def decode_directory(frompath, topath, transl_dict = None): #Пробуем обрабатывать все файлы, у которых нет расширения for root, directories, files in os.walk(frompath): for file in files: fn, ext = splitext(file) if ext == "": new_path = root.replace(frompath, topath) decode_datafile(joinPath(root, file), joinPath(new_path, file) + ".txt", transl_dict)
def writeToFile(self, dir): with open(joinPath(dir, "station"), "w") as ff: ff.write( with open(joinPath(dir, "pid"), "a") as ff: ff.write("\n") with open(joinPath(dir, "url"), "w") as ff: ff.write(self.station.url) with open(joinPath(dir, "number"), "w") as ff: ff.write(self.number)
def encode_directory(inputdir, outputdir): #Пробуем обрабатывать все файлы с расширением .txt for root, directories, files in os.walk(inputdir): for file in files: fn, ext = splitext(file) #Получаем имя файла без .txt if ext == ".txt": new_path = root.replace(inputdir, outputdir) encode_datafile(joinPath(root, file), joinPath(new_path, fn))
def criar_texto_mkfile(questao): """ Gera o conteudo do makefile para utilizar todos os .cpp necessarios """ conteudo = "CC=g++\nCFLAGS=-c -Wall\nLDFLAGS=\nSOURCES=" for fonte in questao.fontes.all(): conteudo += joinPath(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, fonte.__str__()) + " " conteudo += "\nOBJECTS=$(SOURCES:.cpp=.o)\nEXECUTABLE=" conteudo += joinPath(settings.MEDIA_ROOT,"execs",questao.avaliacao.aluno.slug,questao.avaliacao.slug,questao.slug,questao.questao.slug) conteudo += "\nall: $(SOURCES) $(EXECUTABLE)\n$(EXECUTABLE): $(OBJECTS)\n\t$(CC) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) -o $@" conteudo += "\n.cpp.o:\n\t$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@\nclean:\n\trm -rf " conteudo += joinPath(settings.MEDIA_ROOT,"fontes",str(questao.avaliacao.aluno.slug),str(questao.avaliacao.slug),str(questao.slug),"*.o") return conteudo
def buildHtml(contentRoot = None, outputRoot = None, directory = "", allowAbort = True, templateManager = None, pageProcessors = None, umask = None, group = None): if not contentRoot: contentRoot = settings.SIMPLECONTENT_ROOT if not outputRoot: outputRoot = settings.SIMPLECONTENT_OUTPUT_ROOT if not directory and not contentRoot.endswith("/"): contentRoot += "/" if not templateManager: templateManager = getTemplateManager() if not pageProcessors: pageProcessors = getPageProcessors(includeStatic = True) if not umask: umask = getattr(settings, "SIMPLECONTENT_OUTPUT_UMASK", None) if not group: group = getattr(settings, "SIMPLECONTENT_OUTPUT_GROUP", None) group = group and grp.getgrnam(group).gr_gid try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(outputRoot, directory)) except: pass for entry in os.listdir(joinPath(contentRoot, directory)): fileInfo = { 'relPath': joinPath(directory, entry), 'srcPath': joinPath(contentRoot, directory, entry), 'outPath': joinPath(outputRoot, directory, entry), 'outUmask': umask, 'outGroup': group } if os.path.isdir(fileInfo["srcPath"]): buildHtml(contentRoot, outputRoot, fileInfo["relPath"], allowAbort, templateManager, pageProcessors) continue try: content = renderTemplate(fileInfo, templateManager, allowAbort = allowAbort, pageProcessors = pageProcessors) except Exception, e: print "Error rendering page '%s': %s" % (fileInfo["relPath"], e) continue if content: open(fileInfo["outPath"], 'w').write(content.encode('utf8')) if umask: os.chmod(fileInfo["outPath"], umask) if group: os.chown(fileInfo["outPath"], -1, group)
def checkOldLogs(self, event): path = self.dp_LogPath.GetPath() if path: logFile = joinPath(path, "TheWatcher.log") if isfile(logFile): self.pg_LogDetails.SetPropertyValue("Name", "TheWatcher.log") # size = "%d %s" % (stat(logFile).st_size, "bytes") self.pg_LogDetails.SetPropertyValue("Size", getFileSize(logFile))
def getStatusFromFiles(dir): try: with open(joinPath(dir, "station"), "r") as ff: name = ff.readline() with open(joinPath(dir, "number"), "r") as ff: number = int(ff.readline()) with open(joinPath(dir, "url"), "r") as ff: url = ff.readline() with open(joinPath(dir, "pid"), "r") as ff: pid = int(ff.readline()) with open(joinPath(dir, "tag"), "r") as ff: tag = ff.readline() except IOError as e: print e return None station = Station(name, url, False) return Status(station, number, pid, tag)
def gerar_makefile(self): """Gera um makefile para os fontes necessarios e retorna o path para o arquivo gerado. """ filePath = joinPath(settings.MEDIA_ROOT,"fontes",str(self.user.username),"makefile") #abre o arquivo no caminho posto acima, escreve no arquivo e da close mkfile = open(filePath,'w') mkfile.write(criar_texto_mkfile(self)) mkfile.close() return filePath
def __moveToDir(srcPath, destDirPath): """ Moves 1 item (recursively) """ srcPath = absPath(srcPath) destDirPath = absPath(destDirPath) srcTail = fileBaseName(normpath(srcPath)) destPath = joinPath(destDirPath, srcTail) if srcPath == destPath: return __removeFromDir(srcTail, destDirPath) if not isDir(destDirPath): makeDir(destDirPath) move(srcPath, destDirPath) print('Moved "%s" to "%s"' % (srcPath, destPath)) return destPath
def __copyToDir(srcPath, destDirPath): """ Copies 1 item (recursively) """ srcPath = absPath(srcPath) destDirPath = absPath(destDirPath) srcTail = fileBaseName(normpath(srcPath)) destPath = joinPath(destDirPath, srcTail) if srcPath == destPath: return __removeFromDir(srcTail, destDirPath) if isFile(srcPath): copyFile(srcPath, destPath) elif isDir(srcPath): copyDir(srcPath, destPath) print('Copied "%s" to "%s"' % (srcPath, destPath)) return destPath
def request_and_save(self, whatData:str, Economy:list, Product:list, Partner:list, output_path:str, Period = None, display_progress_rate=True): ''' @param whatData: What data do you want to get? We support "import", "export" , and "both" @param Economy: What economy do you want to know? @param Product: What product do you want to know? @param Partner: What partner do you want to know? @param output_path: After crawling the ordered data, where should we store them @param display_progress_rate: If this parameter is set to True, then you can track the progress of the crawler when it start crawling. @param Period: not support yet. Note: when the number of Economy is more than 1, the crawler will store the data into saperate files. Their names whould become output_path_<Economy_name>.xlsx. ''' if(whatData not in SUPPORT_DATA): raise ValueError("[!] The data you request is not supported. ") # This block may move to _save_one_ws to get more flexibility in the fulture, # though put it here can increase some efficiency Economy = tuple([ for i in Economy]) Product = tuple([ for i in Product]) Partner = tuple([ for i in Partner]) # --- category = CATEGORY[whatData.lower()] for economy in Economy: wb = Workbook() ws = for i, param in enumerate(category): if(i != 0): ws = wb.create_sheet() self._save_one_sheet(ws, param, economy, Product, Partner, Period, display_progress_rate=display_progress_rate) adjust_output_path = output_path folder, file = splitPath(output_path) if(not isdir(folder)): mkdir(folder) if(len(Economy) != 1): fileName, ext = file.split('.') adjust_fileName = "{}_{}".format(fileName,' ', '_')) adjust_output_path = joinPath(folder, "{}.{}".format(adjust_fileName, ext)) if(display_progress_rate): print("Finish saving the data of economy:{}. ".format(
def get_lock_path(self): "retorna a path para o arquivo de lock dessa questao" if hasattr(self,'avaliacao'): dct = {'questao':self.questao, 'avaliacao':self.avaliacao, 'aluno':self.avaliacao.aluno, } else: dct = {'questao':self} #obriga a criar o diretorio caso esse nao exista. dct['criar']=True dct['header']=settings.MEDIA_ROOT return joinPath(path_helper('fontes',**dct),".lock")
def reprojectPolorisation(self, polarisation, sourceFile, state, manifest, configuration, inputFileName, outputRoot): outputPath = joinPath(outputRoot, polarisation) if not os.path.exists(outputPath): os.makedirs(outputPath) outputFile = joinPath( outputPath, wc.getOutputFileName(inputFileName, polarisation, manifest, configuration["filenameDemData"], configuration["filenameSrs"])) if not self.testProcessing: try: env = {"GDAL_DATA": "/usr/share/gdal/2.2"} "gdalwarp -overwrite -s_srs {} -t_srs {} -r bilinear -dstnodata 0 -of GTiff -tr 10 10 --config CHECK_DISK_FREE_SPACE NO {} {}" .format(configuration["sourceSrs"], configuration["targetSrs"], sourceFile, outputFile), env=env, check=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True).stdout except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: errStr = "command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format( e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output) log.error(errStr) raise RuntimeError(errStr) else: wc.createTestFile(outputFile) state["reprojectedFiles"][polarisation].append(outputFile)
def setupFileLogging(self): self.fileLogger = logging.getLogger(__application__) self.fileLogger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if self.logData != None: log_format = self.logData["log_format"] logfilename = joinPath(self.logData["path"], "TheWatcher.log") if self.logData["timestamp"] == True: timestamp = self.logData["ts_format"] else: timestamp = "%d/%m/%Y %I:%M:%S %p" else: log_format = "%(asctime)-15s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" logfilename = "TheWatcher.log" timestamp = "%d/%m/%Y %I:%M:%S %p" self.loggingFileHandler = logging.FileHandler(logfilename) fmt = logging.Formatter(log_format, datefmt=timestamp) self.loggingFileHandler.setFormatter(fmt) self.fileLogger.addHandler(self.loggingFileHandler)
def __init__(self, rel_path: str, year: int = 0, dt_corr: float = 0, date_fmt: str = 'sex', separator: str = ', ', titles: list = None, time_column_idx: int = 0): rootdir = os.path.abspath("./") self.txtPath = joinPath(rootdir, rel_path) self.year = year self.dt_corr = dt_corr self.date_fmt = date_fmt self.separator = separator self.titles = titles self.time_column_idx = time_column_idx self.time_key = None
def download(url, saveToPath=None, preserveName=True): print("Downloading: %s..." % (url, )) download._priorPct = 0 def __ondownLoadProgress(blockCount, blockSize, fileSize): if fileSize != -1: pct = int(100 * ((blockCount * blockSize) / fileSize)) if pct - download._priorPct >= 10: download._priorPct = pct stdout.write("Done!\n" if pct == 100 else "{0}%...".format(pct)) stdout.flush() if saveToPath is None and preserveName: downloadDir = tempDirPath() downloadName = fileBaseName(urllib.parse.urlsplit(url)[2]) removeFromDir(downloadName, downloadDir) saveToPath = joinPath(downloadDir, downloadName) localPath, _ = urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, saveToPath, __ondownLoadProgress) print("Saved to: %s" % (localPath, )) return localPath
def plot_jcamp_dir(base_path='jcamp'): def sizeInches(wPix, hPix, dpi=96): # from pixels to inches in 96 dpi return (wPix / dpi, hPix / dpi) # 96 dpi fig = plt.figure('jcamp-dx ' + base_path, sizeInches(1500, 800)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.03, bottom=.05, wspace=0.12, hspace=0.45, right=0.97, top=0.96) plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': 5}) dct = [] for nf, fnme in enumerate(idir(joinPath(base_path, '*dx'), recursive=True)): dct = jcamp.JCAMP_reader(fnme) if nf < 25: plt.title(dct['title'][:30]) plt.subplot(5, 5, nf + 1) plt.plot(dct['x'], dct['y'])
def insertRow(self, layer): row = self.tableWidget.rowCount() self.tableWidget.insertRow(row) column = 0 # Layer layerName = nameIcon = 'check_green.svg' if layer.selectedFeatureCount( ) == 0 else 'check_yellow.svg' icon = QIcon(joinPath(dirname(__file__), nameIcon)) btn = QPushButton(icon, layerName, self.tableWidget) btn.setObjectName( btn.setToolTip(layerName) btn.clicked.connect(self._onRunCatalog) layer.selectionChanged.connect(self._onSelectionChanged) self.tableWidget.setCellWidget(row, column, btn) column = 1 # Total msgtrans = QCoreApplication.translate("CatalogOTF", "None") item = QTableWidgetItem(msgtrans) item.setFlags(Qt.ItemIsSelectable | Qt.ItemIsEnabled) self.tableWidget.setItem(row, column, item) self.tableWidget.resizeColumnsToContents()
def moveItem(root, item, isSubDir=False): srcPath = joinPath(root, item) destDir = joinPath(destDirPath, relpath(root, srcDirPath)) if isSubDir and isDir(destDir): return __moveToDir(srcPath, destDir)
def _toSrcDestPair(pathPair, destDir=None, basePath=None): #print( "_toSrcDestPair: pathPair=%s, destDir=%s, basePath=%s" % (pathPair, destDir, basePath) ) src = dest = None if isinstance(pathPair, string_types): # string pair representation if PATH_PAIR_DELIMITER in pathPair: pathPair = pathPair.split(PATH_PAIR_DELIMITER) try: src = pathPair[0].strip() except: pass try: dest = pathPair[1].strip() except: pass # shortcut syntax - only provide the source, # (the destination is relative) else: src = pathPair elif isinstance(pathPair, dict): # if a dictionary is provided, use the first k/v pair try: src, dest = iteritems(pathPair).next() except: pass else: # a two element tuple (or list) is the expected src/dest format try: src = pathPair[0] except: pass try: dest = pathPair[1] except: pass if src is None: return None src = normpath(src) if dest == True: # True=="same" if not isabs(src): dest = src else: raise Exception("A resource destination cannot be the same " "as an ABSOLUTE source path") elif dest is not None: dest = normpath(dest) relSrcDir = basePath if basePath else THIS_DIR srcHead, srcTail = splitPath(src) # NOTE: for a relative source path to have a **nested** destination # path, the destination MUST be explicitly provided if srcHead == "" or not isParentDir(relSrcDir, srcHead): srcHead = relSrcDir src = absPath(src, basePath) if destDir is None: # (i.e. PyInstaller Argument) if dest is None: dest = relpath(srcHead, THIS_DIR) else: if dest is None: dest = srcTail if dest.startswith(PATH_DELIM): # must remove a leading slash from dest for joinPath to # make the dest a child of destDir try: dest = dest[1:] except: pass dest = absPath(joinPath(destDir, dest), relSrcDir) #print( "result: src=%s, dest=%s" % (src, dest) ) return (src, dest)
def _optLocalBinPath(relativePath): return normpath(joinPath(OPT_LOCAL_BIN_DIR, relativePath))
def _usrBinPath(relativePath): return normpath(joinPath(USER_BIN_DIR, relativePath))
def _pythonPath(relativePath): return normpath(joinPath(PY_DIR, relativePath))
def sitePackagePath(packageName): packagePath = joinPath(SITE_PACKAGES_PATH, packageName) return packagePath if exists(packagePath) else None
default="") argParser.add_argument("-l", dest="listStations", action="store_true", help="list available stations", default=False) argParser.add_argument("num", nargs="?", help="station number", default=None) args, unknown = argParser.parse_known_args(sys.argv[1:]) currentPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) configPath = "" if not args.configFile: configFile = joinPath(currentPath, "config") else: configFile = args.configFile config = Config(configFile) if args.listStations: for i in xrange(1, len(config.stations)): print i, config.stations[i] exit(0) if not args.playerFile: playerFile = joinPath(currentPath, config.player) else: playerFile = args.playerFile
def clearLogs(self, event): path = self.dp_LogPath.GetPath() if path: logFile = joinPath(path, "TheWatcher.log") if isfile(logFile): remove(logFile)
break elif command == "status": status = streams.getStatusFromFiles(config.dirName) if not status: answer = "stopped\n" else: answer = str(status) + "\n" elif command == "help": answer = help_string() elif command == "play": if len(line) < 2: answer = "no station number given" else: try: num = int(line[1]) pidFile = joinPath(config.dirName, "pid") if num > 0: station = config.stations[num] tagFile = joinPath(config.dirName, "tag") popen = streams.startPlayer(config.player, station, tagFile, pidFile) if popen: status = streams.Status(station, num, status.writeToFile(config.dirName) else: streams.killOld(pidFile) answer = "stopped\n"
class Downloader(object): # ------------- configurations -------------------- _optionTagName = "option" _selectors = Selectors(links="table td a.iframe:not(.vidlink)", video_button="a.closebox[title='Play Video']") _inputsIds = InputsIds(name="EmaiL", password="******", submit="idenT_conT") _injectorDetails = InjectorDetails( funcsFile=joinPath("js", "oldvideo_funcs.js"), mainFile=joinPath("js", "oldvideo_main.js"), fromElmId="_from_vid", toElmId="_to_vid", doneElmId="_done_button", doneLink="#done") timeout = 180 # -------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self): self._funcsScript = open(self._injectorDetails.funcsFile, encoding='utf-8').read() self._mainScript = open(self._injectorDetails.mainFile, encoding='utf-8').read().format( self._injectorDetails.fromElmId, self._injectorDetails.toElmId, self._injectorDetails.doneLink, self._injectorDetails.doneElmId) def start(self): self.browser = webdriver.Chrome() return self def end(self): self.browser.close() def navigate(self, url): self.browser.get(url) return self def _find_id(self, id): return self.browser.find_element_by_id(id) def _get_input_fields(self): return self.browser.find_element_by_id(, \ self.browser.find_element_by_id(self._inputsIds.password) def _select_server(self): pass # self.browser \ # .find_element_by_id(self._inputsIds.server) \ # .find_elements_by_tag_name(self._optionTagName)[-1].click() def login(self, username='', password=''): self._select_server() usr_input, pass_input = self._get_input_fields() if username: usr_input.send_keys(username + "") if password: pass_input.send_keys(password) if username and password: self._find_id(self._inputsIds.submit).click() self._wait_for_video_page() return self def _wait_for_video_page(self): Wait(self.browser, self.timeout).until( EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CLASS_NAME, "videolist"))) return self def load_links(self): links = self.browser.find_elements_by_css_selector( self._selectors.links) self.links = list(map(lambda l: l.get_attribute("href"), links)) return self def _prompt_download(self): start, end = 0, len(self.links) self.browser.execute_script('\n'.join( [self._funcsScript.format(start, end), self._mainScript])) Wait(self.browser, self.timeout).until( EC.url_contains(self._injectorDetails.doneLink)) start = clamp_value( start, end, int( self._find_id( self._injectorDetails.fromElmId).get_attribute("value"))) end = clamp_value( start, end, int( self._find_id( self._injectorDetails.toElmId).get_attribute("value")) + 1) return start, end def download(self): start, end = self._prompt_download() self.browser.set_window_size(0, 0) for link in self.links[start:end]: filename = link.split("/")[-1] self.navigate(link) rtsp_link = self.browser \ .find_element_by_css_selector(self._selectors.video_button) \ .get_attribute("href") self.browser.back() os.system("msdl -s2 {} -o {}".format(rtsp_link, filename))
def _onRunCatalog(self): btn = self.sender() icon = QIcon(joinPath(dirname(__file__), 'cancel_red.svg')) btn.setIcon(icon) layerID = btn.objectName() self.runCatalog.emit(layerID)
break elif command == "status": status = streams.getStatusFromFiles(config.dirName) if not status: answer = "stopped\n" else: answer = str(status) + "\n" elif command == "help": answer = help_string() elif command == "play": if len(line) < 2: answer = "no station number given" else: try: num = int(line[1]) pidFile = joinPath(config.dirName, "pid") if num > 0: station = config.stations[num] tagFile = joinPath(config.dirName, "tag") popen = streams.startPlayer( config.player, station, tagFile, pidFile) if popen: status = streams.Status( station, num, status.writeToFile(config.dirName) else: streams.killOld(pidFile) answer = "stopped\n" except Exception as e: print e answer = "invalid station number\n"
def _toLibResPath(relPath): path = joinPath(__THIS_LIB_DIR, relPath) return path if exists(path) else None
import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.colors as clr from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages # Directorio raíz del proyecto ROOT_DIR = os.path.abspath("./") # Se importa a sys.path if ROOT_DIR not in sys.path: sys.path.append(ROOT_DIR) # fullPath = "/Users/JAG/progs/python/tristan/joao/" fullPath = ROOT_DIR fullPath2 = ROOT_DIR ratePath = joinPath(fullPath, 'Name,Time,Rates2.txt') pressurePath = joinPath(fullPath, 'EnvSens/') # Datos de Joao # fullPath2 = "/Users/JAG/progs/python/tristan/data10m/" pressurePathx = joinPath(fullPath2, 'd_sdg18_posmet_10m.txt') # Datos de Hans # save figures ''' 2018 Nov16: DOY = 320 2018 Dic12: DOY = 346 ''' ######################################## # Read And Customise Data Frame (Joao) # ######################################## # Passar os 754 valores de correctedRates para uma média horária; e assim obter apenas 672 valores (28dias x 24h)
def absPath(relativePath, basePath=None): if relativePath is None: return None if isabs(relativePath): return relativePath if basePath is None: basePath = THIS_DIR return realpath(normpath(joinPath(basePath, relativePath)))
import argparse argParser = argparse.ArgumentParser() argParser.add_argument("-c", dest="configFile", metavar="config", help="config location", default="") argParser.add_argument("-p", dest="playerFile", metavar="player", help="player location", default="") argParser.add_argument("-l", dest="listStations", action="store_true", help="list available stations", default=False) argParser.add_argument("num", nargs="?", help="station number", default=None) args, unknown = argParser.parse_known_args(sys.argv[1:]) currentPath = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) configPath = "" if not args.configFile: configFile = joinPath(currentPath, "config") else: configFile = args.configFile config = Config(configFile) if args.listStations: for i in xrange(1, len(config.stations)): print i, config.stations[i] exit(0) if not args.playerFile: playerFile = joinPath(currentPath, config.player) else: playerFile = args.playerFile
def _pythonScriptsPath(relativePath): return normpath(joinPath(PY_SCRIPTS_DIR, relativePath))
from os.path import splitext from os.path import isdir from os.path import isfile from os.path import basename from os.path import dirname from .script import Script, namedVersions def getExclusions(): excluded = ["", "", "__pycache__"] if isfile("excluded_modules.conf"): with open("excluded_modules.conf", "r") as file: excluded += [line for line in file if len(line) > 0] return excluded all_mod_list = [splitext(f)[0] for f in listdir(dirname(__file__)) if f not in getExclusions() and (splitext(f)[1] == ".py" or (isdir(f) and isfile(joinPath(f, ""))))] __all__ = [] for modName in all_mod_list: exec("from . import {0} as module_{0}".format(modName)) module = eval("module_" + modName) try: #Create Script exec("{0} = module.getScript(\"{0}\")".format(modName)) except AttributeError: exec("{0} = Script(\"{0}\")".format(modName)) __all__.append(modName) script = eval(modName) #Set script.getVersion if available, else default (platform.system()) if callable(getattr(module, 'getCompatibleVersions', None)): script.setVersionFunc(module.getCompatibleVersions)
def _usrLocalBinPath(relativePath): return normpath(joinPath(USER_LOCAL_BIN_DIR, relativePath))
def get_upload_path_fontes(instance, filename): return joinPath("fontes",str(instance.questao.user.username), filename)
def _userHiddenLocalBinDirPath(relativePath): return normpath( joinPath("%s/.local/bin" % (_userHomeDirPath(), ), relativePath))
PY_EXT = ".py" PY_DIR = dirPath(PYTHON_PATH) SITE_PACKAGES_PATH = get_python_lib() # (client script's dir) THIS_DIR = dirPath(realpath(argv[0])) __THIS_LIB_DIR = dirPath(realpath(__file__)) PATH_PAIR_DELIMITER = ";" SYS_CMD_DELIM = "&" if IS_WINDOWS else ";" SYS_CMD_COND_DELIM = "&&" # Windows PY_SCRIPTS_DIR = joinPath(PY_DIR, "Scripts") # *Nix USER_BIN_DIR = "/usr/bin" USER_LOCAL_BIN_DIR = "/usr/local/bin" OPT_LOCAL_BIN_DIR = "/opt/local/bin" # Shockingly platform independent # (though can vary by os language and configuration...) DESKTOP_DIR_NAME = "Desktop" DEBUG_ENV_VAR_NAME = "DEBUG_MODE" DEBUG_ENV_VAR_VALUE = "1" # strictly Apple _MACOS_APP_EXT = ".app"
def read(self, dirPath): self.script = None filePath = joinPath(dirPath, self.fileName()) with open(filePath, 'r') as f: self.script =
if content: open(fileInfo["outPath"], 'w').write(content.encode('utf8')) if umask: os.chmod(fileInfo["outPath"], umask) if group: os.chown(fileInfo["outPath"], -1, group) if not directory: dynamicPages = getDynamicPages() for path, view in dynamicPages.items(): info = view(templateManager) fileInfo = { 'srcPath': info['srcPath'], 'relPath': path, 'outPath': joinPath(outputRoot, path) } template = info['template'] variables = info['variables'] content = renderTemplate(fileInfo, templateManager, allowAbort = allowAbort, pageProcessors = pageProcessors, template = template, variables = variables) if content: open(fileInfo["outPath"], 'w').write(content.encode('utf8')) if umask: os.chmod(fileInfo["outPath"], umask) if group: os.chown(fileInfo["outPath"], -1, group) for pageProcessor in pageProcessors: pageProcessor.processEnd()