def decode(self, x, reuse=False, is_training=True): with tf.variable_scope( with tf.variable_scope('Decoder') as vs: if reuse: vs.reuse_variables() x = dense(x, 128, activation_='lrelu') x = dense(x, self.feature_shape[0] * self.feature_shape[1] * self.feature_shape[2], activation_='lrelu') x = reshape(x, self.feature_shape) for i in range(2)[::-1]: filters = self.first_filters * (2**i) x = conv_block(x, filters=filters, sampling=self.upsampling, is_training=is_training, **self.conv_block_params) x = conv_block(x, filters=filters, sampling='same', is_training=is_training, **self.conv_block_params) x = conv_block(x, filters=self.first_filters, sampling=self.upsampling, **self.conv_block_params) x = conv_block(x,, sampling='same', **self.last_conv_block_params) return x
def __call__(self, x, reuse=False, is_training=True): for u in self.dense_units[:-1]: x = dense(x, u) x = activation(x, self.dense_params['activation_']) if self.dense_params['normalization'] is not None: if self.dense_params['normalization'] == 'batch': x = batch_norm(x, is_training) elif self.dense_params['normalization'] == 'layer': x = layer_norm(x, is_training) else: raise ValueError if self.is_dropout: x = dropout(x, 0.5, is_training) return dense(x, self.dense_units[-1], activation_='softmax')
def generator(batch_size, latent_size, args, reuse=False): """Adds generator nodes to the graph. From noise, applies deconv2d until image is scaled up to match the dataset. """ # final_activation = tf.tanh if args.model in ['wgan', 'iwgan'] else tf.nn.sigmoid output_dim = 64 * 64 * 3 with arg_scope([dense, deconv2d], reuse=reuse, use_batch_norm=True, activation=tf.nn.relu): z = tf.random_normal([batch_size, latent_size]) y = dense(z, latent_size, 4 * 4 * 4 * latent_size, name='fc1') y = tf.reshape(y, [-1, 4, 4, 4 * latent_size]) y = deconv2d(y, 4 * latent_size, 2 * latent_size, 5, 2, name='dc1') y = deconv2d(y, 2 * latent_size, latent_size, 5, 2, name='dc2') y = deconv2d(y, latent_size, int(latent_size / 2), 5, 2, name='dc3') y = deconv2d(y, int(latent_size / 2), 3, 5, 2, name='dc4', activation=tf.tanh, use_batch_norm=False) y = tf.reshape(y, [-1, output_dim]) return y
def latent(x, batch_size, latent_size, reuse=False): """Adds latent nodes for sampling and reparamaterization. Args: x: Tensor, input images. batch_size: Integer, batch size. latent_size: Integer, size of latent vector. reuse: Boolean, whether to reuse variables. """ with arg_scope([dense], reuse=reuse): flat = flatten(x) z_mean = dense(flat, 32 * 4 * 4, latent_size, name='d1') z_stddev = dense(flat, 32 * 4 * 4, latent_size, name='d2') samples = tf.random_normal([batch_size, latent_size], 0, 1) z = (z_mean + (z_stddev * samples)) return (samples, z, z_mean, z_stddev)
def latent(x, latent_size, reuse=False): """Add latant nodes to the graph. Args: x: Tensor, output from encoder. latent_size: Integer, size of latent vector. reuse: Boolean, whether to reuse variables. """ with arg_scope([dense], reuse = reuse): x = flatten(x) x = dense(x, 32*4*4, latent_size, name='d1') return x
def discriminator(x, args, reuse=False): """Adds discriminator nodes to the graph. From the input image, successively applies convolutions with striding to scale down layer sizes until we get to a single output value, representing the discriminator's estimate of fake vs real. The single final output acts similar to a sigmoid activation function. Args: x: Tensor, input. args: Argparse structure. reuse: Boolean, whether to reuse variables. Returns: Final output of discriminator pipeline. """ use_bn = False if args.model == 'iwgan' else True final_activation = None if args.model in ['wgan', 'iwgan' ] else tf.nn.sigmoid with arg_scope([conv2d], use_batch_norm=use_bn, activation=lrelu, reuse=reuse): x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, 64, 64, 3]) x = conv2d(x, 3, args.latent_size, 5, 2, name='c1', use_batch_norm=False) x = conv2d(x, args.latent_size, args.latent_size * 2, 5, 2, name='c2') x = conv2d(x, args.latent_size * 2, args.latent_size * 4, 5, 2, name='c3') x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, 4 * 4 * 4 * args.latent_size]) x = dense(x, 4 * 4 * 4 * args.latent_size, 1, use_batch_norm=False, activation=final_activation, name='fc2', reuse=reuse) x = tf.reshape(x, [-1]) return x
def encode(self, x, reuse=False, is_training=True): with tf.variable_scope( with tf.variable_scope('Encoder') as vs: if reuse: vs.reuse_variables() for i in range(3): filters = self.first_filters * (2**i) x = conv_block(x, filters=filters, sampling='same', is_training=is_training, **self.conv_block_params) x = conv_block(x, filters=filters, sampling='down', is_training=is_training, **self.conv_block_params) self.feature_shape = x.get_shape().as_list()[1:] x = flatten(x) x = dense(x, 128, activation_='lrelu') x = dense(x, self.latent_dim) return x
def decoder(x, latent_size, reuse=False): """Adds decoder nodes to the graph. Args: x: Tensor, encoded image representation. latent_size: Integer, size of latent vector. reuse: Boolean, whether to reuse variables. """ with arg_scope([dense, conv2d, deconv2d], reuse = reuse, activation = tf.nn.relu): x = dense(x, latent_size, 32*4*4, name='d1') x = tf.reshape(x, [-1, 4, 4, 32]) # un-flatten x = conv2d(x, 32, 96, 1, name='c1') x = conv2d(x, 96, 256, 1, name='c2') x = deconv2d(x, 256, 256, 5, 2, name='dc1') x = deconv2d(x, 256, 128, 5, 2, name='dc2') x = deconv2d(x, 128, 64, 5, 2, name='dc3') x = deconv2d(x, 64, 3, 5, 2, name='dc4', activation=tf.nn.tanh) return x