class ToTestBase(object):
    """Base class to store the basic interface"""

    def __init__(self, project, dryrun = False):
        self.project = project
        self.dryrun = dryrun
        self.api = StagingAPI(osc.conf.config['apiurl'], project='openSUSE:%s' % project)
        self.known_failures = self.known_failures_from_dashboard(project)

    def openqa_group(self):
        return self.project

    def iso_prefix(self):
        return self.project

    def jobs_num(self):
        return 70

    def current_version(self):
        return self.release_version()

    def binaries_of_product(self, project, product):
        url = self.api.makeurl(['build', project, 'images', 'local', product])
            f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
        except urllib2.HTTPError:
            return []

        ret = []
        root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
        for binary in root.findall('binary'):

        return ret

    def get_current_snapshot(self):
        """Return the current snapshot in :ToTest"""

        # for now we hardcode all kind of things
        for binary in self.binaries_of_product('openSUSE:%s:ToTest' % self.project, '_product:openSUSE-cd-mini-%s' % self.arch()):
            result = re.match(r'openSUSE-%s-NET-.*-Snapshot(.*)-Media.iso' % self.iso_prefix(),
            if result:

        return None

    def ftp_build_version(self, tree):
        for binary in self.binaries_of_product('openSUSE:%s' % self.project, tree):
            result = re.match(r'openSUSE.*Build(.*)', binary)

        if result:
        raise Exception("can't find %s version" % self.project)

    def release_version(self):
       url = self.api.makeurl(['build', 'openSUSE:%s' % self.project, 'standard', self.arch(),
       f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
       root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
       for binary in root.findall('binary'):
           binary = binary.get('filename', '')
           result = re.match(r'.*-([^-]*)-[^-]*.src.rpm', binary)
           if result:

       raise Exception("can't find %s version" % self.project)

    def find_openqa_results(self, snapshot):
        """Return the openqa jobs of a given snapshot and filter out the
        cloned jobs


        url = makeurl('', ['api', 'v1', 'jobs'], { 'group': self.openqa_group(), 'build': snapshot } )
        f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
        jobs = []
        for job in json.load(f)['jobs']:
            if job['clone_id'] or job['result'] == 'obsoleted':
            job['name'] = job['name'].replace(snapshot, '')
        return jobs

    def _result2str(self, result):
        if result == QA_INPROGRESS:
            return 'inprogress'
        elif result == QA_FAILED:
            return 'failed'
            return 'passed'

    def find_failed_module(self, testmodules):
        # print json.dumps(testmodules, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
        for module in testmodules:
            if module['result'] != 'failed':
            flags = module['flags']
            if 'fatal' in flags or 'important' in flags:
                return module['name']
  '%s %s %s'%(module['name'], module['result'], module['flags']))

    def overall_result(self, snapshot):
        """Analyze the openQA jobs of a given snapshot Returns a QAResult"""

        if snapshot is None:
            return QA_FAILED

        jobs = self.find_openqa_results(snapshot)

        if len(jobs) < self.jobs_num():  # not yet scheduled
            logger.warning('we have only %s jobs' % len(jobs))
            return QA_INPROGRESS

        number_of_fails = 0
        in_progress = False
        machines = []
        for job in jobs:
            # print json.dumps(job, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
            if job['result'] in ('failed', 'incomplete', 'skipped', 'user_cancelled', 'obsoleted'):
                jobname = job['name'] + '@' + job['settings']['MACHINE']
                # Record machines we have tests for
                if jobname in self.known_failures:
                number_of_fails += 1
                # print json.dumps(job, sort_keys=True, indent=4), jobname
                failedmodule = self.find_failed_module(job['modules'])
                url = '' % job['id']
                print (jobname, url, failedmodule, job['retry_avbl'])
                # if number_of_fails < 3: continue
            elif job['result'] == 'passed' or job['result'] == 'softfailed':
            elif job['result'] == 'none':
                if job['state'] != 'cancelled':
                    in_progress = True
                raise Exception(job['result'])

        if number_of_fails > 0:
            return QA_FAILED

        if in_progress:
            return QA_INPROGRESS

        machines = list(set(machines))
        for item in machines:
            for item2 in self.known_failures:
                if item2.split('@')[1] == item:
          'now passing %s'%item2)
        return QA_PASSED

    def all_repos_done(self, project, codes=None):
        """Check the build result of the project and only return True if all
        repos of that project are either published or unpublished


        # coolo's experience says that 'finished' won't be
        # sufficient here, so don't try to add it :-)
        codes = ['published', 'unpublished'] if not codes else codes

        url = self.api.makeurl(['build', project, '_result'], {'code': 'failed'})
        f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
        root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
        ready = True
        for repo in root.findall('result'):
            # ignore ports. 'factory' is used by arm for repos that are not
            # meant to use the totest manager.
            if repo.get('repository') in ('ports', 'factory', 'images_staging'):
            # ignore 32bit for now. We're only interesed in aarch64 here
            if repo.get('arch') in ('armv6l', 'armv7l'):
            if repo.get('dirty', '') == 'true':
      '%s %s %s -> %s'%(repo.get('project'), repo.get('repository'), repo.get('arch'), 'dirty'))
                ready = False
            if repo.get('code') not in codes:
      '%s %s %s -> %s'%(repo.get('project'), repo.get('repository'), repo.get('arch'), repo.get('code')))
                ready = False
        return ready

    def maxsize_for_package(self, package):
        if re.match(r'.*-mini-.*', package):
            return 737280000  # a CD needs to match

        if re.match(r'.*-dvd5-.*', package):
            return 4700372992  # a DVD needs to match

        if re.match(r'.*-image-livecd-x11.*', package):
            return 681574400  # not a full CD

        if re.match(r'.*-image-livecd.*', package):
            return 999999999  # a GB stick

        if re.match(r'.*-dvd9-dvd-.*', package):
            return 8539996159

        if package.startswith('_product:openSUSE-ftp-ftp-'):
            return None

        if package == '_product:openSUSE-Addon-NonOss-ftp-ftp-i586_x86_64':
            return None

        raise Exception('No maxsize for {}'.format(package))

    def package_ok(self, project, package, repository, arch):
        """Checks one package in a project and returns True if it's succeeded


        query = {'package': package, 'repository': repository, 'arch': arch}

        url = self.api.makeurl(['build', project, '_result'], query)
        f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
        root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
        for repo in root.findall('result'):
            status = repo.find('status')
            if status.get('code') != 'succeeded':
      '%s %s %s %s -> %s'%(project, package, repository, arch, status.get('code')))
                return False

        maxsize = self.maxsize_for_package(package)
        if not maxsize:
            return True

        url = self.api.makeurl(['build', project, repository, arch, package])
        f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
        root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
        for binary in root.findall('binary'):
            if not binary.get('filename', '').endswith('.iso'):
            isosize = int(binary.get('size', 0))
            if isosize > maxsize:
                logger.error('%s %s %s %s: %s'%(project, package, repository, arch, 'too large by %s bytes' % (isosize-maxsize)))
                return False

        return True

    def factory_snapshottable(self):
        """Check various conditions required for factory to be snapshotable


        if not self.all_repos_done('openSUSE:%s' % self.project):
            return False

        for product in self.ftp_products + self.main_products:
            if not self.package_ok('openSUSE:%s' % self.project, product, 'images', 'local'):
                return False

            if len(self.livecd_products):

                if not self.all_repos_done('openSUSE:%s:Live' % self.project):
                    return False

                for arch in ['i586', 'x86_64' ]:
                    for product in self.livecd_products:
                        if not self.package_ok('openSUSE:%s:Live' % self.project, product, 'standard', arch):
                            return False

        return True

    def release_package(self, project, package, set_release=None):
        query = {'cmd': 'release'}

        if set_release:
            query['setrelease'] = set_release

        # FIXME: make configurable. openSUSE:Factory:ARM currently has multiple
        # repos with release targets, so obs needs to know which one to release
        if project == 'openSUSE:Factory:ARM':
            query['repository'] = 'images'

        baseurl = ['source', project, package]

        url = self.api.makeurl(baseurl, query=query)
        if self.dryrun:
  "release %s/%s (%s)"%(project, package, set_release))

    def update_totest(self, snapshot):'Updating snapshot %s' % snapshot)
        if not self.dryrun:
            self.api.switch_flag_in_prj('openSUSE:%s:ToTest' % self.project, flag='publish', state='disable')

        for product in self.ftp_products:
            self.release_package('openSUSE:%s' % self.project, product)

        for cd in self.livecd_products:
            self.release_package('openSUSE:%s:Live' % self.project, cd, set_release='Snapshot%s' % snapshot)

        for cd in self.main_products:
            self.release_package('openSUSE:%s' % self.project, cd, set_release='Snapshot%s' % snapshot)

    def publish_factory_totest(self):'Publish ToTest')
        if not self.dryrun:
            self.api.switch_flag_in_prj('openSUSE:%s:ToTest' % self.project, flag='publish', state='enable')

    def totest_is_publishing(self):
        """Find out if the publishing flag is set in totest's _meta"""

        url = self.api.makeurl(['source', 'openSUSE:%s:ToTest' % self.project, '_meta'])
        f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
        root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
        if not root.find('publish'):  # default true
            return True

        for flag in root.find('publish'):
            if flag.get('repository', None) or flag.get('arch', None):
            if flag.tag == 'enable':
                return True
        return False

    def totest(self):
        current_snapshot = self.get_current_snapshot()
        new_snapshot = self.current_version()

        current_result = self.overall_result(current_snapshot)
        current_qa_version = self.api.load_file_content("%s:Staging" % self.api.project, "dashboard", "version_totest")'current_snapshot %s: %s'%(current_snapshot, self._result2str(current_result)))
        logger.debug('new_snapshot %s', new_snapshot)
        logger.debug('current_qa_version %s', current_qa_version)

        snapshotable = self.factory_snapshottable()
        logger.debug("snapshotable: %s", snapshotable)
        can_release = (current_result != QA_INPROGRESS and snapshotable)

        # not overwriting
        if new_snapshot == current_snapshot:
            logger.debug("no change in snapshot version")
            can_release = False
        elif not self.all_repos_done('openSUSE:%s:ToTest' % self.project):
            logger.debug("not all repos done, can't release")
            # the repos have to be done, otherwise we better not touch them with a new release
            can_release = False

        can_publish = (current_result == QA_PASSED)

        # already published
        if self.totest_is_publishing():
            logger.debug("totest already publishing")
            can_publish = False

        if can_publish:
            if current_qa_version == current_snapshot:
                self.write_version_to_dashboard("snapshot", current_snapshot)
                can_release = False  # we have to wait
                # We reached a very bad status: openQA testing is 'done', but not of the same version
                # currently in :ToTest. This can happen when 'releasing' the product failed
                raise Exception("Publishing stopped: tested version (%s) does not match :ToTest version (%s)" 
                    % (current_qa_version, current_snapshot))

        if can_release:
            self.write_version_to_dashboard("totest", new_snapshot)

    def release(self):
        new_snapshot = self.current_version()

    def known_failures_from_dashboard(self, project):
        known_failures = []
        if self.project == "Factory:PowerPC":
            project = "Factory"
            project = self.project

        url = self.api.makeurl(['source', 'openSUSE:%s:Staging' % project, 'dashboard', 'known_failures'])
        f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
        for line in f:
            if not line[0] == '#':
        return known_failures

    def write_version_to_dashboard(self, target, version):
        if not self.dryrun:
            url = self.api.makeurl(['source', 'openSUSE:%s:Staging' % self.project, 'dashboard', 'version_%s' % target])
            osc.core.http_PUT(url + '?comment=Update+version', data=version)
Esempio n. 2
def do_staging(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
    """${cmd_name}: Commands to work with staging projects


    "accept" will accept all requests in
        $PROJECT:Staging:<LETTER> into $PROJECT
        If openSUSE:* project, requests marked ready from adi stagings will also
        be accepted.

    "acheck" will check if it is safe to accept new staging projects
        As $PROJECT is syncing the right package versions between
        /standard, /totest and /snapshot, it is important that the projects
        are clean prior to a checkin round.

    "adi" will list already staged requests, stage new requests, and supersede
        requests where applicable. New adi stagings will be created for new
        packages based on the grouping options used. The default grouping is by
        source project. When adi stagings are ready the request will be marked
        ready, unstaged, and the adi staging deleted.

    "check" will check if all packages are links without changes

    "cleanup_rings" will try to cleanup rings content and print
        out problems

    "freeze" will freeze the sources of the project's links while not
        affecting the source packages

    "frozenage" will show when the respective staging project was last frozen

    "ignore" will ignore a request from "list" and "adi" commands until unignored

    "unignore" will remove from requests from ignore list
        If the --cleanup flag is included then all ignored requests that were
        changed from state new or review more than 3 days ago will be removed.

    "list" will list/supersede requests for ring packages or all if no rings.
        The package list is used to limit what requests are superseded when
        called with the --supersede option.

    "repair" will attempt to repair the state of a request that has been

        Use the --cleanup flag to include all untracked requests.

    "select" will add requests to the project
        Stagings are expected to be either in short-hand or the full project
        name. For example letter or named stagings can be specified simply as
        A, B, Gcc6, etc, while adi stagings can be specified as adi:1, adi:2,
        etc. Currently, adi stagings are not supported in proposal mode.

        Requests may either be the target package or the request ID.

        When using --filter-by or --group-by the xpath will be applied to the
        request node as returned by OBS. Several values will supplement the
        normal request node.

        - ./action/target/@devel_project: the devel project for the package
        - ./action/target/@ring: the ring to which the package belongs
        - ./@ignored: either false or the provided message

        Some useful examples:

        --filter-by './action/target[starts-with(@package, "yast-")]'
        --filter-by './action/target/[@devel_project="YaST:Head"]'
        --filter-by './action/target[starts-with(@ring, "1")]'
        --filter-by '@id!="1234567"'


        Multiple filter-by or group-by options may be used at the same time.

        Note that when using proposal mode, multiple stagings to consider may be
        provided in addition to a list of requests by which to filter. A more
        complex example:

        select --group-by='./action/target/@devel_project' A B C 123 456 789

        This will separate the requests 123, 456, 789 by devel project and only
        consider stagings A, B, or C, if available, for placement.

        No arguments is also a valid choice and will propose all non-ignored
        requests into the first available staging. Note that bootstrapped
        stagings are only used when either required or no other stagings are

        Another useful example is placing all open requests into a specific
        letter staging with:

        select A

        Interactive mode allows the proposal to be modified before application.

    "unselect" will remove from the project - pushing them back to the backlog
        If a message is included the requests will be ignored first.

        Use the --cleanup flag to include all obsolete requests.

    "unlock" will remove the staging lock in case it gets stuck

    "rebuild" will rebuild broken packages in the given stagings or all
        The rebuild command will only trigger builds for packages with less than
        3 failures since the last success or if the build log indicates a stall.

        If the force option is included the rebuild checks will be ignored and
        all packages failing to build will be triggered.

        osc staging accept [--force] [--no-cleanup] [LETTER...]
        osc staging acheck
        osc staging adi [--move] [--by-develproject] [--split] [REQUEST...]
        osc staging check [--old] STAGING
        osc staging cleanup_rings
        osc staging freeze [--no-boostrap] STAGING...
        osc staging frozenage [STAGING...]
        osc staging ignore [-m MESSAGE] REQUEST...
        osc staging unignore [--cleanup] [REQUEST...|all]
        osc staging list [--supersede] [PACKAGE...]
        osc staging select [--no-freeze] [--move [--from STAGING]]
            [--add PACKAGE]
            STAGING REQUEST...
        osc staging select [--no-freeze] [--interactive|--non-interactive]
            [--filter-by...] [--group-by...]
            [--merge] [--try-strategies] [--strategy]
            [STAGING...] [REQUEST...]
        osc staging unselect [--cleanup] [-m MESSAGE] [REQUEST...]
        osc staging unlock
        osc staging rebuild [--force] [STAGING...]
        osc staging repair [--cleanup] [REQUEST...]
        osc staging setprio [STAGING...]
    if opts.version:

    # verify the argument counts match the commands
    if len(args) == 0:
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('No command given, see "osc help staging"!')
    cmd = args[0]
    if cmd == 'freeze':
        min_args, max_args = 1, None
    elif cmd == 'repair':
        min_args, max_args = 0, None
    elif cmd == 'frozenage':
        min_args, max_args = 0, None
    elif cmd == 'setprio':
        min_args, max_args = 0, None
    elif cmd == 'check':
        min_args, max_args = 0, 1
    elif cmd == 'select':
        min_args, max_args = 0, None
    elif cmd == 'unselect':
        min_args, max_args = 0, None
    elif cmd == 'adi':
        min_args, max_args = 0, None
    elif cmd == 'ignore':
        min_args, max_args = 1, None
    elif cmd == 'unignore':
        min_args, max_args = 0, None
    elif cmd in ('list', 'accept'):
        min_args, max_args = 0, None
    elif cmd in ('cleanup_rings', 'acheck'):
        min_args, max_args = 0, 0
    elif cmd == 'unlock':
        min_args, max_args = 0, 0
    elif cmd == 'rebuild':
        min_args, max_args = 0, None
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Unknown command: %s' % cmd)
    if len(args) - 1 < min_args:
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments.')
    if max_args is not None and len(args) - 1 > max_args:
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')

    # Init the OBS access and configuration
    opts.project = self._full_project_name(opts.project)
    opts.apiurl = self.get_api_url()
    opts.verbose = False

    if opts.wipe_cache:

    lock = OBSLock(opts.apiurl, opts.project)
    if cmd == 'unlock':

    with lock:
        api = StagingAPI(opts.apiurl, opts.project)

        # call the respective command and parse args by need
        if cmd == 'check':
            prj = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else None
            CheckCommand(api).perform(prj, opts.old)
        elif cmd == 'freeze':
            for prj in args[1:]:
        elif cmd == 'frozenage':
            projects = api.get_staging_projects_short() if len(
                args) == 1 else args[1:]
            for prj in projects:
                print("%s last frozen %0.1f days ago" %
        elif cmd == 'acheck':
            # Is it safe to accept? Meaning: /totest contains what it should and is not dirty
            version_totest = api.get_binary_version(api.project,
            if version_totest:
                version_openqa = api.load_file_content(
                    "%s:Staging" % api.project, "dashboard", "version_totest")
                totest_dirty = api.is_repo_dirty(api.project, 'totest')
                    "version_openqa: %s / version_totest: %s / totest_dirty: %s\n"
                    % (version_openqa, version_totest, totest_dirty))
                print("acheck is unavailable in %s!\n" % (api.project))
        elif cmd == 'accept':
            # Is it safe to accept? Meaning: /totest contains what it should and is not dirty
            version_totest = api.get_binary_version(api.project,

            if version_totest is None or opts.force:
                # SLE does not have a totest_version or openqa_version - ignore it
                version_openqa = version_totest
                totest_dirty = False
                version_openqa = api.load_file_content(
                    "%s:Staging" % api.project, "dashboard", "version_totest")
                totest_dirty = api.is_repo_dirty(api.project, 'totest')

            if version_openqa == version_totest and not totest_dirty:
                cmd = AcceptCommand(api)
                for prj in args[1:]:
                    if cmd.perform(api.prj_from_letter(prj), opts.force):
                    if not opts.no_cleanup:
                        if api.item_exists(api.prj_from_letter(prj)):
                        if api.item_exists("%s:DVD" %
                            cmd.cleanup("%s:DVD" % api.prj_from_letter(prj))
                if opts.project.startswith('openSUSE:'):
                    if api.item_exists(api.crebuild):
                print("Not safe to accept: /totest is not yet synced")
        elif cmd == 'unselect':
            if opts.message:
                print('Ignoring requests first')
                IgnoreCommand(api).perform(args[1:], opts.message)
            UnselectCommand(api).perform(args[1:], opts.cleanup)
        elif cmd == 'select':
            # Include list of all stagings in short-hand and by full name.
            existing_stagings = api.get_staging_projects_short(None)
            existing_stagings += [
                p for p in api.get_staging_projects() if not p.endswith(':DVD')
            stagings = []
            requests = []
            for arg in args[1:]:
                # Since requests may be given by either request ID or package
                # name and stagings may include multi-letter special stagings
                # there is no easy way to distinguish between stagings and
                # requests in arguments. Therefore, check if argument is in the
                # list of short-hand and full project name stagings, otherwise
                # consider it a request. This also allows for special stagings
                # with the same name as package, but the staging will be assumed
                # first time around. The current practice seems to be to start a
                # special staging with a capital letter which makes them unique.
                # lastly adi stagings are consistently prefix with adi: which
                # also makes it consistent to distinguish them from request IDs.
                if arg in existing_stagings and arg not in stagings:
                elif arg not in requests:

            if len(stagings) != 1 or len(
                    requests) == 0 or opts.filter_by or opts.group_by:
                if opts.move or opts.from_:
                        '--move and --from must be used with explicit staging and request list'

                open_requests = api.get_open_requests()
                if len(open_requests) == 0:
                    print('No open requests to consider')

                splitter = RequestSplitter(api, open_requests, in_ring=True)

                considerable = splitter.stagings_load(stagings)
                if considerable == 0:
                    print('No considerable stagings on which to act')

                if opts.merge:
                if opts.try_strategies:
                if len(requests) > 0:
                    splitter.strategy_do('requests', requests=requests)
                if opts.strategy:
                elif opts.filter_by or opts.group_by:
                    kwargs = {}
                    if opts.filter_by:
                        kwargs['filters'] = opts.filter_by
                    if opts.group_by:
                        kwargs['groups'] = opts.group_by
                    splitter.strategy_do('custom', **kwargs)
                    if opts.merge:
                        # Merge any none strategies before final none strategy.

                proposal = splitter.proposal
                if len(proposal) == 0:
                    print('Empty proposal')

                if opts.interactive:
                    with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.yml') as temp:
                                           default_flow_style=False) + '\n\n')
                            '# move requests between stagings or comment/remove them\n'
                        temp.write('# change the target staging for a group\n')
                        temp.write('# stagings\n')
                        if opts.merge:
                            temp.write('# - merged: {}\n'.format(', '.join(
                                sorted(splitter.stagings_mergeable +
                        temp.write('# - considered: {}\n'.format(', '.join(
                        temp.write('# - remaining: {}\n'.format(', '.join(

                        editor = os.getenv('EDITOR')
                        if not editor:
                            editor = 'xdg-open'
                        return_code =[editor,])

                        proposal = yaml.safe_load(open(

                        # Filter invalidated groups from proposal.
                        keys = ['group', 'requests', 'staging', 'strategy']
                        for group, info in sorted(proposal.items()):
                            for key in keys:
                                if not info.get(key):
                                    del proposal[group]

                print(yaml.safe_dump(proposal, default_flow_style=False))

                print('Accept proposal? [y/n] (y): ', end='')
                if opts.non_interactive:
                    response = raw_input().lower()
                    if response != '' and response != 'y':

                for group, info in sorted(proposal.items()):
                    print('Staging {} in {}'.format(group, info['staging']))

                    # SelectCommand expects strings.
                    request_ids = map(str, info['requests'].keys())
                    target_project = api.prj_from_short(info['staging'])

                    if 'merge' not in info:
                        # Assume that the original splitter_info is desireable
                        # and that this staging is simply manual followup.
                            target_project, info['group'], info['strategy'])

                    SelectCommand(api, target_project) \
                        .perform(request_ids, no_freeze=opts.no_freeze)
                target_project = api.prj_from_short(stagings[0])
                if opts.add:
                    api.mark_additional_packages(target_project, [opts.add])
                    SelectCommand(api, target_project) \
                        .perform(requests, opts.move, opts.from_, opts.no_freeze)
        elif cmd == 'cleanup_rings':
        elif cmd == 'ignore':
            IgnoreCommand(api).perform(args[1:], opts.message)
        elif cmd == 'unignore':
            UnignoreCommand(api).perform(args[1:], opts.cleanup)
        elif cmd == 'list':
            ListCommand(api).perform(args[1:], supersede=opts.supersede)
        elif cmd == 'adi':
        elif cmd == 'rebuild':
            RebuildCommand(api).perform(args[1:], opts.force)
        elif cmd == 'repair':
            RepairCommand(api).perform(args[1:], opts.cleanup)
        elif cmd == 'setprio':
Esempio n. 3
def do_staging(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
    """${cmd_name}: Commands to work with staging projects


    "accept" will accept all requests in
        openSUSE:Factory:Staging:<LETTER> (into Factory)

    "acheck" will check if it's safe to accept new staging projects
        As openSUSE:Factory is syncing the right package versions between
        /standard, /totest and /snapshot, it's important that the projects
        are clean prior to a checkin round.

    "check" will check if all packages are links without changes

    "cleanup_rings" will try to cleanup rings content and print
        out problems

    "freeze" will freeze the sources of the project's links (not
        affecting the packages actually in)

    "frozenage" will show when the respective staging project was last frozen

    "list" will pick the requests not in rings

    "select" will add requests to the project

    "unselect" will remove from the project - pushing them back to the backlog

        osc staging accept [--force] [LETTER...]
        osc staging check [--old] REPO
        osc staging cleanup_rings
        osc staging freeze [--no-boostrap] PROJECT...
        osc staging frozenage PROJECT...
        osc staging list [--supersede]
        osc staging select [--no-freeze] [--move [--from PROJECT]] LETTER REQUEST...
        osc staging unselect REQUEST...
        osc staging repair REQUEST...
    if opts.version:

    # verify the argument counts match the commands
    if len(args) == 0:
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('No command given, see "osc help staging"!')
    cmd = args[0]
    if cmd in ('freeze', 'frozenage', 'repair'):
        min_args, max_args = 1, None
    elif cmd == 'check':
        min_args, max_args = 0, 2
    elif cmd == 'select':
        min_args, max_args = 1, None
        if not opts.add:
            min_args = 2
    elif cmd == 'unselect':
        min_args, max_args = 1, None
    elif cmd == 'adi':
        min_args, max_args = None, None
    elif cmd in ('list', 'accept'):
        min_args, max_args = 0, None
    elif cmd in ('cleanup_rings', 'acheck'):
        min_args, max_args = 0, 0
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Unknown command: %s' % cmd)
    if len(args) - 1 < min_args:
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too few arguments.')
    if max_args is not None and len(args) - 1 > max_args:
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('Too many arguments.')

    # Init the OBS access and configuration
    opts.project = self._full_project_name(opts.project)
    opts.apiurl = self.get_api_url()
    opts.verbose = False

    with OBSLock(opts.apiurl, opts.project):
        api = StagingAPI(opts.apiurl, opts.project)

        # call the respective command and parse args by need
        if cmd == 'check':
            prj = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else None
            CheckCommand(api).perform(prj, opts.old)
        elif cmd == 'freeze':
            for prj in args[1:]:
        elif cmd == 'frozenage':
            for prj in args[1:]:
                print "%s last frozen %0.1f days ago" % (api.prj_from_letter(
                    prj), api.days_since_last_freeze(api.prj_from_letter(prj)))
        elif cmd == 'acheck':
            # Is it safe to accept? Meaning: /totest contains what it should and is not dirty
            version_totest = api.get_binary_version(api.project,
            if version_totest:
                version_openqa = api.load_file_content(
                    "%s:Staging" % api.project, "dashboard", "version_totest")
                totest_dirty = api.is_repo_dirty(api.project, 'totest')
                print "version_openqa: %s / version_totest: %s / totest_dirty: %s\n" % (
                    version_openqa, version_totest, totest_dirty)
                print "acheck is unavailable in %s!\n" % (api.project)
        elif cmd == 'accept':
            # Is it safe to accept? Meaning: /totest contains what it should and is not dirty
            version_totest = api.get_binary_version(api.project,

            if version_totest is None or opts.force:
                # SLE does not have a totest_version or openqa_version - ignore it
                version_openqa = version_totest
                totest_dirty = False
                version_openqa = api.load_file_content(
                    "%s:Staging" % api.project, "dashboard", "version_totest")
                totest_dirty = api.is_repo_dirty(api.project, 'totest')

            if version_openqa == version_totest and not totest_dirty:
                cmd = AcceptCommand(api)
                for prj in args[1:]:
                    if not cmd.perform(api.prj_from_letter(prj), opts.force):
                    if not opts.no_cleanup:
                        if api.item_exists(api.prj_from_letter(prj)):
                        if api.item_exists("%s:DVD" %
                            cmd.cleanup("%s:DVD" % api.prj_from_letter(prj))
                if opts.project.startswith('openSUSE:'):
                    if api.item_exists(api.crebuild):
                print "Not safe to accept: /totest is not yet synced"
        elif cmd == 'unselect':
        elif cmd == 'select':
            tprj = api.prj_from_letter(args[1])
            if opts.add:
                api.mark_additional_packages(tprj, [opts.add])
                SelectCommand(api, tprj).perform(args[2:], opts.move,
                                                 opts.from_, opts.no_freeze)
        elif cmd == 'cleanup_rings':
        elif cmd == 'list':
            ListCommand(api).perform(args[1:], supersede=opts.supersede)
        elif cmd == 'adi':
        elif cmd == 'repair':
class ToTestBase(object):
    """Base class to store the basic interface"""
    def __init__(self, project, dryrun=False):
        self.project = project
        self.dryrun = dryrun
        self.api = StagingAPI(osc.conf.config['apiurl'],
                              project='openSUSE:%s' % project)
        self.openqa = OpenQA_Client(server='')
        self.issues_to_ignore = []
        self.issuefile = "{}_{}".format(self.project, ISSUE_FILE)
        if os.path.isfile(self.issuefile):
            with open(self.issuefile, 'r') as f:
                for line in f.readlines():

    def openqa_group(self):
        return self.project

    def iso_prefix(self):
        return self.project

    def jobs_num(self):
        return 70

    def current_version(self):
        return self.release_version()

    def binaries_of_product(self, project, product):
        url = self.api.makeurl(['build', project, 'images', 'local', product])
            f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
        except urllib2.HTTPError:
            return []

        ret = []
        root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
        for binary in root.findall('binary'):

        return ret

    def get_current_snapshot(self):
        """Return the current snapshot in :ToTest"""

        # for now we hardcode all kind of things
        for binary in self.binaries_of_product(
                'openSUSE:%s:ToTest' % self.project,
                '_product:openSUSE-cd-mini-%s' % self.arch()):
            result = re.match(
                r'openSUSE-%s-NET-.*-Snapshot(.*)-Media.iso' %
                self.iso_prefix(), binary)
            if result:

        return None

    def ftp_build_version(self, project, tree):
        for binary in self.binaries_of_product('openSUSE:%s' % project, tree):
            result = re.match(r'openSUSE.*Build(.*)', binary)
            if result:
        raise Exception("can't find %s version" % self.project)

    def iso_build_version(self, project, tree):
        for binary in self.binaries_of_product('openSUSE:%s' % project, tree):
            result = re.match(r'openSUSE.*Build(.*)-Media.iso', binary)
            if result:
        raise Exception("can't find %s version" % self.project)

    def release_version(self):
        url = self.api.makeurl([
            'openSUSE:%s' % self.project, 'standard',
            self.arch(), '_product:openSUSE-release'
        f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
        root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
        for binary in root.findall('binary'):
            binary = binary.get('filename', '')
            result = re.match(r'.*-([^-]*)-[^-]*.src.rpm', binary)
            if result:

        raise Exception("can't find %s version" % self.project)

    def find_openqa_results(self, snapshot):
        """Return the openqa jobs of a given snapshot and filter out the
        cloned jobs


        url = makeurl('', ['api', 'v1', 'jobs'], {
            'group': self.openqa_group(),
            'build': snapshot
        f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
        jobs = []
        for job in json.load(f)['jobs']:
            if job['clone_id'] or job['result'] == 'obsoleted':
            job['name'] = job['name'].replace(snapshot, '')
        return jobs

    def _result2str(self, result):
        if result == QA_INPROGRESS:
            return 'inprogress'
        elif result == QA_FAILED:
            return 'failed'
            return 'passed'

    def find_failed_module(self, testmodules):
        # print json.dumps(testmodules, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
        for module in testmodules:
            if module['result'] != 'failed':
            flags = module['flags']
            if 'fatal' in flags or 'important' in flags:
                return module['name']
  '%s %s %s' %
                        (module['name'], module['result'], module['flags']))

    def overall_result(self, snapshot):
        """Analyze the openQA jobs of a given snapshot Returns a QAResult"""

        if snapshot is None:
            return QA_FAILED

        jobs = self.find_openqa_results(snapshot)

        if len(jobs) < self.jobs_num():  # not yet scheduled
            logger.warning('we have only %s jobs' % len(jobs))
            return QA_INPROGRESS

        number_of_fails = 0
        in_progress = False
        for job in jobs:
            # print json.dumps(job, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
            if job['result'] in ('failed', 'incomplete', 'skipped',
                                 'user_cancelled', 'obsoleted'):
                jobname = job['name']
                # print json.dumps(job, sort_keys=True, indent=4), jobname
                url = makeurl(
                    ['api', 'v1', 'jobs',
                     str(job['id']), 'comments'])
                f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
                comments = json.load(f)
                refs = set()
                labeled = 0
                to_ignore = False
                for comment in comments:
                    for ref in comment['bugrefs']:
                    if comment['userName'] == 'ttm' and comment[
                            'text'] == 'label:unknown_failure':
                        labeled = comment['id']
                    if comment['text'].find('@ttm ignore') >= 0:
                        to_ignore = True
                ignored = len(refs) > 0
                for ref in refs:
                    if ref not in self.issues_to_ignore:
                        if to_ignore:
                            with open(self.issuefile, 'a') as f:
                                f.write("%s\n" % ref)
                            ignored = False

                if not ignored:
                    number_of_fails += 1
                    if not labeled:
                        data = {'text': 'label:unknown_failure'}
                                                   'jobs/%s/comments' %
                elif labeled:
                    # remove flag - unfortunately can't delete comment unless admin
                    data = {'text': 'Ignored issue'}
                                               'jobs/%s/comments/%d' %
                                               (job['id'], labeled),

                if ignored:
          "job %s failed, but was ignored", jobname)
                    joburl = '' % job['id']
          "job %s failed, see %s", jobname, joburl)

            elif job['result'] == 'passed' or job['result'] == 'softfailed':
            elif job['result'] == 'none':
                if job['state'] != 'cancelled':
                    in_progress = True
                raise Exception(job['result'])

        if number_of_fails > 0:
            return QA_FAILED

        if in_progress:
            return QA_INPROGRESS

        return QA_PASSED

    def all_repos_done(self, project, codes=None):
        """Check the build result of the project and only return True if all
        repos of that project are either published or unpublished


        # coolo's experience says that 'finished' won't be
        # sufficient here, so don't try to add it :-)
        codes = ['published', 'unpublished'] if not codes else codes

        url = self.api.makeurl(['build', project, '_result'],
                               {'code': 'failed'})
        f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
        root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
        ready = True
        for repo in root.findall('result'):
            # ignore ports. 'factory' is used by arm for repos that are not
            # meant to use the totest manager.
            if repo.get('repository') in ('ports', 'factory',
            # ignore 32bit for now. We're only interesed in aarch64 here
            if repo.get('arch') in ('armv6l', 'armv7l'):
            if repo.get('dirty', '') == 'true':
      '%s %s %s -> %s' %
                            (repo.get('project'), repo.get('repository'),
                             repo.get('arch'), 'dirty'))
                ready = False
            if repo.get('code') not in codes:
      '%s %s %s -> %s' %
                            (repo.get('project'), repo.get('repository'),
                             repo.get('arch'), repo.get('code')))
                ready = False
        return ready

    def maxsize_for_package(self, package):
        if re.match(r'.*-mini-.*', package):
            return 737280000  # a CD needs to match

        if re.match(r'.*-dvd5-.*', package):
            return 4700372992  # a DVD needs to match

        if re.match(r'.*-image-livecd-x11.*', package):
            return 681574400  # not a full CD

        if re.match(r'.*-image-livecd.*', package):
            return 999999999  # a GB stick

        if re.match(r'.*-dvd9-dvd-.*', package):
            return 8539996159

        if package.startswith('_product:openSUSE-ftp-ftp-'):
            return None

        if package.startswith('_product:openSUSE-Addon-NonOss-ftp-ftp'):
            return None

        raise Exception('No maxsize for {}'.format(package))

    def package_ok(self, project, package, repository, arch):
        """Checks one package in a project and returns True if it's succeeded


        query = {'package': package, 'repository': repository, 'arch': arch}

        url = self.api.makeurl(['build', project, '_result'], query)
        f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
        root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
        for repo in root.findall('result'):
            status = repo.find('status')
            if status.get('code') != 'succeeded':
                    '%s %s %s %s -> %s' %
                    (project, package, repository, arch, status.get('code')))
                return False

        maxsize = self.maxsize_for_package(package)
        if not maxsize:
            return True

        url = self.api.makeurl(['build', project, repository, arch, package])
        f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
        root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
        for binary in root.findall('binary'):
            if not binary.get('filename', '').endswith('.iso'):
            isosize = int(binary.get('size', 0))
            if isosize > maxsize:
                logger.error('%s %s %s %s: %s' %
                             (project, package, repository, arch,
                              'too large by %s bytes' % (isosize - maxsize)))
                return False

        return True

    def is_snapshottable(self):
        """Check various conditions required for factory to be snapshotable


        if not self.all_repos_done('openSUSE:%s' % self.project):
            return False

        for product in self.ftp_products + self.main_products:
            if not self.package_ok('openSUSE:%s' % self.project, product,
                                   'images', 'local'):
                return False

            if len(self.livecd_products):

                if not self.all_repos_done('openSUSE:%s:Live' % self.project):
                    return False

                for arch in ['i586', 'x86_64']:
                    for product in self.livecd_products:
                        if not self.package_ok(
                                'openSUSE:%s:Live' % self.project, product,
                                'standard', arch):
                            return False

        return True

    def release_package(self, project, package, set_release=None):
        query = {'cmd': 'release'}

        if set_release:
            query['setrelease'] = set_release

        # FIXME: make configurable. openSUSE:Factory:ARM currently has multiple
        # repos with release targets, so obs needs to know which one to release
        if project == 'openSUSE:Factory:ARM':
            query['repository'] = 'images'

        baseurl = ['source', project, package]

        url = self.api.makeurl(baseurl, query=query)
        if self.dryrun:
  "release %s/%s (%s)" % (project, package, set_release))

    def update_totest(self, snapshot=None):
        release = 'Snapshot%s' % snapshot if snapshot else None'Updating snapshot %s' % snapshot)
        if not self.dryrun:
            self.api.switch_flag_in_prj('openSUSE:%s:ToTest' % self.project,

        for product in self.ftp_products:
            self.release_package('openSUSE:%s' % self.project, product)

        for cd in self.livecd_products:
            self.release_package('openSUSE:%s:Live' % self.project,

        for cd in self.main_products:
            self.release_package('openSUSE:%s' % self.project,

    def publish_factory_totest(self):'Publish ToTest')
        if not self.dryrun:
            self.api.switch_flag_in_prj('openSUSE:%s:ToTest' % self.project,

    def totest_is_publishing(self):
        """Find out if the publishing flag is set in totest's _meta"""

        url = self.api.makeurl(
            ['source', 'openSUSE:%s:ToTest' % self.project, '_meta'])
        f = self.api.retried_GET(url)
        root = ET.parse(f).getroot()
        if not root.find('publish'):  # default true
            return True

        for flag in root.find('publish'):
            if flag.get('repository', None) or flag.get('arch', None):
            if flag.tag == 'enable':
                return True
        return False

    def totest(self):
        current_snapshot = self.get_current_snapshot()
        new_snapshot = self.current_version()

        current_result = self.overall_result(current_snapshot)
        current_qa_version = self.api.load_file_content(
            "%s:Staging" % self.api.project, "dashboard", "version_totest")'current_snapshot %s: %s' %
                    (current_snapshot, self._result2str(current_result)))
        logger.debug('new_snapshot %s', new_snapshot)
        logger.debug('current_qa_version %s', current_qa_version)

        snapshotable = self.is_snapshottable()
        logger.debug("snapshotable: %s", snapshotable)
        can_release = (current_result != QA_INPROGRESS and snapshotable)

        # not overwriting
        if new_snapshot == current_snapshot:
            logger.debug("no change in snapshot version")
            can_release = False
        elif not self.all_repos_done('openSUSE:%s:ToTest' % self.project):
            logger.debug("not all repos done, can't release")
            # the repos have to be done, otherwise we better not touch them
            # with a new release
            can_release = False

        can_publish = (current_result == QA_PASSED)

        # already published
        if self.totest_is_publishing():
            logger.debug("totest already publishing")
            can_publish = False

        if can_publish:
            if current_qa_version == current_snapshot:
                self.write_version_to_dashboard("snapshot", current_snapshot)
                can_release = False  # we have to wait
                # We reached a very bad status: openQA testing is 'done', but not of the same version
                # currently in :ToTest. This can happen when 'releasing' the
                # product failed
                raise Exception(
                    "Publishing stopped: tested version (%s) does not match :ToTest version (%s)"
                    % (current_qa_version, current_snapshot))

        if can_release:
            self.write_version_to_dashboard("totest", new_snapshot)

    def release(self):
        new_snapshot = self.current_version()

    def write_version_to_dashboard(self, target, version):
        if not self.dryrun:
            url = self.api.makeurl([
                'openSUSE:%s:Staging' % self.project, 'dashboard',
                'version_%s' % target
            osc.core.http_PUT(url + '?comment=Update+version', data=version)
Esempio n. 5
def do_staging(self, subcmd, opts, *args):
    """${cmd_name}: Commands to work with staging projects


    "accept" will accept all requests in
        openSUSE:Factory:Staging:<LETTER> (into Factory)

    "acheck" will check if it's safe to accept new staging projects
        As openSUSE:Factory is syncing the right package versions between
        /standard, /totest and /snapshot, it's important that the projects
        are clean prior to a checkin round.

    "check" will check if all packages are links without changes

    "cleanup_rings" will try to cleanup rings content and print
        out problems

    "freeze" will freeze the sources of the project's links (not
        affecting the packages actually in)

    "frozenage" will show when the respective staging project was last frozen

    "list" will pick the requests not in rings

    "select" will add requests to the project

    "unselect" will remove from the project - pushing them back to the backlog

        osc staging accept [--force] [LETTER...]
        osc staging check [--old] REPO
        osc staging cleanup_rings
        osc staging freeze [--no-boostrap] PROJECT...
        osc staging frozenage PROJECT...
        osc staging list [--supersede]
        osc staging select [--no-freeze] [--move [--from PROJECT]] LETTER REQUEST...
        osc staging unselect REQUEST...
        osc staging repair REQUEST...
    if opts.version:

    # verify the argument counts match the commands
    if len(args) == 0:
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs('No command given, see "osc help staging"!')
    cmd = args[0]
    if cmd in ("freeze", "frozenage", "repair"):
        min_args, max_args = 1, None
    elif cmd == "check":
        min_args, max_args = 0, 2
    elif cmd == "select":
        min_args, max_args = 1, None
        if not opts.add:
            min_args = 2
    elif cmd == "unselect":
        min_args, max_args = 1, None
    elif cmd == "adi":
        min_args, max_args = None, None
    elif cmd in ("list", "accept"):
        min_args, max_args = 0, None
    elif cmd in ("cleanup_rings", "acheck"):
        min_args, max_args = 0, 0
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs("Unknown command: %s" % cmd)
    if len(args) - 1 < min_args:
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs("Too few arguments.")
    if max_args is not None and len(args) - 1 > max_args:
        raise oscerr.WrongArgs("Too many arguments.")

    # Init the OBS access and configuration
    opts.project = self._full_project_name(opts.project)
    opts.apiurl = self.get_api_url()
    opts.verbose = False

    with OBSLock(opts.apiurl, opts.project):
        api = StagingAPI(opts.apiurl, opts.project)

        # call the respective command and parse args by need
        if cmd == "check":
            prj = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else None
            CheckCommand(api).perform(prj, opts.old)
        elif cmd == "freeze":
            for prj in args[1:]:
                FreezeCommand(api).perform(api.prj_from_letter(prj), copy_bootstrap=opts.bootstrap)
        elif cmd == "frozenage":
            for prj in args[1:]:
                print "%s last frozen %0.1f days ago" % (
        elif cmd == "acheck":
            # Is it safe to accept? Meaning: /totest contains what it should and is not dirty
            version_totest = api.get_binary_version(
                api.project, "openSUSE-release.rpm", repository="totest", arch="x86_64"
            if version_totest:
                version_openqa = api.load_file_content("%s:Staging" % api.project, "dashboard", "version_totest")
                totest_dirty = api.is_repo_dirty(api.project, "totest")
                print "version_openqa: %s / version_totest: %s / totest_dirty: %s\n" % (
                print "acheck is unavailable in %s!\n" % (api.project)
        elif cmd == "accept":
            # Is it safe to accept? Meaning: /totest contains what it should and is not dirty
            version_totest = api.get_binary_version(
                api.project, "openSUSE-release.rpm", repository="totest", arch="x86_64"

            if version_totest is None or opts.force:
                # SLE does not have a totest_version or openqa_version - ignore it
                version_openqa = version_totest
                totest_dirty = False
                version_openqa = api.load_file_content("%s:Staging" % api.project, "dashboard", "version_totest")
                totest_dirty = api.is_repo_dirty(api.project, "totest")

            if version_openqa == version_totest and not totest_dirty:
                cmd = AcceptCommand(api)
                for prj in args[1:]:
                    if not cmd.perform(api.prj_from_letter(prj), opts.force):
                    if not opts.no_cleanup:
                        if api.item_exists(api.prj_from_letter(prj)):
                        if api.item_exists("%s:DVD" % api.prj_from_letter(prj)):
                            cmd.cleanup("%s:DVD" % api.prj_from_letter(prj))
                if opts.project.startswith("openSUSE:"):
                    if api.item_exists(api.crebuild):
                print "Not safe to accept: /totest is not yet synced"
        elif cmd == "unselect":
        elif cmd == "select":
            tprj = api.prj_from_letter(args[1])
            if opts.add:
                api.mark_additional_packages(tprj, [opts.add])
                SelectCommand(api, tprj).perform(args[2:], opts.move, opts.from_, opts.no_freeze)
        elif cmd == "cleanup_rings":
        elif cmd == "list":
            ListCommand(api).perform(args[1:], supersede=opts.supersede)
        elif cmd == "adi":
            AdiCommand(api).perform(args[1:], move=opts.move, by_dp=opts.by_develproject, split=opts.split)
        elif cmd == "repair":