def __init__(self, apiurl, project): """Initialize instance variables.""" self.apiurl = apiurl self.project = project # Store some prefix / data used in the code. self.cstaging = conf.config[project]['staging'] self.cstaging_group = conf.config[project]['staging-group'] self.cstaging_archs = conf.config[project]['staging-archs'].split() self.cstaging_dvd_archs = conf.config[project][ 'staging-dvd-archs'].split() self.cstaging_nocleanup = conf.config[project][ 'nocleanup-packages'].split() self.crings = conf.config[project]['rings'] self.cnonfree = conf.config[project]['nonfree'] self.crebuild = conf.config[project]['rebuild'] self.cproduct = conf.config[project]['product'] self.copenqa = conf.config[project]['openqa'] self.user = conf.get_apiurl_usr(apiurl) self._ring_packages = None self._ring_packages_for_links = None self._packages_staged = None self._package_metas = dict() # If the project support rings, inititialize some variables. if self.crings: self.rings = ('{}:0-Bootstrap'.format(self.crings), '{}:1-MinimalX'.format(self.crings), '{}:2-TestDVD'.format(self.crings)) else: self.rings = []
def mail_send(apiurl, project, to, subject, body, from_key='maintainer', followup_to_key='release-list', dry=False): from email.mime.text import MIMEText import email.utils import smtplib config = Config.get(apiurl, project) msg = MIMEText(body) msg['Message-ID'] = email.utils.make_msgid() msg['Date'] = email.utils.formatdate(localtime=1) if from_key is None: msg['From'] = entity_email(apiurl, conf.get_apiurl_usr(apiurl), include_name=True) else: msg['From'] = config['mail-{}'.format(from_key)] if '@' not in to: to = config['mail-{}'.format(to)] msg['To'] = to followup_to = config.get('mail-{}'.format(followup_to_key)) if followup_to: msg['Mail-Followup-To'] = followup_to msg['Subject'] = subject if dry: print(msg.as_string()) return s = smtplib.SMTP(config.get('mail-relay', '')) s.sendmail(msg['From'], [msg['To']], msg.as_string()) s.quit()
def mail_send(apiurl, project, to, subject, body, from_key='maintainer', followup_to_key='release-list', dry=False): config = Config.get(apiurl, project) if from_key is None: sender = entity_email(apiurl, conf.get_apiurl_usr(apiurl), include_name=True) else: sender = config['mail-{}'.format(from_key)] if '@' not in to: to = config['mail-{}'.format(to)] followup_to = config.get('mail-{}'.format(followup_to_key)) relay = config.get('mail-relay', '') mail_send_with_details(text=body, subject=subject, relay=relay, sender=sender, followup_to=followup_to, to=to, dry=dry)
def __init__(self, apiurl, project): """Initialize instance variables.""" self.apiurl = apiurl self.project = project # Store some prefix / data used in the code. self.cstaging = conf.config[project]['staging'] self.cstaging_group = conf.config[project]['staging-group'] self.cstaging_archs = conf.config[project]['staging-archs'].split() self.cstaging_dvd_archs = conf.config[project]['staging-dvd-archs'].split() self.cstaging_nocleanup = conf.config[project]['nocleanup-packages'].split() self.crings = conf.config[project]['rings'] self.cnonfree = conf.config[project]['nonfree'] self.crebuild = conf.config[project]['rebuild'] self.cproduct = conf.config[project]['product'] self.copenqa = conf.config[project]['openqa'] self.user = conf.get_apiurl_usr(apiurl) self._ring_packages = None self._ring_packages_for_links = None self._packages_staged = None self._package_metas = dict() # If the project support rings, inititialize some variables. if self.crings: self.rings = ( '{}:0-Bootstrap'.format(self.crings), '{}:1-MinimalX'.format(self.crings), '{}:2-TestDVD'.format(self.crings) ) else: self.rings = []
def __init__(self, apiurl, project): """Initialize instance variables.""" self.apiurl = apiurl self.project = project # Store some prefix / data used in the code. self.cstaging = conf.config[project]['staging'] self.cstaging_group = conf.config[project]['staging-group'] self.cstaging_archs = conf.config[project]['staging-archs'].split(' ') self.crings = conf.config[project]['rings'] self.cnonfree = conf.config[project]['nonfree'] self.crebuild = conf.config[project]['rebuild'] self.cproduct = conf.config[project]['product'] self.copenqa = conf.config[project]['openqa'] self.user = conf.get_apiurl_usr(apiurl) # If the project support rings, inititialize some variables. self.ring_packages = {} if self.crings: self.rings = ( '{}:0-Bootstrap'.format(self.crings), '{}:1-MinimalX'.format(self.crings), '{}:2-TestDVD'.format(self.crings) ) self.ring_packages = self._generate_ring_packages() self.packages_staged = self._get_staged_requests()
def commit_files(self, prj, pkg, files, message): """Commits files to OBS.""" query = { 'cmd': 'commitfilelist', 'user': conf.get_apiurl_usr(self.apiurl), 'comment': message, 'keeplink': 1 } url = core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ['source', prj, pkg], query=query) xml = "<directory>" for fpath, _ in files: with open(fpath) as fhandle: xml += '<entry name="%s" md5="%s"/>' % \ (os.path.basename(fpath), hexdigest(fhandle)) xml += "</directory>" try: self.core_http(core.http_POST, url, data=xml) for fpath, commit_flag in files: if commit_flag: put_url = core.makeurl(self.apiurl, [ 'source', prj, pkg, pathname2url(os.path.basename(fpath)) ], query="rev=repository") self.core_http(core.http_PUT, put_url, filep=fpath) self.core_http(core.http_POST, url, data=xml) except OSCError, err: raise ObsError("can't commit files to %s/%s: %s" % (prj, pkg, err))
def commit_files(self, prj, pkg, files, message): """Commits files to OBS.""" query = {'cmd' : 'commitfilelist', 'user' : conf.get_apiurl_usr(self.apiurl), 'comment': message, 'keeplink': 1} url = core.makeurl(self.apiurl, ['source', prj, pkg], query=query) xml = "<directory>" for fpath, _ in files: with open(fpath) as fhandle: xml += '<entry name="%s" md5="%s"/>' % \ (os.path.basename(fpath), hexdigest(fhandle)) xml += "</directory>" try: self.core_http(core.http_POST, url, data=xml) for fpath, commit_flag in files: if commit_flag: put_url = core.makeurl( self.apiurl, ['source', prj, pkg, pathname2url(os.path.basename(fpath))], query="rev=repository") self.core_http(core.http_PUT, put_url, filep=fpath) self.core_http(core.http_POST, url, data=xml) except OSCError, err: raise ObsError("can't commit files to %s/%s: %s" % (prj, pkg, err))
def create_project(self, target, src=None, rewrite=False, description='', linkto='', linkedbuild=''): """ Create new OBS project based on existing project. Copy config and repositories from src project to target if src exists. """ if src and not self.exists(src): raise ObsError('base project: %s not exists' % src) if self.exists(target): logger.warning('target project: %s exists' % target) if rewrite: logger.warning('rewriting target project %s' % target) else: return # Create target meta meta = '<project name="%s"><title></title>'\ '<description>%s</description>'\ '<person role="maintainer" userid="%s"/>' % \ (target, description, conf.get_apiurl_usr(self.apiurl)) if linkto: meta += '<link project="%s"/>' % linkto # Collect source repos if src project exist if src: # Copy debuginfo, build, useforbuild and publish meta meta += self.get_tags(src, ['debuginfo', 'build', 'useforbuild', 'publish']) # Copy repos to target repos = self.get_repos_of_project(src) for name in repos: if linkedbuild: meta += '<repository name="%s" linkedbuild="%s">' % \ (name, linkedbuild) else: meta += '<repository name="%s">' % name meta += '<path project="%s" repository="%s" />' % (src, name) for arch in repos[name]: meta += "<arch>%s</arch>\n" % arch meta += "</repository>\n" else: logger.warning('no project repos in target project, please add ' 'repos from OBS webUI manually, or specify base ' 'project with -B <base_prj>, then gbs can help to ' 'set repos using the settings of the specified ' 'base project.') meta += "</project>\n" try: # Create project and set its meta core.edit_meta('prj', path_args=quote_plus(target), data=meta) except (urllib2.URLError, M2Crypto.m2urllib2.URLError, M2Crypto.SSL.SSLError), err: raise ObsError("Can't set meta for %s: %s" % (target, str(err)))
def setup_checker(self): """ reimplement this """ apiurl = conf.config['apiurl'] if apiurl is None: raise osc.oscerr.ConfigError("missing apiurl") user = self.options.user group = # if no args are given, use the current oscrc "owner" if user is None and group is None: user = conf.get_apiurl_usr(apiurl) return self.clazz(apiurl=apiurl, dryrun=self.options.dry, user=user, group=group, logger=self.logger)
def setup_checker(self): """ reimplement this """ apiurl = conf.config['apiurl'] if apiurl is None: raise osc.oscerr.ConfigError("missing apiurl") user = self.options.user group = # if no args are given, use the current oscrc "owner" if user is None and group is None: user = conf.get_apiurl_usr(apiurl) return self.clazz(apiurl = apiurl, \ dryrun = self.options.dry, \ user = user, \ group = group, \ logger = self.logger)
def sentry_init(obs_apiurl=None, tags=None): try: import sentry_sdk except ImportError: sentry_init.client = sentry_client_dummy() return sentry_sdk_dummy() sentry_init.client = sentry_sdk.init( conf.config.get('sentry_sdk.dsn'), environment=conf.config.get('sentry_sdk.environment'), release=VERSION) with sentry_sdk.configure_scope() as scope: scope.set_tag('osc', core.__version__) if obs_apiurl: scope.set_tag('obs_apiurl', obs_apiurl) scope.user = {'username': conf.get_apiurl_usr(obs_apiurl)} if tags: for key, value in tags.items(): scope.set_tag(key, value) return sentry_sdk
if e.code == 404: print "osc: Cannot link to non-existent project %s" % link_to_project return False path = quote_plus(new_project), kind = 'prj' try: data = meta_exists(metatype=kind, path_args=path, template_args=None, create_new=False) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: if e.code != 404: raise root = ET.fromstring(new_prj_link % { "name" : new_project, "user" : conf.get_apiurl_usr(conf.config['apiurl']), "link_source" : link_to_project }) repos = {} for repo in get_repos_of_project(conf.config['apiurl'], link_to_project): if not in repos: repos[] = [] repos[].append(repo.arch) if not repos: print "osc: no repositories found in %s" % link_to_project return False comment_element = ET.Comment(text="Repositories to build against project %s" % link_to_project ) root.append(comment_element) for reponame, archs in repos.iteritems():
return False path = quote_plus(new_project), kind = 'prj' try: data = meta_exists(metatype=kind, path_args=path, template_args=None, create_new=False) except urllib2.HTTPError, e: if e.code != 404: raise root = ET.fromstring( new_prj_link % { "name": new_project, "user": conf.get_apiurl_usr(conf.config['apiurl']), "link_source": link_to_project }) repos = {} for repo in get_repos_of_project(conf.config['apiurl'], link_to_project): if not in repos: repos[] = [] repos[].append(repo.arch) if not repos: print "osc: no repositories found in %s" % link_to_project return False comment_element = ET.Comment( text="Repositories to build against project %s" % link_to_project)