def testOsci(self):
     y0 = [1, 0]
     timestep = 10
     odeArgs = (5, -1, 1, 10)
     yo = oscillator.oscillatorUnit(y0, timestep, DEBUG=True, odeArgs=odeArgs)
     plt.plot(yo[:, 0], yo[:, 1])
Esempio n. 2
def computeForce(indAnt, legJointAngleArray, legJointVelArray, timestep, optParam=None, flutParam=None):
    """Compute the force on each leg
    forces = []
    torqueArray = []
    # for each leg
    indLeg = 0
    indJoint = 0
    for legJointAngle, legJointVel in zip(legJointAngleArray, legJointVelArray):
        indJoint = 0
        angles = []
        torques = []
        # if it is the swing mode
        if np.array_equal(legJointAngle, [0, 0, 0]):
            forces.append(np.matrix([0, 0, 0]).T)
        # for each joint
        for angle, vel in zip(legJointAngle, legJointVel):
            # clamp the rotational velocity
            if vel > 5 :
                vel = 5
            elif vel < -5:
                vel = -5
            # de-transform the joint angles with operators
            indDOF = indJoint + indLeg*3
            q_o, dq_o = ol.operators(angle, vel, indDOF, optParam=optParam, forward=False, flutParam=flutParam)

            # read the sigma parameter
            sigma = up.readSigma(indAnt)
            odeArgs = (5, sigma, 1, 10)            
            # call the oscillator, do the integration
            y_o = ol.oscillatorUnit([q_o, dq_o], timestep=timestep, odeArgs=odeArgs)            
            # transform the joint angles with operators
            nextAngle, nextVel = ol.operators(y_o[-1][0], y_o[-1][1], indDOF, optParam=optParam, forward=True,  flutParam=flutParam)
            # compute the torque
            tq = pdservo(nextAngle, angle, nextVel, indDOF, optParam=optParam)
            indJoint = indJoint + 1
        # convert the joint torques into contact force
        jac = jacobian(angles[0], angles[1], angles[2], indLeg)
        force = jac*np.matrix(torques).transpose()
        if np.isnan(force).any():
            force = np.array([0, 0, 0])        
        indLeg = indLeg + 1
    totalForce = np.sum(np.array(forces), 0)
    return totalForce, forces, torqueArray