def get_atom2mo(qc): '''Assigns atom indices to molecular orbital coefficients. **Parameters:** qc.ao_spec : See :ref:`Central Variables` for details. **Returns:** atom2mo : numpy.ndarray, shape = (NAO,) Contains indices of atoms assigned to the molecular orbital coefficients. ''' atom2mo = [] a2mo_type = [] b = 0 for sel_ao in range(len(qc.ao_spec)): a = qc.ao_spec[sel_ao]['atom'] if 'exp_list' in qc.ao_spec[sel_ao].keys(): l = len(qc.ao_spec[sel_ao]['exp_list']) else: l = l_deg(l=qc.ao_spec[sel_ao]['type'].lower(), cartesian_basis=(qc.ao_spherical is None or qc.ao_spherical == [])) for i in range(l): atom2mo.append(a) b += 1 return numpy.array(atom2mo,dtype=int)
def get_ao_dipole_matrix(qc, component='x'): '''Computes the expectation value of the dipole moment operator between all atomic orbitals. **Parameters:** qc : class QCinfo class. (See :ref:`Central Variables` for details.) component : int or string, {'x','y', 'z'} Specifies the compontent of the dipole moment operator which shall be applied. **Returns:** ao_dipole_matrix : numpy.ndarray, shape=(NAO,NAO) Contains the expectation value matrix. ''' if isinstance(component, list): aoom = [] for ii_d in component: aoom.append(get_ao_dipole_matrix(qc, component=ii_d)) return aoom if not isinstance(component, int): component = 'xyz'.find(component) if component == -1: # Was the selection valid? raise ValueError("The selection of the component was not valid!" + " (component = 'x' or 'y' or 'z')") # Get the the exponents lx, ly, lz for the primitive Cartesian Gaussians of # the `Ket` basis set, and increase lz by one. lxlylz_b = get_lxlylz(qc.ao_spec) lxlylz_b[:, component] += 1 ao_part_1 = get_ao_overlap(qc.geo_spec, qc.geo_spec, qc.ao_spec, lxlylz_b=lxlylz_b, ao_spherical=qc.ao_spherical) # Compute the second part of the expectation value: ao_part_2 = get_ao_overlap(qc.geo_spec, qc.geo_spec, qc.ao_spec, ao_spherical=qc.ao_spherical) i = 0 for sel_ao in range(len(qc.ao_spec)): if 'exp_list' in qc.ao_spec[sel_ao].keys(): l = len(qc.ao_spec[sel_ao]['exp_list']) else: l = l_deg(l=qc.ao_spec[sel_ao]['type'].lower(), cartesian_basis=(qc.ao_spherical is None or qc.ao_spherical == [])) for ll in range(l): ao_part_2[:, i] *= qc.geo_spec[qc.ao_spec[sel_ao]['atom'], component] i += 1 # the atomic orbital overlap matrix return (ao_part_1 + ao_part_2)
def read_gaussian_log(fname, all_mo=False, spin=None, orientation='standard', i_link=-1, i_geo=-1, i_ao=-1, i_mo=-1, interactive=True, **kwargs): '''Reads all information desired from a Gaussian .log file. **Parameters:** fname: str, file descriptor Specifies the filename for the input file. fname can also be used with a file descriptor instad of a filename. all_mo : bool, optional If True, all molecular orbitals are returned. spin : {None, 'alpha', or 'beta'}, optional If not None, returns exclusively 'alpha' or 'beta' molecular orbitals. orientation : string, choices={'input', 'standard'}, optional Specifies orientation of the molecule in Gaussian nomenclature. [#first]_ i_link : int, default=-1 Selects the file for linked Gaussian jobs. i_geo : int, default=-1 Selects the geometry section of the output file. i_ao : int, default=-1 Selects the atomic orbital section of the output file. i_mo : int, default=-1 Selects the molecular orbital section of the output file. interactive : bool If True, the user is asked to select the different sets. **Returns:** qc (class QCinfo) with attributes geo_spec, geo_info, ao_spec, ao_spherical, mo_spec, etot : See :ref:`Central Variables` for details. .. [#first] Attention: The MOs in the output are only valid for the standard orientation! ''' if isinstance(fname, str): filename = fname fname = descriptor_from_file(filename, index=0) else: filename = flines = fname.readlines() # Read the WHOLE file into RAM if isinstance(fname, str): fname.close() # Leave existing file descriptors alive # Search the file the specific sections count = { 'link': 0, 'geometry': 0, 'geometry_input': 0, 'atomic orbitals': 0, 'molecular orbitals': [], 'state': [] } def check_sel(count, i, interactive=False, default=-1): if count == 0: raise IndexError elif count == 1: return 0 message = '\tPlease give an integer from 0 to {0} (default: {0}): '.format( count - 1) try: if interactive: i = raw_input(message) i = default if i == '' else int(i) i = range(count)[i] except (IndexError, ValueError): raise IOError(message.replace(':', '!')) else: display('\tSelecting the %s' % ('last element.' if (i == count - 1) else 'element %d.' % i)) return i # Go through the file line by line for il in range(len(flines)): line = flines[il] # The current line as string # Check the file for keywords if ' Entering Link 1' in line: count['link'] += 1 try: display('\tFound %d linked GAUSSIAN files.' % count['link']) i_link = check_sel(count['link'], i_link, interactive=interactive) except IndexError: raise IOError('Found no `Entering Link 1` keyword!') cartesian_basis = True c_link = 0 # Go through the file line by line for il in range(len(flines)): line = flines[il] # The current line as string thisline = line.split() # The current line split into segments # Check the file for keywords if ' Entering Link 1' in line: c_link += 1 if i_link == (c_link - 1): if ' orientation:' in line: if '%s orientation:' % orientation in line.lower(): count['geometry'] += 1 if 'input orientation:' in line.lower(): count['geometry_input'] += 1 elif 'Standard basis:' in line or 'General basis read from cards:' in line: # Check if a cartesian basis has been applied if '(5D, 7F)' in line: cartesian_basis = False elif '(6D, 10F)' not in line: raise IOError( 'Please apply a Spherical Harmonics (5D, 7F) or ' + 'a Cartesian Gaussian Basis Set (6D, 10F)!') elif 'AO basis set' in line: count['atomic orbitals'] += 1 elif 'The electronic state is ' in line: count['state'].append(thisline[-1][:-1]) elif 'Orbital Coefficients:' in line: mo_type = thisline[0] if mo_type != 'Beta': count['molecular orbitals'].append(mo_type) else: count['molecular orbitals'][-1] = 'Alpha&Beta' display('\nContent of the GAUSSIAN .log file:') display('\tFound %d geometry section(s). (%s orientation)' % (count['geometry'], orientation)) try: i_geo = check_sel(count['geometry'], i_geo, interactive=interactive) except IndexError: count['geometry'] = count['geometry_input'] orientation = 'input' display('\Looking for "Input orientation": \n' + '\tFound %d geometry section(s). (%s orientation)' % (count['geometry'], orientation)) try: i_geo = check_sel(count['geometry'], i_geo, interactive=interactive) except IndexError: raise IOError('Found no geometry section!' + ' Are you sure this is a GAUSSIAN .log file?') try: display('\tFound %d atomic orbitals section(s) %s.' % (count['atomic orbitals'], '(6D, 10F)' if cartesian_basis else '(5D, 7F)')) i_ao = check_sel(count['atomic orbitals'], i_ao, interactive=interactive) except IndexError: raise IOError('Write GFINPUT in your GAUSSIAN route section to print' + ' the basis set information!') try: display('\tFound the following %d molecular orbitals section(s):' % len(count['molecular orbitals'])) except IndexError: raise IOError( 'Write IOP(6/7=3) in your GAUSSIAN route section to print\n' + ' all molecular orbitals!') for i, j in enumerate(count['molecular orbitals']): string = '\t\tSection %d: %s Orbitals' % (i, j) try: string += ' (electronic state: %s)' % count['state'][i] except IndexError: pass display(string) i_mo = check_sel(len(count['molecular orbitals']), i_mo, interactive=interactive) if spin is not None: if spin != 'alpha' and spin != 'beta': raise IOError('`spin=%s` is not a valid option' % spin) else: display('Reading only molecular orbitals of spin %s.' % spin) # Set a counter for the AOs basis_count = 0 # Initialize some variables sec_flag = None skip = 0 c_link = 0 c_geo = 0 c_ao = 0 c_mo = 0 c_sao = 0 old_ao = -1 orb_sym = [] qc = QCinfo() index = [] # Go through the file line by line for il in range(len(flines)): line = flines[il] # The current line as string thisline = line.split() # The current line split into segments # Check the file for keywords if ' Entering Link 1' in line: c_link += 1 if i_link == (c_link - 1): if '%s orientation:' % orientation in line.lower(): # The section containing information about # the molecular geometry begins if i_geo == c_geo: qc.geo_info = [] qc.geo_spec = [] sec_flag = 'geo_info' c_geo += 1 skip = 4 elif 'Standard basis:' in line or 'General basis read from cards:' in line: # Check if a cartesian basis has been applied if '(5D, 7F)' in line: cartesian_basis = False elif '(6D, 10F)' not in line: raise IOError( 'Please apply a Spherical Harmonics (5D, 7F) or ' + 'a Cartesian Gaussian Basis Sets (6D, 10F)!') elif 'AO basis set' in line: # The section containing information about # the atomic orbitals begins if i_ao == c_ao: qc.ao_spec = [] if not cartesian_basis: qc.ao_spherical = [] sec_flag = 'ao_info' c_ao += 1 basis_count = 0 bNew = True # Indication for start of new AO section elif 'Orbital symmetries:' in line: sec_flag = 'mo_sym' add = '' orb_sym = [] elif 'Orbital Coefficients:' in line: # The section containing information about # the molecular orbitals begins if (i_mo == c_mo): sec_flag = 'mo_info' mo_type = count['molecular orbitals'][i_mo] qc.mo_spec = [] offset = 0 add = '' orb_spin = [] if orb_sym == []: if 'Alpha' in mo_type: add = '_a' orb_spin = ['alpha'] * basis_count orb_sym = ['A1' + add] * basis_count if 'Beta' in mo_type: add = '_b' orb_spin += ['beta'] * basis_count orb_sym += ['A1' + add] * basis_count for i in range(len(orb_sym)): # for numpy version < 1.6 c = ((numpy.array(orb_sym[:i + 1]) == orb_sym[i]) != 0).sum() # for numpy version >= 1.6 this could be used: #c = numpy.count_nonzero(numpy.array(orb_sym[:i+1]) == orb_sym[i]) qc.mo_spec.append({ 'coeffs': numpy.zeros(basis_count), 'energy': 0., 'sym': '%d.%s' % (c, orb_sym[i]) }) if orb_spin != []: qc.mo_spec[-1]['spin'] = orb_spin[i] if mo_type != 'Beta': c_mo += 1 bNew = True # Indication for start of new MO section elif 'E(' in line: qc.etot = float(line.split('=')[1].split()[0]) else: # Check if we are in a specific section if sec_flag == 'geo_info': if not skip: qc.geo_info.append( [thisline[1], thisline[0], thisline[1]]) qc.geo_spec.append([float(ij) for ij in thisline[3:]]) if '-----------' in flines[il + 1]: sec_flag = None else: skip -= 1 if sec_flag == 'ao_info': # Atomic orbital section if ' ****' in line: # There is a line with stars after every AO bNew = True # If there is an additional blank line, the AO section is complete if flines[il + 1].split() == []: sec_flag = None elif bNew: # The following AOs are for which atom? bNew = False at_num = int(thisline[0]) - 1 ao_num = 0 elif len(thisline) == 4: # AO information section # Initialize a new dict for this AO ao_num = 0 # Initialize number of atomic orbiatls ao_type = thisline[0].lower() # Type of atomic orbital pnum = int(thisline[1]) # Number of primatives for i_ao in ao_type: # Calculate the degeneracy of this AO and increase basis_count basis_count += l_deg( lquant[i_ao], cartesian_basis=cartesian_basis) qc.ao_spec.append({ 'atom': at_num, 'type': i_ao, 'pnum': pnum, 'coeffs': numpy.zeros((pnum, 2)) }) else: # Append the AO coefficients coeffs = numpy.array(line.replace('D', 'e').split(), dtype=numpy.float64) for i_ao in range(len(ao_type)): qc.ao_spec[-len(ao_type) + i_ao]['coeffs'][ao_num, :] = [ coeffs[0], coeffs[1 + i_ao] ] ao_num += 1 if sec_flag == 'mo_sym': if 'electronic state' in line: sec_flag = None else: info = line[18:].replace('(', '').replace(')', '').split() if 'Alpha' in line: add = '_a' elif 'Beta' in line: add = '_b' for i in info: orb_sym.append(i + add) if sec_flag == 'mo_info': # Molecular orbital section info = line[:21].split() if info == []: coeffs = line[21:].split() if bNew: index = [offset + i for i in range(len(coeffs))] bNew = False else: for i, j in enumerate(index): qc.mo_spec[j]['occ_num'] = int( 'O' in coeffs[i]) if mo_type not in 'Alpha&Beta': qc.mo_spec[j]['occ_num'] *= 2 elif 'Eigenvalues' in info: coeffs = line[21:].replace('-', ' -').split() if mo_type == 'Natural': key = 'occ_num' else: key = 'energy' for i, j in enumerate(index): qc.mo_spec[j][key] = float(coeffs[i]) else: coeffs = line[21:].replace('-', ' -').split() if not cartesian_basis and offset == 0: if old_ao != line[:14].split()[-1] or len( line[:14].split()) == 4: old_ao = line[:14].split()[-1] c_sao += 1 i = c_sao - 1 l = lquant[line[13].lower()] m = line[14:21].replace(' ', '').lower() p = 'yzx'.find(m) if len(m) == 1 else -1 if p != -1: m = p - 1 elif m == '': m = 0 else: m = int(m) qc.ao_spherical.append([i, (l, m)]) for i, j in enumerate(index): qc.mo_spec[j]['coeffs'][int(info[0]) - 1] = float( coeffs[i]) if int(info[0]) == basis_count: bNew = True offset = index[-1] + 1 if index[-1] + 1 == len(orb_sym): sec_flag = None orb_sym = [] # Are all MOs requested for the calculation? if not all_mo: for i in range(len(qc.mo_spec))[::-1]: if qc.mo_spec[i]['occ_num'] < 0.0000001: del qc.mo_spec[i] if spin is not None: if orb_spin == []: raise IOError( 'You requested `%s` orbitals, but None of them are present.' % spin) else: for i in range(len(qc.mo_spec))[::-1]: if qc.mo_spec[i]['spin'] != spin: del qc.mo_spec[i] # Convert geo_info and geo_spec to numpy.ndarrays qc.format_geo(is_angstrom=True) return qc
def gross_atomic_density(atom, qc, bReturnmo=False, ao_list=None, mo_list=None, drv=None): r'''Computes the gross atomic density with respect to the selected atoms. .. math:: \rho^a = \sum_i^{N_{\rm MO}} {\rm occ}_i \cdot \varphi_i^a \cdot \varphi_i **Parameters:** atom : 'all' or int or list of int Specifies the atoms (counting from one) for which the gross atomic density will be computed. If (atom == 'all') or (atom == -1), computes the gross atomic density for all atoms. qc.geo_spec, qc.geo_info, qc.ao_spec, qc.mo_spec : See :ref:`Central Variables` for details. bReturnmo : bool, optional If True, the gross atomic molecular orbitals are additionally returned. **Returns:** rho_atom : list of numpy.ndarrays, shape=(len(atoms,) + N) Contains the atom gross atomic density on a grid. mo_atom : list of numpy.ndarrays, shape=(len(atoms,NMO) + N) Contains the NMO=len(mo_spec) gross atomic molecular orbitals on a grid. ''' if (atom == 'all' or atom == -1): atom = range(1, len(qc.geo_info) + 1) atom, index = atom2index(atom, geo_info=qc.geo_info) display('Computing the gross atomic density with respect to ' + 'the atom(s) (internal numbering)') outp = '\t[' for i, a in enumerate(atom): if not i % 10 and i != 0: outp += '\n\t' outp += '%d,\t' % a display('%s]\n' % outp[:-2]) display('\tCalculating ao_list & mo_list') if ao_list is None: ao_list = core.ao_creator(qc.geo_spec, qc.ao_spec, drv=drv) if mo_list is None: mo_list = core.mo_creator(ao_list, qc.mo_spec) display('\tCalculating the gross atomic density') N = mo_list.shape[1:] if bReturnmo: mo_atom = [[] for a in index] rho_atom = [numpy.zeros(N) for a in index] for i, a in enumerate(index): display('\t\tFinished %d of %d' % (i + 1, len(index))) ao_index = [] ao = [] ll = 0 for ii in qc.ao_spec: for l in range(core.l_deg(l=ii['type'])): if ii['atom'] == a: ao_index.append(ll) ao.append(ao_list[ll]) ll += 1 for ii_mo, spec in enumerate(qc.mo_spec): mo_info = numpy.zeros(N) for jj in range(len(ao_index)): mo_info += spec['coeffs'][ao_index[jj]] * ao[jj] rho_atom[i] += spec['occ_num'] * mo_list[ii_mo] * mo_info if bReturnmo: mo_atom[i].append(mo_info) string = 'Returning the gross atomic density' if bReturnmo: display(string + ' and\n\tthe gross atomic molecular orbitals') return rho_atom, mo_atom else: display(string) return rho_atom
ao_part_1 = get_ao_overlap(qc.geo_spec, qc.geo_spec, qc.ao_spec, lxlylz_b=lxlylz_b, ao_spherical=qc.ao_spherical) # Compute the second part of the expectation value: ao_part_2 = get_ao_overlap(qc.geo_spec, qc.geo_spec, qc.ao_spec, ao_spherical=qc.ao_spherical) i = 0 for sel_ao in range(len(qc.ao_spec)): l = l_deg(l=qc.ao_spec[sel_ao]['type'].lower(), cartesian_basis=(qc.ao_spherical is None)) for ll in range(l): ao_part_2[:, i] *= qc.geo_spec[qc.ao_spec[sel_ao]['atom'], component] i += 1 ao_dipole_matrix = (ao_part_1 + ao_part_2) # Print the atomic orbital dipole matrix if 0: print2D(ao_dipole_matrix) # Compute the electronic part of the dipole moment dm = 0. for i, i_mo in enumerate(qc.mo_spec): dm -= i_mo['occ_num'] * get_mo_overlap(i_mo['coeffs'], i_mo['coeffs'],
def convert_json(jData, all_mo=False, spin=None): '''Converts a scanlog JSON data instance to an instance of orbkit's QCinfo class. **Parameters:** jData : class Contains the input JSON data. all_mo : bool, optional If True, all molecular orbitals are returned. spin : {None, 'alpha', or 'beta'}, optional If not None, returns exclusively 'alpha' or 'beta' molecular orbitals. **Returns:** qc (class QCinfo) with attributes geo_spec, geo_info, ao_spec, mo_spec, etot : See :ref:`Central Variables` for details. ''' aa_to_au = 1/0.52917720859 # Initialize the variables qc = QCinfo() # Converting all information concerning atoms and geometry qc.geo_spec = numpy.array(jData['results']['geometry']['elements_3D_coords_converged']).reshape((-1, 3)) * aa_to_au for ii in range(jData["molecule"]['nb_atoms']): symbol = get_atom_symbol(atom=jData["molecule"]['atoms_Z'][ii]) qc.geo_info.append([symbol,str(ii+1),str(jData["molecule"]['atoms_Z'][ii])]) # Convert geo_info and geo_spec to numpy.ndarrays qc.format_geo() # Converting all information about atomic basis set from pickle import loads gbasis = loads(bytes(jData['comp_details']['general']['basis_set'], 'utf-8')) for ii in range(jData["molecule"]['nb_atoms']): for jj in range(len(gbasis[ii])): pnum = len(gbasis[ii][jj][1]) qc.ao_spec.append({'atom': ii, 'type': str(gbasis[ii][jj][0]).lower(), 'pnum': pnum, 'coeffs': numpy.zeros((pnum, 2)) }) for kk in range(pnum): qc.ao_spec[-1]['coeffs'][kk][0] = gbasis[ii][jj][1][kk][0] qc.ao_spec[-1]['coeffs'][kk][1] = gbasis[ii][jj][1][kk][1] if "ao_names" in jData['comp_details']['general']: # Reconstruct exponents list for ao_spec aonames = jData['comp_details']['general']['ao_names'] cartesian_basis = True for i in aonames: if '+' in i or '-' in i: cartesian_basis = False # There is a problem here with the 6D 7F basis sets, that are a mixture of cartesian and spherical basis sets. if not cartesian_basis: qc.ao_spherical = [] count = 0 for i,ao in enumerate(qc.ao_spec): l = l_deg(lquant[ao['type']],cartesian_basis=cartesian_basis) if cartesian_basis: ao['exp_list'] = [] for ll in range(l): if cartesian_basis: ao['exp_list'].append((aonames[count].lower().count('x'), aonames[count].lower().count('y'), aonames[count].lower().count('z'))) else: m = aonames[count].lower().split('_')[-1] m = m.replace('+',' +').replace('-',' -').replace('s','s 0').split(' ') p = 'yzx'.find(m[0][-1]) if p != -1: m = p - 1 else: m = int(m[-1]) qc.ao_spherical.append([i,(lquant[ao['type']],m)]) count += 1 # Converting all information about molecular orbitals ele_num = numpy.sum(jData["molecule"]['atoms_Z']) - numpy.sum(jData['comp_details']['general']['core_electrons_per_atoms']) - jData['molecule']['charge'] ue = (jData['molecule']['multiplicity']-1) # Check for natural orbitals and occupation numbers is_natorb = False #if hasattr(ccData,'nocoeffs'): # if not hasattr(ccData,'nooccnos'): # raise IOError('There are natural orbital coefficients (`nocoeffs`) in the cclib' + # ' ccData, but no natural occupation numbers (`nooccnos`)!') # is_natorb = True restricted = (len(jData['results']['wavefunction']['MO_energies']) == 1) if spin is not None: if spin != 'alpha' and spin != 'beta': raise IOError('`spin=%s` is not a valid option' % spin) elif restricted: raise IOError('The keyword `spin` is only supported for unrestricted calculations.') else: display('Converting only molecular orbitals of spin %s.' % spin) import scipy.sparse sym = {} shape = (jData['results']['wavefunction']['MO_number_kept'], jData['comp_details']['general']['basis_set_size']) pre_mocoeffs = jData['results']["wavefunction"]["MO_coefs"] if restricted: add = [''] orb_sym = [None] mocoeffs = [numpy.asarray(scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(tuple([numpy.asarray(d) for d in pre_mocoeffs[0]]), shape=shape).todense())] else: add = ['_a','_b'] orb_sym = ['alpha','beta'] mocoeffs = [numpy.asarray(scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(tuple([numpy.asarray(d) for d in pre_mocoeffs[0]]), shape=shape).todense()), numpy.asarray(scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(tuple([numpy.asarray(d) for d in pre_mocoeffs[1]]), shape=shape).todense())] nmo = jData['results']['wavefunction']['MO_number'] if "nmo" in jData['results']['wavefunction'] else len(mocoeffs[0]) for ii in range(nmo): for i,j in enumerate(add): a = '%s%s' % (jData['results']['wavefunction']['MO_sym'][i][ii],j) if a not in sym.keys(): sym[a] = 1 else: sym[a] += 1 #if is_natorb: # occ_num = ccData.nooccnos[ii] if not restricted: occ_num = 1.0 if ii <= jData['results']['wavefunction']['homo_indexes'][i] else 0.0 elif ele_num > ue: occ_num = 2.0 ele_num -= 2.0 elif ele_num > 0.0 and ele_num <= ue: occ_num = 1.0 ele_num -= 1.0 ue -= 1.0 else: occ_num = 0.0 qc.mo_spec.append({'coeffs': mocoeffs[i][ii], 'energy': jData['results']['wavefunction']['MO_energies'][i][ii], 'occ_num': occ_num, 'sym': '%d.%s' %(sym[a],a) }) if orb_sym[i] is not None: qc.mo_spec[-1]['spin'] = orb_sym[i] if spin is not None and spin != orb_sym[i]: del qc.mo_spec[-1] # Use default order for atomic basis functions if aonames is not present if 'ao_names' not in jData['comp_details']['general']: display('The attribute `aonames` is not present in the parsed data.') display('Using the default order of basis functions.') # Check which basis functions have been used c_cart = sum([l_deg(l=ao['type'], cartesian_basis=True) for ao in qc.ao_spec]) c_sph = sum([l_deg(l=ao['type'], cartesian_basis=False) for ao in qc.ao_spec]) c = create_mo_coeff(qc.mo_spec,'').shape[-1] if c != c_cart and c == c_sph: # Spherical basis qc.ao_spherical = get_ao_spherical(qc.ao_spec,p=[0,1]) elif c != c_cart: display('Warning: The basis set type does not match with pure spherical ' + 'or pure Cartesian basis!') display('Please specify qc.mo_spec["exp_list"] and/or qc.ao_spherical by your self.') # Are all MOs requested for the calculation? if not all_mo: for i in range(len(qc.mo_spec))[::-1]: if qc.mo_spec[i]['occ_num'] < 0.0000001: del qc.mo_spec[i] return qc
def read_molden(fname, all_mo=False, spin=None, i_md=-1, interactive=True, **kwargs): '''Reads all information desired from a molden file. **Parameters:** fname: str, file descriptor Specifies the filename for the input file. fname can also be used with a file descriptor instad of a filename. all_mo : bool, optional If True, all molecular orbitals are returned. spin : {None, 'alpha', or 'beta'}, optional If not None, returns exclusively 'alpha' or 'beta' molecular orbitals. i_md : int, default=-1 Selects the `[Molden Format]` section of the output file. interactive : bool If True, the user is asked to select the different sets. **Returns:** qc (class QCinfo) with attributes geo_spec, geo_info, ao_spec, mo_spec, etot : See :ref:`Central Variables` for details. ''' molden_regex = re.compile(r"\[[ ]{,}[Mm]olden[ ]+[Ff]ormat[ ]{,}\]") if isinstance(fname, str): filename = fname fname = descriptor_from_file(filename, index=0) else: filename = flines = fname.readlines() # Read the WHOLE file into RAM if isinstance(fname, str): fname.close() # Leave existing file descriptors alive def check_sel(count, i, interactive=False): if count == 0: raise IndexError elif count == 1: return 0 message = '\tPlease give an integer from 0 to {0}: '.format(count - 1) try: if interactive: i = int(raw_input(message)) i = range(count)[i] except (IndexError, ValueError): raise IOError(message.replace(':', '!')) else: display('\tSelecting the %s' % ('last element.' if (i == count - 1) else 'element %d.' % i)) return i has_alpha = [] has_beta = [] restricted = [] cartesian_basis = [] mixed_warning = [] by_orca = [] count = 0 # Go through the file line by line for il in range(len(flines)): line = flines[il] # The current line as string # Check the file for keywords if count += 1 has_alpha.append(False) has_beta.append(False) restricted.append(False) cartesian_basis.append(True) mixed_warning.append(False) by_orca.append(False) if 'orca' in line.lower(): by_orca[-1] = True if '[5d]' in line.lower() or '[5d7f]' in line.lower(): cartesian_basis[-1] = False if '[5d10f]' in line.lower(): mixed_warning[-1] = '5D, 10F' cartesian_basis[-1] = False if '[7f]' in line.lower(): mixed_warning[-1] = '6D, 7F' cartesian_basis[-1] = True if 'Spin' in line and 'alpha' in line.lower(): has_alpha[-1] = True if 'Spin' in line and 'beta' in line.lower(): has_beta[-1] = True if 'Occup' in line: restricted[-1] = restricted[-1] or (float(line.split('=')[1]) > 1. + 1e-4) if count == 0: raise IOError('The input file %s is no valid molden file!\n\nIt does' % filename + ' not contain the keyword: [Molden Format]\n') else: if count > 1: display('\nContent of the molden file:') display('\tFound %d [Molden Format] keywords, i.e., ' % count + 'this file contains %d molden files.' % count) i_md = check_sel(count, i_md, interactive=interactive) if spin is not None: if restricted[i_md]: raise IOError( 'The keyword `spin` is only supported for unrestricted calculations.' ) if spin != 'alpha' and spin != 'beta': raise IOError('`spin=%s` is not a valid option' % spin) elif spin == 'alpha' and has_alpha[i_md]: display('Reading only molecular orbitals of spin alpha.') elif spin == 'beta' and has_beta[i_md]: display('Reading only molecular orbitals of spin beta.') elif (not has_alpha[i_md]) and (not has_beta[i_md]): raise IOError( 'Molecular orbitals in `molden` file do not contain `Spin=` keyword' ) elif ((spin == 'alpha' and not has_alpha[i_md]) or (spin == 'beta' and not has_beta[i_md])): raise IOError( 'You requested `%s` orbitals, but None of them are present.' % spin) # Set a counter for the AOs basis_count = 0 sym = {} # Declare synonyms for molden keywords synonyms = { 'Sym': 'sym', 'Ene': 'energy', 'Occup': 'occ_num', 'Spin': 'spin' } MO_keys = synonyms.keys() count = 0 max_l = 0 start_reading = False # Go through the file line by line for il in range(len(flines)): line = flines[il] # The current line as string thisline = line.split() # The current line split into segments # Check the file for keywords if '[molden format]' in line.lower(): # A new file begins # Initialize the variables if i_md == count: qc = QCinfo() sec_flag = False # A Flag specifying the current section start_reading = True # Found the selected section else: start_reading = False count += 1 continue if start_reading: if '_ENERGY=' in line: try: qc.etot = float(thisline[1]) except IndexError: pass elif '[atoms]' in line.lower(): # The section containing information about # the molecular geometry begins sec_flag = 'geo_info' if 'Angs' in line: # The length are given in Angstroem # and have to be converted to Bohr radii -- aa_to_au = 1 / 0.52917720859 else: # The length are given in Bohr radii aa_to_au = 1.0 elif '[gto]' in line.lower(): # The section containing information about # the atomic orbitals begins sec_flag = 'ao_info' bNew = True # Indication for start of new AO section elif '[mo]' in line.lower(): # The section containing information about # the molecular orbitals begins sec_flag = 'mo_info' bNew = True # Indication for start of new MO section elif '[sto]' in line.lower(): # The orbkit does not support Slater type orbitals raise IOError('orbkit does not work for STOs!\nEXIT\n') elif '[' in line: sec_flag = None else: # Check if we are in a specific section if sec_flag == 'geo_info' and thisline != []: # Geometry section qc.geo_info.append(thisline[0:3]) qc.geo_spec.append( [float(ii) * aa_to_au for ii in thisline[3:]]) if sec_flag == 'ao_info': # Atomic orbital section def check_int(i): try: int(i) return True except ValueError: return False if thisline == []: # There is a blank line after every AO bNew = True elif bNew: # The following AOs are for which atom? bNew = False at_num = int(thisline[0]) - 1 ao_num = 0 elif len(thisline) == 3 and check_int(thisline[1]): # AO information section # Initialize a new dict for this AO ao_num = 0 # Initialize number of atomic orbiatls ao_type = thisline[ 0] # Which type of atomic orbital do we have pnum = int(thisline[1]) # Number of primatives # Calculate the degeneracy of this AO and increase basis_count for i_ao in ao_type: # Calculate the degeneracy of this AO and increase basis_count basis_count += l_deg( lquant[i_ao], cartesian_basis=cartesian_basis[i_md]) max_l = max(max_l, lquant[i_ao]) qc.ao_spec.append({ 'atom': at_num, 'type': i_ao, 'pnum': -pnum if by_orca[i_md] else pnum, 'coeffs': numpy.zeros((pnum, 2)) }) else: # Append the AO coefficients coeffs = numpy.array(line.replace('D', 'e').split(), dtype=numpy.float64) for i_ao in range(len(ao_type)): qc.ao_spec[-len(ao_type) + i_ao]['coeffs'][ao_num, :] = [ coeffs[0], coeffs[1 + i_ao] ] ao_num += 1 if sec_flag == 'mo_info': # Molecular orbital section if '=' in line: # MO information section if bNew: # Create a numpy array for the MO coefficients and # for backward compability create a simple counter for 'sym' qc.mo_spec.append({ 'coeffs': numpy.zeros(basis_count), 'sym': '%d.1' % (len(qc.mo_spec) + 1) }) bNew = False # Append information to dict of this MO info = line.replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '') info = info.split('=') if info[0] in MO_keys: if info[0] == 'Spin': info[1] = info[1].lower() elif info[0] != 'Sym': info[1] = float(info[1]) elif not '.' in info[1]: from re import search try: a = search(r'\d+', info[1]).group() if a == info[1]: info[1] = '%s.1' % a elif info[1].startswith(a): info[1] = info[1].replace( a, '%s.' % a, 1) else: raise AttributeError except AttributeError: if info[1] not in sym.keys(): sym[info[1]] = 1 else: sym[info[1]] += 1 info[1] = '%d.%s' % (sym[info[1]], info[1]) qc.mo_spec[-1][synonyms[info[0]]] = info[1] else: if ('[' or ']') in line: # start of another section that is not (yet) read sec_flag = None else: # Append the MO coefficients bNew = True # Reset bNew index = int(thisline[0]) - 1 try: # Try to convert coefficient to float qc.mo_spec[-1]['coeffs'][index] = float( thisline[1]) except ValueError: # If it cannot be converted print error message raise ValueError( 'Error in coefficient %d of MO %s!' % (index, qc.mo_spec[-1]['sym']) + '\nSetting this coefficient to zero...') # Spherical basis? if not cartesian_basis[i_md]: qc.ao_spherical = get_ao_spherical(qc.ao_spec, p=[1, 0]) if max_l > 2 and mixed_warning[i_md]: raise IOError('The input file %s contains ' % filename + 'mixed spherical and Cartesian function (%s).' % mixed_warning[i_md] + 'ORBKIT does not support these basis functions yet. ' + 'Pleas contact us, if you need this feature!') # Are all MOs requested for the calculation? if not all_mo: for i in range(len(qc.mo_spec))[::-1]: if qc.mo_spec[i]['occ_num'] < 0.0000001: del qc.mo_spec[i] # Only molecular orbitals of one spin requested? if spin is not None: for i in range(len(qc.mo_spec))[::-1]: if qc.mo_spec[i]['spin'] != spin: del qc.mo_spec[i] if restricted[i_md]: # Closed shell calculation for mo in qc.mo_spec: del mo['spin'] else: # Rename MOs according to spin for mo in qc.mo_spec: mo['sym'] += '_%s' % mo['spin'][0] # Orca uses for all molecular orbitals the same name sym = [i['sym'] for i in qc.mo_spec] if sym[1:] == sym[:-1]: sym = sym[0].split('.')[-1] for i in range(len(qc.mo_spec)): qc.mo_spec[i]['sym'] = '%d.%s' % (i + 1, sym) # Convert geo_info and geo_spec to numpy.ndarrays qc.format_geo() # Check the normalization from orbkit.analytical_integrals import get_ao_overlap, get_lxlylz norm = numpy.diagonal(get_ao_overlap(qc.geo_spec, qc.geo_spec, qc.ao_spec)) if sum(numpy.abs(norm - 1.)) > 1e-8: display( 'The atomic orbitals are not normalized correctly, renormalizing...\n' ) if not by_orca[i_md]: j = 0 for i in range(len(qc.ao_spec)): qc.ao_spec[i]['coeffs'][:, 1] /= numpy.sqrt(norm[j]) for n in range( l_deg(lquant[qc.ao_spec[i]['type']], cartesian_basis=True)): j += 1 else: qc.ao_spec[0]['N'] = 1 / numpy.sqrt(norm[:, numpy.newaxis]) if cartesian_basis[i_md]: from orbkit.cy_overlap import ommited_cca_norm cca = ommited_cca_norm(get_lxlylz(qc.ao_spec)) for mo in qc.mo_spec: mo['coeffs'] *= cca return qc
def read_aomix(fname, all_mo=False, spin=None, i_md=-1, interactive=True, created_by_tmol=True, **kwargs): '''Reads all information desired from a aomix file. **Parameters:** fname: str, file descriptor Specifies the filename for the input file. fname can also be used with a file descriptor instad of a filename. all_mo : bool, optional If True, all molecular orbitals are returned. spin : {None, 'alpha', or 'beta'}, optional If not None, returns exclusively 'alpha' or 'beta' molecular orbitals. i_md : int, default=-1 Selects the `[AOMix Format]` section of the output file. interactive : bool If True, the user is asked to select the different sets. created_by_tmol : bool If True and if Cartesian basis set is found, the molecular orbital coefficients will be converted. **Returns:** qc (class QCinfo) with attributes geo_spec, geo_info, ao_spec, mo_spec, etot : See :ref:`Central Variables` for details. ''' aomix_regex = re.compile(r"\[[ ]{,}[Aa][Oo][Mm]ix[ ]+[Ff]ormat[ ]{,}\]") if isinstance(fname, str): filename = fname fname = descriptor_from_file(filename, index=0) else: filename = flines = fname.readlines() # Read the WHOLE file into RAM if isinstance(fname, str): fname.close() # Leave existing file descriptors alive # Is this really a aomix file? if not '[AOMix Format]\n' in flines: raise IOError('The input file %s is no valid aomix file!\n\nIt does' % filename + ' not contain the keyword: [AOMix Format]\n') def check_sel(count, i, interactive=False): if count == 0: raise IndexError elif count == 1: return 0 message = '\tPlease give an integer from 0 to %d: ' % (count - 1) try: if interactive: i = int(raw_input(message)) i = range(count)[i] except (IndexError, ValueError): raise IOError(message.replace(':', '!')) else: display('\tSelecting the %s' % ('last element.' if (i == count - 1) else 'element %d.' % i)) return i has_alpha = [] has_beta = [] restricted = [] count = 0 # Go through the file line by line for il in range(len(flines)): line = flines[il] # The current line as string # Check the file for keywords if count += 1 has_alpha.append(False) has_beta.append(False) restricted.append(False) if 'Spin' in line and 'alpha' in line.lower(): has_alpha[-1] = True if 'Spin' in line and 'beta' in line.lower(): has_beta[-1] = True if 'Occup' in line: restricted[-1] = restricted[-1] or (float(line.split('=')[1]) > 1. + 1e-4) if count == 0: raise IOError('The input file %s is no valid aomix file!\n\nIt does' % filename + ' not contain the keyword: [AOMix Format]\n') else: if count > 1: display('\nContent of the aomix file:') display('\tFound %d [AOMix Format] keywords, i.e., ' % count + 'this file contains %d aomix files.' % count) i_md = check_sel(count, i_md, interactive=interactive) spin_check(spin, restricted[i_md], has_alpha[i_md], has_beta[i_md]) # Set a counter for the AOs basis_count = 0 # Declare synonyms for molden keywords synonyms = { 'Sym': 'sym', 'Ene': 'energy', 'Occup': 'occ_num', 'Spin': 'spin' } MO_keys = synonyms.keys() exp_list = [] count = 0 start_reading = False # Go through the file line by line for il in range(len(flines)): line = flines[il] # The current line as string thisline = line.split() # The current line split into segments # Check the file for keywords if '[aomix format]' in line.lower(): # A new file begins # Initialize the variables if i_md == count: qc = QCinfo() sec_flag = False # A Flag specifying the current section start_reading = True # Found the selected section else: start_reading = False count += 1 continue if start_reading: if '[SCF Energy / Hartree]' in line: try: qc.etot = float(flines[il + 1].split()[0]) except IndexError: pass elif '[atoms]' in line.lower(): # The section containing information about # the molecular geometry begins sec_flag = 'geo_info' angstrom = 'Angs' in line elif '[gto]' in line.lower(): # The section containing information about # the atomic orbitals begins sec_flag = 'ao_info' bNew = True # Indication for start of new AO section elif '[mo]' in line.lower(): # The section containing information about # the molecular orbitals begins sec_flag = 'mo_info' bNew = True # Indication for start of new MO section elif '[sto]' in line.lower(): # The orbkit does not support Slater type orbitals raise IOError('orbkit does not work for STOs!\nEXIT\n') else: # Check if we are in a specific section if sec_flag == 'geo_info': # Geometry section qc.geo_info.append(thisline[0:3]) qc.geo_spec.append([float(ii) for ii in thisline[3:]]) if sec_flag == 'ao_info': # Atomic orbital section def check_int(i): try: int(i) return True except ValueError: return False if thisline == []: # There is a blank line after every AO bNew = True elif bNew: # The following AOs are for which atom? bNew = False at_num = int(thisline[0]) - 1 ao_num = 0 elif len(thisline) == 3 and check_int(thisline[1]): # AO information section # Initialize a new dict for this AO ao_num = 0 # Initialize number of atomic orbiatls ao_type = thisline[ 0] # Which type of atomic orbital do we have pnum = int(thisline[1]) # Number of primatives # Calculate the degeneracy of this AO and increase basis_count for i_ao in ao_type: # Calculate the degeneracy of this AO and increase basis_count basis_count += l_deg(lquant[i_ao]) qc.ao_spec.append({ 'atom': at_num, 'type': i_ao, 'pnum': pnum, 'coeffs': numpy.zeros((pnum, 2)) }) else: # Append the AO coefficients coeffs = numpy.array(line.replace('D', 'e').split(), dtype=numpy.float64) for i_ao in range(len(ao_type)): qc.ao_spec[-len(ao_type) + i_ao]['coeffs'][ao_num, :] = [ coeffs[0], coeffs[1 + i_ao] ] ao_num += 1 if sec_flag == 'mo_info': # Molecular orbital section if '=' in line: # MO information section if bNew: # Create a numpy array for the MO coefficients and # for backward compability create a simple counter for 'sym' qc.mo_spec.append({ 'coeffs': numpy.zeros(basis_count), 'sym': '%d.1' % (len(qc.mo_spec) + 1) }) bNew = False # Append information to dict of this MO info = line.replace('\n', '').replace(' ', '') info = info.split('=') if info[0] in MO_keys: if info[0] == 'Spin': info[1] = info[1].lower() elif info[0] != 'Sym': info[1] = float(info[1]) elif not '.' in info[1]: from re import search a = search(r'\d+', info[1]).group() if a == info[1]: info[1] = '%s.1' % a else: info[1] = info[1].replace(a, '%s.' % a, 1) qc.mo_spec[-1][synonyms[info[0]]] = info[1] else: if ('[' or ']') in line: # start of another section that is not (yet) read sec_flag = None else: # Append the MO coefficients bNew = True # Reset bNew index = int(thisline[0]) - 1 try: # Try to convert coefficient to float qc.mo_spec[-1]['coeffs'][index] = float( thisline[-1]) if len(qc.mo_spec) == 1: exp_list.append(thisline[-2]) except ValueError: # If it cannot be converted print error message raise ValueError( 'Error in coefficient %d of MO %s!' % (index, qc.mo_spec[-1]['sym']) + '\nSetting this coefficient to zero...') # Check usage of same atomic basis sets for ii in range(len(exp_list)): s = exp_list[ii] exp = [0, 0, 0] c_last = None for jj in s[1:]: try: c = int(jj) exp[c_last] += (c - 1) except ValueError: for kk, ll in enumerate('xyz'): if jj == ll: exp[kk] += 1 c_last = kk exp_list[ii] = exp count = 0 for i, j in enumerate(qc.ao_spec): l = l_deg(lquant[j['type']]) j['exp_list'] = [] for i in range(l): j['exp_list'].append( (exp_list[count][0], exp_list[count][1], exp_list[count][2])) count += 1 j['exp_list'] = numpy.array(j['exp_list'], dtype=numpy.int64) # For Cartesian basis sets in Turbomole, the molecular orbital coefficients # have to be converted. is_tmol_cart = not (len(qc.mo_spec) % len(qc.mo_spec[0]['coeffs'])) # Are all MOs requested for the calculation? if not all_mo: for i in range(len(qc.mo_spec))[::-1]: if qc.mo_spec[i]['occ_num'] < 0.0000001: del qc.mo_spec[i] # Modify qc.mo_spec to support spin qc.select_spin(restricted[i_md], spin=spin) # Convert geo_info and geo_spec to numpy.ndarrays qc.format_geo(is_angstrom=False) if is_tmol_cart and created_by_tmol: display('\nFound a Cartesian basis set in the AOMix file.') display('We assume that this file has been created by Turbomole.') display( 'Applying a conversion to the molecular orbital coefficients, ') display('in order to get normalized orbitals.') # Convert MO coefficients from orbkit.analytical_integrals import create_mo_coeff, get_lxlylz def dfact(n): if n <= 0: return 1 else: return n * dfact(n - 2) mo = create_mo_coeff(qc.mo_spec) for i, j in enumerate(get_lxlylz(qc.ao_spec)): norm = (dfact(2 * j[0] - 1) * dfact(2 * j[1] - 1) * dfact(2 * j[2] - 1)) j = sum(j) if j > 1: mo[:, i] *= numpy.sqrt(norm) for ii in range(len(qc.mo_spec)): qc.mo_spec[ii]['coeffs'] = mo[ii] return qc