def readpath(paths): ###################################################################################### # Function that extract all the features from the input paths # # input: image_paths: list of N elements containing image paths # output: N x M matrix. where M is the dimensionality of the feature representation. ###################################################################################### print('getting sharpness') temp = sharpness(paths) temp = temp / np.linalg.norm(temp) input = np.copy(temp) print(input.shape) print('getting exposureness') temp = exposureness(paths) input = np.concatenate((input, temp), axis=1) print(input.shape) print('getting object position') temp = object(paths) input = np.concatenate((input, temp), axis=1) print(input.shape) print('getting orientation') temp = orientation(paths) input = np.concatenate((input, temp), axis=1) print(input.shape) print('getting facial expression') temp = facial(paths) input = np.concatenate((input, temp), axis=1) print(input.shape) return (input)
def handle_navigation(req): coordinates = [latitude, longitude, req.c, req.d] start = str(coordinates[0]) + "," + str(coordinates[1]) goal = str(coordinates[2]) + "," + str(coordinates[3]) closestStart = findClosestWaypoints(start) closestGoal = findClosestWaypoints(goal) searchResult = [] shortestDistance = 10000000 shortestResult = [] for i in range(0, 4): result, distance = aStarSearch(G, closestStart[(i / 2)], closestGoal[not (i % 2)]) if distance < shortestDistance: shortestDistance = distance shortestResult = result shortestResult.insert(0, closestStart[(i / 2)]) shortestResult.insert(0, start) shortestResult.append(closestGoal[not (i % 2)]) shortestResult.append(goal) pin = run(shortestResult) route = [] for j in range(0, 4): short = shortestResult[j] dots = short.split(',') route.append([float(dots[0]), float(dots[1])]) p = pyproj.Proj(proj='utm', zone=31, ellps='WGS84') rd_route = [] for coord in route: x, y = p(coord[1], coord[0]) rd_route.append([x, y]) os.system( "rosrun map_server map_server /home/ubuntu/ROS/nautonomous_ws4/src/WaternetNautonomous/WaternetNautonomousNavigation/nautonomous_navigation_navigate/scripts/amsterdam.yaml&" ) os.system("") z, w = orientation(rd_route) #print "x:", rd_route[1][0] - 121000, "y:", rd_route[1][1] - 486500, "z:", z, "w:", w #return pin[0][0], pin[0][1], z, w #node_colors = ["green" if n in shortestResult else "white" for n in G.nodes()] #pos=nx.get_node_attributes(G,'pos') #nx.draw_networkx_nodes(G, pos=pos, node_color=node_colors) #nx.draw_networkx_edges(G, pos=pos) print "Dit is een test..." print rd_route[1][0] return rd_route[1][0] - 628550, rd_route[1][1] - 5803351, z, w
#Tests Arduino Reader -> observer interface #arduino_tester() #Test serial comms to home = reset() ard = setup_serial(arduino_port, 115200) counter = time.time() #f = open("log_"+str(float(".csv", 'w') #f.write("Time,Lat,Lon,Heading\n") orient = orientation.orientation("$IMU,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0") position = nmea.nmea("$GPRMC,0,V,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0") while True: mes = (read_message(ard)) if mes[:2] == "$G": try: position = nmea.nmea(mes) except: pass elif mes[:2] == "$I": try: orient = orientation.orientation(mes) except: pass # = "2016-06-28 12:00:00"
from detect import detect_code from orientation import orientation import cv2 cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0) while 1: ret, img = #if ret == 1: detect_code(img) if ret == 1: orientation(img) if cv2.waitKey(1) == 27: break cam.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def getFeatureFromWindow(myF, index_start, index_end, video_par, model_par): # 需要把到当前帧为止的数据提出来 # myF = myF.iloc[0:index_end, :] # fid= myF.iloc[-1, 0] # myidF = myF[myF[0] == fid] # myF = myF[myF[0] <= fid] # F = myF.values # # 将当前帧帧的不重复的track_id提取出来,表示有多少个人 # idF = myidF.values # track_id = sorted(set(idF[:,1].astype(int))) my = myF.iloc[index_start:index_end, :] F = my.values track_id = sorted(set(F[:, 1].astype(int))) myF = myF.iloc[0:index_end, :] # print(track_id) # 计算这10s内每个人在场景中待了多久(多少个frame),如果时间过短(小于3),从当前考虑的数据中删除 deleteid = [] for i in range(len(track_id)): if len(myF[myF[1] == track_id[i]]) < 4: deleteid.append(track_id[i]) # 筛选出要删除的数据 choosebytrackid = myF[myF[1] == track_id[i]] # 得到每行的行号,然后逐个删除 row = choosebytrackid.iloc[:, 0].index.values myF = myF.drop(index=row) # 重新索引,并更新track_id myF = myF.reset_index(drop=True) # F = myF.values # track_id = sorted(set(myF.values[:, 1].astype(int))) track_id = sorted(list(set(track_id) - set(deleteid))) # print(track_id) # print(len(track_id)) # print(myF) """ PERSONAL FEATURES ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (i.e. time, position and velocity) """ """ path[i] 表示行人i的轨迹信息,是dict类型 其中数据类型: 有速度时:{int_path_id: dataframe_path(frameid,position_X,position_Y,v_X,v_Y)} 无速度时:{int_path_id: dataframe_path(frameid,position_X,position_Y)} """ path = dict() # 从10s的第一帧到最后一帧,把每个人的轨迹提取出来,其中数据类型{int_path_id: dataframe_path} for t in track_id: choosebytrackid = myF[myF[1] == t] path[t] = choosebytrackid.iloc[:, [0, 2, 4]] # 提取速度特征 for t in track_id: trajectory = path[t].values trajectoryPlusVeloc = [] for i in range(trajectory.shape[0]): if i == 0: # 每条轨迹的第一个位置,由于没有之前的位置,所以速度置为nan v_nan = np.insert(trajectory[0], len(trajectory[0]), values=[np.nan, np.nan]) trajectoryPlusVeloc.append(list(v_nan)) else: # 计算之后所有位置的速度(x方向和y方向) vx = trajectory[i, 1] - trajectory[i - 1, 1] vy = trajectory[i, 2] - trajectory[i - 1, 2] velocity = np.insert(trajectory[i], len(trajectory[i]), values=[vx, vy]) trajectoryPlusVeloc.append(list(velocity)) # 把含有速度特征的轨迹信息替换到path变量中,其中trajectoryPlusVeloc是array类型,又转换为dataframe类型再替换 path[t] = pd.DataFrame(np.delete(trajectoryPlusVeloc, 0, 0)) # 删除第一行,因为如果有速度特征的话,第一行的速度值为Nan # print(path) """ PAIR-WISE FEATURES:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- physical distance | feature_pd | prox trajectory shape | feature_ts | dtw motion causality | feature_vs | velocity paths convergence | feature_pc | heatmap """ # 通过track_id先将两两行人形成初始化的组,对于数据集student003大小为:(1128,2) couples = group(track_id) print(couples.shape[0]) feature_pd = np.zeros((couples.shape[0], 1)) feature_ts = np.zeros((couples.shape[0], 1)) feature_vs = np.zeros((couples.shape[0], 1)) feature_pc = np.zeros((couples.shape[0], 1)) # compute features for each couple couples.shape[0] for i in range(couples.shape[0]): if len(track_id) == 1: break # 提取出第i行的couple的两个轨迹,数据类型都是dataframe traj1 = path[couples[i, 0]] traj2 = path[couples[i, 1]] traj_1 = traj1.values traj_2 = traj2.values """ 1) compute proxemics: physical distance | feature_pd """ if model_par.features[0] == 1: traj1_frameid = traj1.iloc[:, 0].values traj2_frameid = traj2.iloc[:, 0].values feature_pd[i] = prox(traj1_frameid, traj2_frameid, traj_1, traj_2) """ 2) compute MD-DTW: trajectory shape | feature_ts """ if model_par.features[1] == 1: # print(couples[i]) feature_ts[i] = Hausdorff(traj_1, traj_2) # dist, k = dtw(traj_1, traj_2) # feature_ts[i] = dist/k # print(feature_ts[i]) """ 3) compute : velocity similarity | feature_vs """ if model_par.features[2] == 1: # F1 = granger(traj_1, traj_2) # F2 = granger(traj_2, traj_1) # F1 = granger(traj1, traj2) # F2 = granger(traj2, traj1) # feature_mc[i] = max(F1, F2) # print(feature_mc[i]) dist, k = v_similar(traj_1, traj_2) feature_vs[i] = dist / k """ 4) compute HEAT MAPS: paths convergence | feature_pc modification: 利用“匀速直线运动”得到未来运动的方向,然后利用方向夹角得到特征 """ # if model_par.features[3] == 1: # allHeatMaps[i], feature_pc[i] = heatmap(traj_1[:, 0:3], traj_2[:, 0:3], video_par) # # if model_par.features[3] != 1: # else: # feature_pc[i] = 0 if model_par.features[3] == 1: feature_pc[i] = orientation(traj_1[:, 0:5], traj_2[:, 0:5]) # print(feature_pd[i]) # print(feature_ts[i]) # print(feature_vs[i]) # print(feature_pc[i]) # print(feature_sd[i]) detectedGroup = couples # detectedGroup = group1(couples, feature_pd, track_id) # print(detectedGroup.shape[0]) # 把四个特征列向量组合成一个n*4的二维矩阵[feature_pd, feature_ts, feature_mc, feature_pc] myfeatures = np.concatenate((feature_pd, feature_ts), axis=1) myfeatures = np.concatenate((myfeatures, feature_vs), axis=1) myfeatures = np.concatenate((myfeatures, feature_pc), axis=1) print(myfeatures.shape[0]) return [track_id, F, couples, myfeatures, detectedGroup]
import cv2 as cv from fixperspective import fixperspective from preprocess import preprocess from orientation import orientation src = cv.imread("sampleImages/6.jpg", 1) orientation(cv.resize(src, (0, 0), fx=1, fy=1)) # scale factor for image displays only scalefactor = 0.1 # display the source image cv.imshow("Source", cv.resize(src, (0, 0), fx=scalefactor, fy=scalefactor)) preproc = preprocess(src) warped = fixperspective(preproc) cv.imshow("Warped", cv.resize(warped, (0, 0), fx=scalefactor, fy=scalefactor)) cv.waitKey(0) cv.destroyAllWindows()