def apply(self, document):
        """Replace the current line with the populated template.
        document: <IDocument>
            The edited document.

        self.vars['newline'] = PyAction.getDelimiter(document)
        sNewCode = self.template % self.vars

        # Move to insert point:
        iStartLineOffset = self.selection.getLineOffset()
        iEndLineOffset = iStartLineOffset + len(self.current_line)
        self.editor.setSelection(iEndLineOffset, 0)
        self.selection = PySelection(self.editor)

        # Replace the old code with the new assignment expression:

        #mark the value so that the user can change it
        selection = PySelection(self.editor)
        absoluteCursorOffset = selection.getAbsoluteCursorOffset()
        val = self.vars['value']
        self.editor.selectAndReveal(absoluteCursorOffset - len(val), len(val))
Esempio n. 2
    def CheckCase1(self, types):
        doc = '''class A(object): # line 0

    def m1(self): #line 2
    def m2(self): #line 5

        from org.eclipse.jface.text import Document
        from org.python.pydev.core.docutils import PySelection

        doc = Document(doc)

        self._selection = PySelection(doc, 1, 0)

        context = Context(doc)

        self.assertEqual(['A'], types['current_class'].resolveAll(context))
        self.assertEqual([''], types['current_method'].resolveAll(context))
        self.assertEqual(['object'], types['superclass'].resolveAll(context))
Esempio n. 3
def _CreateSelection(context):
    Created method so that it can be mocked on tests.
    from org.python.pydev.core.docutils import PySelection
    selection = PySelection(context.getDocument(), context.getStart())
    return selection
Esempio n. 4
    def run(self):
        #gotten here (and not in the class resolution as before) because we want it to be resolved
        #when we execute it, and not when setting it
        oSelection = PySelection(self.editor)
        oDocument = self.editor.getDocument()
        if not self.isScriptApplicable(oSelection):
            return None

        oParamInfo = oSelection.getInsideParentesisToks(True)
        lsParams = list(oParamInfo.o1)

        # Determine insert point:
        iClosingParOffset = oParamInfo.o2
        iClosingParLine = oSelection.getLineOfOffset(iClosingParOffset)
        iInsertAfterLine = iClosingParLine
        sIndent = self._indent(
            oSelection) + PyAction.getStaticIndentationString(self.editor)

        parsingUtils = ParsingUtils.create(oDocument)

        # Is there a docstring? In that case we need to skip past it.
        sDocstrFirstLine = oSelection.getLine(iClosingParLine + 1)
        sDocstrStart = sDocstrFirstLine.strip()[:2]
        if sDocstrStart and (sDocstrStart[0] in ['"', "'"]
                             or sDocstrStart in ['r"', "r'"]):
            iDocstrLine = iClosingParLine + 1
            iDocstrLineOffset = oSelection.getLineOffset(iDocstrLine)
            li = [sDocstrFirstLine.find(s) for s in ['"', "'"]]
            iDocstrStartCol = min([i for i in li if i >= 0])
            iDocstrStart = iDocstrLineOffset + iDocstrStartCol
            iDocstrEnd = parsingUtils.eatLiterals(None, iDocstrStart)
            iInsertAfterLine = oSelection.getLineOfOffset(iDocstrEnd)
            sIndent = PySelection.getIndentationFromLine(sDocstrFirstLine)

        # Workaround for bug in PySelection.addLine() in
        # pydev < v1.0.6. Inserting at the last line in the file
        # would raise an exception if the line wasn't newline
        # terminated.
        iDocLength = oDocument.getLength()
        iLastLine = oSelection.getLineOfOffset(iDocLength)
        sLastChar = str(parsingUtils.charAt(iDocLength - 1))
        if (iInsertAfterLine == iLastLine
                and not self.getNewLineDelim().endswith(sLastChar)):
            oDocument.replace(iDocLength, 0, self.getNewLineDelim())

        line = oSelection.getLine(iInsertAfterLine + 1)
        if line.strip() == 'pass':
            oSelection.deleteLine(iInsertAfterLine + 1)

        # Assemble assignment lines and insert them into the document:
        sAssignments = self._assignmentLines(lsParams, sIndent)
        oSelection.addLine(sAssignments, iInsertAfterLine)

        # Leave cursor at the last char of the new lines.
        iNewOffset = oSelection.getLineOffset(iInsertAfterLine +
                                              1) + len(sAssignments)
        self.editor.setSelection(iNewOffset, 0)
        del oSelection
 def check(self, initial_doc, final_doc):
     from org.eclipse.jface.text import Document  #@UnresolvedImport
     from org.python.pydev.core.docutils import PySelection
     from assign_params_to_attributes_action import AssignToAttribsOfSelf
     doc = Document(initial_doc)
     editor = TestEditor(doc, PySelection(doc, 1, 2))
     assign_to_attribs_of_self = AssignToAttribsOfSelf(editor)
     self.assertEqual(final_doc, doc.get())
Esempio n. 6
        def run(self):
            sel = PySelection(editor)
            txt = sel.getSelectedText()

            splitted = re.split('\\.|\\ ', txt)
            new_text = '.'.join(
                [x for x in splitted if x not in ('from', 'import')])
            new_text = splitted[-1] + ' = ' + '\'' + new_text + '\''
            doc = sel.getDoc()
            sel = sel.getTextSelection()
            doc.replace(sel.getOffset(), sel.getLength(), new_text)
 def run(self):
     sel = PySelection(editor)
     txt = sel.getSelectedText()
     delimiter = sel.getEndLineDelim()
     indent = sel.getIndentationFromLine()
     splitted = SplitTextInCommas(txt)
     doc = sel.getDoc()
     sel = sel.getTextSelection()
     doc.replace(sel.getOffset(), sel.getLength(), (delimiter + indent).join([x.strip() + ', ' for x in splitted]))
Esempio n. 8
        def run(self):
            import tempfile
            import os

                ps = PySelection(editor)
                doc = ps.getDoc()
                startLine = ps.getStartLineIndex()

                p1 = tempfile.mktemp()
                p2 = tempfile.mktemp()
                f1 = FileWriter(p1)

                formatAll = False
                if ps.getTextSelection().getLength() == 0:
                    # format all.
                    c = doc.get()
                    formatAll = True
                    # format selection.
                    #c = ps.getSelectedText()
                    print("Format selected text is not supported yet.")
                    # A kind of solution is to insert a special comment in
                    # front and end of selection text, pythontidy it, and
                    # extract text according that comment.

                os.system(' "%s" "%s"' % (p1, p2))
                f2 = open(p2, "r")
                result =


                if startLine >= doc.getNumberOfLines():
                    startLine = doc.getNumberOfLines() - 1

                if formatAll:
                    #doc.replace(doc.getLineOffset(startLine), 0, result)

                sel = TextSelection(doc, doc.getLineOffset(startLine), 0)
            except java.lang.Exception as e:
Esempio n. 9
        def __init__(self):

            self.selection = PySelection(editor)
            self.document = editor.getDocument()

            self.offset = self.selection.getAbsoluteCursorOffset()
            self.currentLineNo = self.selection.getLineOfOffset(self.offset)

            self.docDelimiter = self.selection.getDelimiter(self.document)
            self.currentLine = self.selection.getLine(self.currentLineNo)

            self.pattern = r'''(\s*#\s*|\s*"""\s*|''' \
                    + r"""\s*'''\s*|""" \
                    + r'''\s*"\s*|''' \
                    + r"""\s*'\s*|\s*)"""
            self.compiledRe = re.compile(self.pattern)

            self.leadingString, self.mainText = \

            self.offsetOfOriginalParagraph = 0
            self.lengthOfOriginalParagraph = 0

            self.numberOfLinesInDocument = self.document.getNumberOfLines()
Esempio n. 10
    def CheckCase2(self, types):
        from org.eclipse.jface.text import Document
        from org.python.pydev.core.docutils import PySelection

        doc = '''class A(object

        doc = Document(doc)

        self._selection = PySelection(doc, 1, 0)

        context = Context(doc)

        self.assertEqual(['A'], types['current_class'].resolveAll(context))
        self.assertEqual([''], types['current_method'].resolveAll(context))
        self.assertEqual([''], types['superclass'].resolveAll(context))

        doc = '''class A(object, obj, foo)

        doc = Document(doc)

        self._selection = PySelection(doc, 1, 0)

        context = Context(doc)

        self.assertEqual(['A'], types['current_class'].resolveAll(context))
        self.assertEqual([''], types['current_method'].resolveAll(context))
        self.assertEqual(['object', 'obj', 'foo'],

        doc = '''class A(object, #comment
        obj, foo)

        doc = Document(doc)

        self._selection = PySelection(doc, 1, 0)

        context = Context(doc)

        self.assertEqual(['A'], types['current_class'].resolveAll(context))
        self.assertEqual([''], types['current_method'].resolveAll(context))
        self.assertEqual(['object', 'obj', 'foo'],
Esempio n. 11
def GetMethodArg(idocument):
    This is an older version of the GetMethodArg2 function.  After 
    figuring out how to parse a document using the pydev parsers
    rewrote the method parsing functions.  This will get 
    deleted once I am comfortable that the the GetMethodArg2 is 
    working well.
    :param  idocument: an idocument object containing the entire
                       module that was created for this method.
    :type idocument: org.python.pydev.editor.codecompletion.templates.PyDocumentTemplateContext
    :returns: a formatted docstring template for the method on which
              this function was called
    :rtype: string
    # TODO: parse the method looking for the return type
    from org.python.pydev.parser.jython.ast import FunctionDef
    from org.python.pydev.parser.fastparser import FastParser
    from org.python.pydev.core.docutils import PySelection
    # 1 - get the current document
    doc = idocument.getDocument()
    # 2 - get a selection object for the current line
    selection = PySelection(idocument.getDocument(), idocument.getStart())
    startLineNumber = doc.getLineOfOffset(idocument.getStart())
    startLineContents = selection.getLine(startLineNumber)
    startIndentation = selection.getIndentationFromLine(startLineContents)
    print 'the line is', startLineNumber
    print 'contents is', startLineContents

    # 3 - create a parser object with the hierarchy of methods, classes etc to which the current line belongs
    parser = FastParser.parseToKnowGloballyAccessiblePath(
        idocument.getDocument(), selection.getStartLineIndex())
    if parser:
        # only continuing if the parser found a method definition. 
        print 'parser', parser
        print 'begin line', parser[0].beginLine
        print 'rettype', type(parser)
        print 'start is', idocument.getStart()
        from java.util import Collections
        # 4 - iterate through the parser object
        for stmt in parser:
            print 'stmt', stmt
            print type(stmt)
            # 5 - if the parser contains a method definition
            if isinstance(stmt, FunctionDef):
                # 6 - get the line number for the method definition
                print 'method line', stmt.beginLine
                functionDefinitionStmt = selection.getLine(stmt.beginLine-1)
                print 'defstatement:', functionDefinitionStmt
                print 'woke up'
                afterLine = stmt.beginLine - 1
#                listOfStringLines = []
                string2Add = prepOutputMethodString(startIndentation, functionDefinitionStmt)
                #selection.addLine( indentationString + string2Add, stmt.beginLine - 1)
                offset = doc.getLineInformation(afterLine + 1).getOffset();
                print 'offset 1 - ', offset
                if doc.getNumberOfLines() > stmt.beginLine - 1:
                    offset = doc.getLineInformation(afterLine + 1).getOffset();
                    print 'offset 2 - ', offset
                    offset = doc.getLineInformation(afterLine).getOffset()
                    print 'offset 2 - ', offset
                #doc.replace(offset, 0, string2Add)
                # inserting into the doc immediately after the method is
                # not working, instead will return the doc string
                return string2Add
                #selection.addLine( indentationString + string2Add, stmt.beginLine - 1)
                #offset = doc.getLineInformation(afterLine + 1).getOffset();
                #selection = PySelection(idocument.getDocument(), idocument.getStart())
                #offset = doc.getLineInformation(stmt.beginLine).getOffset()
                #print 'offset is now ',offset
                #print 'on line number', selection.getLineNumber()
                #args = NodeUtils.getNodeArgs(stmt)
                #print 'args are', args
                #print '.getRepresentationString' , NodeUtils.getRepresentationString(stmt)
                #print 'full rep string:', NodeUtils.getFullRepresentationString(stmt)
                #return NodeUtils.getRepresentationString(stmt)
    # if nothing was found then return null.
    return ""
Esempio n. 12
def getFuncArgs(idocument, beginLine):
    This method recieves a document object and the start  
    lines of a function definition who's args we want to 
    It then creates an AST parsed document structure, which 
    gets worked through until a method is found that occurs 
    on the same line as the beginLine that was sent as an 
    arg to this method.
    Once this is found it searches for the args in that method 
    and also whether the method has return value.  It then
    sends this information to prepOutputMethodString2 method
    that will convert this into a nicely formatted docstring.
    :param  idocument: input context object
    :type idocument: org.python.pydev.editor.codecompletion.templates.PyDocumentTemplateContext
    :param  beginLine: the integer that the function starts on.
    :type beginLine: int
    :returns: a sphinx restructured text docstring template for 
              method from which the method was called.
    :rtype: string
    print 'getClassArgs called' 
#    from org.python.pydev.core.docutils import PySelection
    from org.python.pydev.parser import PyParser
    from org.python.pydev.parser.visitors import NodeUtils
    from org.python.pydev.core.docutils import PySelection
    doc = idocument.getDocument()
    # creating a parser object.  The 12 is a constant that
    # defines python syntax.  See org.python.pydev.core.IGrammarVersionProvider
    # different numbers are:
    #    2.4    10
    #    2.5    11
    #    2.6    12
    #    2.7    13
    #    etc...
    grammarVersion = idocument.getGrammarVersion()
    print 'grammarVersion:', grammarVersion
    parseInfoObj = PyParser.ParserInfo(doc, grammarVersion)
    # parsign the document into the different node types
    # from the root node you can access all elements of the
    # doc.  (hierarchical parser)
    # nodes is a Tuple object of type:
    #  com.aptana.shared_core.structure.Tuple
    nodes = PyParser.reparseDocument(parseInfoObj)
    print 'node type:', nodes.getClass().getName()
    # nodes.01 contains SimpleNode
    #x = nodes.o1
    #print 'xtype ', x.getClass().getName()
    # getting the document body
    body = NodeUtils.getBody(nodes.ast)
    print 'body', body
    # getting the function that starts on the line: begtinLine
    funcDef = searchFuncs(body, beginLine)
    print 'funcDef', funcDef
    argList = parseFunc(funcDef)
    returnState = hasReturn(funcDef)
    #doc = idocument.getDocument()
#    doc = idocument.getDocument()
    # 2 - get a selection object for the current line
    selection = PySelection(idocument.getDocument(), idocument.getStart())
    startLineNumber = doc.getLineOfOffset(idocument.getStart())
    startLineContents = selection.getLine(startLineNumber)
    indentation = selection.getIndentationFromLine(startLineContents)
    docString = prepOutputMethodString2(indentation, argList, returnState)
    print 'return: ', returnState
    return docString