Esempio n. 1
def setup_openstacksdk():
    auth_plugin = utils.get_auth_plugin('neutron')
    session = utils.get_keystone_session('neutron', auth_plugin)

    # NOTE(mdulko): To get rid of warnings about connection pool being full
    #               we need to "tweak" the keystoneauth's adapters increasing
    #               the maximum pool size.
    for scheme in list(session.session.adapters):

    # TODO(mdulko): To use Neutron's ability to do compare-and-swap updates we
    #               need to manually add support for inserting If-Match header
    #               into requests. At the moment we only need it for ports.
    #               Remove when lower-constraints openstacksdk supports this.
    os_port.Port.if_match = os_resource.Header('If-Match')
    # TODO(maysams): We need to manually insert allowed_cidrs option
    # as it's only supported from 0.41.0 version. Remove it once
    # lower-constraints supports it.
    os_listener.Listener.allowed_cidrs = os_resource.Body('allowed_cidrs',
    conn = connection.Connection(session=session,
                                                     'region_name', None)) = partial(_create_ports, = partial(_add_trunk_subports,
                                     = partial(_delete_trunk_subports,
    _clients[_OPENSTACKSDK] = conn
Esempio n. 2
class Account(_base.BaseResource):
    _custom_metadata_prefix = "X-Account-Meta-"

    base_path = "/"

    allow_fetch = True
    allow_commit = True
    allow_head = True

    #: The total number of bytes that are stored in Object Storage for
    #: the account.
    account_bytes_used = resource.Header("x-account-bytes-used", type=int)
    #: The number of containers.
    account_container_count = resource.Header("x-account-container-count",
    #: The number of objects in the account.
    account_object_count = resource.Header("x-account-object-count", type=int)
    #: The secret key value for temporary URLs. If not set,
    #: this header is not returned by this operation.
    meta_temp_url_key = resource.Header("x-account-meta-temp-url-key")
    #: A second secret key value for temporary URLs. If not set,
    #: this header is not returned by this operation.
    meta_temp_url_key_2 = resource.Header("x-account-meta-temp-url-key-2")
    #: The timestamp of the transaction.
    timestamp = resource.Header("x-timestamp")

    has_body = False
    requires_id = False
Esempio n. 3
def setup_openstacksdk():
    auth_plugin = utils.get_auth_plugin('neutron')
    session = utils.get_keystone_session('neutron', auth_plugin)
    # TODO(mdulko): To use Neutron's ability to do compare-and-swap updates we
    #               need to manually add support for inserting If-Match header
    #               into requests. At the moment we only need it for ports.
    #               Remove when lower-constraints openstacksdk supports this.
    os_port.Port.if_match = os_resource.Header('If-Match')
    conn = connection.Connection(session=session,
                                                     'region_name', None)) = partial(_create_ports, = partial(_add_trunk_subports,
                                     = partial(_delete_trunk_subports,
    _clients[_OPENSTACKSDK] = conn
Esempio n. 4
class Fake(resource.Resource):
    resource_key = "resource"
    resources_key = "resources"
    base_path = "/fake"

    allow_create = True
    allow_fetch = True
    allow_commit = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    allow_head = True

    #: The transaction date and time.
    timestamp = resource.Header("x-timestamp")
    #: The name of this resource.
    name = resource.Body("name", alternate_id=True)
    #: The value of the resource. Also available in headers.
    value = resource.Body("value", alias="x-resource-value")
    #: Is this resource cool? If so, set it to True.
    #: This is a multi-line comment about cool stuff.
    cool = resource.Body("cool", type=bool)
Esempio n. 5
class Account(_base.BaseResource):
    _custom_metadata_prefix = "X-Account-Meta-"

    base_path = "/"

    allow_fetch = True
    allow_commit = True
    allow_head = True

    #: The total number of bytes that are stored in Object Storage for
    #: the account.
    account_bytes_used = resource.Header("x-account-bytes-used", type=int)
    #: The number of containers.
    account_container_count = resource.Header("x-account-container-count",
    #: The number of objects in the account.
    account_object_count = resource.Header("x-account-object-count", type=int)
    #: The secret key value for temporary URLs. If not set,
    #: this header is not returned by this operation.
    meta_temp_url_key = resource.Header("x-account-meta-temp-url-key")
    #: A second secret key value for temporary URLs. If not set,
    #: this header is not returned by this operation.
    meta_temp_url_key_2 = resource.Header("x-account-meta-temp-url-key-2")
    #: The timestamp of the transaction.
    timestamp = resource.Header("x-timestamp")

    has_body = False
    requires_id = False

    def set_temp_url_key(self, proxy, key, secondary=False):
        """Set the temporary url key for the account.

        :param proxy: The proxy to use for making this request.
        :type proxy: :class:`~openstack.proxy.Proxy`
        :param key:
          Text of the key to use.
        :param bool secondary:
          Whether this should set the secondary key. (defaults to False)
        header = 'Temp-URL-Key'
        if secondary:
            header += '-2'

        return self.set_metadata(proxy, {header: key})
Esempio n. 6
class Container(_base.BaseResource):
    _custom_metadata_prefix = "X-Container-Meta-"
    _system_metadata = {
        "content_type": "content-type",
        "is_content_type_detected": "x-detect-content-type",
        "versions_location": "x-versions-location",
        "read_ACL": "x-container-read",
        "write_ACL": "x-container-write",
        "sync_to": "x-container-sync-to",
        "sync_key": "x-container-sync-key"

    base_path = "/"
    pagination_key = 'X-Account-Container-Count'

    allow_create = True
    allow_fetch = True
    allow_commit = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    allow_head = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters('prefix', )

    # Container body data (when id=None)
    #: The name of the container.
    name = resource.Body("name", alternate_id=True, alias='id')
    #: The number of objects in the container.
    count = resource.Body("count", type=int, alias='object_count')
    #: The total number of bytes that are stored in Object Storage
    #: for the container.
    bytes = resource.Body("bytes", type=int, alias='bytes_used')

    # Container metadata (when id=name)
    #: The number of objects.
    object_count = resource.Header("x-container-object-count",
    #: The count of bytes used in total.
    bytes_used = resource.Header("x-container-bytes-used",
    #: The timestamp of the transaction.
    timestamp = resource.Header("x-timestamp")

    # Request headers (when id=None)
    #: If set to True, Object Storage queries all replicas to return the
    #: most recent one. If you omit this header, Object Storage responds
    #: faster after it finds one valid replica. Because setting this
    #: header to True is more expensive for the back end, use it only
    #: when it is absolutely needed. *Type: bool*
    is_newest = resource.Header("x-newest", type=bool)

    # Request headers (when id=name)
    #: The ACL that grants read access. If not set, this header is not
    #: returned by this operation.
    read_ACL = resource.Header("x-container-read")
    #: The ACL that grants write access. If not set, this header is not
    #: returned by this operation.
    write_ACL = resource.Header("x-container-write")
    #: The destination for container synchronization. If not set,
    #: this header is not returned by this operation.
    sync_to = resource.Header("x-container-sync-to")
    #: The secret key for container synchronization. If not set,
    #: this header is not returned by this operation.
    sync_key = resource.Header("x-container-sync-key")
    #: Enables versioning on this container. The value is the name
    #: of another container. You must UTF-8-encode and then URL-encode
    #: the name before you include it in the header. To disable
    #: versioning, set the header to an empty string.
    versions_location = resource.Header("x-versions-location")
    #: The MIME type of the list of names.
    content_type = resource.Header("content-type")
    #: If set to true, Object Storage guesses the content type based
    #: on the file extension and ignores the value sent in the
    #: Content-Type header, if present. *Type: bool*
    is_content_type_detected = resource.Header("x-detect-content-type",
    # TODO(mordred) Shouldn't if-none-match be handled more systemically?
    #: In combination with Expect: 100-Continue, specify an
    #: "If-None-Match: \*" header to query whether the server already
    #: has a copy of the object before any data is sent.
    if_none_match = resource.Header("if-none-match")

    def new(cls, **kwargs):
        # Container uses name as id. Proxy._get_resource calls
        # but then we need to do
        # It's the same thing for Container - make it be the same.
        name = kwargs.pop('id', None)
        if name:
            kwargs.setdefault('name', name)
        return Container(_synchronized=True, **kwargs)

    def create(self, session, prepend_key=True, base_path=None):
        """Create a remote resource based on this instance.

        :param session: The session to use for making this request.
        :type session: :class:`~keystoneauth1.adapter.Adapter`
        :param prepend_key: A boolean indicating whether the resource_key
                            should be prepended in a resource creation
                            request. Default to True.

        :return: This :class:`Resource` instance.
        :raises: :exc:`~openstack.exceptions.MethodNotSupported` if
                 :data:`Resource.allow_create` is not set to ``True``.
        request = self._prepare_request(requires_id=True,
        response = session.put(request.url,

        self._translate_response(response, has_body=False)
        return self
Esempio n. 7
class Object(_base.BaseResource):
    _custom_metadata_prefix = "X-Object-Meta-"
    _system_metadata = {
        "content_disposition": "content-disposition",
        "content_encoding": "content-encoding",
        "content_type": "content-type",
        "delete_after": "x-delete-after",
        "delete_at": "x-delete-at",
        "is_content_type_detected": "x-detect-content-type",

    base_path = "/%(container)s"
    pagination_key = 'X-Container-Object-Count'

    allow_create = True
    allow_fetch = True
    allow_commit = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    allow_head = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters('prefix', 'format')

    # Data to be passed during a POST call to create an object on the server.
    # TODO(mordred) Make a base class BaseDataResource that can be used here
    # and with glance images that has standard overrides for dealing with
    # binary data.
    data = None

    # URL parameters
    #: The unique name for the container.
    container = resource.URI("container")
    #: The unique name for the object.
    name = resource.Body("name", alternate_id=True)

    # Object details
    # Make these private because they should only matter in the case where
    # we have a Body with no headers (like if someone programmatically is
    # creating an Object)
    _hash = resource.Body("hash")
    _bytes = resource.Body("bytes", type=int)
    _last_modified = resource.Body("last_modified")
    _content_type = resource.Body("content_type")

    # Headers for HEAD and GET requests
    #: If set to True, Object Storage queries all replicas to return
    #: the most recent one. If you omit this header, Object Storage
    #: responds faster after it finds one valid replica. Because
    #: setting this header to True is more expensive for the back end,
    #: use it only when it is absolutely needed. *Type: bool*
    is_newest = resource.Header("x-newest", type=bool)
    #: TODO(briancurtin) there's a lot of content here...
    range = resource.Header("range", type=dict)
    #: See
    if_match = resource.Header("if-match", type=list)
    #: In combination with Expect: 100-Continue, specify an
    #: "If-None-Match: \*" header to query whether the server already
    #: has a copy of the object before any data is sent.
    if_none_match = resource.Header("if-none-match", type=list)
    #: See
    if_modified_since = resource.Header("if-modified-since", type=str)
    #: See
    if_unmodified_since = resource.Header("if-unmodified-since", type=str)

    # Query parameters
    #: Used with temporary URLs to sign the request. For more
    #: information about temporary URLs, see OpenStack Object Storage
    #: API v1 Reference.
    signature = resource.Header("signature")
    #: Used with temporary URLs to specify the expiry time of the
    #: signature. For more information about temporary URLs, see
    #: OpenStack Object Storage API v1 Reference.
    expires_at = resource.Header("expires")
    #: If you include the multipart-manifest=get query parameter and
    #: the object is a large object, the object contents are not
    #: returned. Instead, the manifest is returned in the
    #: X-Object-Manifest response header for dynamic large objects
    #: or in the response body for static large objects.
    multipart_manifest = resource.Header("multipart-manifest")

    # Response headers from HEAD and GET
    #: HEAD operations do not return content. However, in this
    #: operation the value in the Content-Length header is not the
    #: size of the response body. Instead it contains the size of
    #: the object, in bytes.
    content_length = resource.Header("content-length",
    #: The MIME type of the object.
    content_type = resource.Header("content-type", alias="_content_type")
    #: The type of ranges that the object accepts.
    accept_ranges = resource.Header("accept-ranges")
    #: For objects smaller than 5 GB, this value is the MD5 checksum
    #: of the object content. The value is not quoted.
    #: For manifest objects, this value is the MD5 checksum of the
    #: concatenated string of MD5 checksums and ETags for each of
    #: the segments in the manifest, and not the MD5 checksum of
    #: the content that was downloaded. Also the value is enclosed
    #: in double-quote characters.
    #: You are strongly recommended to compute the MD5 checksum of
    #: the response body as it is received and compare this value
    #: with the one in the ETag header. If they differ, the content
    #: was corrupted, so retry the operation.
    etag = resource.Header("etag", alias='_hash')
    #: Set to True if this object is a static large object manifest object.
    #: *Type: bool*
    is_static_large_object = resource.Header("x-static-large-object",
    #: If set, the value of the Content-Encoding metadata.
    #: If not set, this header is not returned by this operation.
    content_encoding = resource.Header("content-encoding")
    #: If set, specifies the override behavior for the browser.
    #: For example, this header might specify that the browser use
    #: a download program to save this file rather than show the file,
    #: which is the default.
    #: If not set, this header is not returned by this operation.
    content_disposition = resource.Header("content-disposition")
    #: Specifies the number of seconds after which the object is
    #: removed. Internally, the Object Storage system stores this
    #: value in the X-Delete-At metadata item.
    delete_after = resource.Header("x-delete-after", type=int)
    #: If set, the time when the object will be deleted by the system
    #: in the format of a UNIX Epoch timestamp.
    #: If not set, this header is not returned by this operation.
    delete_at = resource.Header("x-delete-at")
    #: If set, to this is a dynamic large object manifest object.
    #: The value is the container and object name prefix of the
    #: segment objects in the form container/prefix.
    object_manifest = resource.Header("x-object-manifest")
    #: The timestamp of the transaction.
    timestamp = resource.Header("x-timestamp")
    #: The date and time that the object was created or the last
    #: time that the metadata was changed.
    last_modified_at = resource.Header("last-modified", alias='_last_modified')

    # Headers for PUT and POST requests
    #: Set to chunked to enable chunked transfer encoding. If used,
    #: do not set the Content-Length header to a non-zero value.
    transfer_encoding = resource.Header("transfer-encoding")
    #: If set to true, Object Storage guesses the content type based
    #: on the file extension and ignores the value sent in the
    #: Content-Type header, if present. *Type: bool*
    is_content_type_detected = resource.Header("x-detect-content-type",
    #: If set, this is the name of an object used to create the new
    #: object by copying the X-Copy-From object. The value is in form
    #: {container}/{object}. You must UTF-8-encode and then URL-encode
    #: the names of the container and object before you include them
    #: in the header.
    #: Using PUT with X-Copy-From has the same effect as using the
    #: COPY operation to copy an object.
    copy_from = resource.Header("x-copy-from")

    has_body = False

    def __init__(self, data=None, **attrs):
        super(_base.BaseResource, self).__init__(**attrs) = data

    # The Object Store treats the metadata for its resources inconsistently so
    # Object.set_metadata must override the BaseResource.set_metadata to
    # account for it.
    def set_metadata(self, session, metadata):
        # Filter out items with empty values so the create metadata behaviour
        # is the same as account and container
        filtered_metadata = \
            {key: value for key, value in metadata.items() if value}

        # Update from remote if we only have locally created information
        if not self.last_modified_at:

        # Get a copy of the original metadata so it doesn't get erased on POST
        # and update it with the new metadata values.
        metadata = copy.deepcopy(self.metadata)

        # Include any original system metadata so it doesn't get erased on POST
        for key in self._system_metadata:
            value = getattr(self, key)
            if value and key not in metadata:
                metadata[key] = value

        request = self._prepare_request()
        headers = self._calculate_headers(metadata)
        response =, headers=headers)
        self._translate_response(response, has_body=False)

        return self

    # The Object Store treats the metadata for its resources inconsistently so
    # Object.delete_metadata must override the BaseResource.delete_metadata to
    # account for it.
    def delete_metadata(self, session, keys):
        if not keys:
        # If we have an empty object, update it from the remote side so that
        # we have a copy of the original metadata. Deleting metadata requires
        # POSTing and overwriting all of the metadata. If we already have
        # metadata locally, assume this is an existing object.
        if not self.metadata:

        metadata = copy.deepcopy(self.metadata)

        # Include any original system metadata so it doesn't get erased on POST
        for key in self._system_metadata:
            value = getattr(self, key)
            if value:
                metadata[key] = value

        # Remove the requested metadata keys
        # TODO(mordred) Why don't we just look at self._header_mapping()
        # instead of having system_metadata?
        deleted = False
        attr_keys_to_delete = set()
        for key in keys:
            if key == 'delete_after':
                del (metadata['delete_at'])
                if key in metadata:
                    del (metadata[key])
                    # Delete the attribute from the local copy of the object.
                    # Metadata that doesn't have Component attributes is
                    # handled by self.metadata being reset when we run
                    # self.head
                    if hasattr(self, key):
                    deleted = True

        # Nothing to delete, skip the POST
        if not deleted:
            return self

        request = self._prepare_request()
        response =,
            response, error_message="Error deleting metadata keys")

        # Only delete from local object if the remote delete was successful
        for key in attr_keys_to_delete:
            delattr(self, key)

        # Just update ourselves from remote again.
        return self.head(session)

    def _download(self, session, error_message=None, stream=False):
        request = self._prepare_request()
        request.headers['Accept'] = 'bytes'

        response = session.get(request.url,
        exceptions.raise_from_response(response, error_message=error_message)
        return response

    def download(self, session, error_message=None):
        response = self._download(session, error_message=error_message)
        return response.content

    def stream(self, session, error_message=None, chunk_size=1024):
        response = self._download(session,
        return response.iter_content(chunk_size, decode_unicode=False)

    def create(self, session, base_path=None):
        request = self._prepare_request(base_path=base_path)
        request.headers['Accept'] = ''

        response = session.put(request.url,
        self._translate_response(response, has_body=False)
        return self

    def _raw_delete(self, session):
        if not self.allow_delete:
            raise exceptions.MethodNotSupported(self, "delete")

        request = self._prepare_request()
        session = self._get_session(session)
        microversion = self._get_microversion_for(session, 'delete')

        if self.is_static_large_object is None:
            # Fetch metadata to determine SLO flag

        headers = {'Accept': ""}
        if self.is_static_large_object:
            headers['multipart-manifest'] = 'delete'

        return session.delete(request.url,
Esempio n. 8
class Queue(resource.Resource):
    # FIXME(anyone): The name string of `location` field of Zaqar API response
    # is lower case. That is inconsistent with the guide from API-WG. This is
    # a workaround for this issue.
    location = resource.Header("location")

    resources_key = "queues"
    base_path = "/queues"

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_list = True
    allow_fetch = True
    allow_delete = True

    # Properties
    #: The default TTL of messages defined for a queue, which will effect for
    #: any messages posted to the queue.
    default_message_ttl = resource.Body("_default_message_ttl")
    #: Description of the queue.
    description = resource.Body("description")
    #: The max post size of messages defined for a queue, which will effect
    #: for any messages posted to the queue.
    max_messages_post_size = resource.Body("_max_messages_post_size")
    #: Name of the queue. The name is the unique identity of a queue. It
    #: must not exceed 64 bytes in length, and it is limited to US-ASCII
    #: letters, digits, underscores, and hyphens.
    name = resource.Body("name", alternate_id=True)
    #: The ID to identify the client accessing Zaqar API. Must be specified
    #: in header for each API request.
    client_id = resource.Header("Client-ID")
    #: The ID to identify the project accessing Zaqar API. Must be specified
    #: in case keystone auth is not enabled in Zaqar service.
    project_id = resource.Header("X-PROJECT-ID")

    def create(self, session, prepend_key=True, base_path=None):
        request = self._prepare_request(requires_id=True,
        headers = {
            "Client-ID": self.client_id or str(uuid.uuid4()),
            "X-PROJECT-ID": self.project_id or session.get_project_id()
        response = session.put(request.url,

        self._translate_response(response, has_body=False)
        return self

    def list(cls, session, paginated=False, base_path=None, **params):
        """This method is a generator which yields queue objects.

        This is almost the copy of list method of resource.Resource class.
        The only difference is the request header now includes `Client-ID`
        and `X-PROJECT-ID` fields which are required by Zaqar v2 API.
        more_data = True
        query_params = cls._query_mapping._transpose(params)

        if base_path is None:
            base_path = cls.base_path

        uri = base_path % params
        headers = {
            params.get('client_id', None) or str(uuid.uuid4()),
            params.get('project_id', None) or session.get_project_id()

        while more_data:
            resp = session.get(uri, headers=headers, params=query_params)
            resp = resp.json()
            resp = resp[cls.resources_key]

            if not resp:
                more_data = False

            yielded = 0
            new_marker = None
            for data in resp:
                value = cls.existing(**data)
                new_marker =
                yielded += 1
                yield value

            if not paginated:
            if "limit" in query_params and yielded < query_params["limit"]:
            query_params["limit"] = yielded
            query_params["marker"] = new_marker

    def fetch(self,
        request = self._prepare_request(requires_id=requires_id,
        headers = {
            "Client-ID": self.client_id or str(uuid.uuid4()),
            "X-PROJECT-ID": self.project_id or session.get_project_id()
        response = session.get(request.url, headers=headers)

        return self

    def delete(self, session):
        request = self._prepare_request()
        headers = {
            "Client-ID": self.client_id or str(uuid.uuid4()),
            "X-PROJECT-ID": self.project_id or session.get_project_id()
        response = session.delete(request.url, headers=headers)

        self._translate_response(response, has_body=False)
        return self
Esempio n. 9
class Claim(resource.Resource):
    # FIXME(anyone): The name string of `location` field of Zaqar API response
    # is lower case. That is inconsistent with the guide from API-WG. This is
    # a workaround for this issue.
    location = resource.Header("location")

    resources_key = 'claims'
    base_path = '/queues/%(queue_name)s/claims'
    service = message_service.MessageService()

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_fetch = True
    allow_commit = True
    allow_delete = True
    commit_method = 'PATCH'

    # Properties
    #: The value in seconds indicating how long the claim has existed.
    age = resource.Body("age")
    #: In case worker stops responding for a long time, the server will
    #: extend the lifetime of claimed messages to be at least as long as
    #: the lifetime of the claim itself, plus the specified grace period.
    #: Must between 60 and 43200 seconds(12 hours).
    grace = resource.Body("grace")
    #: The number of messages to claim. Default 10, up to 20.
    limit = resource.Body("limit")
    #: Messages have been successfully claimed.
    messages = resource.Body("messages")
    #: Number of seconds the server wait before releasing the claim. Must
    #: between 60 and 43200 seconds(12 hours).
    ttl = resource.Body("ttl")
    #: The name of queue to claim message from.
    queue_name = resource.URI("queue_name")
    #: The ID to identify the client accessing Zaqar API. Must be specified
    #: in header for each API request.
    client_id = resource.Header("Client-ID")
    #: The ID to identify the project. Must be provided when keystone
    #: authentication is not enabled in Zaqar service.
    project_id = resource.Header("X-PROJECT-ID")

    def _translate_response(self, response, has_body=True):
        super(Claim, self)._translate_response(response, has_body=has_body)
        if has_body and self.location:
            # Extract claim ID from location
   = self.location.split("claims/")[1]

    def create(self, session, prepend_key=False):
        request = self._prepare_request(requires_id=False,
        headers = {
            "Client-ID": self.client_id or str(uuid.uuid4()),
            "X-PROJECT-ID": self.project_id or session.get_project_id()
        response =,

        # For case no message was claimed successfully, 204 No Content
        # message will be returned. In other cases, we translate response
        # body which has `messages` field(list) included.
        if response.status_code != 204:

        return self

    def fetch(self, session, requires_id=True, error_message=None):
        request = self._prepare_request(requires_id=requires_id)
        headers = {
            "Client-ID": self.client_id or str(uuid.uuid4()),
            "X-PROJECT-ID": self.project_id or session.get_project_id()

        response = session.get(request.url, headers=request.headers)

        return self

    def commit(self, session, prepend_key=False, has_body=False):
        request = self._prepare_request(prepend_key=prepend_key)
        headers = {
            "Client-ID": self.client_id or str(uuid.uuid4()),
            "X-PROJECT-ID": self.project_id or session.get_project_id()

        session.patch(request.url, json=request.body, headers=request.headers)

        return self

    def delete(self, session):
        request = self._prepare_request()
        headers = {
            "Client-ID": self.client_id or str(uuid.uuid4()),
            "X-PROJECT-ID": self.project_id or session.get_project_id()

        response = session.delete(request.url, headers=request.headers)

        self._translate_response(response, has_body=False)
        return self
Esempio n. 10
class Object(_base.BaseResource):

    base_path = '/'

    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_commit = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    allow_head = True

    resources_key = ''
    resource_key = 'Contents'

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters('prefix',

    data = None

    name = resource.Body('Key', alternate_id=True)
    last_modified = resource.Body('LastModified')
    etag = resource.Body('ETag')
    content_length = resource.Body('Size', type=int)
    storage_class = resource.Body('StorageClass')

    content_md5 = resource.Header('Content-MD5', type=str)
    #: private, public-read, public-read-write, authenticated-read
    #: bucket-owner-read, bucket-owner-full-control
    acl = resource.Header('x-amz-acl')
    object_storage_class = resource.Header('x-amz-storage-class')
    container = resource.URI('container')

    def __init__(self, data=None, **attrs):
        super(_base.BaseResource, self).__init__(**attrs) = data

    def _translate_response(self, response, has_body=True, error_message=None):
        """Given a KSA response, inflate this instance with its data

        This method updates attributes that correspond to headers
        and body on this instance and clears the dirty set.
        exceptions.raise_from_response(response, error_message=response.text)
        if response:
            if has_body:
                # TODO(agoncharov): do nothing so far. Generally need
                # to parse different responses

    def list(cls,
        if not cls.allow_list:
            raise exceptions.MethodNotSupported(cls, "list")

        cls._query_mapping._validate(params, base_path=cls.base_path)
        query_params = cls._query_mapping._transpose(params)
        uri = cls.base_path % params

        # Build additional arguments to the GET call
        get_args = cls._prepare_override_args(
            endpoint_override=endpoint_override, additional_headers=headers)

        while uri:

            response = session.get(uri,

            uri = None
            next_params = {}

            root = ET.fromstring(response.content)

            if root.tag != ET.QName(cls.OBS_NS, 'ListBucketResult'):
                _logger.warn('Namespace in the response does not match '
                cls.OBS_NS = root.tag.split('}', 1)[0][1:]

            for element in root:

                if element.tag == ET.QName(cls.OBS_NS, cls.resource_key):
                    # Convert XML part into dict
                    dict_raw_resource = cls.etree_to_dict(element)
                    # extract resource data
                    dict_resource = dict_raw_resource[cls.resource_key]
                    value = cls.existing(**dict_resource)
                    yield value

                elif element.tag == ET.QName(cls.OBS_NS, 'NextMarker'):
                    next_params['marker'] = element.text

            if 'marker' in next_params:
                uri = cls.base_path % params


    def create(self,

        if not self.allow_create:
            raise exceptions.MethodNotSupported(self, 'create')

        session = self._get_session(session)

        if not self.content_md5 and
            md5 = hashlib.md5()
            self.content_md5 = base64.b64encode(md5.digest()).decode()

        request = self._prepare_request(requires_id=True,

        req_args = self._prepare_override_args(

        response = session.put(request.url,, **req_args)
        return self

    def download(self,

        session = self._get_session(session)

        request = self._prepare_request(requires_id=True)

        req_args = self._prepare_override_args(

        response = session.get(request.url, **req_args)


        with open(filename, 'wb') as f:

Esempio n. 11
class Subscription(resource.Resource):
    # FIXME(anyone): The name string of `location` field of Zaqar API response
    # is lower case. That is inconsistent with the guide from API-WG. This is
    # a workaround for this issue.
    location = resource.Header("location")

    resources_key = 'subscriptions'
    base_path = '/queues/%(queue_name)s/subscriptions'

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_list = True
    allow_fetch = True
    allow_delete = True

    # Properties
    #: The value in seconds indicating how long the subscription has existed.
    age = resource.Body("age")
    #: Alternate id of the subscription. This key is used in response of
    #: subscription create API to return id of subscription created.
    subscription_id = resource.Body("subscription_id", alternate_id=True)
    #: The extra metadata for the subscription. The value must be a dict.
    #: If the subscriber is `mailto`. The options can contain `from` and
    #: `subject` to indicate the email's author and title.
    options = resource.Body("options", type=dict)
    #: The queue name which the subscription is registered on.
    source = resource.Body("source")
    #: The destination of the message. Two kinds of subscribers are supported:
    #: http/https and email. The http/https subscriber should start with
    #: `http/https`. The email subscriber should start with `mailto`.
    subscriber = resource.Body("subscriber")
    #: Number of seconds the subscription remains alive? The ttl value must
    #: be great than 60 seconds. The default value is 3600 seconds.
    ttl = resource.Body("ttl")
    #: The queue name which the subscription is registered on.
    queue_name = resource.URI("queue_name")
    #: The ID to identify the client accessing Zaqar API. Must be specified
    #: in header for each API request.
    client_id = resource.Header("Client-ID")
    #: The ID to identify the project. Must be provided when keystone
    #: authentication is not enabled in Zaqar service.
    project_id = resource.Header("X-PROJECT-ID")

    def create(self, session, prepend_key=True, base_path=None):
        request = self._prepare_request(requires_id=False,
        headers = {
            "Client-ID": self.client_id or str(uuid.uuid4()),
            "X-PROJECT-ID": self.project_id or session.get_project_id()
        response =,

        return self

    def list(cls, session, paginated=True, base_path=None, **params):
        """This method is a generator which yields subscription objects.

        This is almost the copy of list method of resource.Resource class.
        The only difference is the request header now includes `Client-ID`
        and `X-PROJECT-ID` fields which are required by Zaqar v2 API.
        more_data = True

        if base_path is None:
            base_path = cls.base_path

        uri = base_path % params
        headers = {
            params.get('client_id', None) or str(uuid.uuid4()),
            params.get('project_id', None) or session.get_project_id()

        query_params = cls._query_mapping._transpose(params, cls)
        while more_data:
            resp = session.get(uri, headers=headers, params=query_params)
            resp = resp.json()
            resp = resp[cls.resources_key]

            if not resp:
                more_data = False

            yielded = 0
            new_marker = None
            for data in resp:
                value = cls.existing(**data)
                new_marker =
                yielded += 1
                yield value

            if not paginated:
            if "limit" in query_params and yielded < query_params["limit"]:
            query_params["limit"] = yielded
            query_params["marker"] = new_marker

    def fetch(self,
        request = self._prepare_request(requires_id=requires_id,
        headers = {
            "Client-ID": self.client_id or str(uuid.uuid4()),
            "X-PROJECT-ID": self.project_id or session.get_project_id()

        response = session.get(request.url, headers=request.headers)

        return self

    def delete(self, session):
        request = self._prepare_request()
        headers = {
            "Client-ID": self.client_id or str(uuid.uuid4()),
            "X-PROJECT-ID": self.project_id or session.get_project_id()

        response = session.delete(request.url, headers=request.headers)

        self._translate_response(response, has_body=False)
        return self
Esempio n. 12
class Message(resource.Resource):
    # FIXME(anyone): The name string of `location` field of Zaqar API response
    # is lower case. That is inconsistent with the guide from API-WG. This is
    # a workaround for this issue.
    location = resource.Header("location")

    resources_key = 'messages'
    base_path = '/queues/%(queue_name)s/messages'

    # capabilities
    allow_create = True
    allow_list = True
    allow_fetch = True
    allow_delete = True

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters("echo", "include_claimed")

    # Properties
    #: The value in second to specify how long the message has been
    #: posted to the queue.
    age = resource.Body("age")
    #: A dictionary specifies an arbitrary document that constitutes the
    #: body of the message being sent.
    body = resource.Body("body")
    #: An uri string describe the location of the message resource.
    href = resource.Body("href")
    #: The value in seconds to specify how long the server waits before
    #: marking the message as expired and removing it from the queue.
    ttl = resource.Body("ttl")
    #: The name of target queue message is post to or got from.
    queue_name = resource.URI("queue_name")
    #: The ID to identify the client accessing Zaqar API. Must be specified
    #: in header for each API request.
    client_id = resource.Header("Client-ID")
    #: The ID to identify the project accessing Zaqar API. Must be specified
    #: in case keystone auth is not enabled in Zaqar service.
    project_id = resource.Header("X-PROJECT-ID")

    def post(self, session, messages):
        request = self._prepare_request(requires_id=False, prepend_key=True)
        headers = {
            "Client-ID": self.client_id or str(uuid.uuid4()),
            "X-PROJECT-ID": self.project_id or session.get_project_id()
        request.body = {'messages': messages}
        response =,
                                json=request.body, headers=request.headers)

        return response.json()['resources']

    def list(cls, session, paginated=True, base_path=None, **params):
        """This method is a generator which yields message objects.

        This is almost the copy of list method of resource.Resource class.
        The only difference is the request header now includes `Client-ID`
        and `X-PROJECT-ID` fields which are required by Zaqar v2 API.
        more_data = True

        if base_path is None:
            base_path = cls.base_path

        uri = base_path % params
        headers = {
            "Client-ID": params.get('client_id', None) or str(uuid.uuid4()),
            "X-PROJECT-ID": params.get('project_id', None
                                       ) or session.get_project_id()

        query_params = cls._query_mapping._transpose(params, cls)
        while more_data:
            resp = session.get(uri,
                               headers=headers, params=query_params)
            resp = resp.json()
            resp = resp[cls.resources_key]

            if not resp:
                more_data = False

            yielded = 0
            new_marker = None
            for data in resp:
                value = cls.existing(**data)
                new_marker =
                yielded += 1
                yield value

            if not paginated:
            if "limit" in query_params and yielded < query_params["limit"]:
            query_params["limit"] = yielded
            query_params["marker"] = new_marker

    def fetch(self, session, requires_id=True,
              base_path=None, error_message=None):
        request = self._prepare_request(requires_id=requires_id,
        headers = {
            "Client-ID": self.client_id or str(uuid.uuid4()),
            "X-PROJECT-ID": self.project_id or session.get_project_id()

        response = session.get(request.url,

        return self

    def delete(self, session):
        request = self._prepare_request()
        headers = {
            "Client-ID": self.client_id or str(uuid.uuid4()),
            "X-PROJECT-ID": self.project_id or session.get_project_id()

        # For Zaqar v2 API requires client to specify claim_id as query
        # parameter when deleting a message that has been claimed, we
        # rebuild the request URI if claim_id is not None.
        if self.claim_id:
            request.url += '?claim_id=%s' % self.claim_id
        response = session.delete(request.url,

        self._translate_response(response, has_body=False)
        return self
class Container(_base.BaseResource):

    resources_key = 'Buckets'
    resource_key = 'Bucket'

    allow_get = True
    allow_head = True
    allow_list = True
    allow_create = True
    allow_delete = True

    create_method = 'PUT'

    base_path = '/'

    # all requests (except create) will default to requires_id = None
    requires_id = None

    name = resource.Body('Name', alternate_id=True, alias='id')
    creation_date = resource.Body('CreationDate')

    storage_acl = resource.Header('x-amz-acl')
    storage_class = resource.Header('x-default-storage-class')

    def _translate_response(self, response, has_body=True, error_message=None):
        """Given a KSA response, inflate this instance with its data

        This method updates attributes that correspond to headers
        and body on this instance and clears the dirty set.
        exceptions.raise_from_response(response, error_message=response.text)
        if response:
            if has_body:
                # TODO(agoncharov): do nothing so far. Generally need
                # to parse different responses

    def _prepare_request(self, requires_id=None, prepend_key=False):
        """Prepare a request to be sent to the server

        Create operations don't require an ID, but all others do,
        so only try to append an ID when it's needed with
        requires_id. Create and update operations sometimes require
        their bodies to be contained within an dict -- if the
        instance contains a resource_key and prepend_key=True,
        the body will be wrapped in a dict with that key.

        Return a _Request object that contains the constructed URI
        as well a body and headers that are ready to send.
        Only dirty body and header contents will be returned.
        if requires_id is None:
            requires_id = self.requires_id

        body = None
        # body = self._body.dirty
        # if prepend_key and self.resource_key is not None:
        #     body = {self.resource_key: body}

        # if
        #     body['Bucket'] =

        base_path = '/'
        headers = {}
        uri = base_path % self._uri.attributes
        if requires_id:
            if is None:
                raise exceptions.InvalidRequest(
                    "Request requires an ID but none was found")

            uri = utils.urljoin(uri,

        return resource._Request(uri, body, headers)

    def list(cls, session, paginated=False,
             endpoint_override=None, headers=None, requests_auth=None,
        if not cls.allow_list:
            raise exceptions.MethodNotSupported(cls, "list")

        cls._query_mapping._validate(params, base_path=cls.base_path)
        query_params = cls._query_mapping._transpose(params, cls)

        response = session.get(

        root = ET.fromstring(response.content)

        if root.tag != ET.QName(cls.OBS_NS, 'ListAllMyBucketsResult'):
            _logger.warn('Namespace in the response does not match '
            cls.OBS_NS = root.tag.split('}', 1)[0][1:]

        for elements in root:

            if elements.tag == ET.QName(cls.OBS_NS, cls.resources_key):
                for el in elements:
                    if el.tag == ET.QName(cls.OBS_NS, cls.resource_key):
                        # Convert XML part into dict
                        dict_raw_resource = cls.etree_to_dict(el)
                        # extract resource data
                        dict_resource = dict_raw_resource[cls.resource_key]
                        value = cls.existing(**dict_resource)
                        yield value


    def create(self, session, prepend_key=True,
               endpoint_override=None, headers=None, requests_auth=None):

        if not self.allow_create:
            raise exceptions.MethodNotSupported(self, "create")

        session = self._get_session(session)

        request = self._prepare_request()

        req_args = self._prepare_override_args(

        response = session.put(request.url,
                               data=request.body, **req_args)

        return self
Esempio n. 14
class Object(_base.BaseResource):
    _custom_metadata_prefix = "x-amz-meta-"
    base_path = '/'

    allow_create = True
    allow_get = True
    allow_commit = True
    allow_delete = True
    allow_list = True
    allow_head = True

    resources_key = ''
    resource_key = 'Contents'

    _query_mapping = resource.QueryParameters(
        'prefix', 'delimiter',

    # Data to be passed during a POST call to create an object on the server.
    data = None

    # URL parameters
    #: The unique name for the container.
    container = resource.URI("container")
    #: The unique name for the object.
    name = resource.Body('Key', alternate_id=True)
    #: The date and time that the object was created or the last
    #: time that the metadata was changed.
    last_modified = resource.Body('LastModified')
    #: size of the response body. Instead it contains the size of
    #: the object, in bytes.
    content_length = resource.Body('Size', type=int)
    # Headers for requests
    #: private, public-read, public-read-write, authenticated-read
    #: bucket-owner-read, bucket-owner-full-control
    acl = resource.Header('x-amz-acl')

    accept_ranges = resource.Header('Accept-Ranges')
    #: The MD5 digest string of the message body is calculated according
    #: to the RFC 1864 standard. That is, calculate the 128-bit binary array
    #: (the message header data encrypted with MD5) first,
    #: and then use Base 64 encoding to convert the binary data to
    #: a character string.
    content_md5 = resource.Header('Content-MD5', type=str)
    #: Indicates the content type of a requested resource, for example,
    #: text/plain.
    content_type = resource.Header('Content-Type', type=str)
    #: Indicates the hash value of an object.
    #: The entity tag (ETag) only reflects changes to the contents
    #: of an object, not its metadata.
    etag = resource.Header('ETag', type=str)
    #: Indicates the value created by OBS to uniquely identify a request.
    #: OBS uses this value to troubleshoot faults.
    request_id = resource.Header('x-amz-request-id', type=str)
    #: Indicates a special token that helps OBS troubleshoot faults.
    request_id_2 = resource.Header('x-amz-id-2', type=str)
    #: Indicates that SSE-KMS is used.
    #: Example: x-amz-server-side-encryption:aws:kms
    sse = resource.Header('x-amz-server-side-encryption')
    #: Indicates the master key ID. This header is used in SSE-KMS mode.
    #: If the customer does not provide the master key,
    #: the default master key will be used.
    sse_key_id = resource.Header('x-amz-server-side-encryption-aws-kms-key-id')
    #: Indicates a decryption algorithm. The header is used in SSE-C mode.
    #: Constraints: This header must be used together with
    #: x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key and
    #: x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-MD5.
    sse_algorithm = resource.Header(
    #: Indicates a key used to decrypt objects.
    #: The header is used in SSE-C mode.
    #: Constraints: This header is a base64-encoded 256-bit or 512-bit key and
    #: must be used together with
    # x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm and
    # x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key-MD5
    sse_key = resource.Header('x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key')
    #: Indicates the MD5 value of a key used to decrypt objects.
    #: The header is used in SSE-C mode.
    #: The MD5 value is used to check whether any error
    #: occurs during the transmission of the key.
    #: Constraints: This header is a base64-encoded 128-bit MD5 value and
    #: must be used together with
    #: x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-algorithm and
    #: x-amz-server-side-encryption-customer-key.
    sse_key_md5 = resource.Header(
    #: When creating an object, you can add this header in the request
    #: to set the storage class of the object. If you do not add this header,
    #: the object will use the default storage class of the bucket.
    #: Note: The storage class can be STANDARD (OBS Standard),
    #: STANDARD_IA (OBS Warm), or GLACIER (OBS Cold).
    #: Note that the three storage class values are case-sensitive.
    storage_class = resource.Header('x-amz-storage-class')
    #: Server name
    server = resource.Header('Server', type=str)
    #: If a bucket is configured as a website, redirects requests
    #: for this object to another object in the same bucket or to
    #: an external URL.
    #: OBS stores the value of this header in the object metadata.
    website_redirect = resource.Header('x-amz-website-redirect-location')

    #: Obtains the specified range bytes of an object.
    #: The value is a range starting from 0 to maximum object length minus one.
    #: If the range is invalid, all object data is returned.
    range = resource.Header("range", type=str)
    #: Returns the object only if it has been modified since
    #: the time specified by this header,
    #: otherwise 304 Not Modified is returned.
    if_modified_since = resource.Header("if-modified-since", type=str)
    #: Returns the object only if it has not been modified since
    #: the time specified by this header,
    #: otherwise 412 Precondition Failed is returned.
    if_unmodified_since = resource.Header("if-unmodified-since", type=str)
    #: Returns the object only if its ETag is the same
    #: as the one specified by this header,
    #: otherwise 412 Precondition Failed is returned.
    if_match = resource.Header("if-match", type=list)
    #: Returns the object only if its ETag is different from the one
    #: specified by this header,
    #: otherwise 304 Not Modified is returned.
    if_none_match = resource.Header("if-none-match", type=list)
    #: Indicates an origin specified by a pre-request.
    #: Generally, it is a domain name
    origin = resource.Header("Origin", type=bool)

    def __init__(self, data=None, **attrs):
        super(_base.BaseResource, self).__init__(**attrs) = data

    def _translate_response(self, response, has_body=True, error_message=None):
        """Given a KSA response, inflate this instance with its data

        This method updates attributes that correspond to headers
        and body on this instance and clears the dirty set.
        exceptions.raise_from_response(response, error_message=response.text)
        if response:
            if has_body:
                # TODO(agoncharov): do nothing so far. Generally need
                # to parse different responses
        headers = self._consume_header_attrs(response.headers)
        dict.update(self, self.to_dict())

    def list(cls, session, paginated=False,
             endpoint_override=None, headers=None, requests_auth=None,
        if not cls.allow_list:
            raise exceptions.MethodNotSupported(cls, "list")

        cls._query_mapping._validate(params, base_path=cls.base_path)
        query_params = cls._query_mapping._transpose(params, cls)
        uri = cls.base_path % params

        # Build additional arguments to the GET call
        get_args = cls._prepare_override_args(

        while uri:

            response = session.get(

            uri = None
            next_params = {}

            root = ET.fromstring(response.content)

            if root.tag != ET.QName(cls.OBS_NS, 'ListBucketResult'):
                _logger.warn('Namespace in the response does not match '
                cls.OBS_NS = root.tag.split('}', 1)[0][1:]

            for element in root:

                if element.tag == ET.QName(cls.OBS_NS, cls.resource_key):
                    # Convert XML part into dict
                    dict_raw_resource = cls.etree_to_dict(element)
                    # extract resource data
                    dict_resource = dict_raw_resource[cls.resource_key]
                    value = cls.existing(**dict_resource)
                    yield value

                elif element.tag == ET.QName(cls.OBS_NS, 'NextMarker'):
                    next_params['marker'] = element.text

            if 'marker' in next_params:
                uri = cls.base_path % params


    def create(self, session, prepend_key=True,
               endpoint_override=None, headers=None, requests_auth=None):

        if not self.allow_create:
            raise exceptions.MethodNotSupported(self, 'create')

        session = self._get_session(session)

        if not self.content_md5 and
            md5 = hashlib.md5()
            self.content_md5 = base64.b64encode(md5.digest()).decode()

        request = self._prepare_request(

        req_args = self._prepare_override_args(

        response = session.put(
        return self

    def download(self, session, filename=None,
                 endpoint_override=None, requests_auth=None):

        session = self._get_session(session)

        request = self._prepare_request(requires_id=True)

        req_args = self._prepare_override_args(

        response = session.get(


        with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
