def run(self, realestate_dataset,
            sample_from_dataset = None,
            living_units_from_dataset = None,
            year_built = 'year_built',
            append_to_realestate_dataset = False,
            table_name = "development_projects",
            dataset_name = "development_project",
            id_name = 'development_project_id',
        sample_filter attribute/variable indicates which records in the dataset are eligible in the sampling for removal or cloning
        append_to_realestate_dataset - whether to append the new dataset to realestate_dataset
        if self.target_vancy_dataset is None:
            raise RuntimeError, "target_vacancy_rate dataset is unspecified."
        if not sample_from_dataset or not living_units_from_dataset:
            logger.log_note('No development projects or no living units of development projects to sample from. Development projects are taken from building dataset and thus living units from living_units dataset.')
            sample_from_dataset = realestate_dataset
            living_units_from_dataset = living_units_dataset
        if dataset_pool is None:
            dataset_pool = SessionConfiguration().get_dataset_pool()
        if year is None:
            year = SimulationState().get_current_time()
        this_year_index = where(self.target_vancy_dataset.get_attribute('year')==year)[0]
        target_vacancy_for_this_year = DatasetSubset(self.target_vancy_dataset, this_year_index)
        column_names = list(set( self.target_vancy_dataset.get_known_attribute_names() ) - set( [ target_attribute_name, occupied_spaces_variable, total_spaces_variable, 'year', '_hidden_id_'] ))
        column_values = dict([ (name, target_vacancy_for_this_year.get_attribute(name)) for name in column_names + [target_attribute_name]])
        independent_variables = list(set([re.sub('_max$', '', re.sub('_min$', '', col)) for col in column_names]))
        sample_dataset_known_attributes = sample_from_dataset.get_known_attribute_names()
        for attribute in independent_variables:
            if attribute not in sample_dataset_known_attributes:
                sample_from_dataset.compute_one_variable_with_unknown_package(attribute, dataset_pool=dataset_pool)
        sample_dataset_known_attributes = sample_from_dataset.get_known_attribute_names() #update after compute
        if sample_filter:
            short_name = VariableName(sample_filter).get_alias()
            if short_name not in sample_dataset_known_attributes:
                filter_indicator = sample_from_dataset.compute_variables(sample_filter, dataset_pool=dataset_pool)
                filter_indicator = sample_from_dataset.get_attribute(short_name)
            filter_indicator = 1
        sampled_index = array([], dtype=int32)

        #log header
        if PrettyTable is not None:
            status_log = PrettyTable()
            status_log.set_field_names(column_names + ["actual", "target", "expected", "difference", "action"])
            logger.log_status("\t".join(column_names + ["actual", "target", "expected", "difference", "action"]))
        error_log = ''
        for index in range(target_vacancy_for_this_year.size()):
            sample_indicator = ones( sample_from_dataset.size(), dtype='bool' )
            criterion = {}   # for logging
            for attribute in independent_variables:
                if attribute in sample_dataset_known_attributes:
                    sample_attribute = sample_from_dataset.get_attribute(attribute)
                    raise ValueError, "attribute %s used in target vacancy dataset can not be found in dataset %s" % (attribute, realestate_dataset.get_dataset_name())
                if attribute + '_min' in column_names:
                    amin = target_vacancy_for_this_year.get_attribute(attribute+'_min')[index] 
                    criterion.update({attribute + '_min':amin})
                    if amin != -1:
                        sample_indicator *= sample_attribute >= amin
                if attribute + '_max' in column_names: 
                    amax = target_vacancy_for_this_year.get_attribute(attribute+'_max')[index]
                    criterion.update({attribute + '_max':amax}) 
                    if amax != -1:
                        sample_indicator *= sample_attribute <= amax
                if attribute in column_names: 
                    aval = column_values[attribute][index] 
                    if aval == -1:
                    elif aval == -2:  ##treat -2 in control totals column as complement set, i.e. all other values not already specified in this column
                        sample_indicator *= logical_not(ismember(sample_attribute, column_values[attribute]))
                        sample_indicator *= sample_attribute == aval
            this_total_spaces_variable, this_occupied_spaces_variable = total_spaces_variable, occupied_spaces_variable
            ## total/occupied_spaces_variable can be specified either as a universal name for all realestate 
            ## or in targe_vacancy_rate dataset for each vacancy category
            if occupied_spaces_variable in target_vacancy_for_this_year.get_known_attribute_names():
                this_occupied_spaces_variable = target_vacancy_for_this_year.get_attribute(occupied_spaces_variable)[index]

            if total_spaces_variable in target_vacancy_for_this_year.get_known_attribute_names():
                this_total_spaces_variable = target_vacancy_for_this_year.get_attribute(total_spaces_variable)[index]
            this_total_spaces_variable += '_' + str(criterion[col])
            this_occupied_spaces_variable += '_' + str(criterion[col])
            logger.be_quiet() #temporarily disable logging
            realestate_dataset.compute_one_variable_with_unknown_package(this_occupied_spaces_variable, dataset_pool=dataset_pool)
            realestate_dataset.compute_one_variable_with_unknown_package(this_total_spaces_variable, dataset_pool=dataset_pool)
            sample_from_dataset.compute_one_variable_with_unknown_package(this_total_spaces_variable, dataset_pool=dataset_pool)
            actual_num = (realestate_dataset.get_attribute(this_total_spaces_variable)).sum()
            #target_num is obsolete with this version.
            target_num = int(round( (realestate_dataset.get_attribute(this_occupied_spaces_variable)).sum() /\
                                    (1 - target_vacancy_for_this_year.get_attribute(target_attribute_name)[index])))
            '''If the target vacancy is very small and the inflow to the region big it is not enough to check
            only the current simulation year's vacancy. The simulation is more robust if the BTM is anticipating the
            next year's population (of households and jobs).
            This version calculates the non residential spaces based on sqft requirements of jobs per sector. 
            #TODO: Make code more general to cover various stratifications in the real estate market.
            if criterion[col] == 0:
                """ Option without demography model
                idx = where(self.control_totals.get_attribute("year")==year + 1)[0]
                this_years_control_totals = DatasetSubset(self.control_totals, idx)
                expected_num = int(round( this_years_control_totals.get_attribute('total_number_of_households').sum() /\
                                    (1 - target_vacancy_for_this_year.get_attribute(target_attribute_name)[index])))""" 
                hh_dataset = dataset_pool.get_dataset( 'household' )
                number_of_hh = hh_dataset.size()
                expected_num = int(round( number_of_hh /\
                                    (1 - target_vacancy_for_this_year.get_attribute(target_attribute_name)[index]))) 
            if criterion[col] > 0:
                # Getting control totals per sector in a dictionary
                idx = where(self.employment_control_totals.get_attribute("year")==year)[0] # Create index to get the subset of control totals for the next simulation year.
                this_years_control_totals = DatasetSubset(self.employment_control_totals, idx) # Create the subset of control totals.
                idx_non_home_based = where(logical_and(this_years_control_totals['home_based_status'] == 0,this_years_control_totals['sector_id'] == criterion[col]))[0] # Create index of non home based control totals in current sector. Only non home based jobs are supported. TODO: Support home based jobs.
                this_years_control_totals = DatasetSubset(this_years_control_totals, idx_non_home_based)
#                idx_current_sector = where(this_years_control_totals['sector_id'] == criterion[col])[0]
                next_years_jobs = this_years_control_totals['number_of_jobs']
                controled_sectors = this_years_control_totals['sector_id']                
                sector_job_totals = dict(zip(controled_sectors, next_years_jobs.T)) # creating dictionary with sector id's as key and number of jobs as values to ensure multiplication with right requiremtents.

                # Getting infos on required sqft per sector. 
#                a_zone_id = min(self.building_sqft_per_job['zone_id']) # Get a zone number from the definition table. Here choose to take the minimum which is arbitrary. This code assumes constant sqft requirements in all zones. TODO: Support different sqft requirements per zone.
#                idx_zone = where(self.building_sqft_per_job['zone_id'] == a_zone_id)[0]
#                subset_sqft_per_job = DatasetSubset(self.building_sqft_per_job, idx_zone)
#                sqft_per_job = subset_sqft_per_job['building_sqft_per_job']
#                sectors_with_requirements = subset_sqft_per_job['sector_id']
#                requirements_by_sector = dict(zip(sectors_with_requirements, sqft_per_job.T))
#                needed_sqft_over_all_sectors = sector_job_totals[criterion[col]] * requirements_by_sector[criterion[col]]
#                expected_num = int(round( needed_sqft_over_all_sectors /\
#                                    (1 - target_vacancy_for_this_year.get_attribute(target_attribute_name)[index])))
                idx_sector = where(self.sectors['sector_id'] == criterion[col])
                subset_sqft_per_job_sector = DatasetSubset(self.sectors, idx_sector)
                needed_sqft_current_sector = sector_job_totals[criterion[col]] * subset_sqft_per_job_sector.get_attribute('sqm_per_job')
                expected_num = int(round( needed_sqft_current_sector /\
                                    (1 - target_vacancy_for_this_year.get_attribute(target_attribute_name)[index])))

            diff = expected_num - actual_num
            #Previous version which is checking the current years occupation.
            #diff = target_num - actual_num
            this_sampled_index = array([], dtype=int32)
            if diff > 0:
                total_spaces_in_sample_dataset = sample_from_dataset.get_attribute(this_total_spaces_variable)
                legit_index = where(logical_and(sample_indicator, filter_indicator) * total_spaces_in_sample_dataset > 0)[0]
                if legit_index.size > 0:
                    mean_size = total_spaces_in_sample_dataset[legit_index].mean()
                    num_of_projects_to_sample = int( diff / mean_size )
                    ##sampled at least 1 project when diff > 0, otherwise it is a endless loop when num_of_projects_to_sample = 0
                    num_of_projects_to_sample = num_of_projects_to_sample if num_of_projects_to_sample > 0 else 1
                    while total_spaces_in_sample_dataset[this_sampled_index].sum() < diff:
                        lucky_index = sample_replace(legit_index, num_of_projects_to_sample)
                        this_sampled_index = concatenate((this_sampled_index, lucky_index))
                    this_sampled_index = this_sampled_index[0:(1+searchsorted(cumsum(total_spaces_in_sample_dataset[this_sampled_index]), diff))]
                    sampled_index = concatenate((sampled_index, this_sampled_index))
                    error_log += "There is nothing to sample from %s and no new development will happen for " % sample_from_dataset.get_dataset_name() + \
                              ','.join([col+"="+str(criterion[col]) for col in column_names]) + '\n'
            #if diff < 0: #TODO demolition; not yet supported
            ##log status
            action = "0"
            if this_sampled_index.size > 0:
                action_num = total_spaces_in_sample_dataset[this_sampled_index].sum()
                if diff > 0: action = "+" + str(action_num)
                if diff < 0: action = "-" + str(action_num)
            cat = [ str(criterion[col]) for col in column_names]
            cat += [str(actual_num), str(target_num), str(expected_num), str(diff), action]
            if PrettyTable is not None:
        if PrettyTable is not None:
            logger.log_status("\n" + status_log.get_string())
        if error_log:
        #logger.log_note("Updating attributes of %s sampled development events." % sampled_index.size)
        result_data = {}
        result_dataset = None
        index = array([], dtype='int32')
        if sampled_index.size > 0:
            ### ideally duplicate_rows() is all needed to add newly cloned rows
            ### to be more cautious, copy the data to be cloned, remove elements, then append the cloned data
            #result_data.setdefault(year_built, resize(year, sampled_index.size).astype('int32')) # Reset the year_built attribute. Uncommented because it is overwritten in the for loop afterwards.
            ## also add 'independent_variables' to the new dataset
            for attribute in set(sample_from_dataset.get_primary_attribute_names() + independent_variables):
                if reset_attribute_value.has_key(attribute):
                    result_data[attribute] = resize(array(reset_attribute_value[attribute]), sampled_index.size)
                    result_data[attribute] = sample_from_dataset.get_attribute_by_index(attribute, sampled_index)
            # Reset the year_built attribute.
            result_data['year_built'] = resize(year, sampled_index.size).astype('int32')
            # TODO: Uncomment the following three lines to reset land_area, tax_exempt, zgde. Test still to be done. parcel_id should be changed by location choice model.
            #result_data['land_area'] = resize(-1, sampled_index.size).astype('int32')
            #result_data['tax_exempt'] = resize(-1, sampled_index.size).astype('int32')
            #result_data['zgde'] = resize(-1, sampled_index.size).astype('int32')
            if id_name and result_data and id_name not in result_data:
                result_data[id_name] = arange(sampled_index.size, dtype='int32') + 1
            storage = StorageFactory().get_storage('dict_storage')
            storage.write_table(table_name=table_name, table_data=result_data)
            result_dataset = Dataset(id_name = id_name,
                                      in_storage = storage,
                                      in_table_name = table_name,
                                      dataset_name = dataset_name
            index = arange(result_dataset.size())

        if append_to_realestate_dataset:
            if len(result_data) > 0:
                logger.start_block('Appending development events and living units')
                logger.log_note("Append %d sampled development events to real estate dataset." % len(result_data[result_data.keys()[0]]))
                index = realestate_dataset.add_elements(result_data, require_all_attributes=False,
                logger.start_block('Creating id mapping')
                # remember the ids from the development_event_history dataset.
                mapping_new_old = self.get_mapping_of_old_ids_to_new_ids(result_data, realestate_dataset, index)
                '''Getting living units associated to selected development events by iterating over the mapping dictionary and 
                selecting each time all the living units according to the old building ids.
                The living units are then added to selected_living_units_dict which is then
                added to living_units dataset. A dictionary is needed to use the add_elements method.
                Creating a dictionary also clones the records. The subset is only a view on the original table.'''
                selected_living_units_dict = {}
                counter = 0
                for new_id in mapping_new_old:
                    if counter == 0:
                        logger.log_note("Log assignment of every 100th development event")
                    counter +=1
                    if counter % 100 == 0:
                        logger.log_note("Assembling living units for development event %s" % new_id)
                    sel_index = [i for i in range(0, len(living_units_from_dataset['building_id'])) if living_units_from_dataset['building_id'][i] == mapping_new_old[new_id]]
                    living_units_this_sampled_building = DatasetSubset(living_units_from_dataset, sel_index) 
                    if len(selected_living_units_dict) == 0:
                        logger.start_block('Assign new building id')
                        for attribute_name in living_units_this_sampled_building.get_primary_attribute_names():
                            column = living_units_this_sampled_building.get_attribute(attribute_name)
                            if attribute_name == 'building_id':
                                new_ids = array(living_units_this_sampled_building.size() * [new_id], dtype=int32)
                                selected_living_units_dict.update({attribute_name: new_ids})
                                selected_living_units_dict.update({attribute_name: column})
                        this_living_units_dict ={}
                        for attribute_name in living_units_this_sampled_building.get_primary_attribute_names():
                            column = living_units_this_sampled_building.get_attribute(attribute_name)
                            if attribute_name == 'building_id':
                                new_ids = array(living_units_this_sampled_building.size() * [new_id], dtype=int32)
                                this_living_units_dict.update({attribute_name: new_ids})
                                this_living_units_dict.update({attribute_name: column})
                        for attribute_name in living_units_this_sampled_building.get_primary_attribute_names():
                            selected_living_units_dict[attribute_name] = concatenate([selected_living_units_dict[attribute_name], this_living_units_dict[attribute_name]])
                # Reset year_built attribute of living units
                selected_living_units_dict['year_built'] = resize(year, len(selected_living_units_dict['year_built'])).astype('int32')
                # TODO: Uncomment the following two lines to reset rent_price, zgde. Test still to be done
                # selected_living_units_dict['rent_price'] = resize(-1, len(selected_living_units_dict['rent_price'])).astype('int32')
                # selected_living_units_dict['zgde'] = resize(-1, len(selected_living_units_dict['zgde'])).astype('int32')

                index_units = living_units_dataset.add_elements(selected_living_units_dict, require_all_attributes=False,
                # Check consistency of buildings and living units. All living units must belong to a building
                if SimulationState().get_current_time() - SimulationState().get_start_time() == 1:
                    for building_id in living_units_dataset['building_id']:
                        if building_id not in realestate_dataset['building_id']:
                            logger.log_warning('Living unit with building_id %d has no corresponding building.' % (building_id))
                        # Uncomment next line to enforce consistency of living units and building dataset. Then you may uncomment the two previous lines.
#                        assert(building_id in realestate_dataset['building_id']), 'Living unit with building_id %d has no corresponding building.' % (building_id)

            result_dataset = realestate_dataset

        # It is recommended to derive all variables of buildings in relation to living units via expression variables.
        # However, if the building dataset contains attributes derived from living units these attributes should be consistent
        # with the living units table. Below an example.
        # Residential_units attribute of each building should be consistent with the number of living units associated.
#        self.check_consistency_of_living_units_per_building(realestate_dataset, living_units_dataset, mapping_new_old)

        return (result_dataset, index)