def make_locations(self): oc = self.out_config icd = self.in_config.get_config() ocd = self.out_config.__dict__ if self.seismosizer: rlat, rlon, rtime = self.seismosizer.source_location if 'north_shift' in ocd: cnorth = oc.north_shift elif 'north_shift' in icd: cnorth = icd['north_shift'] else: cnorth = 0. if 'east_shift' in ocd: ceast = oc.east_shift elif 'east_shift' in icd: ceast = icd['east_shift'] else: ceast = 0. if 'time' in ocd: ctime = oc.time elif 'time' in icd: ctime = icd['time'] else: ctime = 0. clat, clon = orthodrome.ne_to_latlon( rlat, rlon, cnorth, ceast ) oc.centroid_latitude = clat oc.centroid_longitude = clon oc.centroid_time = self.ref_time + ctime oc.reference_time = self.ref_time
def make_alternative_stats(self): oc = self.out_config c = self.out_config.__dict__ if 'moment_stats' in c: oc.magnitude_stats = oc.moment_stats.converted('magnitude', moment_tensor.moment_to_magnitude) if ('north_shift_stats' in c) and ('east_shift_stats' in c): rlat, rlon, rtime = self.seismosizer.source_location cnorth, ceast =, clat, clon = orthodrome.ne_to_latlon( rlat, rlon, cnorth, ceast ) approx_lat = lambda north: clat + (north-cnorth) * 180. / (config.earthradius*math.pi) approx_lon = lambda east: clon + (east-ceast) * 180. / (config.earthradius*math.pi*math.cos(clat*math.pi/180.)) oc.latitude_stats = oc.north_shift_stats.converted( 'latitude', approx_lat ) oc.longitude_stats = oc.east_shift_stats.converted( 'longitude', approx_lon )
def draw_rupture(gmt, widget, source_infos, axes, view='rupture-plane', source_loc=None, outer_scaler=None, with_centroids=True): conf = dict(**config.rupture_vis_config) symbol_nucleation_point = conf.pop('symbol_nucleation_point') rupture_cpt = conf.pop('rupture_cpt') if 'outline' not in source_infos: raise NoOutlineFound() sec_outline = source_infos['outline'] if (num.all(sec_outline[1][:,0] == sec_outline[1][0,0]) and num.all(sec_outline[1][:,1] == sec_outline[1][0,1]) and num.all(sec_outline[1][:,2] == sec_outline[1][0,2])): raise NoOutlineFound() if view == 'rupture-plane': outline = sec_outline[1][:,3], sec_outline[1][:,4] elif view == 'from-top': lats, lons = orthodrome.ne_to_latlon(source_loc[0],source_loc[1], sec_outline[1][:,0], sec_outline[1][:,1]) outline = (lons,lats) eigrid = source_infos['eikonal-grid'][1].transpose() eigrid_valid = num.compress(eigrid[5,:] >= 0., eigrid, axis=1) if view == 'rupture-plane': ruptime = eigrid_valid[3:6,:] elif view == 'from-top': lats, lons = orthodrome.ne_to_latlon(source_loc[0],source_loc[1], eigrid_valid[0], eigrid_valid[1]) ruptime = (lons, lats, eigrid_valid[5]) eigrid_valid_d = num.compress(eigrid[2,:] > 0., eigrid, axis=1) depth = eigrid_valid_d[2,:] depth1 = (-(depth-num.min(depth))/(num.max(depth)-num.min(depth))*2.+1.)*0.8 if view == 'rupture-plane': rupdepth = (eigrid_valid_d[3,:],eigrid_valid_d[4,:],depth1) elif view == 'from-top': lats, lons = orthodrome.ne_to_latlon(source_loc[0],source_loc[1], eigrid_valid_d[0],eigrid_valid_d[1]) rupdepth = (lons,lats,depth1) nucleation_point = None if 'nucleation-point' in source_infos: nucl = source_infos['nucleation-point'][1][0] if view == 'rupture-plane': nucleation_point = (nucl[3],nucl[4]) elif view == 'from-top': lat, lon = orthodrome.ne_to_latlon(source_loc[0],source_loc[1], nucl[0],nucl[1]) nucleation_point = (lon,lat) zax = gmtpy.Ax(snap=True, label='Time', unit='s') scaler = gmtpy.ScaleGuru( [ outline, ruptime ], axes=(axes[0],axes[1],zax), aspect=widget.height()/widget.width() ) grdfile = gmt.tempfilename() grdfile_extra = gmt.tempfilename() igrdfile = gmt.tempfilename() cptfile = gmt.tempfilename() if outer_scaler is not None: R = outer_scaler.R() else: R = scaler.R() if outer_scaler is None: outer_scaler = scaler par = outer_scaler.get_params() inc_interpol = ((par['xmax']-par['xmin'])/(widget.width()/gmtpy.inch*150.), (par['ymax']-par['ymin'])/(widget.height()/gmtpy.inch*150.)) inc_interpol_extra = ((par['xmax']-par['xmin'])/(widget.width()/gmtpy.inch*20.), (par['ymax']-par['ymin'])/(widget.height()/gmtpy.inch*20.)) rxyj = R + widget.XYJ() dark_color = '%g/%g/%g' % gmtpy.tango_colors['aluminium6'] gmt.makecpt( I=True, C=rupture_cpt, Z=True, out_filename=cptfile, *scaler.T()) if len(ruptime[0]) > 4: gmt.triangulate(in_columns=ruptime, G=grdfile, I=inc_interpol, out_discard=True, *R ) gmt.surface(in_columns=ruptime, G=grdfile_extra, I=inc_interpol_extra, T=0.3, out_discard=True, *R ) #gmt.triangulate(in_columns=ruptime, G=grdfile_extra, I=inc_interpol_extra, out_discard=True, *R ) gmt.surface(in_columns=rupdepth, G=igrdfile, I=inc_interpol_extra, T=0.3, out_discard=True, *R ) gmt.psclip( in_columns=outline, *rxyj ) gmt.grdimage( grdfile_extra, I=igrdfile, C=cptfile, *rxyj) if with_centroids: gmt.psxy( in_columns=(ruptime[0],ruptime[1]), S='c3p', G=dark_color, *rxyj) gmt.grdcontour( grdfile, W='1p,%s' % dark_color, G='d5c', A='%g+g%s+kwhite+us+o' % (scaler.get_params()['zinc'], dark_color), *rxyj ) gmt.psclip( C=True, *widget.XY() ) gmt.psxy( in_columns=outline, L=True, W='1p,%s' % dark_color, *rxyj ) if nucleation_point: gmt.psxy( in_rows=[nucleation_point], *(symbol_nucleation_point+rxyj)) return scaler, cptfile
def location_map( filename, lat, lon, lat_delta, conf_overrides, source=None, source_model_infos=None, receivers=None, with_palette=False, shakemap_data=None, shakemap_range=None, shakemap_cpt=None, show_topo=True): conf = dict(**config.location_map_config) conf.update( conf_overrides ) w = conf.pop('width') h = conf.pop('height') margins = conf.pop('margins') d2r = math.pi/180.0 if source: slat, slon = lat, lon lat, lon = orthodrome.ne_to_latlon(lat,lon, source['north-shift'], source['east-shift']) south = lat - 0.5*lat_delta north = lat + 0.5*lat_delta if lat_delta > 20. or south < -80. or north > 80.: resolution = 5 coastline_resolution = 'i' rivers=[] else: resolution = 1 coastline_resolution = 'f' rivers = ['-Ir',] lon_delta = lat_delta/math.cos(lat*d2r) delta = lat_delta/360.*config.earthradius*2.*math.pi scale_km = gmtpy.nice_value(delta/10.)/1000. west = lon - 0.5*lon_delta east = lon + 0.5*lon_delta x,y,z = (west, east), (south,north), (-6000.,4500.) xax = gmtpy.Ax(mode='min-max', approx_ticks=4.) yax = gmtpy.Ax(mode='min-max', approx_ticks=4.) zax = gmtpy.Ax(mode='min-max', inc=1000., label='Height', scaled_unit='km', scaled_unit_factor=0.001) scaler = gmtpy.ScaleGuru( data_tuples=[(x,y,z)], axes=(xax,yax,zax)) curcfg = {'TICK_PEN': '1.25p', 'TICK_LENGTH': '0.2c', 'ANNOT_FONT_PRIMARY': '1', 'ANNOT_FONT_SIZE_PRIMARY': '14p', 'LABEL_FONT': '1', 'LABEL_FONT_SIZE': '14p', 'CHAR_ENCODING': 'ISOLatin1+', 'D_FORMAT': '%.1f', 'PLOT_DEGREE_FORMAT':'DF', 'PAPER_MEDIA':'Custom_%ix%i' % (w,h), 'GRID_PEN_PRIMARY': 'thinnest/0/0/0' } #degree_format = 'dddF' #if scaler.get_params()['xinc'] < 1. or scaler.get_params()['yinc'] < 1.: # degree_format = 'ddd:mmF' gmt = gmtpy.GMT( config=curcfg ) if with_palette: layout = gmt.default_layout(with_palette=True) layout.set_fixed_margins(*margins) widget = layout.get_widget().get_widget(0,0) palette_layout = gmtpy.FrameLayout() palette_layout.set_policy( *layout.get_widget().get_widget(2,0).get_policy() ) layout.get_widget().set_widget(2,0,palette_layout) inset = h-margins[2]-margins[3] palette_layout.set_fixed_margins(0.,0.,inset/6., inset/6.) palette_widget = palette_layout.get_widget() else: layout = gmt.default_layout() layout.set_fixed_margins(*margins) widget = layout.get_widget() widget['J'] = ('-JT%g/%g' % (lon, lat)) + '/%(width)gp' aspect = gmtpy.aspect_for_projection( *(widget.J() + scaler.R()) ) widget.set_aspect(aspect) if show_topo: cptfile = draw_topo(gmt, widget.JXY(), (west,east,south,north), resolution, coastline_resolution, rivers, conf) zscaler = scaler if shakemap_data is not None: cptfile, zscaler = draw_shakemap( gmt, widget, scaler, (xax,yax,zax), shakemap_range, shakemap_cpt, *shakemap_data) draw_coastlines(gmt, widget.JXY(), (west,east,south,north), coastline_resolution, rivers) if source_model_infos and source: try: draw_rupture(gmt, widget, source_model_infos, axes=(xax,yax,zax), view='from-top', source_loc=(slat,slon), outer_scaler=scaler, with_centroids=False) except NoOutlineFound: gmt.psxy( in_rows=[[lon,lat]], S='c20p', W='2p,0/0/0', *(widget.JXY()+scaler.R())) else: if source and 'strike' in source.keys() and 'dip' in source.keys() and 'slip-rake' in source.keys(): gmt.psmeca( in_rows=[[lon, lat, 1., source['strike'], source['dip'], source['slip-rake'], 6., 0.,0., '' ]], S='a0.3', *(widget.JXY()+scaler.R()) ) else: gmt.psxy( in_rows=[[lon,lat]], S='c20p', W='2p,0/0/0', *(widget.JXY()+scaler.R())) if receivers: rlats, rlons, rnames = receivers gmt.psxy( in_columns=(rlons, rlats), S='t12p', W='1p,black', G='red', *(widget.JXY()+scaler.R())) nr = len(rnames) size = [7]*nr angle = [0]*nr fontno = [1]*nr justify = ['MC']*nr gmt.pstext( in_columns=(rlons,rlats,size,angle,fontno,justify,rnames), D=(0.,-0.1), *(widget.JXY()+scaler.R())) if lat > 0: axes_layout = 'WSen' else: axes_layout = 'WseN' gmt.psbasemap( B=('%(xinc)gg%(xinc)g:%(xlabel)s:/%(yinc)gg%(yinc)g:%(ylabel)s:' % scaler.get_params())+axes_layout, L=('x%gp/%gp/%g/%g/%gk' % (widget.width()/2., widget.height()/7.,lon,lat,scale_km) ), *(widget.JXY()+scaler.R()) ) if with_palette and (show_topo or shakemap_data is not None): gmtpy.nice_palette(gmt, palette_widget, zscaler, cptfile, innerticks=False, zlabeloffset=1.5*