Esempio n. 1
def create_experiment(mode, space, algorithm):
    experiment = Experiment("supernaekei", mode=mode) = space
    experiment.algorithms = algorithm
    experiment.max_broken = 5
    experiment.max_trials = 5
    return experiment
Esempio n. 2
def test_is_done_property_with_pending(algorithm):
    """Check experiment stopping conditions when there is pending trials."""
    completed = ['completed'] * 10
    reserved = ['reserved'] * 5
    with OrionState(trials=generate_trials(completed + reserved)) as cfg:
        exp = Experiment('supernaekei')
        exp._id = cfg.trials[0]['experiment']

        exp.algorithms = algorithm
        exp.max_trials = 10

        assert exp.is_done

        exp.max_trials = 15

        # There is only 10 completed trials
        assert not exp.is_done

        exp.algorithms.algorithm.done = True

        # Algorithm is done but 5 trials are pending
        assert not exp.is_done
Esempio n. 3
def create_experiment(name, version, space, **kwargs):
    """Instantiate the experiment and its attribute objects

    All unspecified arguments will be replaced by system's defaults (orion.core.config.*).

    name: str
        Name of the experiment.
    version: int
        Version of the experiment.
    space: dict or Space object
        Optimization space of the algorithm. If dict, should have the form
    algorithms: str or dict, optional
        Algorithm used for optimization.
    strategy: str or dict, optional
        Parallel strategy to use to parallelize the algorithm.
    max_trials: int, optional
        Maximum number or trials before the experiment is considered done.
    storage: dict, optional
        Configuration of the storage backend.

    experiment = Experiment(name=name, version=version)
    experiment._id = kwargs.get('_id', None)  # pylint:disable=protected-access
    experiment.pool_size = kwargs.get('pool_size')
    if experiment.pool_size is None:
        experiment.pool_size = orion.core.config.experiment.get(
            'pool_size', deprecated='ignore')
    experiment.max_trials = kwargs.get('max_trials',
                                       orion.core.config.experiment.max_trials) = _instantiate_space(space)
    experiment.algorithms = _instantiate_algo(,
    experiment.producer = kwargs.get('producer', {})
    experiment.producer['strategy'] = _instantiate_strategy(
    experiment.working_dir = kwargs.get(
        'working_dir', orion.core.config.experiment.working_dir)
    experiment.metadata = kwargs.get(
        'metadata', {'user': kwargs.get('user', getpass.getuser())})
    experiment.refers = kwargs.get('refers', {
        'parent_id': None,
        'root_id': None,
        'adapter': []
    experiment.refers['adapter'] = _instantiate_adapters(
        experiment.refers.get('adapter', []))

    return experiment
Esempio n. 4
def test_view_is_done_property_no_pending(algorithm):
    """Check experiment stopping conditions from view when there is no pending trials."""
    completed = ['completed'] * 10
    broken = ['broken'] * 5
    with OrionState(trials=generate_trials(completed + broken)) as cfg:
        exp = Experiment('supernaekei')
        exp._id = cfg.trials[0]['experiment']
        exp.algorithms = algorithm
        exp.max_trials = 100

        exp_view = ExperimentView(exp)

        exp.algorithms = algorithm

        exp.max_trials = 15

        # There is only 10 completed trials and algo not done.
        assert not exp_view.is_done

        exp.algorithms.algorithm.done = True

        # Algorithm is done and no pending trials
        assert exp_view.is_done
Esempio n. 5
def test_is_done_property_no_pending(algorithm):
    """Check experiment stopping conditions when there is no pending trials."""
    completed = ["completed"] * 10
    broken = ["broken"] * 5
    with OrionState(trials=generate_trials(completed + broken)) as cfg:
        exp = Experiment("supernaekei", mode="x")
        exp._id = cfg.trials[0]["experiment"]

        exp.algorithms = algorithm

        exp.max_trials = 15

        # There is only 10 completed trials and algo not done.
        assert not exp.is_done

        exp.algorithms.algorithm.done = True

        # Algorithm is done and no pending trials
        assert exp.is_done
Esempio n. 6
def create_experiment(name, version, mode, space, **kwargs):
    """Instantiate the experiment and its attribute objects

    All unspecified arguments will be replaced by system's defaults (orion.core.config.*).

    name: str
        Name of the experiment.
    version: int
        Version of the experiment.
    mode: str
        The access rights of the experiment on the database.
        'r': read access only
        'w': can read and write to database
        'x': can read and write to database, algo is instantiated and can execute optimization
    space: dict or Space object
        Optimization space of the algorithm. If dict, should have the form
    algorithms: str or dict, optional
        Algorithm used for optimization.
    strategy: str or dict, optional
        Parallel strategy to use to parallelize the algorithm.
    max_trials: int, optional
        Maximum number or trials before the experiment is considered done.
    max_broken: int, optional
        Number of broken trials for the experiment to be considered broken.
    storage: dict, optional
        Configuration of the storage backend.

    experiment = Experiment(name=name, version=version, mode=mode)
    experiment._id = kwargs.get("_id", None)  # pylint:disable=protected-access
    experiment.max_trials = kwargs.get("max_trials",
    experiment.max_broken = kwargs.get("max_broken",
                                       orion.core.config.experiment.max_broken) = _instantiate_space(space)
    experiment.algorithms = _instantiate_algo(,
        ignore_unavailable=mode != "x",
    # TODO: Remove for v0.4
    _instantiate_strategy(kwargs.get("producer", {}).get("strategy"))
    experiment.working_dir = kwargs.get(
        "working_dir", orion.core.config.experiment.working_dir)
    experiment.metadata = kwargs.get(
        "metadata", {"user": kwargs.get("user", getpass.getuser())})
    experiment.refers = kwargs.get("refers", {
        "parent_id": None,
        "root_id": None,
        "adapter": []
    experiment.refers["adapter"] = _instantiate_adapters(
        experiment.refers.get("adapter", []))

    log.debug("Created experiment with config:\n%s",

    return experiment