def deleteFromPublishedAlbum(self): """ grab the album main.json file and update the snap that appears within it """ tm = time.time() alb = self.album aurl = ""+constants.topicDir+alb+"/main.json" albs = urllib2.urlopen(aurl).read() albd = json.loads(albs) rs = [] sns = albd["snaps"] mxo = 0 myt = self.topic isDelete = False for sn in sns: tp = sn["topic"] if tp==myt: isDelete = True else: rs.append(sn) if not isDelete: return s3path = constants.topicDir+alb+"/main.json" #the path where the page will finally end up albd["snaps"]= rs js = json.dumps(albd) s3.s3SetContents(s3path,contents=js,relativeTo="",contentType="application/json") etm = time.time() - tm vprint("deleteFromPublishedAlbum ",self.topic," took ",etm,"seconds")
def publish(self,includeImages=True,pageStore=None): #vprint("PUBLISHING ",self.__dict__) """ the snap images appear under the image directory (/imagowner/imagename). pageOnly means don't bother with generating json""" alb = self.album tpo = misc.topicOb(alb) imtopic = tpo.imageTopic() imdir = tpo.imageOwner + "/" + tpo.imageName vprint("PUBLISH SNAP",self.topic," with IMAGE ",imtopic,"imdir",imdir) js = self.compute_json(False) tp = self.topic #topicdir = "/topicd/" if constants.publishToS3Dev else "/topic/" s3path = constants.topicDir+tp+"/main.json" #the path where the page will finally end up s3.s3SetContents(s3path,contents=js,relativeTo="",contentType="application/json") self.genPage(True) if not includeImages: return imageD = image.loadImageD(imtopic,getattr(self,"pageStore",None)) """ public = getattr(imageD,"isPublic",None) if not public: imageD.isPublic = 1 imageD.dynsave(False) """ crid = self.cropid; fls = [imdir+"/snap/"+str(crid)+".jpg",imdir+"/snapthumb/"+str(crid)+".jpg"] for fl in fls: vprint("about to save "+fl) s3.s3SaveFile(fl,relativeTo="images",contentType="image/jpeg")
def publishInAlbum(self): """ grab the album main.json file and update the snap that appears within it """ tm = time.time() alb = self.album aurl = ""+constants.topicDir+alb+"/main.json" albs = urllib2.urlopen(aurl).read() albd = json.loads(albs) byt = {} sns = albd["snaps"] mxo = 0 for sn in sns: tp = sn["topic"] o = int(sn.get("ordinal",0)) #print "TP ",tp,"ORD",o if o > mxo: mxo = o byt[tp] = sn exv = self.externalize() cv = byt.get(self.topic,None) #print "CV",cv," mxo ",mxo if cv: nord = cv.get("ordinal",mxo+1) else: nord = mxo+1 exv["ordinal"] = nord byt[self.topic] = exv s3path = constants.topicDir+alb+"/main.json" #the path where the page will finally end up nsns = [] for sn in byt.itervalues(): nsns.append(sn) albd["snaps"]= nsns js = json.dumps(albd) s3.s3SetContents(s3path,contents=js,relativeTo="",contentType="application/json") etm = time.time() - tm vprint("publishInAlbum ",self.topic," took ",etm,"seconds")
def genPage(self,sendToS3=True,compressJs=True): #vprint("CONSTANTS.COMPRESS",constants.compressJs) pagetext = "" # LATER fix this; pagetext is for custom pages pg0= gen.pageHeader("","ImageDiver") + "<body>" svdv = constants.devVersion if sendToS3: constants.devVersion = 0 if (sendToS3 or constants.compressJs): pg0 += constants.jsPreamble + constants.cjsForPage("common") + constants.cjsForPage("snap") else: pg0 += constants.jsPreamble + constants.toJsIncludes(constants.commonJsFiles) + constants.toJsIncludes(constants.jsFiles['snap']) constants.devVersion = svdv pg1 = """ <script> page.initialize(); </script> <div class="outerDiv"> <div class="topDiv"> <div class="topDivTop"></div> <div class="titleDiv"></div> </div> </div> </body> </html> """ pg = pg0 + pg1 #fl = "/mnt/ebs1/imagediver/temp/snap.html" tp = self.topic #topicdir = "/topicd" if constants.publishToS3Dev else "/topic" s3path = constants.topicDir+tp+"/index.html" #the path where the page will finally end up #models.writeFile(fl,pg) #print "publishing to ",s3path #return pg if sendToS3: s3.s3SetContents(s3path,contents=pg,relativeTo="",contentType="text/html") return pg
def genPage(self, sendToS3=True): txt = "<script>page.initialize();</script>" headLines = [] styleSheets = ["/css/faq.css"] jsFiles = '<script type="text/javascript" src="/ncjs/composite.js"></script>\n' headerTitle = "Composite: " + pageTitle = headerTitle pg = gen.genHtmlPage(None, jsFiles, headerTitle, headLines, txt, pageTitle=pageTitle) #fl = "/mnt/ebs1/imagediver/temp/snap.html" name = #topicdir = "/topicd" if constants.publishToS3Dev else "/topic" s3path = constants.compositeDir + "/" + name + "/index.html" #the path where the page will finally end up if sendToS3: s3.s3SetContents(s3path, contents=pg, relativeTo="", contentType="text/html") return pg
def sendFile(fl, contentType, versioned=True): if versioned: fl = versionedFilename(fl) path = fl srcFile = js_srcdir + fl print "sending ", srcFile, "to", path s3.s3SetContents(path, srcFile, relativeTo="/", contentType=contentType) print "sent "
def sendFile(fl, contentType): srcDir = "/mnt/ebs0/imagediverdev/www" dstDir = "/devjs7921" path = dstDir + fl srcFile = srcDir + fl print "sending ", srcFile, "to", path s3.s3SetContents(path, srcFile, relativeTo="/", contentType=contentType) print "sent "
def publish(self): #vprint("PUBLISHING ",self.__dict__) """ the snap images appear under the image directory (/imagowner/imagename). pageOnly means don't bother with generating json""" js = self.compute_json() name = #topicdir = "/topicd/" if constants.publishToS3Dev else "/topic/" s3path = constants.compositeDir + "/" + name + "/main.json" #the path where the page will finally end up s3.s3SetContents(s3path, contents=js, relativeTo="", contentType="application/json") self.genPage()
def updateS3(self): """ grab the album main.json file and update the snap that appears within it """ tm = time.time() tp = self.topic aurl = ""+constants.topicDir+tp+"/main.json" albs = urllib2.urlopen(aurl).read() albd = json.loads(albs) exv = self.externalize() exv["snaps"] = albd["snaps"] s3path = constants.topicDir+tp+"/main.json" #the path where the page will finally end up js = json.dumps(exv) s3.s3SetContents(s3path,contents=js,relativeTo="",contentType="application/json") etm = time.time() - tm vprint("publishInAlbum ",self.topic," took ",etm,"seconds")
def exportJsForDev(): cjs = constants.commonJsFiles sjs = constants.jsFiles['snap'] ajs = constants.jsFiles['album'] ss = set(cjs + sjs + ajs) for s in ss: srcFile = js_srcdir + s print "saving ", s #print s,srcFile #continue s3.s3SetContents(s, srcFile, relativeTo="/", contentType="application/javascript") print "FILES ", ss
def sendFile(fl,contentType): global fromDev,toDev if fromDev: srcDir = "/mnt/ebs0/imagediverdev/www" else: srcDir = "/mnt/ebs0/imagediver/www" if toDev: dstDir ="/devjs7921" else: dstDir = "/" path = dstDir + fl; srcFile = srcDir + fl print "sending ",srcFile,"to",path s3.s3SetContents(path,srcFile,relativeTo="/",contentType=contentType) print "sent "
def exportJs(): for fl in s3fls + jsfls: copyFile(fl, js_srcdir, js_dstdir) for fl in s3flsNotVersioned + jsflsNotVersioned: copyFile(fl, js_srcdir, js_dstdir, False) for fl in s3fls: sendFile(fl, "application/javascript") for fl in s3flsNotVersioned: sendFile(fl, "application/javascript", False) sendFile("/css/imagestyle.css", "text/css") sendFile("/hx/canvas.swf", "application/x-shockwave-flash") sendFile("/minus.png", "image/png") sendFile("/plus.png", "image/png") s3.s3SetContents("/widget.js", js_srcdir + "/ncjs/widget.0_11.js", relativeTo="/", contentType="application/javascript")
def sendFile(fl,contentType): path = fl; srcFile = js_srcdir + fl print "sending ",srcFile,"to",path s3.s3SetContents(path,srcFile,relativeTo="/",contentType=contentType) print "sent "
mv2archive(dir) def copyDirFromDev(dr): print "Copying "+dr+" from DEV" shutil.copytree(srcdir+dr,dstdir+dr) for dir in dirs: copyDirFromDev(dir) for fl in files: mv2archive(fl) def copyFileFromDev(dr): print "Copying "+dr+" from DEV" shutil.copyfile(srcdir+dr,dstdir+dr) for fl in files: copyFileFromDev(fl) s3.s3SetContents("/album/cg/The_Dutch_Proverbs/1/main.json", srcFile="/mnt/ebs1/imagediver/topic/album/4294b0e/the_dutch_proverbs/1/main.json",relativeTo="topic",contentType="application/json") s3.s3SetContents("/album/cg/The_Dutch_Proverbs/1/index.html", srcFile="/mnt/ebs1/imagediver/topic/album/4294b0e/the_dutch_proverbs/1/index.html",relativeTo="topic",contentType="text/html")
def publishJson(self,cn): tp = self.topic s3path = constants.topicDir+tp+"/main.json" #the path where the page will finally end up s3.s3SetContents(s3path,contents=cn,relativeTo="",contentType="application/json")
def publishHtml(self,cn): tp = self.topic s3path = constants.topicDir+tp+"/index.html" #the path where the page will finally end up vprint("PUBLISH HTML TO ",s3path) s3.s3SetContents(s3path,contents=cn,relativeTo="",contentType="text/html")
def sendPageToS3(self,srcFile=None): s3p = self.s3path() if srcFile: s3.s3SetContents(s3p,srcFile,relativeTo="topic",contentType="text/html") else: s3.s3SaveFile(s3p,relativeTo="topic",contentType="text/html")
def sendJs(): srcFile = "/mnt/ebs0/imagediverdev/www/pages/composite.js" path = "/ncjs/composite.js" print "sending ",srcFile,"to",path s3.s3SetContents(path,srcFile,relativeTo="/",contentType="application/x-javascript")