Esempio n. 1
def _get_not_supported_column(col_name_col_instance, column_name):
        column = col_name_col_instance[column_name]
    except KeyError:
        msg = _("Please specify column %s in col_name_col_instance "
                "param. It is required because column has unsupported "
                "type by SQLite.")
        raise exception.ColumnError(msg % column_name)

    if not isinstance(column, Column):
        msg = _("col_name_col_instance param has wrong type of "
                "column instance for column %s It should be instance "
                "of sqlalchemy.Column.")
        raise exception.ColumnError(msg % column_name)
    return column
Esempio n. 2
def _get_not_supported_column(col_name_col_instance, column_name):
        column = col_name_col_instance[column_name]
    except KeyError:
        msg = _("Please specify column %s in col_name_col_instance "
                "param. It is required because column has unsupported "
                "type by SQLite.")
        raise exception.ColumnError(msg % column_name)

    if not isinstance(column, Column):
        msg = _("col_name_col_instance param has wrong type of "
                "column instance for column %s It should be instance "
                "of sqlalchemy.Column.")
        raise exception.ColumnError(msg % column_name)
    return column
Esempio n. 3
def db_sync(engine, abs_path, version=None, init_version=0, sanity_check=True):
    """Upgrade or downgrade a database.

    Function runs the upgrade() or downgrade() functions in change scripts.

    :param engine:       SQLAlchemy engine instance for a given database
    :param abs_path:     Absolute path to migrate repository.
    :param version:      Database will upgrade/downgrade until this version.
                         If None - database will update to the latest
                         available version.
    :param init_version: Initial database version
    :param sanity_check: Require schema sanity checking for all tables

    if version is not None:
            version = int(version)
        except ValueError:
            raise exception.DbMigrationError(
                message=_("version should be an integer"))

    current_version = db_version(engine, abs_path, init_version)
    repository = _find_migrate_repo(abs_path)
    if sanity_check:
    if version is None or version > current_version:
        migration = versioning_api.upgrade(engine, repository, version)
        migration = versioning_api.downgrade(engine, repository,
    if sanity_check:

    return migration
Esempio n. 4
def db_version(engine, abs_path, init_version):
    """Show the current version of the repository.

    :param engine:  SQLAlchemy engine instance for a given database
    :param abs_path: Absolute path to migrate repository
    :param version:  Initial database version
    repository = _find_migrate_repo(abs_path)
        return versioning_api.db_version(engine, repository)
    except versioning_exceptions.DatabaseNotControlledError:
        meta = sqlalchemy.MetaData()
        tables = meta.tables
        if len(tables) == 0 or "alembic_version" in tables:
            db_version_control(engine, abs_path, version=init_version)
            return versioning_api.db_version(engine, repository)
            raise exception.DbMigrationError(
                    "The database is not under version control, but has "
                    "tables. Please stamp the current version of the schema "
Esempio n. 5
def db_sync(engine, abs_path, version=None, init_version=0, sanity_check=True):
    """Upgrade or downgrade a database.

    Function runs the upgrade() or downgrade() functions in change scripts.

    :param engine:       SQLAlchemy engine instance for a given database
    :param abs_path:     Absolute path to migrate repository.
    :param version:      Database will upgrade/downgrade until this version.
                         If None - database will update to the latest
                         available version.
    :param init_version: Initial database version
    :param sanity_check: Require schema sanity checking for all tables

    if version is not None:
            version = int(version)
        except ValueError:
            raise exception.DBMigrationError(_("version should be an integer"))

    current_version = db_version(engine, abs_path, init_version)
    repository = _find_migrate_repo(abs_path)
    if sanity_check:
    if version is None or version > current_version:
        migration = versioning_api.upgrade(engine, repository, version)
        migration = versioning_api.downgrade(engine, repository, version)
    if sanity_check:

    return migration
Esempio n. 6
def _db_schema_sanity_check(engine):
    """Ensure all database tables were created with required parameters.

    :param engine:  SQLAlchemy engine instance for a given database


    if == 'mysql':
        onlyutf8_sql = ('SELECT TABLE_NAME,TABLE_COLLATION '
                        'from information_schema.TABLES '
                        'where TABLE_SCHEMA=%s and '
                        'TABLE_COLLATION NOT LIKE \'%%utf8%%\'')

        # NOTE(morganfainberg): exclude the sqlalchemy-migrate and alembic
        # versioning tables from the tables we need to verify utf8 status on.
        # Non-standard table names are not supported.
        EXCLUDED_TABLES = ['migrate_version', 'alembic_version']

        table_names = [res[0] for res in
                       engine.execute(onlyutf8_sql, engine.url.database) if
                       res[0].lower() not in EXCLUDED_TABLES]

        if len(table_names) > 0:
            raise ValueError(_('Tables "%s" have non utf8 collation, '
                               'please make sure all tables are CHARSET=utf8'
                               ) % ','.join(table_names))
Esempio n. 7
class DBInvalidUnicodeParameter(Exception):
    """Database unicode error.

    Raised when unicode parameter is passed to a database
    without encoding directive.

    message = _("Invalid Parameter: " "Encoding directive wasn't provided.")
Esempio n. 8
def _project_filter(query, db_model, project_id):
    if "project_id" not in db_model.__table__.columns:
        raise ValueError(_("There is no `project_id` column in `%s` table.") % db_model.__name__)

    if isinstance(project_id, (list, tuple, set)):
        query = query.filter(db_model.project_id.in_(project_id))
        query = query.filter(db_model.project_id == project_id)

    return query
Esempio n. 9
def _project_filter(query, db_model, project_id):
    if 'project_id' not in db_model.__table__.columns:
        raise ValueError(_("There is no `project_id` column in `%s` table.")
                         % db_model.__name__)

    if isinstance(project_id, (list, tuple, set)):
        query = query.filter(db_model.project_id.in_(project_id))
        query = query.filter(db_model.project_id == project_id)

    return query
Esempio n. 10
def _read_deleted_filter(query, db_model, deleted):
    if 'deleted' not in db_model.__table__.columns:
        raise ValueError(_("There is no `deleted` column in `%s` table. "
                           "Project doesn't use soft-deleted feature.")
                         % db_model.__name__)

    default_deleted_value = db_model.__table__.c.deleted.default.arg
    if deleted:
        query = query.filter(db_model.deleted != default_deleted_value)
        query = query.filter(db_model.deleted == default_deleted_value)
    return query
Esempio n. 11
def _read_deleted_filter(query, db_model, deleted):
    if 'deleted' not in db_model.__table__.columns:
        raise ValueError(
            _("There is no `deleted` column in `%s` table. "
              "Project doesn't use soft-deleted feature.") % db_model.__name__)

    default_deleted_value = db_model.__table__.c.deleted.default.arg
    if deleted:
        query = query.filter(db_model.deleted != default_deleted_value)
        query = query.filter(db_model.deleted == default_deleted_value)
    return query
Esempio n. 12
def db_version(engine, abs_path, init_version):
    """Show the current version of the repository.

    :param engine:  SQLAlchemy engine instance for a given database
    :param abs_path: Absolute path to migrate repository
    :param init_version:  Initial database version
    repository = _find_migrate_repo(abs_path)
        return versioning_api.db_version(engine, repository)
    except versioning_exceptions.DatabaseNotControlledError:
        meta = sqlalchemy.MetaData()
        tables = meta.tables
        if len(tables) == 0 or 'alembic_version' in tables:
            db_version_control(engine, abs_path, version=init_version)
            return versioning_api.db_version(engine, repository)
            raise exception.DBMigrationError(
                _("The database is not under version control, but has "
                  "tables. Please stamp the current version of the schema "
Esempio n. 13
def model_query(model, session, args=None, **kwargs):
    """Query helper for db.sqlalchemy api methods.

    This accounts for `deleted` and `project_id` fields.

    :param model:        Model to query. Must be a subclass of ModelBase.
    :type model:         models.ModelBase

    :param session:      The session to use.
    :type session:       sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session

    :param args:         Arguments to query. If None - model is used.
    :type args:          tuple

    Keyword arguments:

    :keyword project_id: If present, allows filtering by project_id(s).
                         Can be either a project_id value, or an iterable of
                         project_id values, or None. If an iterable is passed,
                         only rows whose project_id column value is on the
                         `project_id` list will be returned. If None is passed,
                         only rows which are not bound to any project, will be
    :type project_id:    iterable,
                         None type

    :keyword deleted:    If present, allows filtering by deleted field.
                         If True is passed, only deleted entries will be
                         returned, if False - only existing entries.
    :type deleted:       bool


    .. code-block:: python

      from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import utils

      def get_instance_by_uuid(uuid):
          session = get_session()
          with session.begin()
              return (utils.model_query(models.Instance, session=session)
                           .filter(models.Instance.uuid == uuid)

      def get_nodes_stat():
          data = (, Node.cpu, Node.ram, Node.hdd)

          session = get_session()
          with session.begin()
              return utils.model_query(Node, session=session, args=data).all()

    Also you can create your own helper, based on ``utils.model_query()``.
    For example, it can be useful if you plan to use ``project_id`` and
    ``deleted`` parameters from project's ``context``

    .. code-block:: python

      from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import utils

      def _model_query(context, model, session=None, args=None,
                       project_id=None, project_only=False,

          # We suppose, that functions ``_get_project_id()`` and
          # ``_get_deleted()`` should handle passed parameters and
          # context object (for example, decide, if we need to restrict a user
          # to query his own entries by project_id or only allow admin to read
          # deleted entries). For return values, we expect to get
          # ``project_id`` and ``deleted``, which are suitable for the
          # ``model_query()`` signature.
          kwargs = {}
          if project_id is not None:
              kwargs['project_id'] = _get_project_id(context, project_id,
          if read_deleted is not None:
              kwargs['deleted'] = _get_deleted_dict(context, read_deleted)
          session = session or get_session()

          with session.begin():
              return utils.model_query(model, session=session,
                                       args=args, **kwargs)

      def get_instance_by_uuid(context, uuid):
          return (_model_query(context, models.Instance, read_deleted='yes')
                        .filter(models.Instance.uuid == uuid)

      def get_nodes_data(context, project_id, project_only='allow_none'):
          data = (, Node.cpu, Node.ram, Node.hdd)

          return (_model_query(context, Node, args=data, project_id=project_id,


    if not issubclass(model, models.ModelBase):
        raise TypeError(_("model should be a subclass of ModelBase"))

    query = session.query(model) if not args else session.query(*args)
    if 'deleted' in kwargs:
        query = _read_deleted_filter(query, model, kwargs['deleted'])
    if 'project_id' in kwargs:
        query = _project_filter(query, model, kwargs['project_id'])

    return query
Esempio n. 14
class InvalidSortKey(Exception):
    """A sort key destined for database query usage is invalid."""

    message = _("Sort key supplied was not valid.")
Esempio n. 15
 def __init__(self, key=None):
           self).__init__(_("Sort key supplied is invalid: %s") % key)
     self.key = key
Esempio n. 16
 def __init__(self):
     super(DBInvalidUnicodeParameter, self).__init__(
         _("Invalid Parameter: Encoding directive wasn't provided."))
Esempio n. 17
 def __init__(self):
     super(DBInvalidUnicodeParameter, self).__init__(
         _("Invalid Parameter: Encoding directive wasn't provided."))
Esempio n. 18
 def __init__(self, key=None):
     super(InvalidSortKey, self).__init__(
         _("Sort key supplied is invalid: %s") % key)
     self.key = key
Esempio n. 19
def paginate_query(query,
    """Returns a query with sorting / pagination criteria added.

    Pagination works by requiring a unique sort_key, specified by sort_keys.
    (If sort_keys is not unique, then we risk looping through values.)
    We use the last row in the previous page as the 'marker' for pagination.
    So we must return values that follow the passed marker in the order.
    With a single-valued sort_key, this would be easy: sort_key > X.
    With a compound-values sort_key, (k1, k2, k3) we must do this to repeat
    the lexicographical ordering:
    (k1 > X1) or (k1 == X1 && k2 > X2) or (k1 == X1 && k2 == X2 && k3 > X3)

    We also have to cope with different sort_directions.

    Typically, the id of the last row is used as the client-facing pagination
    marker, then the actual marker object must be fetched from the db and
    passed in to us as marker.

    :param query: the query object to which we should add paging/sorting
    :param model: the ORM model class
    :param limit: maximum number of items to return
    :param sort_keys: array of attributes by which results should be sorted
    :param marker: the last item of the previous page; we returns the next
                    results after this value.
    :param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted (asc, desc)
                     suffix -nullsfirst, -nullslast can be added to defined
                     the ordering of null values
    :param sort_dirs: per-column array of sort_dirs, corresponding to sort_keys

    :rtype: sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query
    :return: The query with sorting/pagination added.

    if 'id' not in sort_keys:
        # TODO(justinsb): If this ever gives a false-positive, check
        # the actual primary key, rather than assuming its id
        LOG.warning(_LW('Id not in sort_keys; is sort_keys unique?'))

    assert (not (sort_dir and sort_dirs))

    # Default the sort direction to ascending
    if sort_dirs is None and sort_dir is None:
        sort_dir = 'asc'

    # Ensure a per-column sort direction
    if sort_dirs is None:
        sort_dirs = [sort_dir for _sort_key in sort_keys]

    assert (len(sort_dirs) == len(sort_keys))

    # Add sorting
    for current_sort_key, current_sort_dir in zip(sort_keys, sort_dirs):
        except KeyError:
            raise exception.InvalidSortKey(current_sort_key)
            sort_key_attr = getattr(model, current_sort_key)

            main_sort_dir, __, null_sort_dir = current_sort_dir.partition("-")
            sort_dir_func = {
                'asc': sqlalchemy.asc,
                'desc': sqlalchemy.desc,

            null_order_by_stmt = {
                "": None,
                "nullsfirst": sort_key_attr.is_(None),
                "nullslast": sort_key_attr.isnot(None),
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(
                _("Unknown sort direction, "
                  "must be one of: %s") % ", ".join(_VALID_SORT_DIR))

        if null_order_by_stmt is not None:
            query = query.order_by(sqlalchemy.desc(null_order_by_stmt))
        query = query.order_by(sort_dir_func(sort_key_attr))

    # Add pagination
    if marker is not None:
        marker_values = []
        for sort_key in sort_keys:
            v = getattr(marker, sort_key)

        # Build up an array of sort criteria as in the docstring
        criteria_list = []
        for i in range(len(sort_keys)):
            crit_attrs = []
            for j in range(i):
                model_attr = getattr(model, sort_keys[j])
                crit_attrs.append((model_attr == marker_values[j]))

            model_attr = getattr(model, sort_keys[i])
            if sort_dirs[i].startswith('desc'):
                crit_attrs.append((model_attr < marker_values[i]))
                crit_attrs.append((model_attr > marker_values[i]))

            criteria = sqlalchemy.sql.and_(*crit_attrs)

        f = sqlalchemy.sql.or_(*criteria_list)
        query = query.filter(f)

    if limit is not None:
        query = query.limit(limit)

    return query
Esempio n. 20
def paginate_query(query,
    """Returns a query with sorting / pagination criteria added.

    Pagination works by requiring a unique sort_key, specified by sort_keys.
    (If sort_keys is not unique, then we risk looping through values.)
    We use the last row in the previous page as the 'marker' for pagination.
    So we must return values that follow the passed marker in the order.
    With a single-valued sort_key, this would be easy: sort_key > X.
    With a compound-values sort_key, (k1, k2, k3) we must do this to repeat
    the lexicographical ordering:
    (k1 > X1) or (k1 == X1 && k2 > X2) or (k1 == X1 && k2 == X2 && k3 > X3)

    We also have to cope with different sort_directions and cases where k2,
    k3, ... are nullable.

    Typically, the id of the last row is used as the client-facing pagination
    marker, then the actual marker object must be fetched from the db and
    passed in to us as marker.

    The "offset" parameter is intentionally avoided. As offset requires a
    full scan through the preceding results each time, criteria-based
    pagination is preferred. See
    for further background.

    :param query: the query object to which we should add paging/sorting
    :param model: the ORM model class
    :param limit: maximum number of items to return
    :param sort_keys: array of attributes by which results should be sorted
    :param marker: the last item of the previous page; we returns the next
                    results after this value.
    :param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted (asc, desc)
                     suffix -nullsfirst, -nullslast can be added to defined
                     the ordering of null values
    :param sort_dirs: per-column array of sort_dirs, corresponding to sort_keys

    :rtype: sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query
    :return: The query with sorting/pagination added.
    if _stable_sorting_order(model, sort_keys) is False:
        LOG.warning('Unique keys not in sort_keys. '
                    'The sorting order may be unstable.')

    if sort_dir and sort_dirs:
        raise AssertionError('Disallow set sort_dir and '
                             'sort_dirs at the same time.')

    # Default the sort direction to ascending
    if sort_dirs is None and sort_dir is None:
        sort_dir = 'asc'

    # Ensure a per-column sort direction
    if sort_dirs is None:
        sort_dirs = [sort_dir for _sort_key in sort_keys]

    if len(sort_dirs) != len(sort_keys):
        raise AssertionError('sort_dirs and sort_keys must have same length.')

    # Add sorting
    for current_sort_key, current_sort_dir in zip(sort_keys, sort_dirs):
        except KeyError:
            raise exception.InvalidSortKey(current_sort_key)
            sort_key_attr = getattr(model, current_sort_key)

            main_sort_dir, __, null_sort_dir = current_sort_dir.partition("-")
            sort_dir_func = {
                'asc': sqlalchemy.asc,
                'desc': sqlalchemy.desc,

            null_order_by_stmt = {
                "": None,
                "nullsfirst": sort_key_attr.is_(None),
                "nullslast": sort_key_attr.isnot(None),
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(
                _("Unknown sort direction, "
                  "must be one of: %s") % ", ".join(_VALID_SORT_DIR))

        if null_order_by_stmt is not None:
            query = query.order_by(sqlalchemy.desc(null_order_by_stmt))
        query = query.order_by(sort_dir_func(sort_key_attr))

    # Add pagination
    if marker is not None:
        marker_values = []
        for sort_key in sort_keys:
            v = getattr(marker, sort_key)

        # Build up an array of sort criteria as in the docstring
        criteria_list = []
        for i in range(len(sort_keys)):
            crit_attrs = []
            # NOTE: We skip the marker value comparison if marker_values[i] is
            #       None, for two reasons: 1) the comparison operators below
            #       ('<', '>') are not applicable on None value; 2) this is
            #       safe because we can assume the primary key is included in
            #       sort_key, thus checked as (one of) marker values.
            if marker_values[i] is not None:
                for j in range(i):
                    model_attr = getattr(model, sort_keys[j])
                    if marker_values[j] is not None:
                        crit_attrs.append((model_attr == marker_values[j]))

                model_attr = getattr(model, sort_keys[i])
                val = marker_values[i]
                # sqlalchemy doesn't like booleans in < >. bug/1656947
                if isinstance(model_attr.type, Boolean):
                    val = int(val)
                    model_attr = cast(model_attr, Integer)
                if sort_dirs[i].startswith('desc'):
                    crit_attr = (model_attr < val)
                    if sort_dirs[i].endswith('nullsfirst'):
                        crit_attr = sqlalchemy.sql.or_(crit_attr,
                    crit_attr = (model_attr > val)
                    if sort_dirs[i].endswith('nullslast'):
                        crit_attr = sqlalchemy.sql.or_(crit_attr,
                criteria = sqlalchemy.sql.and_(*crit_attrs)

        f = sqlalchemy.sql.or_(*criteria_list)
        query = query.filter(f)

    if limit is not None:
        query = query.limit(limit)

    return query
Esempio n. 21
def _get_default_deleted_value(table):
    if isinstance(, Integer):
        return 0
    if isinstance(, String):
        return ""
    raise exception.ColumnError(_("Unsupported id columns type"))
Esempio n. 22
def model_query(model, session, args=None, **kwargs):
    """Query helper for db.sqlalchemy api methods.

    This accounts for `deleted` and `project_id` fields.

    :param model:        Model to query. Must be a subclass of ModelBase.
    :type model:         models.ModelBase

    :param session:      The session to use.
    :type session:       sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session

    :param args:         Arguments to query. If None - model is used.
    :type args:          tuple

    Keyword arguments:

    :keyword project_id: If present, allows filtering by project_id(s).
                         Can be either a project_id value, or an iterable of
                         project_id values, or None. If an iterable is passed,
                         only rows whose project_id column value is on the
                         `project_id` list will be returned. If None is passed,
                         only rows which are not bound to any project, will be
    :type project_id:    iterable,
                         None type

    :keyword deleted:    If present, allows filtering by deleted field.
                         If True is passed, only deleted entries will be
                         returned, if False - only existing entries.
    :type deleted:       bool


    .. code-block:: python

      from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import utils

      def get_instance_by_uuid(uuid):
          session = get_session()
          with session.begin()
              return (utils.model_query(models.Instance, session=session)
                           .filter(models.Instance.uuid == uuid)

      def get_nodes_stat():
          data = (, Node.cpu, Node.ram, Node.hdd)

          session = get_session()
          with session.begin()
              return utils.model_query(Node, session=session, args=data).all()

    Also you can create your own helper, based on ``utils.model_query()``.
    For example, it can be useful if you plan to use ``project_id`` and
    ``deleted`` parameters from project's ``context``

    .. code-block:: python

      from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import utils

      def _model_query(context, model, session=None, args=None,
                       project_id=None, project_only=False,

          # We suppose, that functions ``_get_project_id()`` and
          # ``_get_deleted()`` should handle passed parameters and
          # context object (for example, decide, if we need to restrict a user
          # to query his own entries by project_id or only allow admin to read
          # deleted entries). For return values, we expect to get
          # ``project_id`` and ``deleted``, which are suitable for the
          # ``model_query()`` signature.
          kwargs = {}
          if project_id is not None:
              kwargs['project_id'] = _get_project_id(context, project_id,
          if read_deleted is not None:
              kwargs['deleted'] = _get_deleted_dict(context, read_deleted)
          session = session or get_session()

          with session.begin():
              return utils.model_query(model, session=session,
                                       args=args, **kwargs)

      def get_instance_by_uuid(context, uuid):
          return (_model_query(context, models.Instance, read_deleted='yes')
                        .filter(models.Instance.uuid == uuid)

      def get_nodes_data(context, project_id, project_only='allow_none'):
          data = (, Node.cpu, Node.ram, Node.hdd)

          return (_model_query(context, Node, args=data, project_id=project_id,


    if not issubclass(model, models.ModelBase):
        raise TypeError(_("model should be a subclass of ModelBase"))

    query = session.query(model) if not args else session.query(*args)
    if 'deleted' in kwargs:
        query = _read_deleted_filter(query, model, kwargs['deleted'])
    if 'project_id' in kwargs:
        query = _project_filter(query, model, kwargs['project_id'])

    return query
Esempio n. 23
def paginate_query(query, model, limit, sort_keys, marker=None,
                   sort_dir=None, sort_dirs=None):
    """Returns a query with sorting / pagination criteria added.

    Pagination works by requiring a unique sort_key, specified by sort_keys.
    (If sort_keys is not unique, then we risk looping through values.)
    We use the last row in the previous page as the 'marker' for pagination.
    So we must return values that follow the passed marker in the order.
    With a single-valued sort_key, this would be easy: sort_key > X.
    With a compound-values sort_key, (k1, k2, k3) we must do this to repeat
    the lexicographical ordering:
    (k1 > X1) or (k1 == X1 && k2 > X2) or (k1 == X1 && k2 == X2 && k3 > X3)

    We also have to cope with different sort_directions.

    Typically, the id of the last row is used as the client-facing pagination
    marker, then the actual marker object must be fetched from the db and
    passed in to us as marker.

    :param query: the query object to which we should add paging/sorting
    :param model: the ORM model class
    :param limit: maximum number of items to return
    :param sort_keys: array of attributes by which results should be sorted
    :param marker: the last item of the previous page; we returns the next
                    results after this value.
    :param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted (asc, desc)
                     suffix -nullsfirst, -nullslast can be added to defined
                     the ordering of null values
    :param sort_dirs: per-column array of sort_dirs, corresponding to sort_keys

    :rtype: sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query
    :return: The query with sorting/pagination added.

    if 'id' not in sort_keys:
        # TODO(justinsb): If this ever gives a false-positive, check
        # the actual primary key, rather than assuming its id
        LOG.warning(_LW('Id not in sort_keys; is sort_keys unique?'))

    assert(not (sort_dir and sort_dirs))

    # Default the sort direction to ascending
    if sort_dirs is None and sort_dir is None:
        sort_dir = 'asc'

    # Ensure a per-column sort direction
    if sort_dirs is None:
        sort_dirs = [sort_dir for _sort_key in sort_keys]

    assert(len(sort_dirs) == len(sort_keys))

    # Add sorting
    for current_sort_key, current_sort_dir in zip(sort_keys, sort_dirs):
        except KeyError:
            raise exception.InvalidSortKey(current_sort_key)
            sort_key_attr = getattr(model, current_sort_key)

            main_sort_dir, __, null_sort_dir = current_sort_dir.partition("-")
            sort_dir_func = {
                'asc': sqlalchemy.asc,
                'desc': sqlalchemy.desc,

            null_order_by_stmt = {
                "": None,
                "nullsfirst": sort_key_attr.is_(None),
                "nullslast": sort_key_attr.isnot(None),
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(_("Unknown sort direction, "
                               "must be one of: %s") %
                             ", ".join(_VALID_SORT_DIR))

        if null_order_by_stmt is not None:
            query = query.order_by(sqlalchemy.desc(null_order_by_stmt))
        query = query.order_by(sort_dir_func(sort_key_attr))

    # Add pagination
    if marker is not None:
        marker_values = []
        for sort_key in sort_keys:
            v = getattr(marker, sort_key)

        # Build up an array of sort criteria as in the docstring
        criteria_list = []
        for i in range(len(sort_keys)):
            crit_attrs = []
            for j in range(i):
                model_attr = getattr(model, sort_keys[j])
                crit_attrs.append((model_attr == marker_values[j]))

            model_attr = getattr(model, sort_keys[i])
            if sort_dirs[i].startswith('desc'):
                crit_attrs.append((model_attr < marker_values[i]))
                crit_attrs.append((model_attr > marker_values[i]))

            criteria = sqlalchemy.sql.and_(*crit_attrs)

        f = sqlalchemy.sql.or_(*criteria_list)
        query = query.filter(f)

    if limit is not None:
        query = query.limit(limit)

    return query
Esempio n. 24
def _get_default_deleted_value(table):
    if isinstance(, Integer):
        return 0
    if isinstance(, String):
        return ""
    raise exception.ColumnError(_("Unsupported id columns type"))
Esempio n. 25
def paginate_query(query, model, limit, sort_keys, marker=None,
                   sort_dir=None, sort_dirs=None):
    """Returns a query with sorting / pagination criteria added.

    Pagination works by requiring a unique sort_key, specified by sort_keys.
    (If sort_keys is not unique, then we risk looping through values.)
    We use the last row in the previous page as the 'marker' for pagination.
    So we must return values that follow the passed marker in the order.
    With a single-valued sort_key, this would be easy: sort_key > X.
    With a compound-values sort_key, (k1, k2, k3) we must do this to repeat
    the lexicographical ordering:
    (k1 > X1) or (k1 == X1 && k2 > X2) or (k1 == X1 && k2 == X2 && k3 > X3)

    We also have to cope with different sort_directions and cases where k2,
    k3, ... are nullable.

    Typically, the id of the last row is used as the client-facing pagination
    marker, then the actual marker object must be fetched from the db and
    passed in to us as marker.

    The "offset" parameter is intentionally avoided. As offset requires a
    full scan through the preceding results each time, criteria-based
    pagination is preferred. See
    for further background.

    :param query: the query object to which we should add paging/sorting
    :param model: the ORM model class
    :param limit: maximum number of items to return
    :param sort_keys: array of attributes by which results should be sorted
    :param marker: the last item of the previous page; we returns the next
                    results after this value.
    :param sort_dir: direction in which results should be sorted (asc, desc)
                     suffix -nullsfirst, -nullslast can be added to defined
                     the ordering of null values
    :param sort_dirs: per-column array of sort_dirs, corresponding to sort_keys

    :rtype: sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query
    :return: The query with sorting/pagination added.
    if _stable_sorting_order(model, sort_keys) is False:
        LOG.warning('Unique keys not in sort_keys. '
                    'The sorting order may be unstable.')

    if sort_dir and sort_dirs:
        raise AssertionError('Disallow set sort_dir and '
                             'sort_dirs at the same time.')

    # Default the sort direction to ascending
    if sort_dirs is None and sort_dir is None:
        sort_dir = 'asc'

    # Ensure a per-column sort direction
    if sort_dirs is None:
        sort_dirs = [sort_dir for _sort_key in sort_keys]

    if len(sort_dirs) != len(sort_keys):
        raise AssertionError('sort_dirs and sort_keys must have same length.')

    # Add sorting
    for current_sort_key, current_sort_dir in zip(sort_keys, sort_dirs):
        except KeyError:
            raise exception.InvalidSortKey(current_sort_key)
            sort_key_attr = getattr(model, current_sort_key)

            main_sort_dir, __, null_sort_dir = current_sort_dir.partition("-")
            sort_dir_func = {
                'asc': sqlalchemy.asc,
                'desc': sqlalchemy.desc,

            null_order_by_stmt = {
                "": None,
                "nullsfirst": sort_key_attr.is_(None),
                "nullslast": sort_key_attr.isnot(None),
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(_("Unknown sort direction, "
                               "must be one of: %s") %
                             ", ".join(_VALID_SORT_DIR))

        if null_order_by_stmt is not None:
            query = query.order_by(sqlalchemy.desc(null_order_by_stmt))
        query = query.order_by(sort_dir_func(sort_key_attr))

    # Add pagination
    if marker is not None:
        marker_values = []
        for sort_key in sort_keys:
            v = getattr(marker, sort_key)

        # Build up an array of sort criteria as in the docstring
        criteria_list = []
        for i in range(len(sort_keys)):
            crit_attrs = []
            # NOTE: We skip the marker value comparison if marker_values[i] is
            #       None, for two reasons: 1) the comparison operators below
            #       ('<', '>') are not applicable on None value; 2) this is
            #       safe because we can assume the primary key is included in
            #       sort_key, thus checked as (one of) marker values.
            if marker_values[i] is not None:
                for j in range(i):
                    model_attr = getattr(model, sort_keys[j])
                    if marker_values[j] is not None:
                        crit_attrs.append((model_attr == marker_values[j]))

                model_attr = getattr(model, sort_keys[i])
                val = marker_values[i]
                # sqlalchemy doesn't like booleans in < >. bug/1656947
                if isinstance(model_attr.type, Boolean):
                    val = int(val)
                    model_attr = cast(model_attr, Integer)
                if sort_dirs[i].startswith('desc'):
                    crit_attr = (model_attr < val)
                    if sort_dirs[i].endswith('nullsfirst'):
                        crit_attr = sqlalchemy.sql.or_(crit_attr,
                    crit_attr = (model_attr > val)
                    if sort_dirs[i].endswith('nullslast'):
                        crit_attr = sqlalchemy.sql.or_(crit_attr,
                criteria = sqlalchemy.sql.and_(*crit_attrs)

        f = sqlalchemy.sql.or_(*criteria_list)
        query = query.filter(f)

    if limit is not None:
        query = query.limit(limit)

    return query