Esempio n. 1
def get_wing_reference_quantities(wing_name=None, wing_id=None):
    Gets wing reference area, reference span, and reference chord (sref, bref, cref) from the TotalArea, TotalSpan, and
    TotalChord properties of Wing component

    :param wing_name: Name of the wing (will find the first wing with this name)
    :param wing_id: ID of the wing object, if None wing name will be used to find the wing id. Wing ID takes precedence
    over wing_name
    :return: sref, bref, and cref

    # Check that the wing_name and wing_id are not both none
    if wing_name is None and wing_id is None:
        raise ValueError("wing_name and wing_id cannot both be None")

    # If wing_id is None, then use wing name to find the wing id
    if wing_id is None:
        found_wing_id = vsp.FindGeom(wing_name, 0)
        if not found_wing_id:
            raise ValueError(
                "could not find wing with name \"{}\"".format(wing_name))
        wing_id = found_wing_id

    # Get reference parameters
    # TODO: Error check that the wing_id is actually the id to a wing component
    bref = vsp.GetParmVal(wing_id, "TotalSpan", "WingGeom")
    sref = vsp.GetParmVal(wing_id, "TotalArea", "WingGeom")
    cref = vsp.GetParmVal(wing_id, "TotalChord", "WingGeom")

    return sref, bref, cref
Esempio n. 2
vsp.SetParmVal(y_loc_id, 1.0)

# Change X Location
vsp.SetParmVal(pod_id, "X_Location", "XForm", 3.0)

# Change Symmetry
sym_flag_id = vsp.GetParm(pod_id, "Sym_Planar_Flag", "Sym")
vsp.SetParmVal(sym_flag_id, vsp.SYM_XZ)

# Copy Pod Geom
vsp.PasteGeomClipboard(fuse_id)  # make fuse parent

# Set Name
vsp.SetGeomName(pod_id, "Original_Pod")
second_pod_id = vsp.FindGeom("Pod", 0)

# Change Location and Symmetry
vsp.SetParmVal(second_pod_id, "Sym_Planar_Flag", "Sym", 0)
vsp.SetParmVal(second_pod_id, "Y_Location", "XForm", 0.0)
vsp.SetParmVal(second_pod_id, "Z_Location", "XForm", 1.0)

fname = "apitest1.vsp3"


geoms = vsp.FindGeoms()

print("All geoms in Vehicle.")