def downepi(self, episode): """ down a show """ pos = self.visible.posend url, dest, cook = links.flvdown(episode, "") if url: try: if (not ospath.isdir(dest.split('/')[0])): osmkdir(dest.split('/')[0]) cmd = "wget -c " + url + " -O " + dest proc = subpopen(cmd, shell=True, stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE) while proc.poll() is None: line = proc.stderr.readline() resul =[:-1]) if resul: msg = + ' ' + + \ ' ' + self.screen.addstr(pos[0], pos[1]+pos[2], msg) self.screen.refresh() subdown.downSub(episode, "") except: proc.kill() self.error(episode.getBaseName() + ': down error') else: self.error(episode.getBaseName() + ': down finish') episode.isOnDisk = True self.display() else: self.error(episode.getBaseName() + ': url not found')
def CREATE_DIR(OUTDIR): if not pathexists(pathjoin(OUTDIR)): osmkdir(pathjoin(OUTDIR)) for DIR in ["IdListDIR", "IdListDIR/disease", "IdListDIR/query"]: if not pathexists(pathjoin(OUTDIR, DIR)): osmkdir(pathjoin(OUTDIR, DIR))
def saveConf(self): """ save the config""" if (not ospath.exists(ospath.expanduser('~') + "/.config/flvdown/")): osmkdir(ospath.expanduser('~') + "/.config/flvdown/") fileconf = open(ospath.expanduser('~') + \ "/.config/flvdown/flv.conf", "w", 0) for key in self.conf.keys(): fileconf.write(key + '="' + self.conf[key] + '\"\n') fileconf.write('order="') for elt in self.list_site: fileconf.write(elt + ', ') fileconf.write('"\n') fileconf.write('dict_bug=') fileconf.write(repr(self.dict_bug)) fileconf.write('\n') fileconf.close()
def createDir(self): """ create directory if it doesn't exist """ if (not ospath.isdir(self.tvshow_)): osmkdir(self.tvshow_)
f.write('export CSCOPE_DB="%s"\n' % OutCscopeDb ) f.write('export tagsfile="%s"\n' % OutCtagsTags) f.write('export TAGS_HL="%s"\n' % OutVimTagsHl) f.write('export VIMPROJSERVERNAME="%s"\n' % WorkDir ) if __name__ == "__main__": from os import path as osp from os import environ as ose from os import makedirs as osmkdir WorkDir = osp.abspath(osp.curdir) VimTagsPathRoot = osp.join(ose['HOME'], '.vimtagsroot') WorkDirFlat = "".join([ c if c.isalnum() else "_" for c in WorkDir ]) VimTagsPath = osp.join(VimTagsPathRoot, WorkDirFlat) if not osp.isdir(VimTagsPath): osmkdir(VimTagsPath) OutFilesList = osp.join(VimTagsPath, 'files.list') OutCscopeDb = osp.join(VimTagsPath, 'cscope.out') OutCtagsTags = osp.join(VimTagsPath, 'tags') OutVimTagsHl = osp.join(VimTagsPath, 'tags_hl.vim') OutExportVar = osp.join(VimTagsPath, 'export_var_for_vim') TagsIgnoreFile = osp.join(WorkDir, '.7tags.ignore') TagsAddFile = osp.join(WorkDir, '.7tags.add') ExtensionList = [ 'h', 'c', 'cc', 'cpp', 'hpp' ] log("Tags artifact will be stored in %s" % VimTagsPath) log(" + Generate files list")
def efetch_found_bioprojects(OUTDIR): def printProgressBar (iteration, total, prefix = '', suffix = '', \ decimals = 1, length = 100, fill = '█'): """ Call in a loop to create terminal progress bar @params: iteration - Required : current iteration (Int) total - Required : total iterations (Int) prefix - Optional : prefix string (Str) suffix - Optional : suffix string (Str) decimals - Optional : positive number of decimals in percent \ complete (Int) length - Optional : character length of bar (Int) fill - Optional : bar fill character (Str) """ percent = ("{0:." + str(decimals) + "f}")\ .format(100 * (iteration / float(total))) filledLength = int(length * iteration // total) bar = fill * filledLength + '-' * (length - filledLength) print('\r%s |%s| %s%% %s' % (prefix, bar, percent, suffix), end='\r') # Print New Line on Complete if iteration == total: print() """ COLETAR INFORMAÇOES SOBRE BIOPROJECTS ECONTRADOS """ if pathexists(OUTDIR): for DIR in ['Bioprojects', 'Bioprojects/xml']: if not pathexists(pathjoin(OUTDIR, DIR)): osmkdir(pathjoin(OUTDIR, DIR)) path_to_list = pathjoin(OUTDIR, 'IdListDIR/IdList_total.txt') if isfile(path_to_list): with open(path_to_list, 'r') as f: IdList_total = list(filter(None, else: print('File '+f+' was not found. Run esearch_disease(OUTDIR) '\ 'for making it.') exit() else: print('Directory '+pathjoin(OUTDIR)+' is not accessible. Did you run'\ 'esearch_disease() previously? If not, do it and try again.') exit() df2 = pd_DataFrame(index=range(0, len(IdList_total)), columns=range(0, 7)) df2.columns = [ "ID", "accession", "GEO", "title", "abstract", "disease", "COD" ] df2["ID"] = IdList_total print("\n\n") # ESSE PRINT SERVE PARA DISTANCIAR A BARRA DE PROCESSAMENTO # QUE VEM LOGO ABAIXO DENTRO DO LOOPING # prepare bar progress l = len(IdList_total) i = 0 printProgressBar(0, l, prefix='Download:', suffix='Complete', length=50) RECALL = [] # if download fails, the ID is stored in RECALL DIC_ID = {} for ID in IdList_total: try: handle = Entrez.efetch(db="bioproject", id=ID) except: RECALL += [ID] print('handle = Entrez.efetch(db="bioproject", id=' + ID + ')\tFAILED') continue # avoid catastrophic event in case NCBI fails to give # the informatio for one ID try: record = root = ET.fromstring(record) DIC = root.find(".//ProjectID/ArchiveID").attrib DIC_ID[DIC['accession']] = DIC_ID.get(DIC['accession'], DIC['id']) outfile=pathjoin(OUTDIR,'Bioprojects/xml',DIC['accession']+\ '_'+DIC['id']+'.xml') #print(outfile) with open(outfile, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: print(record, file=f) except: RECALL += [ID] print('FAILED to process ' + ID + ' during the first trial') continue printProgressBar(i + 1, l, prefix='Download:', suffix='Complete', length=50) i += 1 # RECALL for failure IDs if len(RECALL) > 0: print("\n\nFailure to download IDs. STARTING RECALL.") l = len(RECALL) i = 0 printProgressBar(0, l, prefix='Download:', suffix='Complete', length=50) RECALL2 = [] for ID in RECALL: try: handle = Entrez.efetch(db="bioproject", id=ID) except: RECALL2 += [ID] print('handle = Entrez.efetch(db="bioproject", id='+ID+')'\ '\tFAILED in RECALL') continue try: record = root = ET.fromstring(record) DIC = root.find(".//ProjectID/ArchiveID").attrib DIC_ID[DIC['accession']] = DIC_ID.get(DIC['accession'], DIC['id']) outfile=pathjoin(OUTDIR,'Bioprojects/xml',DIC['accession']+\ '_'+DIC['id']+'.xml') #print(outfile) with open(outfile, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: print(record, file=f) except: RECALL2 += [ID] print('FAILED to process ' + ID + ' during the RECALL') continue printProgressBar(i + 1, l, prefix='RECALL:', suffix='Complete', length=50) i += 1 if len(RECALL2) > 0: outfile = pathjoin(OUTDIR, 'Bioprojects/', 'RECALL_failure.txt') open(outfile, 'w').write(str(RECALL2)) print("It was not possible to get ID even during the RECALL\nYou"\ "can find the problematic IDs on file:\n"+outfile) outfile = pathjoin(OUTDIR, 'Bioprojects/', 'dict_ID_ACC.txt') open(outfile, 'w').write(str(DIC_ID))