def execute(self, mapping, form, request, response):
		# Extract the Hibernate Session Object
		servlet = self.getServlet()
		context = servlet.getServletContext()
		httpSession = request.getSession()
		# Removed due to Websphere/Hibernate classloader/classcast issues
		objFactory = context.getAttribute(HibernateUtilPlugin.KEY_NAME)
		# We have the needed object, we just need to invoke the factory method
 		# curSess = SimpleAction.invokeVoidContextObject(objFactory, "org.hibernate.SessionFactory", "openSession")
		curSess = objFactory.openSession()		
		# List the links
		result = curSess.createQuery("from org.spirit.bean.impl.BotListUserLink").list()
		httpSession.setAttribute(BotListConsts.BOT_USER_LINKS, result)

		totl = 0
		if result:
			totl = result.size()
		linksMsg = "Links Found %s" % totl
		# Set the confirmation message
		messages = ActionMessages()
		msg = ActionMessage("", linksMsg)
		messages.add("messageslist", msg)
		self.saveMessages(request, messages)
		return mapping.findForward("success")
Esempio n. 2
    def execute(self, mapping, form, request, response):

        # Extract the Hibernate Session Object
        servlet = self.getServlet()
        context = servlet.getServletContext()
        httpSession = request.getSession()

        # Removed due to Websphere/Hibernate classloader/classcast issues
        objFactory = context.getAttribute(HibernateUtilPlugin.KEY_NAME)

        # We have the needed object, we just need to invoke the factory method
        # curSess = SimpleAction.invokeVoidContextObject(objFactory, "org.hibernate.SessionFactory", "openSession")
        curSess = objFactory.openSession()

        # List the links
        result = curSess.createQuery(
            "from org.spirit.bean.impl.BotListUserLink").list()
        httpSession.setAttribute(BotListConsts.BOT_USER_LINKS, result)

        totl = 0
        if result:
            totl = result.size()

        linksMsg = "Links Found %s" % totl
        # Set the confirmation message
        messages = ActionMessages()
        msg = ActionMessage("", linksMsg)
        messages.add("messageslist", msg)
        self.saveMessages(request, messages)

        return mapping.findForward("success")
Esempio n. 3
	def execute(self, mapping, form, request, response):
		# Extract the Hibernate Session Object
		servlet = self.getServlet()
		context = servlet.getServletContext()
		httpSession = request.getSession()

		curId = request.getParameter("id")
		print "Link ID=", curId
		# Removed due to Websphere/Hibernate classloader/classcast issues
		objFactory = context.getAttribute(HibernateUtilPlugin.KEY_NAME)
		# We have the needed object, we just need to invoke the factory method
 		# curSess = SimpleAction.invokeVoidContextObject(objFactory, "org.hibernate.SessionFactory", "openSession")
		curSess = objFactory.openSession()		
		tx = curSess.beginTransaction()
		# Extract the single entity (long line for query)
	        queryRes = curSess.createQuery("select l from org.spirit.bean.impl.BotListUserLink as l where = :linkid")
		queryRes.setLong("linkid", Long(curId).longValue())
		resLink = queryRes.uniqueResult()
		httpSession.setAttribute(BotListConsts.BOT_SINGLE_LINK, resLink)

		linksMsg = "Links Found 1"
		# Set the confirmation message
		messages = ActionMessages()
		msg = ActionMessage("", linksMsg)
		messages.add("messagesconfirm", msg)
		self.saveMessages(request, messages)
		return mapping.findForward("success")
Esempio n. 4
    def execute(self, mapping, form, request, response):

        # Extract the Hibernate Session Object
        servlet = self.getServlet()
        context = servlet.getServletContext()
        httpSession = request.getSession()

        curId = request.getParameter("id")
        print "Link ID=", curId

        # Removed due to Websphere/Hibernate classloader/classcast issues
        objFactory = context.getAttribute(HibernateUtilPlugin.KEY_NAME)

        # We have the needed object, we just need to invoke the factory method
        # curSess = SimpleAction.invokeVoidContextObject(objFactory, "org.hibernate.SessionFactory", "openSession")
        curSess = objFactory.openSession()
        tx = curSess.beginTransaction()

        # Extract the single entity (long line for query)
        queryRes = curSess.createQuery(
            "select l from org.spirit.bean.impl.BotListUserLink as l where = :linkid"
        queryRes.setLong("linkid", Long(curId).longValue())
        resLink = queryRes.uniqueResult()
        httpSession.setAttribute(BotListConsts.BOT_SINGLE_LINK, resLink)

        linksMsg = "Links Found 1"
        # Set the confirmation message
        messages = ActionMessages()
        msg = ActionMessage("", linksMsg)
        messages.add("messagesconfirm", msg)
        self.saveMessages(request, messages)

        return mapping.findForward("success")
Esempio n. 5
    def execute(self, mapping, form, request, response):
        print "Execute Simple Struts Action"
        print "Mapping GetParameter", mapping.getParameter()
        print "Get Path", mapping.getPath()

        print "Form Type", dir(form)
        url = form.url
        keywords = form.keywords
        description = form.description

        # Extract the Hibernate Session Object
        servlet = self.getServlet()
        context = servlet.getServletContext()

        # Removed due to Websphere/Hibernate classloader/classcast issues
        objFactory = context.getAttribute(HibernateUtilPlugin.KEY_NAME)

        # We have the needed object, we just need to invoke the factory method
        # curSess = SimpleAction.invokeVoidContextObject(objFactory, "org.hibernate.SessionFactory", "openSession")
        curSess = objFactory.openSession()

        link = BotListUserLink()
        link.mainUrl = url
        link.description = description
        link.keywords = keywords

        # Set the confirmation message
        messages = ActionMessages()
        msg = ActionMessage("", "Data Saved")
        messages.add("messagesconfirm", msg)
        self.saveMessages(request, messages)

        return mapping.findForward("success")
	def execute(self, mapping, form, request, response):
		print "Execute Simple Struts Action"
		print "Mapping GetParameter", mapping.getParameter()
		print "Get Path", mapping.getPath()
		print "Form Type", dir(form)
		url = form.url
		keywords = form.keywords
		description = form.description
		# Extract the Hibernate Session Object
		servlet = self.getServlet()
		context = servlet.getServletContext()
		# Removed due to Websphere/Hibernate classloader/classcast issues
		objFactory = context.getAttribute(HibernateUtilPlugin.KEY_NAME)
		# We have the needed object, we just need to invoke the factory method
 		# curSess = SimpleAction.invokeVoidContextObject(objFactory, "org.hibernate.SessionFactory", "openSession")
		curSess = objFactory.openSession()
		link = BotListUserLink()			
		link.mainUrl = url
		link.description = description
		link.keywords = keywords
		# Set the confirmation message
		messages = ActionMessages()
		msg = ActionMessage("", "Data Saved")
		messages.add("messagesconfirm", msg)
		self.saveMessages(request, messages)
		return mapping.findForward("success")