].attrs
     attrs['loss_types'] = hdf5.array_of_vstr(rm.loss_types)
     attrs['min_iml'] = hdf5.array_of_vstr(sorted(rm.get_min_iml().items()))
     if rm.damage_states:
         attrs['damage_states'] = hdf5.array_of_vstr(rm.damage_states)
     self.datastore['loss_ratios'] = rm.get_loss_ratios()
Esempio n. 8
    def load_riskmodel(self):
        Read the risk model and set the attribute .riskmodel.
        The riskmodel can be empty for hazard calculations.
        Save the loss ratios (if any) in the datastore.
        rmdict = riskmodels.get_risk_models(self.oqparam)
        if not rmdict:  # can happen only in a hazard calculation
        self.save_params()  # re-save oqparam
        self.riskmodel = rm = readinput.get_risk_model(self.oqparam, rmdict)
        if "taxonomies" in self.datastore:
            # check that we are covering all the taxonomies in the exposure
            missing = set(self.taxonomies) - set(rm.taxonomies)
            if rm and missing:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "The exposure contains the taxonomies %s " "which are not in the risk model" % missing

        # save the risk models and loss_ratios in the datastore
        for taxonomy, rmodel in rm.items():
            self.datastore["composite_risk_model/" + taxonomy] = rmodel.risk_functions
            if hasattr(rmodel, "retro_functions"):
                self.datastore["composite_risk_model/%s-retrofitted" % taxonomy] = rmodel.retro_functions
        attrs = self.datastore["composite_risk_model"].attrs
        attrs["loss_types"] = rm.loss_types
        attrs["min_iml"] = sorted(rm.get_min_iml().items())
        if rm.damage_states:
            attrs["damage_states"] = rm.damage_states
        self.datastore["loss_ratios"] = rm.get_loss_ratios()
Esempio n. 9
    def __init__(self, **names_vals):
        super(OqParam, self).__init__(**names_vals)
        self.risk_investigation_time = (
            self.risk_investigation_time or self.investigation_time)
        if ('intensity_measure_types_and_levels' in names_vals and
                'intensity_measure_types' in names_vals):
            logging.warn('Ignoring intensity_measure_types since '
                         'intensity_measure_types_and_levels is set')
        if 'intensity_measure_types_and_levels' in names_vals:
            self.hazard_imtls = self.intensity_measure_types_and_levels
            delattr(self, 'intensity_measure_types_and_levels')
        elif 'intensity_measure_types' in names_vals:
            self.hazard_imtls = dict.fromkeys(self.intensity_measure_types)
            delattr(self, 'intensity_measure_types')
        file_type, file_by_ct = get_risk_files(self.inputs)
        rmodels = get_risk_models(self, file_type)
        self.risk_imtls = get_imtls(rmdict)

        # check the IMTs vs the GSIMs
        if 'gsim_logic_tree' in self.inputs:
            if self.gsim:
                raise ValueError('If `gsim_logic_tree_file` is set, there '
                                 'must be no `gsim` key')
            path = os.path.join(
                self.base_path, self.inputs['gsim_logic_tree'])
            for gsims in logictree.GsimLogicTree(path, []).values.values():
        elif self.gsim is not None:
Esempio n. 10
    def load_riskmodel(self):
        Read the risk model and set the attribute .riskmodel.
        The riskmodel can be empty for hazard calculations.
        Save the loss ratios (if any) in the datastore.
        rmdict = riskmodels.get_risk_models(self.oqparam)
        # save risk_imtls in the datastore: this is crucial
        self.datastore.hdf5.attrs['risk_imtls'] = repr(self.oqparam.risk_imtls)
        self.riskmodel = rm = readinput.get_risk_model(self.oqparam, rmdict)
        if 'taxonomies' in self.datastore:
            # check that we are covering all the taxonomies in the exposure
            missing = set(self.taxonomies) - set(rm.taxonomies)
            if rm and missing:
                raise RuntimeError('The exposure contains the taxonomies %s '
                                   'which are not in the risk model' % missing)

        # save the loss ratios in the datastore
        pairs = [(cb.loss_type, (numpy.float64, len(cb.ratios)))
                 for cb in rm.curve_builders if cb.user_provided]
        if not pairs:
        loss_ratios = numpy.zeros(len(rm), numpy.dtype(pairs))
        for cb in rm.curve_builders:
            if cb.user_provided:
                loss_ratios_lt = loss_ratios[cb.loss_type]
                for i, imt_taxo in enumerate(sorted(rm)):
                    loss_ratios_lt[i] = rm[imt_taxo].loss_ratios[cb.loss_type]
        self.datastore['loss_ratios'] = loss_ratios
        self.datastore['loss_ratios'].attrs['imt_taxos'] = sorted(rm)
        self.datastore['loss_ratios'].attrs['nbytes'] = loss_ratios.nbytes
Esempio n. 11
    def load_riskmodel(self):
        Read the risk model and set the attribute .riskmodel.
        The riskmodel can be empty for hazard calculations.
        Save the loss ratios (if any) in the datastore.
        rmdict = riskmodels.get_risk_models(self.oqparam)
        if not rmdict:  # can happen only in a hazard calculation
        self.save_params()  # re-save oqparam
        self.riskmodel = rm = readinput.get_risk_model(self.oqparam, rmdict)
        if 'taxonomies' in self.datastore:
            # check that we are covering all the taxonomies in the exposure
            missing = set(self.taxonomies) - set(rm.taxonomies)
            if rm and missing:
                raise RuntimeError('The exposure contains the taxonomies %s '
                                   'which are not in the risk model' % missing)

        # save the risk models and loss_ratios in the datastore
        for taxonomy, rmodel in rm.items():
            self.datastore['composite_risk_model/' +
                           taxonomy] = (rmodel.risk_functions)
            if hasattr(rmodel, 'retro_functions'):
                self.datastore['composite_risk_model/%s-retrofitted' %
                               taxonomy] = (rmodel.retro_functions)
        attrs = self.datastore['composite_risk_model'].attrs
        attrs['loss_types'] = rm.loss_types
        attrs['min_iml'] = sorted(rm.get_min_iml().items())
        if rm.damage_states:
            attrs['damage_states'] = rm.damage_states
        self.datastore['loss_ratios'] = rm.get_loss_ratios()
Esempio n. 12
    def read_risk_data(self):
        Read the exposure (if any), the risk model (if any) and then the
        site collection, possibly extracted from the exposure.
        oq = self.oqparam
        with self.monitor('reading site collection', autoflush=True):
            haz_sitecol = readinput.get_site_collection(oq)
        if haz_sitecol is not None:
  'Read %d hazard site(s)', len(haz_sitecol))
        oq_hazard = (self.datastore.parent['oqparam']
                     if self.datastore.parent else None)
        if 'exposure' in oq.inputs:
            self.load_riskmodel()  # must be called *after* read_exposure
            num_assets = self.count_assets()
            if self.datastore.parent:
                haz_sitecol = self.datastore.parent['sitecol']
            if haz_sitecol is not None and haz_sitecol != self.sitecol:
                with self.monitor('assoc_assets_sites', autoflush=True):
                    self.sitecol, self.assetcol = \
                ok_assets = self.count_assets()
                num_sites = len(self.sitecol)
                logging.warn('Associated %d assets to %d sites, %d discarded',
                             ok_assets, num_sites, num_assets - ok_assets)
        elif oq.job_type == 'risk':
            raise RuntimeError('Missing exposure_file in %(job_ini)s' %
        else:  # no exposure
            self.sitecol = haz_sitecol

        if oq_hazard:
            parent = self.datastore.parent
            if 'assetcol' in parent:
                check_time_event(oq, parent['assetcol'].time_events)
            if oq_hazard.time_event and oq_hazard.time_event != oq.time_event:
                raise ValueError(
                    'The risk configuration file has time_event=%s but the '
                    'hazard was computed with time_event=%s' %
                    (oq.time_event, oq_hazard.time_event))

        if self.oqparam.job_type == 'risk':
            taxonomies = set(self.taxonomies)

            # check that we are covering all the taxonomies in the exposure
            missing = taxonomies - set(self.riskmodel.taxonomies)
            if self.riskmodel and missing:
                raise RuntimeError('The exposure contains the taxonomies %s '
                                   'which are not in the risk model' % missing)

            # same check for the consequence models, if any
            consequence_models = riskmodels.get_risk_models(
                self.oqparam, 'consequence')
            for lt, cm in consequence_models.items():
                missing = taxonomies - set(cm)
                if missing:
                    raise ValueError('Missing consequenceFunctions for %s' %
                                     ' '.join(missing))
Esempio n. 13
    def __init__(self, **names_vals):
        super(OqParam, self).__init__(**names_vals)
        self.risk_investigation_time = (self.risk_investigation_time
                                        or self.investigation_time)
        if ('intensity_measure_types_and_levels' in names_vals
                and 'intensity_measure_types' in names_vals):
            logging.warn('Ignoring intensity_measure_types since '
                         'intensity_measure_types_and_levels is set')
        if 'intensity_measure_types_and_levels' in names_vals:
            self.hazard_imtls = self.intensity_measure_types_and_levels
            delattr(self, 'intensity_measure_types_and_levels')
        elif 'intensity_measure_types' in names_vals:
            self.hazard_imtls = dict.fromkeys(self.intensity_measure_types)
            delattr(self, 'intensity_measure_types')
        file_type, file_by_ct = get_risk_files(self.inputs)
        rmodels = get_risk_models(self, file_type)
        self.risk_imtls = get_imtls(rmdict)

        # check the IMTs vs the GSIMs
        if 'gsim_logic_tree' in self.inputs:
            if self.gsim:
                raise ValueError('If `gsim_logic_tree_file` is set, there '
                                 'must be no `gsim` key')
            path = os.path.join(self.base_path, self.inputs['gsim_logic_tree'])
            for gsims in logictree.GsimLogicTree(path, []).values.values():
        elif self.gsim is not None:
Esempio n. 14
 def setUpClass(cls):
     cls.oqparam = readinput.get_oqparam('job_loss.ini', pkg=case_2)
     cls.oqparam.insured_losses = True
     cls.sitecol, cls.assets_by_site = readinput.get_sitecol_assets(
         cls.oqparam, readinput.get_exposure(cls.oqparam))
     rmdict = riskmodels.get_risk_models(cls.oqparam)
     cls.riskmodel = readinput.get_risk_model(cls.oqparam, rmdict)
Esempio n. 15
    def read_risk_data(self):
        Read the exposure (if any), the risk model (if any) and then the
        site collection, possibly extracted from the exposure.
        oq = self.oqparam
        with self.monitor('reading site collection', autoflush=True):
            haz_sitecol = readinput.get_site_collection(oq)
        if haz_sitecol is not None:
  'There are %d hazard site(s)', len(haz_sitecol))
        oq_hazard = (self.datastore.parent['oqparam']
                     if self.datastore.parent else None)
        if 'exposure' in oq.inputs:
            self.load_riskmodel()  # must be called *after* read_exposure
            self.datastore['assetcol'] = self.assetcol
        elif 'assetcol' in self.datastore.parent:
            region = wkt.loads(self.oqparam.region_constraint)
            self.sitecol = haz_sitecol.within(region)
            assetcol = self.datastore.parent['assetcol']
            self.assetcol = assetcol.reduce(self.sitecol.sids)
            self.datastore['assetcol'] = self.assetcol
  'There are %d/%d assets in the region',
                         len(self.assetcol), len(assetcol))
        else:  # no exposure
            self.sitecol = haz_sitecol

        if oq_hazard:
            parent = self.datastore.parent
            if 'assetcol' in parent:
                check_time_event(oq, parent['assetcol'].occupancy_periods)
            if oq_hazard.time_event and oq_hazard.time_event != oq.time_event:
                raise ValueError(
                    'The risk configuration file has time_event=%s but the '
                    'hazard was computed with time_event=%s' %
                    (oq.time_event, oq_hazard.time_event))

        if self.oqparam.job_type == 'risk':
            taxonomies = set(taxo for taxo in self.assetcol.tagcol.taxonomy
                             if taxo != '?')

            # check that we are covering all the taxonomies in the exposure
            missing = taxonomies - set(self.riskmodel.taxonomies)
            if self.riskmodel and missing:
                raise RuntimeError('The exposure contains the taxonomies %s '
                                   'which are not in the risk model' % missing)

            # same check for the consequence models, if any
            consequence_models = riskmodels.get_risk_models(
                self.oqparam, 'consequence')
            for lt, cm in consequence_models.items():
                missing = taxonomies - set(cm)
                if missing:
                    raise ValueError('Missing consequenceFunctions for %s' %
                                     ' '.join(missing))
Esempio n. 16
 def pre_execute(self):
     if 'gmfs' in self.oqparam.inputs:
         self.pre_calculator = None
     self.monitor.consequence_models = riskmodels.get_risk_models(
         self.oqparam, 'consequence')
     self.etags, gmfs = calc.get_gmfs(self.datastore)
     self.riskinputs = self.build_riskinputs(gmfs)
     self.monitor.taxonomies = sorted(self.taxonomies)
Esempio n. 17
 def pre_execute(self):
     if 'gmfs' in self.oqparam.inputs:
         self.pre_calculator = None
     self.monitor.consequence_models = riskmodels.get_risk_models(
         self.oqparam, 'consequence')
     self.datastore['etags'], gmfs = calc.get_gmfs(self.datastore)
     self.riskinputs = self.build_riskinputs(gmfs)
     self.monitor.taxonomies = sorted(self.taxonomies)
Esempio n. 18
def get_gmfs_from_txt(oqparam, fname):
    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    :param fname:
        the full path of the CSV file
        a composite array of shape (N, R) read from a CSV file with format
        `etag indices [gmv1 ... gmvN] * num_imts`
    with open(fname) as csvfile:
        firstline = next(csvfile)
            coords = valid.coordinates(firstline)
            raise InvalidFile(
                'The first line of %s is expected to contain comma separated'
                'ordered coordinates, got %s instead' % (fname, firstline))
        sitecol = sitecol_from_coords(oqparam, coords)
        if not oqparam.imtls:
        imts = list(oqparam.imtls)
        imt_dt = numpy.dtype([(imt, F32) for imt in imts])
        num_gmfs = oqparam.number_of_ground_motion_fields
        gmf_by_imt = numpy.zeros((num_gmfs, len(sitecol)), imt_dt)
        etags = []

        for lineno, line in enumerate(csvfile, 2):
            row = line.split(',')
                indices = list(map(valid.positiveint, row[1].split()))
                raise InvalidFile(
                    'The second column in %s is expected to contain integer '
                    'indices, got %s' % (fname, row[1]))
            r_sites = (
                sitecol if not indices else
                site.FilteredSiteCollection(indices, sitecol))
            for i in range(len(imts)):
                    array = numpy.array(valid.positivefloats(row[i + 2]))
                    # NB: i + 2 because the first 2 fields are etag and indices
                    raise InvalidFile(
                        'The column #%d in %s is expected to contain positive '
                        'floats, got %s instead' % (i + 3, fname, row[i + 2]))
                gmf_by_imt[imts[i]][lineno - 2] = r_sites.expand(array, 0)
    if lineno < num_gmfs + 1:
        raise InvalidFile('%s contains %d rows, expected %d' % (
            fname, lineno, num_gmfs + 1))
    if etags != sorted(etags):
        raise InvalidFile('The etags in %s are not ordered: %s'
                          % (fname, etags))
    return sitecol, numpy.array([encode(e) for e in etags]), gmf_by_imt.T
Esempio n. 19
def get_gmfs_from_txt(oqparam, fname):
    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    :param fname:
        the full path of the CSV file
        a composite array of shape (N, R) read from a CSV file with format
        `etag indices [gmv1 ... gmvN] * num_imts`
    with open(fname) as csvfile:
        firstline = next(csvfile)
            coords = valid.coordinates(firstline)
            raise InvalidFile(
                'The first line of %s is expected to contain comma separated'
                'ordered coordinates, got %s instead' % (fname, firstline))
        lons, lats, depths = zip(*coords)
        sitecol = site.SiteCollection.from_points(lons, lats, depths, oqparam)
        if not oqparam.imtls:
        imts = list(oqparam.imtls)
        imt_dt = numpy.dtype([(imt, F32) for imt in imts])
        num_gmfs = oqparam.number_of_ground_motion_fields
        gmf_by_imt = numpy.zeros((num_gmfs, len(sitecol)), imt_dt)
        etags = []

        for lineno, line in enumerate(csvfile, 2):
            row = line.split(',')
                indices = list(map(valid.positiveint, row[1].split()))
                raise InvalidFile(
                    'The second column in %s is expected to contain integer '
                    'indices, got %s' % (fname, row[1]))
            r_sites = (sitecol if not indices else site.FilteredSiteCollection(
                indices, sitecol))
            for i in range(len(imts)):
                    array = numpy.array(valid.positivefloats(row[i + 2]))
                    # NB: i + 2 because the first 2 fields are etag and indices
                    raise InvalidFile(
                        'The column #%d in %s is expected to contain positive '
                        'floats, got %s instead' % (i + 3, fname, row[i + 2]))
                gmf_by_imt[imts[i]][lineno - 2][r_sites.sids] = array
    if lineno < num_gmfs + 1:
        raise InvalidFile('%s contains %d rows, expected %d' %
                          (fname, lineno, num_gmfs + 1))
    if etags != sorted(etags):
        raise InvalidFile('The etags in %s are not ordered: %s' %
                          (fname, etags))
    return sitecol, numpy.array([encode(e) for e in etags]), gmf_by_imt.T
Esempio n. 20
def get_risk_model(oqparam, rmdict):
    Return a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.RiskModel` instance

   :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
   :param rmdict:
        a dictionary (imt, taxonomy) -> loss_type -> risk_function
    wfs = {}  # (imt, taxonomy) -> workflow
    riskmodel = riskinput.RiskModel(wfs)
    if getattr(oqparam, 'limit_states', []):
        # classical_damage/scenario_damage calculator
        if oqparam.calculation_mode in ('classical', 'scenario'):
            # case when the risk files are in the job_hazard.ini file
            oqparam.calculation_mode += '_damage'
        riskmodel.damage_states = ['no_damage'] + oqparam.limit_states
        delattr(oqparam, 'limit_states')
        for imt_taxo, ffs_by_lt in rmdict.items():
            wfs[imt_taxo] = workflows.get_workflow(
                imt_taxo[0], imt_taxo[1], oqparam,
    elif oqparam.calculation_mode.endswith('_bcr'):
        # classical_bcr calculator
        retro = get_risk_models(oqparam, 'vulnerability_retrofitted')
        for (imt_taxo, vf_orig), (imt_taxo_, vf_retro) in \
                zip(rmdict.items(), retro.items()):
            assert imt_taxo == imt_taxo_  # same imt and taxonomy
            wfs[imt_taxo] = workflows.get_workflow(
                imt_taxo[0], imt_taxo[1], oqparam,
        # classical, event based and scenario calculators
        for imt_taxo, vfs in rmdict.items():
            for vf in vfs.values():
                # set the seed; this is important for the case of
                # VulnerabilityFunctionWithPMF
                vf.seed = oqparam.random_seed
            wfs[imt_taxo] = workflows.get_workflow(
                imt_taxo[0], imt_taxo[1], oqparam,

    taxonomies = set()
    for imt_taxo, workflow in wfs.items():
        workflow.riskmodel = riskmodel
        # save the number of nonzero coefficients of variation
        for vf in workflow.risk_functions.values():
            if hasattr(vf, 'covs') and vf.covs.any():
                riskmodel.covs += 1
    riskmodel.taxonomies = sorted(taxonomies)
    return riskmodel
Esempio n. 21
 def pre_execute(self):
     if 'gmfs' in self.oqparam.inputs:
         self.pre_calculator = None
     self.param['number_of_ground_motion_fields'] = (
     self.param['consequence_models'] = riskmodels.get_risk_models(
         self.oqparam, 'consequence')
     _, gmfs = calc.get_gmfs(self.datastore, self.precalc)
     self.riskinputs = self.build_riskinputs('gmf', gmfs)
     self.param['taxonomies'] = sorted(self.taxonomies)
Esempio n. 22
 def pre_execute(self):
     if 'gmfs' in self.oqparam.inputs:
         self.pre_calculator = None
     eids, self.R = base.get_gmfs(self)
     self.param['number_of_ground_motion_fields'] = (
     self.param['consequence_models'] = riskmodels.get_risk_models(
         self.oqparam, 'consequence')
     self.riskinputs = self.build_riskinputs('gmf', eids=eids)
     self.param['tags'] = self.assetcol.tags()
Esempio n. 23
 def pre_execute(self):
     if 'gmfs' in self.oqparam.inputs:
         self.pre_calculator = None
     self.monitor.consequence_models = riskmodels.get_risk_models(
         self.oqparam, 'consequence')
     self.datastore['etags'], gmfs = calc.get_gmfs(
         self.datastore, self.precalc)
     rlzs = self.csm_info.get_rlzs_assoc().realizations
     self.riskinputs = self.build_riskinputs(
         {rlz: gmf for rlz, gmf in zip(rlzs, gmfs)})
     self.monitor.taxonomies = sorted(self.taxonomies)
Esempio n. 24
def get_risk_model(oqparam, rmdict):
    Return a :class:`openquake.risklib.riskinput.CompositeRiskModel` instance

   :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
   :param rmdict:
        a dictionary (imt, taxonomy) -> loss_type -> risk_function
    riskmod = {}  # taxonomy -> riskmodel
    crm = riskinput.CompositeRiskModel(riskmod)
    if getattr(oqparam, 'limit_states', []):
        # classical_damage/scenario_damage calculator
        if oqparam.calculation_mode in ('classical', 'scenario'):
            # case when the risk files are in the job_hazard.ini file
            oqparam.calculation_mode += '_damage'
        crm.damage_states = ['no_damage'] + oqparam.limit_states
        delattr(oqparam, 'limit_states')
        for taxonomy, ffs_by_lt in rmdict.items():
            riskmod[taxonomy] = riskmodels.get_riskmodel(
                taxonomy, oqparam, fragility_functions=ffs_by_lt)
    elif oqparam.calculation_mode.endswith('_bcr'):
        # classical_bcr calculator
        retro = get_risk_models(oqparam, 'vulnerability_retrofitted')
        for (taxonomy, vf_orig), (taxonomy_, vf_retro) in \
                zip(rmdict.items(), retro.items()):
            assert taxonomy == taxonomy_  # same imt and taxonomy
            riskmod[taxonomy] = riskmodels.get_riskmodel(
                taxonomy, oqparam,
        # classical, event based and scenario calculators
        for taxonomy, vfs in rmdict.items():
            for vf in vfs.values():
                # set the seed; this is important for the case of
                # VulnerabilityFunctionWithPMF
                vf.seed = oqparam.random_seed
            riskmod[taxonomy] = riskmodels.get_riskmodel(
                taxonomy, oqparam, vulnerability_functions=vfs)

    taxonomies = set()
    for taxonomy, riskmodel in riskmod.items():
        riskmodel.compositemodel = crm
        # save the number of nonzero coefficients of variation
        for vf in riskmodel.risk_functions.values():
            if hasattr(vf, 'covs') and vf.covs.any():
                crm.covs += 1
    crm.taxonomies = sorted(taxonomies)
    return crm
Esempio n. 25
def get_scenario_from_nrml(oqparam, fname):
    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    :param fname:
        the NRML files containing the GMFs
        a triple (sitecol, eids, gmf array)
    if not oqparam.imtls:
    imts = sorted(oqparam.imtls)
    num_imts = len(imts)
    imt_dt = numpy.dtype([(imt, F32) for imt in imts])
    gmfset =
    eids, sitecounts = _extract_eids_sitecounts(gmfset)
    coords = sorted(sitecounts)
    oqparam.sites = [(lon, lat, 0) for lon, lat in coords]
    site_idx = {lonlat: i for i, lonlat in enumerate(coords)}
    oqparam.number_of_ground_motion_fields = num_events = len(eids)
    sitecol = get_site_collection(oqparam)
    num_sites = len(oqparam.sites)
    gmf_by_imt = numpy.zeros((num_events, num_sites), imt_dt)
    counts = collections.Counter()
    for i, gmf in enumerate(gmfset):
        if len(gmf) != num_sites:  # there must be one node per site
            raise InvalidFile(
                'Expected %d sites, got %d nodes in %s, line %d' %
                (num_sites, len(gmf), fname, gmf.lineno))
        counts[gmf['ruptureId']] += 1
        imt = gmf['IMT']
        if imt == 'SA':
            imt = 'SA(%s)' % gmf['saPeriod']
        for node in gmf:
            sid = site_idx[node['lon'], node['lat']]
            gmf_by_imt[imt][i % num_events, sid] = node['gmv']

    for etag, count in sorted(counts.items()):
        if count < num_imts:
            raise InvalidFile("Found a missing etag '%s' in %s" %
                              (etag, fname))
        elif count > num_imts:
            raise InvalidFile("Found a duplicated etag '%s' in %s" %
                              (etag, fname))
    expected_gmvs_per_site = num_imts * len(eids)
    for lonlat, counts in sitecounts.items():
        if counts != expected_gmvs_per_site:
            raise InvalidFile('%s: expected %d gmvs at location %s, found %d' %
                              (fname, expected_gmvs_per_site, lonlat, counts))
    return sitecol, eids, gmf_by_imt.T
Esempio n. 26
def get_scenario_from_nrml(oqparam, fname):
    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    :param fname:
        the NRML files containing the GMFs
        a triple (sitecol, etags, gmf array)
    if not oqparam.imtls:
    imts = sorted(oqparam.imtls)
    num_imts = len(imts)
    imt_dt = numpy.dtype([(imt, F32) for imt in imts])
    gmfset =
    etags, sitecounts = _extract_etags_sitecounts(gmfset)
    oqparam.sites = sorted(sitecounts)
    site_idx = {lonlat: i for i, lonlat in enumerate(oqparam.sites)}
    oqparam.number_of_ground_motion_fields = num_events = len(etags)
    sitecol = get_site_collection(oqparam)
    num_sites = len(oqparam.sites)
    gmf_by_imt = numpy.zeros((num_events, num_sites), imt_dt)
    counts = collections.Counter()
    for i, gmf in enumerate(gmfset):
        if len(gmf) != num_sites:  # there must be one node per site
            raise InvalidFile('Expected %d sites, got %d nodes in %s, line %d'
                              % (num_sites, len(gmf), fname, gmf.lineno))
        counts[gmf['ruptureId']] += 1
        imt = gmf['IMT']
        if imt == 'SA':
            imt = 'SA(%s)' % gmf['saPeriod']
        for node in gmf:
            sid = site_idx[node['lon'], node['lat']]
            gmf_by_imt[imt][i % num_events, sid] = node['gmv']

    for etag, count in sorted(counts.items()):
        if count < num_imts:
            raise InvalidFile("Found a missing etag '%s' in %s" %
                              (etag, fname))
        elif count > num_imts:
            raise InvalidFile("Found a duplicated etag '%s' in %s" %
                              (etag, fname))
    expected_gmvs_per_site = num_imts * len(etags)
    for lonlat, counts in sitecounts.items():
        if counts != expected_gmvs_per_site:
            raise InvalidFile(
                '%s: expected %d gmvs at location %s, found %d' %
                (fname, expected_gmvs_per_site, lonlat, counts))
    return sitecol, etags, gmf_by_imt.T
Esempio n. 27
 def pre_execute(self):
     if 'gmfs' in self.oqparam.inputs:
         self.pre_calculator = None
     self.param['number_of_ground_motion_fields'] = (
     self.param['consequence_models'] = riskmodels.get_risk_models(
         self.oqparam, 'consequence')
     self.datastore['etags'], gmfs = calc.get_gmfs(self.datastore,
     rlzs = self.csm_info.get_rlzs_assoc().realizations
     self.riskinputs = self.build_riskinputs(
         'gmf', {rlz: gmf
                 for rlz, gmf in zip(rlzs, gmfs)})
     self.param['taxonomies'] = sorted(self.taxonomies)
Esempio n. 28
def get_scenario_from_nrml(oqparam, fname):
    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    :param fname:
        the NRML files containing the GMFs
        a triple (sitecol, rupture_tags, gmf array)
    if not oqparam.imtls:
    imts = list(oqparam.imtls)
    imt_dt = numpy.dtype([(imt, float) for imt in imts])
    gmfset =
    tags, oqparam.sites = _extract_tags_sites(gmfset)
    oqparam.number_of_ground_motion_fields = num_events = len(tags)
    sitecol = get_site_collection(oqparam)
    num_sites = len(oqparam.sites)
    gmf_by_imt = numpy.zeros((num_events, num_sites), imt_dt)
    num_imts = len(imts)
    counts = collections.Counter()
    for i, gmf in enumerate(gmfset):
        if len(gmf) != num_sites:  # there must be one node per site
            raise InvalidFile('Expected %d sites, got %d in %s, line %d' % (
                num_sites, len(gmf), fname, gmf.lineno))
        counts[gmf['ruptureId']] += 1
        imt = gmf['IMT']
        if imt == 'SA':
            imt = 'SA(%s)' % gmf['saPeriod']
        for site_idx, lon, lat, node in zip(
                range(num_sites), sitecol.lons, sitecol.lats, gmf):
            if (node['lon'], node['lat']) != (lon, lat):
                raise InvalidFile('The site mesh is not ordered in %s, line %d'
                                  % (fname, node.lineno))
                gmf_by_imt[imt][i % num_events, site_idx] = node['gmv']
            except IndexError:
                raise InvalidFile('Something wrong in %s, line %d' %
                                  (fname, node.lineno))
    for tag, count in counts.items():
        if count < num_imts:
            raise InvalidFile('Found a missing tag %r in %s' %
                              (tag, fname))
        elif count > num_imts:
            raise InvalidFile('Found a duplicated tag %r in %s' %
                              (tag, fname))
    return sitecol, tags, gmf_by_imt.T
Esempio n. 29
def get_hcurves_from_csv(oqparam, fname):
    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    :param fname:
        a .txt file with format `IMT lon lat poe1 ... poeN`
        the site collection and the hazard curves read by the .txt file
    if not oqparam.imtls:
    if not oqparam.imtls:
        raise ValueError("Missing intensity_measure_types_and_levels in %s" % oqparam.inputs["job_ini"])
    num_values = list(map(len, list(oqparam.imtls.values())))
    with open(oqparam.inputs["hazard_curves"]) as csvfile:
        mesh, hcurves_by_imt = get_mesh_csvdata(
            csvfile, list(oqparam.imtls), num_values, valid.decreasing_probabilities
    sitecol = get_site_collection(oqparam, mesh)
    return sitecol, hcurves_by_imt
Esempio n. 30
def get_hcurves_from_csv(oqparam, fname):
    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    :param fname:
        a .txt file with format `IMT lon lat poe1 ... poeN`
        the site collection and the hazard curves read by the .txt file
    if not oqparam.imtls:
    if not oqparam.imtls:
        raise ValueError('Missing intensity_measure_types_and_levels in %s' %
    num_values = list(map(len, list(oqparam.imtls.values())))
    with open(oqparam.inputs['hazard_curves']) as csvfile:
        mesh, hcurves_by_imt = get_mesh_csvdata(csvfile, list(oqparam.imtls),
    sitecol = get_site_collection(oqparam, mesh)
    return sitecol, hcurves_by_imt
Esempio n. 31
def get_pmap_from_csv(oqparam, fname):
    :param oqparam:
        an :class:`openquake.commonlib.oqvalidation.OqParam` instance
    :param fname:
        a .txt file with format `IMT lon lat poe1 ... poeN`
        the site mesh and the hazard curves read by the .txt file
    if not oqparam.imtls:
    if not oqparam.imtls:
        raise ValueError('Missing intensity_measure_types_and_levels in %s' %
    num_values = list(map(len, list(oqparam.imtls.values())))
    with open(oqparam.inputs['hazard_curves']) as csvfile:
        mesh, hcurves = get_mesh_csvdata(csvfile, list(oqparam.imtls),
    array = numpy.zeros((len(mesh), sum(num_values)))
    for imt_ in hcurves:
        array[:, oqparam.imtls.slicedic[imt_]] = hcurves[imt_]
    return mesh, ProbabilityMap.from_array(array, range(len(mesh)))
Esempio n. 32
    def load_riskmodel(self):
        Read the risk model and set the attribute .riskmodel.
        The riskmodel can be empty for hazard calculations.
        Save the loss ratios (if any) in the datastore.
        rmdict = riskmodels.get_risk_models(self.oqparam)
        if not rmdict:  # can happen only in a hazard calculation
        self.save_params()  # re-save oqparam
        self.riskmodel = rm = readinput.get_risk_model(self.oqparam, rmdict)
        if 'taxonomies' in self.datastore:
            # check that we are covering all the taxonomies in the exposure
            missing = set(self.taxonomies) - set(rm.taxonomies)
            if rm and missing:
                raise RuntimeError('The exposure contains the taxonomies %s '
                                   'which are not in the risk model' % missing)

        # save the risk models and loss_ratios in the datastore
        for taxonomy, rmodel in rm.items():
            self.datastore['composite_risk_model/' + taxonomy] = (
            if hasattr(rmodel, 'retro_functions'):
                    'composite_risk_model/%s-retrofitted' % taxonomy] = (
        attrs = self.datastore['composite_risk_model'].attrs
        attrs['loss_types'] = hdf5.array_of_vstr(rm.loss_types)
        attrs['min_iml'] = hdf5.array_of_vstr(sorted(rm.get_min_iml().items()))
        if rm.damage_states:
            attrs['damage_states'] = hdf5.array_of_vstr(rm.damage_states)
        self.datastore['loss_ratios'] = rm.get_loss_ratios()