def validate_cart_create_order(cuID, pmID, items): """ :param cuID: :param items: :return: """ from openstudio.os_order import Order coID = db.customers_orders.insert( auth_customer_id=cuID, Status='order_received', Origin='pos', ) order = Order(coID) # Add items for item in items: if item['item_type'] == 'product': order.order_item_add_product_variant(item['data']['id'], item['quantity']) elif item['item_type'] == 'classcard': order.order_item_add_classcard(item['data']['id']) elif item['item_type'] == 'subscription': order.order_item_add_subscription(item['data']['id'], TODAY_LOCAL) elif item['item_type'] == 'membership': order.order_item_add_membership(item['data']['id'], TODAY_LOCAL) elif item['item_type'] == 'class_dropin': order.order_item_add_class( item['data']['clsID'], TODAY_LOCAL, 2 # Attendance Type 2 = drop-in ) elif item['item_type'] == 'class_trial': order.order_item_add_class( item['data']['clsID'], TODAY_LOCAL, 1 # Attendance Type 1 = trial ) # update order status order.set_status_awaiting_payment() # mail order to customer # order_received_mail_customer(coID) # check if this order needs to be paid or it's free and can be added to the customers' account straight away amounts = order.get_amounts() # Deliver order, add stuff to customer's account result = order.deliver() invoice = result['invoice'] # Add payment ipID = invoice.payment_add( amounts.TotalPriceVAT, TODAY_LOCAL, payment_methods_id=pmID, ) return invoice
def order_pay(): """ Page to pay an order """ coID = request.vars['coID'] order = Order(coID) invoice_id = '' mollie_payment_id = '' # check if the order belongs to the currently logged in customer if not order.order.auth_customer_id == session.flash = T("Unable to show order") redirect(URL('cart')) mollie = Client() mollie_api_key = get_sys_property('mollie_website_profile') mollie.set_api_key(mollie_api_key) amounts = order.get_amounts() # Go to Mollie for payment amount = format(amounts.TotalPriceVAT, '.2f') description = T('Order') + ' #' + unicode(coID) try: payment = mollie.payments.create({ 'amount': { 'currency': CURRENCY, 'value': amount }, 'description': description, 'redirectUrl': 'https://' + request.env.http_host + '/shop/complete?coID=' + unicode(coID), 'webhookUrl': 'https://' + request.env.http_host + '/mollie/webhook', 'metadata': { 'customers_orders_id': coID } }) db.customers_orders_mollie_payment_ids.insert( customers_orders_id=coID, mollie_payment_id=payment['id']) # Send the customer off to complete the payment. redirect(payment.checkout_url) except MollieError as e: return 'API call failed: ' + e.message
def order(): """ Page to show order content """ coID = request.vars['coID'] features = db.customers_profile_features(1) if not features.Orders: redirect(URL('profile', 'index')) order = Order(coID) if not order.order.auth_customer_id == return 'Not authorized' rows = order.get_order_items_rows() amounts = order.get_amounts() response.title = T('Order') response.subtitle = T('# ') + coID back = os_gui.get_button('back', URL('profile', 'orders'), _class='btn-link') return dict(rows=rows, amounts=amounts, order=order.order, back=back)
def edit(): """ :return: shows order """ response.title = T('Order #') + request.vars['coID'] response.subtitle = T('Edit') response.view = 'general/only_content.html' coID = request.vars['coID'] order = Order(coID) cuID = order.order.auth_customer_id customer = Customer(cuID) # Info table info = TABLE(THEAD( TR( TH(T('Customer')), TH(T('Ordered on')), TH(T('Status')), )), _class='table') # Display status for field in db.customers_orders: field.readable = False field.writable = False db.customers_orders.Status.readable = True db.customers_orders.Status.writable = True crud.messages.record_updated = T('Saved') form = crud.update(db.customers_orders, coID) result = set_form_id_and_get_submit_button(form, 'MainForm') form = result['form'] submit = result['submit'] form = DIV( XML('<form id="MainForm" action="#" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">' ), form.custom.widget.Status, form.custom.end) #status = form # status = represent_customers_orders_status(order.order.Status, order.order) # Display ordered on ordered_on = represent_datetime(order.order.DateCreated, order.order) customer_link = A(customer.get_name(), _href=URL('customers', 'edit', info.append(TR(TD(customer_link), TD(ordered_on), TD(form))) # Info content content = DIV(DIV(info, _class='col-md-8 no-padding-left')) # Display items rows = order.get_order_items_rows() header = THEAD( TR( TH(T('Product')), TH(T('Description')), TH(SPAN(T('Amount incl. VAT'), _class='right')), TH(T("G/L Account")), TH(T("Cost center")), TH(), )) table = TABLE(header, _class='table table-striped table-hover order-items') for i, row in enumerate(rows): repr_row = list(rows[i:i + 1].render())[0] table.append( TR( TD(repr_row.customers_orders_items.ProductName), TD(repr_row.customers_orders_items.Description), TD( SPAN(repr_row.customers_orders_items.TotalPriceVAT, _class='right')), TD(repr_row.customers_orders_items.accounting_glaccounts_id), TD(repr_row.customers_orders_items.accounting_costcenters_id), TD(), )) # Display totals amounts = order.get_amounts() footer = TFOOT( TR( TD(), TD(B(T('Subtotal'))), TD( SPAN(CURRSYM, ' ', format(amounts.TotalPrice, '.2f'), _class='bold right')), TD()), TR( TD(), TD(B(T('VAT'))), TD( SPAN(CURRSYM, ' ', format(amounts.VAT, '.2f'), _class='bold right')), TD()), TR( TD(), TD(B(T('Total'))), TD( SPAN(CURRSYM, ' ', format(amounts.TotalPriceVAT, '.2f'), _class='bold right')), TD())) table.append(footer) content.append(table) # Customer message customer_message = '' if order.order.CustomerNote: customer_message = DIV( B(T('Customer message')), BR(), BR(), XML(order.order.CustomerNote.replace("\n", "<br>")), ) content.append(customer_message) back = os_gui.get_button('back', edit_get_return_url(cuID)) return dict(content=content, back=back, save=submit)
def order_pay(): """ Page to pay an order """ from openstudio.os_customer import Customer coID = request.vars['coID'] order = Order(coID) os_customer = Customer( mollie_customer_id = None invoice_id = '' mollie_payment_id = '' # check if the order belongs to the currently logged in customer if not order.order.auth_customer_id == session.flash = T("Unable to show order") redirect(URL('profile', 'index')) # Check if the order contains a class that's been fully booked in the main time if order.contains_class(): cls = order.get_class_object_order_item() if cls.get_full() or cls.get_full_bookings_shop(): redirect( URL("shop", "class_full", vars={ "clsID": cls.clsID, "date": })) mollie = Client() mollie_api_key = get_sys_property('mollie_website_profile') mollie.set_api_key(mollie_api_key) amounts = order.get_amounts() # Go to Mollie for payment amount = format(amounts.TotalPriceVAT, '.2f') description = T('Order') + ' #' + str(coID) if os_customer.row.mollie_customer_id: # yep mollie_customer_id = os_customer.row.mollie_customer_id try: mollie_customer = mollie.customers.get(mollie_customer_id) # print "we've got one!" # print mollie_customer # print mollie.customers.all() except Exception as e: # print e.__class__.__name__ # print str(e) # print 'customer id invalid, create new customer' if 'The customer id is invalid' in str(e): create_mollie_customer(, mollie) os_customer = Customer( # refresh mollie_customer_id = os_customer.row.mollie_customer_id else: create_mollie_customer(, mollie) os_customer = Customer( # refresh mollie_customer_id = os_customer.row.mollie_customer_id contains_subscription = order.contains_subscription() recurring_type = None if contains_subscription: mandates = os_customer.get_mollie_mandates() # set default recurring type, change to recurring if a valid mandate is found. recurring_type = 'first' if mandates['count'] > 0: # background payment valid_mandate = False for mandate in mandates['_embedded']['mandates']: if mandate['status'] == 'valid': valid_mandate = True break if valid_mandate: # Do a normal payment, probably an automatic payment failed somewhere in the process # and customer should pay manually now recurring_type = None try: redirect_url = 'https://' + request.env.http_host + '/shop/complete?coID=' + str( coID) payment = mollie.payments.create({ 'amount': { 'currency': CURRENCY, 'value': amount }, 'description': description, 'sequenceType': recurring_type, 'customerId': mollie_customer_id, 'redirectUrl': redirect_url, 'webhookUrl': 'https://' + request.env.http_host + '/mollie/webhook', 'metadata': { 'customers_orders_id': coID } }) db.customers_orders_mollie_payment_ids.insert( customers_orders_id=coID, mollie_payment_id=payment['id'], RecurringType=recurring_type) # Send the customer off to complete the payment. redirect(payment.checkout_url) except MollieError as e: return 'API call failed: ' + e.message