class OrthoMakerDialogTest(unittest.TestCase): """Test dialog works.""" def setUp(self): """Runs before each test.""" self.dialog = OrthoMakerDialog(None) def tearDown(self): """Runs after each test.""" self.dialog = None def test_dialog_ok(self): """Test we can click OK.""" button = self.dialog.button_box.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok) result = self.dialog.result() self.assertEqual(result, QDialog.Accepted) def test_dialog_cancel(self): """Test we can click cancel.""" button = self.dialog.button_box.button(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) result = self.dialog.result() self.assertEqual(result, QDialog.Rejected)
def __init__(self, iface): """Constructor. :param iface: An interface instance that will be passed to this class which provides the hook by which you can manipulate the QGIS application at run time. :type iface: QgsInterface """ # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface # initialize plugin directory self.plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # initialize locale locale = QSettings().value('locale/userLocale')[0:2] locale_path = os.path.join( self.plugin_dir, 'i18n', 'OrthoMaker_{}.qm'.format(locale)) if os.path.exists(locale_path): self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(locale_path) if qVersion() > '4.3.3': QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) # Create the dialog (after translation) and keep reference self.dlg = OrthoMakerDialog() # Declare instance attributes self.actions = [] ='&Ortho Maker') self.toolbar = self.iface.addToolBar(u'OrthoMaker') self.toolbar.setObjectName(u'OrthoMaker') # Settings dialog etc. self.settings = OrthoMakerSettings() self.settings_dlg = OrthoMakerSettingsDialog(self.settings) self.dlg.pushButton_Input.clicked.connect(self.showFileSelectDialogInput) self.dlg.pushButton_Output.clicked.connect(self.showFileSelectDialogOutput) self.dlg.pushButton_workdir.clicked.connect(self.showFileSelectDialogWorkdir) self.dlg.pushButton_DEM.clicked.connect(self.showFileSelectDialogDEM) self.dlg.inDir.setText('C:/') self.dlg.outDir.setText('C:/temp/COWStemp/jpeg/') self.dlg.lineEditDEM.setText('F:\GDB\DHM\AnvendelseGIS\DTM_orto.vrt') self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.setText('C:/Temp/COWStemp/') self.dlg.lineEditPixelSize.setText('0.16') self.dlg.radioButtonDEM_2015.toggle() self.dlg.radioButton_fieldpath.toggle() self.dlg.checkBoxDelTiff.setCheckState( Qt.Checked )
def __init__(self, iface): # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface # initialize plugin directory self.plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # initialize locale locale = QSettings().value('locale/userLocale')[0:2] locale_path = os.path.join( self.plugin_dir, 'i18n', 'OrthoMaker_{}.qm'.format(locale)) if os.path.exists(locale_path): self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(locale_path) if qVersion() > '4.3.3': QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) # Create the dialog (after translation) and keep reference self.dlg = OrthoMakerDialog() self.fdl = OrthoMakerFileDialog() # Declare instance attributes self.actions = [] ='&Ortho Maker') self.toolbar = self.iface.addToolBar(u'OrthoMaker') self.toolbar.setObjectName(u'OrthoMaker') # Settings dialog etc. self.settings = OrthoMakerSettings() self.settings_dlg = OrthoMakerSettingsDialog(self.settings) self.dlg.pushButton_Input.clicked.connect(self.showFileSelectDialogInput) self.dlg.pushButton_Output.clicked.connect(self.showFileSelectDialogOutput) self.fdl.pushButton_Output.clicked.connect(self.showFileSelectDialogOutputf) self.dlg.pushButton_workdir.clicked.connect(self.showFileSelectDialogWorkdir) self.dlg.pushButton_DEM.clicked.connect(self.showFileSelectDialogDEM) self.dlg.inDir.setText('C:/') self.dlg.outDir.setText('C:/temp/COWStemp/jpeg/') self.dlg.lineEditDEM.setText('F:\GDB\DHM\AnvendelseGIS\DTM_orto.vrt') self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.setText('C:/Temp/COWStemp/') self.dlg.lineEditPixelSize.setText('0.16') self.dlg.lineEditImageAngle.setText('15') self.dlg.radioButtonDEM_2015.toggle() self.dlg.radioButton_fieldpath.toggle() self.dlg.checkBoxDelTiff.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) self.fdl.outDir.setText('F:/GEO\DATA/RemoteSensing/Drift/ForaarsFoto/FotoFlyv_2017/QuickOrto')
class OrthoMaker: """QGIS Plugin Implementation.""" def __init__(self, iface): """Constructor. :param iface: An interface instance that will be passed to this class which provides the hook by which you can manipulate the QGIS application at run time. :type iface: QgsInterface """ # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface # initialize plugin directory self.plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # initialize locale locale = QSettings().value('locale/userLocale')[0:2] locale_path = os.path.join( self.plugin_dir, 'i18n', 'OrthoMaker_{}.qm'.format(locale)) if os.path.exists(locale_path): self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(locale_path) if qVersion() > '4.3.3': QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) # Create the dialog (after translation) and keep reference self.dlg = OrthoMakerDialog() # Declare instance attributes self.actions = [] ='&Ortho Maker') self.toolbar = self.iface.addToolBar(u'OrthoMaker') self.toolbar.setObjectName(u'OrthoMaker') # Settings dialog etc. self.settings = OrthoMakerSettings() self.settings_dlg = OrthoMakerSettingsDialog(self.settings) self.dlg.pushButton_Input.clicked.connect(self.showFileSelectDialogInput) self.dlg.pushButton_Output.clicked.connect(self.showFileSelectDialogOutput) self.dlg.pushButton_workdir.clicked.connect(self.showFileSelectDialogWorkdir) self.dlg.pushButton_DEM.clicked.connect(self.showFileSelectDialogDEM) self.dlg.inDir.setText('C:/') self.dlg.outDir.setText('C:/temp/COWStemp/jpeg/') self.dlg.lineEditDEM.setText('F:\GDB\DHM\AnvendelseGIS\DTM_orto.vrt') self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.setText('C:/Temp/COWStemp/') self.dlg.lineEditPixelSize.setText('0.16') self.dlg.radioButtonDEM_2015.toggle() self.dlg.radioButton_fieldpath.toggle() self.dlg.checkBoxDelTiff.setCheckState( Qt.Checked ) # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def tr(self, message): # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyArgumentList,PyCallByClass return QCoreApplication.translate('OrthoMaker', message) def add_action( self, icon_path, text, callback, enabled_flag=True, add_to_menu=True, add_to_toolbar=True, status_tip=None, whats_this=None, parent=None): icon = QIcon(icon_path) action = QAction(icon, text, parent) action.triggered.connect(callback) action.setEnabled(enabled_flag) if status_tip is not None: action.setStatusTip(status_tip) if whats_this is not None: action.setWhatsThis(whats_this) if add_to_toolbar: self.toolbar.addAction(action) if add_to_menu: self.iface.addPluginToMenu(, action) self.actions.append(action) return action def update1(self, inputLayer): self.dlg.inField1.clear() changedLayer = ftools_utils.getVectorLayerByName(unicode(inputLayer)) changedField = ftools_utils.getFieldList(changedLayer) for f in changedField: if f.type() == QVariant.Int or f.type() == QVariant.String: self.dlg.inField1.addItem(unicode( def showFileSelectDialogInput(self): self.dlg.radioButton_txtpath.toggle() fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, 'Read File', self.dlg.inDir.text(), 'TIF file (*.tif);;All files (*.*)') self.dlg.inDir.setText( fname ) def showFileSelectDialogOutput(self): fname = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( None, 'Select output directory', str(self.dlg.outDir.text())) self.dlg.outDir.setText( fname ) def showFileSelectDialogWorkdir(self): fname = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( None, 'Select working directory', str(self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text())) self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.setText( fname ) def showFileSelectDialogDEM(self): fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, 'Select DEM file', self.dlg.lineEditDEM.text(), 'TIF file (*.tif);;All files (*.*)') self.dlg.lineEditDEM.setText( fname ) def checkA( self ): inputFilNavn = unicode( self.dlg.inShapeA.currentText() ) canvas = self.iface.mapCanvas() allLayers = canvas.layers() for i in allLayers: if( == inputFilNavn): if i.selectedFeatureCount() != 0: self.dlg.useSelectedA.setCheckState( Qt.Checked ) else: self.dlg.useSelectedA.setCheckState( Qt.Unchecked ) def initGui(self): """Create the menu entries and toolbar icons inside the QGIS GUI.""" icon_path = ':/plugins/OrthoMaker/icon.png' self.add_action( icon_path,'Calculate Ortho Photos'),, add_to_menu=True, parent=self.iface.mainWindow() ) self.add_action( None,'Settings'), add_to_toolbar=False, callback=self.open_settings, parent=self.iface.mainWindow() ) def unload(self): """Removes the plugin menu item and icon from QGIS GUI.""" for action in self.actions: self.iface.removePluginMenu('&Ortho Maker'), action) self.iface.removeToolBarIcon(action) # remove the toolbar del self.toolbar def open_settings(self): def run(self): """Run method that performs all the real work""" # show the dialog QObject.connect(self.dlg.inShapeA, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(QString)" ), self.checkA ) QObject.connect(self.dlg.inShapeA, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(QString)" ), self.update1 ) self.dlg.setWindowTitle("Make Ortho")) # populate layer list self.dlg.progressBar.setValue(0) mapCanvas = self.iface.mapCanvas() layers = ftools_utils.getLayerNames([QGis.Point, QGis.Line, QGis.Polygon]) self.dlg.inShapeA.addItems(layers) self.dlg.progressBar.hide() # Run the dialog event loop result = self.dlg.exec_() # See if OK was pressed if result: import subprocess import psycopg2 conn = psycopg2.connect( "dbname={name} user={user} host={host} password={pswd} port={port}".format( name=self.settings.value('database'), user=self.settings.value('username'), host=self.settings.value('hostname'), pswd=self.settings.value('password'), port=self.settings.value('port'), ) ) cur = conn.cursor() inputFilNavn = self.dlg.inShapeA.currentText() canvas = self.iface.mapCanvas() allLayers = canvas.layers() for i in allLayers: #QMessageBox.information(None, "test input", if( == inputFilNavn): layer=i #QMessageBox.information(None, "type", str(layer.geometryType())) if (layer.geometryType() == 2): typen = "polygon" elif (layer.geometryType() == 0): typen = "punkt" elif (layer.geometryType() == 1): typen = "linie" if self.dlg.useSelectedA.isChecked(): selection = layer.selectedFeatures() QMessageBox.information(None, "status", "creating DEF for selected features") else: selection = layer.getFeatures() QMessageBox.information(None, "status", "creating DEF for all features") #for feat in layer.getFeatures(): with open(self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text()+"\\"+self.dlg.inShapeA.currentText()+".bat", "w") as bat_file: bat_file.write("cd "+(self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text()).replace('/','\\')+"\n") for feat in selection: geom = feat.geometry() if (typen == "polygon"): Geometri = geom.asPolygon() elif (typen == "punkt"): Geometri = geom.asPoint() else: Geometri = geom.asLine() ImageID = feat['ImageID'] #load Camera calibration CameraID = feat['CameraID'] #QMessageBox.information(None, "status", "kobler på DB med "+"SELECT * FROM camera_calibrations WHERE camera_id = \'" + str(CameraID) + "\' order by calibration_date DESC limit 1") dbkald = "SELECT * FROM camera_calibrations WHERE camera_id = \'" + str(CameraID) + "\' order by calibration_date DESC limit 1" cur.execute(dbkald) ccdb_svar = cur.fetchone() #QMessageBox.information(None, "db info", str(ccdb_svar)) try: CamRot = ccdb_svar[13] CC = float(ccdb_svar[1])*(-1)# 100.5 pix = ccdb_svar[2]/1000 #0.006 SensorX = ccdb_svar[5]#11310 SensorY = ccdb_svar[6]#17310 PriXin = float(ccdb_svar[3])*(-1)#(-18) PriYin = float(ccdb_svar[4])#(0) except (RuntimeError, TypeError, NameError, ValueError): QMessageBox.information(None, "General Error", "Camera calibration for " + str(CameraID) + " not found in DB!") noError = False return #Read fields OName = "O"+ImageID+".tif" RES = self.dlg.lineEditPixelSize.text() if CamRot == 0: IL1 = " 0.000 "+str(pix) IL2 = str(pix)+" 0.000 " IL3 = str(SensorX)+" "+str(SensorY)# -33.9300000 51.930000000" PriY = PriXin PriX = PriYin elif CamRot == 270: IL1 = str(pix)+" 0.000" IL2 = "0.000 "+str(pix*(-1)) IL3 = str(SensorX)+" "+str(SensorY*(-1)) PriY = PriXin*(-1) PriX = PriYin*(-1) elif CamRot == 90: IL1 = str(pix)+" 0.000" IL2 = "0.000 "+str(pix*(-1)) IL3 = str(SensorY)+" "+str(SensorX*(-1)) PriY = PriYin PriX = PriXin elif CamRot == 180: IL1 = " 0.000 "+str(pix) IL2 = str(pix)+" 0.000 " IL3 = str(SensorY)+" "+str(SensorX*(-1)) PriY = PriXin PriX = PriYin elif CamRot == 999: IL1 = str(pix)+" 0.000" IL2 = "0.000 "+str(pix*(-1)) IL3 = str(SensorY)+" "+str(SensorX*(-1)) PriY = PriYin PriX = PriXin else: QMessageBox.warning(None,"Camera Fail","Illigal Camera Rotation"+str(CamRot)) exit() X_0 = str(feat['Easting']) Y_0 = str(feat['Northing']) Z_0 = str(feat['Height']) OME = str(feat['Omega']) PHI = str(feat['Phi']) KAP = str(feat['Kappa']) #if self.checkBox_bbox.isChecked(): if typen == "polygon": TLX = int(round((geom.boundingBox().xMinimum()/float(RES)),0)*float(RES)) TLY = int(round((geom.boundingBox().yMaximum()/float(RES)),0)*float(RES)) LRX = int(round((geom.boundingBox().xMaximum()/float(RES)),0)*float(RES)) LRY = int(round((geom.boundingBox().yMinimum()/float(RES)),0)*float(RES)) OSizeX = (LRX-TLX) OSizeY = (TLY-LRY) #QMessageBox.information(None, "db info", str(OSizeX)) SZX = (LRX-TLX)/float(RES) SZY = (TLY-LRY)/float(RES) else: clipKAM = float(KAP) - float(CamRot) if (pix == 0.006): if (clipKAM > -635 and clipKAM < -625) or (clipKAM > -455 and clipKAM < -445) or (clipKAM > -275 and clipKAM < -265) or (clipKAM > -95 and clipKAM < -85) or (clipKAM > 85 and clipKAM < 95) or (clipKAM > 265 and clipKAM < 275): OSizeX = 2200 OSizeY = 800 else: OSizeX = 800 OSizeY = 2200 elif (pix == 0.0052): if (clipKAM > -635 and clipKAM < -625) or (clipKAM > -455 and clipKAM < -445) or (clipKAM > -275 and clipKAM < -265) or (clipKAM > -95 and clipKAM < -85) or (clipKAM > 85 and clipKAM < 95) or (clipKAM > 265 and clipKAM < 275): OSizeX = 2500 OSizeY = 900 else: OSizeX = 900 OSizeY = 2500 TLX = float(X_0) - (OSizeX/2) TLY = float(Y_0) + (OSizeY/2) LRX = float(X_0) + (OSizeX/2) LRY = float(Y_0) - (OSizeY/2) SZX = OSizeX/float(RES) SZY = OSizeY/float(RES) with open(self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text()+"\\"+self.dlg.inShapeA.currentText()+".bat", "a") as bat_file: if self.dlg.radioButtonDEM_2007.isChecked(): bat_file.write("gdal_translate -of AAIGrid -projwin " + str(TLX-(float(RES)*20)) + " " + str(TLY+(float(RES)*20)) + " " + str(LRX+(float(RES)*20)) + " " + str(LRY-(float(RES)*20)) + " \\\\c1200038\Data\dtm2007\dtm2007.vrt " + self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text()+"\\DTM_"+ImageID+".asc\n") #bat_file.write("gdal_translate -of AAIGrid -projwin " + str(float(X_0)-(OSizeX/1.8)) + " " + str(float(Y_0)+(OSizeY/1.8)) + " " + str(float(X_0) + (OSizeX/1.8)) + " " + str(float(Y_0) - (OSizeY/1.8)) + " \\\\c1200038\Data\dtm2007\dtm2007.vrt " + self.lineEdit_workdir.text()+"\\DTM_"+ImageID+".asc\n") elif self.dlg.radioButtonDEM_2015.isChecked(): bat_file.write("gdal_translate -of AAIGrid -projwin " + str(TLX-(float(RES)*20)) + " " + str(TLY+(float(RES)*20)) + " " + str(LRX+(float(RES)*20)) + " " + str(LRY-(float(RES)*20)) + " F:\GDB\DHM\AnvendelseGIS\DTM_orto.vrt " + self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text()+"\\DTM_"+ImageID+".asc\n") #bat_file.write("gdal_translate -of AAIGrid -projwin " + str(float(X_0)-(OSizeX/1.8)) + " " + str(float(Y_0)+(OSizeY/1.8)) + " " + str(float(X_0) + (OSizeX/1.8)) + " " + str(float(Y_0) - (OSizeY/1.8)) + " \\\\\dhm2007-server\DHM-E\samlet_20150409.vrt " + self.lineEdit_workdir.text()+"\\DTM_"+ImageID+".asc\n") else: pass bat_file.write(os.path.dirname(__file__)+"\\orto.exe -def "+self.dlg.outDir.text()+"\\"+ImageID+".def\n") bat_file.write("del "+(self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text()).replace('/','\\')+"\\DTM_"+ImageID+".*\n") bat_file.write("gdal_translate -b 1 -b 2 -b 3 -a_srs EPSG:25832 -of GTIFF -co COMPRESS=JPEG -co JPEG_QUALITY=85 -co PHOTOMETRIC=YCBCR -co TILED=YES " + self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text()+"\\"+OName+ " " + self.dlg.outDir.text()+"\\" +OName+ "\n") if self.dlg.checkBoxDelTiff.isChecked(): bat_file.write("del "+(self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text()).replace('/','\\')+"\\O"+ImageID+".*\n") #write DEF file with open(self.dlg.outDir.text()+"\\"+ImageID+".def", "w") as text_file: text_file.write("PRJ= nill.apr"+" \n") text_file.write("ORI= nill.txt"+" \n") text_file.write("RUN= 0"+" \n") text_file.write("DEL= NO"+" \n") if self.dlg.radioButton_fieldpath.isChecked(): text_file.write("IMG= "+str(feat[self.dlg.inField1.currentText()])+"/"+ImageID+".tif"+" \n") else: text_file.write("IMG= "+os.path.dirname(self.dlg.inDir.text())+"/"+ImageID+".tif"+" \n") if self.dlg.radioButtonDEM_spec.isChecked(): text_file.write("DGL= "+self.dlg.lineEditDEM.text()+" \n") text_file.write("DGP= DTM_"+" \n") text_file.write("DGS= 1"+" \n") else: text_file.write("DTM= "+self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text()+"\\DTM_"+ImageID+".asc"+" \n") text_file.write("ORT= "+self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text()+"\\"+OName+" \n") text_file.write("TLX= "+str(TLX)+" \n") text_file.write("TLY= "+str(TLY)+" \n") text_file.write("RES= "+RES+" \n") text_file.write("SZX= "+str(math.trunc(SZX))+" \n") text_file.write("SZY= "+str(math.trunc(SZY))+" \n") text_file.write("R34= NO"+" \n") text_file.write("INT= CUB -1"+" \n") text_file.write("CON= "+str(CC/1000) +" \n") #0.1005 text_file.write("XDH= "+str(PriX)+" \n")#-0.18 text_file.write("YDH= "+str(PriY)+" \n") text_file.write("IL1= "+IL1+" \n") text_file.write("IL2= "+IL2+" \n") text_file.write("IL3= "+IL3+" \n") text_file.write("X_0= "+X_0+" \n") text_file.write("Y_0= "+Y_0+" \n") text_file.write("Z_0= "+Z_0+" \n") text_file.write("DRG= DEG"+" \n") text_file.write("OME= "+OME+" \n") text_file.write("PHI= "+PHI+" \n") text_file.write("KAP= "+KAP+" \n") text_file.write("MBF= 870"+" \n") text_file.write("BBF= 999999"+" \n") text_file.write("STR= NO"+" \n") text_file.close() with open(self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text()+"\\"+self.dlg.inShapeA.currentText()+".bat", "a") as bat_file: bat_file.write("gdalbuildvrt "+ self.dlg.outDir.text()+ "\\" + self.dlg.inShapeA.currentText() + ".vrt " + self.dlg.outDir.text()+ "\\*.tif" + "\n") bat_file.write("gdaladdo "+ self.dlg.outDir.text()+ "\\"+ self.dlg.inShapeA.currentText() + ".vrt " +" -r average -ro --config GDAL_CACHEMAX 900 --config COMPRESS_OVERVIEW JPEG --config JPEG_QUALITY_OVERVIEW 85 --config PHOTOMETRIC_OVERVIEW YCBCR --config INTERLEAVE_OVERVIEW PIXEL --config BIGTIFF_OVERVIEW YES 2 4 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000" + "\n") QMessageBox.information(None, "Settings", "DEF and Batfile created. \n\nPlease run "+self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text()+"\\"+self.dlg.inShapeA.currentText()+".bat from a OSGEO4W shell" ) pass
def setUp(self): """Runs before each test.""" self.dialog = OrthoMakerDialog(None)
class OrthoMaker: """QGIS Plugin Implementation.""" def __init__(self, iface): # Save reference to the QGIS interface self.iface = iface # initialize plugin directory self.plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) # initialize locale locale = QSettings().value('locale/userLocale')[0:2] locale_path = os.path.join( self.plugin_dir, 'i18n', 'OrthoMaker_{}.qm'.format(locale)) if os.path.exists(locale_path): self.translator = QTranslator() self.translator.load(locale_path) if qVersion() > '4.3.3': QCoreApplication.installTranslator(self.translator) # Create the dialog (after translation) and keep reference self.dlg = OrthoMakerDialog() self.fdl = OrthoMakerFileDialog() # Declare instance attributes self.actions = [] ='&Ortho Maker') self.toolbar = self.iface.addToolBar(u'OrthoMaker') self.toolbar.setObjectName(u'OrthoMaker') # Settings dialog etc. self.settings = OrthoMakerSettings() self.settings_dlg = OrthoMakerSettingsDialog(self.settings) self.dlg.pushButton_Input.clicked.connect(self.showFileSelectDialogInput) self.dlg.pushButton_Output.clicked.connect(self.showFileSelectDialogOutput) self.fdl.pushButton_Output.clicked.connect(self.showFileSelectDialogOutputf) self.dlg.pushButton_workdir.clicked.connect(self.showFileSelectDialogWorkdir) self.dlg.pushButton_DEM.clicked.connect(self.showFileSelectDialogDEM) self.dlg.inDir.setText('C:/') self.dlg.outDir.setText('C:/temp/COWStemp/jpeg/') self.dlg.lineEditDEM.setText('F:\GDB\DHM\AnvendelseGIS\DTM_orto.vrt') self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.setText('C:/Temp/COWStemp/') self.dlg.lineEditPixelSize.setText('0.16') self.dlg.lineEditImageAngle.setText('15') self.dlg.radioButtonDEM_2015.toggle() self.dlg.radioButton_fieldpath.toggle() self.dlg.checkBoxDelTiff.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) self.fdl.outDir.setText('F:/GEO\DATA/RemoteSensing/Drift/ForaarsFoto/FotoFlyv_2017/QuickOrto') # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic def tr(self, message): # noinspection PyTypeChecker,PyArgumentList,PyCallByClass return QCoreApplication.translate('OrthoMaker', message) def add_action( self, icon_path, text, callback, enabled_flag=True, add_to_menu=True, add_to_toolbar=True, status_tip=None, whats_this=None, parent=None): icon = QIcon(icon_path) action = QAction(icon, text, parent) action.triggered.connect(callback) action.setEnabled(enabled_flag) if status_tip is not None: action.setStatusTip(status_tip) if whats_this is not None: action.setWhatsThis(whats_this) if add_to_toolbar: self.toolbar.addAction(action) if add_to_menu: self.iface.addPluginToMenu(, action) self.actions.append(action) return action def update1(self, inputLayer): self.dlg.inField1.clear() changedLayer = ftools_utils.getVectorLayerByName(unicode(inputLayer)) changedField = ftools_utils.getFieldList(changedLayer) for f in changedField: if f.type() == QVariant.Int or f.type() == QVariant.String: self.dlg.inField1.addItem(unicode( def update_ortonamefield(self, inputLayer): self.dlg.ortonamefield.clear() changedLayer = ftools_utils.getVectorLayerByName(unicode(inputLayer)) changedField = ftools_utils.getFieldList(changedLayer) for f in changedField: if f.type() == QVariant.Int or f.type() == QVariant.String: self.dlg.ortonamefield.addItem(unicode( def showFileSelectDialogInput(self): self.dlg.radioButton_txtpath.toggle() fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, 'Read File', self.dlg.inDir.text(), 'TIF file (*.tif);;All files (*.*)') self.dlg.inDir.setText(fname) def showFileSelectDialogOutput(self): fname = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(None, 'Select output directory', str(self.dlg.outDir.text())) self.dlg.outDir.setText(fname) def showFileSelectDialogWorkdir(self): fname = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(None, 'Select working directory', str(self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text())) self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.setText(fname) def showFileSelectDialogDEM(self): fname = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, 'Select DEM file', self.dlg.lineEditDEM.text(), 'TIF file (*.tif);;All files (*.*)') self.dlg.lineEditDEM.setText(fname) def showFileSelectDialogOutputf(self): fname = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(None, 'Select output directory', str(self.fdl.outDir.text())) self.fdl.outDir.setText(fname) def checkA(self): inputFilNavn = unicode(self.dlg.inShapeA.currentText()) canvas = self.iface.mapCanvas() allLayers = canvas.layers() for i in allLayers: if ( == inputFilNavn): if i.selectedFeatureCount() != 0: self.dlg.useSelectedA.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) else: self.dlg.useSelectedA.setCheckState(Qt.Unchecked) def initGui(self): """Create the menu entries and toolbar icons inside the QGIS GUI.""" icon_path = ':/plugins/OrthoMaker/icon.png' self.add_action( icon_path,'Calculate Ortho Photos'),, parent=self.iface.mainWindow() ) icon_path = ':/plugins/OrthoMaker/fld.png' self.add_action( icon_path,'Build File List'), callback=self.build_filelist, parent=self.iface.mainWindow() ) self.add_action( None,'Settings'), add_to_toolbar=False, callback=self.open_settings, parent=self.iface.mainWindow() ) def unload(self): """Removes the plugin menu item and icon from QGIS GUI.""" for action in self.actions: self.iface.removePluginMenu('&Ortho Maker'), action) self.iface.removeToolBarIcon(action) # remove the toolbar del self.toolbar def open_settings(self): def run(self): """Run method that performs all the real work""" # show the dialog QObject.connect(self.dlg.inShapeA, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(QString)"), self.checkA) QObject.connect(self.dlg.inShapeA, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(QString)"), self.update1) QObject.connect(self.dlg.inShapeA, SIGNAL("currentIndexChanged(QString)"), self.update_ortonamefield) self.dlg.setWindowTitle("Make Ortho")) # populate layer list self.dlg.progressBar.setValue(0) # mapCanvas = self.iface.mapCanvas() # layers = ftools_utils.getLayerNames([QGis.Point, QGis.Line, QGis.Polygon]) # self.dlg.inShapeA.addItems(layers) mapCanvas = self.iface.mapCanvas() lyrs = self.iface.legendInterface().layers() lyr_list = [] for layer in lyrs: lyr_list.append( self.dlg.inShapeA.clear() self.dlg.inShapeA.addItems(lyr_list) self.dlg.progressBar.hide() # Run the dialog event loop result = self.dlg.exec_() # See if OK was pressed if result: import subprocess import psycopg2 conn = psycopg2.connect( "dbname={name} user={user} host={host} password={pswd} port={port}".format( name=self.settings.value('database'), user=self.settings.value('username'), host=self.settings.value('hostname'), pswd=self.settings.value('password'), port=self.settings.value('port'), ) ) cur = conn.cursor() inputFilNavn = self.dlg.inShapeA.currentText() canvas = self.iface.mapCanvas() allLayers = canvas.layers() for i in allLayers: # QMessageBox.information(None, "test input", if ( == inputFilNavn): layer = i # QMessageBox.information(None, "type", str(layer.geometryType())) if (layer.geometryType() == 2): # QMessageBox.information(None,"geometritype","Polygon") typen = "polygon" elif (layer.geometryType() == 0): typen = "punkt" elif (layer.geometryType() == 1): typen = "linie" if self.dlg.useSelectedA.isChecked(): selection = layer.selectedFeatures() totalantal = layer.selectedFeatureCount() QMessageBox.information(None, "status", "creating DEF for "+ str(totalantal) + " selected features") else: selection = layer.getFeatures() totalantal = layer.featureCount() QMessageBox.information(None, "status", "creating DEF for all "+ str(totalantal) + " features") defnr = 0 nummernu = 0 with open(self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text() + "\\" + self.dlg.inShapeA.currentText() + ".bat","w") as bat_file: bat_file.write("cd " + (self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text()).replace('/', '\\') + "\n") for feat in selection: geom = feat.geometry() nummernu = nummernu + 1 if (typen == "polygon"): Geometri = geom.asPolygon() elif (typen == "punkt"): Geometri = geom.asPoint() else: Geometri = geom.asLine() #ImageID = feat['ImageID'] ImageID = feat[self.dlg.ortonamefield.currentText()] # load Camera calibration CameraID = feat['CameraID'] try: ConeID = feat['coneid'] #QMessageBox.information(None,'ConeID',ConeID) except (RuntimeError, TypeError, NameError, KeyError): ConeID = '0' #QMessageBox.information(None, 'ConeID',ConeID) #QMessageBox.information(None, 'status', 'kobler paa DB med '+'SELECT * FROM camera_calibrations WHERE camera_id = \'' + str(CameraID) + '\' and cone_id = \'' + ConeID +'\' order by calibration_date DESC limit 1') dbkald = "SELECT * FROM camera_calibrations WHERE camera_id = \'" + str(CameraID) + "\' and cone_id = \'" + ConeID +"\' order by calibration_date DESC limit 1" cur.execute(dbkald) ccdb_svar = cur.fetchone() # QMessageBox.information(None, "db info", str(ccdb_svar)) try: imgRot = ccdb_svar[14] CamRot = ccdb_svar[13] CC = float(ccdb_svar[1]) * (-1) # 100.5 pix = ccdb_svar[2] / 1000 # 0.006 SensorX = ccdb_svar[5] # 11310 SensorY = ccdb_svar[6] # 17310 PriXin = float(ccdb_svar[3]) # (-18) PriYin = float(ccdb_svar[4]) # (0) coneid = ccdb_svar[15] except (RuntimeError, TypeError, NameError, ValueError): QMessageBox.information(None, "General Error","Camera calibration for " + str(CameraID) + " not found in DB!") noError = False return # Read fields OName = "O" + ImageID + ".tif" #QMessageBox.information(None, "navn til orto",OName) RES = self.dlg.lineEditPixelSize.text() if CamRot == 0: IL1 = " 0.000 " + str(pix) IL2 = str(pix) + " 0.000 " IL3 = str(SensorX) + " " + str(SensorY) # -33.9300000 51.930000000" PriY = PriXin PriX = PriYin elif CamRot == 270: IL1 = str(pix) + " 0.000" IL2 = "0.000 " + str(pix * (-1)) IL3 = str(SensorX) + " " + str(SensorY * (-1)) PriY = PriYin PriX = PriXin elif CamRot == 90: IL1 = str(pix) + " 0.000" IL2 = "0.000 " + str(pix * (-1)) IL3 = str(SensorY) + " " + str(SensorX * (-1)) PriY = PriYin PriX = PriXin elif CamRot == 180: IL1 = " 0.000 " + str(pix) IL2 = str(pix) + " 0.000 " IL3 = str(SensorY) + " " + str(SensorX * (-1)) PriY = PriXin PriX = PriYin elif CamRot == 999: IL1 = str(pix) + " 0.000" IL2 = "0.000 " + str(pix * (-1)) IL3 = str(SensorY) + " " + str(SensorX * (-1)) PriY = PriYin PriX = PriXin else: QMessageBox.warning(None, "Camera Fail", "Illigal Camera Rotation" + str(CamRot)) exit() X_0 = str(feat['Easting']) Y_0 = str(feat['Northing']) Z_0 = str(feat['Height']) OME = str(feat['Omega']) PHI = str(feat['Phi']) KAP = str(feat['Kappa']) # if self.checkBox_bbox.isChecked(): if typen == "polygon": TLX = int(round((geom.boundingBox().xMinimum() / float(RES)), 0) * float(RES)) TLY = int(round((geom.boundingBox().yMaximum() / float(RES)), 0) * float(RES)) LRX = int(round((geom.boundingBox().xMaximum() / float(RES)), 0) * float(RES)) LRY = int(round((geom.boundingBox().yMinimum() / float(RES)), 0) * float(RES)) OSizeX = (LRX - TLX) OSizeY = (TLY - LRY) # QMessageBox.information(None, "db info", str(OSizeX)) SZX = (LRX - TLX) / float(RES) SZY = (TLY - LRY) / float(RES) else: usersetangle = float(self.dlg.lineEditImageAngle.text()) clipKAM = float(KAP) - float(CamRot) + float(imgRot) if (pix == 0.006): if (clipKAM > -630 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -630 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > -450 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -450 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > -270 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -270 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > -90 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -90 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > 90 - usersetangle and clipKAM < 90 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > 270 - usersetangle and clipKAM < 270 + usersetangle): OSizeX = 2200 OSizeY = 800 elif (clipKAM > -720 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -720 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > -540 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -540 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > -360 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -360 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > -180 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -180 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > 0 - usersetangle and clipKAM < 0 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > 180 - usersetangle and clipKAM < 180 + usersetangle): OSizeX = 800 OSizeY = 2200 else: OSizeX = 2200 OSizeY = 2200 elif (pix == 0.0052): if (clipKAM > -630 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -630 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > -450 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -450 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > -270 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -270 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > -90 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -90 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > 90 - usersetangle and clipKAM < 90 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > 270 - usersetangle and clipKAM < 270 + usersetangle): OSizeX = int(float(Z_0) * 0.90) # 3200 OSizeY = int(float(Z_0) * 0.30) # 1000 #OSizeX = 2500 #OSizeY = 900 elif (clipKAM > -720 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -720 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > -540 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -540 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > -360 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -360 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > -180 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -180 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > 0 - usersetangle and clipKAM < 0 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > 180 - usersetangle and clipKAM < 180 + usersetangle): OSizeX = int(float(Z_0) * 0.30) # 3200 OSizeY = int(float(Z_0) * 0.90) # 1000 #OSizeX = 900 #OSizeY = 2500 else: OSizeX = int(float(Z_0) * 0.90) # 3200 OSizeY = int(float(Z_0) * 0.90) # 1000 #OSizeX = 2500 #OSizeY = 2500 elif (pix == 0.0046): if (clipKAM > -630 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -630 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > -450 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -450 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > -270 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -270 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > -90 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -90 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > 90 - usersetangle and clipKAM < 90 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > 270 - usersetangle and clipKAM < 270 + usersetangle): OSizeX = int(float(Z_0)*0.95) #3200 OSizeY = int(float(Z_0)*0.33) #1000 elif (clipKAM > -720 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -720 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > -540 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -540 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > -360 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -360 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > -180 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -180 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > 0 - usersetangle and clipKAM < 0 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > 180 - usersetangle and clipKAM < 180 + usersetangle): OSizeX = int(float(Z_0) * 0.33) # 1000 OSizeY = int(float(Z_0) * 0.95) # 2800 else: OSizeX = int(float(Z_0)*0.95) #3200 OSizeY = int(float(Z_0)*0.95) #3200 elif (pix == 0.0039): if (clipKAM > -630 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -630 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > -450 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -450 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > -270 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -270 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > -90 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -90 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > 90 - usersetangle and clipKAM < 90 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > 270 - usersetangle and clipKAM < 270 + usersetangle): OSizeX = int(float(Z_0)*0.9) #3200 OSizeY = int(float(Z_0)*0.26) #1000 elif (clipKAM > -720 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -720 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > -540 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -540 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > -360 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -360 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > -180 - usersetangle and clipKAM < -180 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > 0 - usersetangle and clipKAM < 0 + usersetangle) or ( clipKAM > 180 - usersetangle and clipKAM < 180 + usersetangle): OSizeX = int(float(Z_0)*0.26) #1000 OSizeY = int(float(Z_0)*0.9) #3200) else: OSizeX = int(float(Z_0)*0.9) #3200 OSizeY = int(float(Z_0)*0.9) #3200 TLX = float(X_0) - (OSizeX / 2) TLY = float(Y_0) + (OSizeY / 2) LRX = float(X_0) + (OSizeX / 2) LRY = float(Y_0) - (OSizeY / 2) SZX = OSizeX / float(RES) SZY = OSizeY / float(RES) with open(self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text() + "\\" + self.dlg.inShapeA.currentText() + ".bat", "a") as bat_file: defnr = defnr + 1 # *** processingmanager info *** jobnavn = ImageID[5:10] pdone = int(float(nummernu)/float(totalantal)*100) bat_file.write('python C:/temp/ ' + jobnavn + " " + str(pdone) + " \n") # *** write BAT file *** if self.dlg.radioButtonDEM_2007.isChecked(): bat_file.write("gdal_translate -of AAIGrid -projwin " + str(TLX - (float(RES) * 20)) + " " + str(TLY + (float(RES) * 20)) + " " + str(LRX + (float(RES) * 20)) + " " + str(LRY - (float(RES) * 20)) + " \\\\c1200038\Data\dtm2007\dtm2007.vrt " + self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text() + "\\DTM_" + ImageID + ".asc\n") # bat_file.write("gdal_translate -of AAIGrid -projwin " + str(float(X_0)-(OSizeX/1.8)) + " " + str(float(Y_0)+(OSizeY/1.8)) + " " + str(float(X_0) + (OSizeX/1.8)) + " " + str(float(Y_0) - (OSizeY/1.8)) + " \\\\c1200038\Data\dtm2007\dtm2007.vrt " + self.lineEdit_workdir.text()+"\\DTM_"+ImageID+".asc\n") elif self.dlg.radioButtonDEM_2015.isChecked(): bat_file.write("gdal_translate -of AAIGrid -projwin " + str(TLX - (float(RES) * 20)) + " " + str(TLY + (float(RES) * 20)) + " " + str(LRX + (float(RES) * 20)) + " " + str(LRY - (float(RES) * 20)) + " F:\GDB\DHM\AnvendelseGIS\DTM_orto.vrt " + self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text() + "\\DTM_" + ImageID + ".asc\n") # bat_file.write("gdal_translate -of AAIGrid -projwin " + str(float(X_0)-(OSizeX/1.8)) + " " + str(float(Y_0)+(OSizeY/1.8)) + " " + str(float(X_0) + (OSizeX/1.8)) + " " + str(float(Y_0) - (OSizeY/1.8)) + " \\\\\dhm2007-server\DHM-E\samlet_20150409.vrt " + self.lineEdit_workdir.text()+"\\DTM_"+ImageID+".asc\n") else: pass # create tif file fro processing # QMessageBox.information(None, "db info", (os.path.splitext(IMG)[1]).lower()) if (self.dlg.radioButton_fieldpath.isChecked() and ((os.path.splitext(str(feat[self.dlg.inField1.currentText()]))[1]).lower() == '.jpg')): bat_file.write('gdal_translate -of GTiff ' + str(feat[self.dlg.inField1.currentText()]) + ' ' + self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text() + "\\DTM_" + ImageID + ".tif\n") bat_file.write(os.path.dirname(__file__) + "\\orto.exe -def " + self.dlg.outDir.text() + "\\" + ImageID + ".def\n") bat_file.write("del " + (self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text()).replace('/','\\') + "\\DTM_" + ImageID + ".*\n") bat_file.write("gdal_translate -b 1 -b 2 -b 3 -a_srs EPSG:25832 -of GTIFF -co COMPRESS=JPEG -co JPEG_QUALITY=85 -co PHOTOMETRIC=YCBCR -co TILED=YES " + self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text() + "\\" + OName + " " + self.dlg.outDir.text() + "\\" + OName + "\n") if self.dlg.checkBoxDelTiff.isChecked(): bat_file.write("del " + (self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text()).replace('/','\\') + "\\O" + ImageID + ".*\n") # *** write DEF file *** with open(self.dlg.outDir.text() + "\\" + ImageID + ".def", "w") as text_file: text_file.write("PRJ= nill.apr" + " \n") text_file.write("ORI= nill.txt" + " \n") text_file.write("RUN= 0" + " \n") text_file.write("DEL= NO" + " \n") if self.dlg.radioButton_fieldpath.isChecked(): #text_file.write("IMG= " + str(feat[self.dlg.inField1.currentText()]) + "/" + ImageID + ".tif" + " \n") #text_file.write("IMG= " + str.replace(str.replace(str(feat[self.dlg.inField1.currentText()]),"_JPEG","_TIFF"),".jpg",".tif") + " \n") if ((os.path.splitext(str(feat[self.dlg.inField1.currentText()]))[1]).lower() == '.jpg'): text_file.write("IMG= "+ self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text() + "\\DTM_" + ImageID + ".tif\n") else: text_file.write("IMG= " + str(feat[self.dlg.inField1.currentText()]) + " \n") else: text_file.write("IMG= " + os.path.dirname(self.dlg.inDir.text()) + "/" + ImageID + ".tif" + " \n") if self.dlg.radioButtonDEM_spec.isChecked(): text_file.write("DGL= " + self.dlg.lineEditDEM.text() + " \n") text_file.write("DGP= DTM_" + " \n") text_file.write("DGS= 1" + " \n") else: text_file.write("DTM= " + self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text() + "\\DTM_" + ImageID + ".asc" + " \n") text_file.write("ORT= " + self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text() + "\\" + OName + " \n") text_file.write("TLX= " + str(TLX) + " \n") text_file.write("TLY= " + str(TLY) + " \n") text_file.write("RES= " + RES + " \n") text_file.write("SZX= " + str(math.trunc(SZX)) + " \n") text_file.write("SZY= " + str(math.trunc(SZY)) + " \n") text_file.write("R34= NO" + " \n") text_file.write("INT= CUB -1" + " \n") text_file.write("CON= " + str(CC / 1000) + " \n") # 0.1005 text_file.write("XDH= " + str(PriX) + " \n") # -0.18 text_file.write("YDH= " + str(PriY) + " \n") text_file.write("IL1= " + IL1 + " \n") text_file.write("IL2= " + IL2 + " \n") text_file.write("IL3= " + IL3 + " \n") text_file.write("X_0= " + X_0 + " \n") text_file.write("Y_0= " + Y_0 + " \n") text_file.write("Z_0= " + Z_0 + " \n") text_file.write("DRG= DEG" + " \n") text_file.write("OME= " + OME + " \n") text_file.write("PHI= " + PHI + " \n") text_file.write("KAP= " + KAP + " \n") text_file.write("MBF= 870" + " \n") text_file.write("BBF= 999999" + " \n") text_file.write("STR= NO" + " \n") if typen == "polygon" and self.dlg.checkBox_bbox.isChecked(): for punktliste in Geometri: text_file.write("BPL= " + str(len(punktliste)) + " 0" + " \n") punktnummer = 0 for punkt in punktliste: punktnummer = punktnummer + 1 text_file.write("BP" + str(punktnummer) + "= " + str(punkt.x()) + " " + str(punkt.y()) + " \n") text_file.close() with open(self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text() + "\\" + self.dlg.inShapeA.currentText() + ".bat","a") as bat_file: #bat_file.write('ECHO ^<p/^>^<font color="orange"^>^<b^>Procesing: ^</b^>^<font color="black"^>Building VRT ^</p^>>"F:\GEO\DATA\RemoteSensing\Drift\Processing\Status_C1200010.html"\n') #bat_file.write('ftp -i -s:u.ftp\n') bat_file.write("python C:/temp/ Building_VRT 0"+ "\n") bat_file.write("gdalbuildvrt " + self.dlg.outDir.text() + "\\" + self.dlg.inShapeA.currentText() + ".vrt " + self.dlg.outDir.text() + "\\*.tif" + "\n") #bat_file.write('ECHO ^<p/^>^<font color="orange"^>^<b^>Procesing: ^</b^>^<font color="black"^>Adding Overlays ^</p^>>"F:\GEO\DATA\RemoteSensing\Drift\Processing\Status_C1200010.html"\n') #bat_file.write('ftp -i -s:u.ftp\n') bat_file.write("python C:/temp/ Adding_Overlay 0"+ "\n") bat_file.write("gdaladdo " + self.dlg.outDir.text() + "\\" + self.dlg.inShapeA.currentText() + ".vrt " + " -r average -ro --config GDAL_CACHEMAX 900 --config COMPRESS_OVERVIEW JPEG --config JPEG_QUALITY_OVERVIEW 85 --config PHOTOMETRIC_OVERVIEW YCBCR --config INTERLEAVE_OVERVIEW PIXEL --config BIGTIFF_OVERVIEW YES 2 4 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000" + "\n") #bat_file.write('ECHO ^<p/^>^<font color="green"^>^<b^>Procesing: ^</b^>^<font color="black"^>Procesing complete ^</b^>^<font color="black"^>^</p^>>"F:\GEO\DATA\RemoteSensing\Drift\Processing\Status_C1200010.html"\n') #bat_file.write('ftp -i -s:u.ftp\n') bat_file.write("python C:/temp/ Processing_Done 101"+ "\n") if self.dlg.checkBoxDelTiff.isChecked(): pass else: bat_file.write( "gdalbuildvrt -srcnodata \"0 0 0\" " + self.dlg.outDir.text() + ".vrt " + self.dlg.outDir.text() + "\\*.tif" + "\n") QMessageBox.information(None, "Settings", "DEF and Batfile created. \n\nPlease run " + self.dlg.lineEdit_workdir.text() + "\\" + self.dlg.inShapeA.currentText() + ".bat from a OSGEO4W shell") conn.close() pass def build_filelist(self): # layers = ftools_utils.getLayerNames([QGis.Point, QGis.Line, QGis.Polygon]) # self.fdl.inShapeImg.addItems(layers) # self.fdl.inShapeTiles.addItems(layers) mapCanvas = self.iface.mapCanvas() lyrs = self.iface.legendInterface().layers() lyr_list = [] for layer in lyrs: lyr_list.append( self.fdl.inShapeImg.clear() self.fdl.inShapeImg.addItems(lyr_list) self.fdl.inShapeTiles.clear() self.fdl.inShapeTiles.addItems(lyr_list) # Run the dialog event loop result = self.fdl.exec_() # See if OK was pressed if result: lyriPoly = self.fdl.inShapeTiles.currentText() lyriPnts = self.fdl.inShapeImg.currentText() outSti = self.fdl.outDir.text() # QMessageBox.information(None, "fusk", lyriPoly + "\n" + lyriPnts + "\n" + outSti) canvas = self.iface.mapCanvas() allLayers = canvas.layers() for i in allLayers: # QMessageBox.information(None, "test input", if ( == lyriPoly): if (i.geometryType() == 2): lyrPoly = i else: QMessageBox.information(None, "Mosaic file error", lyriPoly + " is not a polygon. Exiting!") pass if ( == lyriPnts): if (i.geometryType() == 0) or (i.geometryType() == 1) or (i.geometryType() == 2): lyrPnts = i else: QMessageBox.information(None, "Image name file error", lyriPnts + " is not vector data. Exiting!") pass featsPoly = lyrPoly.selectedFeatures() # lyrPnts = lyrPnts.selectedFeatures() for featPoly in featsPoly: zipPoly = featPoly["kn10kmdk"] geomPoly = featPoly.geometry() # featsPnt = lyrPnts.selectedFeatures().getFeatures(QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterRect(geomPoly.boundingBox().buffer(1200))) featsPnt = lyrPnts.selectedFeatures() # QMessageBox.information(None, "fusk", zipPoly) with open(outSti + "/" + zipPoly + ".filelist", "w") as text_file: for featPnt in featsPnt: if featPnt.geometry().within(geomPoly.buffer(1400, 3)): text_file.write('O' + featPnt["imageid"] + '.tif\n') text_file.close() QMessageBox.information(None, "File list writer", "Done!") pass