Esempio n. 1
            def getDifference(left, right):
                leftIsDate = type(left) == date
                rightIsDate = type(right) == date

                if leftIsDate:
                    if rightIsDate:
                        return left - right
                        left = TimeZone.forceToDateTime(view, left)

                elif rightIsDate:
                    right = TimeZone.forceToDateTime(view, right)

                return makeNaiveteMatch(view, left, right.tzinfo) - right
Esempio n. 2
            def getDifference(left, right):
                leftIsDate = (type(left) == date)
                rightIsDate = (type(right) == date)
                if leftIsDate:
                    if rightIsDate:
                        return left - right
                        left = TimeZone.forceToDateTime(view, left)
                elif rightIsDate:
                    right = TimeZone.forceToDateTime(view, right)

                return makeNaiveteMatch(view, left, right.tzinfo) - right
Esempio n. 3
def fromICalendarDateTime(view, text, multivalued=False):
    prefix = 'dtstart' # arbitrary
    if not text.startswith(';') and not text.startswith(':'):
        # no parameters
        prefix += ':'
    line = textLineToContentLine(prefix + text)
    if multivalued:
        line.behavior = MultiDateBehavior
        line.behavior = DateOrDateTimeBehavior
    anyTime = getattr(line, 'x_osaf_anytime_param', "").upper() == 'TRUE'
    allDay = False
    start = line.value
    if not multivalued:
        start = [start]
    if type(start[0]) ==
        allDay = not anyTime
        start = [TimeZone.forceToDateTime(view, dt) for dt in start]
        tzid = line.params.get('X-VOBJ-ORIGINAL-TZID')
        if tzid is None:
            # RDATEs and EXDATEs won't have an X-VOBJ-ORIGINAL-TZID
            tzid = getattr(line, 'tzid_param', None)
        if start[0].tzinfo == du_utc:
            tzinfo = view.tzinfo.UTC
        elif tzid is None:
            tzinfo = view.tzinfo.floating
            # this parameter was broken, fixed in vobject 0.6.6, handle either
            # a string or take the first element of a list
            if not isinstance(tzid, basestring):
                tzid = tzid[0]
            tzinfo = view.tzinfo.getInstance(tzid)
        start = [dt.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo) for dt in start]
    if not multivalued:
        start = start[0]
    return (start, allDay, anyTime)
Esempio n. 4
def _importOneVObject(vobj, filters, coerceTzinfo, promptForTimezone, newItemParent):
    view = newItemParent.itsView

    itemIsNew = False
    newStamps = []

    # by default, we'll create a new item, not change existing items
    itemChangeCallback = None

    # store up all attributes in a dictionary ...
    changesDict = {}

    # ... and define a shorthand for updating it
    def change(attr, value):
        changesDict[] = value

    # rruleset and userReminderInterval/userReminderTime must
    # be set last....
    changeLast = []

    # values that apply to VEVENT and VTODO ...
    summary = vobj.getChildValue("summary", u"")
    description = vobj.getChildValue("description")
    status = vobj.getChildValue("status", "").lower()
    duration = vobj.getChildValue("duration")
    uid = vobj.getChildValue("uid")
    rruleset = vobj.rruleset
    recurrenceID = vobj.getChildValue("recurrence_id")  # ... uh, sorta
    completed = vobj.getChildValue("completed")

    def convertDatetime(dt):
        # coerce timezones based on coerceTzinfo
        if coerceTzinfo is not None:
            dt = TimeZone.coerceTimeZone(view, dt, coerceTzinfo)

        # ... and make sure we return something with an ICUtzinfo
        return convertToICUtzinfo(view, dt)

    reminderDelta = None
    reminderAbsoluteTime = None

        reminderValue = vobj.valarm.trigger.value
    except AttributeError:
        if type(reminderValue) is datetime.datetime:
            reminderAbsoluteTime = convertDatetime(reminderValue)
            assert type(reminderValue) is datetime.timedelta
            reminderDelta = reminderValue

    if == "VEVENT":

        if DEBUG:
            logger.debug("got VEVENT %s", vobj)

        dtstart = vobj.getChildValue("dtstart")

        if status in ("confirmed", "tentative"):
        elif status == "cancelled":  # Chandler doesn't have CANCELLED
            status = "fyi"
            status = "confirmed"

        if not in filters:
            change(EventStamp.transparency, status)

        location = vobj.getChildValue("location")
        if location:
            change(EventStamp.location, Calendar.Location.getLocation(view, location))

    elif == "VTODO":

        if DEBUG:
            logger.debug("got VEVENT %s", vobj)


        # VTODO with a DUE ==> EventTask
        due = vobj.getChildValue("due")
        if due is not None:
            dtstart = due

        assert False, "vobj %s should always be VEVENT or VTODO" % (vobj,)

    # Save changes applicable to both events & tasks ....

    # SUMMARY <-> {EventStamp,TaskStamp}.summary
    if summary is not None:
        change(newStamps[0].summary, summary)

    # DESCRIPTION <-> body
    if description is not None:
        change(Note.body, description)

    # Absolute time reminders
    if reminderAbsoluteTime is not None and not in filters:
        changeLast.append(lambda item: setattr(item,, reminderAbsoluteTime))
    # Custom properties/parameters
    ignoredProperties = {}
    ignoredParameters = {}
    for line in vobj.lines():
        name =
        if name not in attributesUnderstood:
            if not line.encoded and line.behavior:
            ignoredProperties[name] = line.value
        params = u""
        for key, paramvals in line.params.iteritems():
            if key.lower() not in parametersUnderstood:
                vals = map(vobject.base.dquoteEscape, paramvals)
                params += ";" + key + "=" + ",".join(vals)
        if len(params) > 0:
            ignoredParameters[name] = params

    change(Note.icalendarProperties, ignoredProperties)
    change(Note.icalendarParameters, ignoredParameters)

    # See if we have a corresponding item already
    item = utility.findUID(view, uid)

    if item is not None:
        if DEBUG:
            logger.debug("matched UID %s with %s", uid, item)
            # See if uid is a valid repository UUID, if so we'll
            # go ahead and use it for the new item's UUID.
            uuid = UUID(uid)
        except ValueError:
            # Not in valid UUID format, so hash the icaluid to
            # generate a 16-byte string we can use for uuid
            uuid = UUID(
  "Converted icalUID '%s' to UUID '%s'", uid, str(uuid))

        # If there is already an item with this UUID, use it,
        # otherwise we'll create one later
        item = view.findUUID(uuid)

        if item is not None:
            item.icalUID = unicode(uuid)

    if EventStamp in newStamps:
        dtend = vobj.getChildValue("dtend")

        isDate = type(dtstart) == date

        # RFC2445 allows VEVENTs without DTSTART, but it's hard to guess
        # what that would mean, so we won't catch an exception if there's no
        # dtstart.
        anyTime = getattr(dtstart, "x_osaf_anytime_param", None) == "TRUE"

        if duration is None:

            def getDifference(left, right):
                leftIsDate = type(left) == date
                rightIsDate = type(right) == date

                if leftIsDate:
                    if rightIsDate:
                        return left - right
                        left = TimeZone.forceToDateTime(view, left)

                elif rightIsDate:
                    right = TimeZone.forceToDateTime(view, right)

                return makeNaiveteMatch(view, left, right.tzinfo) - right

            if dtend is not None:
                duration = getDifference(dtend, dtstart)
            elif anyTime or isDate:
                duration = oneDay
                duration = datetime.timedelta(0)

        if isDate:
            dtstart = TimeZone.forceToDateTime(view, dtstart)
            # convert to Chandler's notion of all day duration
            duration -= oneDay
        elif dtstart.tzinfo is not None and promptForTimezone:
            # got a timezoned event, prompt (non-modally) to turn on
            # timezones
            app = wx.GetApp()
            if app is not None:

                def ShowTimezoneDialogCallback():

            promptForTimezone = False

        dtstart = convertDatetime(dtstart)
        tzinfo = dtstart.tzinfo

        if anyTime:
            change(EventStamp.anyTime, True)
            change(EventStamp.allDay, False)
        elif isDate:
            # allDay events should have anyTime True, so if the user
            # unselects allDay, the time isn't set to midnight
            change(EventStamp.anyTime, True)
            change(EventStamp.allDay, True)
            change(EventStamp.allDay, False)
            change(EventStamp.anyTime, False)

        change(EventStamp.startTime, dtstart)
        change(EventStamp.duration, duration)

        if (reminderDelta is not None) and ( not in filters):
            changeLast.append(lambda item: setattr(item,, reminderDelta))
        if item is not None:
            event = EventStamp(item)

            if recurrenceID:
                if type(recurrenceID) == date:
                    recurrenceID = datetime.datetime.combine(recurrenceID, time(tzinfo=tzinfo))
                    recurrenceID = convertToICUtzinfo(view, makeNaiveteMatch(view, recurrenceID, tzinfo))

                masterEvent = EventStamp(item)
                event = masterEvent.getRecurrenceID(recurrenceID)
                if event is None and hasattr(masterEvent, "startTime"):
                    # Some calendars, notably Oracle, serialize
                    # recurrence-id as UTC, which wreaks havoc with
                    # noTZ mode. So move recurrenceID to the same tzinfo
                    # as the master's dtstart, bug 6830
                    masterTzinfo = masterEvent.startTime.tzinfo
                    tweakedID = recurrenceID.astimezone(masterTzinfo)
                    event = masterEvent.getRecurrenceID(tweakedID)
                if event is None:
                    # just in case the previous didn't work
                    tweakedID = recurrenceID.astimezone(tzinfo)
                    event = masterEvent.getRecurrenceID(tweakedID)

                if event is None:
                    # our recurrenceID didn't match an item we know
                    # about.  This may be because the item is created
                    # by a later modification, a case we're not dealing
                    # with.  For now, just skip it.
          "RECURRENCE-ID '%s' didn't match rule.", recurrenceID)
                    return (None, None, promptForTimezone)

                item = event.itsItem
                recurrenceLine = vobj.contents["recurrence-id"][0]
                range = recurrenceLine.params.get("RANGE", ["THIS"])[0]
                if range == "THISANDPRIOR":
                    # ignore THISANDPRIOR changes for now
          "RECURRENCE-ID RANGE of THISANDPRIOR " "not supported")
                    return (None, None, promptForTimezone)
                elif range == "THIS":
                    itemChangeCallback = event.changeThis
                    # check if this is a modification to a master event
                    # if so, avoid changing the master's UUID when
                    # creating a modification
                    if event.getMaster() == event:
                        mod = event._cloneEvent()
                        mod.modificationFor = mod.occurrenceFor = event.itsItem
                        if item.hasLocalAttributeValue(
                            del event.occurrenceFor
                        event = mod
                        item = event.itsItem

                elif range == "THISANDFUTURE":
                    itemChangeCallback = event.changeThisAndFuture
          "RECURRENCE-ID RANGE not recognized. " "RANGE = %s" % range)
                    return (None, None, promptForTimezone)
                if event.rruleset is not None:
                    # re-creating a recurring item from scratch, delete
                    # old recurrence information
                    # item might not be the master, though, so
                    # get the master, or eventItem will be a deleted
                    # event
                    event = event.getMaster()
                    item = event.itsItem
                    # delete modifications the master has, to avoid
                    # changing the master to a modification with a
                    # different UUID
                    for mod in itertools.imap(EventStamp, event.modifications):
                        # [Bug 7019]
                        # We need to del these because, in the deferred
                        # delete case, we would have deferred items
                        # living on, in the manner of the undead, in
                        # master.modifications (and occurrences). This
                        # would ultimately cause .getNextOccurrence()
                        # to terminate prematurely.
                        del mod.modificationFor
                        del mod.occurrenceFor


                itemChangeCallback = event.changeThis

            if DEBUG:
                logger.debug("Changing event: %s" % str(event))
            assert itemChangeCallback is not None, "Must set itemChangeCallback for EventStamp imports"

        if rruleset is not None:
            # fix for Bug 6994, exdate and rdate timezones need to be
            # converted to ICUtzinfo instances
            for typ in "_rdate", "_exdate":
                setattr(rruleset, typ, [convertDatetime(d) for d in getattr(rruleset, typ, [])])
            ruleSetItem = RecurrenceRuleSet(None, itsView=view)
            changeLast.append(lambda item: setattr(item,, ruleSetItem))

    if TaskStamp in newStamps:

        if not in filters:
            # Translate status from iCalendar to TaskStamp/ContentItem
            triageStatus =

            if status == "completed":
                triageStatus = TriageEnum.done
            elif status == "needs-action":
                change(Note.needsReply, True)
            elif status in ("", "in-process"):
                change(Note.needsReply, False)
            elif status == "cancelled":
                triageStatus = TriageEnum.later

            # @@@ Jeffrey: This may not be right...
            # Set triageStatus and triageStatusChanged together.
            if completed is not None:
                if type(completed) == date:
                    completed = TimeZone.forceToDateTime(view, completed)
            changeLast.append(lambda item: item.setTriageStatus(triageStatus, when=completed))

    itemIsNew = item is None

    if itemIsNew:

        # create a new item
        change(Note.icalUID, uid)

        kind = Note.getKind(view)
        item = kind.instantiateItem(None, newItemParent, uuid, withInitialValues=True)
        itemChangeCallback = item.__setattr__
        if itemChangeCallback is None:
            itemChangeCallback = item.__setattr__

        # update an existing item
        if rruleset is None and recurrenceID is None and EventStamp(item).rruleset is not None:
            # no recurrenceId or rruleset, but the existing item
            # may have recurrence, so delete it

    for attr, val in changesDict.iteritems():

        # Only change a datetime if it's really different
        # from what the item already has:
        if type(val) is datetime.datetime:
            oldValue = getattr(item, attr, None)
            if oldValue is not None and oldValue == val and oldValue.tzinfo == val.tzinfo:

        itemChangeCallback(attr, val)

    # ... make sure the stamps are right
    for stamp in EventStamp, TaskStamp:
        if not stamp in newStamps:
            if has_stamp(item, stamp):
            if not has_stamp(item, stamp):

    # ... and do the final set of changes
    for cb in changeLast:

    return item, itemIsNew, promptForTimezone
Esempio n. 5
def _importOneVObject(vobj, filters, coerceTzinfo, promptForTimezone, 
    view = newItemParent.itsView
    itemIsNew = False
    newStamps = []

    # by default, we'll create a new item, not change existing items
    itemChangeCallback = None

    # store up all attributes in a dictionary ...
    changesDict = {}

    # ... and define a shorthand for updating it
    def change(attr, value):
        changesDict[] = value
    # rruleset and userReminderInterval/userReminderTime must
    # be set last....
    changeLast = []

    # values that apply to VEVENT and VTODO ...
    summary     = vobj.getChildValue('summary', u"")
    description = vobj.getChildValue('description')
    status      = vobj.getChildValue('status', "").lower()
    duration    = vobj.getChildValue('duration')
    uid         = vobj.getChildValue('uid')
    rruleset    = vobj.rruleset
    recurrenceID = vobj.getChildValue('recurrence_id') # ... uh, sorta
    completed = vobj.getChildValue('completed')

    def convertDatetime(dt):
        # coerce timezones based on coerceTzinfo
        if coerceTzinfo is not None:
            dt = TimeZone.coerceTimeZone(view, dt, coerceTzinfo)

        # ... and make sure we return something with an ICUtzinfo
        return convertToICUtzinfo(view, dt)

    reminderDelta = None
    reminderAbsoluteTime = None

        reminderValue = vobj.valarm.trigger.value
    except AttributeError:
        if type(reminderValue) is datetime.datetime:
            reminderAbsoluteTime = convertDatetime(reminderValue)
            assert type(reminderValue) is datetime.timedelta
            reminderDelta = reminderValue

    if == "VEVENT":

        if DEBUG: logger.debug("got VEVENT %s", vobj)
        dtstart = vobj.getChildValue('dtstart')

        if status in ('confirmed', 'tentative'):
        elif status == 'cancelled': #Chandler doesn't have CANCELLED
            status = 'fyi'
            status = 'confirmed'

        if not in filters:
            change(EventStamp.transparency, status)

        location = vobj.getChildValue('location')
        if location:
                   Calendar.Location.getLocation(view, location))
    elif == "VTODO":

        if DEBUG: logger.debug("got VEVENT %s", vobj)
        # VTODO with a DUE ==> EventTask
        due = vobj.getChildValue('due')
        if due is not None:
            dtstart = due
        assert False, "vobj %s should always be VEVENT or VTODO" % (

    # Save changes applicable to both events & tasks ....

    # SUMMARY <-> {EventStamp,TaskStamp}.summary
    if summary is not None:
        change(newStamps[0].summary, summary)

    # DESCRIPTION <-> body  
    if description is not None:
        change(Note.body, description)
    # Absolute time reminders
    if (reminderAbsoluteTime is not None and not in filters):
        changeLast.append(lambda item: setattr(item,
    # Custom properties/parameters                                           
    ignoredProperties = {}
    ignoredParameters = {}
    for line in vobj.lines():
        name =
        if name not in attributesUnderstood:
            if not line.encoded and line.behavior:
            ignoredProperties[name] = line.value
        for key, paramvals in line.params.iteritems():
            if key.lower() not in parametersUnderstood:
                vals = map(vobject.base.dquoteEscape, paramvals)
                params += ';' + key + '=' + ','.join(vals)
        if len(params) > 0:
            ignoredParameters[name] = params

    change(Note.icalendarProperties, ignoredProperties)
    change(Note.icalendarParameters, ignoredParameters)

    # See if we have a corresponding item already
    item = utility.findUID(view, uid)

    if item is not None:
        if DEBUG: logger.debug("matched UID %s with %s", uid, item)
            # See if uid is a valid repository UUID, if so we'll
            # go ahead and use it for the new item's UUID.
            uuid = UUID(uid)
        except ValueError:
            # Not in valid UUID format, so hash the icaluid to
            # generate a 16-byte string we can use for uuid
            uuid = UUID(
  "Converted icalUID '%s' to UUID '%s'", uid,

        # If there is already an item with this UUID, use it,
        # otherwise we'll create one later
        item = view.findUUID(uuid)
        if item is not None:
            item.icalUID = unicode(uuid)

    if EventStamp in newStamps:
        dtend = vobj.getChildValue('dtend')

        isDate = type(dtstart) == date

        # RFC2445 allows VEVENTs without DTSTART, but it's hard to guess
        # what that would mean, so we won't catch an exception if there's no
        # dtstart.
        anyTime = (getattr(dtstart, 'x_osaf_anytime_param', None)
                      == 'TRUE')
        if duration is None:
            def getDifference(left, right):
                leftIsDate = (type(left) == date)
                rightIsDate = (type(right) == date)
                if leftIsDate:
                    if rightIsDate:
                        return left - right
                        left = TimeZone.forceToDateTime(view, left)
                elif rightIsDate:
                    right = TimeZone.forceToDateTime(view, right)

                return makeNaiveteMatch(view, left, right.tzinfo) - right
            if dtend is not None:
                duration = getDifference(dtend, dtstart)
            elif anyTime or isDate:
                duration = oneDay
                duration = datetime.timedelta(0)

        if isDate:
            dtstart = TimeZone.forceToDateTime(view, dtstart)
            # convert to Chandler's notion of all day duration
            duration -= oneDay
        elif dtstart.tzinfo is not None and promptForTimezone:
            # got a timezoned event, prompt (non-modally) to turn on
            # timezones
            app = wx.GetApp()
            if app is not None:
                def ShowTimezoneDialogCallback():
            promptForTimezone = False

        dtstart = convertDatetime(dtstart)
        tzinfo = dtstart.tzinfo

        if anyTime:
            change(EventStamp.anyTime, True)
            change(EventStamp.allDay, False)
        elif isDate:
            # allDay events should have anyTime True, so if the user
            # unselects allDay, the time isn't set to midnight
            change(EventStamp.anyTime, True)
            change(EventStamp.allDay, True)
            change(EventStamp.allDay, False)
            change(EventStamp.anyTime, False)

        change(EventStamp.startTime, dtstart)
        change(EventStamp.duration, duration)

        if ((reminderDelta is not None) and
            ( not in filters)):
                    lambda item:setattr(item,
        if item is not None:
            event = EventStamp(item)

            if recurrenceID:
                if type(recurrenceID) == date:
                    recurrenceID = datetime.datetime.combine(
                    recurrenceID = convertToICUtzinfo(view, 
                                       makeNaiveteMatch(view, recurrenceID,
                masterEvent = EventStamp(item)    
                event = masterEvent.getRecurrenceID(recurrenceID)
                if event is None and hasattr(masterEvent, 'startTime'):
                    # Some calendars, notably Oracle, serialize
                    # recurrence-id as UTC, which wreaks havoc with 
                    # noTZ mode. So move recurrenceID to the same tzinfo
                    # as the master's dtstart, bug 6830
                    masterTzinfo = masterEvent.startTime.tzinfo
                    tweakedID = recurrenceID.astimezone(masterTzinfo)
                    event = masterEvent.getRecurrenceID(tweakedID)
                if event is None:
                    # just in case the previous didn't work
                    tweakedID = recurrenceID.astimezone(tzinfo)
                    event = masterEvent.getRecurrenceID(tweakedID)
                if event is None:
                    # our recurrenceID didn't match an item we know
                    # about.  This may be because the item is created
                    # by a later modification, a case we're not dealing
                    # with.  For now, just skip it.
          "RECURRENCE-ID '%s' didn't match rule.",
                    return (None, None, promptForTimezone)

                item = event.itsItem
                recurrenceLine = vobj.contents['recurrence-id'][0]
                range = recurrenceLine.params.get('RANGE', ['THIS'])[0]
                if range == 'THISANDPRIOR':
                    # ignore THISANDPRIOR changes for now
                                "not supported")
                    return (None, None, promptForTimezone)
                elif range == 'THIS':
                    itemChangeCallback = event.changeThis
                    # check if this is a modification to a master event
                    # if so, avoid changing the master's UUID when
                    # creating a modification
                    if event.getMaster() == event:
                        mod = event._cloneEvent()
                        mod.modificationFor = mod.occurrenceFor = event.itsItem
                        if item.hasLocalAttributeValue(
                            del event.occurrenceFor
                        event = mod
                        item = event.itsItem
                elif range == 'THISANDFUTURE':
                    itemChangeCallback = event.changeThisAndFuture
          "RECURRENCE-ID RANGE not recognized. " \
                                "RANGE = %s" % range)
                    return (None, None, promptForTimezone)
                if event.rruleset is not None:
                    # re-creating a recurring item from scratch, delete 
                    # old recurrence information
                    # item might not be the master, though, so
                    # get the master, or eventItem will be a deleted
                    # event
                    event = event.getMaster()
                    item = event.itsItem
                    # delete modifications the master has, to avoid
                    # changing the master to a modification with a
                    # different UUID
                    for mod in itertools.imap(EventStamp, event.modifications):
                        # [Bug 7019]
                        # We need to del these because, in the deferred
                        # delete case, we would have deferred items
                        # living on, in the manner of the undead, in
                        # master.modifications (and occurrences). This
                        # would ultimately cause .getNextOccurrence()
                        # to terminate prematurely.
                        del mod.modificationFor
                        del mod.occurrenceFor

                itemChangeCallback = event.changeThis

            if DEBUG: logger.debug("Changing event: %s" % str(event))
            assert itemChangeCallback is not None, \
                   "Must set itemChangeCallback for EventStamp imports"

        if rruleset is not None:
            # fix for Bug 6994, exdate and rdate timezones need to be
            # converted to ICUtzinfo instances
            for typ in '_rdate', '_exdate':
                setattr(rruleset, typ, [convertDatetime(d) for d in
                                        getattr(rruleset, typ, [])  ])
            ruleSetItem = RecurrenceRuleSet(None, itsView=view)
            changeLast.append(lambda item: setattr(item,
    if TaskStamp in newStamps:
        if not in filters:
            # Translate status from iCalendar to TaskStamp/ContentItem
            if status == "completed":
                triageStatus = TriageEnum.done
            elif status == "needs-action":
                change(Note.needsReply, True)
            elif status in ("", "in-process"):
                change(Note.needsReply, False)
            elif status == "cancelled":
                triageStatus = TriageEnum.later

            # @@@ Jeffrey: This may not be right...
            # Set triageStatus and triageStatusChanged together.
            if completed is not None:
                if type(completed) == date:
                    completed = TimeZone.forceToDateTime(view, completed)
            changeLast.append(lambda item: item.setTriageStatus(triageStatus, 

    itemIsNew = (item is None)
    if itemIsNew:

        # create a new item
        change(Note.icalUID, uid)

        kind = Note.getKind(view)
        item = kind.instantiateItem(None, newItemParent, uuid,
        itemChangeCallback = item.__setattr__
        if itemChangeCallback is None:
            itemChangeCallback = item.__setattr__
        # update an existing item
        if (rruleset is None and recurrenceID is None
           and EventStamp(item).rruleset is not None):
            # no recurrenceId or rruleset, but the existing item
            # may have recurrence, so delete it

    for attr, val in changesDict.iteritems():
        # Only change a datetime if it's really different
        # from what the item already has:
        if type(val) is datetime.datetime:
             oldValue = getattr(item, attr, None)
             if (oldValue is not None and 
                 oldValue == val and
                 oldValue.tzinfo == val.tzinfo):
        itemChangeCallback(attr, val)

    # ... make sure the stamps are right
    for stamp in EventStamp, TaskStamp:
        if not stamp in newStamps:
            if has_stamp(item, stamp):
            if not has_stamp(item, stamp):

    # ... and do the final set of changes
    for cb in changeLast:
    return item, itemIsNew, promptForTimezone