Esempio n. 1
def perform(mat, a):
    if not mat.empty():
        imgproc.GaussianBlur(mat, tmp, core.Size(99), 16.0)
        core.absdiff(mat, tmp, tmp)
        imgproc.threshold(tmp, tmp, a, 255, imgproc.THRESH_BINARY)
        imgproc.GaussianBlur(tmp, tmp, core.Size(99), 2.0)

        return tmp
        return mat
Esempio n. 2

# Threshold the corrmap (below threshold 0, above left untouched)
if Method == 1:
    # Invert the correlation map : min becomes maxima
    One = Scalar(1.0)
    CorrMapInvCV = subtract(One, CorrMapCV).asMat()
    #CorrMapInv = MatToImProc(CorrMapInvCV)
    #CorrMapInv = ImagePlus("Inverted", CorrMapInv)

    # Apply a "TO ZERO" threshold on the correlation map : to compensate the fact that maxima finder does not have a threshold argument
    # TO ZERO : below the threshold set to 0, above left untouched
    # NB : 1-score_threshold since we have inverted the image : we want to look for minima of value <x so we have to look for maxima of value>1-x in the inverted image
    CorrMapThreshCV = Mat()
    threshold(CorrMapInvCV, CorrMapThreshCV, 1 - score_threshold, 0,
    #CorrMapThreshImp = ImagePlus("Thresholded", CorrMapThresh)

    CorrMapThreshCV = Mat()
    threshold(CorrMapCV, CorrMapThreshCV, score_threshold, 0, CV_THRESH_TOZERO)

# Display
CorrMapThresh = MatToImProc(
    CorrMapThreshCV)  # Keep this conversion, not only for visualisation
CorrMapThreshImp = ImagePlus("Score Map - thresholded", CorrMapThresh)

## For both cases (Multi-Min/Max-detection) detect maxima on the thresholded map
excludeOnEdge = False  # otherwise miss quite a lot of them
def FindMinMax(CorrMapCV, Unique=True, MinMax="Max", Score_Threshold=0.5, Tolerance=0):
	Detect Minima(s) or Maxima(s) in the correlation map
	The function uses for that the MinMaxLoc from opencv for unique detection 
	or the MaximumFinder from ImageJ for multi-detection (in this case, for min detection the correlation map is inverted)
	- Unique			: True if we look for one global min/max, False if we want local ones
	- MinMax 			: "Min" if we look for Minima, "Max" if we look for maxima
	- Score_Threshold 	: in range [0;1] (correlation maps are normalised)
	- Tolerance 		: Parameters for flood-fill. Not used here so should be set to 0 
	Returns List of Min/Max : [(X, Y, Coefficient), ... ]
	#### Detect min/maxima of correlation map ####
	Extrema = [] 
	## if 1 hit expected
	if Unique: # Look for THE global min/max
		minVal = DoublePointer(1) 
		maxVal = DoublePointer(1) 
		minLoc = Point() 
		maxLoc = Point() 
		minMaxLoc(CorrMapCV, minVal, maxVal, minLoc, maxLoc, Mat())
		if MinMax=="Min": # For method based on difference we look at the min value 
			X = minLoc.x() 
			Y = minLoc.y()
			Coeff = minVal.get() 
		elif MinMax=="Max": 
			X = maxLoc.x() 
			Y = maxLoc.y()
			Coeff = maxVal.get()
		# Append to the output list
		Extrema.append( (X, Y, Coeff) )
	## if more hit expected
	else: # expect more than 1 template/image. Do a multi minima/maxima detection
		## OLD CODE LEFT BUT DONT DO IT, NOT GOOD PREACTICE !! Normalise the correlation map to 0-1 (easier to apply the threshold)
		## Rather use normalised method only for the computation of the correlation map (by default normalised method are 0-1 bound)
		# The normalised method are already normalised to 0-1 but it is more work to take it into account in this function 
		# WARNING : this normalisation normalise regarding to the maxima of the given correlation map
		# Not good because it means the thresholding is define relative to a correlation map : a score of 1 might not correspond to a correlation of 1
		# But only means that the pixel was the maximum of this particular correlation map 
		#CorrMapNormCV = Mat()
		#normalize(CorrMapCV, CorrMapNormCV, 0, 1, NORM_MINMAX, CV_32FC1, None)

		# Visualisation for debugging
		#CorrMapNorm = MatToImProc(CorrMapNormCV)
		#CorrMapNorm = ImagePlus("Normalised", CorrMapNorm)

		### Maxima/Minima detection on the correlation map
		## Difference-based method : we look for min value. For that we detect maxima on an inverted correlation map
		if MinMax=="Min": 
			# Invert the correlation map : min becomes maxima
			One = Scalar(1.0)
			CorrMapInvCV = subtract(One, CorrMapCV).asMat()		
			#CorrMapInv = MatToImProc(CorrMapInvCV)
			#CorrMapInv = ImagePlus("Inverted", CorrMapInv)
			# Apply a "TO ZERO" threshold on the correlation map : to compensate the fact that maxima finder does not have a threshold argument
			# TO ZERO : below the threshold set to 0, above left untouched
			# NB : 1-score_threshold since we have inverted the image : we want to look for minima of value <x so we have to look for maxima of value>1-x in the inverted image
			CorrMapThreshCV = Mat()
			threshold(CorrMapInvCV, CorrMapThreshCV, 1-Score_Threshold, 0, CV_THRESH_TOZERO)
			CorrMapThresh = MatToImProc(CorrMapThreshCV) # Keep this conversion, not only for visualisation
			#CorrMapThreshImp = ImagePlus("Thresholded", CorrMapThresh)

		## Correlation-based method : we look for maxima
		elif MinMax=="Max": 
			# Apply a "TO ZERO" threshold on the correlation map : to compensate the fact that maxima finder does not have a threshold argument
			# TO ZERO : below the threshold set to 0, above left untouched
			# NB : 1-score_threshold since we have inverted the image : we want to look for minima of value <x so we have to look for maxima of value>1-x in the inverted image
			CorrMapThreshCV = Mat()
			threshold(CorrMapCV, CorrMapThreshCV, Score_Threshold, 0, CV_THRESH_TOZERO)
			CorrMapThresh = MatToImProc(CorrMapThreshCV) # Keep this conversion, not only for visualisation
			#CorrMapThreshImp = ImagePlus("Thresholded", CorrMapThresh)
		## For both cases (Multi-Min/Max-detection) detect maxima on the thresholded map
		# Detect local maxima
		excludeOnEdge = False # otherwise miss quite a lot of them
		Polygon = MaximumFinder().getMaxima(CorrMapThresh, Tolerance, excludeOnEdge)
		# Maxima as list of points
		#roi = PointRoi(Polygon)
		# Generate Hit from max coordinates
		#print Polygon.npoints," maxima detected in this score map"
		if Polygon.npoints!=0: # Check that there are some points indeed. Otherwise Polygon.xpoints and ypoints are anyway initialised with [0,0,0,0] even if Npoints=0 !
			for i in range(Polygon.npoints): # dont directly loop on xpoints and ypoint since initialised with [0,0,0,0] ie less than 4 points we get some 0,0 coordinates
				# Get point coordinates
				X, Y = Polygon.xpoints[i], Polygon.ypoints[i]

				# Get Coeff
				Coeff = CorrMapThresh.getPixel(X, Y)
				Coeff = Float.intBitsToFloat(Coeff) # require java.lang.Float
				# Revert the score again if we were detecting minima initially (since found as maxima of a reverted correlation map)
				if MinMax=="Min":
					Coeff = 1-Coeff
				# Wrap into corresponding hit
				Extrema.append( (X, Y, Coeff) )
	return Extrema