def signal_average(cov,bin_edges=None,bin_width=40,kind=3,lmin=None,dlspace=True,return_bins=False,**kwargs): """ dcov = cov * ellfact bin dcov in annuli interpolate back on to ell cov = dcov / ellfact where ellfact = ell**2 if dlspace else 1 """ modlmap = cov.modlmap() assert np.all(np.isfinite(cov)) dcov = cov*modlmap**2. if dlspace else cov.copy() if lmin is None: minell = maps.minimum_ell(dcov.shape,dcov.wcs) else: minell = modlmap[modlmap<=lmin].max() if bin_edges is None: bin_edges = np.append([2],np.arange(minell,modlmap.max(),bin_width)) binner = stats.bin2D(modlmap,bin_edges) cents,c1d = binner.bin(dcov) outcov = enmap.enmap(maps.interp(cents,c1d,kind=kind,fill_value=c1d[-1],**kwargs)(modlmap),dcov.wcs) with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): outcov = outcov / modlmap**2. if dlspace else outcov outcov[modlmap<2] = 0 assert np.all(np.isfinite(outcov)) if return_bins: return cents,c1d,outcov else: return outcov
dscov = tilec.signal_average(scov, bin_width=40) print("Noise avg...") if isplanck(aindex1) or isplanck(aindex2): do_radial = False elif aindex1 == aindex2: do_radial = True else: do_radial = False # dncov,_ = tilec.noise_average(ncov,radial_fit=do_radial) if ((aindex1==aindex2) or is90150(aindex1,aindex2)) else (0.,None) dncov, _ = tilec.noise_average(ncov, radial_fit=do_radial) if ( aindex1 == aindex2) else (0., None) # ignore 90 / 150 if isplanck(aindex1) and isplanck(aindex2): lmin = maps.minimum_ell(shape, wcs) else: lmin = 300 sel = np.logical_or(modlmap < lmin, modlmap > lmax) ifwhm, jfwhm = get_beams(aindex1, aindex2) dncov /= np.nan_to_num( maps.gauss_beam(modlmap, ifwhm) * maps.gauss_beam(modlmap, jfwhm)) dscov /= np.nan_to_num( maps.gauss_beam(modlmap, ifwhm) * maps.gauss_beam(modlmap, jfwhm)) # dncov[sel] = 1e90 #np.inf # inf gives invertible matrix but nonsensical output, 1e90 gives noninvertible, but with eigpow sensible # dscov[sel] = 1e90 #np.inf # io.plot_img((np.fft.fftshift(ncov)),"tuncov%d%d.png"%(aindex1,aindex2),aspect='auto') # io.plot_img(np.log10(np.fft.fftshift(scov+ncov)),"udsncov%d%d.png"%(aindex1,aindex2),aspect='auto',lim=[-5,1]) # io.plot_img(np.log10(np.fft.fftshift(ncov)),"uncov%d%d.png"%(aindex1,aindex2),aspect='auto',lim=[-5,1])
from szar import foregrounds as fgs import soapack.interfaces as sints from tilec import ilc,utils as tutils from scipy.optimize import curve_fit ells = np.arange(2,8000,1) region = 'deep56' mask = enmap.read_map("/scratch/r/rbond/msyriac/data/depot/tilec/test_v1.1.0_rc_deep56/tilec_mask.fits") w2 = np.mean(mask**2.) template = mask shape,wcs = template.shape,template.wcs modlmap = template.modlmap() minell = maps.minimum_ell(shape,wcs) bin_edges = np.arange(80,8000,2*minell) binner = stats.bin2D(modlmap,bin_edges) cents = binner.centers ctheory = ilc.CTheory(cents) #arrays = "p01,p02,p03,p04,p05,p06,p07,p08".split(',') arrays = "d56_01,d56_02,d56_03,d56_04,d56_05,d56_06,p01,p02,p03,p04,p05,p06,p07,p08".split(',') narrays = len(arrays) for qind1 in range(narrays): for qind2 in range(qind1,narrays): qid1 = arrays[qind1] qid2 = arrays[qind2]
def calculate_yy(bin_edges,arrays,region,version,cov_versions,beam_version, effective_freq,overwrite,maxval,unsanitized_beam=False,do_weights=False, pa1_shift = None, pa2_shift = None, pa3_150_shift = None, pa3_090_shift = None, no_act_color_correction=False, ccor_exp = -1, sim_splits=None,unblind=False,all_analytic=False,beta_samples=None): """ We calculate the yy power spectrum as follows. We restrict the Fourier modes in our analysis to those within bin_edges. This way we don't carry irrelevant pixels and thus speed up the ability to MC. We accept two covariance versions in cov_versions, which correspond to [act_covariance_from_split_0,act_covariance_from_split_1,other_covs]. Thus the ACT auto covariances are pre-calculated """ arrays = arrays.split(',') narrays = len(arrays) if sim_splits is not None: assert not(unblind) def warn(): print("WARNING: no bandpass file found. Assuming array ",dm.c['id']," has no response to CMB, tSZ and CIB.") aspecs = tutils.ASpecs().get_specs bandpasses = not(effective_freq) savedir = tutils.get_save_path(version,region) assert len(cov_versions)==3 covdirs = [tutils.get_save_path(cov_versions[i],region) for i in range(3)] for covdir in covdirs: assert os.path.exists(covdir) if not(overwrite): assert not(os.path.exists(savedir)), \ "This version already exists on disk. Please use a different version identifier." try: os.makedirs(savedir) except: if overwrite: pass else: raise mask = enmap.read_map(covdir+"tilec_mask.fits") from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter as smooth pm = enmap.read_map("/scratch/r/rbond/msyriac/data/planck/data/pr2/COM_Mask_Lensing_2048_R2.00_car_deep56_interp_order0.fits") wcs = pm.wcs mask = enmap.enmap(smooth(pm,sigma=10),wcs) * mask shape,wcs = mask.shape,mask.wcs Ny,Nx = shape modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape,wcs) omodlmap = modlmap.copy() ells = np.arange(0,modlmap.max()) minell = maps.minimum_ell(shape,wcs) sel = np.where(np.logical_and(modlmap>=bin_edges[0]-minell,modlmap<=bin_edges[-1]+minell)) modlmap = modlmap[sel] bps = [] lbeams = [] kbeams = [] shifts = [] cfreqs = [] lmins = [] lmaxs = [] names = [] for i,qid in enumerate(arrays): dm = sints.models[sints.arrays(qid,'data_model')](region=mask,calibrated=True) if'act_mr3': season,array1,array2 = sints.arrays(qid,'season'),sints.arrays(qid,'array'),sints.arrays(qid,'freq') array = '_'.join([array1,array2]) elif'planck_hybrid': season,patch,array = None,None,sints.arrays(qid,'freq') else: raise ValueError lmin,lmax,hybrid,radial,friend,cfreq,fgroup,wrfit = aspecs(qid) lmins.append(lmin) lmaxs.append(lmax) names.append(qid) cfreqs.append(cfreq) if bandpasses: try: fname = dm.get_bandpass_file_name(array) bps.append("data/"+fname) if (pa1_shift is not None) and 'PA1' in fname: shifts.append(pa1_shift) elif (pa2_shift is not None) and 'PA2' in fname: shifts.append(pa2_shift) elif (pa3_150_shift is not None) and ('PA3' in fname) and ('150' in fname): shifts.append(pa3_150_shift) elif (pa3_090_shift is not None) and ('PA3' in fname) and ('090' in fname): shifts.append(pa3_90_shift) else: shifts.append(0) except: warn() bps.append(None) else: try: bps.append(cfreq) except: warn() bps.append(None) kbeam = tutils.get_kbeam(qid,modlmap,sanitize=not(unsanitized_beam),version=beam_version,planck_pixwin=True) if'act_mr3': lbeam = tutils.get_kbeam(qid,ells,sanitize=not(unsanitized_beam),version=beam_version,planck_pixwin=False) # note no pixwin but doesnt matter since no ccorr for planck elif'planck_hybrid': lbeam = None else: raise ValueError lbeams.append(lbeam) kbeams.append(kbeam.copy()) # Make responses responses = {} def _get_response(comp,param_override=None): if bandpasses: if no_act_color_correction: r = tfg.get_mix_bandpassed(bps, comp, bandpass_shifts=shifts, param_dict_override=param_override) else: r = tfg.get_mix_bandpassed(bps, comp, bandpass_shifts=shifts, ccor_cen_nus=cfreqs, ccor_beams=lbeams, ccor_exps = [ccor_exp] * narrays, param_dict_override=param_override) else: r = tfg.get_mix(bps, comp,param_dict_override=param_override) return r for comp in ['tSZ','CMB','CIB']: responses[comp] = _get_response(comp,None) from tilec.utils import is_planck ilcgens = [] okcoadds = [] for splitnum in range(2): covdir = covdirs[splitnum] kcoadds = [] for i,qid in enumerate(arrays): lmin = lmins[i] lmax = lmaxs[i] if is_planck(qid): dm = sints.models[sints.arrays(qid,'data_model')](region=mask,calibrated=True) _,kcoadd,_ = kspace.process(dm,region,qid,mask, skip_splits=True, splits_fname=sim_splits[i] if sim_splits is not None else None, inpaint=False,fn_beam = None, plot_inpaint_path = None, split_set=splitnum) else: kcoadd_name = covdir + "kcoadd_%s.npy" % qid kcoadd = enmap.enmap(np.load(kcoadd_name),wcs) kmask = maps.mask_kspace(shape,wcs,lmin=lmin,lmax=lmax) dtype = kcoadd.dtype kcoadds.append((kcoadd.copy()*kmask)[sel]) kcoadds = enmap.enmap(np.stack(kcoadds),wcs) okcoadds.append(kcoadds.copy()) # Read Covmat ctheory = ilc.CTheory(modlmap) nells = kcoadds[0].size cov = np.zeros((narrays,narrays,nells)) for aindex1 in range(narrays): for aindex2 in range(aindex1,narrays): qid1 = names[aindex1] qid2 = names[aindex2] if is_planck(names[aindex1]) or is_planck(names[aindex2]) or all_analytic: lmin,lmax,hybrid,radial,friend,f1,fgroup,wrfit = aspecs(qid1) lmin,lmax,hybrid,radial,friend,f2,fgroup,wrfit = aspecs(qid2) # If both are Planck and same array, get white noise from last bin icov = ctheory.get_theory_cls(f1,f2,a_cmb=1,a_gal=0.8)*kbeams[aindex1]*kbeams[aindex2] if aindex1==aindex2: pcov = enmap.enmap(np.load(covdirs[2]+"tilec_hybrid_covariance_%s_%s.npy" % (names[aindex1],names[aindex2])),wcs) pbin_edges = np.append(np.arange(500,3000,200) ,[3000,4000,5000,5800]) pbinner = stats.bin2D(omodlmap,pbin_edges) w = pbinner.bin(pcov)[1][-1] icov = icov + w else: icov = np.load(covdir+"tilec_hybrid_covariance_%s_%s.npy" % (names[aindex1],names[aindex2]))[sel] if aindex1==aindex2: icov[modlmap<lmins[aindex1]] = maxval icov[modlmap>lmaxs[aindex1]] = maxval cov[aindex1,aindex2] = icov cov[aindex2,aindex1] = icov assert np.all(np.isfinite(cov)) ilcgen = ilc.HILC(modlmap,np.stack(kbeams),cov=cov,responses=responses,invert=True) ilcgens.append(ilcgen) solutions = ['tSZ','tSZ-CMB','tSZ-CIB'] ypowers = {} w2 = np.mean(mask**2.) binner = stats.bin2D(modlmap,bin_edges) np.random.seed(100) blinding = np.random.uniform(0.8,1.2) if not(unblind) else 1 def _get_ypow(sname,dname,dresponse=None,dcmb=False): if dresponse is not None: assert dname is not None for splitnum in range(2): ilcgens[splitnum].add_response(dname,dresponse) ykmaps = [] for splitnum in range(2): if dcmb: assert dname is not None ykmap = ilcgens[splitnum].multi_constrained_map(okcoadds[splitnum],sname,[dname,"CMB"]) else: if dname is None: ykmap = ilcgens[splitnum].standard_map(okcoadds[splitnum],sname) else: ykmap = ilcgens[splitnum].constrained_map(okcoadds[splitnum],sname,dname) ykmaps.append(ykmap.copy()) ypower = (ykmaps[0]*ykmaps[1].conj()).real / w2 return binner.bin(ypower)[1] * blinding # The usual solutions for solution in solutions: sols = solution.split('-') if len(sols)==2: sname = sols[0] dname = sols[1] elif len(sols)==1: sname = sols[0] dname = None else: raise ValueError ypowers[solution] = _get_ypow(sname,dname,dresponse=None) # The CIB SED samples if beta_samples is not None: y_bsamples = [] y_bsamples_cmb = [] for beta in beta_samples: pdict = tfg.default_dict.copy() pdict['beta_CIB'] = beta response = _get_response("CIB",param_override=pdict) y_bsamples.append( _get_ypow("tSZ","iCIB",dresponse=response,dcmb=False) ) y_bsamples_cmb.append( _get_ypow("tSZ","iCIB",dresponse=response,dcmb=True) ) else: y_bsamples = None y_bsamples_cmb = None return binner.centers,ypowers,y_bsamples,y_bsamples_cmb
# What am I doing? my_tasks = each_tasks[rank] # Read config iniFile = "../halofg/input/recon.ini" Config = SafeConfigParser() Config.optionxform = str pol = False shape_sim, wcs_sim, shape_dat, wcs_dat = aio.enmaps_from_config( Config, sim_section, analysis_section, pol=pol) analysis_resolution = np.min( enmap.extent(shape_dat, wcs_dat) / shape_dat[-2:]) * 60. * 180. / np.pi min_ell = fmaps.minimum_ell(shape_dat, wcs_dat) lb = aio.ellbounds_from_config(Config, "reconstruction_small", min_ell) tellmin = lb['tellminY'] tellmax = lb['tellmaxY'] pellmin = lb['pellminY'] pellmax = lb['pellmaxY'] kellmin = lb['kellmin'] kellmax = lb['kellmax'] parray_dat = aio.patch_array_from_config(Config, expf_name, shape_dat, wcs_dat, dimensionless=True) parray_sim = aio.patch_array_from_config(Config, expf_name, shape_sim,
def noise_block_average(n2d,nsplits,delta_ell,lmin=300,lmax=8000,wnoise_annulus=500,bin_annulus=20, lknee_guess=3000,alpha_guess=-4,nparams=None, verbose=False,radial_fit=True,fill_lmax=None,fill_lmax_width=100,log=True, isotropic_low_ell=True,allow_low_wnoise=False): """Find the empirical mean noise binned in blocks of dfact[0] x dfact[1] . Preserves noise anisotropy. Most arguments are for the radial fitting part. A radial fit is divided out before downsampling (by default by FFT) and then multplied back with the radial fit. Watch for ringing in the final output. n2d noise power n2d -- the [...,Ny,Nx] 2d power to smooth nsplits -- the number of splits from which the 2d noise power was estimated. This needs to be known if log is True, in which case the power is log-transformed before smoothing, which changes the statistics of the samples and hence needs a pre-determined correction based on the distribution of the original sample. log -- whether to log transform before smoothing. Should only be used if the power is positive (so should not be used e.g. if this is for the cross-noise of two components) delta_ell -- the block width in ell units for the smoothing. The smoothing effectively gets done in blocks of delta_ell x delta_ell. radial_fit -- if True, divides out a fit to the 1d power lmin -- lmin for the radial fit lmax -- lmax for the radial fit (adjust based on resolution of map) wnoise_annulus -- width of annulus in ell within which to estimate high ell white noise (adjust based on resolution) bin_annulus -- width of 1d bins (IMPORTANT: adjust based on map size) lknee_guess -- guess lknee for fit alpha_guess -- guess alpha for fit nparams -- optionally pass in a radial fit's parameters verbose -- print more fill_lmax -- fill power outside this lmax with the mean of the annulus between fill_lmax and fill_lmax_width fill_lmax_width -- see above isotropic_low_ell -- fill below lmin with an isotropic fit to the 1d power allow_low_wnoise -- allow white noise level to be negative (for debugging) """ assert np.all(np.isfinite(n2d)) if log: assert np.all(n2d>0), "You can't log smooth a PS with negative or zero power. Use log=False for these." shape,wcs = n2d.shape,n2d.wcs modlmap = n2d.modlmap() minell = maps.minimum_ell(shape,wcs) Ny,Nx = shape[-2:] if radial_fit: with"radial fit"): if nparams is None: if verbose: print("Radial fitting...") nparams = fit_noise_1d(n2d,lmin=lmin,lmax=lmax,wnoise_annulus=wnoise_annulus, bin_annulus=bin_annulus,lknee_guess=lknee_guess,alpha_guess=alpha_guess, allow_low_wnoise=allow_low_wnoise) wfit,lfit,afit = nparams nfitted = rednoise(modlmap,wfit,lfit,afit) else: nparams = None nfitted = n2d*0 + 1 nfitted = np.maximum(nfitted,np.max(n2d)*1e-14) nflat = enmap.enmap(n2d/nfitted,wcs) # flattened 2d noise power fval = nflat[np.logical_and(modlmap>2,modlmap<2*minell)].mean() nflat[modlmap<2] = fval if fill_lmax is not None: fill_avg = nflat[np.logical_and(modlmap>(fill_lmax-fill_lmax_width),modlmap<=fill_lmax)].mean() nflat[modlmap>fill_lmax] = fill_avg if verbose: print("Resampling...") assert np.all(np.isfinite(nflat)) with"smooth ps grid"): ndown = smooth_ps_grid(nflat, res=delta_ell, alpha=4, log=log, ndof=2*(nsplits-1)) # pshow(nflat) # pshow(ndown) outcov = ndown*nfitted outcov[modlmap<minell] = 0 if fill_lmax is not None: outcov[modlmap>fill_lmax] = 0 assert np.all(np.isfinite(outcov)) if isotropic_low_ell: with"isotropic low ell"): if radial_fit: ifunc = lambda ells,ell0,A,shell: (A*np.exp(-ell0/ells) + shell) sel = np.logical_and(modlmap<=lmin,modlmap>=2) ibin_edges = np.arange(minell,(lmin*2)+2*minell,2*minell) ibinner = stats.bin2D(modlmap,ibin_edges) cents,inls = ibinner.bin(nflat) ys = inls xs = cents if radial_fit: res,_ = curve_fit(ifunc,xs,ys,p0=[20,1,0],bounds=([2,0.,-np.inf],[lmin*2,np.inf,np.inf])) outcov[sel] = ifunc(modlmap[sel],res[0],res[1],res[2])*nfitted[sel] else: deg = 5 res = np.polyfit(np.log(xs),np.log(ys*xs**2.),deg=deg) assert res.size==(deg+1) fitfunc = lambda x: sum([res[deg-p]*(x**p) for p in range(0,deg+1)[::-1]]) outcov[sel] = (np.exp(fitfunc(np.log(modlmap[sel])))/modlmap[sel]**2.)*nfitted[sel] outcov[modlmap<2] = 0 # fbin_edges = np.arange(minell,lmax,bin_annulus) # fbinner = stats.bin2D(modlmap,fbin_edges) # cents, n1d = fbinner.bin(nflat) # pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='loglog',xlabel='l',ylabel='D',scalefn=lambda x: x**2./2./np.pi) # ells = np.arange(minell,2*lmin,1) # if radial_fit: # pl.add(ells,ifunc(ells,res[0],res[1],res[2])) # else: # pl.add(xs,ys,ls="--") # pl.add(ells,np.exp(fitfunc(np.log(ells)))/ells**2.) # pl.add(cents,n1d) # pl.vline(x=100) # pl.vline(x=200) # pl.vline(x=300) # pl.vline(x=500) # t = "000" # pl._ax.set_xlim(10,3000) # pl.done(os.environ['WORK']+"/iso_fitnoise2_%s.png" % t) # fbin_edges = np.arange(minell,lmax,bin_annulus) # fbinner = stats.bin2D(modlmap,fbin_edges) # cents, n1d = fbinner.bin(n2d) # cents,dn1d = fbinner.bin(outcov) # # cents,dn1d2 = fbinner.bin(nfitted) # pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='linlog',xlabel='l',ylabel='D',scalefn=lambda x: x**2./2./np.pi) # pl.add(cents,n1d) # pl.add(cents,dn1d,ls="--") # pl.vline(x=100) # pl.vline(x=200) # pl.vline(x=300) # pl.vline(x=500) # # pl.add(cents,dn1d2,ls="-.") # t = "000" # pl._ax.set_ylim(1e1,1e5) # pl.done(os.environ['WORK']+"/fitnoise2_%s.png" % t) # sys.exit() return outcov,nfitted,nparams
def noise_average(n2d,dfact=(16,16),lmin=300,lmax=8000,wnoise_annulus=500,bin_annulus=20, lknee_guess=3000,alpha_guess=-4,nparams=None,modlmap=None, verbose=False,method="fft",radial_fit=True, oshape=None,upsample=True,fill_lmax=None,fill_lmax_width=100): """Find the empirical mean noise binned in blocks of dfact[0] x dfact[1] . Preserves noise anisotropy. Most arguments are for the radial fitting part. A radial fit is divided out before downsampling (by default by FFT) and then multplied back with the radial fit. Watch for ringing in the final output. n2d noise power """ assert np.all(np.isfinite(n2d)) shape,wcs = n2d.shape,n2d.wcs minell = maps.minimum_ell(shape,wcs) if modlmap is None: modlmap = enmap.modlmap(shape,wcs) Ny,Nx = shape[-2:] if radial_fit: if nparams is None: if verbose: print("Radial fitting...") nparams = fit_noise_1d(n2d,lmin=lmin,lmax=lmax,wnoise_annulus=wnoise_annulus, bin_annulus=bin_annulus,lknee_guess=lknee_guess,alpha_guess=alpha_guess) wfit,lfit,afit = nparams nfitted = rednoise(modlmap,wfit,lfit,afit) else: nparams = None nfitted = 1. nflat = enmap.enmap(np.nan_to_num(n2d/nfitted),wcs) # flattened 2d noise power if fill_lmax is not None: fill_avg = nflat[np.logical_and(modlmap>(fill_lmax-fill_lmax_width),modlmap<=fill_lmax)].mean() nflat[modlmap>fill_lmax] = fill_avg if oshape is None: oshape = (Ny//dfact[0],Nx//dfact[1]) if verbose: print("Resampling...") nint = enmap.resample(enmap.enmap(nflat,wcs), oshape, method=method) if not(upsample): if radial_fit: nshape,nwcs = nint.shape,nint.wcs modlmap = enmap.modlmap(nshape,nwcs) nfitted = rednoise(modlmap,wfit,lfit,afit) ndown = nint else: ndown = enmap.enmap(enmap.resample(nint,shape,method=method),wcs) outcov = ndown*nfitted outcov[modlmap<minell] = 0 #np.inf if fill_lmax is not None: outcov[modlmap>fill_lmax] = 0 # res,_ = curve_fit(ntemplatefunc,cents,dn1d,p0=[lknee_guess,alpha_guess],bounds=([lknee_min,alpha_min],[lknee_max,alpha_max])) # bad_ells = modlmap[np.isnan(outcov)] # for ell in bad_ells: # print(ell) # print(maps.minimum_ell(shape,wcs)) # from orphics import io # # io.hplot(enmap.enmap(np.fft.fftshift(np.log(n2d)),wcs),"fitnoise_npower.png") # # io.hplot(enmap.enmap(np.fft.fftshift(np.log(outcov)),wcs),"fitnoise_ndown.png") # io.plot_img(enmap.enmap(np.fft.fftshift(np.log(n2d)),wcs),"fitnoise_npower_lowres.png",aspect='auto')#,lim=[-20,-16]) # io.plot_img(enmap.enmap(np.fft.fftshift(np.log(ndown)),wcs),"fitnoise_ndown_lowres.png",aspect='auto')#,lim=[-20,-16]) # io.plot_img(enmap.enmap(np.fft.fftshift(np.log(outcov)),wcs),"fitnoise_outcov_lowres.png",aspect='auto')#,lim=[-20,-16]) # import time # t = time.time() # fbin_edges = np.arange(lmin,lmax,bin_annulus) # fbinner = stats.bin2D(modlmap,fbin_edges) # cents, n1d = fbinner.bin(n2d) # cents,dn1d = fbinner.bin(outcov) # pl = io.Plotter(xyscale='linlog',xlabel='l',ylabel='D',scalefn=lambda x: x**2./2./np.pi) # pl.add(cents,n1d) # pl.add(cents,dn1d,ls="--") # pl.done(os.environ['WORK']+"/fitnoise2_%s.png" % t) # sys.exit() assert not(np.any(np.isnan(outcov))) return outcov,nfitted,nparams
pcross2d = f2power(ik1.reshape((Ny, Nx)), ik2.reshape((Ny, Nx))) cents, p1d = binner.bin(pcross2d) s.add_to_stats(tag, p1d.copy()) def ncompute(ik, nk, tag): pauto2d = f2power(ik.reshape((Ny, Nx)), ik.reshape( (Ny, Nx))) - f2power(nk.reshape((Ny, Nx)), nk.reshape((Ny, Nx))) cents, p1d = binner.bin(pauto2d) s.add_to_stats(tag, p1d.copy()) shape, wcs = maps.rect_geometry(width_deg=width, height_deg=height, px_res_arcmin=px) minell = maps.minimum_ell(shape, wcs) lmax1 = lmax - minell ells = np.arange(0, lmax, 1) theory = cosmology.default_theory() nu0 = 150. if dust: cibkcorr = fg.kappa_cib_corrcoeff(ells) ycorr = fg.y_kappa_corrcoeff(ells) cltt = theory.lCl('tt', ells) clkk = theory.gCl('kk', ells) clss = fg.power_tsz(ells, nu0) # pl = io.Plotter(xscale='log',yscale='log',scalefn=lambda x:x**2.) # pl.add(ells,clss) # pl._ax.set_xlim(2,1000)