def record_authorization(self, request, format, reply_log_entry):
        # If the transaction already exists, do nothing
        if Transaction.objects.filter('transaction_id')).exists():
            logger.warning('Duplicate transaction_id received from CyberSource: %s' %'transaction_id'))
            return redirect(settings.REDIRECT_SUCCESS)

        # Compare reference number to the order number cached in the session
        if'req_reference_number') != request.session.get(CHECKOUT_ORDER_NUM):
            raise SuspiciousOperation("req_reference_number doesn't match user session")

        # Get the (currently frozen) basket from the session reference
            basket = Basket.objects.get(id=request.session.get(CHECKOUT_BASKET_ID))
        except Basket.DoesNotExist:
            raise SuspiciousOperation("no basket in session")
        assign_basket_strategy(basket, request)

        # Get the basket and serializer prepared to place an order
        data = self._build_checkout_data(request, basket)
        ser = self.get_checkout_serializer(request, data)
        if not ser.is_valid():
            return Response(ser.errors, status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)

        # Check if the authorization was declined
        if'decision') != self.DECISION_ACCEPT:
            messages.add_message(request._request, messages.ERROR, settings.CARD_REJECT_ERROR)
            return redirect(settings.REDIRECT_FAIL)

        # Everything checks out. Place the order and record the transaction.
        order =

        # Save the payment token. We'll need to send this to PnP so they can complete the transaction
        token = self._record_payment_token(request, reply_log_entry)

        # Record the transaction information and, if it was declined, make the user try again
        self._record_payment(order, token, request, reply_log_entry)

        # Mark order as authorized since we've successfully auth'd the card

        # Run post order placement tasks
        self.send_confirmation_message(order, self.communication_type_code)

        # Clean up the session
            if key in request.session:
                del request.session[key]
                request.session.modified = True

        request.session[CHECKOUT_ORDER_ID] =
        return redirect(settings.REDIRECT_SUCCESS)
Esempio n. 2
    def get(self, request, pk=None, format=None):
        line = self.get_object()
        basket = get_basket(request)

        # if the line is from the current basket, use the serializer that
        # computes the prices by using the strategy.
        if line.basket == basket:
            assign_basket_strategy(line.basket, request)
            ser = serializers.BasketLineSerializer(instance=line, context={'request': request})
            return Response( 

        return super(LineDetail, self).get(request, pk, format)
Esempio n. 3
    def to_representation(self, obj):
        # This override is needed to reflect offer discounts or strategy
        # related prices immediately in the response
        operations.assign_basket_strategy(obj.basket, self.context['request'])

        # Oscar stores the calculated discount in line._discount_incl_tax or
        # line._discount_excl_tax when offers are applied. So by just
        # retrieving the line from the db you will loose this values, that's
        # why we need to get the line from the in-memory resultset here
        lines = (x for x in obj.basket.all_lines() if ==
        line = next(lines, None)

        return super(BasketLineSerializer, self).to_representation(line)
Esempio n. 4
    def get(self, request, pk=None, format=None):
        line = self.get_object()
        basket = operations.get_basket(request)

        # if the line is from the current basket, use the serializer that
        # computes the prices by using the strategy.
        if line.basket == basket:
            operations.assign_basket_strategy(line.basket, request)
            ser = BasketLineSerializer(instance=line,
                                       context={'request': request})
            return Response(

        return super(LineDetail, self).get(request, pk, format)
Esempio n. 5
    def to_representation(self, obj):
        # This override is needed to reflect offer discounts or strategy
        # related prices immediately in the response
        operations.assign_basket_strategy(obj.basket, self.context['request'])

        # Oscar stores the calculated discount in line._discount_incl_tax or
        # line._discount_excl_tax when offers are applied. So by just
        # retrieving the line from the db you will loose this values, that's
        # why we need to get the line from the in-memory resultset here
        lines = (x for x in obj.basket.all_lines() if ==
        line = next(lines, None)

        return super(BasketLineSerializer, self).to_representation(line)
Esempio n. 6
 def get_queryset(self):
     basket_pk = self.kwargs.get("pk")
     basket = self.check_basket_permission(self.request,
     prepped_basket = operations.assign_basket_strategy(
         basket, self.request)
     return prepped_basket.all_lines()
Esempio n. 7
    def get(
        self, request, pk, format=None
    ):  # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin,arguments-differ
        basket = self.check_basket_permission(request, basket_pk=pk)
        prepped_basket = operations.assign_basket_strategy(basket, request)
        self.queryset = prepped_basket.all_lines()

        return super(LineList, self).get(request, format)
Esempio n. 8
    def get(self, request, pk=None, format=None):
        if pk is not None:
            basket = self.check_basket_permission(request, pk)
            prepped_basket = operations.assign_basket_strategy(basket, request)
            self.queryset = prepped_basket.all_lines()
            self.serializer_class = serializers.BasketLineSerializer

        return super(LineList, self).get(request, format)
Esempio n. 9
    def get(self, request, pk=None, format=None):
        if pk is not None:
            basket = self.check_basket_permission(request, pk)
            prepped_basket = operations.assign_basket_strategy(basket, request)
            self.queryset = prepped_basket.all_lines()
            self.serializer_class = BasketLineSerializer

        return super(LineList, self).get(request, format)
Esempio n. 10
    def validate(self, attrs):
        request = self.context['request']

        if request.user.is_anonymous():
            if not settings.OSCAR_ALLOW_ANON_CHECKOUT:
                message = _('Anonymous checkout forbidden')
                raise serializers.ValidationError(message)

            if not attrs.get('guest_email'):
                # Always require the guest email field if the user is anonymous
                message = _('Guest email is required for anonymous checkouts')
                raise serializers.ValidationError(message)
            if 'guest_email' in attrs:
                # Don't store guest_email field if the user is authenticated
                del attrs['guest_email']

        basket = attrs.get('basket')
        basket = assign_basket_strategy(basket, request)
        if basket.num_items <= 0:
            message = _('Cannot checkout with empty basket')
            raise serializers.ValidationError(message)

        shipping_method = self._shipping_method(
            request, basket,
        shipping_charge = shipping_method.calculate(basket)
        posted_shipping_charge = attrs.get('shipping_charge')

        if posted_shipping_charge is not None:
            posted_shipping_charge = prices.Price(**posted_shipping_charge)
            # test submitted data.
            if not posted_shipping_charge == shipping_charge:
                message = _('Shipping price incorrect %s != %s' % (
                    posted_shipping_charge, shipping_charge
                raise serializers.ValidationError(message)

        posted_total = attrs.get('total')
        total = OrderTotalCalculator().calculate(basket, shipping_charge)
        if posted_total is not None:
            if posted_total != total.incl_tax:
                message = _('Total incorrect %s != %s' % (
                raise serializers.ValidationError(message)

        # update attrs with validated data.
        attrs['total'] = total
        attrs['shipping_method'] = shipping_method
        attrs['shipping_charge'] = shipping_charge
        attrs['basket'] = basket
        return attrs
Esempio n. 11
    def validate(self, attrs):
        request = self.context['request']

        if request.user.is_anonymous:
            if not settings.OSCAR_ALLOW_ANON_CHECKOUT:
                message = _('Anonymous checkout forbidden')
                raise serializers.ValidationError(message)

            if not attrs.get('guest_email'):
                # Always require the guest email field if the user is anonymous
                message = _('Guest email is required for anonymous checkouts')
                raise serializers.ValidationError(message)
            if 'guest_email' in attrs:
                # Don't store guest_email field if the user is authenticated
                del attrs['guest_email']

        basket = attrs.get('basket')
        basket = assign_basket_strategy(basket, request)
        if basket.num_items <= 0:
            message = _('Cannot checkout with empty basket')
            raise serializers.ValidationError(message)

        shipping_method = self._shipping_method(
            request, basket,
        shipping_charge = shipping_method.calculate(basket)
        posted_shipping_charge = attrs.get('shipping_charge')

        if posted_shipping_charge is not None:
            posted_shipping_charge = prices.Price(**posted_shipping_charge)
            # test submitted data.
            if not posted_shipping_charge == shipping_charge:
                message = _('Shipping price incorrect %s != %s' % (
                    posted_shipping_charge, shipping_charge
                raise serializers.ValidationError(message)

        posted_total = attrs.get('total')
        total = OrderTotalCalculator().calculate(basket, shipping_charge)
        if posted_total is not None:
            if posted_total != total.incl_tax:
                message = _('Total incorrect %s != %s' % (
                raise serializers.ValidationError(message)

        # update attrs with validated data.
        attrs['total'] = total
        attrs['shipping_method'] = shipping_method
        attrs['shipping_charge'] = shipping_charge
        attrs['basket'] = basket
        return attrs
Esempio n. 12
    def get(self, request, pk=None, format=None):
        if pk is not None:
            basket = self.check_basket_permission(request, pk)
            prepped_basket = assign_basket_strategy(basket, request)
            self.queryset = prepped_basket.all_lines()
            self.serializer_class = serializers.BasketLineSerializer
        elif not request.user.is_staff:

        return super(LineList, self).get(request, format)
Esempio n. 13
 def get_queryset(self):
     pk = self.kwargs.get('pk')
     if pk is not None:  # usually we need the lines of the basket
         basket = self.check_basket_permission(self.request, basket_pk=pk)
         prepped_basket = assign_basket_strategy(basket, self.request)
         return prepped_basket.all_lines()
     elif self.request.user.is_staff:  # admin users can view a bit more
         return super(LineList, self).get_queryset()
     else:  # non admin users can view nothing at all here.
         return self.permission_denied(self.request)
Esempio n. 14
 def get_queryset(self):
     pk = self.kwargs.get('pk')
     if pk is not None:  # usually we need the lines of the basket
         basket = self.check_basket_permission(self.request, basket_pk=pk)
         prepped_basket = assign_basket_strategy(basket, self.request)
         return prepped_basket.all_lines()
     elif self.request.user.is_staff:  # admin users can view a bit more
         return super(LineList, self).get_queryset()
     else:  # non admin users can view nothing at all here.
         return self.permission_denied(self.request)
Esempio n. 15
    def validate(self, attrs):
        request = self.context["request"]

        if request.user.is_anonymous:
            if not settings.OSCAR_ALLOW_ANON_CHECKOUT:
                message = _("Anonymous checkout forbidden")
                raise serializers.ValidationError(message)

            if not attrs.get("guest_email"):
                # Always require the guest email field if the user is anonymous
                message = _("Guest email is required for anonymous checkouts")
                raise serializers.ValidationError(message)
            if "guest_email" in attrs:
                # Don't store guest_email field if the user is authenticated
                del attrs["guest_email"]

        basket = attrs.get("basket")
        basket = assign_basket_strategy(basket, request)
        if basket.num_items <= 0:
            message = _("Cannot checkout with empty basket")
            raise serializers.ValidationError(message)

        shipping_method = self._shipping_method(
        shipping_charge = shipping_method.calculate(basket)
        posted_shipping_charge = attrs.get("shipping_charge")

        if posted_shipping_charge is not None:
            posted_shipping_charge = prices.Price(**posted_shipping_charge)
            # test submitted data.
            if not posted_shipping_charge == shipping_charge:
                message = _(
                    "Shipping price incorrect %s != %s"
                    % (posted_shipping_charge, shipping_charge)
                raise serializers.ValidationError(message)

        posted_total = attrs.get("total")
        total = OrderTotalCalculator().calculate(basket, shipping_charge)
        if posted_total is not None:
            if posted_total != total.incl_tax:
                message = _("Total incorrect %s != %s" % (posted_total, total.incl_tax))
                raise serializers.ValidationError(message)

        # update attrs with validated data.
        attrs["order_total"] = total
        attrs["shipping_method"] = shipping_method
        attrs["shipping_charge"] = shipping_charge
        attrs["basket"] = basket
        return attrs
Esempio n. 16
    def get(self, request, pk=None, format=None):
        if pk is not None:
            email = request.query_params.get('email', None)
            if email is not None:
                request.user = User.objects.filter(email=email).first()
            basket = self.check_basket_permission(request, pk)
            prepped_basket = operations.assign_basket_strategy(basket, request)
            self.queryset = prepped_basket.all_lines()
            self.serializer_class = BasketLineSerializer

        return super(MyLineList, self).get(request, format)
Esempio n. 17
    def validate(self, attrs):
        request = self.context['request']
        if request.user.is_anonymous() and not settings.OSCAR_ALLOW_ANON_CHECKOUT:
            message = _('Anonymous checkout forbidden')
            raise serializers.ValidationError(message)

        basket = attrs.get('basket')
        basket = assign_basket_strategy(basket, request)
        shipping_method = self._shipping_method(
            request, basket,
        shipping_charge = shipping_method.calculate(basket)
        posted_shipping_charge = attrs.get('shipping_charge')

        if posted_shipping_charge is not None:
            posted_shipping_charge = prices.Price(**posted_shipping_charge)
            # test submitted data.
            if not posted_shipping_charge == shipping_charge:
                message = _('Shipping price incorrect %s != %s' % (
                    posted_shipping_charge, shipping_charge
                raise serializers.ValidationError(message)

        posted_total = attrs.get('total')
        total = OrderTotalCalculator().calculate(basket, shipping_charge)
        if posted_total is not None:
            if posted_total != total.incl_tax:
                message = _('Total incorrect %s != %s' % (
                raise serializers.ValidationError(message)

       # update attrs with validated data.
        attrs['total'] = total
        attrs['shipping_method'] = shipping_method
        attrs['shipping_charge'] = shipping_charge
        attrs['basket'] = basket
        return attrs
Esempio n. 18
 def get_object(self):
     basket = super(BasketDetail, self).get_object()
     return assign_basket_strategy(basket, self.request)
Esempio n. 19
 def get_object(self):
     basket = super(BasketDetail, self).get_object()
     return assign_basket_strategy(basket, self.request)
Esempio n. 20
 def get_object(self, queryset=None):
     basket = super(BasketDetail, self).get_object(queryset)
     return assign_basket_strategy(basket, self.request)