Esempio n. 1

float2 r90(float2 v) {
    return float2(v.y, -v.x);

float2 rn90(float2 v) {
    return float2(-v.y, v.x);

void main(
    float4 pos: POSITION,
    uniform float2 center: C0,
    uniform float3 zooms: C1,
    uniform float3 zs: C2,
    uniform float3 angles: C3,
    uniform float3 dists: C4,
    uniform float4 params: C5,
    out float4 opos: POSITION,
    out float4 col: COLOR
) {
    float thickness = 5 + 1000 / (dists.y * dists.y);

    float pi = 3.14159;

    float2 targetvector = float2(sin(angles.y), cos(angles.y));
    float2 dtargetvector = angles.x * r90(targetvector);

    float rangle = angles.y + angles.x * pi / 4;
    float2 touchvector = float2(sin(rangle), cos(rangle));

    float sinangle = abs(dot(r90(targetvector), touchvector));
    float cosangle = dot(targetvector, touchvector);

    float2 tangentinters =
      dists.x * targetvector / cosangle;

    float4 p0 = float4(0,0,0,1);
    p0.xy = targetvector * dists.y + 
		dtargetvector * thickness;

    float4 p2 = float4(0,0,0,1);
    p2.xy = touchvector * dists.x;

    float4 p1 = float4(0,0,0,1);
    p1.xy = lerp(p2.xy, tangentinters,
		    1-(thickness / dists.x) / sinangle);

    // weights - multiply all homog coords
    p0 *= .1;
    p1 *= 1;
    p2 *= 5;

    float4 coeff = float4(
	pos.x * pos.x,
	2 * pos.x * (1-pos.x),
	(1-pos.x) * (1-pos.x),

    // coeff = float4(.5,.3,.2,0);

    float4 bez = coeff.x * p0 + coeff.y * p1 + coeff.z * p2;
    bez /= bez.w;

    float2 foopos = lerp(p0.xy, // targetvector * dists.y, 
			p1.xy, // touchvector * dists.x,
			pos.x) ;

    // bez.xy = lerp(foopos.xy, bez.xy, pos.y);

    float4 rpos4 = float4(0,0,0,1);
    rpos4.xy = center + bez.xy + 5 * pos.y * float2(1,1);

    opos = mul(glstate.matrix.mvp, rpos4); =;
    col.w = .8;

""", "arbvp1")),
Esempio n. 2

float edge[5][4] = {
    {0, 0, 0, 1},
    {0, 1, 0, 1},
    {1, 1, 0, 1},
    {1, 0, 0, 1},
    {0, 0, 0, 1},

float2 inters(float2 what) {
    float2 ctr = float2(.5,.5);
    float2 vec = what-ctr;
    float2 a = abs(vec);
    // if(a.x + a.y < .001) return float4(0,0,0,1);
    float mul;
    if(a.x > a.y) { 
	mul = .5 / a.x;
    } else {
	mul = .5 / a.y;
    return ctr + vec * mul;

void main(
	float4 t: TEXCOORD0,
	float4 pos: POSITION,
	out float4  opos: POSITION,
	out float4 ocol : TEXCOORD0
) {
    float4 ctr = float4(.5,.5,0,1);
    float4 ctr1 = mul(glstate.matrix.program[0], ctr);
    float4 ctr2 = mul(glstate.matrix.program[1], ctr);

    float4 ctr1_in2 = mul(glstate.matrix.inverse.program[1], ctr1);
    float4 ctr2_in1 = mul(glstate.matrix.inverse.program[0], ctr2);

    // Solve eq: find intersections of unit squares
    float2 inters1 = inters(ctr2_in1.xy);
    float2 inters2 = inters(ctr1_in2.xy);
    // float2 inters1 = ctr.xy;
    // float2 inters2 = ctr.xy;

    float inter = frac(4*pos.x);
    float edgeind = fmod(floor(4*pos.x), 4) ;

    float2 xa = float2(0,0);
    float2 xb = float2(0,0);

    xa.x = (edgeind >= 2 && edgeind < 4);
    xa.y = (edgeind >= 1 && edgeind < 3);

    xb.x = (edgeind >= 1 && edgeind < 3);
    xb.y = (edgeind >= 0 && edgeind < 2);


    float4 xa = edge[edgeind];
    float4 xb = edge[edgeind+1];

    float2 x = lerp(xa, xb, inter);
    // x = float4(pos.x, 0, 0, 1);

    float shri = 3.7*(pos.y - pos.y*pos.y);

    float4 sx1;
    float4 sx2;
    sx1.xy = lerp(x, inters1, shri);
    sx2.xy = lerp(x, inters2, shri);

    sx1.z = 0;
    sx1.w = 1;
    sx2.z = 0;
    sx2.w = 1;

    float4 x1 = mul(glstate.matrix.program[0], sx1);
    float4 x2 = mul(glstate.matrix.program[1], sx2);

    float4 p = lerp(x1, x2, pos.y);

    float4 pin1 = mul(glstate.matrix.inverse.program[0], p);
    float4 pin2 = mul(glstate.matrix.inverse.program[1], p);

    pin1 /= pin1.w;
    pin2 /= pin2.w;

    pin1 -= .5; 
    pin2 -= .5;

    pin1 = abs(pin1) * 2;
    pin2 = abs(pin2) * 2;

    pin1 = max(pin1.x, pin1.y);
    pin2 = max(pin2.x, pin2.y);

    opos = mul(glstate.matrix.projection, p);
    ocol.xy = pos.xy; 
    ocol.z = shri;

    ocol.w = min(pin1, pin2).x;

//    ocol.w = .5;
 //   oc.z = 1;
""", "arbvp1")),
Esempio n. 3

void main(
	float4 pos: POSITION,
	out float4 ot0 : TEXCOORD0,
	out float4 ot1 : TEXCOORD1,
	out float4 ot2 : TEXCOORD2,
	out float4 ot3 : TEXCOORD3,
	uniform float4 v0 : register(c0),
	uniform float4 v1 : register(c1),
	uniform float4 v2 : register(c2),
	uniform float4 v3 : register(c3),
	uniform float4 v4 : register(c4),
	uniform float4 v5 : register(c5),
	uniform float4 v6 : register(c6),
	uniform float4 v7 : register(c7),
	out float4  opos: POSITION
) {
    opos = mul(glstate.matrix.mvp, pos);
    float4 mpos = pos * 2;
    ot0.x = dot(mpos, v0) ;
    ot0.y = dot(mpos, v1) ;
    ot1.x = dot(mpos, v2) ;
    ot1.y = dot(mpos, v3) ;
    ot2.x = dot(mpos, v4) ;
    ot2.y = dot(mpos, v5) ;
    ot3.x = dot(mpos, v6) ;
    ot3.y = dot(mpos, v7) ;

""", "arbvp1"))
Esempio n. 4
fp = [
void main(
	float2 t : TEXCOORD0,
	uniform float2 meas: register(c0),
	uniform sampler2D t0: TEXUNIT0,
	out half4 color: COLOR) {
    float2 tx = ddx(t);
    float2 ty = ddy(t);

    float le = sqrt(length(tx) * length(ty));

    t -= .5*(tx + ty);

    float c = 1;

    float2 dx = tx, dy = ty;
    half4 c0 = tex2D(t0, t + c*(dx+dy));
    half4 c1 = tex2D(t0, t + c*(dx));
    half4 c2 = tex2D(t0, t + c*(dy));
    half4 c3 = tex2D(t0, t );

    half4 dists = 256 * 16 * half4(

    float tdx = (dists.x + dists.y - dists.z - dists.w);
    float tdy = (dists.x + dists.z - dists.y - dists.w);

    float ax = abs(tdx);
    float ay = abs(tdy);

    float maxx = max(ax, ay);
    float minx = min(ax, ay);

    float angle = (maxx < .001 ? 0 : minx / maxx);

    float grayval = .25 * dot(clamp((dists + le) / le, 0,1), 

    color.x = (angle * angle);
    color.y = .25 * dot((dists>float(0.).xxxx), half(1).xxxx).x;
    color.z = grayval;

    float tres = (1 - angle*angle);

    float tt = .25; = smoothstep(
	    tt * tres, tt + (1-tt) * (1-tres),
//    color.x = grayval;
//    color.x = !isfinite(angle);
//    color.y = !isfinite(tdx);
//    color.z = !isfinite(tdy);

    color.w = (grayval < 1);
    color.w = 1;


""", "fp30")),

void main(
	float2 t : TEXCOORD0,
	uniform float2 meas: register(c0),
	uniform sampler2D t0: TEXUNIT0,
	out half4 color: COLOR) {
//    if(tex2D(t0, t).x > 0) discard;
    half4 ders;
    ders.xy = ddx(t); = ddy(t);

    half2 dx = ders.xy;
    half2 dy =;
    half4 dersq = ders * ders;

    half2 dersums = dersq.xz + dersq.yw;
    half l = max(dersums.x, dersums.y);
    l = sqrt(l);
    // l = max(length(ddx(t)), length(ddy(t)))

    // * 512 = texture width
    // / 2 = half, for radius
    // / 2 = half, for x-sampling pattern
    half4 maxrad = l * 512 / 2 / 2 * meas.y;

    half4 c0 = tex2D(t0, t + meas.x*(dx+dy));

    half4 c1 = tex2D(t0, t + meas.x*(dx-dy));
    half4 c2 = tex2D(t0, t + meas.x*(-dx+dy));
    half4 c3 = tex2D(t0, t + meas.x*(-dx-dy));

    half4 dists = 256 * 16 * half4(

    fixed c = dot(1-smoothstep(-maxrad, maxrad, dists), fixed4(1,1,1,1)) / 4;

    fixed rgb = (1 - c); = rgb;
//    color.y = c0.x - maxrad * 1000;
 //   color.z = c0.w + maxrad * 1000;
    color.w = 1;


""", "fp30")),
void main(
	float2 t : TEXCOORD0,
	uniform float2 meas: register(c0),
	uniform sampler2D t0: TEXUNIT0,
	out half4 color: COLOR) {
    float4 tx = tex2D(t0,t);
    float x = tx.x * 256 * 16;
    float tex = 5;
    if(x > tex)
	color = float4(1,0,1,0);
    else if(x > 0)
	color = float4(0,1,0,1);
    else if(x > -tex)
	color = float4(0,0,1,1);
	color = float4(1,0,0,1);

""", "fp30")),
MOV R10, f[TEX0].xyzw;
DDX R8, R10;
DDY R9, R10;

DP4 R6, R8.xyxy, R8.xyxy;
DP4 R7, R9.xyxy, R9.xyxy;
MAX R6, R6, R7;
MUL R6, R6, .5;
RSQ R6, R6.x;
RCP R6, R6.x;
MUL R6, R6, 512;

# R6 = texels per pixel

#TEX R0, R10, TEX0, 2D;
#MUL R0, R0, 16;
# MAD R11, 
# MAD R0, R0.w, 256, R0.x;
# MAD R0, R0.x, 256, R0.w;

# Sample in an X pattern.

MOV R15, p[0].x;

MAD R11, R15, R8, R10;
MAD R11, R15, R9, R11;
TEX R12, R11, TEX0, 2D;
MAD R1.x, R12.w, 256, R12.x;

MAD R11, -R15, R8, R10;
MAD R11, -R15, R9, R11;
TEX R12, R11, TEX0, 2D;
MAD R1.y, R12.w, 256, R12.x;

MAD R11, R15, R8, R10;
MAD R11, -R15, R9, R11;
TEX R12, R11, TEX0, 2D;
MAD R1.z, R12.w, 256, R12.x;

MAD R11, -R15, R8, R10;
MAD R11, R15, R9, R11;
TEX R12, R11, TEX0, 2D;
MAD R1.w, R12.w, 256, R12.x;

# Scale up by 256 and down by 16
MUL R1, R1, 16;

# Now, R1 contains the 4 texel lengths
# of the edges from the 4 points.

# Scale

# Calculate half the width - i.e. the radius
MUL R6, R6, .5;

# Further scale down by half for the X sampling pattern
MUL R6, R6, .5;

# Arbitrary scale
MUL R6, R6, p[0].y;

SLT R0, R1, R6;

# Then, what to do with this?
DP4 R0, R0, 1;
MUL R0, R0, .25;

# SLE R0, R1, 0;

# MUL R6, R6, .5;
# SLT R0.x, R1, R6;
# MUL R6, R6, .5;
# SLT R0.y, R1, R6;
# MUL R6, R6, .5;
# SLT R0.z, R1, R6;

SUB, 1, R0.w;

MOV o[COLR], R0;

MOV R10, f[TEX0].xyzw;
DDX R8, R10;
DDY R9, R10;
MUL R18, R8, 1;
MUL R19, R9, 1;

TXD R0, R10, R18, R19, TEX0, 2D;
ADD R11, R10, R18;
TXD R1, R11, R18, R19, TEX0, 2D;
# ADD R11, R11, R18;
# TXD R3, R11, R18, R19, TEX0, 2D;
SUB R11, R10, R18;
TXD R2, R11, R18, R19, TEX0, 2D;
# SUB R11, R11, R18;
# TXD R4, R11, R18, R19, TEX0, 2D;

ADD R11, R10, R19;
TXD R5, R11, R18, R19, TEX0, 2D;
SUB R11, R10, R19;
TXD R6, R11, R18, R19, TEX0, 2D;

# Now we have 3 horizontal samples
# in R2, R0, R1
# and 3 vertical in R6, R0, R5.
# Set the pixel if it's maximum in one
# direction

MAX R7.x, R2.w, R1.w;
MAX R7.y, R5.w, R6.w;

SUB R7, R0.w, R7;

RCP R1.w, R0.w;
MUL R7.xy, R7, R1.w;

# MAX R7.w, R7.x, R7.y;
MAX R7.w, R7.x, R7.x;

# ADDC_SAT R7.w, R7.w, .1;
MOVC_SAT R7.w, R7.w;
MOV R7(GT), 1;

# SGEC R7.x, R0.w, R2.w;
# SGE R7.x(NE), R0.w, R1.w;
# SGEC R7.y, R0.w, R5.w;
# SGE R7.y(NE), R0.w, R6.w;
# ADD R7.w, R7.x, R7.y;

MUL R0, R7.w, R0;
SUB, 1, R0.w;
# MOV R0.xy, R7;
MOV R0.w, 1;
MOV o[COLR], R0;


MOV R10, f[TEX0].xyzw;
DDX R8, R10;
DDY R9, R10;

MUL R18, R8, .5;
MUL R19, R9, .5;

TXD R0, R10, R18, R19, TEX0, 2D;
ADD R11, R10, R8;
TXD R1, R11, R18, R19, TEX0, 2D;
ADD R11, R10, -R8;
TXD R2, R11, R18, R19, TEX0, 2D;
ADD R11, R10, R9;
TXD R3, R11, R18, R19, TEX0, 2D;
ADD R11, R10, -R9;
TXD R4, R11, R18, R19, TEX0, 2D;

ADD R5, R0, R1;
ADD R5, R5, R2;
ADD R5, R5, R3; 
ADD R5, R5, R4; 
MUL R5, R5, .2;

MUL R6, R0, R0;
MAD R6, R1, R1, R6;
MAD R6, R2, R2, R6;
MAD R6, R3, R3, R6;
MAD R6, R4, R4, R6;
MUL R6, R6, .2;

MOV R5.x, R5.w;
MOV R5.y, R0.w;

TEX R0, R5, TEX3, 2D;

#SGT R0.w, R0.w, R5.w;

#SUB, 1, R0.w;
MOV R0.w, 1;
MOV o[COLR], R0;


MOV R10, f[TEX0].xyzw;
DDX R8, R10;
MUL R8, .3333333333, R8;
DDY R9, R10;

MAD R10, -3, R8, R10;

TXD R0, R10, R8, R9, TEX0, 2D;
ADD R10, R8, R10;
TXD R1, R10, R8, R9, TEX0, 2D;
ADD R10, R8, R10;
TXD R2, R10, R8, R9, TEX0, 2D;
ADD R10, R8, R10;
TXD R3, R10, R8, R9, TEX0, 2D;
ADD R10, R8, R10;
TXD R4, R10, R8, R9, TEX0, 2D;
ADD R10, R8, R10;
TXD R5, R10, R8, R9, TEX0, 2D;
ADD R10, R8, R10;
TXD R6, R10, R8, R9, TEX0, 2D;

MUL R0.x, 0.1111, R0.w;
MAD R0.x, 0.2222, R1.w, R0.x;
MAD R0.x, 0.3333, R2.w, R0.x;
MAD R0.x, 0.2222, R3.w, R0.x;
MAD R0.x, 0.1111, R4.w, R0.x;

MUL R0.y, 0.1111, R1.w;
MAD R0.y, 0.2222, R2.w, R0.y;
MAD R0.y, 0.3333, R3.w, R0.y;
MAD R0.y, 0.2222, R4.w, R0.y;
MAD R0.y, 0.1111, R5.w, R0.y;

MUL R0.z, 0.1111, R2.w;
MAD R0.z, 0.2222, R3.w, R0.z;
MAD R0.z, 0.3333, R4.w, R0.z;
MAD R0.z, 0.2222, R5.w, R0.z;
MAD R0.z, 0.1111, R6.w, R0.z;

DP3 R0.w, R0, 1;
SUB, 1, R0;

MOV o[COLR], R0;

MOV R10, f[TEX0].xyzw;
TEX R0, f[TEX0].xyzw, TEX0, 2D;
#SUB R0, R0, {.2,0,.2,0};
SUB, 1, R0.w;
MOV R0.w, 1;
MOV o[COLR], R0;
Esempio n. 5
if GL.hasExtension("GL_NV_fragment_program"):
    nvBlurProgram = GL.createProgram("""!!FP1.0
	# Get the blurred value of the text texture
	# Texture unit 2 is blurred
	TEX H2, f[TEX1], TEX2, 2D;

	# Get the sharp value of the text texture
	TEX H3, f[TEX1], TEX1, 2D;

	# Map blurred 'text' texture intensity to background blur
	# as follows:
	#   1 -> no bias
	#   0 -> large bias
	DP4H H2, {-10,-10,-10,31}, H2;

	# The derivatives of the paper texture
	DDXH H0.xy, f[TEX0].xyxy;
	DDYH, f[TEX0].xyxy;

	# Scale with the DP
	MULH H0, H2, H0;

	# Get the blurred value of the background texture
	TXD H0, f[TEX0], H0.xyxy, H0.zwzw, TEX0, 2D;

	# Compute the final color

	MULX o[COLR], H0, H3;
Esempio n. 6
vp = [
void main(
    float4 pos: POSITION,
    float3 norm: NORMAL,
    float4 tex0: TEXCOORD0,
    float4 col: COLOR,
    out float4 opos: POSITION,
    out float4 ocol: COLOR,
    out float4 otex0: TEXCOORD0
) {
    opos = mul(glstate.matrix.mvp, pos);
    float4x4 foo = glstate.matrix.modelview[0];
    float3 normvec = normalize(float3(
                  dot(foo[0].xyz, norm),
                  dot(foo[1].xyz, norm),
                  dot(foo[2].xyz, norm)));

    float3 lightvec = normalize(float3(-1, -1, -1));
    float3 lightcolor = float3(1, .5, 1);
    float3 specularcolor = float3(1, 1, 1);
    float3 lightvec2 = normalize(float3(.5, .5, -1));
    float3 light2color = float3(.5, 1, .5);

    float3 eyevec = float3(0,0,-1);

    float3 halfvec = normalize(lightvec + eyevec);
    float diffuse = dot(normvec, lightvec);
    float diffuse2 = dot(normvec, lightvec2);
    float specular = dot(normvec, halfvec);
    float4 lighting = lit(diffuse, specular, 10);

    float t = (1 - tex0.z);
    float3 defaultcolor = float3(.2, .2, 1);
    float3 color = lerp(defaultcolor, col, t * t);

    ocol.rgb = lighting.y * color * lightcolor
             + lighting.z * specularcolor
             + max(diffuse2, 0) * color * light2color
             //+ max(-normvec.z, 0) * col;
    // Fog
    // float t = 8*mul(glstate.matrix.mvp, pos).z;
    // t = 8*mul(glstate.matrix.mvp, pos).z*40;
    // ocol.rgb = ocol.rgb * (1 - t) + float3(1,.5,.2) * t;
    ocol.a = 1;

    otex0 = tex0 * float4(20, 20, 0, 1);

""", "arbvp1")),
void main(
    float4 pos: POSITION,
    float4 tex0: TEXCOORD0,
    float4 col: COLOR,
    out float4 opos: POSITION,
    out float4 ocol: COLOR,
    out float4 otex0: TEXCOORD0
) {
    opos = mul(glstate.matrix.mvp, pos);
    float3 defaultcolor = float3(.2, .2, 1);
    float t = (1 - tex0.z);
    ocol.rgb = lerp(defaultcolor, col, t * t);
    ocol.a = 1;

    otex0 = tex0 * float4(20, 20, 0, 1);

""", "arbvp1")),
