def build_network(self, scope_name): net_shape = [None] + [s for s in self.input_shape] print(net_shape) with tf.variable_scope(scope_name): self.is_train = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name="is_train"); self.global_step = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, name="global_step") # Input Layer self.network_inputs[scope_name] = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=net_shape, name="inputs") # Conv Layers "Tower" conv = ops.conv_layer(self.network_inputs[scope_name], filters, kernel_size, stride, activation, "conv_first", useBatchNorm, drop_out, self.is_train, weight_initializer) for i in range(num_blocks): conv = ops.residual_conv_block(conv, filters, kernel_size, stride, activation, "conv" + str(i), useBatchNorm, drop_out, self.is_train, weight_initializer) # Policy and value heads # - Compute conv output size tower_conv_out_size = ops.conv_out_size(self.input_size, kernel_size, 1, stride) # TODO - manage correctly padding (if stride and/or filter size change) value_conv_out_size = ops.conv_out_size(tower_conv_out_size, v_kernel_size, 0, v_stride) * v_filters policy_conv_out_size = ops.conv_out_size(tower_conv_out_size, p_kernel_size, 0, p_stride) * p_filters # - Declare dense shape policy_shape = [policy_conv_out_size, self.policy_size] value_shape = [value_conv_out_size, v_dense_size] value_out_shape = [v_dense_size, 1] """policy_shape2 = [policy_conv_out_size, 512] policy_shape = [512, self.policy_size]""" # - Policy head policy_conv = ops.conv_layer(conv, p_filters, p_kernel_size, p_stride, activation, "policy_conv", useBatchNorm, drop_out, self.is_train, weight_initializer) policy_conv = ops.conv_layer(policy_conv, p_filters, p_kernel_size, p_stride, activation, "policy_conv2", useBatchNorm, drop_out, self.is_train, weight_initializer) policy_conv = tf.contrib.layers.flatten(policy_conv) #policy_conv = ops.dense_layer(policy_conv, policy_shape2, activation, "policy2", False, head_drop_out, self.is_train) self.policy_out = ops.dense_layer(policy_conv, policy_shape, tf.identity, "policy", False, 0.0, self.is_train) self.policy_out_prob = p_activation(self.policy_out) # - Value head value_conv = ops.conv_layer(conv, v_filters, v_kernel_size, v_stride, activation, "value_conv", useBatchNorm, drop_out, self.is_train, weight_initializer) value_conv = tf.contrib.layers.flatten(value_conv) value_out = ops.dense_layer(value_conv, value_shape, activation, "value", False, head_drop_out, self.is_train, weight_initializer=weight_initializer) self.value_out = ops.dense_layer(value_out, value_out_shape, v_activation, "value_out", False, 0.0, self.is_train)
def discriminator(x, label): with tf.variable_scope('Discriminator'): if layers > 1: with tf.variable_scope('rgb_layer_{}'.format(layers - 2)): d0 = pool(x) d0 = leaky_relu(conv2d(d0, self.channels[layers - 1], 1)) with tf.variable_scope('rgb_layer_{}'.format(layers - 1)): d1 = leaky_relu(conv2d(x, self.channels[layers], 1)) for i in reversed(range(layers)): with tf.variable_scope('layer_{}'.format(i)): if i == 0: d1 = minibatch_stddev(d1) with tf.variable_scope('1'): d1 = leaky_relu(conv2d(d1, self.channels[i])) with tf.variable_scope('2'): if i == 0: d1 = leaky_relu(conv2d(d1, self.channels[0], 2, 2)) else: d1 = leaky_relu(conv2d(d1, self.channels[i])) if i > 0: d1 = pool(d1) if i == layers - 1 and layers > 1: d1 = self._reparameterize(d0, d1) with tf.variable_scope('dense'): d = tf.concat([tf.layers.flatten(d1), tf.layers.flatten(label)], axis=1) d = dense_layer(d, 1) return d
def discriminator(image_data, train=True): """ Creates convolutional discriminator model. See Args: image_data (tf.placeholder): Tensor containing real/fake images to classify. train (bool, optional): Flag for whether to freeze batch-norm layer vars. If unspecified, defaults to `True`. Returns: Tensors containing probabilites and logits pertaining to input images being real/fake. """ with tf.variable_scope('discriminator', reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE) as scope: conv_1 = conv_layer(image_data, train, kernel_dims=(3, 3), in_channels=3, out_channels=32, name='conv_1') conv_2 = conv_layer(conv_1, train, kernel_dims=(3, 3), in_channels=32, out_channels=32, name='conv_2', strides=(2, 2)) dim =[1:]) flattened_1 = tf.reshape(conv_2, [-1, dim]) dense_1 = dense_layer(flattened_1, train, 256, name='dense_1') logits = dense_layer(dense_1, train, 1, name='logits', use_batchnorm=False, activation=None) probs = tf.nn.sigmoid(logits, return probs, logits
def deep_gen(z, batch_size): """ A deeper generator. Inspired by the tensorflow implementation. Args : - z (Tensor) : latent vectors. """ with tf.variable_scope('generator'): dense1 = dense_layer(z, 7 * 7 * 256, "dense1") reshape = tf.reshape(dense1, [-1, 7, 7, 256], name='reshape') conv_tr1 = conv_tr_layer(reshape, 5, [batch_size, 7, 7, 128],\ 'conv_tr1', strides=1) conv_tr2 = conv_tr_layer(conv_tr1, 5, [batch_size, 14, 14, 64], 'conv_tr2') conv_tr3 = sigmoid_conv_tr_layer(\ conv_tr2, 5, [batch_size, 28, 28, 1], 'conv_tr3') return conv_tr3
def generator(input_noise, train=True): """ Creates convolutional generator model. See Args: input_noise (tf.placeholder): Input noise distribution tensor. train (bool, optional): Flag for whether to freeze batch-norm layer vars. If unspecified, defaults to `True`. Returns: Tensor containing images generated from the noise distribution. """ dense_1_shape = [8, 8, 10] dense_1_units = # We need to pass `batch_size` for using in `output_shape` in deconv op. # See batch_size = tf.shape(input_noise)[0] with tf.variable_scope('generator', reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE) as scope: dense_1 = dense_layer(input_noise, train, units=dense_1_units, name='dense_1') dense_1_reshaped = tf.reshape(dense_1, shape=[ -1, ] + dense_1_shape, name='dense_1_reshaped') deconv_1 = deconv_layer(dense_1_reshaped, train, kernel_dims=(5, 5), in_channels=dense_1_shape[-1], out_channels=64, batch_size=batch_size, name='deconv_1') deconv_2 = deconv_layer(deconv_1, train, kernel_dims=(5, 5), in_channels=64, out_channels=64, batch_size=batch_size, name='deconv_2') # H, W = deconv_2.get_shape().as_list()[1: 3] # upsampled_deconv_2 = tf.image.resize_nearest_neighbor(deconv_2, (2 * H, 2 * W), name='upsampled_deconv_2') upsampled_deconv_2 = tf.keras.layers.UpSampling2D(size=(2, 2))(deconv_2) deconv_3 = deconv_layer(upsampled_deconv_2, train, kernel_dims=(7, 7), in_channels=64, out_channels=32, batch_size=batch_size, name='deconv_3') logits = conv_layer(deconv_3, train, kernel_dims=(3, 3), in_channels=32, out_channels=3, name='logits', padding='VALID', use_avgpool=False, use_batchnorm=False, activation=None) out = tf.nn.tanh(logits, return out