Esempio n. 1
    def test_case_7(self):
        # test with 7+2 ruptures of two source models, 1 GSIM, 1 site
        self.run_calc(case_7.__file__, 'job.ini')
        cmakers = read_cmakers(self.calc.datastore)
        ctxs0 = cmakers[0].read_ctxs(self.calc.datastore)
        ctxs1 = cmakers[1].read_ctxs(self.calc.datastore)
        self.assertEqual(len(ctxs0), 7)  # rlz-0, the closest to the mean
        self.assertEqual(len(ctxs1), 2)  # rlz-1, the one to discard
        # checking that the wrong realization is indeed discarded
        pd = self.calc.datastore['performance_data'][:]
        pd = pd[pd['operation'] == b'disaggregate']
        self.assertEqual(pd['counts'], 1)  # because g_by_z is empty

        haz = self.calc.datastore['hmap4'][0, 0, :, 0]  # shape NMPZ
        self.assertEqual(haz[0], 0)  # shortest return period => 0 hazard
        self.assertEqual(haz[1], 0.18757115242025785)

        # test normal disaggregation
        [fname] = export(('disagg', 'csv'), self.calc.datastore)
        self.assertEqualFiles('expected/rlz-0-PGA-sid-0-poe-1_TRT.csv', fname)

        # test conditional disaggregation
        [fname] = export(('disagg_traditional', 'csv'), self.calc.datastore)
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, dstore, full_lt, pgetter, srcidx):
     self.datastore = dstore
     self.full_lt = full_lt
     self.cmakers = read_cmakers(dstore, full_lt)
     self.get_hcurves = pgetter.get_hcurves
     self.imtls = pgetter.imtls
     self.sids = pgetter.sids
     self.srcidx = srcidx = []
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self, dstore, full_lt, srcidx):
     self.datastore = dstore
     self.full_lt = full_lt
     self.cmakers = read_cmakers(dstore, full_lt)
     self.imtls = imtls = dstore['oqparam'].imtls
     self.level_weights = imtls.array / imtls.array.sum()
     self.sids = dstore['sitecol/sids'][:]
     self.srcidx = srcidx
     self.N = len(dstore['sitecol/sids'])
     self.R = full_lt.get_num_paths()
     self.acc = AccumDict(accum={})
Esempio n. 4
    def test_case_71(self):
        # test with oversampling
        # there are 6 potential paths 1A 1B 1C 2A 2B 2C
        # 10 rlzs are being sampled: 1C 1A 1B 1A 1C 1A 2B 2A 2B 2A
        # rlzs_by_g is 135 2 4, 79 68 i.e. 1A*3 1B*1 1C*1, 2A*2 2B*2
        self.run_calc(case_71.__file__, 'job.ini', concurrent_tasks='0')
        [fname] = export(('hcurves/mean', 'csv'), self.calc.datastore)
        self.assertEqualFiles('expected/hcurves.csv', fname)

        cmakers = contexts.read_cmakers(self.calc.datastore)
        ae(list(cmakers[0].gsims.values()), [[1, 3, 5], [2], [0, 4]])
        ae(list(cmakers[1].gsims.values()), [[7, 9], [6, 8]])
        # there are two slices 0:3 and 3:5 with length 3 and 2 respectively
        self.assertEqual(cmakers[1].start, 3)
Esempio n. 5
 def execute(self):
     Compute the conditional spectrum
     oq = self.oqparam
     self.full_lt = self.datastore['full_lt']
     self.trts = list(self.full_lt.gsim_lt.values)
     [self.poe] = oq.poes_disagg
     self.imts = list(oq.imtls)
     self.M = len(self.imts)
     dstore = (self.datastore.parent if self.datastore.parent
               else self.datastore)
     totrups = len(dstore['rup/mag'])'Reading {:_d} ruptures'.format(totrups))
     rdt = [('grp_id', U16), ('nsites', U16), ('idx', U32)]
     rdata = numpy.zeros(totrups, rdt)
     rdata['idx'] = numpy.arange(totrups)
     rdata['grp_id'] = dstore['rup/grp_id'][:]
     rdata['nsites'] = dstore['rup/nsites'][:]
     totweight = rdata['nsites'].sum()
     et_ids = dstore['et_ids'][:]
     rlzs_by_gsim = self.full_lt.get_rlzs_by_gsim_list(et_ids)
     self.slice_by_g = getters.get_slice_by_g(rlzs_by_gsim)
     L = oq.imtls.size
     poes_shape = (sum(len(rbg) for rbg in rlzs_by_gsim), self.N, L)
     self.datastore.create_dset('poes', float, poes_shape)
     G = max(len(rbg) for rbg in rlzs_by_gsim)
     maxw = 2 * 1024**3 / (16 * G * self.M)  # at max 2 GB
     maxweight = min(
         numpy.ceil(totweight / (oq.concurrent_tasks or 1)), maxw)
     U = 0
     Ta = 0
     cmakers = read_cmakers(self.datastore)
     smap = parallel.Starmap(conditional_spectrum, h5=self.datastore.hdf5)
     # IMPORTANT!! we rely on the fact that the classical part
     # of the calculation stores the ruptures in chunks of constant
     # grp_id, therefore it is possible to build (start, stop) slices
     for block in general.block_splitter(rdata, maxweight,
         Ta += 1
         grp_id = block[0]['grp_id']
         G = len(rlzs_by_gsim[grp_id])
         cmaker = cmakers[grp_id]
         U = max(U, block.weight)
         slc = slice(block[0]['idx'], block[-1]['idx'] + 1)
         smap.submit((dstore, slc, cmaker))
     results = smap.reduce(self.agg_result)
     return results
Esempio n. 6
 def __init__(self, dstore, full_lt, pgetter, srcidx, mon):
     self.datastore = dstore
     self.full_lt = full_lt
     self.cmakers = read_cmakers(dstore, full_lt)
     self.get_hcurves = pgetter.get_hcurves
     self.imtls = pgetter.imtls
     self.sids = pgetter.sids
     self.srcidx = srcidx
     self.mon = mon
     self.N = len(dstore['sitecol/sids'])
     extreme = []
     n = len(full_lt.sm_rlzs)
     for grp_id, indices in enumerate(dstore['trt_smrs']):
         trti, smrs = numpy.divmod(indices, n)
         trt = full_lt.trts[trti[0]]
         extreme.append((0, trt, 0, smrs))
     self.extreme = numpy.array(extreme, grp_extreme_dt)
Esempio n. 7
from openquake.hazardlib.contexts import read_cmakers, get_pmap
from openquake.commonlib.datastore import read

dstore = read(-1)  # first run case_1
cmakers = read_cmakers(dstore)
for grp_id, cmaker in enumerate(cmakers):
    ctxs = cmaker.read_ctxs(dstore)
    print(grp_id, len(ctxs), get_pmap(ctxs, cmaker))
Esempio n. 8
    def compute(self):
        Submit disaggregation tasks and return the results
        oq = self.oqparam
        dstore = (self.datastore.parent if self.datastore.parent
                  else self.datastore)
        magi = numpy.searchsorted(self.bin_edges[0], dstore['rup/mag'][:]) - 1
        magi[magi == -1] = 0  # when the magnitude is on the edge
        totrups = len(magi)'Reading {:_d} ruptures'.format(totrups))
        rdt = [('grp_id', U16), ('magi', U8), ('nsites', U16), ('idx', U32)]
        rdata = numpy.zeros(totrups, rdt)
        rdata['magi'] = magi
        rdata['idx'] = numpy.arange(totrups)
        rdata['grp_id'] = dstore['rup/grp_id'][:]
        rdata['nsites'] = [len(sids) for sids in dstore['rup/sids_']]
        totweight = rdata['nsites'].sum()
        trt_smrs = dstore['trt_smrs'][:]
        rlzs_by_gsim = self.full_lt.get_rlzs_by_gsim_list(trt_smrs)
        G = max(len(rbg) for rbg in rlzs_by_gsim)
        maxw = 2 * 1024**3 / (16 * G * self.M)  # at max 2 GB
        maxweight = min(
            numpy.ceil(totweight / (oq.concurrent_tasks or 1)), maxw)
        task_inputs = []
        U = 0
        smap = parallel.Starmap(compute_disagg, h5=self.datastore.hdf5)
        # IMPORTANT!! we rely on the fact that the classical part
        # of the calculation stores the ruptures in chunks of constant
        # grp_id, therefore it is possible to build (start, stop) slices;
        # we are NOT grouping by operator.itemgetter('grp_id', 'magi'):
        # that would break the ordering of the indices causing an incredibly
        # worse performance, but visible only in extra-large calculations!
        cmakers = read_cmakers(self.datastore)
        for block in block_splitter(rdata, maxweight,
            grp_id = block[0]['grp_id']
            cmaker = cmakers[grp_id]
            U = max(U, block.weight)
            slc = slice(block[0]['idx'], block[-1]['idx'] + 1)
            smap.submit((dstore, slc, cmaker, self.hmap4,
                         magi[slc], self.bin_edges))
            task_inputs.append((cmaker.trti, slc.stop-slc.start))

        nbytes, msg = get_nbytes_msg(dict(M=self.M, G=G, U=U, F=2))'Maximum mean_std per task:\n%s', msg)

        s = self.shapedic
        Ta = len(task_inputs)
        nbytes = s['N'] * s['M'] * s['P'] * s['Z'] * Ta * 8
        data_transfer = (s['dist'] * s['eps'] + s['lon'] * s['lat']) * nbytes
        if data_transfer > oq.max_data_transfer:
            raise ValueError(
                'Estimated data transfer too big\n%s > max_data_transfer=%s' %
                (humansize(data_transfer), humansize(oq.max_data_transfer)))'Estimated data transfer: %s', humansize(data_transfer))

        dt = numpy.dtype([('trti', U8), ('nrups', U32)])
        self.datastore['disagg_task'] = numpy.array(task_inputs, dt)
        results = smap.reduce(self.agg_result, AccumDict(accum={}))
        return results  # imti, sid -> trti, magi -> 6D array
Esempio n. 9
def run_preclassical(calc):
    :param csm: a CompositeSourceModel
    :param oqparam: the parameters in job.ini file
    :param h5: a DataStore instance
    csm = calc.csm
    calc.datastore['trt_smrs'] = csm.get_trt_smrs()
    calc.datastore['toms'] = numpy.array(
        [sg.tom_name for sg in csm.src_groups], hdf5.vstr)
    cmakers = read_cmakers(calc.datastore, csm.full_lt)
    h5 = calc.datastore.hdf5
    calc.sitecol = sites = csm.sitecol if csm.sitecol else None
    # do nothing for atomic sources except counting the ruptures
    atomic_sources = []
    normal_sources = []
    for sg in csm.src_groups:
        grp_id = sg.sources[0].grp_id
        if sg.atomic:
            cmakers[grp_id].set_weight(sg, sites)
    # run preclassical for non-atomic sources
    sources_by_grp = groupby(normal_sources, lambda src:
                             (src.grp_id, msr_name(src)))
    if csm.sitecol:'Sending %s', sites)
    smap = parallel.Starmap(preclassical, h5=h5)
    for (grp_id, msr), srcs in sources_by_grp.items():
        pointsources, pointlike, others = [], [], []
        for src in srcs:
            if hasattr(src, 'location'):
            elif hasattr(src, 'nodal_plane_distribution'):
        if calc.oqparam.ps_grid_spacing:
            if pointsources or pointlike:
                smap.submit((pointsources + pointlike, sites, cmakers[grp_id]))
            smap.submit_split((pointsources, sites, cmakers[grp_id]), 10, 100)
            for src in pointlike:  # area, multipoint
                smap.submit(([src], sites, cmakers[grp_id]))
        smap.submit_split((others, sites, cmakers[grp_id]), 10, 100)
    normal = smap.reduce()
    if atomic_sources:  # case_35
        n = len(atomic_sources)
        atomic = AccumDict({'before': n, 'after': n})
        for grp_id, srcs in groupby(atomic_sources,
                                    lambda src: src.grp_id).items():
            atomic[grp_id] = srcs
        atomic = AccumDict()
    res = normal + atomic
    if res['before'] != res['after']:
            'Reduced the number of point sources from {:_d} -> {:_d}'.format(
                res['before'], res['after']))
    acc = AccumDict(accum=0)
    code2cls = get_code2cls()
    for grp_id, srcs in res.items():
        # srcs can be empty if the minimum_magnitude filter is on
        if srcs and not isinstance(grp_id, str) and grp_id not in atomic:
            # check if OQ_SAMPLE_SOURCES is set
            ss = os.environ.get('OQ_SAMPLE_SOURCES')
            if ss:
      'Sampled sources for group #%d', grp_id)
                srcs = general.random_filter(srcs, float(ss)) or [srcs[0]]
            newsg = SourceGroup(srcs[0].tectonic_region_type)
            newsg.sources = srcs
            csm.src_groups[grp_id] = newsg
            for src in srcs:
                assert src.weight
                assert src.num_ruptures
                acc[src.code] += int(src.num_ruptures)
    for val, key in sorted((val, key) for key, val in acc.items()):
        cls = code2cls[key].__name__'{} ruptures: {:_d}'.format(cls, val))

    source_data = zero_times(csm.get_sources())
    # store ps_grid data, if any
    for key, sources in res.items():
        if isinstance(key, str) and key.startswith('ps_grid/'):
            arrays = []
            for ps in sources:
                if hasattr(ps, 'location'):
                    lonlats = [ps.location.x, ps.location.y]
                    for src in getattr(ps, 'pointsources', []):
                        lonlats.extend([src.location.x, src.location.y])
            h5[key] = arrays

    h5['full_lt'] = csm.full_lt
    return res
Esempio n. 10
 def execute(self):
     Compute the conditional spectrum
     oq = self.oqparam
     self.full_lt = self.datastore['full_lt']
     self.trts = list(self.full_lt.gsim_lt.values)
     self.imts = list(oq.imtls)
     imti = self.imts.index(oq.imt_ref)
     self.M = len(self.imts)
     dstore = (self.datastore.parent
               if self.datastore.parent else self.datastore)
     totrups = len(dstore['rup/mag'])'Reading {:_d} ruptures'.format(totrups))
     rdt = [('grp_id', U16), ('nsites', U16), ('idx', U32)]
     rdata = numpy.zeros(totrups, rdt)
     rdata['idx'] = numpy.arange(totrups)
     rdata['grp_id'] = dstore['rup/grp_id'][:]
     rdata['nsites'] = [len(sids) for sids in dstore['rup/sids_']]
     totweight = rdata['nsites'].sum()
     trt_smrs = dstore['trt_smrs'][:]
     rlzs_by_gsim = self.full_lt.get_rlzs_by_gsim_list(trt_smrs)
     G_ = sum(len(rbg) for rbg in rlzs_by_gsim)
     self.periods = [from_string(imt).period for imt in self.imts]
     if oq.imls_ref:
         self.imls = oq.imls_ref
     else:  # extract imls from the "mean" hazard map
         curve = self.datastore.sel('hcurves-stats', stat='mean')[0, 0,
         [self.imls] = compute_hazard_maps(curve, oq.imtls[oq.imt_ref],
                                           oq.poes)  # there is 1 site
     self.P = P = len(self.imls)
     self.datastore.create_dset('cs-rlzs', float, (P, self.R, 2, self.M))
     self.datastore.create_dset('cond-spectra', float, (P, 2, self.M))
                                    cs=['spec', 'std'],
     self.datastore.create_dset('_c', float, (G_, P, 2, self.M))
     self.datastore.create_dset('_s', float, (
     G = max(len(rbg) for rbg in rlzs_by_gsim)
     maxw = 2 * 1024**3 / (16 * G * self.M)  # at max 2 GB
     maxweight = min(numpy.ceil(totweight / (oq.concurrent_tasks or 1)),
     U = 0
     Ta = 0
     self.cmakers = read_cmakers(self.datastore)
     smap = parallel.Starmap(conditional_spectrum, h5=self.datastore.hdf5)
     # IMPORTANT!! we rely on the fact that the classical part
     # of the calculation stores the ruptures in chunks of constant
     # grp_id, therefore it is possible to build (start, stop) slices
     for block in general.block_splitter(rdata, maxweight,
         Ta += 1
         grp_id = block[0]['grp_id']
         G = len(rlzs_by_gsim[grp_id])
         cmaker = self.cmakers[grp_id]
         U = max(U, block.weight)
         slc = slice(block[0]['idx'], block[-1]['idx'] + 1)
         smap.submit((dstore, slc, cmaker, imti, self.imls))
     return smap.reduce()